Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Every man for his own ... gigantic kingdom with a world beneath the earth, as huge as the planet above. Rumors tell that somewhere below, there's a city richer than anything we've ever seen ! @by Osiris
many submissives claim to have talked to several spies about assassinating the golden dragon queen in a team effort ... they're upsetting the people ! We need a war soon !!!
Demons from the mountains came asking for this years virgin, but our troops wasted them
Monthly Tax
You need spending money to accumulate loyals and weasels. This costs you a thousand goldpieces a month. Of course they share their accumulated gems like loyal servants. These spies advise you to take control over the rivers and spread our armies among the other kingdoms as soon as we possibly can !
Wood & Ore
wood & ore income from old mines below the home castle
New funding
His Majesty donates you his montly contribution !
Случайный город
45, 37 суша
Eye of Ra
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