Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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In the period from 800 AD to 1050 AD, the Nordic peoples made a dramatic entry into the world stage. With startling tactics, organization, and unheard of seafaring knowledge, they terrorized many well-established societies. Can you unite the North? The Gods await afterwards...
It is said that the Midgard Serpent is so big, its body encircles the entire world.
Huge parts of the land they call Normandy are actually already under Viking control. The depredations of the Northmen were so effective, that the local nobility ceded it to the plunderers.
Only the most valiant of slain warriors are chosen by the Valkyries to be brought into Valhalla. These beautiful warriors ride pegasi, and only those in mortal danger see them.
The mages of London have found a way to transport entire armies across vast distances to other towns.
The grail is buried in the ruins of Castle Aaaaaagh. (A dwelling where Angels are known to inhabit is nearby)
The wise healers of London have found a ancient spell to restore entire armies back to health during a battle. Now that seems to be a useful spell!
Gцngu-Hrуlfr is a fierce warlord of Viking descent. He has specialized beasts that fight for him in the swampy lowlands of Northern Gaul.
Blue tent
A drunken sailor tells a yarn of a floating blue tent, surrounded by fire, in the Ocean far to the NorthWest. You buy him an ale for the story.
new land
There are rumours that a vast, untamed land lies far over the western sea. Bah!, you say to yourself. There is more than enough land here to keep any conqueror happy.
Far, far to the East. There is a land where they have discovered a magical powder that explodes into the sky when lit by fire. hmmmmmm...... (you think to yourself)
The nine worlds of creation are: Asgеrd, Midgеrd, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Niflheim, Hйl, Jotunheim, Muspelheim, Svartalfheim, and Nidavellir.
Odin's throne
Hlнdskialf is the name of Odin's throne. When seated on it, he can supposedly see and hear everybody in the world.
Elli is a crone goddess who even Thor could not beat in a fight. That is because Elli is the goddess of old age.
Int1 Orange
You are Sweyn Tveskдgg (Forkbeard). King of the Danes. Your father was Harald Bluetooth, a famous Viking warrior and king. Unfortunately, the throne succession was not uneventful, and you now control only a small part of the former kingdom.
Int2 Orange
Your primary adversary is Sigvдld, a distant cousin and ruler of the other large township: Ribй. Your initial goal seems obvious: unite your homeland!
Int1 Teal
Your name is Olof Skцtkonung. You are nominal ruler of the Swedes. But your half brother Цttar has spurned your authority and has divided the former kingdom by laying claim to Цstergцtland.
Int2 Teal
Your people look to you to see how you handle this affront. Цttar must pay with his life, and your kingdom must be united again. Maybe then you can start exploring the vast, unknown hinterland to the north, or teach those Danes across the narrow straits a lesson on what it means to be a real Viking!
Int1 Blue
You are Olaf Tryggvдson. You have returned to your homeland after conquests in the Baltics, only to learn that your father has been killed by the rebel Jдrl Jеkon, and your inherited kingdom is divided and aimless.
Int2 Blue
Your first goal is to exact revenge for your father's murder. You will never gain the respect of your warriors unless the head of Jдrl Jеkon graces the tip of your standard. Last reports have him holed up in the town of Stiklestдd to the East
AI Stuff
History 2
Grдm continues: Ymer on his side created several different creatures. From his left arm the three fates Ьrd, Verdдndi, Skьld and the wise Mimer came. His feet on the other hand created a three headed monster which became the ancestor of the Rimtusarnas evil giant family. Odin, which destiny had chosen to become the one who would fulfill the creation, killed the giant Ymer (with help from his two brothers) and used his body as a ground for the new world. His blood became the sea (Where all the Rimtusarnas but one drowned). His skull became the sky. The bones in his skeleton became mountains, his brain the clouds and his tissues were ground to become the dirt. This new world was called Midgеrd. The world down below Midgеrd was divided into three kingdoms, each one with its own well: Hvergelmer, Mimerswell, and Urdawell. From the Ginnungagap a large ash with the name 'Yggdrasil' grows. The branches of Yggdrasil covers all the known world. In Hvergelmer the dragon Nidhogg lies and gnaws on the roots of the tree. Mimerswell, on the other hand, is the well of wisdom, guarded by Mimer, Odin once gave his right eye for a drink of the water in this well. At Urdawell, which is guarded by the three fates, the gods have their conferences each day. The three wells are actually the main roots of Yggdrasil and are surrounded by the lands of the foes of the gods: Jotunheim.
History 3
The gods live in Asgеrd, a rich land separated from the other lands by the Bifrost, a rainbow bridge guarded vigilantly by Heimdall. The Jotuns are their deadly adversaries, and are the descendants of Rimtusarnas. All manner of evil giants number in this family. Once when Odin and his brothers were out taking a walk at the shore of the sea in Midgеrd, he found two Sceptring trees with the names Ask and Embla. They set them free from the earth and gave them blood, power of motion, intelligence, will, fantasy and spirit. They where formed after their own appearance. From this couple all of humanity evolved. *Grдm sits down amidst a smattering of applause. Thankful that he finally shut up, you try to get some sleep.
The lands you and your father have raided pay tribute to your throne. This Daneguild is insurance that you do not return to plunder their lands again!
Grдm gets up to speak again at that night's campfire. (You are beginning to get the sneaking suspicion that this will be a regular occurence). Odin is the supreme ruler of the Gods, and creator of Midgеrd and the humans. He is also called 'All Father', Ygg, Bolverk, and Grimner. He lives in a the gigantic hall of Valhalla, served by the Valkyries and friends with the most valiant of the slain warriors, the Einheriar. He is the god of Kings and warriors. Odin has a spear named Grungir which never misses the target, and a bow which fires 10 arrows at once. He owns a magic ring called Draupnir which creates nine more of itself every night. He gives these out to his favorite Einheriar. His throne is called Hlidskialf. It is said that from this throne he can see all over the world at any time. He also sacrificed himself for knowledge by hanging on the world tree, Yggdrasil. In this way, he learned of runes, and passed that knowledge on to humankind. He also sacrificed one of his eyes at Mimer's well, in order to gain great knowledge. Thus, he is often depicted as having one eye in drawings.
Odin's pets
Grдm again speaks. You fear that you are in this for the long haul, so you stretch out and pretend to listen... Odin has many servants to help him. Foremost among them is Sleipner, a magical, 8 legged horse. He is the offspring of Loki, who in mare's form seduced a giant's horse named Svadilfari. Sleipner can travel through the air and across planes of existence. He also has 2 giant Black Wolves, Freke and Gere. They are also capable of traveling between planes, and often report back to Odin what they see in their travels. For more detailed spying, he uses Hugin and Munin. These are two giant black ravens, whose names mean 'thought' and 'memory'. Their view from the air helps Odin out immensely when he is not close to his all-seeing throne.
Grievous news!
All Viking forces have been tossed out of Ireland by a widely popular new king, Brian Boru. Jдrl Sigurdhr, former commander there, has been imprisoned in disgrace by his liegeman in the far North of Norway. Sigurdhr was a great leader, he would eagerly follow whoever would give him another chance at Brian Boru.
Grдm again speaks. Aegir is the God of Storms and the Seas. He is actually not a God at all, but a Jotun. He usually appears as gigantic human almost 60 feet tall with a long gray beard. Many sailors claim to have seen him following ships, hiding in the wake just underneath the water. Like the Sea itself, he is not good or evil. He lives in a giant underwater castle with his wife, Ran, and is usually surrounded by nixies and mermaids. He is also the brewmaster of the gods because of a gigantic, magical kettle that Odin gave him. His beer is legendary, and Aegir is renowned for his hospitality. His hall is strewn with gold, whish provides the light for the feasts where the Gods themselves come often. It is rumoured that his hall is a sanctuary where no violence can be committed.
comet 1
The Gцdar have noticed a burning star at night, that seems to get brighter every night. Even the common folk notice it now, and are wondering what it foretells.
You groan audibly when Grдm rises to speak again. He gives you a dirty glare. Balder is one of the Aesir, his name means The Glorious. He was also called the god of tears and the white as. Balder, the son of Odin and Frigg, was a very handsome and wise god. Some consider him to be a god of light since he was so bright, light shined from him. Balder's wife was Nanna and they had a son named Forseti. Balder and Nanna lived in Breidablik [The Broad-Gleaming], where nothing unclean could exist. Breidablik had a silver roof on golden pillars. At one point Balder had a foreboding dream. Odin rode to Hel's realm to wake a volva from the dead to find out the meaning of Balder's dream. She foretold Balder's death by Hod (Hodur), his fraternal twin. Frigg asked all things to swear not to hurt Balder but didn't ask the mistletoe because it was so young. Loki, diguised as an old woman, visited Frigg and found out Balder was invulnerable to everything but mistletoe. Loki made a dart out of mistletoe and tricked the blind god Hod into throwing it at Balder -- all the other gods were playing games by throwing various items at Balder --, thus killing him. Hermod rode to Hel's realm and got her to agree to let Balder return to the living if all things would weep for him. One giantess named Thokk, Loki in disguise, refused to weep for Balder, so he remained dead and was cremated on his funeral boat, Hringhorni. He is supposed to come back to life after the Ragnarok.
Comet 2
The star is getting brighter. At Grдm's none-to-subtle suggestion, you give a great gift to the Gцdar cult in exchange for a favorable interpretation.
history 4
The old gцdar, Grдm, stands and speaks again at that evening's campfire: (You stifle a moan of misery) The ending of the world is also known, for the fates have foreseen it and pronounced the doom upon us all. I shall tell of the Gotterdammerung, or Ragnarok The Twilight of the Gods and the end of the cosmos in our beliefs, Ragnarok will be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter of winters. Three such winters will follow each other with no summers in between. Conflicts and feuds will break out, even between families, and all hope will disappear. This is the beginning of the end. The wolf Skцll will finally devour the sun, and his brother Hati will eat the moon, plunging the earth in darkness. The stars will vanish from the sky.
History 5
The cock Fjalar will crow to the Jotuns and the golden cock Gullinkambi will crow to the Gods. A third cock will raise the dead. Earthquakes will shudder the earth, and every bond and fetter will burst, freeing the terrible wolf Fenris. The sea will rise up because Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, is twisting and writhing in fury, making his way toward the land. With every breath, Jormungand will stain to soil and the sky with his poison. The waves caused by the serpent's emerging will set free the ship Naglfar, and with the giant Hymir as their commander, the giants will sail towards the battlefield. From the realm of the dead a second ship will set sail, and this ship carries the inhabitants of the hell, with Loki as their helmsman. The fire giants, led by the giant Surt, will leave Muspell in the south to join against the gods. Surt,carrying a sword that blazes like the sun itself, will scorch the earth. Meanwhile, Heimdall will sound his horn, calling Odin's sons and heroes to the battlefield. From all the corners of the world, gods, giants, dwarves, demons and elves will ride towards the huge plain of Vigrid (battle shaker) were the last battle will be fought.
History 6
Odin will engage Fenris in battle, and Thor will attack Jormungand. Thor will be victorious, but the serpent's poison will gradually kill the god of thunder. Surt will seek out the swordless Freyr, who will quickly succumb to the giant. The one-handed Tyr will fight the monstrous hound Garm and they will kill each other. Loki and Heimdall, age-old enemies, will meet for a final time, and neither will survive their encounter. The fight between Odin and Fenris will rage for a long time, but finally Fenris will seize Odin, and swallow him. Odin's son Vidar will at once leap towards the wolf, and kill him with his bare hands, ripping the wolf's jaws apart. Then Surt will fling fire in every direction. The nine worlds will burn, and friends and foes alike will perish. The earth will sink into the sea. After the destruction, a new and idyllic world will arise from the sea and this new earth is filled with abundance and plenty. Some of the gods will survive, others will be reborn. Wickedness and misery will no longer exist and gods and men will live happily together. The descendants of Lif and Liftrasir will inhabit this earth. Grдm sits down in the stunned silence that follows. You have to hand it to the old bird, he sure can kill a party! You go to sleep depressed...
The old Godar speaks yet again. You wish him an early death. Bragi is the adopted son of Odin and the Jotun Gunlod. He is the God of Poetry, Eloquence, and Song; and is the official bard of Valhalla. He actually has runes cut into his tongue, so that his voice would become even more compelling. All beings that come within range of his singing voice will be overcome by the beauty of it, and forget all hostile intentions. This includes even the Gods and the Jotuns. The spell is only temporary, though. Bragi is worshiped by the Bards and skalds.
Loki Trick1
A messenger approaches from your town in great haste. It turns out, somebody broke into your treasury and stole all the gold! Upon further investigation, all evidence points to the trickster god Loki, for no mortal could have passed the guards and traps you had set. You fume impotently. Someday, you vow, Loki will regret this.
The old coot begins his nightly lecture again. You find that this is a good time to go relieve yourself. Fenris Wolf is the offspring of Loki and a Jotun giantess. He was allowed to live in Asgard because of his God heritage. He appears as a giant timber wolf, over 100 feet tall. He was too dangerous to remain free, so Odin charged the dwarves with making a way to chain him. All of their metal-working knowledge was to no avail, until they forged a chain out of thoughts and concepts. They chained him at the entrance to Jotunheim, where he will stay until Ragnorak. When the final battle comes, the chain will break, and he will race to attack Odin. A great battle will be fought, but Fenris will finally end up slaying Odin. Odin's son, Magni, will then slay the wolf outright with his bare hands.
A missive arrives from Жtherlred II, King of England. Dear Ignorant Savage (whoever your name is), I have finally rallied the nobles behind my throne and have built up a massive army. You will find we are not as easy prey as we have been for the last 2 centuries. If you land again, be prepared to have your head make an extended stay upon a spike above my castle. You stinking, heap of pig vomit!
Comet 3
The star is burning brightly in the night sky now, and people are getting fearful. Waiting until the moment is right, the Gцdar priests throughout the North proclaim it is a portent. A portent of the conqueror, one who will lead the people into a gigantic realm of power and plenty. And that conqueror is...You! (Surprise, surprise!)
Your hope for laryngitis for Grдm goes unfounded, as he prepares to lecture once again. Frey is the God of weather and fertility. He rules over the land of the Faerie and elves, Alfheim. He was the son of Njord and Njord's sister, and the brother of Freya. His step-mother was Skadi. To make peace, the Aesir and Vanir exchanged hostages. He, along with Njord and Freya, were sent by the Vanir to dwell with the Aesir. He owns the ship Skidbladnir which was made for him by dwarves. It can sail on the land, sea, or through the air. It is large enough to hold all the gods, yet could be folded up and fit into a pocket. He also owns a chariot drawn by two boars, Gullinbursti and Slidrugtanni. He can ride Gullinbursti [golden-bristled] through the sky. It was made by dwarves for Loki to give to Frey. His name means Lord and it is thought that he was at one time the consort of his sister Freya [Lady]. His wife was Gerd, a beautiful giantess who he fell in love with when he espied her from Odin's throne. He sent his servant, Skirnir, to win her for him. For this task, Frey lent Skirnir his sword which swings itself if wise is he who wields it and his horse. After Skirnir's threatening of her, Gerd agreed to give herself to Frey in nine nights at the forest Barri. They grew to love each other, and they live in a castle grown out of living things in Alfheim. At the Ragnarok, Frey will be killed by the fire giant Surt. All elves worship Frey as their deity. and some of the rulers of Sweden claim they descended from him..
Titan's sword.
A sword of great power is rumored to be hid in the dark depths of former Gaul. It's guardians are so fierce, even Robert II (King of that land) cannot touch it.
Viking success
An old liegeman of your Dad's pulls you aside one evening. The secret of Viking success is lightning attacks along the coast lines. Our ships are truly marvels, for they allow us to disembark just about everywhere, whereas the pathetic southerners need ports to embark and disembark. Also, they cannot react fast enough to raids. You can steal valuables from under their noses, and embark again before they can get to you. Your overseas opponents have absolutely no seafaring capabilities. It would be very unwise if one of our ships fell into their hands...
You suddenly remember the belief that the fate Ьrd assigns every human at birth a being called a Fylgia, which will follow that person around until death. You grin, as you tell yours to keep his traveling shoes on. The next few months will not be easy for anybody involved in your campaign.
Grдm again starts a lecture. For the sake of the army's morale, you pretend interest. Freya is the Goddess of love, fertility, and wealth. Originally one of the Vanir. She was the daughter of Njord, and the sister of Frey. Her daughter, by Od, is named Hnoss who is so beautiful that whatever is valuable and lovely is named treasure, after her. She lives in Folkvang and each day chooses half of the slain warriors of the Einheriar to split with Odin. She has a husband named Od, whom she somehow lost and cried golden tears for. Her chariot was drawn by cats and she owns the precious Brisings' necklace, which she slept with four dwarves to acquire. She also owns a feather coat which she could use to fly between the worlds. After she went to live with the Aesir as a hostage, she taught them -- including Odin -- seidr. They say Friday is named after her.
Robert II
A messenger arrives from Robert II, King of France. Congratulations upon your successes. We are worried that the thrill of victory might go to your head and you may soon be seeking conquests overseas. Be forewarned. We have in our service a great deal of your countrymen, who have settled here over the past few generations. They would not take kindly to your authority, I have seen to that. If you have aspirations, prepare to look elsewhere, other than France.
The Midgard Serpent
Even brave sailors tell the tale of Jцrmungandr in hushed voices. Born of a union between Lцki and the giantess Angur-bцde, the Midgard serpent posed a danger to gods and men alike. Odin threw it into the sea, but it kept growing until it encircled the world. Whenever it moves, it causes earthquakes on land, and tempests on the seas. Its lair is reputed to be in the far western ocean.
Gцdar or no Gцdar, you plot his demise as he starts lecturing again. Frigga is Goddess of the atmosphere and the wife of Odin. She is also known as the goddess of marriage, and can actually weave the clouds. She is often worshipped by housewives and those seeking marriage. She can spin flax into gold. She is able to control all forms of weather and can view anywhere in the world where there is a breeze flowing. She wears a heavy, magical black necklace of opals that will dazzle anyone viewing her. In battle, she usually transforms herself into various dragon shapes, and often ends up as a Phoenix. Her handmaidens are Valkyries. The name of some of them include Fulla, Vara, Lofn, Vor, Gna Eira, Hlin, Syn, Vjofn, and Snotra.
An over-excited ship-builder bends your ears for the evening: The Viking ships are clinchbuilt. We strive to construct lightweight and flexible vessels, pliant to the forces of sea and wind - working with the elements instead of against them. The hull of our ships are built on a solid keel, which together with a finely curved bow, forms the backbone of the vessel. Strafe after strafe is fitted to the keel and stem and these are bolted to each other with iron rivets. This way, we have strength and flexibility. After we have the desired shape, ribs made from naturally curved trees were fitted and these gave additional strength. To increase flexibility, strafes and ribs are bound together. Cross supports at the waterline supplied lateral support, and extra solid logs braced the mast. The ships are square rigged on a midship mast. In calm weather, or against a strong headwind, the crew mans the oars. You are nearly asleep by the time he gets through with you...and you thought Grдm was bad!
Your recent successes have cemented your kingdom and have rallied your countrymen to your side. You begin to dream of something more...something along the lines of the fabled empire of the Romans so long ago. Could you actually forge and hold a Kingdom of the entire North? Right now, you seem to be in the right place at the right time. Why not?
Your roll you eyes and make obscene gestures to Grдm behind his back as he speaks yet again. Idun is the Goddess who is married to Bragi and is the keeper of the apples which keep the gods eternally young. The storm giant Tjasse abducted her once and the gods started to age until Loki killed the giant and retrieved Idun. Goddess of youth, her name means The Rejuvenating One. She carries the apples in a wicker basket that never goes empty. She is known to occasionally give some to mortals. The opposite of Idun is Hel. She is the daughter of Loki and the giant Angurboda. Her brothers are not very pretty sights...Fenris-wolf and Jormungand (the Midgard serpent). She is the goddess of the death in the underworld. Her realm is Niflheim and her hall, Elvidnir [misery]. Her dish is called 'Hunger', and her knife is called 'Famine'. She is described as appearing half white and half black. Her body is completely white on the left side, and jet black on the right. The left side of her face is totally blank. She is known to cause plagues, diseases and pestilence with a wave of her hand. She is rumoured to be invulnerable to all physical weapons, and rides a 3 legged white, spectral mare. When you see her, you know you are dead.
In the land to the East dwell the Finns. They are renowned in their witchcraft abilities and the ability for allowing the soul to spy while the body is in a trance. You hire Fнfe to come and give you soom advice about your foreign enemies. Fнfe arrives and goes into a trance. He comes out of it two days later and tells you that he will not work for you again, for you carry the doom of the Northland on your shoulders. He will tell you what he found out, in order to fulfill the contract. To the West, in the rich land of Britannia, the wise men of London have discovered two magical spells that will be of great benefit to you. A quick raid there might help you immensely.
Grдm again starts his lecture. You are blissfully unaware this time, because you took the precaution of stuffing your ears with some small pieces of cloth. Loki is actually a Jotun...a giant. He became a member of the Aesir when Odin made the unfortunate mistake of naming Loki his blood brother. He did this because Loki did perform some valuable services for the Gods, and used his cunning to save a number of them from death. Therefore, Loki is the only giant that can come and go to Asgеrd at will. He is the god of mischief, strife, and fire. A natural trickster, and very, very cunning. After causing the death of Balder, he was banished by the gods until the Ragnarok. At the final battle, he is destined to lead the Giants and personally give battle with Heimdall, who is his polar opposite when it comes to responsibility and decorum. It is foretold that they will slay each other. Many are the tales of Loki, and he has developed a cult of worshipers amongst thieves and assassins.
As your power increases and your reputation spreads, yet more lands pay fealty to you. The Daneguild will come in handy to pay for your growing army.
New World 1
You decide to investigate these rumours of a vast new world across the huge Western Ocean. Vinland it is called. You finance an expedition and send them off, hoping some of those stupid Southerners didn't beat you to it. Somehow you doubt it, you have a feeling that you are about 500 years ahead of them.
It is good to be back on the water. The call of the sea has always had a special hold on you, as it does to most of your people. The shift and slant of the deck beneath your feet, the feel of the salt spray, and the thought of rich lands to despoil at your destination...what things could be better in life?
Magni & Modi
The old goat gets up and start speaking again. You wonder which god you have to pray to in order to get him to shut up. Maybe Vidar, the god of silence. I will tell you today about Magni and Modi, both sons of Thor. Magni is the god of strength. His strength transcends all normal measurements. He can bend anything, and punch his fist through anything, and lift nearly everything. He is so tough and hardy, that he cannot be harmed by any blunt object, no matter the size. He is destined to survive Ragnorak, and will slay Fenris wolf by ripping his jaws apart, after Fenris swallows Odin. Modi is the god of courage and berserk rages. He is in the forefront of any battle, and has a special hatred of Jotuns. If he is wounded in combat, he will transform into a berserk rage which makes him twice as deadly. He is worshipped by the elite Viking warrior sect: the berserkers.
Brian Boru
A message arrives from Brian Boru. King of Ireland I have noticed your rise to power from afar, and give you fair warning. We have thrown the last of you Northern curs off this soil. We are even stronger now, so if you dare return, we shall slay your, feed your bodies to the dogs and ravens, and burn your ships. This is not a threat, this is your doom.
Sif and Vidar
Gram lectures yet again as you roll your eyes. Sif is the wife of Thor, and is the goddess of excellence and skill in battle. She is also the goddess of fertility and crops. She is the patron of young warriors, and many believe that praying to her before battle will increase their strength and skill. She is dressed in white and silver armour usually, and has golden hair. Loki stole her original hair, got caught, and had to replace it. He went to the dwarves and had them make new hair out of spun gold. Vidar is the son of Odin and Grid (a giantess) He is the god of silence and strength. He speaks only when he must, and then he uses as few words as possible. Though not very sociable, his hate of evil is strong, and he oftentimes goes and hunts the evil giants on his own. He wears a magical iron shoe on his right foot, made for him by the dwarves. He uses this to attack. (Must be god of the club-foots, you think to yourself)
You finance some trade delegations. It seems there is a ready market for the high quality iron, whetstones, cooking pots, and soapstones produced in your lands, while there is a demand for luxury items form the great Inland Sea to the far South.
Pleading a headache, you get out of lecture time. Thor is one of the most popular of the Aesir. He is the son of Odin and the God of thunder. He rides through stormy skies in his golden chariot, which is pulled by his two magical goats: Tanngrisner and Tanngjost. Red is his hair and beard, and is dressed in black and yellow armour. The main enemy of the jotun, he smashes their heads with his mighty hammer Mjollnir. To wield this awesome weapon he needs iron gloves (Jarn Grieper) and a belt of strength, called Meginjarder. Mjollnir returns to Thor's hand after being thrown and is often described as lightning. His abode is Thruthheim [Land of Strength] and his hall, Bilskinir. His wife is Sif. He is foremost of the gods to the common man, who would call on him to ensure fertility, and widely worshiped. Hammer-shaped amulets, a symbol of Thor because it is his weapon, are worn about the neck.
Comet 4
The star...YOUR star, is shining so bright, that you can almost see it during the daytime. At night, it rivals the moon in brightness. Fear spreads amongst your enemies, for it is rumoured that the star rides over your left shoulder, while the right shoulder swings death and destruction.
You take heart because Grдm seems to be doing his lectures alphabetically, and the end is in sight. Tyr is the God of War, Law, and Trust. He is worshipped by honorable warriors as having the qualities all must strive to have. He appears to his followers as a powerful, black bearded man with no right hand. When Fenris wolf was rampaging freely and the gods commissioned the dwarves to create a bond that will imprison him, they were puzzled about how to go about catching the beast. Tyr volunteered to gain the gigantic wolf's trust by placing his right hand in Fenris-wolf's mouth. The gods applied the leash, and the wolf bit off Tyr's right hand. Tyr watches over the Valkyries, and makes sure only the most valiant and honorable mortals are taken to dwell with Odin at Valhalla. Tuesday is named for Tyr. There is much debate about his left-handedness. In the our culture the right hand is given for a pledge, which would be why the right hand was placed in the wolf's mouth. It is also true that the offering of the right hand is to show that it is free of weapons. A left handed person is sometimes considered evil because he could use a weapon with his left hand even though he pledged with his right hand. But this does not apply to Tyr, who is respected by all.
Grдm winks at you, and tells you this is his last speech. Uller is the God of Archery and the Hunt, and according to some he was a god of skiers and the snowshoe. His weapon was a longbow made out of Yew and he lives in Ydal. He name is invoked before duels, so that his blessing would ensure honor would be met. He is the son of Thor and Sif. His name, which means glorious, is a part of many place names, therefore, he is considered to be an ancient god who is widely worshipped by archers. In fact, he is believed to sit on Odin's throne and rule when Odin is otherwise occupied. As the god of winter, he is often prayed to during the dark months to let people see the light of springtime again..
Loki strikes 2
Again, a messenger races up, reporting from your capitol. Loki was seen making off with massive amounts of your crystal and gems stockpile. Apparently, he was foiled by your beefed up security measures at the gold treasury, so it seems he developed a taste for other riches. There is not much you can do against a god, but maybe someday, you could!
Trade 2
New trade routes have been established. Your trade delegation earlier have been successful.
You are reminded by Grдm about the dнsar. Normally, these are protective agents of a family, and attach themselves to the head of the family. They can be deceitful, though, as your late father found out. You are reminded of a saying: It is very dangerous If you stumble with your foot when you into battle walk deceitful dнsir on both sides stand and want to see you wounded. ...You resolve that if you every stumble before a battle, you will sound the retreat and live to fight another day.
New World 2
You finally hear news of the expedition you sent to Vinland. There is a huge land over there, sparsely populated. Since you have plenty to do over here right now, you recall the expedition. They soon return, wearing I love Vinland t-shirts, Mickey Mouse ears on their helmets, carrying tons of cheap trinkets, and speaking in a strange dialect of dude, girlfriend, hela, waddup?, da bomb and surf's up! You resolve not to go back, for your culture could not withstand that onslaught of inanity.
During one particularly nasty battle, your shieldman received a mortal wound when he took a blow meant for you. Afterwards, as he lays dying in your arms, he suddenly stiffens, eyes wide, and clearly says: I see them coming Valkyries from afar ready to ride to the Gods. Skьld with her shield held high, Skцegul with her Gьnn, Hоld, Gцendul, Randgrith and Rathgrith last. Now are Herjans war-maidens mentioned valkyries ready to ride the earth I go....now. He breaths his last, and you look frantically to the sky...and see nothing.
Grдm gets called up for an encore. (so he claims) Gefjцn is a prophetic virgin goddess and a member of the Aesir and Vanir. All women who die virgins go to her hall. She was also a fertility goddess. In one story, Gylfi, king of Sweden, tells Gefjцn, who was disguised as a beggar, that she could have as much of Sweden as she could plough with four oxen in one day. She traveled to Jotunheim and found her four oxen sons whom she had by a giant (Huh! not much of a virgin, you say to yourself!). She returned to Sweden in Midgard with her sons and ploughed all of the land now known as Zealand so it became part of Denmark, thereby tricking Gylfi, and causing animosity between Sweden and Denmark every since. Her name also means Giver. She is also a handmaiden of Frigga who often sends her on errands. She has a swift horse named Hoof-flourisher which can run in the air and over water.
You have a strange dream of a phantom woman approaching you in the night, her eyes weeping and head bowed in sorrow. You ask her what is wrong, and she only whispers: Balder. You wake up and tell your dream to Grдm, who interprets it. You dreamed of Nanna, Goddess of the Moon and the wife of Balder. She died of heartache after Balder was accidentally killed by Hod. In her grieving, she chose to immolate herself on Balder's funeral boot, amongst other offerings. There was even an unfortunate dwarf named 'Lit', who was kicked into the flames by Thor at the last minute in a pique of rage.
You hear an amusing myth: The daughter of Thjatsi was Skдdi. When the gods killed her father, gods decided to let her pick a husband from among them -- one catch, she had to pick her new husband based only on the appearance of his feet. She picked Njord by mistake, assuming his feet belonged to Balder. Njord was extremely ugly, but had handsome feet for some reason. He and Skadi could not agree on where to live. She didn't like his home, and he didn't like hers, so they split up. She is goddess of skiing and hunting, and he is the God of the wind and sea, and his home is Noatun. You decide that when you are ready to marry, you hope to get to evaluate more than just the feet of your future spouse.
The wild hunt
You determine that your armies are now strong enough to take on the dreaded Wild Hunt. The Oskorei is a terrible host of evil spirits that sweep through Norwegian valleys on winter nights. Ironically, this happens right around the Christian celebration of Christmastime. These spirits are of dead people who are not good enough to go to Valhalla, and not bad enough to go to Hel. You have determined that it has terrorized your kindgom for long enough. A terrible battle ensues after you lay in wait for it one night. (Seems like there are a lot of neutral people out there!) Your armies eventually win, and their losses are magically restored to life after the last spirit is vanquished. The people yell their support for you! You have guaranteed your place in history, or at least folklore.
Gods get angry
Alarmed at your massive power, the Gods exert every influence to hurt you where they can...in your pocketbook!
2, 41 подземелье
Посещение Рейнджер:
Brian Boru managed to no only unite the fractious clans of Ireland, but also to throw out the Vikings who pretty much conquered most of Ireland. A mighty leader and warrior, the first true King of Ireland.
money stuff
65, 128 подземелье
86, 20 подземелье
Tyr smiles upon you.
Tyr, God of War and Law, is impressed with your determination and war lust. He reveals the way to build a dwelling and attract and train the most dreaded creature in the Northlands
You hear a rumour about the legendary Great Northern Trolls. They are often called The Hidden Folk, for they are rarely seen. They are reputed to be of enormous size and ferocity. If only you could get them to fight for you, then the world would be yours for the taking.
the guard1
Rumours of your rise have gone abroad. Some members of the elite Varangian Guard (The personal bodyguard of the Byzantium Emporer) have decided to leave his service and offer to join yours. (Nidarцs contingent)
The Guard 2
Your rising reputation has caused recruitment in outlying districts to jump.
131, 85 подземелье
The Gods reward.
Thor has looked favorably down on your mission. He informs you of how to build a home for the most fearsome creatures imaginable...Behemoths! (the hidden folk), and how to tame them to your needs. This sign of divine providence is looked favorably upon by your people, and they voluntarily build the structure.
Rumours reach your ear of the legendary Great Northern Trolls. A secretive race, often called The Hidden Folk because of their rarity, they are said to be massive in size and terrible in temperament. If you could get them to fight for you, the world would be yours for the taking.
The Guard
Rumours of your rise have gone abroad. Some members of the elite Varangian Guard (The personal bodyguard of the Byzantium Emporer) have decided to leave his service and offer to join yours. (Jуmsborg contingent)
The Guard 2
Your rising reputation has caused recruitment in outlying districts to jump
140, 66 подземелье
In a sign of divine providence, Odin appears before you and tells you how to house and control the most feared monsters of the North
Rumours reach your ears of the Hidden Folk of the north. These rare but mighty creatures, often called Great Northern Trolls, would provide valuable allies, if they could ever be convinced to help you.
The Guard
Rumours of your rise have gone abroad. Some members of the elite Varangian Guard (The personal bodyguard of the Byzantium Emporer) have decided to leave his service and offer to join yours. (Vдstergцtland contingent)
The Guard 2
Your rising reputation has caused recruitment in outlying districts to jump
110, 34 подземелье
The secret of housing and building the fearsome Behemoths has traveled East with you. The people, in a fit of enthusiasm and hoping to curry your favor, work overtime to create the new dwelling.
121, 47 подземелье
The secret of housing and building the fearsome Behemoths has traveled North with you. The people, in a fit of enthusiasm and hoping to curry your favor, work overtime to create the new dwelling.
96, 59 подземелье
Behemoth's lair.
The secret of housing and building the fearsome Behemoths has traveled North with you. The people, in a fit of enthusiasm and hoping to curry your favor, work overtime to create the new dwelling.
Хижина предсказателя
114, 80 подземелье
My son so wanted a Unicorn Horn for his birthday, If you find one (even if it is attached to a helm) could you please bring it back here? You will be richly rewarded!
Хижина предсказателя
119, 102 подземелье
I could really use some good luck. I will pay you handsomely if you bring back the Clover of Fortune for me.
97, 77 подземелье
A famous conclave of retired sailors live in here. It seems they will teach you the valuable skill of navigation for the greater glory of the clan. Use these tutors wisely, as this skill is very valuable in you future...
129, 92 подземелье
Your resolution to go to war has spread ahead of you. The members of this lumber village would love to be a part of history.
128, 84 подземелье
The news of your resolve has spread ahead of you. This small mining village will gladly join your cause.
Черный рыцарь
111, 82 подземелье
122, 84 подземелье
The ghost of your dearly departed Father (Harald Bluetooth) rises up before you here. I am proud of you son! Be wary of attacks from the sea. You need to unite the Northmen before conquering foreign shores. He leads you to where a small inheritance is buried.
96, 60 подземелье
You not allowed to enter town...You bad people!
132, 104 подземелье
Two forlorn looking cyclopes stand in your way. We got kicked out of the camps ahead...darn bigotry against monocoular vision beings!
Боевой гном
134, 133 подземелье
This is our Gold! If you take it over our dead bodies, you will suffer the Curse of Impotency!
Боевой гном
142, 143 подземелье
You will not take our gold unharmed! Even if you defeat us, The curse of the Rhinegold will pursue your family for centuries!
Древнее чудище
138, 136 подземелье
It seems you must defeat the leaders of these fearsome monsters, before they will join your cause.
106, 81 подземелье
A merchant caravan is found here. In exchange for a guarantee of protection, they tell you that the town of Ribй lies to the North, as well as a strange unicorn-shaped helmet protected by a Unicorn in a glade.
100, 69 подземелье
You see your quest item in the glade ahead. Unfortunatly, some large animal is charging you through the bushes...
114, 101 подземелье
The vast hinterlands of Germania stretch out before you here. Home to many fierce inhabitants and unknown dangers. Perhaps the rewards will be well worth the risk?
107, 90 подземелье
The famous marketplace of Hлdeby is here. A central trading place for the entire North.
118, 103 подземелье
The home of the famous magic user Skдld the Terror lies ahead of you. Do you dare to enter? Sometimes the rewards these wizards hand out are well worth the risk of interrupting their work.
125, 105 подземелье
A woodsman tells you a rumor
140, 129 подземелье
You meet a woodcutter who tells you of vast amounts of gold to be found in the hills to the SouthWest. There are scores of the dwarfish folk delving for it, though. It does not seem likely that they will just give it to you!
142, 85 подземелье
The legendary Market Town of Birka lies ahead. It is rumored that anything can be bought and sold there.
Хижина предсказателя
126, 67 подземелье
You may laugh, but I need that paltry magic item
Хижина предсказателя
143, 35 подземелье
This pendant to protect yourself even from the mighty thunderbolts of Zeus, is yours if you return to me that dreaded weapon
139, 75 подземелье
Ahead is the Valley of the Neverending Sea. Old sailors from which the sea has not claimed their lives live here, willing to pass on knowledge about all aspects of seafaring
135, 65 подземелье
This group of orcs, heartened that you are taking action, offer to join you.
139, 70 подземелье
Our loyalty is to you!, Our Clan Master!
Боевой гном
133, 51 подземелье
The dwarves, enraged at your obvious intentions to steal their gold, attack immediately!
Золотой голем
131, 28 подземелье
...Master must have more gold...to make more of us...
Могучий горгон
137, 46 подземелье
This herd of strange looking cattle seem extremely possessive of the lush meadow ahead.
Могучий горгон
135, 41 подземелье
Strange looking cattle watch you. As you enter the green meadow, they charge!
135, 35 подземелье
These guards take a glance at your army, and assume that you are after the treasure chest containing the box office proceeds. They attack!
141, 17 подземелье
This is the tomb of the mighty Gylfi. Greatest of all the kings of Sweden. None shall disturb his rest!
142, 9 подземелье
Arrrgh! You must not despoil the Holy Mountain!
Водный элементал
139, 8 подземелье
These are our gems! They need to stay in the water!
Королевский циклоп
138, 18 подземелье
We have been guarding this pass for the True King of the Swedes. You have finally come. May we join you?
Великий василиск
132, 21 подземелье
This gem pond is infested with large lizards!
128, 18 подземелье
Olof! Olof! Olof!
123, 50 подземелье
You suspect an ambush up ahead, but when you approach prepared for it, all you see is ground squirrels and jays squabbling.
127, 60 подземелье
One of Цttar's raiding parties ambushes you here. Curse him!
121, 48 подземелье
Before you lies Цstergцtland, home of Цttar. The populace are at the battlements, prepared for your attack.
97, 61 подземелье
Congratulations! With Sigvдld dead, you can claim Kingship over the Danes. You just need to convince the people of Ribй up ahead about the joys and enlightenment to be found under your rule!
97, 62 подземелье
Ambush! Sigvдld leads his small army out of the trees to the attack. It seems his town would not withstand your siege for long anyway. You see him swinging your stolen inheritance in his hand.
113, 33 подземелье
Calmly, Jarl Jеkon leads his army out to meet you. It is considered shameful amongst some in the warrior class to die defending. It seems they would far prefer to make you die while they attack! His well-disciplined warriors march lock-shield to meet yours...
Хижина предсказателя
95, 25 подземелье
The legendary Hrьck lives here, a powerful shaman. Alas, in my wanderings, I lost my lucky charm shaped like a bird. If you find it and return it, I will teach you how to make your spells more powerful.
82, 0 подземелье
Jдrl Sigurdr
Before he was soundly defeated by Brian Boru and tossed out of Ireland, Jдrl Sigurdhr was one of the most respected and feared Vikings of the North Sea. He was imprisoned in disgrace. Now he plots his revenge upon the Irish from afar.
Королевский циклоп
81, 1 подземелье
Sigurdhr has shamed us all! If he is a true Viking, he should have died with his command. We must now make sure he rots away in humility.
110, 14 подземелье
Hisgьrd's Folly
87, 21 подземелье
Olaf I
Olaf Tryggvдson (Olav I) was one of Norway's most famous kings during the Viking Era. He was the great grandson of Harold I, who first united many of the Norse Jarls. He was brought up in Russia, actually, and participated and led many raids and victories in the Baltics, North Sea, and in England.
Лазурный дракон
124, 2 подземелье
Mortals are not allowed to pass here. Only the gods and giants may do so!
Страж задания
122, 2 подземелье
The entrance to the lands of the Gods and Giants lies before you. The magical gate will not let you pass until your defeat Jцrmungandr, the Midgard Serpent, whose lair is far in the Western Sea.
88, 40 подземелье
A famous conclave of retired sailors live in here. It seems they will teach you the valuable skill of navigation for the greater glory of the clan. Use these tutors wisely, as this skill is very valuable in you future...
82, 19 подземелье
Olaf! Thank Thor that you have returned to us. We will gladly follow you as we did your father before you.
89, 23 подземелье
Olaf has returned! Vengeance will be ours! You must let us join you!
81, 17 подземелье
Spies of the traitor Jдrl Jеkon still lurk about here, observing your activities.
94, 27 подземелье
You see Jеkon's pitiful attempts at a new form of cavalry. You try not to laugh too hard as you unlimber your swords. Looks like the army is going to eat pork for a while.
83, 26 подземелье
Ahead lies the famous battlefield of Spitzgьd. Perhaps the dead have tales to tell, or treasures that they no longer need.
Случайный монстр 3
85, 31 подземелье
We know that you are going to need our crystals, Just how badly do you want them?
Лорд вампиров
86, 37 подземелье
BLAH!!!! . BLAH!!!!
87, 39 подземелье
This is the closest thing we have ever found to sand dunes in this god-forsaken freezing place! We will not let you have it!
Ледяной элементал
1, 116 подземелье
The fabled Midgard Serpent has decided to take the form of thousands of these creatures in order to fight you. Oh well, you decide, better than a single beast with a head large enough to swallow entire islands!
Кираса титана
0, 116 подземелье
You pathetic mortals have wounded me gravely, But you have not killed me! The Midgard Serpent reforms into some larger serpents than the elementals, fortunately, there are less of these...Do you wish to continue the fight?
4, 116 подземелье
Beware! The lair of Jцrmungandr lies ahead! It is said that the Midgard Serpent's body is so large, it encircles the globe!
3, 116 подземелье
Jцrmungandr is the offspring of Lцki and the giantess Angur-bцde. He was thrown into the sea by Odin, and kept growing, and growing...
Страж задания
126, 1 подземелье
The entrance to the lands of the Gods and Giants lies before you. The magical gate will not let you pass until your defeat Jцrmungandr, the Midgard Serpent, whose lair is far in the Western Sea.
114, 14 подземелье
Grave desecraters! And they call *US* evil? Phaw! We will not even bother to bury you after we kill you!
Древнее чудище
88, 2 подземелье
This group of hidden folk, obviously do not believe in remaining hidden!
87, 50 подземелье
Hmmm...The North Sea used to be bigger... Mapmaker's Note
72, 141 подземелье
91, 104 подземелье
65, 129 подземелье
Robert II
Robert II was a ruler over a loose jumble of kingdoms in central France. His supporting nobles kept him weak, lest he take one side of them against another. This is not to say he was not an accomplished warlord, though!
91, 105 подземелье
Gцngu-Hrуlfr is a fierce warlord of Viking descent. His predations scared the French nobility so much, they ceded huge tracks of land to him in Normandy, in effect, to just shut him up. He however does not want to share his kingdom with anyone else!
72, 142 подземелье
Another warlord of unknown descent and origins, who the French Nobility granted lands and title to in order to cease his predations. A wily and resourceful opponent, he relies on his ballista skills.
105, 142 подземелье
A well know warlord in the pre-Norman days in France, Conaing was known for his fierce appetites at the table and on the battle field. Extremely overweight, only the mightiest of horses could bear his weight for any distance.
91, 107 подземелье
An extremely ugly and dwarf-like physical appearance did not limit Rethmaig form becoming a highly respected leader and tactician in pre-Norman France.
28, 141 подземелье
60, 134 подземелье
Future site of Euro-Disney
Страж задания
122, 141 подземелье
The Giants on the Isle of Lewis have been our enemies for ages. Kill them, and then the treasures that we have been guarding all these years shall be yours.
Боевой меч титана
124, 143 подземелье
All 60 statues of the Titans come to life and move to protect the sword. Do you wish to continue?
Шляпа капитана
123, 143 подземелье
Be warned! The Sword of the Titans beyond is guarded well. In the distance, you see a 3 rows of Titan statues, standing guard over the fabled sword.
Ледяной элементал
110, 1 подземелье
The ice at the edge of the glacier here seems to come alive, and strange Ice beings immediately attack throwing Ice projectiles with remarkable accuracy.
35, 117 подземелье
Welcome to the Sacred Peninsula of the Learned. Seekers of knowledge are always welcome. Destroyers of knowledge shall be themselves destroyed.
72, 116 подземелье
You are besieged by adherents to 3 different shrines. They glare suspiciously at each other as they extol the virtues of what they could teach. You decide to visit each one, so as not to start a Shriner War. A contribution is expected, of course.
49, 132 подземелье
Uh oh! another one of those shrine clusters is up ahead. You gird yourself for being fought over by the adherents about which to visit first...
49, 131 подземелье
Ambush! It seems that this is some kind of holy destination for monks. Monks and Vikings very rarely hit it off, so to speak. Maybe you should have tithed a little more!
49, 130 подземелье
Now you've torn it! The Church will rest at nothing to get you now. You sneer at the devastation... Surely this proves that Odin and Thor are more powerful than this Christian God!
58, 63 подземелье
60, 28 подземелье
57, 87 подземелье
33, 94 подземелье
33, 95 подземелье
Жthelstan one was on the King of England's few supporters (He was his cousin, after all) He was very handy with the bow, and his troops always did extremely well when archery was called for.
55, 66 подземелье
A Moorish mercenary hired by Жethelred to help stem the Northmen's onslaught, Edric is a highly talented general who knows warfare inside and out.
58, 64 подземелье
60, 29 подземелье
Жlthring was a distant cousin of the king's who found his calling in the Church. Tired of the depredations of the Northmen, he organized a militant order to help protect church property.
39, 80 подземелье
You discover a beautiful, calm lake. A gorgeous lady appears and wordlessly offers you a powerful sword, as you reach to take it, one of your men makes a coarse joke, and the nymph looks confused for a second, and then vanishes.
36, 59 подземелье
You shall not profane this holy place! , shout the angels as they attack.
36, 60 подземелье
The flowered meadow grows deathly silent as you draw near...You can almost feel the outrage as your steps crush the flowers and churn the soil...
Меч правосудия
6, 40 подземелье
A group of Irish monks approach, offering you a blazing sword of mighty magic. They ask to speak with you for awhile first, and you agree. You emerge a short while later....CHRISTIANIZED!!!!!! with a heavy penance too. You must now defeat the heathen gods you have believed in all your life.
Страж задания
5, 41 подземелье
You must defeat the Irish King Brian Boru before you are allowed beyond to claim your rightful throne as King of the North.
Щит львиной храбрости
5, 39 подземелье
The monks continue. Due to the extreme hardship you have imposed upon the Church in your drive for conquest, your soul will not be admitted into heaven unless you first kill Odin. These blessed weapons will allow you to kill what is considered immortal. To Asgard, you must go!
10, 67 подземелье
21, 38 подземелье
21, 39 подземелье
Morrough is a leader of one of the most powerful of the Irish Clans. After unsuccessfully vying with Brian for the kingship of the Irish people, he became a vassal, and a powerful one at that.
10, 68 подземелье
Another leading Irish warlord of the Clan Figlili, Conaing proved to be a loyal and strong vassal of Brian Boru. His strengths lie in his very strong Earth magic, and high defense.
11, 44 подземелье
A young but talented leader who has prospered under the reign of Brian, Sitrнc is a great leader and organizer. He once coveted the throne himself, until he was defeated and swore vassaliege to the new King.
8, 45 подземелье
The Shannon River
20, 43 подземелье
The Fabled Forest of Figlili
2, 53 подземелье
The heart of Ireland does not welcome your intrusion.
131, 25 подземелье
You see an old man with frayed robes on a weary horse near sundown one night. Your offer him food and comradeship by your fire. A good time is had by all. In the morning, he mysteriously disappears, and you realize belatedly that it must have been Odin, for he left a generous gift for your hospitality. (Good thing you didn't try to hassle him!)
96, 7 подземелье
Starring up to the stars one night, you swear you see a gigantic shadow of a giant figure on an 8 legged horse flying through the air. You blink and rub your eyes, and it is gone. You swear to start taking it easy on the mead for a while.
85, 21 подземелье
You duck as two large shadows swoop down on you. To your amazement, two gigantic ravens alight nearby, and start talking to you. Odin warns you of the powerful enemies that await beyond the sea in the Western and Southern lands. Do not venture forth until you have gathered all the power available to you in the Northlands. Hugin (Thought) and Munin (Memory) quickly depart. (Mapmakers note... the ships at this shipyard are not inaccessible, you have to actually be *in* the shipyard to board)
132, 6 подземелье
You see two large black forms observing you from a distance. A breathless scout reports they are huge black wolves, more than 10 feet tall at the shoulder. These could only by Odin's wolves, Freke and Gere. It seems Odin has showed an interest in your activities, for they shadow your army for days afterwards.
45, 99 подземелье
A strange jumble of stones are heaped here. As you read the obelisk, your behemoths have some fun and start stacking the rocks in a circle, making doorways and arches, then playing a game of croquet. You shake your head in amusement as you walk away from Stonehenge.
78, 4 подземелье
A massive figure rises from the sea ahead. It appears to be human, but is larger than a Titan and has a long, gray beard. You bow quickly as you recognize Aegir, God of the Seas. He speaks in a loud, booming voice, whish sounds like waves hitting the rocks. The doom of the world is on your shoulders, Jдrl. I cannot change the fate of the world, but I urge you to consider before laying claim to the Kingship of the North. A doom will be unleashed which will destroy all that you hold dear. I will not prevent your journeys, although I could. Neutral the oceans must be in this affair. The figure quickly sinks below the waves.
126, 36 подземелье
You see a group of beautiful women living in a small encampment and tending a shrine. At first, you can't believe your luck, but then you see who the shrine is dedicated to
107, 49 подземелье
As your army passes through these beautiful woods, you hear a beautiful male voice singing and a harp playing. Pausing to listen, your entire army gets entranced. You snap out of the spell half a day later. It takes all your leadership ability to get the troops bloodthirsty again, since most want to go home and not make war any more. You realize you just witnessed the playing of Bragi, the God of Poetry and Song. (and You nearly lost your army!)
19, 48 подземелье
In the middle of this forest in this green and fertile land, you come upon a shrine. A carved statue of Frey, the god of the Elves, is in a sylvan glade just off the road. It is surrounded by offerings. You hope the god does not take a personal interest in your little campaign to conquer Ireland. You know you are not powerful enough to withstand a god. (yet)
140, 108 подземелье
You come upon a meadow where 2 groups are fighting. You offer to pass judgement to settle their dispute, which they agree to. You judge wisely, and afterwards you are approached by a fair-haired handsome individual who introduced himself as Forseti. He said he was impressed with how you handled the situation, and wishes to offer you a gift. You tell Grдm of this afterwards, and he tells you that have had been visited by a god. Forseti is the god of justice and peacemaking, and the son of Balder. Hmmm... maybe you should start paying attention to those fireside lectures...
131, 46 подземелье
Your scouts capture a strange man in chainmail that was hiding under a waterfall nearby. Thinking he is a spy, you take him to your camp for questioning. He suddenly dies as you travel further away from the waterfall, and the body turns into water. You realize you had captured a Fцssergrim. These magical beings live in waterfalls, and cannot be removed far from them.
136, 25 подземелье
While traversing a narrow pass at dusk, your army is suddenly attacked by hordes of undead. A bright light in the shape of a horse appears, and beams of light lance out and start withering the undead where they stand. Soon, all the enemy is dead, and you have suffered no losses. The horse is a burnished light brown color, with a white mane and tail. It disappears as you try to approach it to thank it. You realize you saw Blцdug-Hуfi, the magical horse of Frey.
42, 6 подземелье
You hear rumours of a gigantic boar roaming the countryside near here. Deciding you want pork for dinner, you go boar hunting. Soon, you see a giant rust colored boar in the distance. As you approach, a handsome figure dressed in greens and browns carrying a bow runs out and jumps on it's back. The figures then simply disappear! Back it camp Grдm informs you that you saw the god Frey and his magical pet boar Gullen-Bursti.
104, 7 подземелье
You hear the titter of laughter and a golden apple falls into your lap. A gift for you is heard inside your head. As you take a bite of the most delicious thing you ever tasted, you feel 10 years younger. A gift indeed! Idun, the goddess of spring and eternal youth evidently felt generous today.
Боевой маг
140, 67 подземелье
Olof Skцtkon
Olof Skцtkonung was a famous Swedish monarch, who extended the influence of the Swedish Vikings to all the lands that touched the Baltic Sea. He even made huge inroads into the vast lands of what is now Russia, and many present day cities were first founded by Olof. It is said the Tsars of Russia are distant descendants of his. He was reputed to be a valiant warrior, who united Sweden, established far-flung trade routes, and led many raids and battles.
Боевой маг
139, 68 подземелье
Geifond is Olof's best friend and trusted advisor. They grew up together and participated in many raids together before Olof came into his inheritance.
122, 49 подземелье
You see the cowardly Цttar retreating into the city with the remnants of his clan. You sense an easy victory, and tonight vengeance satiated will be toasted around the cook fires!
84, 21 подземелье
Skiold is a child friend of Olaf, and they have been inseparable ever since. A trusted and very competent comrade.
131, 86 подземелье
Sven Tveskдg
Sweyn Tveskдgg was the son of Harald Bluetooth and leader of the Jуmsborg Vikings. He was a fearless leader, who led many Viking raids against England and his rivals in Norway and Sweden. At the time of his death in 1014, he controlled Denmark, Norway, and the entirety of England. One of the most powerful of the Viking Kings, he was the first monarch in the North to mint coins. (And they said you never learned anything when you play these games!)
127, 88 подземелье
Heremod is a great bear of a man. He is the sworn liegeman of Sven, and has accompanied him on his travels for most of his life.
140, 21 подземелье
You see a distant figure on the mountaintops here. He is tossing large objects around. As you watch more closely, you see he is actually tossing gigantic boulders around like they were made of feathers. He comes down and introduces himself as Magni. He gives you a few pointers about strength.
54, 77 подземелье
A figure approaches you and asks to talk to your elite troops. He introduces himself as Modi. You overhear him talking to your troops about berserker rages and how to control them. The son of Thor then simply vanishes, leaving your troops much encouraged
105, 65 подземелье
3 figures appear before you, one is an old, withered crone, the other is a dark, severe-looking woman, and the third is a small girl. You recognize the fates. The child speaks
122, 24 подземелье
You come across an arena dedicated to Sif, the goddess of skill in battle. An acolyte takes you inside and teaches you some new battle techniques. After she leaves, your realize it must have been Sif herself taking an interest in your career.
Башмаки скороходы
102, 62 подземелье
Hermшd, the messenger of the gods, appears before you holding a pair of magical boots. Odin wishes you to have these, if you prove yourself worthy. They will help you travel far distances quickly. But you must fight a fairie dragon to gain them. Do you accept?
Башмаки скороходы
128, 53 подземелье
A goddess appears out of nowhere, holding a pair of fantastically engraved boots. Frigga, wife of Odin, has taken an interest in you, and wishes to keep you safe. She has sent me, Hlнn to offer these boots which will magically increase the distance you and your army can travel in a day. You must prove your worth by defeating a Crystal dragon first though. Do you accept the challenge?
Башмаки скороходы
102, 23 подземелье
Fulla, the messenger of Frigga, appears before you and offers these boots that will magically increase your speed while traveling. The only stipulation is that you defeat a guardian to show your worthiness. A single Dragon of Rust. Do you accept?
110, 78 подземелье
You see an astounding sight of an archer hitting flies in the air from 200 feet away. He pulls you aside and gives you some range weapon pointers. You learn much from Uller, the god of archery
102, 33 подземелье
You encounter a shrine to a god with no right hand. You recognize it as belonging to Tyr, the God of Law, War and Trust. You make and offering yourself, and are promptly rewarded.
111, 35 подземелье
The town of Stiklestдd lies before you. They apparently will not just surrender to you, but certainly they will not put up too much of a defense with their leader's head proudly displayed upon your standard.
141, 115 подземелье
You are rudely awakened one night by a sudden loud thunderstorm. You rally your troops, for something is unnatural, since there are very few clouds in the sky. It is apparently a warning, for you are attacked by a band of giants who evidently were creeping up on you. You defend yourself with ease with the assistance of lightning bolts from the sky. The giants are quickly defeated, and your army bows at once in thanks to the departing figure of Thor.
76, 78 подземелье
This is Lindisfarne Monastery. In 793 A.D. The first known Viking raid occurred here. It seems that despite their vows of poverty, Monasteries were actually pretty wealthy, and a prime target for the plundering Seafarers.
65, 131 подземелье
Essarc was the most well versed of the Pig Lords. He was studying to be in the Clergy, before the unfortunate demise of his two older brothers forced him to assume his Father's titles and obligations.
27, 6 подземелье
You have arrived just in time for dinner. We're hungry!
62, 93 подземелье
A man dressed in green tights, leading a and of foresters, and quoting Steal from the rich, give to the gods! absconded with most of your pay wagons. You suspect Loki is at work again!
95, 71 подземелье
The sacred temple of Tшrshav lies here, perched on the end of a peninsula. It is dedicated to Aegir, God of the Seas.
91, 35 подземелье
The sacred temple of Frшyshцv is here, dedicated to Freya, goddess of love, fertility and wealth.
128, 45 подземелье
The famous temple of Цnsеker is ahead. People travel great distances to get to this sacred spot where Odin is supposed to hear your prayers more readily.
112, 0 подземелье
You come across a strange building. You find out it is a place of healing, and is dedicated to the Goddess of Healing, Eir. Here, physicians, who were women only, did some impressive feats of curing. The medics in your army learn some things, but when you try to leave some of your wounded here, they shoved a pile of papers at you and asked you about some strange thing called H.M.O. , co-payments, and deposits. You leave quickly in disgust.
142, 13 подземелье
You come across a herd of cattle tended by some women. You notice something very strange about them. Beneath their white robes you can see an occasional flicker of a cow's tail. Your recall the ancient legend of Hыldra, and her group of wood nymphs. You instruct your army to give them a wide berth.
75, 126 подземелье
While you are taking a break beside the road, a sparkling figure materializes before you. You bow as you recognize the form of Snцtra, the Goddess of Wisdom and Gentleness. Great is the doom that you carry with you, oh mortal. And though it pains me to do so, I must warn you. If you ever encounter a precious item, a vial of dragon's blood, you must keep it. You will need it in the end of things. The form vanishes. The troops are looking at you strangely. Obviously, they did not see the vision. You smile an embarrassed smile and quickly call an end to the break.
3, 46 подземелье
Delling, the god of dawn, shines brightly this day. Could this be the day of the last battle? You awake at Delling's door, prepared for your destiny.
105, 55 подземелье
You see a strange ritual being performed here at the lake. A statue of Nerthus (Mother Earth) and the cart that the statue was being pushed around in are being washed by a gang of slaves in the clear waters of the lake. The statue is then reverently put back in it's sacred grove on an island in the lake. When talking to the local Gцdar, you discover that this is a yearly ritual. The statue is taken by the cart to all the local towns. While the statue is traveling, no war is allowed and all weapons are put away. As you walk away, you pretend not to notice as all the slaves are ceremoniously drowned in the lake as an offering. Heeding well your lessons in history, you know, like the Romans did, your kingdom will be less unruly if you don't mess with the local religions.
1, 143 подземелье
In myth, supposedly four dwarves (Austri, Vestri, Sudri, and Nordri) were set by Odin at the 4 corners of the world in order to hold it. You wonder which dwarf drew the short straw and got to stand in the ocean here!
120, 109 подземелье
As you approach the vast expanse of the Ironwood Forest, you hear bonechilling howls of wolves. You learn from the locals that the dwelling of the giantess Iarnvidiur is close by, and her occupation is rather unusual
142, 137 подземелье
You have found the infamous Black School at Wittenburg. It is rumoured to be run by the devil. You will learn something here, but can lose your soul. Will you enter?
143, 138 подземелье
Using the old double coat trick, you escape the clutches of the devil. As he grabbed you as you finished your studies, you shrugged out of your coat and easily escaped. You also managed to steal a copy of the Cyprianus, the dreaded Black Book which is the textbook here.
106, 15 подземелье
As you make camp here, a local warns you that you might see a ghost. Apparently, an ancestor of his greedily tried to move a boundary stone in order to gain some land. He was declared an outlaw and died shortly thereafter. His ghost can now be seen trying to haul the boundary stone back, a task he can never accomplish. With so few good acre of farmland in this region, you can understand why the punishment was so severe. You do end up seeing the spectral form that night.
130, 69 подземелье
As you approach your favorite recruiting place, you see a small man in a bright coat and hat capering among the roofs. The residents explain that his is a nisse. It is the guardian spirit of this village, and actually quite strong and will help defend them during attacks.
Мастер гремлин
104, 22 подземелье
The Gremlins have been busy here, but they seem to be a bit brain dead with mercury poisoning!
103, 21 подземелье
The reason this place is not productive immediatly becomes apparant. A giant huldre (evil spirit) manifests itself to defend its home.
113, 61 подземелье
As you approach the crystal mine, a gruvrцken appears before you. The shimmering female spirit shape speaks. Thank you for liberating my mine. I will make sure it stays productive for you, and will help your miners avoid mishaps and find the best deposits. Here is a reward. She fades away.
2, 116 подземелье
You hear the howling and moanings of the Draug, or drowned spirits. These mishapen and cursed beings caper along the rocks alongside, their shreaks sending shivers up your spine. You hope that you do not join them in their curse.
1, 112 подземелье
These rocks and islands are not on any maps you have, and you have purchased the best available! They must be the Utrцst, groups of mysterious, disappearing and reappearing islands inhabited by supernatural beings. You hope they don't appear during a heavy fog...
12, 35 подземелье
A magical white horse is grazing by the lakeside here. From your legends, you realize this is probably a nшkk. They are demonic beings who tempts young boys for a ride, and then jumps into the lake and drowns them. You get Grдm up here to speak the magical Naming words. The demon disappear with a shriek and a wail of anguish.
137, 63 подземелье
To gain acceptance amongst the locals, you participate in the local tradition of Valborg. That night, you join everybody else in getting roaring drunk, then jump into the partially frozen river here. After that shriveling experience, you decide that next time it would be better to drink even more before taking that plunge!
107, 85 подземелье
You here of a local witch who holds this whole area in terror. She uses her troll cats, knife-milking, and magical whirlwinds to steal from everybody. You confront her, and almost lose your life when she releases a seiтr on you. You were able to barely avoid this malevolent spell, and soon rid the region of this powerful witch. The people show their appreciation for your efforts.
45, 65 подземелье
You see a very strange sight
57, 88 подземелье
Жthelred II, The Unready was handicapped throughout his tortuous reign as king of England because he could not gain the support of the English nobility. Danish invaders attacked and sacked parts of his kingdom for 4 decades, and he finally beggared England by buying them off, establishing the Danegeld.
2, 3 суша
142, 2 суша
A soft voice sings out at you from the magical gate
142, 4 суша
The vast plain of Vigrad lies before you. Battle Shaker, it is called in the legends
134, 0 суша
The flickering image of Odin appears before you. In a sad voice, he speaks
132, 0 суша
The three fates appear before you
128, 0 суша
You stand in front of the awe-inspiring Bifrost Bridge. The rainbow construct bridging the way to Asgеrd arcs in front of you. There appears to be 6 different paths you can take, corresponding to the colors of the rainbow
118, 11 суша
You have chosen
118, 9 суша
You have chosen
118, 7 суша
You have chosen
118, 5 суша
You have chosen
118, 3 суша
You have chosen
117, 1 суша
You got through that? Sheesh! You *are* good!
118, 1 суша
You have chosen
117, 3 суша
You got through that? Sheesh! You *are* good!
117, 5 суша
You got through that? Sheesh! You *are* good!
117, 7 суша
You got through that? Sheesh! You *are* good!
117, 11 суша
You got through that? Sheesh! You *are* good!
Лазурный дракон
84, 52 суша
Legends have been known to be wrong before...Apparently Nidhцgg is not just one dragon, but a whole clan!
89, 51 суша
You apparently have reached Hvergelmer. The mountains around here reveal themselves to be ancient tree roots, upon closer inspection. The sound of gnawing can be heard echoing in the chamber. Something is eating away at the roots of Ygdrasil, the tree that encompasses the known world.
134, 40 суша
The waters here are dead. There are no fish, no vegetation, no debris. It appear you are the first mortals to ever sail these waters. The silence is unreal and unrelenting.
80, 82 суша
You land in Mimerswell, font of all wisdom. What looks to be mountains are actually the gnarled, ancient roots of Ygdrasil, the tree that encompasses the world. Supposedly Mimer, the wisest of all beings and older than even the gods, lives here.
76, 83 суша
You see a strange sight in the distance. It seems like a gigantic part of the mountain moved, then melded into a hooded figure in the distance. As you approach, it speaks
88, 104 суша
You have reached UrdaWell. The rugged mountains around here actually are the wooden roots of the ancient ash tree Ygdrasil. This is the legendary meeting place of the gods.
90, 109 суша
The three fates, Ьrd, Verdдndi, and Skьld, materialize briefly as 3 bright shining lights and curse you by stripping you of your magic power. Beyond, you see the god Vidдr, god of strength and silence, waiting with his army.
106, 97 суша
The rugged, frozen lands of the Giants lay before you. Remembering that these creatures are supposed to take out all the Gods in Ragnarok, you realize you are playing in the big leagues now. The Jotuns (or Jдtte or Jжtte) have long been in the nightmares of all Scandinavians, and you and your army enter this frozen wasteland in trepidation.
101, 99 суша
Welcome to Jotunheim. Anybody less than 20 feet tall will be considered a snack. Gods are NOT welcome.
142, 141 суша
111, 142 суша
The wretched stink of a charnel house confirms that you have reached the cursed land of Niflheim, Realm of the Dead. It appears not everything is dead though, as the ground moves, and legions of skeletons issue forth decrying the taint of living flesh on their soil.
125, 129 суша
It seems, even the dead can teach you some things...
1, 125 суша
33, 136 суша
Smoke and fumes from this fiery land almost overcomes you. The heat is intense, and any metal objects, including your armour, become hot to the touch. You hope your stay in Mьspelheim is a short one.
30, 137 суша
Shorter than you may have wished. Silently, fiery beings rush from the lava pits and rugged landscape to attack you.
42, 100 суша
51, 66 суша
Посещение Чародей:
Loki is actually a Giant. He became a member of the Aesir when Odin made him his blood brother. He is the god of mischief, a trickster, and is very cunning.
AI stuff
69, 41 суша
82, 96 суша
Гончая ада
103, 138 суша
Garm seems to dissolve into thousands of smaller forms, all of which attack!
99, 137 суша
Ahead of you, you see a gigantic dire wolf, easily over 100 feet tall. Somehow, you realize it is not exactly waiting of a dog treat and a pat on the head. This is the legendary Garm, guardian to the gateway of Hel.
77, 89 суша
You swear you see the rocks moving...Suspecting an ambush, you proceed cautiously.
63, 110 суша
In amongst the barren and blasted terrain, you see a glimpse of green. Upon closer investigation, you discover the Ancient Tree of Hope, valiantly struggling to survive. You and your army are greatly inspired by the symbolism, and march onwards with great optimism.
Страж задания
52, 67 суша
The magical portal here will not let you into the last refuge of Loki until you defeat Nidhцgg (Azure Dragons) first. It seems Loki has one last little trick up his sleeve!
69, 42 суша
Thrym is Lord of the Frost Giants. He is a mighty warrior and mage. He looks like a Titan, but has a constant aura of cold around him. Many beings of cold and ice worship him as a deity.
82, 97 суша
Angurboda is a Jotun of immense strength. He also has a limited control over the weather, and can cast thunderbolts almost as well as Thor.
105, 97 суша
You hear a low growling ahead. The sound is so low and menacing, that even your most valiant parts of your army hesitate. Small snowslides start as the vibration starts shaking the ground. Gulping audibly, but steadfast in the belief of your destiny, you continue onwards.
104, 98 суша
Rounding the shoulder of the ice covered mountain, you come upon a truly horrifying sight. A gigantic wolf, fully 100 feet tall at the shoulder, is standing, snarling at you. It is chained by a delicate looking golden thread to the mountain. This is the legendary Fenris Wolf, doomed to be chained to in place until Ragnorak, where it is destined to swallow Odin. Unfortunately, (for you) it is chained directly in your path. You give the order to charge. As you do so, the creature magically transforms into thousands of smaller forms.
103, 6 суша
The fading image (ghost?) of Loki appears before you. You must have the Vial of Dragon Blood to gain entrance to Valhalla and kill Odin. The last I heard of it's location, the wolf Fenris swallowed it. The only reason I help you is that I want Odin to join me in my destiny. That gives me infinite satisfaction
Страж задания
27, 50 суша
A powerful forcefield blocks the path. A voice speaks in your mind. Mortal blood cannot pass this point, unless the contents of the Vial of Dragon Blood is emptied at this spot.
24, 79 суша
This is the training field where the Einheriar battle to the death every day, only to be resurrected at night to feast with Odin in his hall. Two thousand of the finest Viking warriors that ever existed stand in the vanguard before you in ordered ranks, and are attacking. You can see far more lined up behind them.
2, 69 суша
Посещение Странник:
Odin is the all-father and leader of the Aesir. 'nuff said.
resource stuff
2, 81 суша
All is eerily silent as you approach the legendary Hall of Valhalla. It is an awe-inspiring sight. The building is easily the biggest ever conceived. It flashes in the light with a continuous mixture of gold, silver, and the rainbow colours of the Aurora Borealis. The doorway seems unguarded, and the door opens for you as you approach..
121, 110 суша
You have found the secret worshipping place of the dwarves . At the end of the brightly lit chamber, you see a massive carved stone figure of Fjalar, the god of the dwarves. The chamber appears empty, although you get the feeling that thousands of eyes are watching you.
2, 45 суша
62, 24 суша
142, 142 суша
Hel is the daughter of Loki and the giant Angurboda. She is the sister of Fenris wolf and the Midgard serpent. She is the goddess of the Underworld (Dead), Half of her body is white, the other half is black.
42, 101 суша
Hymer is the leader of the Giant Race, the Jotuns. Extremely powerful in both magic and might, he is considered one of the most difficult opponents the Gods will face in the Last Battle
138, 13 суша
'Twould be a bummer if the grail were buried here. Even *I* would not be that cruel.
85, 109 суша
Petty cash stash (In a giant cigar box)
22, 79 суша
This was the saddest day of your life, for amongst many of the enemy slain, you recognized deceased comrades and men from legends. You, yourself, slew your own father. The look of betrayal in his eyes will haunt you for the rest of your life. You weep openly at the bitterness of your fate. Your journey nears its end though. Soon, you will be able to lay down your sword forever.
23, 79 суша
The main body of the warriors now attack.
2, 82 суша
This map was made by Brian Krueper. Comments/Suggestions/Criticisms are welcome. [email protected]
107, 6 суша
A strange memorial stone is glowing on the side of the path here. It is written in the language of the Gods. Grдm is able to decipher it for you. In memory of the first war in the world, between the Vanir and the Aesir. When the Aesir tried to kill Gьllveig (a Vanir goddess, the two sets of gods clashed. The Vanir won. The two sides exchanged gods (The Hжnir) as a sign of good faith, and proceeded to rule together, united in opposition to the Jotuns. May all remember those who fell here.
50, 126 суша
You see the largest ship ever conceived in this or any world up ahead. It is landlocked, and on closer inspection, you see it is constructed entirely out of the dead's fingernails! This must be the dread ship Nдglfari. It will take the Fire Giants to Ragnorak from Mьspelheim. You must be getting close!
87, 108 суша
The conference table of the Gods lay before you. It is an awesome sight, with a huge black obsidian plane balanced on top of 6 power axis stars. The effect is ruined, however, by mounds of untidy paper, stale donuts, and half-empty, stained coffee cups scattered across the surface. A huge slate is covered with writing on one wall. You notice the names of Olaf, Olof, and Sven highlighted, with two of them crossed out.
58, 23 суша
Who would have thought Thor was a Flower Lover!
136, 143 суша
Grдm councils you
27, 46 суша
The devastated area ahead must have been the site where Thor wrestled the giant Gшldrum, who insulted all the Gods when he was their guest in Valhalla.
87, 110 суша
Vidдr is the god of Strength and Silence. He is a son of Odin, and is a stoic bastion of strength for the Aesir. He speaks only when he must, and uses as few words as possible. He hates all evil, and hates the Jotuns most of all.
117, 9 суша
Heimdall is the steadfast guardian of the Bifrost bridge. He is also called the Bright God . He never sleeps and can see anybody approaching for days in any direction. Nine sisters, signifying the waves, gave birth to him. As Rig, he begets Thrall, Clar, and Earl, representing the three classes of man
2, 46 суша
Goddess of love, fertility, war, and wealth. Originally one of the Vanir. She was the daughter of Njord, and the sister of Frey. Her daughter, by Od, is named Hnoss who is so beautiful that whatever is valuable and lovely is named treasure, after her. She lives in Folkvang [battlefield] and each day chooses half of the slain warriors to split with Odin.
2, 4 суша
Frigga is the Goddess of the Firmament and can control the winds. She is also the wife of Odin and of Marriage.
62, 25 суша
God of war. He was the only god brave enough to put his hand in the Fenris- wolf's mouth so the gods could bind it. The wolf bit off his right hand. He is the god of War, Honor, and Trust.
3, 5 суша
5, 46 суша
61, 25 суша
20, 37 суша
The son of Odin and a member of the Aesir, he is the god of thunder and the main enemy of the giants. He would smash their heads with his mighty hammer Mjollnir. To wield this awesome weapon he needed iron gloves and a belt of strength. Mjollnir would return to Thor's hand after being thrown and was symbolic of lightning.
22, 37 суша
Серебряный пегас
2, 72 суша
Some valkyrie scouts, choosers of the slain and handmaidens to Odin himself, fly overhead here.
2, 70 суша
2, 71 суша
This is it, the last battle. You stand before the gigantic throne of Odin, which is occupied by the All-Father himself. His army surrounds him, and he seems calm, but sad, as he glares defiance at you. You shout
43, 102 суша
81, 98 суша
69, 43 суша
1, 126 суша
Surt is one of the mightiest of the Jotuns. He rules the Mьspelheim, the realm of Fire. His being is supposedly pure fire, and all things of fire worship him as a diety.
2, 126 суша
137, 143 суша
82, 16 суша
Will these caverns ever end? The absolute stillness and lack of life is more frightening than the howls of thousands of enraged behemoths on the charge!
134, 92 суша
You conclude that this river maze proves something you've suspected all along...the gods have a truly perverted sense of humour!
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