Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Wow! The big guy really blew a gasket! All you wanted to do was add some efficiencies to the system, standardize routines, and document procedures. But the next thing you knew, Michael and his cronies were swinging their swords and showing you the door! {(Ver. 1.1)}
The Angels after the Takeover are seriously weakened. The creation work on the plane has slowed to a crawl.
Zzyzzyx is 60 feet tall and is so powerful he can warp time itself!
Chaos punctured a hole in the plane, and the Angels can't figure out how to fix it!
Michael got beat in a game of Chess by a tree stump!
Seek out the mighty Zzyzzyx! He will show you the way for revenge!
The Angels hid an item of great power in the Elemental Chaos eruption.
All that glitters is not gold. Beware the cursed weapon!
The key to unlocking heaven lies in the Windy Sea.
Lucifer has been imprisoned on an island of fire.
A group of fallen angels will gladly join you over at the landing zone.
The Deity of Fire has a secret that few know... It keeps away the plague!
{***************Mapmaker's Note***************} This is merely an alternative and hopefully humorous retelling of The Fall from Heaven story. It does not promote Satanism, and should not be taken seriously at all. {*******************************************} It all started with the certain Angels not showing up to the staff meetings, turning in status reports late, and stares of downright loathing during the weekly motivational speeches. Soon, signs of outright rebellion abounded. You sent dozens of Inadequate Performance notices to {Yahweh}, but only received silence for a reply. This cannot be a good sign. You were installed as Director of Operations for this plane. When you arrived, everything was chaotic. Angels were wandering around, creating things haphazardly and getting in each other's way. The climate group never worked with the flora group, and the fauna group thought that a duck-billed-platypus was actually a *good* idea!
Intro 2
You soon whipped things into shape. Standard Operating Procedures were drawn up and implemented. Mandatory daily interdisciplinary task force meetings required close coordination of the creative tasks. Project goals and milestones were assigned and performance was measured against them. This required vast amounts of work. You found kindred spirits in your organizational frenzy, and quickly came to rely on them. Your personal staff of Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Leviathon, Belial, Lucifer, Lillith, and Asmodai evolved into a well honed organizational machine where even the smallest indiscretion was noticed, pursued and confronted with zealous glee. You felt sure that your Operations Staff was the best around, and sure to gain the notice of {Yahweh}.
Intro 3
And then today dawned... As you walked to the office, you suddenly felt a wave of dizziness overcome you. When you awoke, you felt weak, confused, and almost powerless. Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, three of the most powerful Archangels on this plane besides yourself, loom over you. But instead of looking concerned, they are wearing expressions of distaste, disgust, and even satisfaction. You remember that these are the worst malingerers in the organization, the ones whose names have appeared dozens of times on your Sub-standard Performance Reports (Form 180-ZX-E). You can't help but notice that they are carrying glowing swords that are literally humming with power, and that the pointy ends are directed at you. Satan. By order of {Yahweh}, you and your 'associates' are banished from this land, intoned Gabriel in a carefully neutral voice. Whaaa? came your intelligent response. You will get a 1 day head start, and if you do not depart South out of the realm immediately... Michael leaned the pointed the tip of his sword against the side of your neck and you feel a drop of blood well up. I will rejoice in slaying you! You try to defuse the situation. Hey, did you three sign the requisition forms to get that hardware out? If not, you will be solely responsible for any damage incurred... Get thee gone, foul Lord! broke in Raphael. Your tyranny here is at an end. Her sword swung through the air menacingly, emphasizing her words. But, but, things were going so well! you exclaim, scrambling to your feet. Surely this is some sort of joke? Michael pointed his sword southward. Run, NOW! As you stumble out of Heaven's Gate, you notice your appearance has been changed dramatically also. They had transformed you into a...a... reddish being of some sort! This is turning out to be a really bad day.
Take away.
Hey! What are you doing with this stuff?, A self-important functionary huffs up. Banishment means just that, you get to keep nothing! Most of your possessions are carted away. Oh well, lugging that stuff around would just slow you down, right?
You just can't believe it! How could things have gotten this far out of hand? You were only trying to make things run efficiently, and this is the thanks you get? Of course, maybe the hourly-rate Halo Rental thing was a tad over the top. But the Harp Lease Program was such a success, and it almost balanced the budget! The problem with {Yahweh} was that he was one of those visionary- creative types, with no fiscally responsible grounding at all. You feel sure you will get called back into service once the financial back end collapses under the organization. But the death of those angels will weigh heavily against you...
Beelzebub greets you after you long run down the stairway. I am relieved, my Lord, to see that they decided to banish you rather than simply executing you. I guess I am relieved about that also, you reply wryly, noticing a number of flies buzzing around. How came you to be here and escape their grasp? I suspected their motives, Lord, and did set a watch upon them. They tried to trap me before going after you, but I eluded them. I was on my way to warn you. They did set a company of Angels upon my trail, so I had to flee here, and consequently could not reach you. They.....also stripped me of my powers, my Lord. Beelzebub slapped irritably at a fly. As they did to me, Beelzebub. Tell me, have you heard ought of the others? Lucifer? Mephistopheles? and fair Lillith? No word, my Lord. Beelzebub. I...I...killed today. I killed brother angels who attempted to bar my flight. I did not want too, but... Beelzebub squeezed your shoulder in reassurance. The buzzing of flies grows even louder. I fear worse is to come, my Lord. Much worse.
Beelzebub approaches (Along with a cloud of flies, you notice with annoyance). I feel uneasy my Lord. I sense danger approaches. Would Raphael and Gabriel dare pursue us to here? I fear they might. They may very well do that, faithful Beelzebub. I saw the zeal and glee in their eyes when they chased me. They have no love for us. What shall we do, my Lord? We may have to flee again. We had better open another portal for a quick escape. Luckily, there are keys and secrets only Directors know about, so they cannot immediately pursue us. I shall see to it, my Lord. We had best glean what we can from this area, for the next may not be as hospitable. A good plan, Beelzebub. Let us be wary. Err...how goes the baths? No help, my Lord. They seem drawn to me no matter my state of health or cleanliness. Eerily, they never land on me. Strange. Yes, my Lord.
Beelzebub approaches with a worried expression again. You notice irritably that the flies surrounding him have not expired in the frigid cold. I feel uneasy my Lord. I sense danger approaches again. Raphael and Gabriel and perhaps others are close by. You breath a heavy sigh. Make arrangements to send everyone through the portal. I bitterly dislike the cold in this place anyway. Let's shoot for a warmer place next time, eh? Yes, my Lord. I shall seek a good area this time. What's with your fly problem anyway? Asmodai broke in indelicately, swatting at a few. Why are they following you around?. Beelzebub looked nervous. Well, I have a theory. They think I'm their Lord.. There was a long silence, with a few straight faces valiantly striving to not grin. Finally, Asmodai, Lillith, and you break out in great guffaws, the first time you have genuinely laughed since the Takeover. Beelzebub looked a little crestfallen, but defiant. Lillith barely gasps out. Behold Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies!
Asmodai brought up a good point one day. My Lord? What shall we call ourselves? We are definitely non-wingless, non-white ex-angels for now. This transformation seems fairly permanent to me. I still believe all this can be set to rights, and we will regain our form, you reply. Lillith looked skeptical. I agree with Asmodai. These forms look permanent to me. You look at her more closely, and turn away with a blush. She actually looked *good*! These forms look more 'lived-in', that's for sure. No more of that wearisome feather cleaning, and don't even get me started on molting problems... chimed in Beelzebub. What did you say? you exclaim, trying to swat a fly discreetly so Beelzebub's feelings didn't get hurt. I said 'These forms look more lived-in... Hmmm....lived...l-i-v-e-d...d-e-v....d-e-v-i-l....Devil? Sounds good to me Me too That'll do Devil it is then, for the nonce.
Warning 3
The buzzing of flies herald the arrival of Beelzebub yet again. Your heart sinks. They are close? Yes, my Lord Satan. We must flee again? Yes, my Lord Satan. We must find a place they will not want to go. Some stinking, befouled, forsaken place where they will not want to get their white feathers dirty. I know of such a place, my Lord Very well. Let's start making arrangements for the retreat, we don't want to leave anybody behind.
The fiery realm
Every Project has its refuse heap, and this fiery place was the recipient of many of the byproducts of The Shaping. You have never been here, and you certainly never dreamed that someday it would be your home. Asmodai urges caution, for he has been here the most before. The eternal fires of this place hold dangers and surprises. Some of the lab rejects were tossed here, and may well have survived and even thrived. Chances are they won't be friendly. After all, some things may not *like* being thrown away, if you get my meaning . In addition, some artifacts that were created by Mad Ole Albert over in Equipment and Supplies were thrown down here due to a 'unwholesome aura'. We would be well advised to seek them out and see if they can be used.
The fiery plane 2
As you start exploring the new realm, you realize your new bodies have adapted quite nicely. In fact, it feels quite comfortable down here. You wonder (not for the last time) whether this was coincidence or part of a greater design. Michael and his cronies, you are sure, did not have the foresight or the dedication to detail to think of this all on their own. They must have had help, and the only help they could have gotten was from.... *gulp* That did not bear thinking about.
Leviathon returned from a scouting expedition, reporting that someplace called the landing zone is where many fallen comrades can be found. They would gladly join the cause, she is sure.
You had hoped that this atmosphere would have finally eradicated Beelzebub's fly problem, but the advent of buzzing dashed that hope as Beelzebub himself approached. My Lord, I think we are not alone down here. To the West in a protected area lies a realm of beings very much like us. From the information I can gather, they are newly sent there by Gabriel to torment us, and maybe even eradicate us. It seems that even if we are physically beyond their reach for now, they wish us to know that they have not forgotten us. Also, reports of boats sailed by animated dead beings on the Fiery Sea to the South have been reported. Not much is known about this at all, this is something newly invented, it seems. We never created such foul beings. You notice the flies are actually glowing as they danced around. Beelzebub shrugged helplessly. Fireflies now, my Lord You groan.
You notice the following in Belial's status report: Lord, we beseech you to find and rescue Lucifer and Mephistopheles. Their prisons have both been located on this plane, but are well guarded. They are among our best and brightest (Yes, Yes, I know Mephistopheles is a bore, but his council is wise). They are sure to help us out. Rumor also has it that Mephistopheles managed to bring quite a few of our lesser members of the organization with him. (Although, how happy they are about sharing a jail cell with him all this time is definitely up for debate)
Fiery Dunes
A barely alive imp gets brought to you, desiccated into almost a skeleton. You have to bend over it closely to hear: Fiery Dunes...heat...fire...endless sands...whirlwinds...horrible Ishtar movie... pall of dread...creatures of living crystal.. It expires.
demon's claws
You have a vision of a powerful sword being wielded by a gigantic demon. When you think about it in the morning and look at the map of the realm that is being assembled, you realize that this must be the artifact in the Demon's Claws lava formation to the East.
Leviathon's status reports: In our explorations, we have found rumors of some very powerful artifacts. We have traced a few of them down and found them to be well guarded. Of some concern is one rumor of a cursed (but powerful) artifact being guarded by thousands of snakes. Of this, we have seen no sign of yet.
Elemental Chaos
The rumors of an elemental chaos breach onto the firmament of the plane are true. Before, your organization had been able to contain and seal such leaks with a massive, concerted effort. But with the advent of the Takeover, you doubt the Angels will be able to deal with the threat. On the other hand, the breach may just weaken the surrounding area enough for a portal to the surface to be created.
You decide to follow up on a rumor about a mighty sorcerer who can create 2-way portals and gates. You send out your scouts to find any information of the whereabouts of this Mighty Zzyzzyx.
report 2
Out of Lucifer's status report: I heard my jailers talk about some wise creature who makes his home in 'The temple of the moving ground'. I have thought hard upon this, and I don't think they meant lava. This temple is beyond our realm right now, I am sure, but is we stumble across it, we should definitely seek advice.
Report 3
Leviathon's status report: I have done further study of these foul undead beings which sail upon the Fiery Sea. It seems their souls are magically bound to the decaying flesh of their mortal bodies. That this is evil is beyond question. But I have detected a more sinister plot. These beings are cutting into the number of souls that *we* receive. Even if this is not a direct plot by Michael & Co., it sure plays into their hands. You drop the report, incensed. If there is one thing you do know, it's when someone is cutting into your territory. This has to stop! If anybody is going to torment souls around here, its going to be your group!
Asmodai? Yes, my Lord, said Asmodai, who did not look up from his workbench. About that new spell you gave me to use... The smoke and burning clothing coming off of you in puffs and shreds finally gains his attention. Was there something you forgot to mention, perchance? Asmodai dropped what he was doing in a hurry and devoted his fully attention to the decidedly burned figure standing in his lab. What happened, my Lord? Armageddon. I cast Armageddon. You didn't read the fine print at the bottom of the spell book? Does it look like I read the fine print on the bottom of the spell book to you? you say sarcastically. I'd love too now, BUT MY SPELL BOOK IS ASHES!!! you explode. Along with my army, war machines, and my novelty imp collection. Everything, it seems except efreet sultans. Er...That is what the fine print said, my Lord. Asmodai said rather helplessly, visibly nervous at your rage. You leave without saying another word. If Asmodai wasn't so darn useful, why you'd... Retribution thoughts helped pass the afternoon while you healed up.
The first item on the agenda this morning is a major policy direction. We have conquered and subdued most of the land, and are now far stronger, you say. What shall be our direction next? Hell in Heaven, or Heaven in Hell, Mephistopheles answer mysteriously. What does that supposed to mean? asked Beelzebub. Think!, for once in your life, flybag!, Mephistopheles snapped, as he deftly snatched a firefly out of the air and crushed it in front of his eyes. He means, interrupted Lucifer, that should we make this place more like Heaven's Gate? Or make Heaven's Gate, He smashed his fist on the table, (waking up Belial), more like Hell? Indeed. Verily I was tired of the flowers and greenery of the place. The bones of the world should show, in my opinion. Heaven's Gate was sweet, but vengeance will be so much sweeter than that. I vote we bend all efforts towards that goal. Exclaimed Lillith. I hated the music, and the incessant harp playing was driving me up the wall agreed Beelzebub. I rather like this place the way it is. It allows me to work...undistracted. voted Asmodai. I see no reason to change it. It's either us or them, the way I see it. chimed in Leviathon. They have shown no reluctance in intervening with us down here. So I say it is time they learned what 'payback' means! The smug smile on Michael's face deserves some wiping, my Lord, answered Belial (Now fully awake). Well then, you reply. Quite the bloodthirsty bunch, aren't we? We have reason to be. The wrongs done to us deserve retribution, and we shall stoop to any means necessary to deliver it. We shall proceed to investigate ways to get back to the surface, and put our entire realm into a war economy. Everybody at the table cheered. Up above, the angels did notice that the world just got a little darker...
After many days of hunting, most of your scouts have returned empty-handed with news of the sorcerer Zzyzzyx. Finally, the last scout comes in with some news. He had gone to a seer, and saw the path to take. But you will need an army, for the path is long and filled with many enemies. Beyond the lake that burns Beyond the Gate of the Dead Beyond the Cursed Land and past the Great Wyrms, . . (Yeah,yeah,yeah, skip to the end, you mutter) . lies the fabled abode of Zzyzzyx.
A recently arrived devil (newly fallen) reports something very interesting. The Angels at Heaven's Gate have uncovered a very powerful item that someone had been tinkering with over in the Equipment Department. It was so powerful that they hastily threw it into the Elemental Chaos breach in hopes it would be destroyed, and set a guard over it in case it wasn't.
While closing out another rousing staff meeting, you bring up a thunderbolt of a bullet point. Well, its been 3 months now since the Takeover, and it is time to bring up something we've all been thinking privately. It is pretty evident by now that {Yahweh} is not going to come to our rescue. Now that we've had a chance to look back on things, I believe that he not only condoned the action of Michael and his cronies, but actively supported. There was a long silence around the table, except for the incessant buzzing of flies around Beelzebub, and not a few nodding of heads (in agreement, rather than in sleep, like usual). Well, it seems I'm not the only one who has come to this conclusion then? Nay my Lord. intoned Mephistopheles, obviously gearing up for a long one. Michael doth not have the intellect nor imagination for the forms bestowed upon us upon our banishment. That power would belong to {Yahweh} only, by which he must have given Michael some rod of authority to enchant, scathe, disparage, strip and displace us through him.... ... ... ... ... in summation, can only be consceived as a master plan by {Yahweh} himself. (Now there really were nodding heads around the table, in sleep!) Meeting dismissed, you say hastily, before Lucifer could mischievously ask Mephistopheles to go over that middle part again.
The Dragon Lords
Lillith's Status Report: Grave news, my Lord. We have been spying upon the land beyond the Dead Lands, and have found some worrisome things. Michael and Raphael have conspired to populate the caverns with powerful beings from another plane, the self-styled Dragon Lords. These caverns were empty before our exile, and now vast armies of beings never before seen, including giant black dragons. These creatures, dangerous enough by themselves, are also reputed to be immune to any magic that we know. They are watching all passages through the land closely, and the only way to Zzyzzyx and the surface goes through them.
Mephistopheles arrives with his status report. As per your orders, I have made some inquires into the nature of the souls which fall into this realm. It seems that only certain types of souls of people get sent here. Really? You raise you eyebrows. Yes, apparently Michael, Gabriel, Raphael et. al. have proceeded to establish some sort of reward/punishment scheme amongst the mortals to help them deal with death. Ah...We were thinking along those same lines before...before... The Takeover? Mephistopheles supplied. Yes, the Takeover. Let me guess which souls we get, shall I? Uhmmmm the punishment ones? Correct, my Lord, Mephistopheles said dryly. So, I guess we get the riff-raff, criminals, and such like, then? While Heaven gets the saints and the do-gooders? Essentially, my Lord. I can live with that. Who else do we get? We get the murderers, thieves, adulterers, thugs, rapists, swindlers, lawyers, politicians, mimes, phone solicitors, clowns, salesmen, editors, lobbyists, political consultants, pollsters, the odd crooked evangilist or two...the list goes on.... Mimes? You ask? They make the best Cerebri, my Lord. Lawyers? Efreet Sultans, obviously Ahh...Very good. Carry on then.
Asmodai bustles in excitedly. My Lord! I have discovered a great new spell! You warily eye him. Is it tested thoroughly? Yes, my Lord. Is there any 'fine print'? Just one thing, my Lord, explained Asmodai rapidly. This 'Sacrifice' spell, you need to select the troops to revive first, then the troops to sacrifice to restore them. You want me to sacrifice my own troops? Say! Why didn't I think of that! you say sarcastically. No. No. No. my Lord! You misunderstood me. You sacrifice only a little of your weakest troops. He looked pointedly at the legions of imps surrounding you. And you can resurrect a huge number of your good troops, far more than a resurrect spell. Ah! I see. It stills seems rather....evil. Victory always has a cost, my Lord.
Week of the Imp
You literally bust a gut laughing when your realize the side effect of installing the Deity of Fire is causing imps to generate everywhere, including Heaven's Gate! Michael would probably be apoplectic with rage right now, chasing imps around like rats in his precious sanctuary.
head of a pin
You didn't think victory would be easy, but certainly not this tough! Reports coming in from the surface show the angel's armies as vast, endless seas of powerful creatures. They certainly can't claim to be dancing on the head of a pin any more! Well, your armies can dance on the blade of a sword, which is certainly an advantage if you take the sword to a pin fight! Perhaps a little softening up with that crowd favorite spell Armageddon might be in order here.
59, 61 подземелье
Heaven's Gate
AI stuff
48, 98 подземелье
AI event
98, 98 подземелье
First Stop
AI improvements
AI stuff.
59, 63 подземелье
I see fear in your eyes, Michael. You did not expect to ever see me here again? You look around. This place has shrunk since I've been here last. It looks small, false, and trite. All the years I spent here, wasted! Mephistopheles was correct, there is no coming home. It is a good thing {Yahweh} has removed Heaven from this plane. I would have tried to destroy it. I would never have tried to live there though, for we have come to like our new home. It seems to suit us...now. We, like good little bureaucrats, adjusted to the roles thrust upon us. It was unjust what you did to us, but I think we see the greater goal that was behind it. I have beheld the wonders of the mortal world, and the never-changing inertia of your realm pales in comparison. There is no challenge there. That is why I have grown stronger and you have weakened by comparison.
59, 62 подземелье
Michael, tell {Yahweh}, after I send you to Him, that His plan has worked. You have taught me too hate. You have taught me to shed blood. You have taught me to see the pleasure in revenge. You have taught me to bring evil upon the planes. You have taught me to see pleasure in the pain of others. You have taught me the pleasure of power and the delight of ruining souls. You unwittingly have done an excellent job Michael, and, rest assured, the Worlds will suffer for it. This little battlefield will be the last physical battle, but all the rest of the battles will be through the minds and souls of mortals, on every plane and realm. That was the plan all along, wasn't it? To give intelligent beings a conflict, a contrast, a choice? Mortals do not thrive in a world of complacency, sameness, and harmony. That is {Yahweh's} secret, isn't it? Poor Michael. You were also a tool. You were just too stupid to realize it. {*****************************************************************} I hope you enjoyed this map. As I mentioned at the beginning, I do not mean to trivialize any religions or beliefs. I merely wished to provide an escapist type entertainment providing a different angle of looking at things. My personal offbeat philosophy about the revolt of the angels is below the spoilers, if interested. Please send map comments to
59, 66 подземелье
As you leave the group, you hear Gabriel ask Michael whether the guard at the gate had been notified to let you through. There is a long silence, as the muscle-bound angel painfully digested the question and framed a response. Uhhhhh ... I think so.
59, 64 подземелье
Leader of the revolt to depose Satan, Michael is the most powerful of the archangels, but not incredibly bright.
61, 106 подземелье
Tehweh, a lesser archangel, stands guard here. He seems surprised to see you, and moves to bar your path. I am sorry, Lord Satan. But I have been instructed to not let you pass. I am sorry also Tehweh, for I must pass. you reply. You would shed the blood of a brother? comes the shocked reply. You force me to, for it seems I have been damned with the sin of self-preservation. For a moment, he observes the pursuing forces further up the stairway. I cannot hope to defeat you, but hopefully I will delay you enough for my brethren to catch up. So saying, a second battle is started, and for a second time you are forced to shed blood.
Штормовой элементал
94, 105 подземелье
Some bits of the chaos that existed before this plane was formed seem to still be floating around!
63, 79 подземелье
A sign is posted here. Don't forget to wash up and wipe your feet before entering! A happy paradise is a clean paradise! By order of Satan, Director of Operations, Earth Plane, Ordinance 64-14b-K Yeah, right! You feel slightly better after you wash the blood off your hands. In a fit of pique, you take the sign down and throw it into the well.
59, 70 подземелье
Fortunately, thanks to the advice of your faithful advisor Beelzebub, you were not totally unprepared. He insisted upon creating an escape route, and you had approved it, even though you had no idea why you would need it. It seems Beelzebub knew more about what was going on then you did. You head South with increasing speed, as you sense the chase is on.
60, 79 подземелье
Hands shaking, wounds healing quickly, you stagger on your way. You have killed! You have killed fellow angels! The enormity of your deed starts to sink in. Nowhere and never before has there been a death in the ranks by the hand of a brother. You feel queasy and sick. But what choice did you have? Was there any alternative? Only the sounds of closing pursuit snaps you out of your stupor and shock.
Капитан кентавров
97, 103 подземелье
The Fallen has come to steal our Holy Axe! Attack! The strange creatures (who must have resulted from Abdiel working in the lab after an all-night office party) attack, seeking to take their frustration of permanent back aches out on you..
Боевой гном
107, 105 подземелье
Now these stature challenged folk seem a bit peeved about the lot they got cast in life. Peeved enough, it seems, to attack immediately!
88, 106 подземелье
A wizened creature, so wrinkled and hairy that it must have escaped the reject pile at the labs, greets you. Be Welcome, Lord Satan. I believe I know something that will help you in your time of struggle. But there is a price to pay
95, 106 подземелье
Whew! Escaped! That was close, and you certainly did not appreciate the zealous glee in which Raphael and Gabriel pursued you. Now, to find a safe base in order to write a nice long letter to {Yahweh}, and await a response and reparations for these outrages! You also ask Beelzebub (politely) if there is some way he could bath more regularly? Those flies hanging around him are very irritating.
96, 67 подземелье
Last Stop
AI stuff
85, 3 подземелье
Top o' World
ai stuff
ai stuff
87, 96 подземелье
Lillith thanks you sobbingly. My Lord! They've changed you also! And Beelzebub...Why? Why did they do this? Whatever will become of us? I have no idea yet, just some suspicions. you reply. They snuck in and did this to me as I lay sleeping. All I can think of is that lately I was pursuing some suspicious travel expense reports from Gabriel and Michael...
89, 97 подземелье
A group of foul-looking beings guard a strange looking structure here. Noting the slovenly appearance and poor personal hygiene habits, you make a mental note to review the quality control processes of the Fauna Group. But then you remember that it is no longer your concern. A cry for help is heard from the structure. You recognize the voice of Lillith, the fairest of angels and the most efficient number-cruncher you have ever known. For the first time since the banishment, your heart leaps with joy as you set out to release her.
98, 13 подземелье
Snowy Lab #2
AI Stuff
100, 14 подземелье
Золотой голем
91, 3 подземелье
Your heart leaps. A familiar looking structure is seen in the distance. Another imprisoned comrade you hope? What? These are Asmodai's experiments with non-living creatures! What are they doing here? It certainly looks like they are standing guard. Somebody removed them from the lab, and wanted to make your life even more miserable. You are glad that you axed Asmodai's proposal to go to full production after these prototypes were finished, else there might have been throngs of these things around.
92, 1 подземелье
Asmodai is ecstatic to see you. They snuck up on me in my workshop, and I was taken completely unawares. They changed the password on my creations, and then in a perverse fit of what they called justice, they set them to guard over me!
62, 4 подземелье
What a frigid place. You've been here many times on inspection tours, of course, but you don't remember the cold affecting you as much as it does now. Your transformation seems to be more than skin deep. This inhospitable place at least may discourage pursuit, you hope. On the plus side, maybe it would help Beelzebub and his fly problem.
87, 41 подземелье
Got Water?
AI Stuff
104, 68 подземелье
Leviathon prefers to take the form of a giant sea-going beast when off work, but while she is working she is the best meeting organizer you have ever met. Rumors of a romantic attachment to Satan abound, but nothing has been confirmed.
Водный элементал
105, 50 подземелье
These guys must really be suffering here in the middle of the desert. Things must really be going to pot up there at headquarters.
Элементал магмы
103, 69 подземелье
They must have left these elementals in the nuke oven for too long. Definitely over-done. *tsk* The inefficiencies in the system now...
104, 69 подземелье
Leviathon thanks you profusely. The anger in her eyes when she talks about her abduction and subsequent imprisonment is not pleasant to behold. She does not even bemoan her loss of powers so much as immediately looking forward to revenge.
92, 74 подземелье
Your voice quakes with anger. This is the last time I run, Beelzebub. Even if it causes the end of my existence. I understand, my Lord. But this time I have found a place that they will not follow. It may seem shocking and unpleasant at first, but I think we will like it after a while. Beelzebub looks at you calmly. Indeed, it will even suit your mood. The entranceway certainly looks ominous, I'll grant you. But...but...something is missing. I can't quite put my finger upon it. Hmmm...a plaque or sign perhaps? A little gift to leave for Gabriel? input Asmodai. Yes, that would be fitting. You reply. How about 'Go away?' Lillith contributed. 'Bugger off!' will be hugely popular in the future I predict. said Asmodai. Leviathon contributed. ' Up yours!' would be good also. Beelzebub, not to be outdone, said May you rot in the bowels of a fly-infested behemoth dung pit for all eternity? The other four just stared at him. Too wordy. said Leviathon. Although we certainly share the sentiment. Maybe something more noble, more forbidding, perhaps? you say. How about 'Abandon all soap, Ye who enter here'? said Lillith, wrinkling her nose at the overpowering smell of sulfur and other gases emanating from the doorway. Eyeing nervously the clouds of dust kicked up by the approaching armies of angels, you say
23, 106 подземелье
AI Stuff
AI stuff
2, 103 подземелье
AI Stuff
AI stuff
38, 88 подземелье
AI Stuff
ai stuff
4, 60 подземелье
AI Stuff
AI Stuff
95, 54 подземелье
Ah! The shimmering heat and dryness of this place washes over you in welcome relief. You were actually {shivering} in the far North there, something you never did before the...the...misunderstanding. Which reminds you, what are you now? Everyone still feels like they are an Angel, but both appearance and powers have changed dramatically, and seemingly permanently? What are you now?
45, 94 подземелье
Abdiel was the main source of discontent leading up to the split, continuing to egg on Michael and Gabriel because he disliked Satan's oppressiveness.
96, 41 подземелье
A powerful archangel, well know for running her Flora team with logic and efficiency.
Подзорная труба
58, 41 подземелье
Hmmm....time to spy on some Angel activities... *Up Periscope*
Птица счастья
51, 0 подземелье
How anybody could determine that a statue of a bird is female is unfathomable. Just the same, you had better take it along. After the last two weeks, you could use all the luck you can get!
88, 45 подземелье
Home of the Hopelessly Inept Shipyards (Who else would build a shipyard 3 days ride away from the nearest forest?)
17, 81 подземелье
Welcome to Idyllville! Everyone is welcome* . . (except for fallen angels!)
Ящик Пандоры
24, 33 подземелье
You can tell something very valuable, and something very well guarded, is buried here. The waves of dark energy both attracts and repels you.
Страж задания
24, 34 подземелье
A damaged mighty Tool of Sept lies in your path. (A semi-living machine that is used to help form the worlds from the elemental chaos.) It recognizes you, but refuses to let you pass. It looks like its sensory organs have been damaged, observed Lucifer. Let's have Asmodai take a crack at it. He practically single-handily built these things in the first place, you reply. Asmodai takes a look, tinkers for awhile, and then returns. I think I can fix it, and once it is fully functional, we could all lend our powers to it, and we should be able to heal this breach in the Firmament. But I need the Speculum and Spyglass for spare parts.
72, 101 подземелье
29, 49 подземелье
Lucifer hurriedly exclaims My Lord! I sense a trap here! Yeah, well. Scores of super-sized rust lizards kind of tipped me off there also, you reply sarcastically. No, my Lord. It goes beyond that. If either the treasure or the Guardians are disturbed, then it may pave a way for Michael or Gabriel to force a way onto our Plane. I need not remind you that we are not ready for them, do I? You see the way that the artifact and the guardians block the way for any boat landings, and make a decision...
Кристальный дракон
4, 2 подземелье
Hey! Don't attack us! You set us here to *protect* the tent, remember?
2, 45 подземелье
You emerge into real sunlight for the first time in months. As your eyes struggle to adjust, you make a mental note that traveling and battling by night would probably be more advantageous. One thing is for sure, you never want to see (or eat) another mushroom again!
Лазурный дракон
18, 31 подземелье
So this is where the new dragons came from?
Ржавый дракон
29, 32 подземелье
So this is where the new dragons came from?
Сказочный дракон
24, 27 подземелье
So this is where the new dragons came from?
Кристальный дракон
22, 38 подземелье
So this is where the new dragons came from?
7, 35 подземелье
A sign lays shattered alongside the road here. Plane of Earth Treasury No admittance allowed except by approval of Satan (Director of Operations ) or Belial (Treasurer) The plundered valley that lies before you gives mute evidence that things are not going at all well for Michael. Somehow, that fact gives you a certain satisfaction.
73, 106 подземелье
Ambush! (You knew this was coming, right?)
94, 41 подземелье
Ariel. The messenger of the Angels on this realm.
74, 107 подземелье
The time is now. The moment you have been looking forward to for months. Never have you felt so alive, so delighted at the prospect of the final confrontation. You let out a laugh that is decidedly evil. Who would have thought vengeance would be so sweet?
Страж задания
75, 107 подземелье
Your advisers warn you that the only way that the path to Heaven's gate can be opened to you is by doing what was done when you originally left
88, 97 подземелье
Lillith was the most beautiful angel on the plane. She was also the most apt with numbers, and was the head of Accounting before the Fall. She is not at all pleased with her transformation afterwards.
92, 2 подземелье
Asmodai is the best artisan of Satan's group. Many of the artifacts and tools available on this plane were designed and manufactured by him.
58, 65 подземелье
Gabriel is a very powerful archangel, but again, not incredibly bright. Many of the fallen were able to dupe him quite easily in the events after the sundering.
60, 65 подземелье
Raphael is a leading archangel and is renowned for her healing skills. She did not approve of the sundering, for she foresaw the eternal bloodshed that would result from it.
Мастер гремлин
80, 2 подземелье
Talking about stature challenged! These guys don't look too pleased about the ball and chain arrangement much either. I guess you really can't please everybody.
Обсидиановая горгулья
97, 1 подземелье
Row upon row of grotesque carvings perch on the ledges of this valley. As you enter it, they start moving. Completely animated flying statues? How did this one get past the approval committee? The odd-looking structure that is behind these statues bears further attention. It may be the key to survival for you.
59, 65 подземелье
Director of Operations for the creation of this Plane. A highly efficient and meticulous organizer, Satan nevertheless was completely blindsided by the growing discontent of his direct reports.
55, 102 подземелье
Beelzebub is the Satan's confidant and closest advisor on this plane. Observant and astute, he usually knows a lot more that is going on than Satan does.
62, 99 подземелье
You guessed it! This is the Stairway to Heaven! (No time for Jimmy Page air-guitar riffs though!)
50, 12 суша
You behold the most desolate and lifeless land imaginable. The air is thick with sulfur and smoke, the heat is intense, and the smell is indescribable. Nice, Beelzebub. Really 'nice'. You say sarcastically. Did the decorating yourself? We should be safe here, my Lord. replied Beelzebub, nonplussed. They will not invade us, as this land is near poisonous to their forms. You reply, coughing. I can certainly see your point *hack* *wheeze* *gasp* I must admit though, these new forms of ours seem to be more tolerant of this atmosphere. It certainly seems comfortably warm!
55, 20 суша
Boy! It's hot down here! One of these sure will come in handy! (Besides, alcohol and devils go together, some kind of association there, can't guess why!)
Asmodai unveils his newest invention. I call it 'Castle Gate', he says proudly. Wow! It looks pretty darn impressive! you admit. Err...what does it do? You can teleport between our inferno towns without spells or movement costs, he replied. Now that will be handy. Thank you Asmodai! Let's give it a try, shall we? No! Wait! It's.... There was a flash of light, a crackle of flames, and you are flung back on your back as your try to step through. Apologies my lord, but I have not set up a destination gate yet. You need one in order for this to work, explained Asmodai. You get up and brush yourself off. Well, I suggest you get busy then, you say, your voice dangerously low. Otherwise this looks like a fancy picture window. Yes, my Lord. Right away. Oh! Asmodai. you call after him. 'Castle Gate' sounds so dry. How about 'Doomsday Portal' or 'Infernal Gate'? For an inventor, he sure lacks the imagination for names that create an atmosphere, don't you think? Beelzebub said. Oh, shut up! you say as you slap some fireflies away. I know some people around here with a little *too* much atmosphere!
Nothing like a few Holy Wars up top for the increase in souls to start pouring down here!
47, 12 суша
Belial was injured during the initial creation of this world from the Chaos. He is most comfortable in the form of a very large dragon, and it is the form he usually prefers. As such, he made a very effective disciplinary arm for Satan's administration.
3, 3 суша
Lucifer was the doer of Satan's organization. Whatever needed to be done, got done while Lucifer was around. While this did not make him very popular amongst many, he was invaluable to the Director.
51, 13 суша
You notice Asmodai coming through the gate last and quite a bit later than the rest. He shrugs and says I had made a last minute change to the inscription. You raise your eyebrows inquiringly. It now says
91, 10 суша
Asmodai has been really busy again!
It was a good day at the gladiator arena upstairs.
Огненный элементал
47, 13 суша
These fire elementals are getting tiresome. They don't seem to realize that there is a new ruler in town, and things are going to be changing around here!
46, 13 суша
Belial thanks you. I was not taken totally unaware, my Lord Satan. I fought them and managed to retain some of my power, and some of the treasury. But they did manage to overwhelm me in the end and imprison me here. Well, I hope you like it here, because it appears we will be staying here a while. you reply. Indeed? said Belial, stretching his wings. It is unfamiliar, but strangely...familiar, and comfortable, if you know what I mean. Yes, indeed I do, friend Belial. Indeed I do. I suspect the guiding influence of {Yahweh} behind it all, actually. And, as you well know, I do *Not* appreciate being manipulated like this!
49, 18 суша
During a rest stop on the road, a conference breaks out. Lord Satan, we need to talk. Lillith started. We will all die eventually, unless we can find allies. They have turned all of our creations against us, no living or animated creature even offers to join us, or bothers to point out the nearest restroom, for that matter! complained Asmodai. I see the need for that, yes you reply. (Not the restroom part, of course!) But how? They stole most of our power when we were banished. We cannot create anymore, but you can, Lord Satan. urged Leviathon. You have been regaining power steadily during our flight. I'm not a creator. You all know that. I'm an administrator. I'm not good with originality, imagination, and creative solutions! But, you are our last hope, Lord Satan. pleads Lillith. You must try. We all will provide input where we can. It's my sworn duty to make life hell for others and make sure they come in under budget. That is what I do, that is all I do, and I do that well! you reply desperately. Damn it! ...there is a shocked silence at the dropping of the first curse word this plane had ever heard. The group shuffled around and looked at their feet uncomfortably. I will...uh...think upon it. you offer.
49, 19 суша
Leviathon approaches. Lord Satan? Look what I found! You know those hordes of blue midgets you slew up in the snowy realms? Well, look here! She gestures towards a small crater by the side of the road, where you see small, insubstantial larval forms crawling around. Ah! Mortal souls! I remember now. We never did quite figure out how best to dispose of them or recycle them. I wonder what they are doing here? As if in answer, a small interdimensional door opened up over the pit, and another dozen or so larval forms poured through it, with an accompanying flushing noise. The door then snapped shut, and disappeared. Hey! That's my invention! Asmodai exclaimed. I used that to feed the more dangerous of my creations during my experiments. It really saved me on limb replacement costs. Apparently, Michael and company are using it now to dispose of souls in this forsaken land. Typically sloppy work for them, I must say. Lillith sniffed.
49, 20 суша
You get an idea and call your group around you. We could use these souls as the core of our new creations. We could avoid most of the work of Creating if we do it this way. There was a long silence, broken finally by Lillith. Err...wouldn't that be uhmmm...'wrong' to transmute a soul into another body against it's will? Another uncomfortable silence descended. Well, technically yes. Yes it would. you finally say. I am willing to listen to alternatives. Again silence descended, except for the sound of feet nervously shuffling and a few *coughs* and *hacks* due to the ever-present sulfur vapors. I don't know. It just seems...seems...what is that word that is opposite of 'good'? Beelzebub asked. Evil? supplied Asmodai. That's it! Evil! said Beelzebub. Yet another silence descended. Well? you finally break in. Necessity dictates it... Leviathon trailed off. Circumstances being as they are... Lillith agreed. For the common good... Asmodai supplied. I wonder where I can get a good cheeseburger around here? wondered Beelzebub. He stopped when he saw everyone staring at him. Oh, all right. I agree. A short while later, your first creations come into being. They are definitely small. And wimpy. And have huge noses. Oh! and incredibly ugly also. Other than that, they are not bad for a first attempt, you feel.
43, 20 суша
Well, at least these giant fire birds are not faster than you, but they still are pretty powerful.
50, 22 суша
Buoyed by your first success, you eagerly try again when the next soul pit is discovered. What shall we try for this time? How about something that inflicts damage from afar? said Lillith. Those little blue guys were murderous with those balls and chains. Something along the lines of those rubber band fights we had back at the office? supplied Beelzebub. Of course, something more...lethal to throw, of course. Everybody looked around at the fire and magma. Well, plenty of raw material to practice here with, observed Asmodai dryly. A short while later, your second creations come to life. Bigger? Yes. Throws fireballs? Yep. Just as ugly? Double check. I've got to work on my aesthetics. you mutter to yourself. But I warned you all that I'm not the artistic type!
54, 16 суша
Woah! These suckers are *FAST*. Whoever dreamed these guys up really skewed the balance of things. They would never have made it out of committee if you were still running the show!
26, 14 суша
Посещение Зверолов:
Pink placeholder hero
The liberated denizens of this town happily build you a palace!
Asmodai manages to build his greatest invention in the town of Styx.
It seems there has been a shakeout on another Plane of Creation. Their loss is your gain, and it especially holds true for Fallen Angels.
61, 38 суша
Asbestos Shipbuilding Co. Inc. Our ships will not burn!* . . . . . *They may not sail very well, but they will not burn!
106, 1 суша
Mephistopheles is the most clever, quick witted, and intelligent angel ever. His sardonic humor was completely lost on most angels, although his insights were invaluable in Satan's organization. He has been accused of being a tad long-winded at times.
10, 6 суша
Belial has the key!
107, 41 суша
--------> --------> --------> To the other planes of Hell No Angels allowed!
55, 22 суша
Now THIS...This looks like prime real estate here. I'll never be cold again! You think to yourself as you set about evicting the fire elementals.
54, 31 суша
You feel like trying something really different after the soul pit is discovered here. Something fast! suggested Lillith. Something that will draw the flies away from Beelzebub. chimed in Belial. Not too much later, everybody looked at the final product. It's uhmmm...'different', that's for sure. commented Leviathon. Everybody nodded in agreement. Why do I have the urge to pat it on the head and give it a bone? asked Beelzebub.
85, 38 суша
The denizens of Misery decide to build a tavern. (I guess even constant misery gets old after a while!)
Asmodai works some of his magic for the town of Misery.
*News Headlines* The cruise ship Lark sank under mysterious circumstances. All hands (and feet) and passengers are feared lost. 18 members of the Lawyers Guild were aboard. Celebratio...err *ahem* Funeral services will be held at.... (Another Cruise Ship lost? You begin to suspect Leviathon has found a way to the surface and is selectively playing with ships to help you out.)
5, 53 суша
The Guardian
Посещение Чернокнижник:
ai stuff
The Tavern
Well, since your are going right by the place so often, you might as well have a tavern to help cut the dust.
Страж задания
2, 54 суша
The tower of Zzyzzyx finally comes into sight. You knock rather nervously at the door, your army at your back. The door is opened by a tiny elderly imp. Yes? Please inform the mighty and powerful magician Zzyzzyx that Lord Satan is here to discuss some business, you say. Oh...O.K. (The imp just stays there, humming absentmindedly to himself) Well! Go fetch him, you lowly scum! you bellow irritably. I did. What do you want? You did not! You stayed here the whole time.....ohhhh! *The ugly truth starts to dawn.* Arrrrrggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!! An imp??? (With a limp, no less!) How can a stinkin' little imp help me? What? You were expecting some sort of powerful wizard or something? the old gimpy imp lisped, obviously hurt, What do you want? You decide to swallow your pride. I would like to build a portal to the surface. Rumor has it that you can do it? ( You can't quite remove all the doubt from your voice as you say this.) The tiny creatures sighs. The tall ones always underestimate the power of the small ones. Sure! I can do it. For a price, of course. And in your case, I will only double the price for you snobby attitude. Return with 100 fire elementals to help me with the constructing and blasting. He slams the door in your face.
Страж задания
1, 53 суша
The door of the next tower is snatched open right away. An irritable Zzyzzyx glares up at you. What?! I just started with the fire elementals. This is going to take some time, you know! Stop bugging me! But....I...you... , you intelligently begin. Listen buddy! If you want something to do, bring me back 5 Air Elementals, 5 Earth Elementals and 5 Water Elementals. I will need 5 of each type to create the final opening. That ought to keep you out of my hair for a little while! Hmmmmph! He slams the door in your face.
Страж задания
2, 52 суша
Zzyzzyx actually bellows when he snatches open the door. WHAT?!!! Give me access to the Portal!, you yell back at him, patience at an end. Why should I? You haven't paid for it yet! Of course I have. I gave you all those creatures! Nope. I needed those creatures to build it. You haven't {PAID} for it yet! the Imp grinned. What? But? I.... you stutter. Oh! Such intelligent conversational habits you tall ones have. And your kind look down on me! he huffs. Well, considering you are all of 2 feet tall, it's sort of hard to look 'up' to you, you point out rather nastily. That's it! The price just doubled again! Come back with 80,000 gold and 20 of each of the precious resources, and you will get your gate! The imp slams the door in your face, and after a second, you hear several lock bars being dropped into place.
Страж задания
3, 51 суша
The infuriating tower stands before you yet again. This time you don't knock. You tell a team of efreet sultans to blow the door in. They do, and you stride inside. There you face a strangely glowing Zzyzzyx, who sits floating in mid-air. You order the attack, and all manner of weapons, spells, bits of plumbing, rotten vegetables, dead cats, and short jokes just seem to go through him. Finally, your army and you exhausted, he speaks. You will get what you paid for, but first I must take away your Familiars from your army. You don't treat them well, and I wish to rescue them. Give me 400 of them, now!
Ржавый дракон
63, 105 суша
The stinky, sulfuric smell you've been noticing more lately is centered dead ahead. Suddenly, mounds that you thought were rocks start moving, turning into the largest dragons you have ever seen. The largest comes forward and addresses you. Only the dead may pass into this place. Well, we're not dead, you reply amiably. So are you going to let us by? Besides, we're going the other way. (If a dragon can look confused, then this dragon looks the epitome of it.) But no one goes the other way. No one ever has. hmmmm... Therefore, you cannot either!. The giant dragon looks relieved at struggling out this bit of logic. One of the brighter species we've produced, eh? whispers Beelzebub. Methinks it is a Michael Special, m'lord, utters Leviathon. Big, strong, and stupid. It appears that way, Yes.
Ржавый дракон
74, 88 суша
The stinky, sulfuric smell you've been noticing more lately is centered dead ahead. Suddenly, mounds that you thought were rocks start moving, turning into the largest dragons you have ever seen (unless you fought the other stacks). The largest comes forward and addresses you. Only the dead may pass into this place. Well, we're not dead, you reply amiably. So are you going to let us by? Besides, we're going the other way. (If a dragon can look confused, then this dragon looks the epitome of it.) But no one goes the other way. No one ever has. hmmmm... Therefore, you cannot either!. The giant dragon looks relieved at struggling out this bit of logic. Another of the brighter species we've produced, eh? whispers Beelzebub.
Ржавый дракон
79, 82 суша
The stinky, sulfuric smell you've been noticing more lately is centered dead ahead. Suddenly, mounds that you thought were rocks start moving, turning into the largest dragons you have ever seen (unless you fought the other stacks!). The largest comes forward and addresses you. Only the dead may pass into this place. Well, we're not dead, you reply amiably. So are you going to let us by? Besides, we're going the other way. (If a dragon can look confused, then this dragon looks the epitome of it.) But no one goes the other way. No one ever has. hmmmm... Therefore, you cannot either!. The giant dragon looks relieved at struggling out this bit of logic. One of the brighter species we've produced, eh? whispers Beelzebub.
93, 79 суша
AI stuff
AI stuff
AI 2
AI 2
Even the dead drink? Don't give the skeletons any...it just goes right through them!
106, 102 суша
AI stuff
AI stuff
AI 2
AI 2
Even the dead drink? Don't give the skeletons any...it just goes right through them!
24, 82 суша
AI stuff
Ai stuff
45, 67 суша
AI stuff
AI stuff
73, 9 суша
The Pit Landing Zone (Watch out for Falling Angels!)
45, 35 суша
Another soul pit is discovered, this time populated by souls that seem more robust and bigger. Well, what are you going to try for this time?, asked Lillith. Not to be critical or anything, Lord, Asmodai put in. But those Hell Hounds do pee on the hearth carpets. And don't even get me started about what the male ones do to people's legs when you have them over as guests. Yes, and how about training them in our army? Someone throws a stick and our entire formation goes to Hell...err...excuse that expression. Goes to Heaven?, contributed Beelzebub. All right. All right!! You exclaim. No more 4-footed experiments, I promise. Hmmmm....how about something in our image? Oh no!, exclaimed Lillith. Their feathers will burn up in an instant down here. There was a pause as everyone stared pointedly at her. Ooops! I keep forgetting. she says in an embarrassed tone. We've been plucked, haven't we? And roasted to a nice crispy red. remarked Asmodai dryly. *ahem*! You cough discretely. Moving right along. If you folks would be so kind as to gather around to lend me your energy, let us create some minions! A good while later, the results stand before you. Eh? Pretty slow ain't they? And he's only got one horn! What's the deal with that? The teeth came out nicely though. What's with the hooves? Who threw that it there? The tail is pretty cool, though, and the glowing red eyes! Nice touch! Not bad indeed, you say. We can always work on an upgrade back hom...errr...Is anybody else thinking of that dismal inferno we live in as home? After a shameful silence, one by one everyone raised their hands.
61, 32 суша
Another soul pit! Time for another experiment! Right! Whose idea was it to only have one horn on the demons we created? Everybody pointed to Beelzebub. You! you gesture, Go to the end of the line! The rest of you, gather 'round. These souls look stronger yet, exclaimed Belial. We should try for something definitely stronger. And faster, put in Asmodai. You know, mused Leviathon. It is shame about those imps always getting creamed every battle we have. We should be able to recover all those souls, it is such a waste. Alright, that is a good idea. you agree. If we can't get it done now, we can always fit it into the next version. Not too much later, the result stands before the group. I think we are getting into a rut here. Well, at least it has two horns. ..and the hooves are gone. Nicely proportioned indeed, and he won't have the outrageous orthodontia bills that the demons cause us What's with the whip? Everybody stared, and then stared in turn at Lillith. What? what? she exclaimed defensively. Can't a girl have a little fun? You lot are not the funnest to hang around you know. I need an outlet...
66, 29 суша
More of these aberrations of nature? You begin to wonder how populated this new plane is...
Элементал магмы
60, 32 суша
You look at the amount of magma around you, and at the elementals. Crimony! I hope that whatever is animating these things doesn't go berserk!
73, 37 суша
The last soul pit has finally been discovered...and with the strongest souls yet found! The group huddles around gleefully. Right! First of all, it should be much faster. ...it should be more fiery, and attack with fire! What if an attacking creature actually hurt itself when striking it? Yeah! How about if we add a cup holder? ... *Slap* ... And it should be resistant to all fire and mind spells. And it should fly. Nah. Wings are too bulky. In order to lift the creature, the mass/levitation ratio will have to be n'th square root.... Can we make it fly without wings? *dead silence* err...just a suggestion. I suppose it could 'levitate on a column of flames. Right, won't need any legs then either, that will save us some time. It won't need a cigarette lighter, that's for sure! Heh! After a while, you gaze upon your finest creation.
101, 15 суша
Some old graffiti on a rock attracts your attention. Zzyzzyx was here Hmmm...the strange thing is that the scrawl was done at about knee- height on the wall.
Хижина предсказателя
102, 91 суша
An old, bent, skeletal creature answers the door. My bones are old My health is frail I feel the cold with every gail BUT! He suddenly says spryly. If you bring a Sphere of Permanence I will answer all your questions.
51, 16 суша
Welcome to Heck! Landing Zone for falling angels
Кристальный дракон
29, 38 суша
Crystal doesn't melt, but you will when I'm through with you!
37, 25 суша
The Fiery Dunes (Glass obviously has not been invented yet)
30, 29 суша
We lay claim to this, the hottest desert ever known! You may not pass! Uhm...Why would you want that? *silence while the nomads whisper amongst themselves* Because the Trolls to the South also want it! Well, why don't your two groups bash each other heads in and let us go by? you reply reasonably. We can't...you all look just as ugly as trolls! (They attack)
32, 33 суша
We lay claim to this, the hottest desert ever known! You may not pass! Uhm...Why would you want that? *silence while the trolls whisper amongst themselves* Because the Nomads to the North also want it! Well, why don't your two groups bash each other heads in and let us go by? you reply reasonably. We can't...you all look uglier than nomads! *They attack* (Yeah...as if they have room to talk, you mutter to yourself)
104, 35 суша
You gaze upon the scene of a crushed skeleton underneath a cart. The dangers of fixing a wheel without properly blocking the other one is clear to all.
8, 16 суша
The Demon Pools Fishing with Imps as bait strictly forbidden.
Волшебный элементал
13, 24 суша
The Demon's Claw guardians silently and swiftly attack. Behind them, you can see glimpses of a powerful sword, sheathed in a small pool of magma. (Anybody remember to bring the oven mitts to pull it out?)
Элементал магмы
18, 27 суша
You don't have a ticket? Then you can't come in!
8, 34 суша
The populace finally gets organized enough to build you a tavern and a castle gate.
Владыка бездны
3, 36 суша
You cannot steal our luck!
Королевский минотавров
67, 8 суша
You look in admiration at these creatures. Well, someone is doing some good work up there. If we could have these as our ground troops rather than demons... Unfortunately, these seem fairly intent on following through doing what they do best!
74, 9 суша
Lord Satan! We are so glad to see you. There are still purges going on back at headquarters. They are marching us out of there and throwing us off into the abyss, and we're landing here!
Штормовой элементал
84, 4 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
79, 12 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
79, 18 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
89, 1 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
88, 22 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
96, 20 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
99, 15 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
100, 11 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Штормовой элементал
102, 3 суша
The fog swirls, whirls, and forms into many beings of air. (and they zap, too!)
Королева медуз
94, 30 суша
Even if you beat us, you should know that this artifact is cursed and you will be sorry if you use it!
106, 17 суша
Some trolls have dug up a *really* nice looking shield whilst mucking around for their dinner. Problem is, they've got it into their thick heads that it is really valuable. They are right, but they will need some convincing to hand it over.
Огненный элементал
96, 46 суша
We like to give visitors to the Elemental Valley of the Fire the warmest of welcomes!
71, 28 суша
The pall of evil permeating this place is at first shocking, but for some reason your feel right at home after awhile.
71, 35 суша
A toll both ahead announces
97, 25 суша
This creepy valley has an aura of foreboding and menace.
96, 24 суша
Huh? Nothing here? Maybe those troggies in the cave ahead are scaring everyone away? Yeah, right!
75, 54 суша
Asmodai's experiment with Asbestos Kelp. (Please do not disturb) ((Especially don't bring a ship though here!!!)) . . . *Ooops!*
39, 56 суша
Hey! This is our sphere! We know its not much to look at, and it isn't very pretty, but it's still ours!
Элементал магмы
81, 69 суша
These beings seem friendly. (Wouldn't you be if a ship showed up after you've been marooned here for eternity?) They seem to want to go with you.
Штормовой элементал
81, 71 суша
Ditto with these beings. (You wonder why they couldn't have just flown away???)
Ледяной элементал
82, 73 суша
Now, these beings have a good excuse for not leaving. Maybe the phrase Ice Sculpture's chance in Hell will catch on?
83, 74 суша
These guys could probably surf the waves of the Burning sea. They just have troubles finding a non-combustible surfboard!
88, 92 суша
Skeleton Horses for Sale! (Saddles and doubled saddle clothes *highly* recommended!)
104, 41 суша
You surprise a bunch of imps worshiping a unidentifiable lump of stone. Some of the chants use the word Zzyzzyx a lot, looting, and something about defending them from the red menace. The imps spot you and rush inside to defend their bank.
43, 10 суша
A dying imp cackles insanely
56, 27 суша
The first item on today's staff meeting was
57, 23 суша
For a good time... Visit the Temple of Evil!
32, 29 суша
The heat and sand suddenly gets whipped up into a fiery sandstorm, which whips through your army, making even the efreets dried out.
32, 35 суша
The heat and sand suddenly gets whipped up into a fiery sandstorm, which whips through your army, making even the efreets dried out.
67, 4 суша
You come upon a tortured soul pushing a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll down again. Oh, its one of those punishments they are very big on down here, Lillith replies. Hey you!, you shout. Why are you pushing that boulder? The figure, distracted puts one hand to his ear as if he hadn't heard you. The boulder, without a proper maintaining shove, rolls back over him. It reaches the bottom of the valley, rolls up the other side, and then back down and over the struggling figure, again and again and again... Oh sure, like we didn't see *that* coming! Belial says sarcastically!
106, 76 суша
This land is sick, and dying. You silently wonder how these creatures came about. You doubt even Michael and company would stoop to this, simply because these creatures would happily feed on the living of both sides. Then again, Michael was never very well known for his intellect... This land was none of our doing, but the Angels of Heaven's Gate, in the haste to stop us, may have unleashed a horror more potent then us upon the planes. We can now add 'righteousness' to our list of grievances against them.
Черный дракон
60, 62 суша
Get your courage somewhere else! We've got ours!
53, 66 суша
You finally arrive in the land of the Dragonlords. You now have a healthy dislike of mazes, ships, and mushrooms. Abazeal over in Plate Tectonics was in charge if underground structures, and you are sure that she had waaaaay to much time on her hands!
26, 71 суша
You finally arrive in the land of the Dragonlords. You now have a healthy dislike of mazes, ships, and mushrooms. Abazeal over in Plate Tectonics was in charge if underground structures, and you are sure that she had waaaaay to much time on her hands!
Ржавый дракон
0, 70 суша
This artifact might prove useful. Good thing it didn't fall into the DragonLord's hands early on!
22, 103 суша
Valley of the Lords Looters will be eaten!
14, 103 суша
You feel a sense of foreboding. The air has gone deathly still, and the silence is almost surreal.
13, 103 суша
Ghostly forms materialize quickly out of every crevice and cave in the area. The Dragon Lords protect their own.
106, 46 суша
The miners here suddenly noticed that you are scarfing up all their hard work! Needless to say, they do not look pleased (as much as you can tell from animated magma). Do you attack?
Волшебный элементал
4, 3 суша
The mysterious jailers silently move to attack.
86, 40 суша
You see a figure writhing in a magma pool, twisting in torment. What did he do? you ask Leviathon. Oh, I asked about that one also. It turns out he was part of some development team for a 'software game', whatever that means. Well, that seems a bit harsh of a punishment, what did he do to deserve this specifically? you ask again. He kept insisting upon including something called 'Eagle Eye'? You think for a minute. Well get him out of there, then. Yes, my Lord. And put him in the pool over on the other side of the road. Its hotter.
72, 30 суша
Asmodai finally came up with the new logo for new group. It showed the 8 of them bathed in flames and wearing some pretty punitive looks, unfortunately, Satan's horns overlapped the word Heck. The result looked more like Hell. After some mulling over, the group decided they liked that name better and decided to rename everything. (You always wondered about that, didn't you?)
85, 39 суша
You capture a single familiar who was grubbing around in front of the castle. After some 'persuasion', he speaks. That's one tough'm castle. It 'ill be dif'cult for you to take. 'Course, if Zzyzzyx was here, *he'd* have no trouble takin' it!
89, 11 суша
A sign is posted near a large crack in the ground, where dark fog is seen boiling from and spreading over the ground everywhere. This evil fog brought to you by Zzyzzyx...inventor of the Zzyzzyx B200 Fog Machine. Don't touch!
63, 50 суша
If you would have bought the Zzyzzyx Mark 3000 Fireship...you would be there by now!
103, 64 суша
These ugly creatures seem to be flapping too hard in an effort to keep cool to bother singing much.
41, 27 суша
More primal forces left over from the creation? They fall before you scythe easily enough, but you sure get a nasty shock each time you hit them! You make a mental note to ask Asmodai if there is any way to insulate the handle of your scythe.
8, 30 суша
The energy beings silently attack. (You begin to wonder what would happen if you threw a giant grounding rod at them? You make a mental note to ask Asmodai about that some time.)
Дендроид воин
74, 15 суша
Even the trees have heard of your banishment and have turned against you. Who's idea was it to animate tree people anyway? Ah, yes! It must have been Simmons over in the flora group. Maybe you should have granted his transfer request to the fauna group!
Земной элементал
66, 25 суша
Animated earth??!! You never authorized this project! What were those layabouts over in Land Formations thinking of? It seems everyone wanted to try their hand with life forms! On the other hand, the make perfect mine workers. Too bad they seem to want to protect their work rather than just handing it over to you.
107, 1 суша
That well-known, sporific, lecturing voice drifting from now familiar-looking prison cell up ahead could only be the long-lost Mephistopheles. You excitedly open up the cell to be greeted with lots of fallen angels, who fall to your feet in pitiful tokens of gratefulness, and then beat it as fast as they can to the tail end of your army, with desperate glances over their shoulders. For an instant, Mephistopheles looks slightly vexed over the departure of his captive audience, and then greets you. My lord! The rapture experienced upon the instance of our rescue is indescribable. Thank you for such a kind a munificent act and... Yeah, yeah, yeah, you interrupt quickly. (Which is, you have painfully learned, the only way to deal with Mephistopheles). We're in a buttload of trouble, and have a lot to do, so let's get moving. Succinct and to the point as always, my Lord, obseved Mephistopheles dryly. I am, as always, at your service. My magnificent intellectual abilities shall be applied to the problems at hand, and shall forthwithh derive a solution, whereupon we shall.... His voice fades as you walk swiftly away. A part of you now regrets rescuing him.
56, 13 суша
A deranged-looking, bispeckled, middle-aged, and slightly overweight man suddenly appears in front of you, shoves a grubby piece of paper in your hands, mumbles something about the map maybe is too hard for some, and then just as suddenly disappears. Shocked, you read the paper
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