Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The city of Second Chance: a jumble of slums, bungalows, and civic disarray. Home to those who missed the gold rush, lost the sweepstakes, or washed ashore on banks of desperation. The city of Second Chance: home to you. Guide your chosen faction to economic pre-eminence.
## Competent Magician. Southtown Subdivision, off 3000 block of University Drive.
Ads 17
## Artifacts of Luck. Inquire at the Vale of Fortune off Marshlands Avenue.
Ads 18
Gazette Classified Ads. Special Opportunity:
## Upgraded base level troops, all factions, for historical re-enactments, North Bogfern Historical Center, 1047 Marshlands Avenue.
Intro: Green
You are chief accountant of the Viridian Emperor -- or at least you were chief accountant until last night when you received transfer papers. And your transfer couldn't have come at a worse time: a critical phase of your treasury diversification plan (the first shipment of 10000 Remove Obstacle Scrolls has just arrived needing to be inventoried, and the 12000 Hypnotize Scrolls have not yet been ordered).
Intro: Green (part 2)
But your first concern was your personal future. Your new position bears the ominous title: Acting Executor Pro Tem of the Second Chance Estate. Even more foreboding is that your transfer order was scrawled on the back of one of the 10000 Remove Obstacle Scrolls.
Intro: Green (part 3)
Fortunately, your fears have been somewhat allayed by the fact that the Second Chance Estates are in complete fiscal disarray. Only an accounting genius like yourself has any hope of salvaging the situation. Surely that is why you were transferred on a temporary basis. You figure you'll have about three months to turn things around.
Intro: Green (part 4)
Of course, even master accountants like yourself need some investment capital. But you really have to grovel to receive even a small pittance. You better be conservative with it as it may take some time to achieve a positive cash flow, and you expect little or no additional outside help.
Intro: Orange
While you were away for special training in replication, your mentor in the Titian Brotherhood, Uncle Te, was killed in a disastrous attempt to ransom the prince of Landovia (how was Te to know the prince was a wizard proficient in chain lightning). As the prince also died in his overzealous counter attack, there is but one way to restore Uncle Te's honor -- to rebuild the Second Chance chapter of the Brotherhood.
Intro: Orange (part 2)
Unfortunately, responsibility rests entirely on your shoulders -- you were the sole survivor, all your resources were lost in looting following the carnage, and your hideout became unusably conspicuous while being destroyed by lightning on a clear day.
Intro: Orange (part 3)
You estimate that 30,000 gold should suffice to rebuild the Titian Brotherhood, but you gather it quickly, before other Societies fill the void. You have three months.
Intro: Orange (part 4)
Fortunately, Uncle Te had a small life insurance policy, the only seed money you'll get.
Intro: Purple
You are the sole stock holder, president, and CEO of the Purple Plum Restaurant and Mining Corporation, proud new owner of the El Dorado gold fields. You secured the El Dorado deed yourself just last week. It cost you dearly, but is surely worth everything you had -- or it will be when you finally find where the gold fields are.
Intro: Purple (part 2)
In the mean time, you have living expenses, so you decide to dip into your niece's trust fund. Nobody should notice for about three months, and nobody will say anything if you return a healthy profit to the fund. Surely your business dealings in Second Chance will resolve your cash flow problem long before then.
All: Police colors
{Newsflash} SHERIFF'S OFFICE UNVIELS NEW UNIFORMS Sheriff Deputies began wearing their new tan uniforms today. According to County Sheriff Luzwig Starbadge, the purpose of the new color is to provide better recognition of Sheriff's officers. The previous blue uniforms closely matched those of the city police. Starbadge explains that image is crucial to officers on the street, and any endeavor to improve that image is important. Starbadge also confirmed that the Sheriff's office has implemented stringent restrictions on highspeed chases, similar to those implemented by the police department last week. According to Starbadge, It's a pity that a few high profile crashes like the one in Novaville last weekend can create such public outrage. But we will respond to the taxpayer's demands for stationary patrols, even when criminals are scurrying around under our very noses. That leaves only one organization without chase standards. Colonel Rufius Thugwart of the Red Militia laughed at suggestions his organization follow suit. Our purpose is hardly law ENFORCEMENT anyway, Thugwart said.
Orange: go south
From the teachings of Uncle Te: A poor man's treasure seldom feeds the thief. Perhaps the mountains hold more promise than the slums.
All: Pickets
{Newsflash} PICKETS AT FIRST BANK Pickets were erected today surrounding First Bank of Second Chance in what organizers called a protest of exploitive practices targeting the less affluent but affecting everyone. The bank had a different take on the matter. According to spokesman Rhett Banker, We intend to take every legal action against the perpetrators of this unfortunate incident. In the mean time, we sincerely hope our fine customers have enough sense not to be put off by a rabble of low class malcontents.
Purple: Perpetual Youth
A wandering merchant offers to sell you a map to the land of perpetual youth. Based upon your past experiences with such gimmicks, you almost resist. But his map is so inexpensive only a fool would refuse.
Green: Ore
You use your influence to obtain a great deal on a small quantity of ore.
Purple: Map
As you examine the map you purchased yesterday, you become convinced that it is familiar territory, or, at least somewhat familiar territory. It bears an uncanny resemblance to Government Square. In fact, now that you think about it, there are two fountains of youth within government square. You knew the map was not a fraud!
All: Crime
{Newsflash} CRIME RISING Police today released crime statistics for the year of the caterpillar. Data showed crime up in all categories, headed by violent crimes which rose nearly 7% from 32 to 37. This marks the seventh straight year of increase. The police urge residents to take precautions but not to be alarmed. According to Chief Bleumeister, We run a pretty safe city, but it helps when people bar their windows at night. Mayor Wrigley Hogsworth added, Statistics, by their nature will, fluctuate. We see no cause for alarm. Pao Trink of the Citizens Action Coalition disagreed. I think we are seeing a natural response of an increasingly desperate populace, said Trink.
Purple: Lottery
Second Chance has a lottery! You never realized that before: it's very poorly advertised. You found out only because a shadowy man on the street sold you a ticket. You kind of figure that if you haven't heard of the lottery, no one else will have heard of it, either. With no competition, how can you lose. So while you don't normally gamble, this isn't really gambling -- it's more like a sure thing. In fact, you resolve to buy a ticket every week.
Green: Wood
Perhaps your purchase of ore was not so wise -- there seem to be no uses for ore in Second Chance. But due to your fantastic negotiating skill, you are able to bribe a construction foreman into making a trade.
Orange: silent figure
From the writings of Uncle Te: The manor's high walls; a figure, silent as shadow; Moonlight; gold; duty. But even stealth needs a target. What's yours?
All: Spill
{Newsflash} FLAMING SPILL THREATENS FORT KUDZU Toxic waste, apparently seeping from Diamond Industries Plant Number 4, burst into flame today, and, unhindered by the waters of the Ditsinitzi River, laps fire against the east gate of historic Fort Kudzu. Volunteers striving to save the 127 year old fort face a long and uncertain struggle. As one unknown volunteer said, perhaps the worst part is that we don't dare dump river water on the fire; it's so contaminated that it burns, too. Diamond Industries spokesperson Tetra Golemite had this to say. Nonsense. Every one knows we run a clean industry. We undergo biannual inspections and must adhere to the most stringent environmental restrictions. If you want a culprit, I'd look at Fort Kudzu itself. Do you realize that they use FLAMING arrows in their Wild Barbarian Shows?
Green: Gems
Opportunity! The owner of a damaged ship needs repair materials. He has no cash, but you are happy to take an antique wedding band (no questions asked) in exchange for your wood. You quickly remove the diamond and melt down the band. Makes for better record keeping.
All: Keymaster
{Newsflash} CITY REJECTS RESIDENCY MEASURE A proposed statute requiring that city officials life within the city limits was unanimously rejected by the Second Chance City Commission today in repudiation of what one official described as a thinly veiled personal attack on the Commissioner of Police. In fact, two city officials actually life outside city limits: the jail keymaster, Bleu Locke, who lives on Weary Lane, north of Fort Kudzu and across the river from Graves Cemetery, and Police Commissioner Bertrand Whimsle, who lives in an underground manor of unrevealed location. Whimsle was nonchalant about the vote. If the city wants to provide me an estate within city limits, I'd be delighted to live there. The typical voter has no concept of the commute I currently have. Why, since my lith broke down two years ago, I haven't even been able to make it into town. Locke apparently was working and unavailable for comment.
Purple: patience
You're thinking you'd like to soon expand your base of operations -- but those stupid police roadblocks seem to prevent this. You are discussing your frustration over lunch with a business associate, but to your surprise, he councils patience. Perhaps he knows something you don't.
Purple: Bridge
Do you want to buy a bridge? I hear one is for sale.
Purple: Lottery Ticket (part 2)
You buy your weekly lottery ticket.
Green: Money
This is just too slow! How can you possibly get rich without any money?
Green: Sale of gem
A wealthy merchant seeking an anniversary gift for his wife has contracted to buy the diamond you acquired last week for an agreed price of 2000 gold. He makes a down payment for you to hold the gem, and will return in two days to complete the exchange.
Green: Glass
You just had another brilliant business insight. What does a merchant know about gems? He'd be just as happy with a piece of glass. All you need is a disreputable jeweler -- and those don't come cheap.
Orange: fall
A saying of Uncle Te: He who would climb must learn to fall. But does one ever stop falling?
Green: Glass sold
The merchant arrives as scheduled. Your judgment is impeccable -- he suspects nothing.
All: Code
Pssst. The last four digits of the phone number are a code for secret Nihimog movement.
All: Coup
{Newsflash} CHAOS REIGNS! In a carefully orchestrated simultaneous attack on the underground headquarters of both the Police Department and Sheriffs Office, the Red Militia has apparently implement a successful coup against the Second Chance Governing Structure. While occasional shots still rang through the underground compounds, eye witnesses assert there is little doubt of Militia control. Police Chief Bleumeister, the highest ranking official available for comment, took care to reassure the public. For the moment I have heard nothing. The public should remain confident that police and sheriff patrols will remain in place unless we receive direct commands to the contrary. But the public should prepare as they can for the event of those orders arriving with little notice. More details of these startling events will be forthcoming in a Second Chance Gazette Special Edition scheduled to go on sale this evening.
All: Summon boat
{Newsflash} MAGES PROTEST ILLEGAL SPELL SALES The Second Chance Mage Guild filed a formal protest today, claiming that rogue shoremen in the Shipper's Union have been illegally teaching the summon boat spell. Alleged instances have occurred along the river near the end of Old Town Road and near the end of Westford Avenue. Union president Buba Stern denied any wrongdoing on behalf of union members. Even if they do teach summon boat -- and I'm not saying they do -- everyone knows summon boat is not really a spell. It's, uh, uh only magic. For now, the newly installed government of Rufius Thugwart appears to be siding with the Union. Who do those mages think they are? We don't have time for petty nonsense like law enforcement. We have a city to run. The mages plan to appeal should a mechanism for doing so become available.
Purple: Inheritance
Good News! A well dressed gentleman arrive at your door this morning. He claimed you are the heir of the Princess Lowietha Coalheim. If you pay him a mere 2500 gold, he will complete the research confirming you as heir to her fortune. How could you refuse?
Green: Kickback
The Hayseed Pitchfork Company has made an offer that merits consideration: if you contract to use Hayseed Brand Pitchforks in your peasant ranks, they will generously donate 400 gold to your personal account. You request a day to consider the offer.
Green: Kickback (cont)
Your investigation has revealed Hayseed brand pitchforks to be poorly constructed, heavy, and unwieldy. In short, a perfect match for your troops -- not to mention your bank account. You agree to yesterday's offer.
Orange: dagger
From the writings of Uncle Te: Agreement reached. Old men smug in their smoke. A dagger bloodied. Actions make ripples. You have the speed for many actions. How will you use it?
All: Vigilantes
{Newsflash} VIGILANTEE GROUP FORMED In a sudden move, a vigilante group has appeared in the streets of Second Chance. Calling themselves People Interested in Necessary Kontrol (PINK), the group has apparently formed in response to the police withdrawal last week. Presently, one band is patrolling the city -- a situation expected to change as more volunteers can be recruited. Should the average citizen be alarmed by the absence of judicial safeguards? Not according to an anonymous official of the group. As long as ya ain't riffraff, and ya do what our boys say, you got no problem. The police department was unavailable for comment.
All: Anark
{Newsflash} ANARCK TO CHANGE VENUE Legendary gladiator Legion Anark has signed a contract to perform in Fort Kudzu's Wild Barbarian act, leaving his contract with Eastend Coliseum Incorporated after eight years in which he rose from obscurity to star performer. In an exclusive interview with Gazette photographer Titzi Quill, the muscle-bound fighter indicated a desire to develop other talents. Uh, uh, me ride big wolf, he said. Coliseum manager Sparks McRath was obviously distraught. You take this worthless urchin, teach him everything he knows, pay his salary, cure his wounds, build his fame, an' what does he do? He bolts to your competitor at first opportunity. Well Anarks are a dime a dozen. You make one, you can make others. But I'll have this one's head to hang above the Arena entrance. Anark's first Fort Kudzu performance is scheduled for 3:00 PM next Tuesday. Tickets are 7 gold, available at the gate.
Purple: Check
Today, you receive the check in the mail. You are indeed the Great Nephew Twice Removed of the late Princess Lowietha Coalheim! Unfortunately for you, she had many heirs.
Green: Embezzler
You discover an embezzler among your staff. Unfortunately, he is a son-in law of the Viridian Emperor's 2nd cousin, and it might be politically tricky to dismiss him. So you promote him from assistant bookkeeper to chief chef of the Viridian Estates. He won't be able to steal as easily, but you do have to absorb severance pay for the former chef.
All: Meridian
A Second Chance Gazette Editorial: As everyone knows, meridians are great circle upon the surface of the earth, running through both poles, and hence, of necessity, running north-south. So why do we call a major east-west arterial in our fine city the Meridian Highway? We are the laughing stock of the entire country! Wouldn't the Rufius Thugwart Memorial Expressway have a much nicer ring to it? Some might question the term memorial: unfortunately our beloved Mayor-For-Life is not yet dead -- but that's a different editorial.
Orange: City bustle
From the writings of Uncle Te: Crowded city streets, clamor of voices, cries, shouts: silence bodes chaos. What have you heard lately from the northwestern swamps?
All: Closed Library
{Newsflash} LIBRARY TO CLOSE! The Second Chance Public Library will be closing its doors permanently sometime in the month of the chicken. In a terse press release, librarians cited a lack of suitable books to circulate as the primary cause. Ever since the popular Tome of Air Magic was banned by a higher authority, library patronage has been low according to librarians. The Second Chance Gazette's generous offer to donate 45 back issues was declined without comment by the library.
Orange: gem cut
A saying of Uncle Te: The worth of a gem is in its cut. There may be richer takes than you'll ever find in Second Chance; you can but make the best of what's here.
Green: Tax season
Drats! It's that time of year again. Tax season! But your excitement in this usually joyous season is dampened by the fact that the Second Chance Estates lost money last year. The consequence -- no taxes -- renders your cleverness at evasion moot.
Orange: honor
From the teachings of Uncle Te: Sunrise depends on the honor of night. This isn't really about money, it's about the honor the Titian Brotherhood and your Uncle Te. Dare you fail?
All: Gold discovered
{Newsflash} GOLD!!! Gold was reportedly discovered today in Moonshine Gulch, near Hunt City. Sparkling nuggets were found, as well as chests abandoned by early prospectors who could not carry all their find. Other cities in the economically depressed region, including Second Chance, are bracing for a mass exodus of citizens.
All: Abandoned Housing
{Newsflash} ABONDONED HOUSING PROBLEM TO BE DISCUSSED City officials announced a public forum to discuss problems and opportunities associated with abandoned buildings. the forum comes in the wake of what is predicted to be a 30% population decline over the next month as disenfranchised Second Chancers seek better opportunities elsewhere. The meeting is scheduled for 6:00 PM tomorrow in the old Leftus Department Store building.
Orange: Worth
From the teachings of Uncle Te: One's word is worth its weight in gold. But how much do words weigh? Things are beginning to get desperate. What do you plan?
All: Railroad
{Newsflash} RAILROAD TO BYPASS SECOND CHANCE In another blow to the economic development of Second Chance, officials of Transland Railworks Incorporated announced today that there are no plans to pass a main rail line through Second Chance. Speculation as to why was rampant in city hall, with some suggesting ineffective bribes, while others insist railroads have not yet been invented. Regardless, the move shatters the economic hopes of the faltering Red Militia government in Second Chance.
Green: Time
An emissary of the Viridian Emperor will be arriving in a week to check the status of the Second Chance Estate. You better have good news.
Orange: Time
From the writings of Uncle Te: Autumn disappears in a flurry of Thursdays too deep for leaves. You have one week.
Purple: Time
Curses! You still haven't found your El Dorado Gold Fields -- but you are being taxed on their production! And if you don't come up with a 30000 gold payment within the week, they'll be sold at auction. And you'll lose your once in a lifetime golden opportunity.
All: Sanctuary
{Newsflash} CHAPEL TO CLOSE Bishop Glimmel of the Sacred Standing Church announced plans to close the Sanctuary of Second Chance. Citing low attendance, declining local population, and a shortage of pastors, Glimmel asserted that the church does not intend to abdicate its responsibility for the spiritual well being of Second Chancers, and hinted that the church may establish a lith from Old Town to the Mossdale Cathedral. Father Noby, who has served the congregation for the past 28 years declined to comment, but was seen packing boxes with watery eyes. The Sanctuary is slated to hold its last service late this fall.
All: Farewell
{Gazette Editorial} FAREWELL It is always difficult to say goodby. Goodby to good times and good friends. But it's always better to say goodby than nothing at all. So with recent events driving Second Chance to virtual Ghosttownism, we want to say goodby. Goodby to our vibrant city, to our many friends, and to a dream we shared. Oh, rest assured, the Second Chance Gazette will never stop its press, not so long as one resident is here to write and one to read, but too many have already passed without a farewell. Hence this editorial.
Хижина предсказателя
43, 27 подземелье
We here at the constables' office generally don't condone vigilante action, but there is a matter we are unequipped to handle. Devilbrim Manor owes thousands in back taxes, yet our agents have been unsuccessful in persuading the culprits to clear up this matter. There is a warrant for their arrest, and if you can bring one here, there is a 12000 gold reward.
Хижина предсказателя
11, 37 подземелье
On this site are the ruins of the prison from which the criminal Adrienne escaped. There is a 10000 gold reward for her recapture -- dead or alive.
Хижина предсказателя
10, 45 подземелье
I represent the poor and downtrodden masses. Would you, kind sir, be willing to sign our petition requesting minimal housing standards? Or would you be willing to write you city commissioner requesting reform of regressive tax codes, or protesting fiscal policy that allows the banking industry to exploit the impoverished? Or would you be willing to come down and work amongst us?
Хижина предсказателя
71, 7 подземелье
Look at all these vampires! Use to be this cemetery was a safe place for people to come and mourn, but now they all go laugh and play in the parks. Even I don't dare venture from my house, and I'm the caretaker! I'm sure the problem is the vampire's cowl, only it could cause such an accumulation of the beasts. But who knows which group has it. None the less, I'll reward you for its capture. Oh, and my sister was cursed by a group of vampires and is unable to speak. I bet she would reward you, too. But again, I can't tell you which group of vampires is responsible. Guess you'll just have to destroy them all.
Хижина предсказателя
70, 17 подземелье
The former performer, Legion Anark has broken his contract as a gladiator to do wild barbarian shows at Fort Kudzu. That cannot be tolerated. Destroy him, and bring me his head as proof, and you will be richly rewarded.
Хижина предсказателя
62, 17 подземелье
Ya want an army? I can get ya an army. But it'll cost ya.
13, 33 подземелье
This sign marks the Landovian beachhead that initiated the battle of North Bogfern.
16, 28 подземелье
Battle of North Bogfern Historical Monument.
13, 30 подземелье
Gomar's Rally. On this site, sorely beset by Landovian forces, General Jakab Gomar rallied his floundering cavalry for the decisive charge.
18, 29 подземелье
The battle of North Bogfern marked the turning point of the Landovian wars, as Imperial victory secured vital resources for the Empire.
9, 32 подземелье
Nabod Woods. From this site, concealed Imperial marksmen decimated the too slow Landovian infantry.
12, 25 подземелье
Shrine of the Fallen Hero
26, 13 подземелье
Welcome to historic Fort Kudzu.
39, 8 подземелье
Welcome to historic Fort Kudzu.
30, 5 подземелье
Welcome to historic Fort Kudzu.
Хижина предсказателя
68, 52 подземелье
Do you know my brother Ayden? He's a fine warrior like yourself. Highly trained and famous as a priest, wizard, and hero. Well, if you see him, tell him I'd gladly pay his expenses if he dropped by for a visit. I haven't seen him in ages.
Хижина предсказателя
51, 70 подземелье
This used to be a desolate bog; I could go years without so much as one trespasser. But alas! The city has grown up around me and my isolation has been shattered. If I only had a troll servant, I could drive off masses of annoying visitors. Maybe I could be left alone.
32, 20 подземелье
Bridge Street
13, 1 подземелье
Bridge Street
70, 35 подземелье
Old Town Road
35, 35 подземелье
Old Town & Civic
35, 70 подземелье
University Drive
70, 11 подземелье
Cemetery Street
59, 11 подземелье
Cemetery & Parkland
47, 11 подземелье
Cemetery & Market
47, 47 подземелье
Meridian & Market
59, 47 подземелье
Meridian & Parkland
59, 35 подземелье
Old Town & Parkland
47, 35 подземелье
Old Town & Market
47, 23 подземелье
Commerce & Market
59, 23 подземелье
Commerce & Parkland
70, 23 подземелье
Commerce Lane.
35, 23 подземелье
Commerce & Civic.
35, 47 подземелье
Meridian & Civic.
23, 70 подземелье
Westford Avenue.
23, 47 подземелье
Meridian and Westford
23, 35 подземелье
Old Town & Westford.
11, 45 подземелье
Vision Street.
11, 70 подземелье
Vision Street.
11, 47 подземелье
Meridian & Vision.
1, 59 подземелье
Brimrock Way.
11, 59 подземелье
Brimrock & Vision.
23, 59 подземелье
Brimrock & Westford.
35, 59 подземелье
Brimrock & University
47, 59 подземелье
Brimrock & Market
59, 59 подземелье
Brimrock & Parkland
11, 1 подземелье
Summer Canyon Highway.
1, 32 подземелье
Marshlands Avenue.
3, 12 подземелье
Northshore Drive.
3, 9 подземелье
Summer Canyon Highway.
31, 2 подземелье
Marshlands Avenue
34, 2 подземелье
Weary Lane.
40, 8 подземелье
Weary Lane
Страж задания
37, 2 подземелье
OK. What's the pass word?
12, 45 подземелье
You have entered the Vision Street Soup Kitchen. After eating a hearty meal, you feel invigorated and make a small donation.
53, 58 подземелье
Welcome to the Second Chance Mage Guild. By proceeding forward, you agree to all terms described below. We will enhance your spell casting ability, but we make no guarantees as to suitability or nonduplication of spells. And we take no responsibility for those unable to learn. We provide quick magical super charges -- 10 spell points for 100 gold. Just head left or right toward our magical fountains. We also provide training in the crafting of spells for 500 gold -- 250 down and 250 on exit. Proceed deeper into our guild. For a free sample of our wares, move directly to the shrine of magical incantation two steps forward.
49, 35 подземелье
You are about to enter First Bank of Second Chance.
57, 35 подземелье
First Bank of Second Chance -- for all your banking needs.
52, 33 подземелье
You are charged a 500 gold processing fee. A 100 gold inquiry fee is appended when you ask what they are processing.
52, 35 подземелье
The bank charged a 100 gold exit fee (even if you are just passing by.
52, 28 подземелье
You are charged 800 gold in overdue interest. Your great-great aunt allegedly once borrowed a cup of sugar from a banker's wife.
49, 27 подземелье
You are charged 200 gold for a counter fee.
56, 26 подземелье
You are charged a 400 gold pauper's fee.
51, 26 подземелье
A man in an expensive suit is selling Writs of Authorization for 900 gold. Do you want one? Too bad, they're mandatory.
57, 29 подземелье
In order to serve you better, this bank charges a 400 gold walking fee.
50, 29 подземелье
The re-issue fee is 700 gold. Since you were not issued anything in the first place, tack on a 200 gold process initiation fee.
50, 32 подземелье
The gawker's fee is 100 gold.
54, 27 подземелье
For failure to co-sign, you are fined 400 gold.
57, 32 подземелье
You are erroneously charged a 200 gold account validation fee. Upon you explanation of the error, the charge is dropped, but you are assessed a 300 gold error correction fee.
55, 30 подземелье
You are charged 300 gold for falling below your minimum balance. When you explain you have no account at this bank, you are charged another 200 gold nonmember surcharge on overdrawn accounts.
54, 31 подземелье
Since you have no credit history with First Bank of Second Change, you must pay a pre-loan adjustment fee.
48, 35 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
47, 25 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
47, 33 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
50, 35 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
56, 35 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
58, 35 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
59, 33 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
59, 25 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
54, 23 подземелье
You encounter a peasant picketing the bank for fairer treatment of the common citizen.
52, 31 подземелье
You are assessed a 500 gold Admission Fee
52, 30 подземелье
The Banker
The Banker has owned First Bank of Second Chance for 15 years. Under his leadership, the bank has become Second Chance's wealthiest institution.
19, 28 подземелье
Northshore Drive.
Хижина предсказателя
23, 25 подземелье
It's about time you got here! I've been awaiting my deliveryman for weeks. In fact, I've called two other companies, but they are no better. What? Is my business not important to you? If it weren't for your blasted near monopolies, I wouldn't deal with you at all.
22, 59 подземелье
Lt. Bluester
23, 48 подземелье
Lt. Anders
23, 36 подземелье
Lt. Jones
66, 60 подземелье
Walking Trail Total Distance
47, 48 подземелье
Lt. Foss
59, 48 подземелье
Lt. Martinez
33, 27 подземелье
Lt. Thurber
46, 12 подземелье
Lt. Olson
36, 47 подземелье
Lt. Dorn
39, 38 подземелье
For years, Sir Mullick sought valiantly for the one artifact he thought would save humanity -- the holy grail. And he found it, only to discover that it could not be used. Older and wiser, he still seeks quests to aid mankind.
Хижина предсказателя
63, 32 подземелье
This may seem odd, living as I do in the shadow of a griffin conservatory, but I have never seen an angel. In fact, I find it difficult to even believe they exist. Yet as I grow older, I realize just how important it is to have faith in ultimate goodness. If I could just see an angel, I would die happy, and you would become rich.
Хижина предсказателя
71, 32 подземелье
I am expecting eight brothers from D'karthta. Do you bring them?
Хижина предсказателя
62, 38 подземелье
I have seen visions of hodgepodge armies with mismatched troops. I offer a partial solution; an artifact that raises morale. And I'll sell it for 3000 gold.
Хижина предсказателя
68, 34 подземелье
The Banker repossessed my manor and sent me to this hovel in the wastelands. Financially, I have recovered, but my reputation is forever tarnished. I want revenge -- and I'll pay for it.
61, 35 подземелье
Lt. Brown
59, 37 подземелье
Lt. James
47, 37 подземелье
Lt. Fareem
34, 35 подземелье
Lt. Doyle
35, 36 подземелье
Lt. Koch
24, 12 подземелье
River & Bridge
22, 12 подземелье
River & Bridge.
54, 6 подземелье
Portal of Death
Хижина предсказателя
8, 19 подземелье
Please excuse the mess -- my frail bones find it hard to clean. If only I had a servant. But nobody wants to live in a swamp, and machines corrode down so easily in this climate, unless.... Could, could you possibly hire a diamond golem for me? I could afford 3200 gold for a good model.
Хижина предсказателя
0, 16 подземелье
It's tough living out here in the Bayous. Have you any idea how long it takes to go into town? I'd pay a small fortune to make that trip easier.
Хижина предсказателя
22, 17 подземелье
Darkness and evil will probably always be among us. We can but do our parts, each and all, to fight it. I have perfected a way to destroy evil artifacts. Few Spirits of Oppression still exist -- and I take credit for that. But should you find one, I will pay 11,000 gold for the right to destroy it.
Хижина предсказателя
49, 18 подземелье
On behalf of the Sludcrest Neighborhood Association, welcome to our neighborhood. It's a great place to raise a family. Too bad nobody lives here. What we really need is a new image. Maybe a statue would do it. What do you think? Something subtle like a Stoic Watchman. We would gladly trade a shield adorning the walls of our community center for it. The Shield of the Yawning Dead leaves the wrong impression anyway.
21, 31 подземелье
Bridge for Sale Call 555-6162
Хижина предсказателя
9, 6 подземелье
You who are clever enough to reach me just may be clever enough to help me. There is a sinister element rising within this swamp, and I alone am countering it. But I soon must venture forth to face it directly -- and I lack the spell components I need. Bring them to me and I will give you the only thing I can offer -- knowledge of the arcane art of flight.
Хижина предсказателя
6, 9 подземелье
This is not a good deal for you, for I'll pay but a fraction of its value. But if you're desperate for money, bring me the elixir of life. Be warned
Хижина предсказателя
2, 7 подземелье
What's this world comin' to. Politicians running the Generals. We'll never win the war. Whadda ya mean there's no war? Look around ya, man; an entire swamp ta conquer. And whadda the politicians do with the troops. Why they assign men to barracks and patrol our own streets. I've got 7500 gold that says I can take this whole marsh with a mere 10 men. But I don' have the 10 men.
12, 18 подземелье
Trying to cross the swamp? I think you need a bridge. There are sinkholes here capable of swallowing entire armies. Not to mention the monsters! As for me, I go no farther than this!
12, 2 подземелье
Trying to cross the Nihimog swamp? I think you need a bridge. There are sinkholes here capable of swallowing entire armies. Not to mention the monsters! As for me, I go no farther than this!
5, 11 подземелье
Trying to cross the swamp? I think you need a bridge. There are sinkholes here capable of swallowing entire armies. Not to mention the monsters! As for me, I go no farther than this!
13, 17 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
13, 16 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
11, 15 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
13, 15 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
13, 14 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
11, 14 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
11, 13 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
7, 12 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
12, 11 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
13, 12 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
13, 11 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
12, 4 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
13, 10 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
10, 11 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
10, 10 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
10, 13 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
10, 14 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
8, 13 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
8, 12 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
8, 11 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
10, 9 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
10, 8 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
12, 9 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
12, 8 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
10, 7 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
12, 7 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
11, 5 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
13, 5 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
9, 7 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
9, 12 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
14, 16 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
14, 15 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
14, 14 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
Летучий змий
41, 2 подземелье
These giant insects appear to be drawn toward sparkly objects.
7, 17 подземелье
Watch for high water.
Хижина предсказателя
2, 34 подземелье
My nephew is gathering several creatures to aid me in conducting historical recreations of famous skirmishes of the battle of North Bogfern. Please check with him on his progress -- he lives in the Sludcrest neighborhood across the river, you know, the neighborhood just north of First Bank of Second Chance.
Хижина предсказателя
33, 28 подземелье
Hail traveler! Perhaps you would like to purchase a fine, rare artifact. Circumstances require me to part with the magic sword of my dead grandfather. Only 3500 gold -- it's really worth far more -- but times are tough. You understand.
Хижина предсказателя
45, 8 подземелье
An old lady lives here, but she seems unable to speak. You try writing her a note, but what she writes back is incomprehensible. It appears she has been cursed! This must be the work of vampire lords, but which ones?
Хижина предсказателя
63, 54 подземелье
Get your potions here! Love philters! Luck charms! Phials of wart remover! Bottles of snake oil! Vial of life blood! Only 3000 gold.
11, 16 подземелье
As you wind through the swamp, you suddenly find your footing is no longer sound, and your forces begin to sink into the mire. On top of that, you are attacked by swamp monsters. Only briefly does the thought pass through your mind that you were lucky -- this time. The hydra could as easily have been a pack of rust dragons. But for now, you must command your troops in the battle at hand.
47, 69 подземелье
Market Street
59, 0 подземелье
Parkland Boulevard
47, 0 подземелье
Market Street.
23, 32 подземелье
Westford Avenue.
11, 22 подземелье
Marshlands & Northshore..
13, 22 подземелье
Northshore & Marshlands
12, 19 подземелье
Nihimog Swamp. Keep on designated trails.
4, 10 подземелье
Nihimog Swamp. Keep on designated trails.
Случайный монстр 1
67, 23 подземелье
Street thugs -- and you decide to mug them!
Хижина предсказателя
66, 14 подземелье
Go away!
Случайный монстр 3
69, 25 подземелье
Street thugs.
71, 26 подземелье
You see a large pile of what must be 2000 gold, and you wonder why no one has picked it up. Maybe those dead monsters back there claimed ownership. Then again, maybe it's the red dragon you hear snoring under the pile. Do you wish to risk awakening it?
Случайный монстр 2
69, 27 подземелье
Street thugs.
Случайный монстр 2
63, 25 подземелье
Street gang.
Стойкий часовой
66, 18 подземелье
Do you believe taking a public statue in broad daylight will attract no attention? Think again! Of course, most of the 500 or so hanging around are mere peasants, but do you really think you can get away with it?
Хижина предсказателя
1, 24 подземелье
Here on the edge of desolation lies the vale of fortune (still under construction). We seek to create the luckiest land on earth. Unhappily, we are still a few items shy of our goal. If you can bring them to us, you will be rewarded with fortune beyond belief.
Хижина предсказателя
66, 56 подземелье
Have you ever had a dream? Something you'd give anything for? Well, believe it or not, I've always wanted to be a pig farmer. I would pay everything I have -- over 6000 gold -- for 30 boars
Хижина предсказателя
65, 48 подземелье
Are you the cabby? Whatever could be taking them? Well, perhaps you could do an old man an urgent favor. I must pick up an item from an old friend at 3142 Marshlands Avenue -- just north of Fort Kudzu. Would you transport me -- there's 8000 gold in the deal. By the way, my name is Simeon, Simeon the Seer.
Хижина предсказателя
66, 48 подземелье
This hut was once the home of Simeon, but he appears not to be here.
Хижина предсказателя
29, 2 подземелье
Simeon? Is that you? If not, go away.
Хижина предсказателя
56, 16 подземелье
My uncle is chief historian at the North Bogfern battle site, across the river. He is trying to do recreations of historic skirmishes, but needs examples of actual fighting units. After months of effort, I have gathered a gnoll, a troglodyte, a gremlin, an imp, a skeleton, a goblin, and a pixie. Now they must each be upgraded, and transported to him at his workshop just west of the battle field. Can you do this task?
55, 17 подземелье
Ready and waiting, the promised units join your forces.
Случайный монстр 1
48, 6 подземелье
Street thugs.
Случайный монстр 1
55, 22 подземелье
Street thugs.
Случайный монстр 1
50, 22 подземелье
Street thugs.
Случайный монстр 1
48, 19 подземелье
Street thugs.
25, 61 подземелье
For some strange reason, you feel compelled to visit this strange patch of land. And when you do, although you are tired from your long journey, your youthful vigor feels fully restored. Amazingly, this vitality does not leave you even when you leave the area. Later you discover a strange band around your finger which seems to generate the effect.
Хижина предсказателя
38, 27 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
37, 66 подземелье
Please help me. I promised my kid that I'd hire a real magician to perform tricks at his birthday party. But there don't seem to be any competent magicians in this entire town. All I ask is at least power level 4. I'll pay 2500 gold to a suitable candidate.
Хижина предсказателя
53, 66 подземелье
Welcome to the Southlake Zoological Research Lab. We have urgent need for a wyvern monarch specimen, and will pay the handsome price of 11000 gold for one.
Хижина предсказателя
57, 66 подземелье
You here a loud snoring from within the hollow tree.
21, 35 подземелье
Old Town Road.
18, 30 подземелье
Lt. Fisher
17, 30 подземелье
Lt. Weaver
16, 32 подземелье
Lt. Kelsey
71, 59 подземелье
Brimrock Way
59, 71 подземелье
Parkland Boulevard
Случайный монстр 1
35, 68 подземелье
And you thought this was a nice neighborhood. What are soldiers doing here? Oh well, at least you get something for the trouble of driving them off.
Случайный монстр 1
44, 67 подземелье
Another street gang
Случайный монстр 1
23, 53 подземелье
A group of citizens has risen up to fight street gangs. Unfortunately, trapped in the crossfire of rival gangs, they appear to be faring badly.
Случайный монстр 1
24, 50 подземелье
A group of citizens has risen up to fight street gangs. Unfortunately, trapped in the crossfire of rival gangs, they appear to be faring badly.
Случайный монстр 1
46, 54 подземелье
Another street gang -- and this one appears to have just executed an attack on another party.
29, 70 подземелье
Случайный монстр 1
59, 28 подземелье
Another street gang -- but is that a hostage back in the hills off the road?
60, 28 подземелье
Bound, apparently for a ritual sacrifice, is a gold golem who eagerly joins your cause.
Хижина предсказателя
13, 70 подземелье
I have discovered an improved method of extracting gold from mine tailings. Unfortunately it requires a rare and precious resource, one I would pay well for.
Верховный лорд
0, 60 подземелье
3, 63 подземелье
All this loose gold; why did the minemaster not pick it up? Could it be that some enchantment binds him within a small distance of the magic eye?
35, 38 подземелье
Шляпа капитана
7, 49 подземелье
The vacant lot is strewn with trash, but at least one item appears to have hidden value.
Хижина предсказателя
17, 49 подземелье
My business dealings have fallen a bit short on manpower. I'll pay 5000 gold to the first agent who can bring me 25 suitable recruits.
Хижина предсказателя
0, 48 подземелье
I represent eight brothers from a distant land. They know nothing of our language, little of our city, and justifiably fear traveling alone. They will pay 8000 gold for bodyguards who can provide them with safe passage across the city.
Хижина предсказателя
6, 38 подземелье
So. You are a boatsman as I once was. Perhaps you would have interest in an item to improve your mobility. I no longer sail enough to make it worth keeping, if I could get, say, 3000 gold. That's a real bargain -- ask any artifact merchant.
Хижина предсказателя
10, 61 подземелье
I am a lawyer representing the estate of Lord Greene. It seems his will designated 2000 gold for the first visitor bearing a banner of his favorite color.
Хижина предсказателя
10, 1 подземелье
Sorry, shop closed until further notice. No fortunes told, no aura readings -- my crystal ball is broken. I said it's broken, and I'm out of business until I can get a crystal to repair it. Say, you wouldn't happen to have a crystal on you? Just one would do and it'd be worth a few thousand gold to you.
9, 65 подземелье
You meet an old miner. She tells you, I traveled out here before the roads, the carts and wagons. Back then, travel took planning and organization. I believe such skills could assist travel even in today's world. If you would permit it, I'd like to teach you.
8, 68 подземелье
You hear from the locals of old lady Silverstorn, one of the first to establish a mining claim in these hills. They claim she still lives in or around these hills, and --though she is shy about showing herself -- would be eager to assist a young wayfarer with her knowledge of travel. You resolve to find her.
Случайный монстр 1
18, 71 подземелье
These are not the usual inhabitants of these tenements. Could they have wandered down from the hills?
0, 57 подземелье
Although weak, these residents flock to your cause.
3, 59 подземелье
From a shadowy corner, one of your brotherhood beacons. My lord, this is fruitful territory for recruiting -- those around here are eager for any hope. And, if allowed, their numbers will swell with time. But beware! Their rebellion is fickle; I cannot guarantee they will not join another cause.
0, 47 подземелье
Meridian Highway.
Случайный монстр 1
7, 59 подземелье
They're after your money (as though you have any)!
71, 47 подземелье
Meridian Highway.
Случайный монстр 1
42, 71 подземелье
Another street gang
20, 35 подземелье
An old sailor teaches you a trick for calling ships.
23, 52 подземелье
The peasants, after several moments of negotiation agree to join your forces.
Случайный монстр 1
59, 66 подземелье
Another street gang -- this one large and menacing, but a group of 6 or 7 on the gang's flank are distracted and do not join the fray. After the battle, you find them dead -- struck down by arrows. It's enough to make you appreciate ranged support.
58, 66 подземелье
Stepping from behind the dead tree is a lone jogger -- the source of your aid. His is a dangerous pastime in the gang infested park, but he seems quite capable of defending himself.
25, 62 подземелье
Go home. Me no have treasure. Especially, me no hide treasure.
27, 66 подземелье
W-w-what t-treasure?
35, 66 подземелье
A pair of wanderers seem eager to join your forces.
53, 63 подземелье
A mighty duck hunter agrees that there might be more vital targets.
54, 56 подземелье
Spell training fee.
52, 56 подземелье
Spell training fee.
56, 57 подземелье
Your body is charged with magical energy, while your purse feels lighter.
50, 57 подземелье
Your body is charged with magical energy, while your purse feels lighter.
47, 54 подземелье
You come upon a fallen party of boar riders apparently slain by the street gang you just defeated. You find two boars to be merely injured; they are revived and join your army.
37, 67 подземелье
This one seeks a suitable target range. Will you help?
71, 49 подземелье
In a thinly veiled attempt to undermine your troops morale, your enemies have sent this one to join you.
67, 3 подземелье
Hey! Those weren't vampires! Or were they? For their dead bodies rise from the ground -- and in strange form.
Золотой голем
52, 23 подземелье
Its manners are bad and it's a lousy conversationalist, but it's not a malcontent and it is willing to join you.
47, 16 подземелье
You stop to ask directions, and learn the hard way it is unwise to ask questions of mummies.
Хижина предсказателя
22, 41 подземелье
I am in need of a simple, but strong laborer. I will pay 2500 gold to a suitable candidate.
Случайный монстр 1
12, 62 подземелье
You are attacked by thugs.
Случайный монстр 3
23, 44 подземелье
You be tresspassin' on territory o' the Planks.
Случайный монстр 1
11, 54 подземелье
An unpleasant gang attacks.
Случайный монстр 2
8, 47 подземелье
Me an' the boys? We collect tolls, see. Your money and your lives!
7, 71 подземелье
This group of prospectors is about washed up, and seeking other employment. Might you have jobs for them?
33, 68 подземелье
This not treasure. This illu, illu, illusination.
25, 71 подземелье
Master not like treasure takers!
25, 68 подземелье
One imp stands careful watch over its master's treasure. Dare you challenge it?
28, 61 подземелье
Help! Thief! Help!
32, 64 подземелье
Go way. Master not welcome you.
29, 69 подземелье
Turn back or me kill you!
48, 66 подземелье
The boars, greatly thankful for their rescue, offer to join your band.
33, 49 подземелье
A trio of boars ride timidly from behind the university and offer to join your forces.
53, 41 подземелье
The Merchant
22, 31 подземелье
An old sailor teaches you a trick for calling ships.
10, 6 подземелье
One with the wisdom to conquer the Nihimog will surely find spell casting no major problem.
Страж задания
33, 8 подземелье
If you wish to join our Wild Barbarian Show, that requires talent. We absolutely wouldn't consider you unless you are at least level 3. Oh, and get yourself an appropriate costume while you're at it.
34, 9 подземелье
Legion Anark
Lord Legion Anark is the figurehead leader of the Blue Raiders, notorious showmen/ con-men of the barbarian wastes.
32, 9 подземелье
Wild Bob
14, 10 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
14, 11 подземелье
This time, your luck has run out, and you mire in quicksand. Frantically you men draw their swords hoping for at least a dying blow as too many rust dragons descend upon them.
32, 6 подземелье
Admission to the fort is 7 gold.
38, 11 подземелье
Admission to the fort is 7 gold.
30, 12 подземелье
Admission to the fort is 7 gold.
23, 9 подземелье
Случайный монстр 1
45, 63 подземелье
At least the thugs seem to have money.
32, 71 подземелье
Sso. You come to ssteal masster's treasure. Well, you never find it. We hides it good. And we eatss you.
34, 71 подземелье
You are met by a snitch, who will share his knowledge of city groups as long as you keep him alive.
Случайный монстр 1
35, 61 подземелье
Another street gang
36, 61 подземелье
You have found the gang's stash. It is guarded by the gang leader, a hulking ogre of a man.
Случайный монстр 1
38, 63 подземелье
At least the thugs seem to have money.
Случайный монстр 1
38, 70 подземелье
Another street gang
Случайный монстр 4
61, 58 подземелье
Another street gang terrorizes the neighborhood.
Случайный монстр 6
64, 62 подземелье
Nasties in the park.
Случайный монстр 3
69, 61 подземелье
The park trail seems to be a gang hangout.
Случайный монстр 4
62, 69 подземелье
The gang attacks.
Случайный монстр 2
65, 69 подземелье
Still another gang.
Случайный монстр 1
69, 66 подземелье
You are mugged. Well, sort of.
Случайный монстр 3
65, 66 подземелье
This territory has been claimed by the Watersprout Gang.
Случайный монстр 2
47, 66 подземелье
Two boars make a desperate stand backed against the lake. Fortunately for them, you decide to tackle the threatening gang.
Случайный монстр 7
65, 57 подземелье
Street ruffian.
Случайный монстр 3
66, 53 подземелье
Street thugs
Случайный монстр 5
64, 49 подземелье
How many gangs can one neighborhood support?
Случайный монстр 2
68, 50 подземелье
Street thugs.
41, 65 подземелье
Street gang
69, 23 подземелье
You are met by a snitch, who will share his knowledge of city groups as long as you keep him alive.
Случайный монстр 1
56, 11 подземелье
Road Hazards?
Золотой голем
53, 11 подземелье
You notice the creature following you. Maybe it's friendly.
Случайный монстр 1
63, 11 подземелье
Another street gang -- but look on the bright side, for every seven you destroy, you can afford another enchanter for your army!
Случайный монстр 1
46, 35 подземелье
Street thugs.
Хижина предсказателя
52, 22 подземелье
Life here is utterly without magic. I can't stand it. If you could bring me just 2 enchanters, why I'd pay ten times their worth.
Случайный монстр 1
46, 23 подземелье
Street thugs.
Случайный монстр 3
43, 23 подземелье
Street Thugs
Случайный монстр 4
34, 29 подземелье
Street Thugs
Случайный монстр 5
66, 28 подземелье
Street thugs.
Случайный монстр 4
70, 7 подземелье
Street thugs.
Случайный монстр 7
59, 10 подземелье
You appear to have found the neighborhood bully. Luckily there's only one.
Случайный монстр 3
57, 16 подземелье
Street Thugs.
Случайный монстр 1
65, 9 подземелье
These thugs act with bravado, but you sense they are frightened -- not of you, but of the cemetery. It seems that only vampires are comfortable in the interior.
Случайный монстр 1
49, 0 подземелье
These guys don't look like tourists!
Случайный монстр 1
62, 6 подземелье
These thugs act with bravado, but you sense they are frightened -- not of you, but of the cemetery. It seems that only vampires are comfortable in the interior.
Случайный город
6, 68 суша
Operating Expenses
Operating expenses.
Daily Expenses
You incur significant daily expenses
Help for the Artificial Semi Intelligence
This message should not be received by human players.
Troop help for computer
computer only
Случайный город
65, 65 суша
take money
No money for computer.
Случайный город
69, 66 суша
take money
No money for computer.
9, 63 суша
They say whoever steps through this portal will never return. Are you certain you wish to proceed?
10, 11 суша
They say whoever steps through this portal will never return. Are you certain you wish to proceed?
64, 10 суша
They say whoever steps through this portal will never return. Are you certain you wish to proceed?
Случайный город
5, 6 суша
Operating Expenses
Operating expenses.
Business Expenses
You incur significant daily expenses
Help for the Artificial Semi-Intelligence
This event should not be obtained by human players.
Troop help for computer
computer only
Волшебный свиток
10, 8 суша
So there's where you left your latest work! (Isn't it nice that it is hard to lose things on a small estate.) With this scroll, you hope to be able to pass some of your good fortune on to one of your servants.
Случайный город
62, 57 суша
take money
Little money gain for computer.
Free Hero
One hero freed.
Ящик Пандоры
5, 7 суша
What's this? A welcome gift from a fellow businessman? Funny it has no card or tag. Oh well.
Случайный город
67, 5 суша
Operating Expenses
Daily operating expenses.
Business Expenses
You incur significant daily expenses
Help for the Artificial Semi-intelligence
This message should not be received by human players.
Troop help for computer
computer only
Волшебный свиток
67, 6 суша
The emperor insults you with a low born messenger. You order it executed. You may be willing to straighten out the Emperor's mess, but you won't be treated like scum.
67, 7 суша
A thief has breached your estate, taking control of your main gate! You best deal with him now -- even if 21 nomads are hard to handle.
Волшебный свиток
5, 69 суша
A servant reports, Master, we are sore pressed. As you know, our coffers are drained and our manpower exhausted. Our foes are surely stronger than we, and are likely to remain so. Our greatest assets are stealth and mobility; to use them, we must observe and react. To aid in that tactic, I offer my latest magical research. Oh! And I believe the people in the slums will shelter us if we use them wisely.
8, 69 суша
Oh dear! A gate. Should it fall into enemy hands, they could spy on your hide out. You best capture it forthwith.
Случайный город
54, 70 суша
take money
No money for computer.
Free hero
Resources to free hero
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