Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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You must seek vengeance on the Barbarian who assaulted and slaughtered your kin. To reach him you will have to pass through various kingdoms, meeting many foes and few friends.
Near the land of the barbarians, far to the northeast, your brother founded a small magic college. You just found out that he and his fellow wizards were attacked and killed by the merciless Crag Hack! Apparently there were elves and centaurs in league with the barbarians, making the atrocity that much more unbearable.
You must seek retribution! The Wizards can never allow such an act to go unpunished, so you have been chosen to lead their forces and annihilate Crag Hack and his army. You will have to seek him out in his barbarian stronghold, which is a long journey away through several other kingdoms.
On the way, you may be able to enlist aid. The first land ahead is that of a small elven realm; perhaps they can be pressured by the knowledge that some of their own kind helped kill your brother.
Страж задания
60, 10 подземелье
Crag Hack will admit anyone into his mountain stronghold who delivers him the Sentinel's Shield.
Страж задания
13, 28 подземелье
The Swamp King will only grant you passage in exchange for 200 Master Gremlins. Bring us them and we'll let you through.
Хижина предсказателя
14, 40 подземелье
The elves of this land are fair and just, and feel your grief caused by our wanton brethren. We will aid your quest, but first require a little artifact to help us out. If you could bring us the Legs of Legion, you would be well rewarded.
13, 27 подземелье
So, you have entered the Great Swamp! There are said to be many treasures hidden within the wild growth. But look out for the Swamp King's armies; they generally only patrol the far side of the river.
Страж задания
68, 45 подземелье
The White Keymaster will only recognize a great hero who defeats a dangerous force of Black Dragons in the Warlock's underground domain.
Хижина предсказателя
20, 11 подземелье
The Swamp King is very interested in the Everpouring Vial of Mercury. He will pay handsomely for it.
11, 16 подземелье
Scouts that were sent down the river report that at the Hut of the Magi there is knowledge of the whereabouts of the the foul Crag Hack.
50, 59 подземелье
Apparently an evil lord has arisen in these parts. You'll have to fight your way past him to reach the region where you brother founded his college.
40, 34 подземелье
This is it - the small settlement your brother founded, dedicated solely to magical studies, which was so brutally attacked by your foul barbarian enemy. It pains you to see the place, which had so much promise. It also turns out the mountain pass has been sealed by the White Keymaster, in order to guard against Crag Hack's armies.
33, 35 подземелье
Scouts report that Crag Hack has heard of your coming and is holed up in his mountain stronghold. There is a known pass into his domain to the northeast, but one can only pass through it by fulfilling a certain quest.
61, 52 подземелье
These monks are the only free people's left since the Inferniac kindgom arose - maybe you can recruit some to join you cause.
7, 67 подземелье
Retribution brought to you by Stevus Magnus
18, 69 подземелье
The magic college which your brother founded was an offshoot of this very school. Seeing it, you feel your desire for revenge grow stronger.
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