Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Our land was was beautiful and rich with life until the evil sorcerer Faldek used his evil powers to wake several volcanos that turned our world into a wasteland. But now it is time to take back our world and destroy Faldek forever! -------------------------------- Map made by BLАde
It is said that Faldek's castle is surrounded by towering mountains that no one may pass. However there is a rumor that a portal is found somewhere that teleports the user past these mountains.
The grail
Legend has it that the holy grail is buried on a desolet island somewhere south off the shore. It is unlikely that the lava flow that destroyed our world reached as far as the island and it may still exist!
The mystery of the grail
There was once an old man who knew the location of the grail but the ship he was sailing on to retrieve it was shipwrecked. There are a few islands off the shore maybe just maybe the old man drifted on to one of these islands and is still there.
The black gate
There is a black gate guarding the entrance to Faldek's castle the only way past it is to possess the key. It is said that the key exists somewhere in a swamp and it heavily gaurded by 20 beasts
Story part 1
Our land was once a Beautiful world filled with colour and magic but that was until distaster struck. It happened all so quick the volcanos rose out of the ground and urupted one day spewing forth rivers of lava that destroyed everything in it's path.
Story part 2
The land was engulfed and destroyed and ash blackened the sky. The only way our people could survive was to retreat underground with the aid of our wizards we created a portal and fled underground afterwards the portal was sealed and thought never to be opened again.
Story part 3
It has been 5 months since we fled underground life has been hard but we have survived we also discovered that an evil sorcerer named Faldek created the volcanos by raising them from the earths core. Faldek was hoping to destroy us completely but he underestimated us.
Story part 4
He didn't think we had to power to create portals to the underworld but the past months he has been trying to enter our underground domain and destory us. Our fears have finally come true scouts have reported foul beasts coming through a subterranean gate Faldek must of created this gate.
Story end
We are under attack! Faldek has indeed found a way to enter our underground domain and is intent on destroying us but he hasn't won yet we must gather our armies and strength and return to the desolet world above and destroy him once and for all and maybe even reclaim our world back.
Tip 1
Build up your army quickly so you can vanquish the gaurdians that gaurd the gate than return to the surface and search and destroy Faldekia. Here are some resources to get you started GOOD LUCK!
Tip 2
Your towns tavarn should give you some helpful hints in your quest.
Tip 3
Your opponent is very powerful and owns many castles. Try to weaken him by taking over a few of his castles.
9, 5 подземелье
Черный дракон
67, 32 подземелье
These cursid black dragons are guarding the portal to Faldeks castle. We must somehow defeat them if our quest is to succeed!
69, 32 подземелье
At last we have found the portal to Faldek's castle but alas it is gaurded by 10 of the foulest creatures of drakness...Black dragons!
10, 7 подземелье
The black gate. NO ONE SHALL PASS!
41, 53 подземелье
I pray that someone finds this before it is too late. While on a quest to seek the grail my ship was shipwrecked. I am on an island to the west
9, 63 подземелье
You see a human skeleton lying in the sand after a quick search you find a piece of parchment with the following writing on it
55, 45 подземелье
It has been 5 months since we returned to the surface our world used to be filled with life and lusheous grasslands but now it is a desolet wasteland filled with foul beasts. Faldek will pay dearly for this!!
9, 25 подземелье
40, 33 подземелье
40, 35 подземелье
This castle used to be our beloved filgadia but it looks like the demons now possess and control it.
58, 63 подземелье
Welcome to dragons island
7, 51 подземелье
There was never a swamp in our world before? That fiend has created this wretchid place for his minions to populate. However searching it may prove to be rewarding.
Случайный монстр 6
2, 31 подземелье
By order of our divine ruler Faldek no one may enter this tent. You will be destroyed!!
0, 8 подземелье
At last we have found castle faldekia the evil domain of Faldek. The time has come to rid our land of this fiend forever!
36, 28 суша
Filgadia II
37, 35 суша
No swimming anytime!
36, 30 суша
Monsters and hideous beasts have already began coming through the gate and positioning themselves throughout our underground world. We have spotted some skeleton warriors to the east and giant dragonflies to the west. what other foul beasts will we meet?
Королевский циклоп
55, 45 суша
By order of king Faldek you must be destroyed!
55, 47 суша
What a hideous looking beast! It has only one ghasardly eye it appears to be very strong as it is carrying a huge boulder. If we are to pass through the gate and return to the surface than it must be defeated.
33, 40 суша
This is the portal that brought us here by order of the king this portal must never be opened.
31, 39 суша
The portal to the surface has been sealed the only way we can return to the surface is to find the subterranean gate that Faldek created.
Случайный монстр 6
61, 14 суша
Halt these treasure are the sole property of Faldek. You are trespassers and must be annihilated!
63, 13 суша
Faldek's vault. Trespassers will be destroyed
Случайный монстр 6
20, 12 суша
16, 11 суша
Faldek's resource vault. Trespassers are not welcome!
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