Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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You are the one. A great leader is required to unite the world after the Millennium Plague. First you must unite the great cities and heroes who have gone their own way. Then you must convince them to follow you and destroy the one whose irresponsible actions caused this plague.
Merry Payson is still up to his old tricks. Some say he cannot be kept in prison.
Base of Well
A stranger said he saw a group of spirits burying something at the base of a well. It was somewhere in the North. I think he was drunk--both times.
Syria of the Bow is alive
I've heard that Syria of the Bow is still alive somewhere. Did you know she was related to the Great Corah?
Syria of the bow is Raistlin's granddaughter
I've heard that Syria of the Bow is Raistlin's granddaughter. She's obviously part ogre, you know. Don't make her angry.
Blackshield imprisoned
I've heard that Blackshield was taken alive and is now imprisoned in the South.
Merry Payson's Exploits
It's said that Merry Payson can disappear.
Few who have come up against Blackshield have come away unscathed.
Lucannus' Dragon
I've heard that Lucannus has enslaved an Azure Dragon.
Lucannus Bacon
Lucannus likes roast pig skin for breakfast
Teal insult
Teal is a weak ninny
Purple Pain
Purple is a royal pain
Ancient Budgie
It is said that an ancient budgie has the power to teach flight
Venerable Walker's lair
Beware the lair of the old ranger. It is protected by war unicorns and gold dragons.
Budgies Fly Overhead
When budgies fly overhead, do not look up.
Important budgie talk
The budgies are trying to tell you something important.
Aerowynning is imprisoned
I've heard that Aerowynning, the mother of Airfire, is locked away in a measureless cavern unknown to man.
Check in the corners
Mother always says to check in the corners. You never know what you'll find.
Starting Speech
The Grand Companions journeyed into their past to rescue Aerowynning, the mother of Airfire their sorceress. The trials and tribulations of that journey back to Halbardon were too many to recount here; suffice it to say that the Grand Companions matured and changed, turning from their adventurous youthful pursuits to the quieter ways of rangers and druids. When their unified power and might succeeded in freeing Aerowynning, the grateful sorceress cast a powerful spell to return them to their own time. But the forces of darkness were not quite done with the Grand Companions. Lucannus, a highly respected knight, betrayed them in an attempt to upset Aerowynning's powerful position in Halbardon. Lucannus attacked them at their weakest moment--the casting of the time travel spell. The disrupted spell dispersed the Grand Companions into the distant future across all of Avlee, and it sent Aerowynning and Lucannus forward as well. And now the fabric of time has been ripped, and a great crisis has fallen upon the land. A land that calls out for a leader. A land that calls out for you . . . You are the one. The Millennium plague has destroyed civilization as we knew it. The great cities have fallen into ruin. Monsters wander the land. The caravans are gone--all commerce between cities has come to a halt. False religions and prophets are ranging the land preaching doom and the end of the world. Even worse, fine Erathian mead has disappeared from the inns. You are the one. The world needs a leader to unite the cities through conquest. Balance must be restored. The True Religion must be restored. Might must be used for right, and not merely for personal gain. Trade must be restored. The mead must flow. You are the one. Many great heroes are gone--dead or lost. Brent-Darak-Gar was said to be killed at the fall of the Eastern Kingdom. The Warrior of the Red Light has turned to evil and holds his domain under darkness. Syria of the Bow died at the Battle of the Great Swamp. Merry Payson and his fellow member of the Grand Companions Blackshield were lost in the Ice Wars to the South. You are the one. Only a great leader, reluctant to leave home and hearth, has a chance to reunite the great cities. It will require great cunning and cleverness to defeat the disillusioned cities and to win their support for your ultimate battle against the Warrior of the Red Light. You are the one. Two of the Grand Companions stand pledged to your cause. Reluctant to war, these heroes wish to fight one final war in their lives to restore peace and unity under your banner. Use them well. You are the one. Go now, and may the True Light guide your way.
Where are your friends?
Where are your friends, the Grand Companions? Could it be they are aligned against you?
Sir Brock and Derek Hood Teal
Sir Brock looks up from his fire and is surprised by what he sees. It's still dark, but he can't see the stars for the fog. A cloud of mist is moving in a circular pattern. A face forms in the mist. It's his former companion, Derek of the Hood. Derek looks up and recognizes Brock. A smile slowly crosses his face. I see you, brother, Brock begins. You look well. Tired, but well. Hello, Brock, Derek replies. You look well also. Is Tawas San with you? Airfire is here. No one seems to know what happened to Merry Payson and Blackshield. Tawas San fights with us. I have heard that Blackshield was killed and Merry captured by the Unnamed One. Although I can't imagine anyone actually being able to kill Blackshield. I agree, but I have had a bad feeling about this As Derek turns his head, Brock sees a Purple banner behind him. I know, Brock replies. What we have feared has come to pass--we are aligned against each other. It is a sad day, Derek says. We must remember what we are fighting for, and what we are fighting against. The Great Evil caused by the Plague must be dealt with first, and then we must decide who is best to unite the great cities. We are in agreement, my brother. I have heard the Great Evil lies to the south, and that its banner is red. Let us agree to destroy that menace to our way of life, and then we will determine who shall ultimately rule. Derek smiles sadly. And when we finally meet, my friend, let us clasp hands amidst the field of honor, and honor our friendship. As the fog begins to disappear and Derek's visage fades, Sir Brock smiles, and nods his agreement.
Sir Brock and Derek Hood Purple
Derek of the Hood suddenly feels cold, and he groggily awakes. It's still dark, but he can't see the stars for the fog. A cloud of mist is moving in a circular pattern. A face forms in the mist. It's his former companion, Sir Brock. Brock recognizes Derek and a smile slowly crosses his face. I see you, brother. You look well. Tired, but well. Hello, Brock, Derek replies. You look well also. Is Tawas San with you? Airfire is here. No one seems to know what happened to Merry Payson and Blackshield. Tawas San fights with us. Derek notices a teal banner behind him. I have heard that Blackshield was killed and Merry captured by the Unnamed One. Although I can't imagine anyone actually being able to kill Blackshield. I agree, but I have had a bad feeling about this I know, Brock replies. What we have feared has come to pass--we are aligned against each other. It is a sad day, Derek says. We must remember what we are fighting for, and what we are fighting against. The Great Evil caused by the Plague must be dealt with first, and then we must decide who is best to unite the great cities. We are in agreement, my brother. I have heard the Great Evil lies to the south, and that its banner is red. Let us agree to destroy that menace to our way of life, and then we will determine who shall ultimately rule. Derek smiles sadly. And when we finally meet, my friend, let us clasp hands amidst the field of honor, and honor our friendship. As the fog begins to disappear and Sir Brock's visage fades, Derek of the Hood sees him smile, and nod his agreement.
Airfire Sits on the Ground
Airfire is sitting on the ground, trying to rub a dark stain out of her vest, when a crackling noise is heard and a loud pop a few feet in front of her causes her to roll backwards and spring to her feet. As she works her hands and begins the chant for her defensive spell, she sees a clear wine bottle with a note secured inside. She stops her spell and curses the idiot who sent this bottle by magic paths and scared her. She approaches and quickly pulls the cork, turns the bottle upside down, and shakes out the message. She unrolls the tightly prepared note and reads: My Love, I have heard that you have joined the Purple Banner and are destined to oppose us of the Teal. I beseech you to reconsider. We are dedicated to bringing a just alliance to this world, under a benign ruler. Why not leave and join us? We can then campaign together and bring down this Red menace! I long to weave garlands in your hair and sing to you of the True Light. I long to stand back to back with you and cast spells upon the desecrators. Give me the answer I hope for. I will love you always, Tawas San Airfire smiles sadly, and slowly her eyes begin to sparkle and her smile turns into a grin. At the bottom of the note she writes: Now you are on the side of Truth. I love you too. Airfire She rolls the note tightly and chuckles darkly as she seals it entirely with wax. She places the note in the bottle and fills it with the darkest wine she can find. Sealing the bottle tightly, she starts slowly swinging it around and begins chanting. As the speed increases and her volume rises, she finally comes to a crescendo and flings the bottle through a portal which appears briefly in the path of the bottle. She sees the bottle through her closed eyes as it appears before Tawas San and begins spiraling straight upward. Using one of her favorite old spells, Magic Hand, she shatters the bottle when it is a safe distance above Tawas San. The contents harmlessly shower Tawas San and a nearby banner. They are thoroughly trenched with the purple wine. As the vision fades she can hear his roaring laughter. She sits down to her work again, and when she looks up, her eyes are moist.
Tawas San sends a message
Tawas San looks to the east. His eyes see nothing in front of them. Instead he sees in his mind's eye a beautiful woman. He lays down a scroll and writes from his heart: My Love, I have heard that you have joined the Purple Banner and are destined to oppose us of the Teal. I beseech you to reconsider. We are dedicated to bringing a just alliance to this world, under a benign ruler. Why not leave and join us? We can then campaign together and bring down this Red menace! I long to weave garlands in your hair and sing to you of the True Light. I long to stand back to back with you and cast spells upon the desecrators. Give me the answer I hope for. I will love you always, Tawas San He then rolls the scroll up tightly and places it in a clear bottle, tightly sealing it with a cork. Muttering incantations and waving his arms faster and faster, he shouts the final words of power and the bottle soars upward to disappear in a crackling portal. His work finished, he walks over to sit by the Teal Banner. He loses track of time and begins to nod off when a crackling sound startles him. The bottle has appeared before Tawas San and begins spiraling straight upward. The bottle shatters when it is high but directly above Tawas San. The contents harmlessly shower Tawas San and the Teal Banner. They are thoroughly trenched with the purple wine. A note flutters to his feet, and he picks it up with a stained purple hand. Now you are on the side of Truth. I love you too. Airfire Tawas San squeezes the note in his fist as the knuckles turn white and then relax. Slowly, deep in his chest, a rumbling comes forth that soon erupts into deep, full laughs. It is several minutes before Tawas San can wipe his eyes and control himself. As he gets up and heads in the direction of the lake, he shakes his head and quietly says: What a woman.
Golden Headed Budgie
The dark green budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers: Don't forget to check all the corners. Good things can happen when you do a thorough job. As he springs off you look on your shoulder and notice a little gift.
Hey Baby
A load racket fills the woods. You look up to see the golden-headed blue budgie chasing a green budgie around a group of trees. You can't be sure, but you think you hear him say, Hey Baby, you're the one!
Centaurs Cavort
You see Centaurs cavorting on a far off hill. A rainbow eminates from that very spot, and you send troops over to investigate. They dig at the base of the rainbow and find . . .
Brother William Death Tax
Lucannus levies the land for taxes to pay for the state funeral of Brother William. You share what you have with the poor to keep them from starving.
6, 8 подземелье
Посещение Друид:
Tawas San was once known as a great healer, but his thirst for knowledge and his great love for the sorceress Airfire caused him to follow her along the paths of mysticism and ultimately the way of the druid. Being separated from her after their successful journey across time to rescue her mother Aerowynning, Tawas San will accept any commission or adventure in order to continue his search for Airfire. Like Sir Brock, he fears the day they might be aligned against their friends of old.
Honor to the Heroes
The townspeople gather round to celebrate the going forth of the Heroes. Here is a Magic Guild, they shout, to help you prepare for your battles.
A Dragon approaches! Your troops form defense lines and spread out to minimize the damage of the beast's attack. You pull your blade from its scabbard and prepare to launch the first volley of arrows when the words freeze in your mouth. The dragon's rider is carrying your banner! Hold your fire! you yell. The battle-tension drains from the troops as more and more of them spy your flag. The gold dragon boldly glides above your position, and you see the message tube flung by the rider flutter down to your position, its streamer fluttering gaily behind it. Your soldiers race to bring you the message. They stand anxiously by as you tear it open and read its contents. You scan their faces and the calm mask of leadership you wear crumbles under your beaming smile. By the True Light, you roar, we have dragons!
Red First Teal
The Dark Green budgie drops on your shoulder and tilts his head. If you are playing multi-player, at the beginning of your next turn, the Purple Banner will ask you if you wish to join forces until the Red Evil is defeated. As for your part, do not agree to join forces unless you are willing to set aside the question of ultimate leadership until the Red is defeated. If you are playing solo, you must determine your own path without assistance. The budgie springs into the air and heads south.
5, 10 подземелье
Sir Brock
Sir Brock was one of the renowned heroes of Halbardon. In those far off times before the Millennium Plague, he was a Paladin. During his time traveling trip to rescue Aerowynning, he suffered greatly and reclused himself to the woods. His renown lives on, and he ever inspires Wood Elves and Grand Elves to feats beyond their normal capabilities. He dreads the day these times of unrest might force him to fight against one of his boon companions of yore
14, 17 подземелье
Merry Payson can be found in the Southwest. It might be a good idea to lay down a trail of smoke.
53, 22 подземелье
Last Chance for Gas
7, 25 подземелье
Did you know that it takes 18 days for a budgie egg to hatch? In honor of Budgie Hatch Day, Rakor the ancient budgie sends a gift.
A gift from Rakor.
A gift from Rakor arrives.
Dendroids and Unicorns
Gifts from Rakor arrive.
A gift from Rakor.
31, 36 подземелье
If you can't stand the heat, go south.
40, 40 подземелье
Beware of the VOG. Volcanic Emissions have been determined by the Surgeon General to be hazardous to your health.
58, 45 подземелье
Blackshield, strong in war and fierce in disposition, tired of the constant battles and adventures she had endured with her comrades, the Grand Companions. She would be content to retire to the icy dales and enjoy the stark beauty of the winter lands, but fate has decreed otherwise.
Случайный монстр 3
32, 11 подземелье
Do not dig under the well! It's a trap!
Ящик Пандоры
54, 31 подземелье
A Naga Queen seems to gaze into your very soul. Would you like more experience?
9, 46 подземелье
If you seek Blackshield, go east to an island beyond the black peninsula but north of the frozen wastes.
64, 46 подземелье
If you seek the Blackshield the Fierce, go west.
48, 44 подземелье
A prison lies directly east.
Волшебный свиток
52, 14 подземелье
This scroll is guarded by two Arch-Devils. Do you wish to fight them for it?
68, 24 подземелье
Did you know that it takes 18 days for a budgie egg to hatch? In honor of Budgie Hatch Day, Rakor the ancient budgie sends a gift.
Rakor sends a gift.
A gift from Rakor arrives.
Dendroids and Unicorns
Budgie Hatch Day! Gifts from Rakor arrive.
A gift from Rakor.
31, 69 подземелье
St. Andrews
6, 38 подземелье
Syria of the Bow was imprisoned by the evil forces of Lucannus during the destruction of society after the Millennium Plague. Known for her enterprise as well as her prowess with a bow, she will serve any great leader who provides her a chance to battle Lucannus the Betrayer. She is not driven by revenge, as prison has allowed her time for meditation and contemplation. She seeks to stop the chaos and to bring order and peace to the land.
30, 9 подземелье
We will serve you, if you are worthy!
58, 46 подземелье
How dare you think your good could destroy our evilness!
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
55, 42 подземелье
Do you dare to disturb the guardian of such an evil artifact?
3, 6 подземелье
You hear a fluttering noise and feel a light two-footed thump on your shoulder. A loud chirp peals into your ear and drives your thoughts and strategies from your mind. You turn your head to find an out of focus golden-headed blue budgie on your shoulder. Got any mead? it asks. No Then follow me if you're thirsty! it says as it springs into the air and flys off in an East Northeast direction.
56, 4 подземелье
You hear a fluttering noise and feel a light two-footed thump on your shoulder. A loud chirp peals into your ear and drives your thoughts and strategies from your mind. You turn your head to find an out of focus golden-headed blue budgie on your shoulder. Got any mead? it asks. No Then follow me if you're thirsty! it says as it springs into the air and flys off in a West Northwest direction.
Боевой единорог
53, 4 подземелье
He who dares, wins!
Случайный великий артефакт
20, 21 подземелье
A small group of tough looking Rampart troops look at you quietly. Do you think you're tough enough to take this artifact?
69, 41 подземелье
I'm being held prisoner in the Great Swamps. Bring help and my spare bowstring. Need lots of arrows. Syria
Случайный великий артефакт
60, 71 подземелье
Do you think you're tough enough to take this?
37, 20 подземелье
Don't look now, but someone left the premises without getting dressed properly! Exit south.
60, 8 подземелье
Derek Hood
Derek of the Hood was one of the best archers of Varn. He led the Grand Companions in their campaign against the Dragon City, and was instrumental in their decision to return to the past and to free Aerowynning, the mother of Airfire. Once competent in sorcery, he has let his skills decline while he has focused on the military arts and affairs of state. He hopes one day to lead the Grand Companions Airfire, Tawas San, Sir Brock, Merry Payson, and Blackshield in a final adventure that dwarfs their past achievements.
Волшебный свиток
0, 31 подземелье
A green dragon looks at you with hunger in his eyes. Do you dare to risk it all for a silly scoll?
6, 29 подземелье
Who seeks to disturb the tomb of Syria!
31, 20 подземелье
We search for Merry Payson!
Стойкий часовой
52, 23 подземелье
A group of unicorns gaze at you with contempt. A particularly large one lowers its horn in challenge. Do you accept?
Волшебный свиток
44, 36 подземелье
Two Ghost Dragons guard a spell scroll. Do you wish to contest them for it?
35, 33 подземелье
I wouldn't go down there, if I were you.
Боевой цеп гнолла
32, 46 подземелье
Visit the seer by London--if you can!
Топор кентавра
2, 5 подземелье
A centaur grins at you. Want to fight for this axe?
Топор кентавра
64, 0 подземелье
A centaur grins at you. Want to fight for this axe?
59, 46 подземелье
You hear a loud snoring sound coming from the nearby prison. Only one person snores like that. Blackshield! you yell, What are you doing in jail? We heard that you and Merry Payson bought a place in the south and retired. Blackshield stands up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes as she looks out the prison window. Just like Varn, she says smiling. Merry and I got caught in a trick when we believed the wrong guy. We listened to Lucannus when he said he had the cure for the Millennium Plague. He called it a Why-Two-Kay bug. We tried it and when I woke up I was in here and all my gold was gone! Break me out of here and let's go get Lucannus. I've got some troops that are spoiling for a good fight. That old pig can change his name all he wants. He's about to learn not to mess with us!
60, 7 подземелье
Honor to the Heroes
The townspeople gather round to celebrate the going forth of the Heroes. Here is a Magic Guild, they shout, to help you prepare for your battles.
A Dragon approaches! Your troops form defense lines and spread out to minimize the damage of the beast's attack. You pull your blade from its scabbard and prepare to launch the first volley of arrows when the words freeze in your mouth. The dragon's rider is carrying your banner! Hold your fire! you yell. The battle-tension drains from the troops as more and more of them spy your flag. The gold dragon boldly glides above your position, and you see the message tube flung by the rider flutter down to your position, its streamer fluttering gaily behind it. Your soldiers race to bring you the message. They stand anxiously by as you tear it open and read its contents. You scan their faces and the calm mask of leadership you wear crumbles under your beaming smile. By the True Light, you roar, we have dragons!
Defeat Red First
The Dark Green budgie drops on your shoulder and tilts his head. If you are playing multi-player, at the beginning of your next turn, ask the Teal Banner if they wish to join forces until the Red Evil is defeated. As for your part, do not agree to join forces unless you are willing to set aside the question of ultimate leadership until the Red is defeated. If you are playing solo, you must determine your own path without assistance The budgie springs into the air and heads south.
Стойкий часовой
9, 30 подземелье
A group of unicorns mills around the Stoic Watchman. A particularly large one says, We've been watching you. We are not impressed. Go away. Are you going to teach those flea-bitten coneheads a lesson?
37, 58 подземелье
Har-rumph! Go Away!
41, 58 подземелье
A towering young ranger with a sparkling budgie on his shoulder stands before you. As you watch, the illusion fades and you realize the man before you is older, and that the bird on his shoulder is actually ancient. Around you the snowy valley turns into warm woodland. A broad smile appears under the gray mustache. Welcome, and well met. You must truly be the One who will take the True Light into the dark. Have something to eat! And meet Rakor, the eldest of budgies. You nod your head slightly to Rakor, and he bobs his head back. Come this way, the old ranger says, and rest the night before you resume. After an evening passes you return to say farewell. I never caught your name, you say to the old ranger. He smiles and simply says, Rakor has given you a very special gift. I suggest you use it to get out of here, as the way you came in might be guarded. Har-rumph! Farewell.
Случайный монстр 2
37, 3 подземелье
Crystal says Hello
31, 3 подземелье
You look up to see a flock of budgies flying over your head. You raise a hand and wave at the birds as raindrops began to hit your head. Funny, there aren't any clouds around.
26, 0 подземелье
An archdevil lifts an eyebrow as he smirks contemptuously at you. How about wiping that smirk from his face?
13, 2 подземелье
As you approach the cavern you meet a family of refugees. You see an old woman holding a wounded man in her arms. The man's wounds are bleeding, and you rip your clock to create a bandage. After binding his wounds and stopping the blood flow, you give him a drink and then pass the flagon to the old woman. The woman looks at you, and tears moisten her eyes. You are the One, she says. You must be. She too takes a drink and after wiping her lips with her sleeve, continues
27, 9 подземелье
You look ahead and see the golden-headed blue budgie winging his way towards you. You're sure he's about to crash into you when he fans his wings and tail out and brakes into a landing on your head. Grabbing your hair and bending over your face to look directly, albeit upside down, into your eyes, he says, Keep going, Sport! You're almost there!
39, 23 подземелье
At the edge of the water you see a dark green budgie picking at something in the sand. As you look closer you see he's eating a piece of gore. I thought budgies only ate seeds? Naw, he replies, we eat anything we can find in the bush. Have you restored the mead yet? No, but we are working on it. Ha, and you call yourself a leader! To be a great leader, you've got to pick your battles! You have to separate the wheat from the chads. I mean chaff. You have to focus! Now get back to work and don't bother me when I'm eating or I'll get my buddy Jelly Belly to teach you a lesson Who's Jelly Belly? A buddy of mine. Forget it. Why am I talking to a budgie? Because I'm smarter than you?
5, 29 подземелье
Standing before you is a tomb. The tablet on it reads
37, 6 подземелье
Inscribed on a nearby tree you read
45, 29 подземелье
There she was, just a walkin' down the street, singin' do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do Clappin' her hands and stampin' her feet . . . Want to sing along?
35, 49 подземелье
By the time I get to Phoenix, she'll be rising . . .
13, 42 подземелье
And she'll have fun, fun, fun till her Daddy takes her T-Bird away . . .
25, 62 подземелье
Like a bridge over troubled waters, I will lay me down . . .
31, 21 подземелье
Walk not back from Dead Man's Curve
41, 42 подземелье
You carefully search the ground before you and find traces of Crystal Dragons.
63, 18 подземелье
As you approach the woods you meet a family of refugees. You see an old woman holding a weak child in her arms. The child's cracked lips are open, yet no sound is heard. You gently wipe the lips with water, and the child moves. It opens its eyes, and you give the child water. The woman looks at you, and tears moisten her eyes. You are the One, she says. You must be. She too takes a drink and after wiping her lips with her sleeve, continues
62, 11 подземелье
Airfire was an evil sorceress, trained in the dark arts. She changed gradually after a long series of campaigns with the Grand Companions, particularly their last great adventure--the rescue of Airfire's mother Aerowynning. That the companions were willing to risk time travel itself, and her awakening love for the former cleric Tawas San, completed her transition to a gentler calling
20, 0 подземелье
When all seems lost, listen to the wisdom of the bird.
Штормовой элементал
43, 42 подземелье
Welcome to the land of Fire and Ice!
Элементал магмы
44, 45 подземелье
Enjoy your visit to Mt. Axe.
Летучий змей
30, 56 подземелье
You can't believe your eyes. Is this the legendary Whytookay bug?
Хижина предсказателя
16, 56 подземелье
I am Consultitorius the Wise and All-Knowing. Bring me an Azure dragon, and I shall restore the Erathian mead, banish the Millennium Plague, re-engineer all of your cities' processes, and tell you the correct time.
71, 52 подземелье
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
0, 71 подземелье
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
0, 24 подземелье
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
71, 2 подземелье
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
29, 0 подземелье
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
25, 0 подземелье
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers in your ear
9, 63 подземелье
Merry Payson
Merry Payson was a former Rogue who turned the bounty from the rescue of Aerowynning into an investment, which paid off handsomely and allowed him to retire. He prefers a life of leisure to a life of adventure but he has not lost his ability to scout and navigate dangerous lands. Unfortunately, events don't always coincide with our preferences.
10, 62 подземелье
You hear a voice yelling, Is that you? Of course, you reply. Who else would it be, Merry. What are you doing in prison? We thought you'd retired to the snowy slopes. Merry Payson scratches his head as he peers out of the prison window at you. Well, it started out that way. Then I met this guy named Lucannus, who said if I helped him he'd give me a suitable reward. I did and he did. This is what he thinks I deserve. He called it the Why-Two-Kay bug. If you take care of these measly silver pegasi, I'll help you take care of him. We'll shove that Millennium Plague right down his throat! When he smiles like that, how can you say no?
56, 46 подземелье
We're still havin' fun And you're still the one!
Боевой единорог
43, 10 подземелье
He who dares, wins!
Боевой гном
63, 10 суша
Die, you fool!
Боевой единорог
26, 3 суша
Are you worthy?
Боевой меч титана
3, 65 суша
Two Titan's look and you with distain. Do you think you could even handle this Gladius? one asks.
Щит часового
9, 60 суша
The giants look very unhappy to see you. Is this shield worth the risk?
67, 62 суша
Jelly Belly
Gelu is known to his budgie friends as Jelly Belly, as he often rolls on the ground laughing at their antics. He also has a little known fondness for sweets.
Случайный ценный артефакт
18, 60 суша
Five Gold Dragons guard this artifact. Do you want to fight them for it?
9, 69 суша
Dungeon's End
Посещение Рейнджер:
Lucannus was once a great hero. Now he strives to conquer the world for his own profit. He is rich, but is unsatisfied and strives for more. He is never satisfied. When he betrayed his friends and allies, he became known as the Unnamed One. He calls himself The Great Persuader.
67, 49 суша
40, 52 суша
3, 33 суша
42, 18 суша
38, 9 суша
19, 58 суша
Go Away!
Золотой дракон
62, 64 суша
Try to set the night on fire!
Зеленый дракон
67, 63 суша
By the beard Lucanus, who goes there? Herein lies Jelly Belly, he who rolls on the ground laughing. Do you really think he is worth the trouble?
56, 55 суша
Aerowynning is the mother of the Druid Airfire. Once a sorceress in her own right, she has walked the paths of witchery and dabbled with the dark arts. The only thing keeping her from a full commitment to the dark arts is the love for her daughter and her friendship with the Grand Companions. Imprisoned at Halbardon and sentenced to death, she succeeded in getting a message to the Grand Companions in the future, and cast an arcane spell to bring them into the past. After many tribulations and unspeakable hardships, they rescued her. As she cast the spell to return them to their own time, she instead brought them and herself forward to AvLee, where they have struggled to fit in. Aerowynning is a bit dangerous to be around.
Случайный монстр 7
54, 62 суша
Only now, at the end, do you understand the power of the Dark Side!
Хижина предсказателя
54, 49 суша
What I have is for Jelly Belly alone. I shall give it to none other.
Изобильная накидка кристаллов
7, 1 суша
A very lean looking Gold Dragon looks over at you and says, I'm getting a little hungry. Would you like to be my lunch?
Изобильная накидка кристаллов
51, 36 суша
The Golden-Headed Budgie said we had to guard this cloak. You don't want to try to take it from us, do you?
Случайный монстр 5
37, 44 суша
We fear no hero!
44, 33 суша
Золотой дракон
48, 9 суша
A Gold Dragon glares at you with great anger. Its eyes are bright with insanity--a victim of the Millennium Plague. Do you dare to offer battle and rescue the Ranger you see in the prison window?
46, 10 суша
Could that be Ufretin in that prison window?
Огрова дубина разрушения
36, 58 суша
A stout monk stands before you. You recognize the robes of the Rose, and see the monk is Brother William, the leader of the sect. Brother William smiles broadly at your approach. Welcome bold travellers! he cries. Join us in our search for truth. Recognize with us that there are many roads to Paradise, and the path of the True Light is only one of many alternatives. Will you join with us, the Sojourners of the Rose, as we search for bliss?
54, 57 суша
WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? The angry shout reverberates back and forth against the cavern walls. You smile as you recognize the rage-filled face of none other than the witch Aerowynning. You smile, knowing she'll be much happier once you take care of these trolls for her.
Волшебный свиток
35, 39 суша
A priestess in ornate splendor strides boldly up to you, her extravagant hair weaving side to side. Welcome, beautiful people! I'm so excited to see you. I am ready to show you how to achieve all the goals you have set for yourself through true happiness and thinking good thoughts. But before we have such a serious discussion, would you like to sit at the table with my friends and share our bounty?
18, 58 суша
Evil permeates this cavern like no other. You sense that you have found the lair of Lucannus.
5, 55 суша
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
31, 45 суша
Standing before the water you see a preacher in ragged clothes. He has dark hair, slightly streaked with gray. Hello, he says smiling, and welcome. Have you come to defeat Lucannus and to lead the world back to the True Light? You nod, as your troops prepare for another ambush. Know that the evil you seek lies beyond these dark waters. The preacher raises his arms and stretches his hands towards the heavens as your bowmen raise their weapons. Praise these warriors! Bless them and give them the strength to drive back the darkness. Your jaw drops as the preacher's prayers are answered.
37, 32 суша
An ominous feeling overwhelms you as you enter this dark world. You hear a fluttering sound and feel a familiar weight on your shoulder. Look out, mate the golden-headed blue budgie says. I've got a bad feeling about this.
33, 62 суша
An ominous feeling overwhelms you as you enter this dark world. You hear a fluttering sound and feel a familiar weight on your shoulder. Look out, mate the dark green budgie says. By the pricking of my thumbs Something wicked this way comes!
19, 40 суша
A dark cloud appears on the horizon and swiftly moves towards your ship. As it gets closer, you realize it's not a cloud at all--it's a swarm of insects. They overwhelm your ship and attack the troops. Chaos reigns as you swat at the stinging bugs whose painful attacks create much more harm than their small size would suggest. From the east comes another dark cloud, but these creatures are bigger. You listen, and the flapping of wings and the chirps that can only mean budgies dwarfs the buzzing of the insects! A riot of colors descents on the warrior insects. You see birds of green, yellow, blue, and white. They rend the insects apart as they feast on the vicious bugs. Soon all is calm. The Dark Green Budgie alights on the railing next to you and appears about to speak. Instead, he opens his beak and lets out an impressive belch.
2, 51 суша
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
11, 53 суша
The golden-headed blue budgie lands on your shoulder with a thump and whispers a spell in your ear.
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Комментарии к файлу "
Smoke on Water; Halbardon II"