Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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For too long your kingdom has been in the thrall of the Northern Wizards and their puppet king. It is time to find the rightful heir and restore him to the throne.
It was many years ago that your kingdom fell under the control of the Wizards to the north.
When King Wendell died of illness, his son Christian could not take the throne. It seemed the prince had fallen under some curse, and committed a terrible murder.
For his crime, Christian was imprisoned by the Wizards in their dungeon in the far reaches. The regency was inherited by Wendell's other son, Simon. But Simon is a halfwit, and completely under the Wizards' control. Once it became known that it was the Wizards who had cursed Christian in the first place, it was too late to stop the usurpers.
But it is not too late to restore Prince Chrisitian's crown, if only he can be found and rescued from his prison. You will have to face the Wizards in your quest, for they will not grant access to their prisoners without a fight. It is said they enlist the aid of evil Warlocks and their foul monsters to guard their dungeons.
Once the Prince is found, he can return to the King's Castle to claim his birthright!
Taking back the King's castle once Christian has been found wlll require an army, unfortunately. It seems the Wizards are guarding the city with one of their own, the powerful spellcaster Solmyr.
Once Solmyr has been defeated, it may unfortunately also be necessary to defeat the castle guard, to convince them of the righteousness of Christian's ascent to the throne.
Having heard of your quest, the Wizard leader Torosar has placed a bounty on your head. You'll have to be careful out there, as practically everyone will be out to get you.
Torosar proclaims that Prince Christian will pay for his crimes, and that any hero who tries to free the heir will have to deal with Torosar himself!
75, 85 подземелье
King's Castle
Страж задания
75, 87 подземелье
Only Prince Christian may return to reclaim the throne.
Страж задания
41, 44 подземелье
To win the purple key, you will have to defeat Torosar in the Wizard's Tower.
44, 42 подземелье
Wizard's Tower
97, 99 подземелье
Restoration brought to you by Stevus Magnus
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