Трейнер к игре | Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia |
Ещё называют | Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии |
Вышла на платформах | PC |
Разработчик | New World Computing |
Жанр | Strategy |
Дата выхода | 1999-03-01 |
Хранилище файлов
You with your ally must defeat the another side. Choose from Light or Dark side... By: Jesse Vinnari (and Juho Rautio & Joel Rinne) -= FINLAND =-
Герои 3 - карта River Cross (v. 1.03)
29/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of ErathiaСкачать
Название | Вес | Расширение |
River Cross (v. 1.03) | 0.05МБ | h3m |
The rumor says that there is a secret Valley of Dragon Pass, somewhere on evercold land... But the entrance to the valley is heavily guarded...
Mail to desingers of this map: [email protected]
Rumors says that somewhere under the evercold land lies the underground lake filled with treasures...
Somewhere on the river bench lies the magical Forest... Only magic heroes may enter this forest...
Some under the lands of River Cross lies the hidden Might Cave... Only Warriors may enter this cave...
The first dayYour unholy armies must unite this land of River Cross under you flag. Your mission won't be easy, so may Demon bless you...
You and your allyYou have allied with another unholy group, few miles east from here. Move fast, your enemies are faster...
You and your allyYou have allied with another unholy group, few miles west from here. Move fast, your enemies are faster...
You and your allyYou have allied with another holy group, few miles east from here. Move fast, your enemies are faster...
You and your ally3
The first dayYour holy armies must unite this land of River Cross under you flag. Your mission won't be easy, so may God bless you.
Pay dayYour taxmen arrives and brings some goods from your kindom...
Случайный монстр 1
- 78, 42 подземелье
Сообщение: Die bastard!!! We will kill you!!!
- 91, 45 подземелье
Сообщение: If you go to cursed land, the quest you will gain. If find the buckler, you will get the best luck...
- 23, 93 подземелье
Название: Hell Portal
- 23, 95 подземелье
Название: Diablo
- 55, 100 подземелье
Сообщение: You are entering the treasure room of hell...
- 100, 74 подземелье
Название: Bone Gravel
Рыцарь Смерти
- 95, 75 подземелье
Название: Morath
- 77, 89 подземелье
Сообщение: You are entering the steaming pass of gold...
- 98, 98 подземелье
Сообщение: You are entering the steaming pass of gold...
- 24, 55 подземелье
Сообщение: Wow, you're quite good, 'cause you got this note...
- 63, 57 подземелье
Сообщение: Die you un-might hero!!!
- 60, 55 подземелье
Сообщение: Please, it's important that only might hero can enter the green monolith, and magic hero can enter the red monolith...
- 66, 52 подземелье
Сообщение: Please, it's important that only magic hero can enter the red monoliht, and might hero can enter the green monolith...
- 5, 74 подземелье
Сообщение: Dig here...
- 34, 77 подземелье
Название: Hell Guard
- 54, 71 подземелье
Название: Bone Yard
- 47, 68 подземелье
Сообщение: If you can read this you are too CLOSE!! Go away, private property!!
- 49, 67 подземелье
Сообщение: Hey man! Have you come to rescue me? Please do so and you will get a HUGE reward!!! Yes, very huge!!
- 47, 73 подземелье
Сообщение: You find a hidden bag filled with gold coins...
- 9, 23 подземелье
Название: Saint Fury
- 10, 25 подземелье
Название: Sir Valiant
- 11, 3 подземелье
Название: Nordic Guard
- 39, 1 подземелье
Сообщение: You get ambushed by few rogues...
- 29, 6 подземелье
Сообщение: You are entering the evercold land. Beware, many bandits live up here...
Золотой дракон
- 52, 2 подземелье
Сообщение: So you try to challenge US? The dragons?! Everyone that walks to the valley of Dragon Pass shall die!
Доспех черного дракона
- 63, 0 подземелье
Сообщение: AS you try to steal this beatiful armor, a ew dragons attacks...
- 33, 24 подземелье
Сообщение: Don't go down, or you die!
- 47, 18 подземелье
Сообщение: Are you trying to set free my angels? Die bastard!!
- 45, 17 подземелье
Сообщение: You are my hero! Thank you! We shall unite our armies!
Боевой гном
- 53, 44 подземелье
Сообщение: Aye, ya try steal mi treasure? Die for it!
Боевой гном
- 61, 34 подземелье
Сообщение: Aye, ya try steal mi treasure? Lose your life, bastard!!
- 40, 39 подземелье
Сообщение: Follow the road to the dwarven treasure!!
- 28, 4 подземелье
Сообщение: You get ambushed by few bandits...
- 34, 7 подземелье
Сообщение: You get ambushed by few bandits...
- 31, 3 подземелье
Сообщение: You get ambushed by bandits...
- 33, 0 подземелье
Сообщение: You get ambushed by lots of rogues!!
- 98, 2 подземелье
Название: High Wood
- 66, 55 подземелье
Сообщение: Die you un-magical hero!!!
- 37, 1 подземелье
Сообщение: You get ambushed by few bandits...
- 96, 4 подземелье
Название: Melkene
- 82, 45 подземелье
Сообщение: The shape of river is made by Juho Rautio...
- 33, 24 суша
Сообщение: Every earth elementals are for wanted here, underground, so you wil get 50 gold for each earth elemental you kill or defeat!!
- 10, 18 суша
Сообщение: Suddenly you are surrounded by many earth elementals... Die you head hunter!
- 64, 4 суша
Сообщение: Welcome to this peaceful piece of land...
- 63, 3 суша
Сообщение: You get ambushed by few bandits..
- 62, 9 суша
Сообщение: You DIE BASTARD!!!
- 63, 6 суша
Сообщение: You get ambushed by few bandits...
- 69, 2 суша
Сообщение: You get ambushed by few bandits...
- 79, 6 суша
Сообщение: I warned you!!
- 81, 5 суша
Сообщение: Don't go to treasure, and I shall bless you with morale!! But if you go, non shall you keep of it...
- 90, 28 суша
Сообщение: This is mysterious underground lake...
- 75, 19 суша
Сообщение: This Island was made by Joel Rinne...
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