Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The King has been dead for almost a century. After so many long years of wars, the nations of Vorcata are without allies and a great rivalry exists between the eight possible rulers. The land is rich and well inhabited. Who will be victorious and end this Reign of Silence?
There is an underground place where the most ferocious of the swamp's creatures dwell. Should anyone enter this place who is an enemy of the swamp, they shall surely never return....
Angel Island
An island exists to the south-east of Vorcata, where several men have claimed to seen angels. Usually survivors of shipwrecks, they woke up on the island with dreams of a beautiful woman and a holy feeling...
I hear there is another outbreak of the Malady of the Mad Orange....I wonder how many lives it will claim this time?
The realm of Vorcarta lies separated by seemingly endless wars. After the King's death many years ago, the Kingdom lay shattered, each province believing that the way forward was with themselves. A great war took place, almost destroying the Warlocks of the South, and banishing the Demon Masters
Intro 2
far underground. The remaining forces did not hold as an alliance, however, and after a Necromatic Cult rose from nowhere to a seemingly powerful position, war was soon evident again on the Mainland. The Elves and the Order of the Golden Star continue their petit battles over the forest,
Intro 3
and the resources therein. Indeed, the creatures of the swamp are the only ones who do not seem to involve themselves in the wars of the nation, although thay have been known to attack their rivals, in the Southern Wastes. The wars will end soon, but for whose benefit?
The land at your disposal is not very large, and you should seek to gain more as soon as possible. One place lies waiting for you, to grant you the power you need. This place has been lost over the years though, and not one map knows of it's location.
Blessed Fountain
Although you are by far the mightiest in the land, your magic skills are somewhat 'lacking'. You hire some men to search the ancient libraries for assistance - there must be something which can help you!
Sanctuary of the Wild
The place you seek was known as the Sanctuary of the Wild. It was a breeding and training ground used by the Beastmasters of this land many years ago, before the kingdom collapsed into chaos. The legends say that it was located UNDER the swamp - is that possible?
Angel Island
As the ruler of the Order of the Golden Star, it is your duty to seek out a legendary source of aid to your rightous crusade - Angel Island. The whereabouts of this mysterious place are unknown, although you will surely need it should you wish to claim this land, for the good of all life.
Not far from here lies an Enchanted Glade, inhabited by Unicorns. This place is said to hold powers untold, and be a great virtue for any who should visitwith good intent. In order to reclaim the forest, and the rest of the land for that matter, you will have to find this place.
Chapel Darkness
Cerrax, your dark God, comes to you in a dream. 'I need your assistance, my priest. There is a place known as Angel Island in this land, which holds the greatest dark powers ever. You must release them! They are held in a small chapel on the island.' You wake suddenly, and know it must be done.
Shadow Witch
You are annoyed that your rivals seem to have access to great powers, and you not. There must be something you can find, something great, which will help you crush your enemies. Perhaps the Shadow Witch can help you. You remember that she lives in her hut somewhere to the east of here, over a river.
During the first of the battles, the King lost a very powerful city known as Sandcaller. It is located on a North-Western Island above ground, and was once ruled by the famous Heretic-Emperor, Ferdinand. It is reknowned for it's magical knowledge, and would help you greatly. It must be taken back!
Seer of the Wild
It is a cold night. Standing by the window of your chamber you can see clearly outside. Suddenly, a shape forms in front of you! You are not shocked, as you are used to this type of magic, but you are inquisitive. As the image takes shape, you recognise it as your mother.
Seer of the Wild 2
'I will speak with you' she says. You cannot believe this. You lost your mother to a fatal illness when you were only six. The scholars saw your power and took you in, raising you to be one of the finest archmages in the world. Her image begins to fade. 'One week' she says. 'One week.' she has gone.
Blessed Fountain 2
An old hermit approaches you in your throne room. 'I hear you are looking for magical capabilities? The Blessed fountain on the Northern Islands holds great power for those who know of it's power. I strongly suggest you visit it.' You thank the old man, and he leaves.
Chapel Darkness 2
Tonight you dream again. 'The Island you seek is in the South East of the land. I will reward you greatly should you succeed, my Priest. I will leave you now, and trust the fate of the Darkness unto you.'
Seer of the Wild 3
Again, the ghost of your mother appears before you tonight. She smiles. 'I must tell you something. I know of your troubles. You should visit the Seer of the Wild. He will help you, as he helped me once. You have a valiant heart, and you shall win this war.' Her image fades. 'Goodbye' you hear.
Seer of the Wild 4
You wonder what your mother's message meant. Seer of the Wild? Could she mean the Southern Wastes? Or perhaps the Necromancers territory. Or perhaps the swamp? You cannot tell. But you will find this seer. Your eyes fill with tears as you recall your mother's last words, yet you smile.
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A lone elf guards this ore. He seems easy pickings - perhaps too easy. Do you wish to attack?
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The unicorns look at you, aware of your intent. They bow their heads at you and you feel yourself becoming more powerful. Then they turn, and run off into the glade.
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The unicorns seem aware of your just cause. They leave the glade and walk towards you. You feel greatly honoured, and perhaps pleased that they chose to aid you, not one of the other factions. A rainbow glitters over the glade, and you hear a voice say 'Good Luck'.
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The unicorns emerge from the glade, and stare at you. You realise that they want you to leave this sacred place.
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You can see the Unicorns from where you now stand. Your conscience throbs against you, as though they know your evil desires. You wonder whether you should continue....
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The guardians of this place are up ahead, although you sense no hostility. This place is very soothing, and the beauty of the place astounds you.
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A great sense of peace forms around you and your troops. This is a place of great serenity and purity. You can see the unicorns ahead, the benevolent guardians of this sanctimonious place.
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Скелет воин
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Some skeletons which have been skulking around your castle leap at you and attack!
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'Please, help me! My wife and all the little bottles are stuck on a windowsill in castle Gloria, please save them!' -Mr. Bottle
Водный элементал
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The waves splash around you violently as you approach the Cartographer's Hut. For a second you think that the water itself is attacking you, and then you realise it is.
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Welcome to the Island of Sandbringer!
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Angel Island
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At last, after all this time, you have discovered the chapel! Appearing in the doorway is Falamon, a concealed fear in his eyes. He guards the Necromancers' ancient powers, held within this building. You advance, and can already feel yourself being drawn to the power. This will be easy.
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You are greeted on the beach. 'I am Kalia, Eternal Guardian of Angel Island. You are of the Order of the Golden Star, a very worthy cause.' she smiles, and a golden glow appears around her. She raises her hands and a ball of light glows in them. The small ball floats to you, and enters your body.
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You feel the holiness inside you, and others can see it around you. You have been sainted here, and you know this. 'There is another Guardian, here, of the chapel, but I warn you that you need not visit him. He guards a great evil, and you should not venture there.'
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Finally, you have found the fabled Fountain of Youth! Just as the old Crone said, you prick your finger with the needle and squeeze a drop of blood into the pool. The waters begin to swirl and blacken, their powers draining. The force of the power as it hits you is great. You feel Invincible!
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The Fountain of Youth
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Ashen Wastes
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To anyone who finds this message
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The seer emerges from a door at the base of the tree. 'Thank you kindly. I pass onto you all the knowledge and power I have. You are noble indeed. I hope you use it wisely.' He makes some magical gestures then returns to his tree-house.
Древнее чудище
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The Behemoths, guarding the Blessed Fountain, leap out at you, intent on your death.
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Sand Point
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As you drink from the clear water, you feel your body strengthen. You sheathe your sword, and take a long breath. As you look down, you see riches at your feet. This fountain was indeed blessed. Thanking the Gods, you set on your way.
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'We will not let you take the most magical castle in the whole of this land!' calls a Genie, you suppose it is the leader, as they advance.
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At last, you have arrived at Sandcaller! You shall indeed be famous for years to come! You can sense the power here, and it tingles your spine. Several Efreeti appear, and bow to you. This place is very nice. A lot like home....
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Тетива из гривы единорога
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The Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane. A relic treasured by the Wizards here. Perhaps it's enchantments could be to your advantage?
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A roar flies down the cavern, sending an embarrassing chill down your spine. You know that this place could hold great danger, should you choose to advance unaware of it's greatness. You ask yourself whether you should be here.....
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The Santuary of the Wild
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Suddenly, out of nowhere, you are ambushed!
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The sounds of the inhabitants of this underground habitat get louder, and an old shaman hobbles out. 'Congratulations, Brave One. I bestow upon you the powers of the Wild.' He vanishes, leaving little more than a cloud of silvery mist, which begins to encircle you. It enters you, and you feel it.
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The evil witch who lives here comes out of the hut. 'You must seek the Fountain of Youth. Take this needle and prick your finger. A drop of your blood should contain enough darkness to desecrate it. It's powers shall be yours, I have seen....' She walks back into her hut. But where IS this fountain?
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Th pikeman laughs. 'You're no match for me and my magic!' he laughs, and then advances. 'What magic?' you think to yourself. Mad.
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'Aaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!' screams the insane Zealot, rushing towards you.
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'Oh no, what is this? It is a Shapeshifter, Maurice, that is what it is! It's going to try and eat my brain! Ha ha!! Ha ha ha HA Ha! Woo hoo!!!' You begin to wonder if this place is normal.
Дендроид воин
95, 5 суша
'Bah!' yells the Dendroid. 'These are MY rocks, and I don't like the likes of you Rock Eaters! I'm gonna bind you with ROOTS AND VINES!!! HA HA HA!!!!' Even the Dendroid seems mad. That roots and vines thing shook you up a little, though.
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'Boo!' comes a voice from nowhere. 'Mooboo! Ha ha ha HA HAAA HA!' a seemingly mad Giant steps out. 'Fee Fie Fo Fum! Raaaarrgh!'
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Another Archmage appears in your path. You draw you sword. 'I am not here to fight you,' he says, 'I simply wish to warn you that should you see a box nearby, don't go near it. It is afflicted with the Malady of the Mad Orange, which is highly contagious. A warning, friend. Take heed.' He vanishes.
Ящик Пандоры
100, 15 суша
As you reach for the box, you hear an insane singing coming from the inside. You join in, as it is quite fun, but you sense danger around. Although you do feel strangely stupid, you wonder if it would be wise to open the box...
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You suddenly come over very queezy. Then very bouncy. You decide that you had better throw your resources away and then bounce a bit. Your army looks at you wondering what you are doing, so you order them to join in. They soon learn to appreciate it too.....
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