Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Control Rand (green), his ally Blue Ajah (blue) or one of his enemies Red Ajah (red), Whitecloaks (orange) and Seanchan (teal) against Shaido (tan), Borderlanders (pink), and the Forsaken (purple). Capture Shayol Ghul to win. Fail, and what was, what will be, and what is, will fall under the Shadow.
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me the Shield of the Dwarven Lords, you would be well rewarded.
Хижина провидца
59, 8 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me the Pendant of Free Will, you would be well rewarded.
Хижина провидца
86, 23 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me the Breastplate of Petrified Wood, you would be well rewarded.
Хижина провидца
90, 66 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me the Skull Helmet, you would be well rewarded.
Хижина провидца
77, 114 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me the Pendant of Holiness, you would be well rewarded.
Хижина провидца
69, 62 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me the Clover of Fortune, you would be well rewarded.
Хижина провидца
39, 21 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me the Ladybird of Luck, you would be well rewarded.
88, 111 подземелье
Посещение Друид:
Sheriam Bayanar was Mistress of Novices in Tar Valon, before fleeing to Salidar. While she was not, for security reasons, involved in Siuans conspiracy to support the Dragon Reborn, she would most likely have suppored it. Being a strong-willed and determined Aes Sedai, as well as kind, gentle and a natural leader, she was a most valuable supporter to Siuan Sanche - and a nuisance to Elaida and Siuan's other enemies inside the White Tower. These personality traits have also given her a major influnce over the exiled Aes Sedai in Salidar, that is, until their chosen Amyrlin in exile, Egwene al'Vere, arrives...
136, 38 подземелье
Cold Rocks
140, 123 подземелье
58, 114 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Pedron Niall, the Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light, one of the great captains, is a formidable tactical and political leader. Knowing by his immense network of spies that there is turmoil and chaos all over the world, he is determined to unite the forces of every nation, and lead them to victory in the Last Battle.
Arad Doman
Our forces have returned from Arad Doman.
Our forces have returned from Tarabon.
Our forces have returned from Altara.
Our forces have returned from Illian.
Our forces have returned from Murandy.
Our forces have returned from the Plains of Maredo.
Our forces have returned from the Almoth Plain.
Our forces have returned from Tear.
Our forces have returned from Mayene.
Our forces have returned from Andor.
Our forces have returned from Cairhien.
Tar Valon
Our forces have returned from Tar Valon.
Our forces have returned from Shienar.
Our forces have returned from Arafel.
Our forces have returned from Saldea.
Our forces have returned from Kandor.
Our forces have returned from Ghealadan.
Two Rivers
Our forces have returned from the Two Rivers.
Our forces have returned from Caralain Grass.
Shadow Coast
Our forces have returned from the Shadow Coast.
66, 8 подземелье
Shayol Ghul
Посещение Клирик:
A few years after Lanfear had accidently released the Dark One, Elan Morin Tedronai, being one of the world's greatest philosophers, discovered the reason for the increasing turmoil in the world, and calmly assumed that the Shadow would eventually prevail over the Creator. Therefore, Elan Morin joined the Forsaken out of pure self-perservation, thus becoming the mightiest of them all
90, 78 подземелье
Посещение Чернокнижник:
Nothing is known of Ared Mosinel until he showed up among the Forsaken, later given the name Rahvin by the followers of the Light, though it is believed that he joined the Dark One to satisfy his main desire
106, 125 подземелье
Посещение Элементалист:
Being one of the world's greatest atlethes, Tel Janin Aellensinar became a leading military commander under Lews Therin when the War of the Shadow started. Since Tel Janin excelled in defense, and the Shadow's enemies were most often defending their positions, he rose high in the command structure very early in the war. During the fourth year of the war, Tel Janin became sure that the Shadow would win. Since he only wanted to fight when he was sure of winning, he chose to become one of the Forsaken, and was recruited by Graendal herself. (In the beginning, he was Graendal's disciple, but that changed long ago. Now he is at least her equal.) Becoming one of the Shadow's greatest generals, he was named Sammael, the Destroyer of Hope. Despite never defeating Lews Therin Thelamon on the battlefield, he won many significant battles, and was considered equal to the Shadow's great generals Demandred and Be'lal. Being a great military mind, Sammael still try to avoid open warfare. His desire is to have Rand al'Thor killing all other Forsaken, and then having the honor of meeting him in the Last Battle. He never attacks unless he is certain of the outcome, and he is a master of preparations. He also regularely tricks other Forsaken into doing his work, and never fails to strike when he has the advantage. Sammael is currently controlling Illian, calling himself Lord Brend. He is only of average height, and is irritated that the One Power cannot make him taller. He is doubtlessly one of the most dangerous Forsaken.
81, 9 подземелье
Seven Towers
91, 10 подземелье
Fal Dara
Посещение Варвар:
One of the few great captains, Lord Agelmar Jagad is one of the foremost champions in the Borderlands' struggle against the Dark One's hordes.
95, 34 подземелье
Fal Moran
Посещение Варвар:
King Easar Togita of Shienar does not appear to be a cunning military leader. His relexed stature, soft voice and tiny complexion makes you think of a poet, a clerk or a scholar, rather than a soldier. However, Easar has been at war with the Shadow for his entire life, and is probably one of the Dark One's greatest adversaries today. Those who underestimate him in battle doesn't usually live to regret it.
73, 54 подземелье
101, 71 подземелье
Посещение Лорд:
High Lord Meilan of House Mendiana is one of the brightest commanders among the High Lords of Tear. Unfortunately, he is also driven by envy and ambition. While giving fealty to Rand al'Thor with his mouth, he is betraying him with his heart. His current goal is to be crowned as King of Cairhien, and he will support (and likely assassinate, afterwards) anyone who help him achieve his goal. Meilan is the kind of man that you can trust blindly as a field commander in a distant land, (preferebly as far away as possible,) but not in the same room without any bodyguards and with your back turned.
121, 67 подземелье
130, 64 подземелье
139, 56 подземелье
62, 73 подземелье
Emond's Field
Посещение Странник:
Raised as a blacksmith's apprentice, Perrin Aybara was forced to leave Two Rivers, when the Shadow tried to capture him, Rand and Mat. Since then, Perrin has become a great warrior, politician and leader of men. His natural gift of speaking with wolves has also been developed. He is currently hunted by the Whitecloaks, who thinks he is partly responsible for their disaster against the Seanchan in Falme. Perrin is in love with Faile Bashere.
79, 67 подземелье
36, 84 подземелье
42, 93 подземелье
55, 96 подземелье
51, 103 подземелье
71, 104 подземелье
90, 124 подземелье
Ebou Dar
132, 134 подземелье
133, 112 подземелье
Stdng Shangtai
64, 59 подземелье
Taren Ferry
Посещение Рыцарь Смерти:
Padan Fain was a Darkfriend who was mentally changed by the Dark One to feel the presence of Rand al'Thor. When he and other pursuiers entered Shadar Logoth in their hunt for Rand, he managed to get away from the others, only to encounter Mordeth, the only survivor of the demise of the city many hundred years ago. Freed from the Dark One's influence, Fain is now a tool of Mordeth, and blames Rand al'Thor for all that has happened. Posing as a Darkfriend, Fain's goal, beside killing Rand al'Thor, is to gain influence and to remain free of the Shadow. Don't let his good looks fool you, although no longer a Darkfriend, he is still as evil and as ruthless as you can be (and full of the vileness of Shadar Logoth to boot). Currently, he is cooperating with Captain Dain Bornhald to find Perrin Aybara, but his secret goal is to create so much havoc in the Two Rivers that Rand will have to return home, and then encounter and eliminate him.
76, 93 подземелье
63, 30 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Saldaeans, in general, have a reputation for being fire-brained. Since their young Queen Tenobia is considered hot-tempered even by Saldaean standards, you probably do not want to have her angry with you.
121, 134 подземелье
Посещение Алхимик:
Berelain sur Paendrag, High Seat of House Paeron, First of Mayene, descendant of Artur Hawkwing, is a skillful political leader. As such, since she has sworn fealty to the Rand al'Thor, she is one of his greatest and most trusted allies. On the negative side, she is very interested in seduction, and she is determined to bring Perrin Aybara, a concept which are disliked to him... and to Faile Bashere.
72, 117 подземелье
21, 123 подземелье
105, 52 подземелье
Stedding Tsofu
65, 10 подземелье
Barid Bel Medar was a great military commander among those who fought the Shadow, until he finally abandoned the Light, much out of envy that he was always merely second-best in the world in literature, art, philosophy, science and warfare, and that the same person, Lews Therin Thelamon, Supreme Commander of the Forces of Light, always was slightly better in every area. Having turned to the Shadow, he became the Forsaken Demandred. Demandred soon became (and is still) one of the greatest threats for the Dark One's enemies. While Sammael is excelling in defense, and is prefering to strike when victory is certain, Demandred's leadership style is a (very successful) gamble. While Sammael spend his days in the field for love of warfare, Demandred stay in the field because he is hoping to be the one who finally defeats the Dragon, Rand al'Thor. He was suspected to be masquerading himself as the false Dragon Mazrim Taim, but recent events have proven otherwise. Still, it is very likely that he has taken the disguise of someone in Rand al'Thor's immediate vicinity.
55, 113 подземелье
Morgase Trakand, the true Queen of Andor, is presumed dead. Needless to say, that is a highly exaggerated rumor. She is, in fact, trying to gather supporters to retake Caemlyn from the usurper Lord Gaebril . Even though he has manipulated her to alienate all her most likely supporters, she is still one of the World's greatest political leaders, and are more than likely to give Lord Gaebril a tough fight over the throne. Of course, she does not know that he is actually the Forsaken called Rahvin. If she did, it would most likely dampen her enthusiasm somewhat. Right now, she is seeking help from the Children of the Light in Amador.
85, 111 подземелье
Being a not so honest 'advisor for investments' named Lillen Moiral before turning to the Shadow and becoming one of the Dark One's foremost spies, Moghedien is most likely one of the weakest among the Forsaken. That does NOT make her one of the least dangerous ones. Quite the opposite, Moghedien has a unique skill of sneaking up on her enemies and delvering a deadly blow before her presence is known. Her background also helps her to ferret out her enemies' weaknesses. However, she has trouble dealing with a defeat, which made her spend most of her time and resources trying to find and eliminate Nynaeve al'Meara and Birgitte Silverbow. After she was finally captured by Nynaeve and imprisoned in Salidar, she is believed to actually be afraid of Nynaeve and Birgitte. That, of course,simply means that she is weary of being defeated by them again, but not that she will refrain from attacking them, if she has the advantage.
67, 10 подземелье
Nemene Damendar Boann was a famous healer before turning to the Shadow. However, while experimenting for better results, she found that she found pleasure in making healing a painful experience. When the authorities eventually found out that she caused her patients to feel unnessecary pain, she sought refuge among the Forsaken, and became known, and dreaded, as the very much feared Forsaken Semiraghe. She is still an amazing healer, but she is also the Shadow's foremost interrogation expert. Her extreme patience and coolness makes her a formidable opponent, and other Forsaken are, if not afraid, at least wary of her. She likes knitting, she is unusally tall (for a woman), and she hates Lanfear so much, that she always wear black, just because Lanfear always wear white (a fact that noone, not even Sammael, dares to mention in her presence). Her knowledge of the human body are unequalled.
93, 107 подземелье
Despite being from Arad Doman, Leane Sharif, former Keeper of the Chronicles of Tar Valon and (also former) second most powerful Aes Sedai in the world, is usually all business and effeciency. After being forced to flee Tar Valon, however, she has started to practice her mother's and aunt's teaching about flirting and how to turn men's heads, eyes, and minds, all of which will likely make her an even better diplomat.
92, 107 подземелье
Since her early teens, Elminerada Farshaw has been able to see other people's future. Being a tom-boy, she prefers to call herself Min, since Elminerada was the name of a legendary bimbo. For the same reason, she cuts her hair short and wears coats, shirts and trousers rather than dresses, blouses or skirts. Since she met Rand and his friends in Baerlon a little less than two years ago, her life has been turned upside down. She fell in love with him, despite trying not to, she went to Tar Valon to have her ability studied, she (and Elayne) followed when Liandrin lured Egwene and Nynaeve to Toman Head, she helped Nynaeve to free Egwene from the Seanchan, she was sent by Moiraine to Tar Valon to inform Siuan that Rand was enroute to Tear, and most recent she was disguised as the fluff-brained Elminerada to help Siuan to ferret out the Black Ajah. Having helped Siuan, Leane and Logain to flee Tar Valon, she has recently arrived with them in Salidar.
93, 108 подземелье
Raised as a poor fisherman's daughter in Tear, Siuan Sanche, the former Amyrlin Seat, former Flame of Tar Valon, and former leader of all Aes Sedai, was nevertheless likely the known world's (not counting Seanchan, Shara, the Aiel Waste or the Land of the Madmen) most influental ruler. Having known about Rand al'Thor for two decades, she has secretly schemed to support him as soon as he could be found, which was only known by herself Moiraine Damodred. Recently, however, Verin Mathwin and Leane Sharif were also part of the conspiracy. Siuan could not trust most of the other Aes Sedai for two reasons. First of all, many would attempt to capture or otherwise control Rand, instead of merely advising him, to make sure that he lived until the Last Battle, and secondly, noone knows who the Black Ajah (Aes Sedai Darkfriends) are, but they have already committed a dozen murders, just to cover Liandrin's tracks, as she fled from Tar Valon, and therefore may be considered numerous, dangerous and treacherous, and anybody could be one. At the time of her capture, the only people Siuan trusted completely (except for Moiraine, Verin and Leane) were Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Min. Recently, Siuan found herself stripped of her title and all her magical powers (a fate that she also shared with Leane). However, loyal sisters and many of the Warders tried to free her, and even though they lost the battle inside the White Tower, Min were able to break her and Leane out of their cell. After having recently arrived in the Blue Ajah's secret hideout in Salidar, Siuan, Leane and Logain have been healed by Nynaeve al'Meara, and are now able to use magic again.
119, 53 подземелье
Galina Casban is the secret head of the Red Ajah. Since Elaida is also Red, that makes Galina one of her greatest allies. Of course, Elaida is not aware that Galina is also Black Ajah. Galina, like any other Darkfriend, is ruthless, but still afraid that Elaida might have her killed (which she likely would), if she fails in the important tasks she has been assigned to. She is even more afraid that the Black Ajah will get her first, in which case she'll probably wish for the relief of death for a very long time.
120, 53 подземелье
Gawyn Trakand, Prince of Andor, is an amazing swordsman. Despite his lack of years, he uses the sword better than the Warders that taught him, albiet less good than his half-brother, Galad. As brother of Elayne Trakand, he is destined to become First Prince of the Sword when she becomes Queen of Andor. In love with Egwene al'Vere, Gawyn has joined Elaida's faction because he thinks that Siuan is exposing Egwene and Elayne to unnessecary risk, and that Siuan is violating Tower law. When the Warders tried to break Siuan free, Gawyn took command of the young men who were studying the art of swordfighting in Tar Valon, and caused the Warders to fail. He is reported to have killed the two most famous swordsmen (who were also his teachers) among them in single combat during the fighting. For reasons maybe even unknown to himself, Gawyn allowed Siuan, Leane and Min to escape Tar Valon. Gawyn and the other students have now formed an elite squadron known as the Younglings. Gawyn seeks the death of Rand al'Thor, since he believes that Rand have killed his mother, Morgase. Until most recently, he also thought that Rand had killed Elayne too, but he has now found out that she is alive and well. Since she cannot control him, Elaida tries to kill Gawyn by sending him into battle against powerful opponents, but she has so far been unsuccessful.
92, 111 подземелье
The false Dragon Logain Ablar was held captive in Tar Valon. However, as you read this, he has managed to escape during the chaos there. Somewhat of a scoundrel, he is also compassionate, strong-willed, charming, and an excellent leader. In short, Logain is a valuable and loyal ally.
105, 71 подземелье
Unlike many of his fellow Cairhien nobles, Lord Dobraine Taborwin takes his oaths of fealty seriously. He can always be trusted to do his utmost to serve the interests of Cairhien and its ruler.
138, 57 подземелье
Being Chieftain of the Goshien Aiel clan, Bael is a more than able field commander, whose only fault is that he does not always know when to avoid a fight.
136, 57 подземелье
Old and white-haired, Sulin is still an amazing fighter and field-commander (like any other Aiel warrior in a leading military role). Being one of the foremost members of Far Dareis Mai (the Maidens of the Spear warrior society), Sulin is dedicated, fearless and a tactically aggressive commander.
132, 42 подземелье
When Mierin Eronaile was going to perform a great experiment with the One Power, she accidentaly bore a hole into the Dark One's prison, allowing him to touch the world. Already filled with pride and desire for power, she shortly joined the Shadow and became the most powerful Forsaken of all, except for Ishamael (now known as Moridin) and Aginor (now known as Osan'gar). Although all the other Forsaken carried the names that their enemies have given them to describe their vileness with pride, Mierin was the only one to chose a name for herself
132, 44 подземелье
Joar Addam Nessosin was a famous composer and musician before turning to the Shadow in return for the gift of immortality, thus becoming the Forsaken Asmodean. Not actually evil, he IS still one of the Dark One's leading heroes. Although not a great warrior, he usually manages to achieve his military and political goals without battle, or by letting others fight in his place.
134, 57 подземелье
Sorilea is one of the weakeast spellcasting Aiel Wise Ones. However, her strength of will is so great, that she is by far the most dominating Wise One in the entire Aiel Waste. As Egwene al'Vere put it once
68, 80 подземелье
Verin Mathwin, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, is an enigma. Because of her great intellect, she managed to figure out that Siuan Sanche were supporting Rand al'Thor long before Elaida a'Roihan did. She supports Siuan, she has helped Nynaeve and Egwene to be much more powerful and she has helped Rand, Mat and Perrin on numerous occasions. On the other hand, some of her actions has caused so much chaos that one has to wonder if she's not a Darkfriend after all. As for now, her whereabouts, just like her allegiances, are unknown. Verin will do almost anything to support Rand - or at least making the impression of it. Recent events has shown that she is not a Darkfriend after all, since she cannot lie outright. But it WOULD be very nice to know what she is really up to...
101, 62 подземелье
Unlike almost all of the other Lords and High Lords of Tear that are enemies of Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, High Lord Darlin Sisnera is it openly, instead of in secret. His motive for oppsing Rand is that Tear have never had a king before, and he thinks that Rand is acting very much like one. Paradoxally, Darlin himself is destined to become king one day, albeit perhaps not in Tear. He is deeply in love with Lady Caraline Damodred, but she prefers, for her own reasons, not to show him her true feelings yet.
56, 104 подземелье
Being the self-appointed Prophet of The Lord Dragon, the slightly insane Shienaran soldier Masema is drawing great masses to himself, which are killing everyone refusing to follow Rand al'Thor. This is causing great turmoil and disaster in both Ghealadan and Amador. He is also claming that Rand al'Thor is divine, which is serious blasphemy. Currently, Rand is trying to figure out how to deal with Masema and the chaos he creates. Unfotunately, Gheladan is a long way from Tear, and Rand has many more things that he has to deal with.
87, 124 подземелье
Although Queen Tylin Quintara of House Mitsobar is publically named regent of Altara, in reality she only controls Ebou Dar and its close surroundings. To be able to keep on ruling - and breathing - she is desperately seeking alliances, especially with the Whitecloaks, the Red Ajah, and - most of all - with the Blue Ajah, who have a great army in nothern Altara. A kind, gentle and strong-willed woman, she is nonetheless forced to go with the flow of events, or drown in them. Thankfully, she is a remarkable politician, and thus still alive.
107, 71 подземелье
Lady Colavaere Saighan would normally not have any legitimate claims to the Sun Throne of Cairhien. However, since house Damodred and house Riatin are scattered because of the civil war and the Shaido invasion, she is harbouring very serious plans to seize the throne for herself. Lord Maringil, High Lord Meilan and a few others appear to stand in her way, but that's nothing that a few skilled assassins can't deal with... Be wary of this Lady, for if it would grant her the throne, she would betray you instantly!
106, 79 подземелье
Windfinder, and younger sister of, Harine din Togara Two Winds, Wawemistress of the Atha'an Miere (a.k.a. the Sea Folk), Shalon is one of her people's stongest magic-users. She and her sister are currently ambassadors to the Coramoor (Chosen One), Rand al'Thor. For all practical purposes, that makes them more or less his followers. Sort of, at least.
60, 93 подземелье
Alliandre Maritha Kigarin, Blessed of the Light, Queen of Ghealadan, is the fourth ruler to sit on the Light Blessed Throne in little more than half a year. The reason for this is simple
40, 84 подземелье
Amathera, the Panarch of Tarabon, is the second-most powerful person in the land, only surpassed by the king, and that not by much. Proud and full of spite for others, she still had to be saved by Elayne and Egeanin from the Black Ajah. Suffice to say, her problems are far from over. Can you spell to Seanchan?
101, 64 подземелье
Good, honest and honorable, Moiraine's cousin Lady Caraline Damodred is nevertheless a sworn enemy to Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, because she fears that the unlikely things that happens because of his mere presence in a city, may destroy Cairhien totally. She is in love with the Tairen High Lord Darlin Sisnera, but she is not yet responding to his proposals.
102, 60 подземелье
Although not a Darkfriend, Lord Toram Riatin is as evil as they get. He is more than ready to hurt, and prefebly kill, anyone who he believes stand between him and his goal
113, 84 подземелье
119, 84 подземелье
103, 125 подземелье
The Illianer Lord Grigorin is one of the foremost members of the Council of Nine, and thus nearly as powerful as King Mattin Stepaneos. Unfortunately, both the Council and the King have come under the influence of Lord Brend, who is actually the Forsaken Sammael in disguise. Being a fine political and military leader, Lord Grigorin is a valuable ally - if you can convince him to abandon Sammael first, and that's not too easy, since Sammael has a great talent for talking people into see things his way... that is, as long as they don't know that he IS Sammael. If they did, their loyalty would drop like a ton of bricks!
71, 89 подземелье
While fleeing from accursed ruins of Shadar Logoth, Perrin Aybara and Egwene al'Vere ran into a fellow traveller named Elyas Macera. Once a Warder, Elyas had to abandon his Aes Sedai when he started to be able to communicate with wolves, which many Aes Sedai connected with the Dark One. Since then, he is spending most of his time as a traveller, with or without the company of wolves. Since Perrin has the same ability, he could have gone mad without Elyas' guidance and sober advice. Having taught Perrin much, Elyas look forward to the day that he will meet him again.
94, 78 подземелье
Being a loyal Darkfriend, and a fine soldier, Lord Daved Hanlon has been commissioned by Lord Gaebril - the Forsaken Rahvin - to command the Andoran elite force known as The White Lions. Although Darkfriends, by defintion, are prepared to do all sorts of evil atrocities on command, or out of necessity, Lord Hanlon is still different from most, since he actually enjoys rape and murder. Of course, his evil deeds, as well as his allegiance to The Dark One, are well-kept secrets.
38, 85 подземелье
Bayle Domon is a wealthy - and brave - Illianer trading captain who has helped Rand and his friends on several occasions, especially Nynaeve and Elayne. Since he recently moved his business to Tanchico, he has become very wealthy thanks to a new area of profession
103, 72 подземелье
Having learned warfare the hard way - through the Cairhienin civil war - Lord Talmanes of House Delovinde is now second only to Lord General Mat Cauthon among the Band of the Red Hand, which is an elite unit of nobles and soldiers from several nations. Talmanes may still be a little young and inexperienced, but he is learning at a rapid pace.
108, 59 подземелье
Cadsuane Melandhrin is believed be many to be the world's oldest and most powerful Aes Sedai. As such, other Aes Sedai step very varily about her, especially when Elaida is mentioned. Having been wearing the shawl for nearly four centuries, she is aware that any day now might be her last. Still, the present situation has caused her to return to the action after decades in retirement. Her only remaining goal in life is to guide Rand al'Thor all the way to Tarmon Gai'don, whether he likes it or not.
117, 48 подземелье
Tar Valon
Посещение Элементалист:
Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan is, according to Nynaeve, as mean as a snake and as cruel as a cat. She have never forgotten, or forgiven, Siuan Sanche for being raised to Amyrlin while she was binding strong ties between herself and Queen Morgase of Andor. Now that she, and all Aes Sedai, has been expelled from the Royal Palace in Caemlyn (long story), she immediately started to manipulating for the removal of Siuan instead. She is not plotting only from lust for power, but from belief that Rand is the Dragon Reborn and that Siuan is making a mistake when she's giving him free rein, instead of securing his victory in the Last Battle by keeping him safe and contained until then. Since she has Foretelled that the key to victory is the house of Trakand, she tries to control Elayne as well. Having taken control of the White Tower, she is now searching everywhere for Elayne (and for Nynaeve, since she might grant her influence over Rand al'Thor. Elaida is totally ruthless and merciless, and an all but lethal threat to followers and adversaries alike. Quoting Nynaeve again
139, 38 подземелье
Matrim Caution was well-known in the Two Rivers for being by far the most irresponsible boy in the entire area. Since then, the young man has grown an increasingly appetite for wine and women. Also, other things have changed. He has, somehow, become a military genious and on top of that being equipped with extreme luck. Winning extreme respect from Tairen and Cairhein nobles, Lord General Mat Cauthion and the unbeatable Band of the Red Hand are swiftly becoming living legends.
139, 37 подземелье
Found as an infant on the slopes of Dragonmount during the final battle of the Aiel War, Rand al'Thor was raised in Two Rivers as a farmer. His real parents were, however, an Andoran former Daughter-Heir, Tigraine Damodred (who died giving him birth), and the Taardad Aiel Chief, Janduin (who was later killed by Tigraine's brother Luc in the Blight). (That also makes him half-brother with Galad.) When the Forsaken and their minions started to hunt him, he and three of his friends (Mat, Perrin and Egwene) left the Two Rivers under the protection of Moiraine Damodred and Lan Mandragoran. Later, Nynaeve al'Meara caught up with them, intending to bring them back, but was instead convinced by Moiraine to join their group. They went through Andor, Shienar and into the Eye of the World in the Blight, where they encountered the Forsaken Aginor and Balthamel, who died there. Returning to Shienar, the group split up, traveled through many nations, and among other things, inadvertedly caused a civil war to erupt in Cairhein, and destroyed the first Seanchan invasion force in Falme with help from Birgitte and the other Heroes of the Horn of Valere. Eventually, they all ended up in Tear, where Rand slew Ishamel, the leader of the Forsaken, and Moiraine destroyed the Forsaken Be'lal - who called himself High Lord Samon - beyond any hope of resurrection. As for now, Rand controls most of Tear, Cold Rocks Hold (through Rhuarc), Mayene (through Berelain) the capitol of Cairhien (through Meilan) and part of Two Rivers (through Perrin and Faile). He has also begun to build the Black Tower, which is an equivalent of Tar Valon, but for male, and not female, spellcasters. Despite a constant fear for his sanity, Rand is determined to make every nation follow him into the Last Battle, to repel the Seanchan again, if need be, and to, meanwhile, destroy all of the Forsaken. Adding to his confusion is the fact that he has a very hard time deciding if he is in love with Elayne, Min or Aviendha.
138, 35 подземелье
Uncrowned King and one of the few survivors of the nation of Malkier, al'Lan Mandragoran has dedicated his life to destroy the Shadow's minions. He would surely have died many years ago, if Moiraine Damodred had not bonded him as her Warder, thereby hindering him from taking unnessecary risks. Since he met Nynaeve al'Meara, while looking for Rand, Mat and Perrin in Emond's Field, he has found something else to live for. He is considered the world's most dangerous warrior. As Aviendha once put it
137, 34 подземелье
When Moiraine Damodred and Siuan Sanche heard a prophecy about Rand al'Thors birth on Dragonmount twenty years ago, they took an oath to find him and do all they can to help him last until, and win, the Last Battle. Searching for him all over the world, Moiraine finally found him in Emond's Field. Since that day, nearly two years ago, she has struggled to protect him, guide him, teach him and making him realize and accept his destiny. Since he is from Two Rivers, he is a serious candidate for the World Champion Stubborness Mastership, which means that Moiraine, despite being a champion in manipulation (she IS of the Blue Ajah) is having a hard time making him listen to her. Though having nothing near the magical power possessed by Elayne, Egwene or Nynaeve, Moiraine is surpassed by very few in healing.
73, 45 подземелье
Kamarile Maradim Nindar were a famous and world-wide respected puritan, until finally her desire for forbidden things drove her to the Shadow. As the forsaken Graendal, she now all but lives for all and every kind of pleasure, using her magic to make others willingly do her bidding. (Other Forsaken despise her, especially since she damages her victims' souls and minds, making them useless for most other purposes.) She is not so clever as she think she is, and she is rather easily manipulated, but mostly she manages to intuinitivly choose the best course of action. Despite that, she is a simple character, like all other addictives. Still, since she IS a Forsaken, she's very dangerous. She is currently sowing chaos in Arad Doman, hiding out in Bandar Eban under her alias Lady Basene.
53, 113 подземелье
When Queen Morgase of Andor were enchanted by Lord Gaebril - the Forsaken Rahvin - Guardsman-lietunant Martyn Tallanvor were one of the few who help her escape from Caemlyn. Loyal to, and in love with, his Queen, he has travelled with her in a quest for support among local rulers. Having found no support in southern or western Andor, or in Altara, Morgase has travelled to Amadicia, hoping that the Whitecloaks might be willing to help. Finding his advice to find help in Ghealadan instead being ignored, Tallanvor was last seen accompaning Morgase into the Fortress of Light in Amador.
70, 66 подземелье
Watch Hill
Посещение Варвар:
Daughter and oldest surviving child of Lord Davram Bashere, (and thus cousin of Queen Tenoibia,) Zarine Bashere left her boring, administrative duties in Saldea to become a Hunter for the Horn. Meeting Perrin, Moiraine and Lan on their way to Tear, she gave up the Hunt for a greater adventure and for her love of Perrin. She has taken the name Faile, which means falcon in the old tongue. Her training makes her a great warrior, politician and commander. She strongly dislikes Berelain sur Paendrag, who try to conquer Perrin.
68, 78 подземелье
Deven Ride
66, 9 подземелье
The only Shadowspawn ever to be trusted with a position of real power, the myrdraal Shaidar Haran is unique in several other ways as well. He possesses uncommon magical powers, he has a sense of humor (unheard of among myrdraals), all other myrdraals are identical, while he is much taller, and the Dark One calls him his hand in this world. All in all, Shaidar Haran is an enigma, and also, in his own way, a servant as useful as any Forsaken.
126, 66 подземелье
Denied by the Aiel Wise Ones the right to go through the test for Chieftains at Rhuidean, Couladin nevertheless managed (with help from the Forsaken Asmodean) to fool the Shaido clan that he not only was meant to be their Chief, but that he, and not Rand al'Thor, was the Car'a'carn, or He Who Comes With The Dawn, the Aiel Chief of Chiefs. Couladin has since then violated every Aiel custom, and slaughtered, kidnapped, or enslaved thousands of innocent wetlanders.
125, 67 подземелье
Sevanna, like most other Aiel Wise Ones, cannot use the One Power. She is, however, quite skilled in dominating, intimidating and blackmailing those who can. Married to Couladin, and widow of his brother who died trying to become Shaido chief in Rhuidean, she is driven by a burning passion for power. She won't hesitate to do anything, including eliminating those who might disagree with her, to achieve her goals.
58, 115 подземелье
Rhadam Asunawa, High Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light, is not usually leading troops into battle. However, he is not only a excellent politician, but also, as every other Whitecloak officer, well educated in strategy and tactics.
66, 70 подземелье
Captain Dain Bornhald may be young, but is still a fine Whitecloak officer. Hurt inside by his father Geofram's death by Seanchan hands in the battle of Falme, he is always on the lookout for Perrin Aybara and Elayne Trakand, whom he thinks are at least partly responsible.
57, 48 подземелье
Bandar Eban
79, 29 подземелье
Посещение Лорд:
Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga, Queen of Kandor, is a political leader for whom carefulness is a virtue. (Of course, she is a Borderlander regent, so the meaning of carefulness is a bit bolder than for most others...)
85, 28 подземелье
Shol Arbola
Посещение Лорд:
King Paitar Nachiman of Arafel may be old, but he is still a VERY attractive man. Bold as a lion, Paitar is prepared to hold the Dark One's forces at bay at any cost.
81, 45 подземелье
Shadar Logoth
100, 85 подземелье
The Seanchan Alivia has been a damane (enslaved magic-user) for hundreds of years. Since being released by the Asha'man, she wants nothing more than to fight the Seanchan Empire. Therefore, she has attached herself to the Dragon Reborn and his allies, especially to Nynaeve al'Meara. Just like Nynaeve, Alivia is almost as powerful as a Forsaken.
59, 74 подземелье
Also known as Slayer, Lord Luc is brother to Rand al'Thor's and Galaderid Damodred's late mother, Tigraine Damodred. Being captured in the Blight, he is currently controlled by Lan Mandragoran's cousin, Isam, and an unwilling military commander of the Shadow. He is believed to have killed Rand al'Thor's Aiel father Janduin, as he went to the Blight to die, filled with grief after Tigraine's death. Disguised as a Hunter for the Horn, his current mission is to eliminate the renegade Darkfriend Padan Fain. He has also, on several occasions, tried to kill Perrin Aybara, whom the Shadow sees as a great threat.
84, 125 подземелье
Despite being too old to use a sword, the old man that calls himself Noal Charin is quite deadly with a dagger... and with his wits. His origin, purpose and true identity is unknown, but he has been to Shara, so he could very well be the legendary hero Jain Farstrider. Anyway, he seems to be showing interest in the Darkfriends Jaichim Carridin and Lady Shiaine, and he is also appereantly keeping himself close to Lord Matrim Cauthon.
102, 90 подземелье
When the Forsaken Aginor accidentally incinerated himself attempting to handling enough power to defeat Rand al'Thor in combat in The Eye Of The World, everyone sighed with relief at demise of the second-most powerful Forsaken. He has, however, recently been resurrected as Osan'gar, the Dark One's left-hand poisonus dagger, and is as powerful as ever. As Aginor, he was the Genetic Scientist responsible for the creation of all of the vile monsters, (in Heroes III represented by various Inferno beasts,) that contributed greatly to the Dark One's military strength. (Actually, the reason that Ishar Morrad Chuain, one of the world's foremost biological scientists, became the Forsaken Aginor for the reason that only as a Shadowsworn could he research on combining living human and animal gentic material.) Although never before a field general, he is powerful, cunning and intelligent enough to do a good job as a commander. His only disadvantage is his greed for spells and artefacts. Presently, Osan'gar is spying on Rand al'Thor, disguised as the Asha'man Corlan Dashiva.
84, 104 подземелье
Killed by, and killer of, the Green Man in The Eye Of The World, the Forsaken Balthamel was recently resurrected as Aran'gar, the Dark One's poisonous right-hand dagger. Being supposed dead, Aran'gar is believed to be on her way to infiltrate the Aes Sedai gathering in Salidar, disguised as Halima, secretary of the Darkfriend Aes Sedai Delana. Very little is known about this particular Forsaken, but she is considered short-tempered, reckless, impatient and not especially cautious... and obsessed with sexual pleasures. Prevoiusly known as the historian Eval Ramman, Balthamel/Aran'gar became a Forsaken for the promise of immortality and eternal youth.
9, 74 подземелье
Left behind after being defeated by Moghedien in Amador, the Darkfriend Aes Sedai Liandrin was captured by the Seanchan and, just like thousands of other female spellcasters, enslaved as a damane. However, unlike just about every other damane, Liandrins extreme willpower have kept her from submission and full of defiance, even though she, of course, still has to obey every command. She could actually be the first damane ever to actually break free by herself. Should that happen, it would be an understatement to say that her trainers, and Lady Suroth, would have cause to worry.
6, 79 подземелье
Посещение Хозяин зверей:
Following the death of Seanchan High Lord Turok prior to the defeat in Falme, the High Lady Suroth Sabelle Meldarath have been giving the task to lead the Ever Victorious Army in their reconquest of Artur Hawkwing's former lands, and to take Rand al'Thor prisoner, so that he may swear fealty to the Empress, that he may lead the Seanchan armies into the last battle to their great victory over the Dark One. Although obedient to the will of the Seanchan Empress on the surface, Suroth is actually a Darkfriend!
Хозяин зверей
9, 75 подземелье
Though formally under the command of the High Lady Suroth, Captain-General Kennar Miraj is the military commander of all Seanchan forces in the invasion fleet. A cautious, bright and skilled leader, he is more than a match for most enemy commanders.
Хозяин зверей
9, 76 подземелье
Having prepared himself and his men for thirty years for the Return of the Ever Victorious Army, the fact that Captain Assid Bakuun have been chosen among multitudes to be one of the Forerunners show that albeit merely a captain, he is an extraordinary military leader.
Хозяин зверей
9, 77 подземелье
Captain Furyk Karede may be a slave, but, being a da'covale - a member of the Seanchan Empress' own Deathwatch Guard - he has every reason to be proud, since his training has made him one of the world's finest, sharpest, brightest and bravest military minds. And, also, being a Deathwatch puts him above, not below, free officers of the same rank.
Хозяин зверей
9, 78 подземелье
The Seanchan Banner-General Lord Chianmai is not merely a brave, skilled and creative military commander, but is also so admired by his troops that his mere presence raises their morale significantly.
Хозяин зверей
11, 77 подземелье
Seeker is not a name, but a title that he, along with numerous others, presents himself as. This particular Seeker was assigned by the High Lord Turak to investigate certain suspicious actions of Lady Suroth. However, since the death of High Lord Turak in the battle of Falme, Seeker is sure that the entire Empire is in danger. Although he is a dedicated, experienced and highly skilled detective, this time he has got it all wrong. The things that has happened since Falme has lead him to (mistakeingly) believe that the Aes Sedai, Suroth and Egeanin are planning to owerthrow the Empire. He is currently searching for further evidence, while masquerading as an ordinary citizen.
Хозяин зверей
13, 76 подземелье
Although Captain Egeanin Sarna is a naval officer and not really part of the Seanchan Army, she knows a lot about battle tactics and sieges. Apart from her military skills, she is also a great undercover agent and infiltrator, despite her lack of ruthlessness.
4, 81 подземелье
Favourite daughter of the Seanchan Empress, the High Lady Tuon, Daughter of the Nine Moons is successor to the throne of the Seanchan Empire. As such, she has been sent to replace the late High Lord Turak as commander of the Return. Kind-hearted, noble, boyish and a very skilled stateman, warrior and commander, Tuon is destined to marry Matrim Cauthon, one of the Dragon Reborn's greatest commanders and thus, supposedly, her enemy.
127, 103 подземелье
Far Madding
22, 63 подземелье
51, 60 подземелье
86, 58 подземелье
Favorite uncle, and heir, of Queen Tenobia of Saldaea, Lord Davram Bashere have been sent south to locate, and kill, the false Dragon Mazrim Taim, who has caused much havoc in Saldaea. Lord Bashere is one of the few great captains.
93, 63 подземелье
New Braem
86, 113 подземелье
Elayne Trakand, Daughter-Heir of Andor, is about to become the first ruler in a millennia who can use magic. She, along with Nynaeve al'Meara and Egwene al'Vere, are some of the world's most powerful female (non-Forsaken) spellcasters. Although deeply in love with Rand al'Thor, she IS raised to be a queen, and unlikely to let him do anything in Andor (or in Cairhien, where she can claim the throne if she wants to) without her expressed approvance. (Although, she sometimes has problems thinking straight in his presence. Ahhh, l'amour.) Since the Forsaken Rahvin has spread an untrue rumour about her mother's death, she is now planning to go to Caemlyn and claim her throne... after she has taking care of a few other things first, like finding and destroying the Black Ajah, finding a way to make the weather normal again, and finding out as much about the Seanchan as possible, all while trying to travel incognito through Whitecloak-controlled countries, trying to avoid the occassional Forsaken hunting her, and remaining hidden from all of Elaida's eyes and ears. At least nobody told her it would be easy...
87, 114 подземелье
As Wisdom (herbal healer) of Emond's Field, Nynaeve al'Meara had developed a strong will and a compassionate heart. When Moiraine took Rand, Mat, Perrin and Egwene away from Two Rivers, she took up pursuit. Catching up on them in Baerlon, after a short duel of wills, she reluctantly accepted Moiraine's offer to join them. After a nearly disasterous visit to the accursed city of Shadar Logoth, the group split up, leaving her alone with Moiraine and Lan. Moiraine told her that she had magical powers, and offered to teach her to use them. She accepted the offer, albeit mainly to be powerful enough to eliminate Moiraine, who she at that time blamed for all the chaos that was happening in her life. Soon, she also fell in love with Lan Mandragoran, Moiraine's Warder, who she is determined to marry, as well as making Moiraine to release, and bond herself. (Unknown to her, Moiraine plans to do just that.) Training in Tar Valon, via Egwene she came to learn Elayne Trakand, and became friends with her while they were attempting to free Egwene from the Seanchan just prior to the battle of Falme. When they returned to Tar Valon, Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve were the only ones Siuan Sanche could trust to hunt for Liandrin and her Darkfriend companions. The hunt brought them right into the middle of the chaos in Tear, where they defeated a number of Black Ajah. Still searching for the remaining ones, Elayne and Nynaeve traveled to Tanchico, following the only clue they have to the Liandrin's current location, while the Forsaken Moghedien is hunting Nynaeve. Although unskilled in the use of magical power, Nynaeve is still perhaps the world's foremost healer (except for Semirhage, of course). Recently, she discovered a way to heal Siuan, Leane and Logain from the inability to use magic that had been forced upon them.
87, 112 подземелье
Thom Merrillin appears to be an ordinary gleeman. Nothing could be more wrong. Former court-bard in Caemlyn, (and Morgase's former lover,) he is one of the world's foremost players of Da'es Daemar (a.k.a. the Game of Houses, or the Great Game) in which the various noble houses try to gain advantage over one another. As such, he is one of Rand's most valuable servants. He is currently enroute with Elayne and Nynaeve from Tanchico, being sent by Moiraine to watch over them.
85, 112 подземелье
Rumored to be the most dangerous man in Tear, the thief-catcher Juilin Sandar became involved in the battle of the Stone when Liandrin hypnotized him to betray Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene. When the effects ceased, he and Mat Cauthon managed to free them from their cell, while most of the Defenders were busy fighting Aiel. When Elayne and Nynaeve went to Tanchico to hunt down those of Liandrin's followers who escaped from Tear after Be'lal's death, Rand and Lan sent Juilin with them to watch over Elayne and Nynaeve, respectively. He was also told that if anything happened to them, he'd better not return...
87, 115 подземелье
One of the legendary historical Heroes bound to serve the sounder of the Horn of Valere in the last battle, Birgitte Silverbow has spend hundreds of years in the dimension called Tel'Aran'Rhiod. Being a hero, however, she felt complied to help Nynaeve al'Meara to fight and defeat the Forsaken called Moghedien. With one of Birgitte's arrows through her chest, the severely wounded Moghedien retaliated by casting Birgitte out of Tel'Aran'Rhiod, and into our world. Moghedien is now hunting both Nynaeve and Birgitte, while Birgitte does her best to hide her true identity, for fear that she may not otherwise be up to par with everyone else's expectations. Oh yes... to save her life from the stress that leaving Tel'Aran'Rhiod inflicted upon her body, Elayne had to make Birgitte her Warder to prevent her from perishing. While a female Warder is not against Tar Valon law, it's almost unheard of. Since Birgitte was unconscious and dying when bonded, Elayne did not ask her first. Since this would give Elayne serious trouble if anyone would find out, Birgitte is not as obedient as a warder should be, although she genuinely honors their bond.
92, 106 подземелье
Lord Gareth Bryne has served as Military Commander of all Andoran forces for more than twenty years, before recently being sent away from Caemlyn by a Rahvin-influenced Morgase for just trying to protect the interests of the Queen. Albeit presently lacking a military command, Lord Bryne is still one of the great captains.
84, 108 подземелье
Since the death of Lord Ingtar, Uno is commander of the Shienarans who followed Rand al'Thor to the battle of Falme and spend the winter guarding him in his secret camp, high in the desolate mountains between Gheladan and Tarabon. Tired of the company of Masema and the mobs following him, he and the few surviving Shienarans are about to leave Gheladan and go to Tear, or wherever Rand al'Thor is, to be under his command again.
78, 120 подземелье
The Inquisitor Jaichim Carridin is one of Pedron Niall's best ambassadors. Niall doesn't trust him, of course, since he is a Questioner, but uses threats to motivate him to do what he is supposed to. Carridin is having a tough time, since he is not only a Darkfriend, but a Darkfriend that is also receiving considerable threats from the Shadow, whose interests, and orders, often collide with Pedron Niall's.
70, 113 подземелье
Lord Captain Eamon Valda is a cunning in strategy and politics, but he has certain tactical flaws, primarily that he favors the charge too much on the battlefield. On the positive note, he can use mounted troops better than most.
87, 98 подземелье
98, 92 подземелье
Black Tower
Посещение Колдун:
The false Dragon Mazrim Taim had great progress in taking over Saldaea, until Rand al'Thor proclaimed himself Dragon. In that moment his horse threw him off, and he was knocked unconsciuos When his troops fled since they thought he was dead, Taim was captured by the Red Ajah and sent under guard from Maradon to Tar Valon. While the exact circumstances is unknown, he was supposedly freed by loyal followers. Since then, he has sought shelter under the true Dragon Rand al'Thor's wings, and is currently building up a school of male spellcasters, known as the Black Tower (being opposed to the White Tower in Tar Valon, where female spellcasters train). Although it has been proven that Taim is not the Forsaken Demandred in disguise, since Demandred does not recognize the Asha'man Damer Flinn, he could very well be a Darkfriend. At any rate, he is not altogether trustworthy, but, hey, who is these days?
100, 93 подземелье
When the Andoran soldier Damer Flinn caught a Murandian lance in his thigh, the resulting limp forced him to leave the Queen's Guard. Having found out that he is able to use magic, Flinn is now one of the students of the Black Tower, as well a teacher in tactics, strategy and arms. Flinn is one of the oldest Asha'man, and one of the quickest to learn and to make new discoveries.
96, 93 подземелье
Jahar Narishma is one of the strongest among those who came to Rand al'Thor to study magic and become an Asha'man - a defender of truth and justice and right for everyone. Because of his young age, he is proud, a little overconfident, and maybe slighty lacking in manners, especially when speaking with Aes Sedai, whom he consider inferior.
102, 92 подземелье
Since Charl Gedwyn is one of the most talented male spellcasters that came to study in the Black Tower, the M'Hael Mazrim Taim promoted him to Battle Commander of the Asha'man. Gedwyn is intelligent, ambitious, proud, vigilant... and a Darkfriend.
133, 41 подземелье
Aviendha, a young Aiel warrior, have recently discovered that she has great spellcasting powers, and has therefore been forced to lay down her weapons and join the Aiel Wise Ones as an apprentice. That, of course, does not make her any less useful in battle. Though she will go to any extreme to hide it, she is madly in love with Rand al'Thor.
135, 39 подземелье
Rhuarc, Chieftain of The Taardad Aiel, is considered the world's second most dangerous warrior, shadowed only by Lan Mandragoran. Being the only Chief among the thousands of Aiel warriors that spontaneously went to Tear to fight for the Car'a'carn, Rand al'Thor, Rhuarc is Rand's most trusted Aiel advisor, governer and commander.
124, 132 подземелье
The Tairen High Lord Weiramon Saniago is a military commander who's loyalty, courage and boldness is unquestionable. Unfortunately, that cannot be said of his intelligence. Basically, as Rand al'Thor once put it, Weiramon is brave enough when it comes to battle, but a pure blind idiot unable to think beyond the glory of the charge, his hatred of Illianers, and his contempt for Cairheinin and for Aiel 'savages'. Still, he can be trusted to do his best, which most of the time is quite enough, with any command he is given. On the positive note, Weiramon will not betray you, and he may be brighter than he seems to be...
70, 79 подземелье
Although the Arafellin Alanna Mosvani of the Green Ajah has the same cool composure as most of her fellow Aes Sedai, she IS a Borderlander, and as such prone to be more emotional than logical. As a result, she feels the need to bond Rand, Mat and Perrin as her Warders in an attempt to preserve their lives. Amazed by the amazing potential of Nynaeve al'Meara and Egwene al'Vere, she - along with Verin Mathwin - was last seen in the Two Rivers trying to find other suitable Aes Sedai novices. Of course, she and Verin did not expect to find the place swarming with Whitecloaks, and certainly not with Shadowspawn.
65, 77 подземелье
One of the very few non-human important characters in The Wheel of Time series, the ogier Loial has been a follower of Rand since he met Rand and Mat when they were fleeing from Ishamael's agents through Andor. (An ogier is, roughly, a 2,5 meter tall mix of a dwarf, an elf and a halfling. Even though they number approximately a quarter of a million, almost all of the 41 steddings where they live are far, far away from human settlements.) He is slow to anger and full of patience, but when he decides to fight, his enormous strength and agility is quickly finishing of any enemies nearby, regardless of their skill and numbers.
117, 49 подземелье
Being an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah, Alviarin Freidhen is a great thinker in possession of a strong sence of logic. Therefore, she has calculated that serving Elaida as Keeper of the Chronicles will best serve her purposes. Of course, since she is secret head of the Black Ajah, her purposes are not so pure, to put it mildly. Having previuosly served the Forsaken Ishamael, Lanfear, Be'lal and Graendal, she is now in the service of Mesaana, who is supposedly hiding in the White Tower.
124, 46 подземелье
Unlike almost every other Forsaken, Mesaana was not excellent in her field. As the teacher Saine Tarasind, despite being hardheaded, practical and intelligent, she was not allowed to become a scientist at Collam Daan (the Age of Legends' foremost center for research and development). Frustrated, she turned to the Shadow, where she became an excellent governor, as well as a master in training children to become dedicated followers of the Dark Lord. Mesaana is now supporting Elaida's usurpers, hoping to keeping the Aes Sedai divided. Her alias is unknown, but she is likely masquerading herself as an Aes Sedai who has been away from Tar Valon for many years.
119, 52 подземелье
When Elaida commissioned Galina, secret head of the Red Ajah, to try to capture Rand al'Thor, she did not know that Galina were a Darkfriend. To ensure her success, Alvirain - the Keeper of the Chronicles and a Darkfriend herself - have sent the Darkfriend (and also Red Ajah) Katerine Alruddin to accompany Galina. Although somewhat surprised that the other one were following the Dark One, Katerine and Galina are determined to defeat and capture Rand, since they know that the Black Ajah will torture them to death if they fail... unless Elaida gets her hands on them first, that is. Neither is a future to look forward to... but nobody forced them to join the Shadow, so I guess they'll just get what they deserve!
95, 109 подземелье
Growing up together, Egwene al'Vere and Rand al'Thor always thought they were going to marry each other. Entering maturity, they discovered that their love was gone. They are, however, still the closest of friends, which makes her a target for those who wish to control Rand. Meant to be an apprentice and successor of the Emond's Field wisdom, Nynaeve al'Meara, she managed to force Moiraine Damodred to take her along with Rand, Mat and Perrin as they left the Two Rivers. Later, both she and Nynaeve joined the Aes Sedai, to learn to better control their powers. Training in Tar Valon, she also met her best friend Elayne Trakand, and her brothers Gawyn Trakand and Galadedrid Damodred. She is deeply in love with Gawyn, and mean to bond him as her Warder. In the last months, she have been studying among the Aiel Wise Ones to learn to perfect her powers even more. She, along with Nynaeve and Elayne, are among the most powerful spellcasters alive. Egwene was last seen enroute to Salidar, where the Blue Ajah had summoned her for reasons unknown (to her). Their purpose of summoning her is that they want to make her their Amyrlin Seat, in order to topple Elaida. They have chosen her because she is very powerful, because she wasn't involved in the battle when Elaida took over Tar Valon, and because they think that she can be easily manipulated. Boy, are they in for a surprise!
74, 104 подземелье
Few men can, inadvertedly, make women's eyes bulge like Galadedrid Damodred does. Much more than a beutiful face, as stepson of Queen Morgase Trakand, he is trained at Tar Valon to become one of the world's greatest swordsmen. Galad cannot lie, be dishonest or be unjust, which his half-sister Elayne consider a personality flaw. It does, actually, every now and then create problem for him and others. Being son of Tigraine Damodred, he is also step-brother to Rand al'Thor. Because of the dangerous way that Elayne and Egwene were used by Siuan Sanche, and because of ethical and ideological beliefs, Galad has recently joined the Children of the Light, and is quickly advancing through their ranks.
Боевой маг
97, 119 подземелье
It is not known why Joline Maza of the Green Ajah decided to support Elaida's rebellion against Siuan Sanche. She was a member of Elaida's council, until Elaida decided to disband the council and send the most influental sisters away from Tar Valon. For Joline, and the Red sister Teslyn, that meant being sent as ambassadors to the Altaran capitol Ebou Dar. Theoretically, Joline is still loyal to Elaida, but she is not too happy serving her under the present conditions, and is actually secretly hoping that the Hall will remove Elaida from power before long. (The way Elaida is leading the other sisters, that hope is not unlikely to be fulfilled shortly.) She finds it especially revolting that Elaida thinks that Joline acts like a child sometimes, when Elaidas _mother_ was a child when Joline became Aes Sedai!
96, 119 подземелье
The Aes Sedai Teslyn Baradon from Illian supported Elaida's coup in Tar Valon because she thought that the Red Ajah should have one of their own as Amyrlin Seat. However, when Elaida decided to rid herself of every influental Aes Sedai that was not totally submissive to her, and/or efficient enough (and especially those who helped raise her to power in the first place) Teslyn, along with Joline, found herself sent as Tar Valon emissary to Queen Tylin Quintara of Altara. As Tylin is most likely the known worlds _least_ influental ruler, with the possible exception of King Ailron of Amadicia, she (correctly) consider the mission a punishment for her and Joline, since they have not been (in Elaida's eyes) submissive, dedicated and efficient enough to serve her purposes. Like any other megalomaniac, Elaida is swift to lay the blame for failures on her subordinates, but Teslyn's unlikely to put up with such a treatment. By her own words, she wish to... inconvenience... Elaida if she can. While wholeheartedly loyal to the White Tower, and to the Red Ajah, her loyalty to Elaida is most definitely a thing of the past!
Боевой маг
118, 49 подземелье
Being experienced in magical combat, Toveine Gazal is one of Tar Valon's finest when it comes to defeating false Dragons and other male havoc-creating spellcasters.
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Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time"