Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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The First Phoenix has risen again in this region of the world, interrupting a long-standing war between two sets of lords. Defeating the First Phoenix would be a great honor, and if one allied side were to do so the other side would surely give up the fight and bow down to the victors.
The hunt for the First Phoenix is on! Be the first to defeat it and claim the right to rule the region! (Or you could do it the boring way and defeat the other allied side. The choice is yours.)
The Great Phoenix Hunt
People everywhere celebrate what is now termed The Great Phoenix Hunt and pitch in gold to help out in your efforts to hunt it down.
Sale of phoenix-mon dolls go up!
With all the Phoenix hype, the sales of the new Phoenix-mon doll and other related toys has gone through the roof!
Angry fire elementals.
Fire elementals, jealous about all the attention given to their Phoenix cousins, break into your stores and destroy some resources.
Bribing of the water elementals.
Angered at all the trouble the fire elementals are causing, you hire some water elementals to teach them a lesson. Hopefully, this will keep them busy and leave you free to pursue the Phoenix.
Smoke and steam.
Smoke and steam arise over the battlefield. It looks like the elementals are really going at it! Hopefully, this will be the last you hear from them.
48, 58 подземелье
Fire elementals jump out of the surrounding lava and attack!
50, 58 подземелье
It looks like the First Phoenix has spawned some progeny, and they all immediately attack.
Лесной эльф
23, 65 подземелье
You may not pass!
Лесной эльф
40, 83 подземелье
You may not pass!
Лесной эльф
72, 48 подземелье
You may not pass!
Лесной эльф
45, 23 подземелье
You may not pass!
Случайный монстр 1
70, 101 подземелье
Haha...You find a way to the RELIC. But!It is belong to me!
Случайный монстр 6
96, 10 подземелье
Belong to him?He must be a dunkey!And you are greater than him!Hahahaha...
Случайный монстр 1
14, 83 подземелье
Haha...You find a way to the RELIC. But!It is belong to me!
Случайный монстр 1
25, 26 подземелье
Haha...You find a way to the RELIC. But!It is belong to me!
Случайный монстр 1
96, 28 подземелье
Haha...You find a way to the RELIC. But!It is belong to me!
Случайный монстр 6
96, 76 подземелье
Belong to him?He must be a dunkey!And you are greater than him!Hahahaha...
Случайный монстр 6
22, 36 подземелье
Belong to him?He must be a dunkey!And you are greater than him!Hahahaha...
Случайный монстр 6
48, 97 подземелье
Belong to him?He must be a dunkey!And you are greater than him!Hahahaha...
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