- IMPORTANT - It is very important to read the accompanying Readme file before playing the level Thankyou
You are Shar, just under six years ago you were living in squalor in a run down town, wallowing in pity and harbouring thoughts of revenge against the Overlord that had killed your family. Then you met King Lyo, who had lost his throne to the Overlords and Necromancers. After a long and dangerous voyage you helped him overthrow the evil that had taken over. The King made you his chief military advisor. For the first time in your life you really felt important, although you had to admit you weren't excactly busy since the land of Fanamor was all but rid of evil to fight. You lived well and took a beautiful wife, Gwenna. You had no troubles.
Then one day, about five years after you had helped King Lyo reclaim his throne, you were sent on a diplomatic mission to the land of Baydon. You travelled with Gwenna, and few guards, for you believed the land was at peace. However whilst travelling the road you were set upon by many rogues. You fought bravely but there were too many. You were knocked out.
You awoke tied up in a rogue's camp next to one of your guards, who told you all the others had been killed in the fight. Gwenna? you asked. He indicated over to the other side of the camp where you could see Gwenna tied. You hurled abuse at the thieves to release you, or at least your wife, but the men just laughed. Then another man walked from a cave to the camp, you guessed he was the leader of the thieves. He spat in your direction and then made his way to Gwenna. He laughed and turned her over to look at her face. Suddenly he stopped. Gwen? He asked. Aeron? She replied.
A few minutes later and you had been untied and were given food and drink around the fire. Gwenna explained things to you, tellnig you things she had never admitted to before. When I was young I was a member of a groups of rogues. She told you. Aeron was our leader, we were known as the Order of the Fifth Star. You wife rolls up her sleeve to reveal the star tatoo you had asked her about many times, but she had always refused to answer. Aeron also rolls up his sleeve to show the same symbol. We were commited to fighting the corrupt Lord Modecia. Gwenna continues. But to fund our underground force we had to become thieves. We never became powerful enough, sadly.... then I left. She pauses and stares deep into the fire. I travelled to Fanamor, and a few years later I met you. She looks at you and smiles. So you two are..? Aeron asks. Married. You reply.
Suddenly a rogue runs up panting into the camp and up to Aeron. Chief. He gasps. Patrols are... everywhere... they've found us out... no escape. We must move quickly. Will you help us? Aeron asks looking at you. You glance at Gwenna, she mouths the word 'please.' You nod your head. Thankyou. Aeron says. We must make our way to the hideout, if the patrols haven't taken it already. Your tactical skills will be invaluable. He turns to the camp, leaving you alone with Gwenna. She throws her arms around you. Thankyou. She whispers.
Since you are the one who will lead us to victory. Announces Aeron around the campfire. We should make you a member of The Order. A few minutes later you have a new tattoo upon your arm, displaying a ring of five blue stars, one larger than the others. What is the significance of this symbol? You ask. The five stars are how the five gods of Baydon are traditionally represented. Gwenna tells you. The fifth god is Omin, the god of justice. That is what The Order of the Fifth Star strives for - justice against Lord Mordecia.
80, 102 подземелье
94, 99 подземелье
You should have listened to Aeron's warnings - the roads are heavily guarded by those who want to get rid of the thieves.
93, 105 подземелье
The thieves! Get them!
104, 100 подземелье
Here are the thieving scum! Let's burn them!
81, 95 подземелье
The Troll - a creature not found in your native land of Fananmor. However you once read a book on the subject of them, and found Trolls to be fascinating creatures, if purely for comedic value.
95, 103 подземелье
Patrols will be all over the roads. Aeron warns. Cross directly over through the forest, that will lead us to the hideout.
102, 101 подземелье
So who do these patrols belong to? You ask. Lord Mordecia. Aeron replies. He has finally tracked us down. He pauses then laughs. How does it feel to be a wanted man, Shar? You can only sigh, this wasn't really what you had expected when you had left for this diplomatic mission.
86, 90 подземелье
Suddenly a patrol jumps at you from the trees!
85, 91 подземелье
Wait! Aeron warns. There will almost certainly be patrols waiting in the village. We should turn back now.
Боевой цеп гнолла
79, 99 подземелье
It looks like a group of wild Gnolls hiding in the forest are guarding a mean looking flail - do you want to liberate it?
70, 95 подземелье
A group of men run up to you. Don't enter the village, Mordeica's men are waiting for you. We have escaped and will help you.
70, 94 подземелье
The villagers were right - Mordecia's men lie in wait for you.
66, 105 подземелье
These must be the rogues that are pestering Lord Mordecia!
Ожерелье скорости
73, 100 подземелье
The sunlight briefly hits the necklace as you hold it up, and the sight dazzles you.
72, 100 подземелье
Now the rogues come to steal our treasure!
72, 92 подземелье
Grrrr. Argh.
63, 102 подземелье
Do you know where this takes us? You ask Aeron. To the Dwarf mines I believe. he replies. Will they help us? Gwenna asks. Aeron shakes his head. I doubt it, they stay apart from the affairs of men and Mordecia. But we shall ask.
60, 103 подземелье
Here are the thieves. Get them!
57, 106 подземелье
You have no time to ask what these goblins are doing so near the Dwarf mines for as soon as they see you they attack.
48, 103 подземелье
We stole this treasure fairly, now you wanna fight? We kill you!
47, 103 подземелье
You wonder where the goblins got this treasure, and you wonder why the mine is abandoned.
58, 99 подземелье
Gnash! Gnash! We chew on your bones.
53, 96 подземелье
You have seen no sign of the Dwarfs, the place looks deserted except for a few goblins. What could have happened here? Gwenna asks. Have the goblins overun the mines? I doubt it. Aeron answers. Dwarfs would never let that happen, and there aren't enough goblins in Baydon to do that. It must be something else.
53, 95 подземелье
The gates to the mines are wide open, and it seems the only way to proceed.
51, 101 подземелье
The road doesn't look well kept, and there is no sign of any Dwarfs.
11, 15 подземелье
Your eyes hurt, emerging from the dark underground into the crisp whiteness of the winter landscape. It's so cold. Shivers Gwenna. We must be in the far north of Baydon. Aeron tells you, as he undoes the clasp that holds his cloak on. He pulls his cape off and puts it around Gwenna's shoulders. Thanks. She smiles. Well the Dwarfs said Penthor came this way, so we'd better start looking. You say.
18, 8 подземелье
You chance upon a large fortress, Romanis, the one Varnen reported upon. Your troops' spririts are raised for a few moments until you realise the place is totally empty. A search reveals no signs of life, although luckily it reveals no signs of death either. It is more like the inhaibtants juse left. Apparently they took their food with them, but on the other hand there is still some warm clothing to be found, which you are thankful for.
38, 7 подземелье
Welcome my bretheren. Announced the Enchanter standing in front of you. Penthor! Gasps Gwenna. The Enchanter nods his head. Hello Gwenna my child. Aeron knells before Penthor, who smiles. There is no need for that. Penthor tells you. Come my friends, gather round and rest yourselves. The snow seems to have stopped falling, and the wind has aparently abated for the moment. A campfire is lit and your men sit around it, Penthor smiles and raises his arms. Imediately you all feel so much more relaxed, your fatigue vanishes and you are no longer hungry. Penthor. Aeron announces to the Enchanter whilst gesturing towards you. I wish you to meet our new leader, Shar. He has somehow managed to save us from Mordecia's patrols and guide us to you. I believe he must be blessed by Omin. Penthor walks up to you and places his hand upon your forehead. He closes his eyes and seems to be concentrating. Then he moves his hand away and opens his eyes. He smiles. Shar. You will lead The Order of The Fifth Star to great things. I believe Omin, god of justice, huides your thought and actions. He is in all you do. Only you can succeed. Will you aid us? You ask Penthor. I... He pauses and looks away, the smile fading from his face as he turns. Oh yes, you must. Adds Gwenna. Let me tell you my story. The Enchanter says, finding a place by the fire to sit. As you know I had to flee The Order when Mordecia's men found my home and organised a witch hunt against me. I fled west, and asked the Dwarfs for help. Initially they refused, but when I heard the Dwarven King was sick and dying I told them I could help. The King was sick with fever, but using my magic I was able to help him recover. He was so pleased he offered me anything, but I refused his treasures. I asked just to be allowed to pass through the mines unhindered. I asked if there was anywhere I could build up my powers, and the King told me of a city called Romanis, far to the north. He was surprised i had not wanted his riches, but he was probably glad. Still he insisted on giving me one of the Dwarven artifacts, the Pendant of Lord Ironbeard. I knew not what magic it possessed but I took it anyway and thanked the King. So I made my way through the mines and came out as close as I could to Romanis. He pauses for a second, and in the pause the only noise comes from the crackling of the fire, still burning strong. Ah... Romanis. He continues. It was a magnificent place of learning, where the great scholars and thinkers of the land came to discuss and learn. I learnt a lot there. But then, a few years back a man who had been walking by the entrance to the Dwarven mines ran to the city. He claimed great bursts of fire had erupted from the mines and was striking down all living beings. He had barely escpaed, and the flames were still heading this way. All of us who lived in Romanis packed up our belongings and fled, but we were too late and the fires too fast. He pauses again, and looks as if he is holding back tears. Not far from Romanis the flames caught us... I looked round to see all the people consumed by the terrible conflagaration... The flames struck me and I cried out in agony, but at that moment the Pendant that the Dwarf King had given me, and I wore everyday, lit up and threw a protective shield around me. The powerful magic energies overwhelmed me and I fell unconcious. When I awoke I was alone, the others had been burned to ashes. I had lost all my collegues and friends. Everyone sitting round the camp stares into the fire, sadened not just by Penthor's own loss but also remembering their own. Even in your mind surfaces images of your parents, who were killed by the vile Dungeon Lord Gordar, many years ago. Then you think of the Dwarfs you met, of their tale of punishment by the gods by the fiery energies that consumed them all. The Pendant I found not far from me, shattered into a hundred fragments. I made my way back to Romanis but I could not stay there, it held too many memories. So I took what I could slavage and resolved to move south, but the pass had been overun by terrible beasts. I returned to the Dwarven mines but found them deserted and in ruins, and the tunnels sealed. There was only one other way out of these northern wastelands, through a magical portal. He gestures with one hand and you turn your head to see, not far off, the portal. It is a huge gateway, made of gigantic rocks and large shining gems. But I did not know where it went. No-one who has passed through has ever returned. It could kill me instantly! So I camped here, my mind wracked with indecision. That night as I slept in a nearby cave I dreamed that the Order of the Fifth Star would return to me, and only then would I be ready to step through the monolith's doorway. So I stayed here. Using knowledge I had gained from my time in Romanis I created three Genies, who I dispatched to wait for, and aid if possible, the rest of The Order. Then I waited. He smiles as he looks around at you and your men. And now we are here. Aeron laughs. And now we can pass through the gateway. It would seem that way. Penthor nods. Everyone turns to gaze at the portal. Shall we? Asks Gwenna. No point waiting around. You reply. You force yourself to rise, and your men under protest do the same. Imediately the fire dies out, the light but chilling wind begins again, blowing snow flakes across your face. You pick up your pack and weapons, turn towards the monolith and begin walking.
39, 7 подземелье
In front of the monolith is a stone plinth with another stone embeded in the top. You press down on the smaller stone and suddenly the huge gems on the gateway burn with a bright yellow light. Then the centre of the gateway is filled with a bright orange glow, which appears to be sucked inwards to create sort sort of a flashing orange tunnel. Many of the men marvel at this, but you have seen much stranger sights through your life. You move towards the gateway, there is no sense in delaying the inevitable
Громовая птица
28, 17 подземелье
11, 97 подземелье
As all your men emerge from the portal the orange tunnel snaps shut behind you. Looking back the monolith you have just passed through is lifeless, and there does not appear to be a plinth with which to re-activate it. You look around your current surroundings. Suddenly you notice two goblins staring at you, wide eyed and open mouths. As you look at them they trun and flee.
12, 98 подземелье
So, You ask. Anyone know where we are? You look round at all your men but they shake their heads. Obviously some back-water, goblin infested wasteland. Aeron shrugs. Well, wherever we are, let's find a way out. You reply. Varnen! You scout appears by your side. On my way sir. He says before running off.
12, 16 подземелье
You deice to send out a scout, who can slip past the monsters and report back on what is ahead. Aeron agrees and from the ranks of the order selects a young looking man called Varnen. Varnen happily agrees and shortly speeds off. He is indeed a fast runner. He is quick and stealthy man, and most trustworthy. Aeron tells you. I'm sure he is. You reply.
30, 4 подземелье
Sir! Sir! Shouts Varnen, running up to you. Ahead I have seen a huge gateway built of stone, and in front a man dressed in flowing blue robes. You thank your scout. This time he does not run off but walks with you.
27, 11 подземелье
Sir! Reports Varnen your scout. Ahead the pass is blocked by ferocious creatures, even I could not sneak past them. Our current force will not be able to defeat them. You curse, but then thank Varnen for his information. He salutes then runs off to scout once more.
10, 86 подземелье
Suddenly a goblin jumps out from behind a rock, he leaps up at Gwenna and throws her from her horse, knocking her to the ground. He raises his knife and is about to strike when Aeron leaps from his horse and throws himself onto the goblin, who rolls off Gwenna and into the dust. Aeron pulls out his sword and decapitates the evil creature. Thank you for saving me. Gwenna says, as Aeron pulls her to her feet. She smiles and kisses him on the cheek.
16, 86 подземелье
Посещение Варвар:
Страж задания
2, 58 подземелье
You are refused entry to the magical grove by a group of sad looking Elves. Why so sad? Gwenna asks. Five of our company were kidnapped by the witch P'hit. We fear for their lives. the Elves reply. If we can save them will you allow us access? You ask. They nod their heads.
3, 56 подземелье
You enter the magical grove, all around you are strange plants and trees you have never seen before. You can even feel magical energies flowing through the ground beneath you and the foliage around you. Even Varnen sticks close to you, not scouting ahead, and looks in awe. Aeron plucks a beautiful flower from a patch of many, instantly a new one grows in its place. For you. He smiles, handing the flower to Gwenna.
4, 55 подземелье
A group of Elves, more fair skinned than the ones you have encountered before, and they were pale by human standards, walk up to you. Welcome, Elf-Friend. They say, and hand you a ring. This ring proves you are an Elf-Friend. If you encounter more Elves upon your journey they will gladly help you if you desire it. You try to thank them, but words do not form in your mouth. Now visit the Fountain of Truth. They tell you. There you shall find the knowledge you desire. The Elves smile, then walk backwards and seem to fade into the surroundings.
4, 53 подземелье
You plunge your head into the fountain. At first nothing seems to be happening, then you realise that slowly a blurred image is forming in your mind. It is of two people embracing ina dark place, whilst another weeps nearby. It takes shape slowly, and with your face in the water you are running out of air. You try and hold your breath for as long as you can to make out the characters involved, but the image forms so slowly. Then at the instant you feel you are about to pass out you see their faces. You pull your head out and gasp for breath. Then you stagger backwards, hardly believing what you saw. The weeping figure was you, and the embracing couple were Gwenna and Aeron.
5, 52 подземелье
No-one who plunged their heads into the Fountain of Truth's pool tells of what they saw. All look sadened and downcast. The truth hurts, you realise. But was your vision from the past, when Gwenna and Aeron were members of the Order and she had yet to meet you? Or is it in the future, in which case it is a chilling prophecy indeed. You look at Aeron and then at Gwenna, riding side by side. Both look unhappy with the the images they saw. You begin to wonder. You had better keep you eye on Aeron in the future.
36, 70 подземелье
We thank you for coming to our aid, we feared the witch was to use us in her rituals!
5, 49 подземелье
A boat - it seems like the only way to proceed. Still worrying about your vision, and about Gwenna and Aeron, you order your men to board.
47, 47 подземелье
47, 48 подземелье
The Desert Princed lead you into a city filled with fabulous architecture the likes of which you have never seen before. They take you to a library where they produce a large tome. They open on a page with an ornate drawing, that looks very much like Aeron. This man will lead us. The Nomads say. Well... okay. Smiles Aeron nervously. What do I have to do? Lead us south to destory our foes, the Red Scorpion tribe. They reply. Okay, let's do it! Aeron exclaims. Here. Say the Nomads.These boots will help you attack the Red Scorpions with swiftness.
46, 74 подземелье
Посещение Рейнджер:
46, 49 подземелье
A group of Nomads comes to greet you. It was foretold. They say. That a hero would come and with him an enchanter, and they would lead us, the Desert Princes, against our enemies. You are quite taken aback by them suddenly telling you this. Oh... You reply. And you think I am that hero? No. They say, He is that hero. They point at Aeron. Me? Aeron laughs, the stern faced Nomads just nod. How exciting. Smiles Gwenna. Come with us. They say, and turn towards their city.
35, 70 подземелье
Обсидиановая горгулья
5, 19 подземелье
Gargoyles, being animated creatures, have no powers of speech.
Каменная горгулья
22, 11 подземелье
Stone Gargoyles may not be as powerful as Obsidian Gargoyles in combat, but their shorter claws actually make mundane tasks like lifting objects a whole lot easier.
Корона верховного мага
38, 2 подземелье
This crown perhaps once belonged to a most learned Magi, and now you can benefit from his experience.
Королева наг
35, 6 подземелье
Tressspasssersss will be prosssecuted.
Обсидиановая горгулья
37, 2 подземелье
A Gargoyle's natural habitat is not on the side of buildings, as most suppose, but on the ground amongst rocks, preferably of the same kind as them.
26, 5 подземелье
Wat yoo doin' 'ere? Me beat your limbs.
18, 42 подземелье
The mountains loom over you, and the skies cloud over. It begins to rain.
15, 41 подземелье
The rain does not stop, but only comes down stronger. In the distance you hear a loud thunder clap. Then the dark skies are lit by a flash of lightning.
12, 42 подземелье
The rain soaks you to the skin. Aeron says something to you, but it his words are obscured by the roar of thunder. WHAT? You shout. He shouts back, and you can just make out his words. I have heard of this place... where the rain never stops and the storms always rage and the mountains look like savage teeth. It is known as thunder pass. You nod, and look around you. This is terrible.
15, 36 подземелье
Gwenna's horse slips in a muddy stream, it falls to the ground sending Gwenna flying into a puddle. She picks herself up but her horse is not so lucky, it has broken its leg. You kill the poor beast quickly to put it out of its misery. As you do this Gwenna hoists herself onto Aerons horse and rides behind him.
12, 39 подземелье
Varnen, who had been scouting ahead, returns to the main party. Sir! He exclaims. I cannot scout in these conditions. I can't see past a few metres due to all this rain. You nod. Stay with us! You shout.
14, 37 подземелье
The ground underneath is mud, and you horses and men find it hard to walk.
11, 41 подземелье
The downpour never ends. Your mens' moral is at an all time low.
13, 34 подземелье
You come to an area where there seems to be slightly less rain. Aeron suggests setting up camp here, and you agree. The area you have chosen for camp has a number of rocky crags not far up the mountain, these provide a little cover from the pouring rain, but not much. Your men huddle together in the driest spots, and try desperately to light a fire, but all your tinder is damp. Even Penthor's magic cannot help. You sit in silence, staring up at the terrible mountains, that do indeed look like the teeth of some savage beast. You shiver, your clothes are soaking. I'm going to look around. Says Aeron, sitting next to you. See of I can see any better shelter, any caves and such. I'll go too. Says Gwenna, standing up and shivering. Are you sure? You reply. It's cold. It will be better if I move around. She tells you. You nod and Aeron walks off with Gwenna. You sit back against a rock and close your eyes, trying to get some rest. You doubt you will be able to sleep though, as every so often thunder booms and echos around the pass, and although you have some cover rain still drips onto you as you sit there. Still, you reason, rest is what you need. Suddenly a vision comes into your mind. It is the same one you saw when you plunged your head into the Fountain of Truth, back in the magical grove. You see Aeron and Gwenna embracing in a darkened place. But now you see it more clearly, a flash of lightning lights up their faces as well as the inside of a cave, the dark place. The lightning also frames the monstorous crags you can see outside, looking like savage teeth. You snap your eyes open. You quickly rouse Varnen who is sat nearby. Which way did Aeron and Gwenna go? You ask hurridley. That way. He replies, pointing. But what... You do not hear the rest of his sentence, as you are running in the direction he indicated. As you run your eyes search the mountainside, looking for cave or tunnel entrances. You stumble many times in your hurry, slipping in the soggy mud. Then a flash of lightning allows you to spy a cave not far up the rocky cliff. You madly scramble up the mountain face, cutting yourself on jagged rocks. But you care not for the pain. You reach a small crag sticking out next to the cave entrance and pull yourself onto it. Your mad dash catches up with you for a second and you are left panting, lying on your stomach. You stare at the dark cave but see nothing. Then a flash of lightning illuminates the pass, and as clear as day you can see right to the back of the cave, where Aeron and Gwenna are in each others arms. NOOOO! You scream, the tears running from your cheeks washed away by the downpour. You crawl forwards. Aeron and Gwenna come running out of the cave towards you. They gasp as they see you sprawled over the rocks. You pick yourself up. Gwenna! You sob. They stand there dumbfounded. I...I'm... sorry. Gwenna replies nervously, holding Aeron's hand. Why? You ask, trying to regain your composure. No, don't answer that. It doesn't matter why. But for how long? Look Shar. Aeron says calmly, taking a step forwards. How long?! You shout, flinging your arms out in a gesture of rage. We... were lovers a long time ago. Aeron tells you. Before Gwenna left. Since you met again? Your eyes are clouded with rage and tears. No. Exclaims Aeron. It's was... not long after we passed through the gateway. I'm sorry. Says Gwenna quietly. SHUT UP! You shout, and sink to your knees. There is silence from the three of you, but the rain and occasional thunder clap still make the place noisy. Look Shar... Begins Aeron, walking up next to you. NOOO! You scream, and whirl out your sword, it cuts Aeron across the chest. He staggers backwards as Gwenna screams. Aeron looks down at his sliced robe, now turning red with blood. He looks to you, madness in his eyes and draws his own blade. He lunges forwards. You jump to your feet and parry his first blow. With Gwenna in the background sobbing and screaming at you both to stop your blades clash. But your eyes are sore and full of tears and Aeron knocks the blade from your hand. You swiftly kick one of his legs and he falls towards you, his sword flying from his hand. You grab him and hurl him onto a rocky slab. He pulls you with him and the two of you roll over, cutting yourselves on the sharp rock edge. Gwenna is still screaming as the two of you wrestle, both now covered in cuts and bruises and blood. You both roll and Aeron emerges on top on of his hands round your throat pushing your head back. You choke as your head swims, you feel yourself rapidly loosing conciousness. Then with one final burst of energy you push up with your legs and Aeron flies over you, falling down a steep part of the cliff face. You move onto your knees and move to look at where he fell. A flash of lightning shows you his body, sprawled out in a posture no human could have landed in and survived. Then for the first time since you lashed out at Aeron you catch your breath, pause and reflect on what has happened. Suddenly the gravity of the situation hits you like a falling boulder. What have you done? You sense Gwenna walk up beside you. You hear her gasp and begin to breath in and out quickly. You get to your feet and attempt to put your arms around her, but she pushes you away and averts her eyes. Gwenna... You begin, but she turns and runs away. You stand there, the rain having soaked your entire body, while you watch your wife scramble down the cliff face and run back to the camp. You shake your head and look back at Aeron's body. What have you done? Slowly you too make your way back to the camp. Gwenna sits a little way off, but moves away from you as you approach. Penthor stands, looking warmer and drier than the rest, you guess he has some sort of enchantment placed upon himself. He walks towards you. Where is Aeron? He asks. You take a deep breath. He... fell whilst climbing. He's dead. Where. Penthor gasps. You miserably point back to where Aeron's body lay. Penthor hurries off. You walk into the camp and slump down beside a rock. A few minutes later and Penthor returns, carrying Aeron's body. You quickly stand up and run over. You can hear Aeron groaning. But... but... You stammer. He did indeed take a terrible fall, and under normal circumastances would be dead. Penthor tels you. My magic was able to revive him, but only just. He needs rest and will not be well again for days, if not weeks. You return to your rock and sit down dejectedly. You are scared to close your eyes because when you do you can see yourself throwing him over the edge. You can see yourself killing him and now he's back. With another rumble of thunder overhead you sit back and stare into the distance.
12, 34 подземелье
Since you own the largest horse Aeron, still slipping in and out of conciousness, is strapped to the back of your steed. You can almost feel his accusing eyes on the back of your head.
19, 29 подземелье
East - Tall Oak Forest West - Thunder Pass
2, 97 подземелье
Thank you for my rescue, I will help you.
90, 92 подземелье
7, 33 подземелье
You see a cave ahead, you hope it will give you and your men a chance to rest, light a fire and dry off.
5, 36 подземелье
With no end to the rain, and with the poor state of Aeron, moral sinks even lower.
4, 34 подземелье
Every time thunder growls or lightning flashes, you are reminded of your fight with Aeron, how you threw him down the cliff and left him for dead.
8, 35 подземелье
Your men trudge through the mud in silence. Gwenna refuses to talk but it doesn't matter, you don't really want to talk to her either.
10, 34 подземелье
The guilt ways heavily on your mind, and you spend most of the journey in silence. What will happen when Aeron wakes up? Will he announce that you tried to kill him?
12, 31 подземелье
The rain seems to be abating gradualy. You seem to have passed the everlasting storm.
100, 98 подземелье
Formerly King Lyo's military advisor and friend, Shar has left behind Fanamor and now explores Baydon with his wife Gwenna.
15, 30 подземелье
The rain has ended at last! The men would be overjoyed but it is hard to be elated when you are so soaked to the skin.
25, 31 подземелье
Not long into Tall Oak Forest and an Orc raiding party sets up your men. You draw your sword to join in the fray.
Хижина предсказателя
54, 3 подземелье
An old man greets you. Not many people visit me here, that's for sure. It's nice to have company though. I am a collector or rare magical pendants. I am currently looking for a Pendant of Free Will. I wonder, if you could find one perhaps you would be so kind to give it to me. I would gladly give you one of my spare artifacts.
50, 34 подземелье
This will probably take you back into the Dwarf Mines - but you hope it will allow you access to Mordecia's lands.
37, 29 подземелье
A group of rogues are about to pounce until they recognise Penthor. They were members of the Order of the Fifth Star, long ago, around the time of the Order's founding. They were forced to flee from Mordeica's men one day. They will surely help you.
26, 30 подземелье
Aeron occasioanlly calls your name. You become so worried now that he's going to wake up soon and reveal what happened. It weighs heavily on your mind as you ride through the forest.
27, 29 подземелье
When you were young you lived in a village called Oldam. There you learnt how to recognise different types of mushrooms. Now you use that knowledge and tell your men which ones to pick, for that will save on your provisions. But not the white ones. You tell them. They're posionous.
30, 28 подземелье
You must do something. Aeron is stirring in his sleep more and more. You are sure he will wake up soon. Then he will tell Penthor and the Order what you did to him. You will have to flee, and since you are wandering an unknown land this is not a prospect that sounds good to you. What can you do?
32, 29 подземелье
As your men pick more mushrooms you have an idea.
30, 21 подземелье
As Penthor comes to check on Aeron the Enchanter gasps. No pulse! He exclaims in your direction. You feign susprise and run towards him. But how? I don't know. Penthor sighs. He holds his head in his hands. An hour later and you are lowering Aeron into a grave the men dug. You helped them dig it. You watch as two of the men shovel earth back over his body, while the rest stand in silence, their heads lowered. You glance up at Gwenna and see that she is staring at you, tears in her eyes. You avert your eyes quickly.
56, 17 подземелье
Another gate to Mordecia's realm is blocked to you. You will have to find another way round.
43, 19 подземелье
You are sure Gwenna keeps staring at you. Does she suspect something? Did she see you? Then you begin to wonder about Penthor the Enchanter. Could he have sensed anything? Could he have realised about the poison? But it's not your fault, is it? It's Aeron's fault. He was the one who was with your wife behind your back. Then again it's Gwenna's fault. You obviously weren't good enough for her, the harlot. But no, you cannot blame Gwenna for long. One look into her beautiful face and all is forgiven. If only she would talk to you.
71, 5 подземелье
You emerge in some sort of marsh land, just as Varnen said you would. The ground underneath your feet is wet and muddy and the smell is of rot and decay. Your scout runs off once more.
Фиал драконьей крови
81, 15 подземелье
And this is the prize of the Behemoths' horde.
85, 18 подземелье
It looks like a group of Ancient Behemoth, probably having lived here for a long time. But they guards fabulous treasures that just might be of use.
39, 37 подземелье
You notice a patch of poisonous white mushrooms, the type you used to 'silence' Aeron. You tell your men they may rest and while they do you pick the fungi and place some in a pouch in your backpack. You never know when it may come in handy.
42, 32 подземелье
You're sure Penthor keeps looking at you, then turning away when you return the gaze. He must know something, he must have sensed it using his magic. You've never trusted Enchanters, they always have had a reputation as being suspicious.
43, 28 подземелье
Gwenna stares at you, a blank expression upon her face. You think of going over, for you still love her so much, no matter what she may have done. But you can't bring yourself to do it, and she probably wouldn't talk to you anyway.
18, 30 подземелье
And now even the savage teeth of the mountains are disappearing. At last you are through Thunder pass - a place that will probably haunt your dreams for a long time. Varnen begins his scouting duties again.
22, 30 подземелье
Aeron suddenly speaks. You look round at him but his eyes are closed, he is still unconcious. Then he speaks again, talking in his dreams, or perhaps nightmares. What he says scares you, for he calls out your name. He must be remembering what happened.
23, 30 подземелье
Varnen reports that Tall Oak Forest is infested with Orcs. He hadn't gone far when he was forced to flee for his life by a large raiding party. Even his hiding skills were not good enough. You are worried by this news, but your mind is also occupied by Aeron. You find it hard to focus on anything.
34, 19 подземелье
I'll begin scouting immediately sir. Says Varnen. You nod distractedly.
44, 19 подземелье
Sir. Varnen reports. Ahead is an entrance to Mordecia's lands, but it is blocked... He keeps talking but you just stare at him, there is too much on your mind to concentrate on his words. What would he do if he knew you were a murderer? What would any of them do? Sir? Huh? You snap back to reality. Erm... good work. Right. Vernen looks at you puzzled then nods and walks away.
93, 77 подземелье
Let us pass! You shout up at the gate guards. I am an envoy from King Lyo or Fanamor. The guards laugh, and one spits in your direction. You guess they don't really believe that your rag-tag group of misfits could be some sort of imperial envoy. You have no choice but to attack, this is the only way into Mordecia's lands, but the gate is heavily guarded. This will be a tough fight.
75, 54 подземелье
N - Road to Last Bridge E - Cragmire Keep S - Road out of Baydon W - Zerimar
99, 53 подземелье
Посещение Еретик:
Древнее чудище
82, 16 подземелье
Золотой дракон
75, 34 подземелье
A mighty Azure Dragon told us that a warrior would come, and that he would need our help to save the world. Are you that warrior?
65, 52 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
97, 72 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
66, 7 подземелье
You find another note, tucked into the saddle of your horse as you rested. As soon as you see it you spin round looking for any signs of who it could be. You see Penthor staring at you, his crystal blue eyes penetrating deep into your soul. You turn quickly away from his gaze to read the note. 'You cannot escape what you have done. One day you will pay.' You are about to screw up the piece of paper in anger when you notice a small mark in the corner of the note. You hold it up close to your eyes, trying to discern what exactly it is. It is some sort of faint greenish smudge, looking closer you realise it is a fingerprint. You try to work out who would have some sort of green substance on their fingers but you cannot think of who, or what the green substance could be. You look back over the camp again. Penthor still stares at you. He chills you to the bone. Something wrong? Asks Gwenna, walking up and putting her arms around you, whilst you hurridley pocket the note. No. You reply, shaking your head. You look over to Penthor but he is no longer staring, but bending over his pack. No. You repeat.
69, 9 подземелье
You decide to watch Penthor. Someday he will make a slip and give himself away. You pat the pouch on your pack where the white mushrooms are held.
73, 10 подземелье
Varnen returns to report. Sir, the marsh stretches far to the east, I am able to pick my way quickly through but it may be harder for a marching army. Past that there is a huge forest. I will try to scout there further. Thank you. You reply, and then as Varnen runs off again you move your gaze over your men. You notice Penthor holds a wooden bowl in one hand, and a green plant he picked from the marsh in the other. He appears to be crushing the plant in his hand and emptying the contents into the bowl. You notice that he has some residue of the green plant on his hand. You remember the green smudge on the note. Penthor. You whisper to yourself. You have your proof now you just need an opportunity.
96, 7 подземелье
Your men camp to eat and rest the night. As soon as you dismount you make sure you have your gloves on then take out two white mushrooms from your pack. You make your way to the camp crushing the mushrooms in your fist to make a paste. You walk over towards where Penthor sits. Gwenna would like a word. You tell the Enchanter. What about? He asks. She didn't say. You shrug. I'd better go and see. He replies, then stands up and walks over to where Gwenna tends to one of the horses. As he walks away you bend over towards the mug he was drinking from. It is still half full of some brown liquid, most likely some sort of soup. You quickly brush the mushroom paste from your hand into the cup, then stand up and walk away towards your pack. A minute later Penthor approaches you. I believe you must have been mistaken. Gwenna did not wish to tell me anything. He says. Really? You reply. I... I... I don't know. I'm sure she did. How very odd, I must be imagining things. Are you feeling alright? Penthors asks. You look a little pale. I'm fine. I need a rest I think. You smile back. Yes, you do that. He smiles back, then turns and walks back to his place. He picks up his mug and begins to take a deep drink. No more blackmail. You say under your breath. You sigh, knowing you will have to wait a while for the effects of the mushrooms to begin. Then as you move to leave the magnitude of what you have just done strikes you. You've just killed the only man that, since Aeron's death, the rogues of the Order of the Fifth Star look up to. With him gone will they still follow you? And how will you survive without the Enchanter's help? Suddenly you wish you had never poisoned him. You realise the evidence was so insubstantail. Penthor always stares at people, it's just his way. The green smudge on the paper? That is not proof! It's all so circumstantial. Enchanters can't read minds, he doesn't know, and now you've sentenced him to death. What have you done?
100, 9 подземелье
You cannot stop yourself checking on Penthor every few minutes as you travel. Are you okay my sweet? Asks Gwenna, stroking your hair. You look nervous. I'm fine. You quickly reply. Penthor looks okay so far. You wrack your brains trying to remember if there was an antidote to the poisonous mushrooms but your mind is hazy.
Страж задания
103, 60 подземелье
There appears to be some sort of writing on the front of the gate, but you have never seen the sumbols before. You ask Penthor if he can read it but he shakes his head. You guess this gate was put here by Mordecia, and that only a few know how to open it, most likely including his Chief Commander, Dekard.
104, 60 подземелье
We are here. Hmmm. Says a booming voice, as the sky above you goes black. You look up to see an army of Dragons descending from the heavens. At their fore is Ika, the Dragon you met in the Dwarvern mines. The Dragons have come to help you put a stop to Mordecia's evil schemes, and despite the realitiy of the siutuation you can't help but feel glad they're here.
86, 3 подземелье
You come across another group of the Order of the Fifth Star. They tell you they will help you overcome Mordeica if that is what you want.
94, 25 подземелье
You try to forget what you tried to do to Penthor, although the guilt still lingers at the back of your mind. You remember you are on an important mission now, the Taint has been accessed and you must not allow the Devils to enter Baydon. However you also remember that the note writer is still out there. Well you still have some mushrooms left...
95, 26 подземелье
And it is not long till you find another note. Whoever is doing this is becoming more arrogant. You turn your back as you ride to speak to Gwenna and when you turn back you find a piece of paper tucked into your steed's reigns. You read it quickly. 'Not clever Shar, now you try to kill Penthor too? When your men find out they may not be happy. I'll be in touch, you know I will.'
95, 29 подземелье
You enter another magical grove. You have seen one before but you and your men are no less in awe. There doesn't appear to be a Fountain of Truth here. That is probably for the best, for the truth hurts.
95, 32 подземелье
You sit drinking with your men in the enchanted grove. You decided to allow them to rest, the place is so beautiful and your men have fought hard and come through a lot. You hear the men talk and laugh but your mind drifts off to the notes. Now the writer knows that you tried to kill Penthor. He must have be watching you at all times. But who could be that stealthy? Varnen hasn't returned in a while. Muses Gwenna, sitting close to you. Hmmm. You reply, barely listening. Varnen. You repeat. Suddenly it hits you. It is so obvious. Varnen was allowed to run off, no-one kept an eye on him. Aeron told you that he was extremely stealthy. Why couldn't you see it? You get to your feet and make your may back to your mount, quickly but not so fast as to attract attention to yourself. Your first thought is to rummage through your pack. Looking for these? Asks a voice from behind you. You spin round to come face to face with Varnen. In one hand he holds up two white mushrooms. You... You begin. I'm afraid I only have two left. He interrupts. I used the others up. You stare at him, dumbstruck. She is beautiful isn't she. Varnen laughs, turning his head to look at your wife, who sits peacefully talking to two of the men. He turns his head back to look at you. The bitch. She didn't like me so much, she was all over that Aeron. I watched them you know... they were at it long before Thunder Pass. And they did much more than embrace. You son of a... You say between gritted teeth, and lunge at Varnen. He dodges to one side. Now, now, Shar. Varnen laughs. Don't draw attention to us. You wouldn't want them to find you killing another of their friends, would you? What do you want? You ask clenching your fists. Don't be so hasty Shar. He smiles. You'll find out soon enough. For now you have other things to think about. Like your precious wife and her mushroom drink. You turn to your wife and see her taking a swig out of a mug. You look back to Varnen who is smiling. And don't think of telling anyone about me. What have I done in comparison to you? I'm positively an Angel. He laughs and you watch him walk into the camp, where a number of men greet him cheerfully. Gwenna! You quickly run over towards her. As she is about to take another drink you grab the mug out of her hands and throw the contents into the clearing. Shar! What's wrong? Gwenna asks shocked. Do you feel okay? Do you feel okay? You exclaim, shaking her softly. Yes! Shar, what's got into you? She replies. You stand up and look around. A number of men are staring at you. You can see Varnen smiling. How long does Gwenna have? You try and wrack your brains for some sort of antidote to the poison. The white mushrooms were supposedly quite deadly, but in your childhood you did learn of substances that could get rid of many forms of poison. You never saw any of these though. You scan round the clearing, looking at the strange varieties of vegetation. Your eyes end up on a clump of yellow berries. You can vaugely remember being told something about yellow berries, were they the ones that could cure a poisoned body? Shar? Gwenna asks worriedly. You do not answer, instead you bound across the clearing and grab a handfull from the yellow berry clump. Quickly you return to your wife. Shar? What's wrong Shar? Gwenna asks, standing up and staring at you. What are those berries for? You are about to tell her that she has been poisoned, but you know you cannot. That would give away everything, how you killed Aeron and tried to kill Penthor. Nothing. I'm okay. I need a rest. You reply and walk away. You plan to feed your wife the berries at the first sign of her becoming ill. You don't know for certain that Varnen was telling the truth.
99, 34 подземелье
I feel kind of fai.... Gwenna whimpers, before sliding from where she sat behind you and landing on the soft grass of the magical grove. You leap from your horse to kneel next to her. You pull the yellow berries you collected from your pocket. What are those? Asks Penthor, walking beside you. Healing berries. You reply, hoping you are correct. Someone get some water. One of your men hands you a water flask, another gives you a mug. You pour some water into it and then add juice from the berries. Then you raise Gwenna's head and pour the mixture past her lips. I can create a healing salve. Suggest Penthor. She may have been poisoned. You tell him. Have anything for that? I'll try. The Enchanter replies, and turns to rummage through his pack. A few minutes later and Gwenna has ingested Penthor's mixture, but you cannot see any signs of improvement. I am sorry to say this. The Enchanter tells you. But we must press on, and stop the Devils. You nod, you know he is right. You look up and see Varnen staring at you, a smirk on his face. You just want to punch him, but you must restrain yourself.
100, 33 подземелье
With Gwenna strapped over a horse beside you, you prepare to enter the portal. You wonder where it will take you.
52, 104 подземелье
It looks like the Dwarf road south is blocked. Why haven't the Dwarfs cleared it? Aeron muses.
3, 54 подземелье
That must be the Fountain of Truth ahead. says Gwenna. You remember the time when you visited a magical fountain when you accompanied King Lyo. Then he was deeply affected by it, but you saw nothing. You wonder if this fountain will reveal anything to you.
45, 82 подземелье
You emerge in a muddy brown land. An area known as Druth. Penthor informs you. Quite close to Mordeica's realm.
55, 85 подземелье
In the shade of a large tree you sit with Gwenna as your men have a brief rest to eat. I don't understand. Says Gwenna. How was I cured? I remember feeling ill, and then fainting. It doesn't matter now, all that matters is that you're alive. You reply. Were you worried? I could think of nothing else but you. I love you so much. You both move to kiss, but before your lips meet Gwenna suddenly winces in agony. What's wrong? You ask, genuinley concerned. My... heart. She replies. I fealt... well.... it seems to have stopped now. You're well now? Yes. She moves to kiss you again but once more retracts, a grimace upon her beautiful face. My heart. She announces. It went so fast... but it's fine now. Perhaps I am not as well as we thought. You hold her tight, a terrible sneaking suspicion upon your mind. Aeron, within Gwenna's body, cannot bear to see you and her. He holds your wife's body under his control, but only he can keep her alive.
93, 83 подземелье
Your current position is in a rocky hill overlooking the road ahead. You signal for your men to keep back before you dismount, then creep ahead to look at what activity is going on. You can see a group of riders talking to the gate guard. Even at this distance you can see that one of the riders is dressed is large, fine robes. You guess he is some sort of envoy to Baydon, as you were once, many months ago. After a minute the riders carry on north. You return to your men and tell Penthor and Gwenna what you saw. The Enchanter reminds you that no envoys have ever returned from Baydon over the last decade. Well it seems you must follow this group, since the only way to Mordecia's main realm is north along the road.
67, 82 подземелье
At all times you keep an eye on Varnen, who seems broody that his poisoning plan has failed. But he is still dangerous, he could reveal what you did and then you do not know how the others will react.
93, 75 подземелье
Ahead you see the envoy party continue on its way. You shout and it after a minute the party notices and turns round. You ride to greet it. As you get closer you see it is made up primarily of a group of ten Elves, not including the one dressed in fine robes. And you are? He asks. My name is Shar. You reply, attempting a bow evern though you are mounted. I bring grave tiding. My name is Lord Timi, son of Anthule - King of Arkania. What is this news you bring me? Are you from King Mordecia. You don't look like it. Do not be fooled by my rag tag group of men, we mean you no harm, oh Lord of Arkania. And we are not from Mordecia, it is he we wish to warn you about. Warn me? Yes. Mordecia is an evil sorcerer, he is attempting to overun the world with evil Devils from The Taint. Hah! Why should I believe such proposterous accusations? Over the last decade no envoy who has entered Baydon has ever left. I, myself, was an envoy, but due to a fortunate chain of events I never entered Mordecia's main lands. If I had I fear I may never have returned. But now I am here with an army, and I am here to put an end to Mordecia's nefarious schemes. Your voice sounds truthful enough, but I am still not sure that I can really trust you. What you claim is quite an accusation. You wonder how to make Timi believe you. As you are thinking, you raise a hand to scratch your forehead. Suddenly Timi gasps. You look at your hand and realise what he has seen, it is the Elf-Friend ring, given to you in the first magical grove. You have had it so long you had totally forgotten you still wore it. I obtained this ring from the keepers of the Fountain of Truth. You tell Timi. I am sorry for ever doubting you, in fact I thank you for catching up with us. Replies the Elf Lord. We can add out ranks to your own, perhaps that will help if Mordecia does intend to kill us.
93, 78 подземелье
You catch a glimpse of the envoy party, just passing through the gate ahead.
91, 72 подземелье
After getting quite wrapped up in meeting Elf Lord Timi you had forgotten to look out for Varnen. As soon as you remember the treacherous scout you quickly look round for him, but he is no where to be seen. You ask Penthor and Gwenna is either of them have seen him but they both shake their heads. It seems Varnen has eluded you for now, but you are sure he will return.
87, 68 подземелье
It seems there are patrols of men all over the place, this time however you have an proper force behind you, not a rag tag bunch of rogues and thieves.
76, 57 подземелье
Suddenly the skies darken. You look up to see a number of Dragons circling. You draw your sword as they swoop down, but they do not appear hostile. A large Azure Dragon speaks to you. You must be Shar. We were told that it was you who could save this world from the Devils. Hmmm. I don't know how a puny human could possibly do such a thing but we have been told on good authority, so we will help you. You guess Ika must have told them about you and the opening of The Taint. You are glad she did.
79, 53 подземелье
More Dragons swoop from the skies to join your quest, it seems Ika must have dispatched them.
51, 87 подземелье
You come across another group of members of The Order of the Fifth Star, who will join your quest to kill Mordecia.
95, 56 подземелье
The skies are filled with more Dragons, all wishing to join you as you go to destory Mordecia. The lead one tells you distressing news, that Mordecia is not in Cragmere Castle, leaving it guarded by his Military Commander, Dekard. Where Mordecia has gone the Dragon does not know.
63, 39 подземелье
After a series of hard fought battles you relaise your men look tired and so you call for a quick rest. It is not long into the rest period, whilst you are eating some provisions, when you hear someone faintly crying your name. You look round and realise it must have come from the the trees. You pause, waiting for the cry to come again. A few seconds later you hear your name again, and locate where it is coming from, over in the forest to your right. You realise the voice is Gwenna's, and after scanning the area and seeing no sign of her, you quickly run towards the trees. Gwenna? You shout, but recieve no answer. You walk for about a minute, calling her name every few seconds, but you hear no reply. You are about to give up hope and return when someone drops from the trees above and lands on your shoulders. You are thrown forwards and before you can react something hard and heavy hits you over the back of the head and you drift into unconciousness. You awake with a start as water is thrown across your face. You try to move but you cannot, you realise your feet are bound and your arms are tied around the back of something large which you guess is a tree. You scan around to realise you are in a small clearing in the forest. You are being stood over by a human figure, as your eyes focus properly you realise it is Varnen. Opposite you in the clearing is Gwenna, tied up the same way as you. She is sturggling against her bonds and has a gag over her mouth. Wakey wakey. Laughs Varnen. And how are we feeling, head not too sore I hope. You! You exclaim. Very observative of you. He replies. Yes it is me. Varnen, your evil scout. And I see it is you, Shar, flawed hero and part time murderer. You glance at Gwenna, who has stopped struggling and instead looks at you. What do you want? You demand to Varnen. There's plenty I want. He laughs, making his way to Gwenna. Take your lovely wife here. He kneels next to Gwenna and loosens the cloth that gags her. She chokes before screaming. You could never have me you ugly ba... She is silenced by Varnen shoving the cloth back into her mouth. Yes, it seems some things in life you just can't have. Varnen snorts. Give it up Varnen, just untie us and we'll let you leave. You sigh wearily. People will be looking for us, they'll find us soon. No. No. No. I'm far too clever for that. You'll both have learnt your lessons by then! He's replies. What lessons? Varnen what are you talking about? A lesson in right and wrong. You should know all about that! Murderer, lier, weaver of deceit. Look Varnen... NO! You look, Shar. He spits your name. You are the one in the wrong! I'm going to hurt you like you hurt me. But I never... Quiet! You hurt me and you didn't even realise, and not just me, she... He gestures towards Gwenna. ...hurt me too. She destroyed my heart! Varnen. I'm sorry if you think you love Gwenna but... Hah! He laughs out loud. Love her? Don't be stupid, I don't love her. She is nothing but a temptress, she lead him astray. Lead him? Lead him astray! He wanted her so much. Why didn't he want me? You... he... Aeron? I worked with him for so long, I would do anything for him, I would never let him down. I loved him! Aeron? And then she took him from me. And then you killed him. Varnen spits at you. Well I never realied... Of course you did. You knew and she knew, everyone knew but him. Varnen, believe me, we had no idea. Shut up! He screams, then advances on you holding a piece of rag which, despite your attempts to wriggle free, he shoves into your mouth. You try to spit it out, or talk, but you can't do either. And now since you killed the one I love, I will do the same to you. Then we're even, right? Varnen pulls a knife from his belt. He turns and walks towards Gwenna, an evil smile upon his lips. You try desperately to break free of your bonds, moving them back and forth to wear the ropes down against the tree bark, but the ropes are strong and you cannot tell if they are going to give in time. You desperately wiggle your hands, trying to fray the ropes, but it seems you can do nothing. You watch as Varnen crouches down to Gwenna, with tears running down her cheeks and absolute fear in her eyes. He place the knife beneath her chin and holds it next to her neck. He laughs once more. Then suddenly you see the fear removed from Gwenna's eyes. For a second she stares at him with what appears to be, from the distance you are tied, pity. Varnen notices it as well, and the smirk is wiped from his face. Then only a second later Gwenna falls to one side and kicks out, breaking her leg bonds and hitting Varnen square in the groin. He falls back and squeals in agony, dropping his knife. At the same time Gwenna with one sudden lurch snaps the rope that tied her arms round the tree. She grabs the knife and in a swift movement plunges it into Varnen's chest. He screams and then lies still. Gwenna stands and looks at you. You sit still. I pity him, but he could not be allowed to harm Gwenna. She says, but you realise it is not her saying it, rather it is Aeron who is inside her. She walks over to you and pulls the cloth out of your mouth. Aeron... thanks. You splutter, as using Varnen's knife she cuts the ropes that bind you. There is no need for thanks. I did what I had to do. I will return Gwenna to you now, she may feel queasy for a while. With that Gwenna collaspses to the forest floor. You stand up and after rubbing your wrists where the ropes burned your skin you make your way to her. Gwenna? You ask. Shar. She whispers in response. At that moment you hear a cry from the trees to your left, you guess it is a search party looking for you. You pick Gwenna up and rest her on one shoulder before making your way towards the sound of the voices. After a short time you come across Penthor. What happened? He asks worriedly, looking at the frail Gwenna. How is she? She'll be fine. You reply. It was Varnen, he was... insane. Penthor looks over your shoulder into the woods beyond. Let's go. You say. It's over now... for him.
48, 17 подземелье
North Bridge
63, 35 подземелье
Gwenna soon recovers from her ordeal. She does not ask about it and you do not tell her, but you hope she is okay. She must have realised that it was you who finally killed Aeron, but you have doubts she knows the secret inside her. You wonder about Aeron. Will he be in her forever? If so he will not let you get close to her again. He told you he would go when a cure could be found, or when the poison wore off, but you have your doubts about both.
19, 7 подземелье
Щит неистового огра
7, 106 подземелье
You chance upon the hidden treasure of some Ogre, although its owner does not appear to be around at the moment.
Туника короля циклопов
31, 106 подземелье
The Cyclops Kings appear to have left behind their magical tunic. It's rather large for you to wear, but you'll manage.
Королевский циклоп
30, 106 подземелье
We got rocks, we got stones. We mash your flesh, we beat your bones.
A ring that fills your men with respect for you, as well as making you feel that little bit more fortunate.
Тетива из гривы единорога
18, 66 подземелье
You chance upon what appaers to be a collection of hairs from a Unicorn. Aeron suggests your men string theirr bows with it, for everyone knows that a Unicorn is full of magic.
81, 103 подземелье
A few of the Order of the Fifth Star run up to your pack. The Hideout was discovered and we had to flee, you must help us reclaim it. You cannot see anyone at the Hideout, but you guess that an ambush is waiting for you.
79, 103 подземелье
This doesn't bode well. Aeron mutters, walking up to you. Around you the surviving rogues search the burnt out ruins of their hideout. There is little that can be salvaged. What will we do? Gwenna at your arm asks anxiously. Perhaps I could reason with Mordecia. I was on a diplomatic mission to see him. You suggest. Aeron looks shocked. I thought news would have got out... News of what? You reply. The last five diplomatic convoys coming into the Baydon have never returned, even the heavily guarded ones we didn't try to rob. Why? Asks Gwenna. We don't know. Aeron shrugs. Our spies never returned either. Odd. You muse. You think word would have got around about the disappearing envoys, yet King Lyo sent us. It seems Lord Mordecia is adept at keeping secrets. Aeron tells you. But why would they go missing? You ponder. Why exactly did you form the Order of the Fifth Star anyway, how evil is this man? Gwenna shakes her head sadly. His men often pillage the smaller villages... She begins to cry. I'm... sorry. You wrap your arms around her and pull her close to your chest. Don't worry. You whisper. Aeron sighs, and it appears even he has a tear in his eye. The Order began as a group whose members had family killed by Mordecia's men. Gwenna and I were some of the founding members. I never realised. You say, moving your wife slightly away from your chest and looking into her eyes. She averts her gaze and pulls away from your grasp. I'm sorry. She quietly speaks as she stares into the distance. I should have told you about myself before. Don't worry. You reply, moving behind her and putting your arms around her. Not all of my family was killed. She says, and then breaks down in sobs. You glance at Aeron, wondering if she means him. No, not me He shakes his head, as though reading your mind. She is talking about her sister, Arletta. She... betrayed her family when they hid some of their crops from the tax collectors. Mordeica's men came and dragged them all out. Her father and brother tired to put up a fight but they were beaten. In the sturggle Gwenna managed to get free and fled. Meanwhile her mother was killed, while Arletta stood and watched. You hold your weeping wife closer. How do you know this? You ask Aeron. I lived in the same village. My father also tried to fend off the men, but he too... Aeron looks away. You clutch Gwenna tighter. You had no idea this had happened, and you can probably guess why she chose not to tell you. An hour later you are ready to set off again, on mounts from the stables in the hideout. Gwenna's eyes are sore but otherwise she says she is okay. The rogues have gathered together all they can, but it is not much and you doubt you will have the provisions to make a long voyage. Of course you may not get to take a long voyage at all, you have no idea where to go now. We must now go west. Aeron tells you. It is the only way to proceed with our pitiful force. There may still be patrols but... well we'll have to do our best. But what do you propose we do? You ask. Seek out the actual founding member of the Order of the Fifth Star. His name is Penthor and he is, or was, a powerful Enchanter. He had to flee after Mordecia raised a witch hunt against him. He fled west and we've never seen him since. Then west we go. You say.
94, 55 подземелье
The land is black and dusty, the trees and rocks covered in a layer of ash. Nothing will grow here. Ahead Cragmere castle rises like a blackened mountain.
98, 54 подземелье
Dekard! You shout up to the battlements of Cragmere Castle. If there was ever a need for evidence to reasure you of Mordecia's evil intentions then Cragmere would be ideal. The structure is formed of black volcanic rock, the walls bristling with spikes. The appearance is of somewhere that even in dreams you would fear to tread. It wasn't always like this. Penthor tells you. I saw it in the younger years, this whole area was just another grassy plain dominated by an impressive castle. Now it has been warped, I guess by the dark magic that Mordecia unleashed. Dekard! You shout again. Face me! You wait for five minutes, but no-one answers. You sigh. Attack! You order.
100, 54 подземелье
Dekard! You shout as the last of the outside walls falls and the remaining defenders of Cragmere surrender. However Mordecia's Commander is no where to be seen. You run across the courtyard and spy a fleeing figure dressed in ornate armour. Dekard! You shout after him. The figure reaches a small open doorway, as he is about to enter he looks back, an look of rage upon his face. You'll never catch-catch me! He squeals, before leaping through the doorway and slamming the door shut behind him. You do not have time to stop, and instead put your momentum into trying to barge down the door with your shoulder. YARRGH!! You cry is pain, as your shoulder smashes against the door. On it a magic rune burns with a red light. Some sort of warding rune you guess, keeping the door from being knocked down. There doesn't seem to be any other way in. Announces Penthor, running up behind you. All the doors are magically sealed by evil powers that I cannot dispell. There must be a way. You reply, rubbing your shoulder. You scan upwards looking for windows. The closest one must be a hundred metres high. You sigh, and then sheathe your sword over your back. I advise against it. Shar tells you, following your gaze. There's no other way. You reply. A proud Dragon certainly wont allow a human to ride upon his back, even in the direst cicrumstances. The castle walls are made of volcanic rock, it should provide enough footholds. Well I suppose so... but I advise caution, powerful magic is at work here. Muses Penthor. I'll be careful. You laugh, as you reach for a handhold. Post guards on all the doors. The going is slow, but there are plenty of holes and indentations is which to place your hands and feet. Many times you pull off bits of jagged rock, disturbing dust and ash which makes you cough and choke. Occasionally your footholds give way and you have to hold on tight and scramble for a new one. Your arms ache and your legs become sore. Only three quarters of the way to the top and every movement pains your entire body. Eventually, your muscles aching and your body black from ash you reach the window. With one final heave you pull yourself through and collapse onto the floor, groaning in agony. After a minute of lying and writhing you take stock of your situation. You are in a long black corridor, lit by balls of flame that appear to hover in the air. There are numerous doors off to the left and right, and at the far end of the hallway is another, larger, door. You pick yourself off the floor, dust yourself down and cough as you raise the ash. Still wincing slightly you turn and look out of the window you came through. The height you have climbed makes you dizzy, you find it hard to differentiate between the small dots that cluster in the courtyard. You breathe deeply, and choke once more, then turn and make your way slowly and painfully towards the far door. The metal door takes a heavy push, but it swings open and you fall through, your legs still tired - you begin to have doubt they will ever recover. What is through the door shocks and amazes you. If you had not already fallen there already you feel that such a sight would have sent you to your knees anyway. You are on a walkway overhanging a huge pit, you can tell this not just because of its width and length but because, peering cautiously over the edge you realise you cannot even see the bottom, the chasm must descend deep into the earth. The illumination comes from burning balls of flame every few metres down one side, stretching into distance till you cannot make out the individual fires. Your head spins, you have never had the feeling of being this high, and so close to the edge of oblivion, before. Suddenly you snap back from the dizzying sight as a ball of flame hurtles towards you. As soon as you see it you roll to one side, being careful not to fall to your death. The flaming ball explodes beside you, and the scolding blast sends you reeling. As you recover you focus on the source of the fire ball. You spy a figure on an adjacent side of the walkway that follows the sides of the square pit. You can guess instantly who it is. Okay Dekard, give it up. You shout. You cannot escape, I have men posted all round Cragmere. And they can't-can't get in. He squeals back in an irritating voice. You get to your feet and view Mordecia's Commander. His full body armour is covered in runes, occasionally red magic flashes over individual plates. You'll starve, Dekard. Mordecia wont save you. He won't? You obviously don't-don't understand what you are dealing with here. I have been instrumental in bring-bringing about the end of the world. My sorcery is unmatched. Mordecia need-needs me. Then where is he now? Not saving you. You begin to walk forwards very slowly. He is in The Taint! It is the most-most important part of the ritual. And you have been left here to do nothing. Hah! You know-know so little. I am here to protect Cragmere, keep it safe-safe for the Devils to return. Well you haven't done a very good job of it, have you? You edge forward in tiny steps, closing the gap to Dekard. Why not? Only you have-have got in somehow, no-one else. The Devils shall return in a few weeks and this shall-shall be their fortress of terror. You cannot stop them. You are wrong, Mordecia has forgotten his Commander. I am no longer his commander. I have-have become the greatest wielder of magic in Baydon. What do you plan to do? The gap between you and Dekard is now quite small, a few metres more and you should be able to make a dive for it. Mordecia cannot control the magic! Only I have-have the power. It shall be I, not he who rule-rules the world. I'm not stupid. I never said you were. Hah! Yet you think-think that by edging forwards and keep-keeping me talking you can grab me. You pause. You only wish you hadn't left your spell book with Penthor as you always do. You may have knowledge of spell casting but you are no sorcerer. It seems Dekard is. You flatten against the wall as a magic bolt of energy streaks past, then you dive at Dekard. He tries to dodge out of the way but his plate armour impounds his movement and you hurl him backwards along the walkway. He rolls you off and you end up precariously on the edge. You jump to your feet and unsheath your weapon. Dekard reaches a sitting position. As you lunge with your blade he unsheaths his own sword and fends off your blow. Your weapon clashes with his cruel barbed blade. He raises his free hand, which you glance at. As you do, it flashes with a bright light and you are momentarily blinded. You recover in less than a second, but it is not enough time to dodge a charging Dekard. You attempt to parry his blade and both weapons fly out of their owner's hands to land on the walkway a few metres off. However Dekard is still mid-charge, his body collides with your own and you are thrown backwards. You reach out and grab at his beard, pulling him with you. Together you topple backwards. Your foot slips on the edge and both of you fall. You grab out with your other hand and attempt to grab the walkway edge. You manage but only by a few fingers, as Dekard falls with you, grabbing you as he goes your grip is strained even more, your fingers already hurting from when you climbed the outside of Cragmere. You let go of Dekard, who is now holding onto your waist, as your feet dangle into oblivion. With the newly freed hand you reach up to the walkway and consolidate your grip. Now you hang there, your fingers close to loosing their hold, Dekard's arms squeezing your breath as he hangs on in terror. Don't let-let go! He squeals. You don't even bother with a response. You try and pull yourself up but with Dekard's extra weight the effort is futile. Your arms seemingly about to split apart you try and think. But you are running out of time your fingers are slipping slowly but unstoppably towards the edge. Need a hand? Asks a voice from above, as someone grabs your arms. You look up to see Timi, the Elf Lord, covered in black ash. He heaves and with his elven strength manages to pull you up slightly, giving you enough leaverage to enable you to dig your elbows into the walway. With a final push of your strength and a mighty pull from Timi you make it up onto the walkway once more, even with Dekard still clinging to you. The sorcerer falls off your back and rolls onto the walkway, but before he can perform any trickery Timi punches him squarely in the jaw. Dekard falls back stunned. With you panting in the background Timi pulls a length of rope from his backpack and ties Dekard's hands. That will stop you. the Elf Lord smiles. Thanks. You sigh, exhausted. How did you..? I followed you. He replies. I climbed. Why, didn't you expect anyone else to be so brave or stupid? You laugh, then sag back against the wall. A while later and you are back in Cragmere's courtyard. Once you had found the stairway down you faced no troubles, the selaed doors opened easily from the inside. You take Dekard along with you, his hands tied behind his back. You believe he will come in useful. You thank Timi but he just waves it off. Anything to help an Elf-friend. He replies. We must move quickly. Shar advises. We wasted too much time in capturing Dekard. From now on I am afriad we cannot rest. My Elves need not rest. Timi says solemly, and you guess the dragons don't either. You realise the others will probably comply in such dire circumstances. You spare not a moment in ordering the troops to move out.
6, 16 подземелье
The snow falls lightly, and your men are so cold. The provisions are running out, and they are unprepared for this sort of weather.
11, 22 подземелье
Ssssstay away.
Клевер Фортуны
35, 33 подземелье
What a lucky find this is...
Щит дракона
84, 80 подземелье
With this shield your foes shall crumple under your blade and their blows shall be like the patters of rain.
Корона дракона
59, 45 подземелье
Sitting innocently by a crystal clear pool is one of the most powerful artifacts ever created. You marvel at the equisite carvings and the glittering jewels. Only the greatest of Dwarf craftsmen could have created this.
Королева наг
4, 12 подземелье
You wissssh to passss? I'm ssssorry, you musssst die.
5, 11 подземелье
Varnen, the scout you sent out days ago, returns to report. Sir I have contacted no friendly life, and encountered only hostile creatures. Ahead is a large city, with the name 'Romanis' above its entrance. But when I entered I realised it was empty. Still we may be able to salvage some useful items from there. You thank Varnen and after providing him with a few morcels from your rapidly decreasing provision supply he runs off again.
Владыка джиннов
9, 18 подземелье
You get ready to attack, but the Genies are not hostile. Welcome Order of the Fifth Star - we can serve you. They say. You look at Aeron but he just shrugs. Perhaps this is Penthor's doing. Gwenna suggests. Whoever it is. You reply. I would not complain.
12, 105 подземелье
We is having some tasty eating. Now you our desert.
3, 98 подземелье
Yoo not gettin' our prisoner.
92, 55 подземелье
The skies above seem to darken. Black clouds circle the skies.
10, 85 подземелье
We very hungry. Lucky you came.
5, 84 подземелье
3, 94 подземелье
You can't throw stones. We can. Better run away, puny ones.
15, 90 подземелье
I love bashin' some heads in the morning.
16, 90 подземелье
Thank you for rescuing me. I will aid you.
12, 87 подземелье
Our axes shall be red from the blood of the humans. Attack!
23, 90 подземелье
Looks like we is having to do some killing today. No rest for us.
20, 87 подземелье
Trolls are not exactly clever creatures, to put it mildly, but they do have a sense of humour - usually involving cruelty to Dwarfs. An example would be
8, 94 подземелье
Hi ho, hi ho. It's off to bash 'eads we go.
Разбойник на волке
19, 93 подземелье
Wolves very hungry. You look very tasty.
Наездник на волке
22, 97 подземелье
Gnash. Gnash.
Вождь орков
19, 104 подземелье
For Lord Grotmuncher!
40, 92 подземелье
If you'se thinkin' you can take our treasure, you gotta nother think comin'
34, 88 подземелье
Boat Hire - much cheapness
26, 83 подземелье
20, 74 подземелье
Troll culture does stretch as far as poetry. The greatest Troll poet was Sumsquah Chokebreath, who came up with the clever sonnet; We is Trolls Trolls is we Trolls like a fight He he he
27, 75 подземелье
Grrrrr. We in no mood for talkin'.
10, 79 подземелье
You are surprised to find such a green and pleasant land so close to the Orcish wastes.
26, 100 подземелье
We is da Orcs. Waaagh!
6, 74 подземелье
Гончая ада
29, 65 подземелье
17, 66 подземелье
19, 64 подземелье
101, 77 подземелье
A group of rogues recognise Penthor, and plead to let them help you.
43, 55 подземелье
The Mummies are not capable of speech, however they do move with a sound of cracking bone, as if their joints have not been worked in centuries.
48, 52 подземелье
Nidalla, the city of the Red Scorpion tribe, is through the Desert of Damnation. Say the Desert Princes. But we are sure you will lead us to victory, Aeron. Oh. Thanks. He replies.
53, 78 подземелье
Trolls will eat anything, their powerful stomach juices are like concentrated acid. Therefore you are likely to find them anywhere, even here in the desert where they will eat rocks and stones.
Земной элементал
55, 60 подземелье
Elementals cannot speak for themselves, although their creater may, using sophisticated techniques, implant one word or short phrase which they will repeat over and over again. In this case it is
51, 57 подземелье
It takes you a while to realise what creatures you are facing. These are known as Vampire-Mulo, one of the few types of Vampire able to walk in the sun. They hunt in packs, preying on travellers, and eat flesh as well as drink blood.
52, 63 подземелье
The Nomads wear the insignia of the Red Scorpion tribe. Attack! You shout, and most of your men rush towards the enemy. The nomads under your control however, stand still. Aeron sighs. Attack. He mutters, and the Desert Princes join the fray.
48, 65 подземелье
Scouts belonging to the Desert Princes tell you that the Red Scorpions are unprepared for a strike, although their leader, Scorpis, is in residence in Nidalla. His presence could make things a little more tricky.
46, 61 подземелье
Even the look of a wraith chills you to the bone.
41, 64 подземелье
36, 56 подземелье
50, 70 подземелье
Ogre tribes get everywhere, don't they?
40, 50 подземелье
Dis is our desert! You leave or get rocks on your 'ead
Крест отваги
42, 45 подземелье
A crest proves you are a champion, and your men will respect this.
42, 46 подземелье
The Desssset of Damnation is no placcce for mere mortalssss.
47, 75 подземелье
Won't you inspire us with a speech? The Desert Nomads ask Aeron. Oh, right. Umm... Begins Aeron. Err... To Victory! A mighty cheer goes up. You wish you had that impact.
48, 68 подземелье
The Desert Princes give Aeron fine wines and exotic food that no-one else is allowed. While you become kind of jealous you are grateful for their help.
19, 50 подземелье
Кулон свободной воли
10, 2 подземелье
A magical pendant that means no-one controls your creatures but you. It seems fairly useless really but you have an odd feeling that one day this may be useful. Better keep it handy...
Обсидиановая горгулья
9, 2 подземелье
It is unknown why the process of creating Gargoyles actually gives them an evil streak, as this does not appear to happen in the similar process of Golem production.
29, 39 подземелье
We hopes you aint thinkin' of doin' anythin' stoopid, cos that would be... stoopid.
Ожерелье навигатора
34, 31 подземелье
The Orcs' treasure is a simple necklace.
35, 31 подземелье
Boar riders are Orcs who have been unable to master the skills involved in throwing things. As can be imagined this is not a very hard skill to master, and so the riders themselves tend to have rather low intellects, even for Orcs.
35, 28 подземелье
Orcs say that they never lose. If they die, they die, so it doesn't count as a loss. If they run away then it doesn't count either, since they can come back for another go later.
36, 25 подземелье
Troll mating rituals are very complex. It is usual for a female Troll to chose a male of the smae type as her, i.e. one who has over the years eaten similar foodstuffs. It is not unknown however for a female to chose a male of a totally different type, which leads to rather peculiar looking offspring.
30, 23 подземелье
Aeron is still strapped to your horse, but he hasn't spoken since you slipped the mushrooms into his medicine. But you don't feel better, this time you've murdered him. This time it was no accident, he was helpless. what have you done?
32, 25 подземелье
You hear Penthor tell Gwenna that he believes Aeron will be revived within a few days. The poison obviously hasn't acted yet...
31, 26 подземелье
Your men are resting in the shade of the trees, free for now from Orc attacks. Aeron lies on the soil being tended to by Penthor, who lifts some sort of liquid in a wooden bowl to his patient's mouth. You stand nearby, looking down at a small cluster of white mushrooms. The poisonous kind. You glance back at Aeron and bite your lip so hard it almost bleeds. Slowly you crouch down and pick two of the white mushrooms. In one of your gloved hands you crush and grind them into a paste. You make your way back over towards Aeron and Penthor. The Enchanter looks up. Take care of Aeron. He says. I need to search the woods for herbs. You try to say okay, but your throat is dry. Instead you just nod. Penthor smiles, gets up and walks towards the trees.When he is gone you kneel down and, after checking that no-one is looking, wipe the mushroom paste into Penthor's bowl where it mixes with the liquid in there. It dissolves well, soon you can't tell you had added it. In a few minutes Penthor returns. You smile and walk off to watch from a distance. Penthor lifts the bowl and pours some of its contents into Aeron's mouth. You decide to get back to your resting, the poison would be pretty slow acting.
Вождь орков
34, 38 подземелье
Looks like some tresspassers in our woods. Let's get 'em
33, 34 подземелье
'You are what you eat' was a phrase orginally created about Trolls. Not only do they eat anything, but if they eat a lot of a certain thing they tend to take on perculiar aspects of that substance. Looking carefully at the Trolls you are facing reveals reddish coloured chests with pale spots. You almost laugh when you realise it puts you in mind of the colouring of a mushroom.
51, 18 подземелье
Oh yes, Trolls love bridges. Why? Who can say?
56, 15 подземелье
You are not allowed here!
86, 9 подземелье
Swamp Trolls end up quite different to other types of Troll. In fact if they stray too far from water they dry up and die. Often a heroic hero has foiled a foolish swamp Troll by goading it away from its habitat. No chance of that here though.
58, 44 подземелье
No matter how hard you try, once a group of Trolls have started coming to one area you can't get rid of them. You are quite glad none have been reported back home in Fanamor... yet.
36, 19 подземелье
You have some sort of panic attack as you are riding, breathing heavily as a wave of guilt washes over you. Are you alright? Asks Penthor. You nod. Try not to think about Aeron. He tells you. Although we must remember his work we must strive to achieve what he set out to do. That is how we can honour him.
Громовая птица
39, 19 подземелье
53, 17 подземелье
North Bridge
28, 93 подземелье
South Bridge
31, 94 подземелье
A group of thieves are about to jump out at you as you cross the bridge. But then they see Penthor and instead of attacking they throw themselves at his feet. Members of The Order. Aeron explains to you. I'll tell them to join us if you want.
100, 12 подземелье
You are too preoccupied with thoughts of Penthor to really take stock of your surroundings. You appear to be in a large oak forest. Riding high above the treetops you can see great towering trees, but not the conventional kind since these are purple in colour and seem to shimmer and sparkle. We are entering a magic forest. Penthor tells you. Those odd looking trees are home to Faerie Dragons. This can only be a good sign, for the Dragons ward off any evil that they sense. Are you feeling okay, my friend? You ask the Enchanter, not really listening to what he has been telling you. Of course I do. Why do you ask? He laughs quizzically. Umm... You look a little... pale. You reply. Hah! He laughs. I am an Enchanter, I have long since been immune to disease. Really? You smile back, trying to hide your nervousness. That could be useful. Are you immune to poison also? Any form of non-magical poison, yes. He answers. You sigh a sigh of relief. It looks like Penthor wont die, and you'll have got away with it.
Гнолл мародер
99, 17 подземелье
You'll never rescue your elf-friends.
101, 25 подземелье
No-one gets to the magic tree.
93, 22 подземелье
Please help! Our magic forest has been invaded by evil Lizard Men and other swamp creatures.
82, 33 подземелье
We cannot thank you enough for liberating our magic forest. We will help you in your quest, Elf-friend.
83, 25 подземелье
Thank you for our rescue, Elf-friend.
Ящер воин
83, 26 подземелье
Looks like more men for the slaughter.
Гнолл мародер
82, 31 подземелье
Подзорная труба
64, 10 подземелье
You chance upon a metal tube half sunk into the swamp. Looking through one end you are amazed to find it makes distant objects appear close.
Накидка скорости
34, 82 подземелье
Even looking at the cape ripple in the wind, it seems to blur as it moves so fast.
60, 82 подземелье
Гончая ада
60, 86 подземелье
72, 77 подземелье
85, 80 подземелье
80, 82 подземелье
89, 84 подземелье
50, 87 подземелье
Wif clubs of wood n' bone and skin like toughest stone. We come to fight, fight, fight.
37, 79 подземелье
Громовая птица
35, 82 подземелье
53, 85 подземелье
Гарпия ведьма
42, 85 подземелье
98, 84 подземелье
Now yoo is in trouble. Now yoo gonna get smashed.
89, 70 подземелье
Common folk cannot enter the lands of Mordecia. It seems Mordecia's evil schemes have been hidden even from his powerful army.
90, 68 подземелье
We will not let you get any further.
83, 64 подземелье
Tresspassers, eh?
76, 62 подземелье
Today is a good day for you to die.
70, 49 подземелье
Mordecia doesn't want your sort around here.
70, 58 подземелье
We don't like the look of you.
70, 61 подземелье
Here are the traitors, let's stick them full of holes.
65, 22 подземелье
58, 34 подземелье
We 'as been 'idin 'ere for many years now, and at last sum food 'as come.
59, 37 подземелье
In the unexplored forests evil creatures still lurk...
82, 48 подземелье
You are violating Mordecia's inner realm. Now you must pay!
85, 54 подземелье
En guarde!
93, 49 подземелье
97, 49 подземелье
No mercy.
91, 56 подземелье
101, 58 подземелье
Time to die, treacherous dogs.
98, 77 подземелье
What? Rogues in the lands of Lord Mordecia! Stop right there.
101, 75 подземелье
Hah! You think you can challenge Mordecia? Fools!
87, 72 подземелье
Invaders! Attack!
Разбойник на волке
8, 102 подземелье
Looks like puny man-things want to play. We like to play with our food.
27, 78 подземелье
5, 61 подземелье
A group of Elves appear and ask you why you are tresspassing upon their land. We apologise, oh mighty Elves. You reply. We did not realise. We mean no harm and will be on our way as soon as possible. The Elves look suspiciously at you, but eventually let you pass.
96, 33 подземелье
You can hear people muttering behinde your back, about your outburst. Even Gwenna looks at you oddly. You look back and pray for her safety.
12, 102 подземелье
We got bigger clubs than you, so we is gonna win.
12, 106 подземелье
Thank you for rescuing me, here I will reward you with my magical gloves.
65, 10 подземелье
Hisssss. Hisssss. Hisssss.
Летучий змий
72, 12 подземелье
81, 5 подземелье
Летучий змий
81, 8 подземелье
87, 5 подземелье
93, 9 подземелье
96, 4 подземелье
Kyyyya - kyyyya!
101, 6 подземелье
Ящер воин
76, 4 подземелье
Сандалии святого
95, 4 подземелье
You chance upon what appear to be the lost sandals of St. Rabagagag. You are pleased with your find, although you still have other things on your mind.
63, 70 подземелье
Looks like the Dwarfs were beginning to mine these cliffs, there is no sign of them now though.
81, 66 подземелье
We don't appreciate your sort around here.
90, 50 подземелье
We will not let you past.
99, 62 подземелье
We were about to be sacrificed by the evil Dekard. Thank you.
6, 89 подземелье
Is it lunch time already?
34, 70 подземелье
You stumble across the Witch P'Hit and her retinue about to sacrifice a number of Elves in some bizarre and corrupt ritual. She screams abuse as you charge.
Накидка отречения
56, 60 подземелье
A magical cloak indeed, but is it of any use?
5, 24 подземелье
You comin' 'ere, looking for a poundin'?
Плащ из крыла дракона
4, 24 подземелье
This must be the Ogre's treasure, although how they came about it you cannot guess.
Доспех черного дракона
86, 33 подземелье
The prize possession of the magic forest - a powerful piece of armour. But the evil swamp creatures guard it fiercely, knowing its value. Do you wish to liberate it from the them?
98, 60 подземелье
Get them!
32, 93 подземелье
South Bridge
71, 10 подземелье
You are lost in your own thoughts, and caught totally off guard as out of the murky pools evil creatures emerge, intent on making you their next meal.
94, 21 подземелье
The swamp creatures have set an ambush, using an Elf as bait!
63, 80 подземелье
63, 81 подземелье
The Knight ahead of you looks shocked to see who you are. Rogues! He exclaims. And the wizard with them.
79, 60 подземелье
For Baydon and Mordecia, attack!
Лазурный дракон
83, 41 подземелье
You rouse a mighty Azure Dragon sleeping in the woods. Are you the one who I was told would come? Hmmm. I suppose I had better accompany you then.
74, 20 подземелье
The scholar ahead laughs when he catches sight of you. Not many people find me out here, I live all alone in these woods. You stop and talk for a few minutes, and find the scholar happy and willing to pass on knowledge. He is extremely learned, and knows much of the world.
78, 17 подземелье
A pile of gems lying on the forest floor, just waiting for anyone to pick them up.
Дендроид воин
73, 36 подземелье
It seems the forest folk aren't too happy about you disturbing their rest.
70, 71 подземелье
The gate is overgrown with weeds and vines, but you can cut them down and gain entrance.
63, 71 подземелье
Dwarven mined stone has a reputation for being the best stone there is, although you have no idea how they manage to make it better, stone is stone after all.
Ящер воин
102, 16 подземелье
Looks like some fools are trying to rescue their elf-friends! Let us dispose of them, my lizard friends.
53, 95 суша
HELLO! You shout into the gloom of the mines. You pause and listen, but there is silence, except for the occasional dripping of water. Well even if there are no Dwarfs to help us, the mines should criss cross Baydon. We should be able to find a way out. Aeron muses. You think Penthor came this way? You ask. Aeron just shrugs.
10, 15 суша
This must be where the Dwarfs said Penthor went. Aeron says.
Страж задания
34, 26 суша
There is a large pattern on the front of this gate, it looks like you need some sort of object that could fit this. It needs to be round like a shield and you guess it needs to be Dwarf made.
Боевой гном
31, 54 суша
There are eight Dwarfs huddling around a campfire, as you approach they spring to their feet, axes at the ready. Why are you here? Asks one, grufly. We were fleeing from Lord Mordeica's men, these mines were the only way to continue. You answer. But may we ask why you are here, when thse mines seem abandoned, and why were they abandoned in the first place? We are trapped in here. Snorts a Dwarf. That answers the first question, as for your second the story is a little longer. He looks you and you men up and down. You look like rogues and brigands. Our intentions are strictly honourable. Says Aeron. We are known as the Order of the Fifth Star, we are a movement sworn to defeating Lord Mordecia. The Order of the Fifth Star... Muses the Dwarf while he strokes his beard. I can't say I've heard of you. Well at least you are human, and you must have defeated some of the monsters to get this deep into the mines. You nod in response. Well, I guess we must be able to trust you. I doesn't matter much if you are thieves, we have nothing valuable. Come and sit by the fire. Glad the Dwarfs have accepted you, you and your men sit in a large circle around the camp fire the Dwarfs were huddled around when you found them. So. Says the Dwarf, who you guess is the leader of the group. Where do you hope to go? We are looking for Penthor the Enchanter. Says Aeron. Do you know of him? The Dwarf strokes his beard then nods. I belive I know of the one you speak about. That was a few years back, when the mines were still operational. Then why are they now disused? Gwenna asks. All of the Dwarfs bow their heads and look sad. There is silence from them for a few seconds before the lead Dwarf lifts his head to speak. There came the day of reckoning, when our ancestral Gods returned to judge us. He looks around at your puzzled faces before continuing. In the Book of Morben, kept in the Great Hall of Morben, it is written... I say is, but I fear the book has now been destoryed... that one day, after the two moons came into alignment, the ancestral Gods would return to look upon our work, and judge us, and if we were found guilty we would be punished. He pauses, and it does not look like he will continue. And this is what happened? Gwenna quietly asks. Yes. He nods. A few years ago the tunnels were filled with an almighty roaring. Pure energy laced through the mines, and all Dwarfs it touched were killed. Only a few of us escaped. Since then there has been no more words from the Gods. The mines of course fell into disrepair, and the monsters moved in because we could not guard against them. We have lived by eating the few creatures we could catch, and some of the fungi from the cavern walls. And every night we pray for our deceased bretheren to lend us strength to escape the mines. You are silent for a while, contemplating the Dwarfs' sad tale. Is there anything we can do? You ask. Take us with you! He exclaims. We have not the forces to escape, but together we may have a chance. If you could get ut out of the mines we would serve you in your own quest. Of course. You reply, and the Dwarf smiles despite his sadness. Tell me. Asks Aeron. What do you know of this energy that struck down your race. It came from the Gods. The Dwarf replies No man could have wielded that much power. It apeared as a fiery force, and no one it touched survived. Aeron ponders this, but says nothing more. A few minutes later and you are ready to set off, witht the Dwarfs swelling your ranks. You see Aeron deep in contemplation. What do you think? You ask him. As the Dwarf said, it is impossible to believe a man could have wielded that much power. I guess it was indeed the Gods. I suppose so. You reply, and at that moment the head Dwarf approaches you. We had better give you this shield. He says. It is a Dwarven shiled-key, and you may need it if you are to penetrate deeper into the mines. Thank you. You tell him, taking the old wooden shield. But I am not sure which way we should be going. If I remember rightly, the enchanter you talked of left through the north western-most entrance. I know this because I was chief Tunnel Guard for that entrance. He replies. Thank you again. You say, and with that you set off.
32, 57 суша
Are those Dwarfs ahead? asks Gwenna excitedly.
44, 94 суша
It looks like monsters have overun the mining tunnels. But did they take over when the Dwarfs were still here, or since?
Кольцо здоровья
32, 83 суша
You come across an ancient Dwarf treasure, but no Dwarfs.
101, 6 суша
Your men look around in wonder, but you recognise this place. The Reteat. You whisper. You glance at Gwenna slumped across the horse next to you. Welcome Shar. Says a voice, or rather says many voices speaking as one. You know what to expect. Whilst travelling with King Lyo through Fanamor you were teleported to this place, The Retreat. When people die their souls first go to the Plane of Limbo to be judged, and from there good souls come here. The souls collect to form Angels, the guardians of The Retreat. Sure enough an Angel materialises out of the air in front of you. Your men are quite dumbstruck but you are used to these beings. In fact you feel almost contempt for them, the Angels appear to view the whole of life as one great game. Why are we here? You demand. The Angel looks puzzled. You stepped through a portal, of course. You mean you didn't bring us here? You reply. No. Why should you think that? The voices of the Angel reply. To help us, like you did with King Lyo. You say. The Angel looks ashamed and says nothing. You do know what is happening, don't you? You ask puzzled at the Angels apparent lack of knowledge. You have been watching? We are afraid not. Replies the Angel. You see a few years ago a blanket of darkness clouded Baydon. this darkness was made of pure evil, and obscured our sight and prevented us from entering. As you and Gwenna passed into Baydon you were lost to us. You did not try to stop us entering! You exclaim. Well, no. We wanted to see how things would turn out. The Angel replies. You let us enter and now look what has happened to my wife! You indicate to the prone form of Gwenna beside you. We... we... are sorry. The Angel answers. Can't you do something to help her? We're sorry but we can do nothing. And we cannot help you in Baydon. Nothing? But how do you expect me to seal The Taint without aid? For the first time the Angel's voices do not speak the same words at once. Instead the hundreds of thousands of souls seem to be talking to one another, all at the same time, creating in your ears a terrible buzzing. It gets louder and louder, until you have to cover your ears to stop the horrible noise. Then the souls stop their conversation and The Retreat falls silent again. Although you never thought it would be possible, the Angel appears to look sad. What you say is indeed sad news. We had debated long and hard over what caused the blackout over Baydon. That the Taint had been opened was one of the suggestions, but despite ourselves we could only hope this was not the case. And now it seems we are powerless to stop our Devil cousins. Then it is up to my men and I. You say solemly. We can make sure our portal takes you back to Baydon, as close as possible to the covering of darkness that we see. But that is all we can do. The Angel melts into the air.
53, 97 суша
These mines don't look like they've been used for a while. Gwenna says, looking at the cracked walls, fallen rocks and growing mushrooms as you make your way along the gravel track the Dwarfs must have used, when they were here. Do you know anything about what happened here? You ask Aeron. When were the Dwarfs last seen? I'm sorry, I don't know. Aeron shakes his head. As I said the Dwarfs always kept to themselves, they didn't even trade with the humans.
Адский троглодит
44, 92 суша
53, 78 суша
59, 65 суша
No-one challengessss usssss.
46, 68 суша
50, 40 суша
Боевой гном
3, 54 суша
You meet a group of Dwarfs who had also survived their God's wrath. They agree to join you, since they are rapidly running out of provisions.
Ожерелье из зубов дракона
26, 53 суша
This necklace is almost certainly Dwarf made, no other race makes such finely crafted artifacts.
53, 32 суша
Back in the Dwarf mines. Muses Penthor. You glance at him, wondering what he is thinking, wondering what he knows.
Лазурный дракон
99, 44 суша
After all I have told you, you still wish to attack me? You are indeed brave but also most foolish. Prepare to die.
Щит королей гномов
94, 51 суша
A shield discarded by the now dead Dwarfs.
97, 42 суша
You stop suddenly in your tracks. Ahead are two huge Azure Dragons sleeping. Varnen had warned you, but you were not prepared for this sight. As you dismount Penthor gasps. These are the most mighty type of Dragons there are. he whispers. we could never defeat them. While you still don't trust the Enchanter you are sure he is telling the truth here. The Dragons, apparently with excellent hearing, open their eyes and turn their heads to look at you. Why do you disturb us? Hmmm. One of them, the slightly larger of the two, asks. You stammer for an answer, surprised at the fact the Dragon is talking. But you should not be so surprised, these legendary beasts are supposed to be wise indeed, although savage also. Well? The larger Dragon asks with its deep and booming, but curiously well spoken voice. We... did not mean to. We... are lost in these mines. You reply. Mines? Hmmm Says the smaller of the Dragons. I had a feeling these tunnels weren't natural. Dwarfish I suppose. Hmmm. Erm... yes, Dwarfish. You reply, surprised now that the Dragons seem more interested in coversation than eating you. Hmmm. Continues the smaller one. Well I am The Great and Mighty H'than-Tor-intrakelen Malakven Whose Wings do Hide the Sun. This is my mate The Powerful and Mighty Y'than-Ika-orealanaw Forentien Whose Teeth can Tear the Rocks of the Earth. Hmmm. Hello... umm... H'tor... You stammer, trying to take this in. The larger of the two looks impatient. Of course human brains are not large enough to handle such complications. Hmmm. We will make it easier for you. Sighs the smaller one. You may call me Tor and my mate you may call Ika. Hmmm. He pauses as the other Dragon snorts and then continues. Although to do so is a dishonour. I mean no dishonour. I only wish my intelligence could be as great as yours so I could properly address you. You say, and are rewarded for your courtesy when Ika looks pleased. My name is Shar. I wandered here while traversing Baydon. I am on a quest to bring Lord Mordecia to justice. Shar. Hmmm. Says Ika. Mordecia you say? I do not care much for what the humans are up to. Hmmm. But why must you bring him to justice? You pause for a moment. Thinking about it now, the whole reason you undertook this ludicrous quest was becuase Gwenna asked you too... and because the rogues may have killed you if you didn't. Now you're stuck wandering around looking for a way to just get out of this situation. Well? Hmmm. Asks Ika, as you are thinking. I... well he is a corrupt ruler. You reply. And he has wronged you I suppose? Tor laughs. Well... no. You answer, for that is the truth. Then why? Ika looks at you, puzzled. Why attempt what is possibly a suicidal task. Hmmm. Because he wronged the woman I love. You blurt out, and look across to the beautiful Gwenna. She stares back and smiles for the first time in ages. Tor laughs out loud and Ika joins in. So. Hmmm. Says Ika. I could never understand you humans. Ha ha. You laugh nervously, then feel someone at your arm. Gwenna stands there smiling at you, she rests her head on yout shoulder. Ahhh. Sighs Ika, although between laughs. How very human. Hmmm. And how long have you been wandering? For many many months. You reply. And we have lost friends along the way. Gwenna sighs. It is the first time you have heard her speak since Thunder Pass. Her melodious voice brings back memories of old times, before you came to Baydon. You seem like noble creatures indeed. Says Tor. And what brings you to these mines? Hmmm. We have had little success in finding a way into Mordecia's realm. we have been in and out of these labarynthian mines many times. You tell the Dragon. They do seem rather run down. Hmmm. Tor muses. Dwarves usually don't abandon mines. I know. Hmmm. In the past I was often beaten out of the lairs I had chosen. For centuries I would return to the same place, a Dwarven Mine in the distant kingdom of Hillara. Even after a thousand years the Dwarfs were still there. Hmmm. The Dwarfs didn't abandon this one. You tell the Dragons. They were killed, struck down, apparently by their Ancestoral Gods. Hah! Laughs Ika. Gods don't exist. Hmmm. But struck down you say? How exactly? It was a huge fiery force that consumed all it touched. You say. It not only took the Dwarfs, but an entire town of humans. Penthor adds. You wait for the Dragons to respond, but they are looking at each other, apparently thinking. Then Ika turns her head back towards you. I must go now. She says, and with that she raises herself up to her full height. This is indeed an impressive sight. Azure Dragons are indeed magestic creatures. Her powerful wings flap once and she soars upwards. Looking up you realise there is light coming from the cieling of the very tall cavern. For a moment most of this light is blocked out, and then Ika is through the gap and disappears. I apologise for my mate's sudden departure. Says Tor. But it is this fiery force you mentioned, the one capable of destorying all living beings it touched. Hmmm. Yes? You ask, rather puzzled. We Dragons are an ancient race, older than almost any other in this world. Hmmm. And we know much, we have seen empires rise and fall. We have seen the comings and goings of the lesser races. We have seen mighty wars. Hmmm. We have seen huge battles and powerful magics. And we have seen the war between 'good' and 'evil' rage for so long. Ika said that Gods do not exist. That is true. It is not a case of belief it is a simple fact. Hmmm. But there are other places, not of this world. Hmmm. When one of the mortal races passes away he first goes to a place known as the Plane of Limbo. There he waits to be judged, after which he goes to, if he has been a good soul, The Retreat. You nod. When you travelled with King Lyo across Fanamor you once visited the Retreat. There you met Angels, beings made of good souls. And conversely an evil soul goes to a place called The Taint. Contines Tor. Hmmm. And while good souls become Angels, evil souls become Devils. Devils are therefore beings of pure malice. And as you know some still living beings can seem like they are that too. Hmmm. And evil creatures believe the Devils will see them as kindred, and aid them. Hmmm. So they attempt to contact The Taint. Aeons ago I was witness to the attempts of an evil Goblin Sorcerer to summon a Devil to do his bidding. The misguided fool let so much magic into the world that he was consumad instantly and the lands for a hundred miles around were destoryed. Other evil creatures caught word and attempted to control this magic. Hmmm. You shake your head sadly. After what you have experienced you know the evil that lies at the heart of men. An Elven Sorcerer finally succeeded. Tor contines. As the magic rushed into the world he managed to shape it and direct it. The entire Elven empire he lived in was consumed in flames, which killed every living being they touched. Hmmm. It took another six years but finally he managed to summon the Devils into the world, and a mighty army of evil marched through the lands. It took an army of us Azure Dragons to stop them, but not many of us survived. So you see why Ika and I are worried. Hmmm. He goes silent. It seems everyone has a sad tale to tell. But what worries you most is the talk of this fiery magic destroying all living things. Could someone have broken through to The Taint. Could they now be attempting to summon the Devils? Tor said it took six years for that to happen, but how long ago had the Dwarfs said that the conflagoration came upon them? About five years ago, and they told you that many months ago. You begin to get very worried. But who is it that released these energies? Mordecia must be more evil than anyone imagined. We must stop whatever is going to happen! You exclaim. Indeed. Tor sighs. Ika is flying as fast as she can to find out anything, or to see if she can find any other Azure Dragons to help. Hmmm. You must hurry in your own wanderings, and find out who has contacted The Taint. Will you aid us? You ask. Tor sighs. He moves his head and indicates his one of his wings. Except when you look you realise he does not have a wing there. Tor looks downcast. I cannot. He says quietly, even for a Dragon. I must lie here and think of a way to stop the Devils. In the meanwhile it is up to you do take action. Hmmm. It is a mighty task for a lesser race such as humans, but you must do what you can. Thank you Tor, we will not fail you! You exclaim. Tor laughs. Then good fortune, Shar, and for now let me rest and ponder the problem. Hmmm.
79, 36 суша
Your suspicion of Penthor grows. You find him looking at you often, then averting his gaze as you look up. But you can see him out the corner of your eye. Something must be done. Then you remember the white mushrooms you still have in your backpack. Now all you have to do is wait for the opportunity.
71, 36 суша
As you trudge through the monotonous tunnels you begin to drift off. Suddenly you hear a voice cry I know. You snap awake with a start and a gasp and glance over your men, but it must have been just in your mind. You realise Penthor is staring at you. You smile and face forwards again. It must have been all in your mind. You sneak a sideways glance at Penthor, but he is not looking at you anymore. But Enchanters... they have powers to affect the mind, don't they?
95, 44 суша
This is bad tidings indeed. Penthor says, shaking his head. If, as we believe, it is Mordecia that has released the Devils then I guess all those times he captured men from the villages, and the dispearances of the envoys to Baydon, must have all been for sacrifices. You remember that originally you came to Baydon as an ambassador from King Lyo in Fanamor, along with Gwenna. You try not to think of what would have happened if the Order of the Fifth Star had not tried to rob you. You have Aeron to thank for that... images of Aeron whirl through your mind - throwing him down the cliff face, poisoning him with the mushrooms.
96, 46 суша
Gwenna hugs your arm during a quick stop. Did you mean what you said to the Dragons? She asks. About doing this for the one I love? You reply. Of course I did. You kiss her on the forehead. You look deep into each other's eyes. I'm sorry for what I've done. She says, breaking your gaze and placing her head into your chest. You put you arms around her then stand their perfectly still in silence for a few seconds, before she looks up at you again. But I must know. She tells you. Did you kill Aeron? No. You answer.
86, 31 суша
Varnen comes to report. Having now resolved what to do to Penthor you have time to focus on what your scout tells you. Sir, ahead the tunnel branches into two. To the left the tunnel is blocked by a Dwarven gate. However to the right sleep two mighty Azure Dragons. I decided not to sneak past them, for I was scared they might awaken and eat me. 'Dragons!' You think, this cannot be good.
103, 29 суша
After a brief stop to eat and rest you return to your steed to continue the journey. You notice a small piece of parchment tucked into the saddle. You pull it out and gasp in shock at the message. 'I KNOW'
103, 30 суша
Who sent you this message? Was it Penthor as you suspected, or someone else? This proves someone is on to you. But what can you do about it?
Страж задания
80, 19 суша
You come across another Dwarven gate, the type you found many months ago. You remember that you needed a Shield of the Dwarven Lords to pass.
77, 17 суша
You find another note, this time tucked into your back pack amongst your provision. This time it reads
32, 5 суша
101, 5 суша
You proceed towards the next monolith, it should lead you back to Baydon, hopefully close to Mordeica's main castle. Suddenly however you realise your horse has stopped moving. In fact it seems totally frozen in place. You look back but you see that all your men too do not move, they might as well be statues. The Retreat is blanketed in a deathly silence. You dismount your solid steed and land on the crisp white snow. You walk between your men, waving your hands in front of a few of their faces, touching a few gingerly with your fingers. But there are no reactions from anyone. Shar. Says a single voice from behind you. You spin around to face the speaker. It is a single soul, appearing as a patch of white mist, with what looks like a mouth and two eyes. It floats a few metres away. Yes? You query. Shar. It is I, Aeron. It replies. You stand shocked for a second, and cannot think of how to respond. I am sorry Shar. The soul announces. Sorry? You say puzzled. I was the one that killed... You stop to look back over your frozen troops. Do not worry Shar, they cannot hear you. Time is not passing for them, or for the outside world while we talk. And do not worry about yourself. I was the one who wronged you. In the Plane of Limbo I was judged, and since I had dedicated my life to bringing down a corrupt ruler I was judged worthy enough to pass here, to The Retreat. But I feel only sinful, because my last act was to betray a friend. Thankyou for telling me this, Aeron. For the guilt of your death weighed heavily on my mind. Then clear your mind of guilt, Shar. You grimace, it is not only your murder of Aeron that is on your mind, you also tried to kill Penthor. It seems though that the souls do not know this. You watch as Aeron's soul floats towards Gwenna. Is there anything you can do for her? You ask hopefully. Can you leave her here, frozen in time, until a cure can be found? The misty form shakes slightly, you guess it is making the equivelent of shaking its head. The other souls will not allow it. The soul replies. We may seem to be organised but we fight amongst ourselves often... He pauses and you wait for him to speak again. There is one thing I may be able to do. He continues a few seconds later, and then melts into the air. You hear the buzzing sound you heard earlier, when the souls appeared to be talking amongst themselves. The buzzing becomes much louder this time, you are quickly forced to cover your ears with your hands. However the noise becomes so loud even covering your ears cannot help. You sink to your knees as your ears pop. A scream rises through your throat. Then in an instant the noise stops. You breathe deeply, trying to stand, your head swimming. As you regain your composure you see the soul in front of you. We have discussed it. There is only one way I can save her. She is currently so close to death that she slips in and out of the Plane of Limbo. I must possess her. Possess her? So she will be you, not herself? Do not worry so, Shar. I will be in her body, yes, but I will be there keeping her alive. She will not know I am within her, and she will be alive and well. When a cure is found, or perhaps the poison may wear off, I can leave. Okay. You nod, breathing deeply. If that is the only way, then it must be done. You are a brave man Shar, and a good one. We look forward to the day when you will join us in The Retreat. You watch as the soul floats towards Gwenna, and appears to dissolve into her body. Then suddenly The Retreat is full of movement as your men stir from their frozen slumber. You run to Gwenna, who yawns and then tries to sit up, but she is still strapped to your horse. You quickly undo the straps and pull Gwenna into your arms. Are you okay? You whisper into her ear. She nods her head as she hugs you. I feel strange. She whispers back. You were poisoned, but... the Angels healed you. Angels. She laughs softly. But now we must move quickly to stop Mordeica. You say, letting her out of your arms. You look around to find Varnen. The treacherous scout stares in anger at you.
Боевой гном
84, 76 суша
Thank you for saving us from those Trolls. Now we would like to lend our aid.
98, 91 суша
You push Dekard towards the monolith. Is this where Mordecia went? You demand. Yes. Dekard sniffs. Then we must go this way to. You say sternly. But where will it take us? Asks Gwenna nervously. Hopefully to the plane of torture, to The Taint. You reply. Are you scared? We've been through so much, I'm beyond that now. She replies, holding your hand tightly. You just nod.
91, 72 суша
You make speedy progress through the Dwarven Mines despite the Dragons' large sizes. Your men are grim set with determination to stop Mordecia.
15, 101 суша
You look around and have your doubts that this is The Taint. You have been transported to a wasteland. You see hundreds of people stanidng in lines, however they are not people as such, more grey shadows of their former selves. The line moves slowly, and funnels around you. Looking back you see more and more of the grey figures moving through the portal. You realise where you are, the Plane of Limbo. The grey figures are newly dead souls, lining up to be judged.
14, 100 суша
You wonder whether to join the line of souls or just push through. Well you're not actually dead so...
33, 8 суша
Flames lick over the edge of the mountains, lava flows in streams between your feet. This must be The Taint. Suddenly there is a cry and Gwenna falls from her saddle. You leap after her and prop her up in your arms. Gwenna? You cry. Gwenna? Aeron? Gwenna slumps back. Penthor bends down and places his hand near her neck. She is alive, but barely. She appears to be in the same state she was a few months ago when she collapsed. Penthor tells you, shaking his head. Gwenna! You cry. Why has this happened. Has Aeron, who kept her alive, left her body? Why? Is it because you have come to this cursed place? Shar. Begins Penthor. I am sorry to say this but we must stop Mordecia, he is just ahead still involved in the ritual. You nod. I know. You choke. The sooner we defeat him the sooner I can save her. You lower Gwenna to the ground and stand up. You survery your troops, both the Dragons and the men. And we will defeat him. You announce. There is a great cheer from the troops.
14, 99 суша
You watch as the dead souls move through the next portal in their ordered line. You guess that by passing through they are judged and are transported to either The Retreat or The Taint. How does it work when you are still alive? It is then you notice that someone - or something - sits atop the monolith. It looks like a Liche, and its head follows your movement towards it. YOU HAVE LIFE - TURN BACK Says the figure. The Gatekeeper I believe. Whispers Penthor. Gatekeeper! You shout up. We wish to pass to The Taint! WHY We are on an urgent mission! AFFAIRS OF THE LIVING ARE NOT MY CONCERN These are not just affairs of the living! ELABORATE An evil force is trying to open The Taint, freeing the Devils to return to the world! FREEING THE SOULS Yes! Then how would souls enter The Taint afterwards? There would be chaos here! CORRECT So will you let us pass to The Taint? You ask the question, but make it sound like a statement. The Gatekeeper pauses, you guess he is pondering what you have said. YES - PASS He replies after a minute. Thankyou! You shout. You take a deep breath and then spur your steed forwards.
32, 6 суша
Mordecia sits in before you atop a demonic looking black steed. Behind him stand vile creatures, made of flame and evil energies. You can smell the corruption. Welcome Shar. Mordecia laughs. It seems you have finally caught up with me. We have come to put a stop to your evil schemes. You reply sternly. Dekard falls to his knees. My Lord! He squeals. I am sorry! I have-have failed you. Mordecia does not reply, but there is a look of scorn upon his face. Before you can stop him, Dekard jumps to his feet and runs towards his master. Mordecia just laughs. As Dekard reaches him Mordecia raises his sword and slices his sorcerer's head clean from its shoulders. Dekard's body slumps backwards, his head flies and lands in a pool of lava. I have no further need of him. Mordecia snorts. And no further wish to endure irritations such as you, Shar. I have watched you for a while now, I know your secrets - even more than Varnen did. I know how you killed your scout. You glance at Penthor, but the Enchanter has only a stern look upon his face. And I know how you killed Aeron. Mordecia laughs. You glance at Penthor again. Your secret is out, now it will be over for you. But Penthor does not react. Mordecia hesitates before saying. And how you tried to kill Penthor. You take a deep breath before glancing at Penthor again, but still the Enchanter maintains the same straight expression. You look back at Mordecia, who seems nervous. What's wrong Arch-Heretic? Asks Penthor suddenly. Did you think our spirits could be broken so easily? Did you think that with a few words you could crush those who come to destroy you? Mordecia seems to be about to say something but doesn't. You notice he his clenching and unclenching one of his fists. Is he nervous? He killed Aeron! Mordecia shout. I believe you. Penthor answers, not taking his gaze from Mordecia. He tried to kill you! The Arch-Heretic screams. I have no doubts. Penthor replies. What's wrong with you?! Mordecia screeches, his eyes flicking from you to Penthor and back again repeatedly. You cannot break us, Mordecia. Penthor says. Whatever sins any of us may have commited they are nothing compared to yours. The Enchanter turns and nods towards you. You nod in reply. You take a sharp intake of breath, and remember Gwenna, slumped unconcious over the horse behind you. The sooner this is all over... ATTACK! You shout. -- UPON DEFEATING MORDECIA PLEASE READ 'SW - Epilogue' --
Кулон мужества
66, 28 суша
You come upon a Dwarf-crafted treasure, and as everyone knows Dwarfs are the greatest craftsmen there are.
Королевский минотавров
33, 84 суша
Щит неупокоенных
37, 38 суша
It seems to be a Dwarven made ceremonial shield, remembering the ancestors.
Адский троглодит
31, 42 суша
Боевой гном
14, 18 суша
Help me! All my bretheren are dead and I dare not venture outside alone.
80, 74 суша
Underground Trolls tend to live on either fungi or rocks, or both for those who like a mixed diet.
Королева медуз
66, 36 суша
It lookssss like we have new prey to sssslaughter.
67, 28 суша
84, 33 суша
75, 14 суша
Varnen reports that just ahead is an exit from the mines leading to a marshy landscape.
Королевский минотавров
73, 9 суша
Адский троглодит
66, 14 суша
Боевой гном
78, 52 суша
We thought we would never be able to sneak past those Dragons. Thank you for rescuing us.
97, 23 суша
97, 38 суша
83, 47 суша
Королевский минотавров
45, 34 суша
48, 31 суша
Sssstupid foolssss.
Королева медуз
19, 49 суша
Isssss it breakfassssst already?
Королевский минотавров
6, 55 суша
94, 92 суша
It seems here is where Mordecia sacrificed victims to open a portal. The altar and surrounding cave floor are stained with blood.
Меч адского пламени
101, 45 суша
The prize of Tor and Ika's hoard... but was it worth it?
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