Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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During one of your many border skirmishes, you and a much hated fellow Beastmaster are transported to a totally unfamiliar area. Perhaps now is the time to set aside past grudges and concentrate on survival. Then again...you really, really hate him...
This land was once the heartland of a thriving swamp empire. The enslaved barbarian hordes in the neighboring lands rose up and overthrew it, leaving only rubble...It is rumored that they watch over it still...
Revenge is in the heart of every true swamp dweller. The only good barbarian is a dead barbarian.
You were out visiting your gorgon foraging pastures one day when you discovered your hated Beastmaster neighbor stealing some of your herd. You gave chase. He disappeared down a narrow defile you had never noticed before. As you followed him, you experienced a brief moment of disorientation.
You obviously triggered an ancient one way gate. Your hated enemy and you appear to be stuck on opposite sides of a dead gate, in a realm neither of you appear to be familiar with. You set off to explore, fairly certain that you will see each other again soon...
The black object makes an annoying ringing noise. As you look at it at, immediately your nemeses can be seen through the crystal. He says: You are so ugly, you can make a starving hog back off from a full slop trough!. The object then goes blank.
The object buzzes again. Prepared for more abuse, you answere it. He comes on and says: I found me a town, and they welcomed me as a hero. I am going to come for you, and have my new population watch you drawn and quartered in the marketplace!
Talk 7
Another buzz...The annoyance is really getting to you, but you do learn some things from the ugly fellow's boastings. He comes on: You have a face like a warthog that stuck his ugly mug into a wasp's nest! You have alll the characteristics of a dog, except for loyalty!
Talk 9
The darn rock is ringing again...The jerk comes on: You putrescent piece of wyvern dung! If brains were lard, you wouldn't have enough to grease a pan with! You notice in the background, that he is in a tunnel or cavern underground, and has a bunch of gorgons with him.
Day 12
The blasted rock rings yet again. The stupid beastmaster comes on and starts to harang you. He is in the town, because just then someone yells: Barbarian army at the gates! The scared look on your rival's face is delicious, and then the rock goes dead.
15, 18 подземелье
16, 16 подземелье
Могучий горгон
19, 19 подземелье
These Gorgons seem to like the company that you have brought them. They seem to want to join the herd.
Могучий горгон
15, 14 подземелье
These Mighty Gorgons seem to like the company you have brought with you. They seem to want to join the herd.
Ящер воин
2, 8 подземелье
The group of Lizard Warriors address you
Гнолл мародер
33, 27 подземелье
The group of gnoll marauders address you
20, 22 подземелье
You find a small black box of stone on a rock. It appears magical. As you pick it up, you see the hated visage of your foe hovering inside. He apparently saw you too, for you both opened your eyes and swore at the same time. A magical communication device?
12, 11 подземелье
You find a small black box of stone on a rock. It appears magical. As you pick it up, you see the hated visage of your foe hovering inside. He apparently saw you too, for you both opened your eyes and swore at the same time. A magical communication device?
25, 34 подземелье
You find an escaped slave from the barbarian castle hiding in some bushes. She tells of the might of the barbarian castle, and the fact there are some strange archways inside the castle. *Perhaps your way home leads through one of these archways?*
5, 6 подземелье
You find a old hermit who used to work at the barbarian castle. He tells of the might of the barbarian castle, and the fact there are some strange archways inside the castle. *Perhaps your way home leads through one of these archways?*
23, 27 подземелье
Your capture a dryad. In exchange for her freedom, she tells you of the history of the region. Once it was a mighty Swamp empire, but the neighboring barbarian lands teamed up and overthrew it some time ago. There is a city to the Southeast that is being rebuilt.
11, 13 подземелье
Your capture a fairie. In exchange for her freedom, she tells you of the history of the region. Once it was a mighty Swamp empire, but the neighboring barbarian lands teamed up and overthrew it some time ago. There is a city to the Northwest that is being rebuilt.
3, 35 подземелье
Comp stuff
3, 3 суша
This dank cavern used to be the riverbed of the river above. Now, only a muddy tickle runs along the floor of these dripping caverns.
32, 34 суша
This dank cavern used to be the riverbed of the river above. Now, only a muddy tickle runs along the floor of these dripping caverns.
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