Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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From the ruins of a flooded city to the mystical realms of fire and water, can you guide a young Dragon Rider to fulfill his destiny and become the first Dragon King?
I heard a wise mage once say that before stepping through a portal, make sure you can always step back or are ready for what lies beyond.
I heard an old woman say that she heard there's an evil wizard in Eldspire who killed all the other mages there and then threw their bodies into the sea behind the castle. She says someone should bury the bodies.
I heard a husky dwarf say that the green dragons love the crystals they dig up from under the mountains. He also said there's a hidden dragon treasure trove somewhere.
I heard a hyper gremlin say that his old master devised a way to create diamond golems using common crystals. Before he died, his master shipped a bunch of these golems to guard a Star Axis and Garden of Revelation.
I heard a surly dwarf say that there's a leprechaun near the School of War. He's supposed to have a pot of gold.
I heard that there's a powerful artifact hidden near Eldspire.
I heard that individuals from other planes must use magical objects, typically orbs, to let them enter our world.
Opening 1
A gigantic tidal wave has destroyed your hometown, Dregonath, as well as the port town of Baldacor. You and your dragon, Shiura, manage to escape the water's wrath. You decide to head into the flooded remains to see who has survived, but a mysterious figure blocks your path. (See journal entry #1)
Dragon Cliffs
Shiura tells you that there are dragon cliffs nearby. She says you might be able to convince the dragons to help you.
King's Message
As you are trying to fall asleep, a sudden chill makes you sit up with a start. A shimmering, ethereal form materializes in front of you. You recognize the form as that of the king. Not knowing what else to do, you kneel down before him. He then begins to speak.
King's Message
Melwyn, son of the Kingdom, the spirits speak well of you. Be proud of all that you have accomplished in your life thus far. I have come to you to help you embark upon a truly noble quest. There is great evil afoot, evil that needs to be vanquished. You are the one to accomplish this.
King's Message
You must gather as many of the remaining forces of the Kingdom as you can. They will follow you. You must lead them into battle against the evil. I do not know the exact nature of this evil, only that it has two parts, one of water and the other of fire.
King's Message
This evil is growing quickly. After several months it may be too powerful for you to defeat. Go swiftly and gather all that you can under your banner. Most importantly, though, keep as many of your forces alive as you can. You will need them all in the coming weeks ahead.
King's Message
Mourn the loss of even a single soldier, for it may be that soldier's life that will save your own. Go now, for the mantle of the future is on your shoulders. The specter vanishes into the night.
Mermaid 1
A mysterious person in a hooded cloak awakens you from your sleep. You reach for your sword as the mysterious figure drops their hood to reveal a beautiful female, elven face. As you look at her more closely, you notice something strange; it looks like she has gills on her neck.
Mermaid 2
I am Aeliria, queen of the sea kingdom of Manyar. Her voice has an ethereal, lilting quality to it. Very strange events are taking place in the seas. I asked our god, Rylundi, for advice and he gave me a vision of you. I don't know what role you play in all this, but I know I can trust you.
Mermaid 3
Our seas are getting overrun by water elementals. I have never seen so many in this area. Be careful, they'll surely attack any boat that runs across them. I am sending out many of our scouts to find out what information they can about the events occurring now. We will inform you of our results.
Mermaid 4
You begin to ask her questions about what she knows already, but then she raises a silencing hand. We know very little now. We will let you know as we know. She vanishes into the night.
Mermaid Eldspire
Aeliria visits you again. We have determined that a wizard is responsible for all the elementals in our waters. We believe the wizard is located in Eldspire, to the northeast, because we saw hundreds of elementals guarding the waters just outside the castle. Aeliria vanishes.
Aeliria visits you again this night. My scouts have reported a mysterious whirlpool just behind Eldspire. We believe it may lead to the elemental plane of water. I am sending some scouts through to find out. Aeliria disappears.
Aeliria visits again. I have distressing news. The whirlpool near Eldspire goes to the elemental plane of fire. I lost many scouts before discovering this fact. We don't know why it's there, but it must be destroyed. I am gathering all my shamans and we will do our best. Wish us luck. She vanishes
Aeliria visits you again. We can't collapse the whirlpool to the elemental plane of fire. I determined that the wizard responsible for all this has already taken over half of the fire plane. Someone has erected barriers to stop his progress, though. I don't know how long they'll remain active.
Aeliria visits. The wizard in Eldspire has invaded my sea kingdom with his elemental hordes. I am leading my army to his castle to stop him. The odds are not in our favor, but we have no choice. Wish us luck. You can see the fear in her eyes as she vanishes.
Aeliria's Death
One of your men notices a body floating in the water. You pull it on deck and recognize it as Aeliria. Around her neck is chained a small tube. You open it and find a message that reads, You will not succeed, Dragon Rider. End your hopeless quest now before you're killed as well.
Fire's Infiltration
You receive a message from Dregonath. It says that imps have started to appear inside the town. Imps, native to the plane of fire, should not be able to reach your world. The message states that everything is under control, but you're still concerned.
Monk's Vision
You receive a message from the Monks of Baldacor. It says that the gods are in turmoil. There is a war raging in the heavens. They know this has something to do with the events of late. They warn you to be careful.
Водный элементал
21, 29 подземелье
You hear the chant of the water elementals, Water, water, squish, squish ... water, water, squish, squish, as you engage them.
26, 0 подземелье
You sail toward the whirlpool when a throng of elementals ambushes you!
13, 24 подземелье
As you approach the flooded ruins of Castle Baldacor, you see the Garrison is overrun with elemental forces. You can also see some of the remaining defenders barricaded in the castle's towers, doing their best to withstand the elementals' onslaught. They see you and cheer as you sail closer.
13, 21 подземелье
You find out from some soldiers that not only was the king killed in the onslaught, but so was the entire royal family. They were gathered to celebrate the queen's birthday.
13, 16 подземелье
The waters of the Sea of Baldacor stretch before you. Ahead you can see the twin lighthouses, rumored to have been built with the help of giants, and beyond that, the outer isles and the open sea.
Водный элементал
35, 30 подземелье
These elementals don't look like they want to budge.
5, 15 подземелье
You're sailing toward the old library when you start to hear a strange scraping sound. It keeps getting louder and louder. Suddenly you see a zombie climbing onto the deck. And then you notice several more and then you see them coming on from all over.
6, 15 подземелье
The air is filled with fear and tension from an unknown source. The ship's crew is feeling restless and has asked you to turn around and head back. You can sense dark magic at work here.
33, 3 подземелье
Посещение Чародей:
9, 5 подземелье
These giants don't look like they will let you get past them without a fight. You just wonder what they're guarding.
23, 24 подземелье
While walking amidst the rubble of the small mountain nook, you run across a broken statue of what you assume was an ancient warrior god. As you take a closer look, your knowledge of magic allows you to see faint traces of an enchantment remaining on it. You take the pieces.
19, 0 подземелье
Oh what luck! You see a leprechaun with his pot of gold. He notices you and darts into the trees. You go over to take the gold. As soon as you touch it, it disappears only to be replaced with a lump of coal. It's not until later that you realize you're missing some gold of your own.
29, 24 подземелье
Karzikan tells you that Hadrican is waging war on the plane of fire in order to gain unparalleled powers. The fire plane leader has declared war on our entire world. Now both Hadrican and the Fire Regent must be vanquished. Karzikan's friends join you and he gives you a sword (see journal entry #3.)
31, 0 подземелье
You find many corpses floating in the eerily still waters behind Hadrican's tower. You surmise these are the bodies of the renegade wizards who opposed Hadrican. You were about to leave when you noticed a golden object shining on top of one of the bodies.
3, 3 подземелье
Mages' return
A group of mages from a distant land arrives at your hometown. They are aware of the problems with Hadrican and would like to help by offering you their services. You agree and they quickly set up shop.
Mage Guild Upgrade
Your mages upgrade your mage guild.
Mage Guild Upgrade
Your mages upgrade your mage guild
Mage Guild Upgrade
Your mages upgrade your mage guild.
The mages become Archmagi.
Mage Guild Upgrade
Your mages upgrade your mage guild.
Your mages build a library.
Gremlin Upgrade
Your mages teach your gremlins a few tricks.
The gremlins use their new knowledge well. They have rebuilt the walls of the keep.
The gremlins have been working furiously as of late. They have upgraded the fort to a citadel.
The gremlins have completed their construction project and have restored the castle walls to Dregonath. It looks better than it did before the disaster.
3, 13 подземелье
As you approach the entrance to the ancient library, you can begin to smell the scent of rotting corpses. Without warning an explosion erupts behind you. You look to see a group of skeletal beings shooting energy from their outstretched, bony hands. You turn to run into the library only to see more.
33, 4 подземелье
Waves of power emanate from Eldspire. Upon the walls stands a man draped in regal robes. He smiles at you menacingly, signaling to his forces to prepare for attack. You take a deep breath and then signal your own attack. (When you win, please see journal entry #5.)
21, 3 подземелье
Scholar Guild Lifetime Membership
Шляпа капитана
20, 21 подземелье
You find a hat half buried in the sand. As you take it, a group of monsters approaches you, demanding that you give them the helmet or suffer the consequences. Do you wish to suffer the consequences?
33, 7 подземелье
As you pass through the garrison you begin to notice the waters swirling in strange patterns. Before you can react, a swarm of elementals appears on your deck.
8, 32 подземелье
As you sail out, Shiura takes to the air to gain her bearings. When she lands she tells you she thinks she saw Prior Aldridge waving from the roof of the sanctuary just to the east. She says she saw him slip on something then fall into the water. You better hurry over there to save him.
Водный элементал
13, 4 подземелье
You hear the elementals chanting, Water, water everywhere, and all the drops to drink.
Водный элементал
32, 19 подземелье
Yet more elementals! When will it end?
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
30, 31 подземелье
Giant birds have been known to swoop down out of the sky for pretty trinkets such as this. Would you like to take it anyway?
Щит неупокоенных
1, 22 подземелье
They say the dead covet their lost valuables. Would you like to take this artifact anyway?
Дивный доспех
12, 27 подземелье
Angry genies have been known to pop out of artifacts like this. Would you like to take the artifact anyway?
32, 29 подземелье
One of the mages tells you about secret entrances to both the elemental planes of water and fire. The fire plane entrance is to the north, just over the mountains, and the water plane entrance is near Eldspire. The mage thinks something strange may be happening there and wants you to investigate.
30, 11 подземелье
Thank the gods! We thought we'd never see anyone again. May we join you?
Алмазный голем
30, 21 подземелье
The golems stand motionless, surrounding the star axis and garden of revelation. As you approach them, they begin to animate, mystical life infusing their crystalline limbs.
Алмазный голем
30, 22 подземелье
The golems stand motionless, surrounding the star axis and garden of revelation. As you approach them, they begin to animate, mystical life infusing their crystalline limbs.
34, 29 подземелье
You discover that one of the Archmagi, Hadrican, is responsible for all the turmoil. Apparently he found an ancient artifact linked to the elemental plane of water, which gives him great powers. His base of operations is in Eldspire, an ancient city on an island to the north. (See journal entry #2)
22, 33 подземелье
Prior Aldridge thanks you for rescuing him from the waters. He says there are some others of his order trapped in the sanctuary. You manage to rescue them all and they decide to help you. Prior Aldridge gives you a gift for your kindness.
2, 10 подземелье
How did these Efreet get here? They're supposed to be native to the plane of fire only. This isn't a good sign.
35, 26 подземелье
As you head toward the gate you notice a mage running toward you as fast as he can. He looks very injured. Then you notice the cause of his wounds, a large group of fiery creatures chasing him. One of the creatures catches up with the mage and kills him. Then they turn to you.
Водный элементал
25, 6 подземелье
You can already hear the roar of raging waters. You know there's a whirlpool nearby. Unfortunately here's yet another group of elementals attempting to stop you. When will they learn?
1, 32 подземелье
4, 31 подземелье
Welcome to Baldacor, city of wisdom.
Водный элементал
5, 8 подземелье
What an indignity! These elementals have the nerve to block your path home. You'll just have to teach them a lesson.
Водный элементал
24, 22 подземелье
Elementals seem to have a habit for popping up in the most inconvenient locations.
5, 33 подземелье
You recognize the wizard behind that attack as Thane, a lesser member of the Council of Mages. You only met him a couple times and his appearance always frightened you. You have no idea why he attacked you. You notice he left some gold behind when he ran off.
Огненный элементал
13, 6 суша
The elementals hiss at you, Go no further other-worlders. If you proceed, we will burn you.
27, 32 суша
35, 9 суша
Pyre Bluff
3, 5 суша
An imp approaches you. I bring a warning from the Regent of Fire. Your kind is not welcome here. You bring us nothing but trouble. Leave now or be destroyed.
Рогатый демон
35, 19 суша
The demons gesture toward you. Pssst. Hey, ugly. Yeah, I'm talking to you. What do you get when you cross a horde of demons with a horde of monks? Dead monks! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You fail to see the humor.
16, 6 суша
Hooray! You've come to rescue me, says a thin mage in tattered white robes. My name is Karzikan. I must get back home through my portal, but the hotheaded Fire Regent sent some of his elemental flamers to guard it. Would you please help me defeat them?
Огненный элементал
3, 33 суша
You hear the chant of the fire elementals, Fire, fire, burn, burn ... fire, fire, burn, burn, as you engage them.
14, 13 суша
14, 14 суша
This gives expert wisdom and fire magic to all orange heroes.
Водный элементал
32, 4 суша
These elementals don't look very polite. Well, you have some nerve, don't you! Don't even think about taking this mine or else we will be forced to activate the Corbomite device. You think they're bluffing.
Владыка бездны
15, 4 суша
These mines are property of the Fire Regent. Turn around now before we whip you. But maybe you enjoy that?
25, 2 суша
You find a pile of dead bodies with many valuables scattered around. As you begin to collect the loot you hear a deafening roar from up ahead and before you can react, you're attacked by a horde of dragons (see journal entry #4.)
27, 33 суша
This gives teal heroes some water spells to use in combat.
35, 10 суша
This gives teal heroes some water spells to use in combat.
Водный элементал
25, 8 суша
The water elementals look at you, Thanks for the assistance. Unfortunately we can't let you through. So sorry. At least they're polite.
22, 8 суша
You see a lot of fire elementals locked in mortal combat with a lot of water elementals. Maybe you can sneak past them without them noticing you. Well, you can always hope.
Султан ифритов
2, 2 суша
The Efreet cross their arms and block your way defiantly. As you do not have an Orb of Fire, we cannot let you through. It looks like you'll have to solve this disagreement with your sword. When will they learn that violence solves nothing?
5, 3 суша
Another imp approaches you (or is it the same one?). You were warned! Leave! Suddenly hundreds of imps pour forth from up ahead. You see pit lords whipping them to a frenzy as they rush to attack you.
Огненный элементал
24, 8 суша
Go away! Can't you see we're busy? say the elementals.
1, 2 суша
This makes the first orange hero to cross this point tougher and gives it the orb of fire.
34, 35 суша
The elemental plane of fire is supposed to be a hot, inhospitable place, but Hadrican has found a way to subvert the natural tendencies of the fire plane to make it more like the water plane. You wish you remembered to bring a sweater.
1, 8 суша
Now this is more like it! It's hot, inhospitable, and downright nasty, the way it should be. You're beginning to feel a bit overdressed.
4, 26 суша
Посещение Еретик:
4, 27 суша
This gives expert wisdom and fire magic to all orange heroes.
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