Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The nephew of the famous Luthur Sterling, Ranin has never recieved much attention by the public. As a matter of fact, in his town, he's always been known as a worthless nothing! Well, enough's enough! It's time to show them Ranin Sterling can be just as big a hero as dumb ol' Luthur!
Hear ye! Hear ye! Once again, the Hero's Society of Valorsville are seeking new members for thier high council. I, the HSV Herald, am here to warn you that all applicants must remember to turn in thier forms to the Hero's Society office within six months. If you don't have one already, pick one up here. This will be your final warning. Thank you, and have a nice day! Just try and ignore them, you tell yourself sadly, I'm never chosen for the HSV high council, why should I try this time? That's you, Ranin Sterling, standing in the doorway of the Museum of Heroes, peering out at the crowd of hopefuls gathering around the Herald. You turn away to continue your menial task of sweeping the marble floors.
Story, part two
You come to the base of the Museum's most popular attraction and stop, gazing upward at the gleaming statue of Sir Luthur Sterling the Valiant, said to be the greatest hero to ever set foot in these lands. And he's your uncle. Great, huh? You never thought so. Bah! you sneer at the statue's stony visage, How come {you} always get the attention, while your nephew has to sweep the floor of your memorial, eh? Well, look where you are now! You're dead! You know deep in your soul that your feelings of injustice toward Luthur are just the result of terrible envy, and that it isn't really his fault that you're a 3rd-class nobody working as a janitor in a museum. This make you even more angry, and the cycle repeats itself. Damn Luthur! I hate you! In your rage, you swing your broom, smacking the statue in its side. The statue wobbles on its base, topples, and crashes to the floor into a million sparkling shards. You gasp when you've realized what you've done, and horror engulfs you.
Story, part three
Ranin? Vat vas zat sound I heard? Oh no! It's Mr. Kreet, your boss, coming down the hall! Not knowing what to do, you drop your broom and make a break for it out the door and into the street. You duck behind the Herald's crowd just in time to hear an unusually high-pitched scream coming from back inside of the museum, Ahhhhh! RANIN!!! Ver are yoo?!? Well, it's time for you to hit the road. Smashing a statue of a legendary hero (and not just any legendary hero!) is a serious offense! It only takes a minute to grab an application form from the Herald, stick it in your pocket, and dash out of town, Since I have nowhere else to go, I might as well try to join the HSV council again. This is your last chance before you have to wait another four years for the next election, and the spirit of Luthur is probobly laughing at you this very moment! Show him that you can be just as big a hero as he ever was... and more!
32, 4 подземелье
Mountain Hall
Посещение Зверолов:
11, 15 подземелье
Castle Axten
15, 22 подземелье
Many things lurk in these mysterious woods, most of which you'd rather not think about. Vampires, for example!
11, 16 подземелье
The nephew of the legendary dragonslayer and war hero Luthur Sterling, Ralin has always been overlooked by history.
10, 23 подземелье
The camp is small, consisting of about four tents. There is a campfire blazing in the center, and huddled around it are eight shady-looking men. What do you want? asks one, his hand slowly inching to his belt-knife. U-uh, you try to hide your nervousness, but that seems to makes you studder more, I - uh, wanted to offer you a job. A job, eh? What kind of job, and how much are you paying? I'm offering two gems each, you force a grin, Sound good? They think about it, and accept. As they follow behind you, however, you catch a few words like 'fool', and 'strangle'...
11, 21 подземелье
Ah! What luck! A mercenary camp! Maybe you can find some real help here! You can just taste that HSV membership now!
11, 23 подземелье
The mercinaries want thier gems up front.
5, 19 подземелье
A gang of tough-looking thugs are gathered near the entrance of the cave. When they see you coming, they snort in laughter, You wanna go in? Yes, you reply, rolling your eyes. 50000 gold, wimp! You know you'll have to do this the hard way.
5, 23 подземелье
Mmm! Tasty human meat! a small, ugly group of green men chant, Human meat better than da fairies we been eating! Uhg, Dameon calls out to them, That's disgusting. Move along, before I skin your little goblin hides! We'd like to see you makes us! It's your funeral! Dameon smiles, giving the mercinaries a signal to attack.
Ожерелье скорости
9, 20 подземелье
One of the demons had this around his neck when you encountered it... maybe that's why is was so fast.
Хижина предсказателя
0, 21 подземелье
As you appreach the hut, the first thing that enters your ears is the sound of someone crying. A wailing elven woman runs out the door, tears streaming down her face. What's wrong, Anduina? Dameon asks. Those terrible gnolls! she replies between sobs, They've ransacked our food pantry! After a whole season of harvesting crops for the winter, the gnolls steal and eat it all within an hour! Don't worry, you can't help feeling sympethetic, We'll make sure those gnolls don't bother you again!
Хижина предсказателя
4, 3 подземелье
There is a painted wooden sign on the door of this giant mushroom house
Чешуя большого василиска
3, 3 подземелье
Near a mossy rock, you find the dead skeleton of some unfortunate traveler (this gives you a bad feeling about this hell-hole swamp). You can see it's still wearing valuable armor. Unfortunately, beside the corpse is a few hissing lizard-like creatures, who look very hungry. You turn to Dameon, Do you think it's worth the risk?
Щит королей гномов
7, 9 подземелье
This was the shield that the dead dwarven lord was clutching in his stiff fingers. It looks like a nicely crafted shield, and it would just be stolen if you left it here, so you take it.
Хижина предсказателя
9, 10 подземелье
You knock on the door of an old tree house, and a gnarled old man, just as gnarled as his house, answers. Dameon lifts an eyebrow at the sight of him. What do you want? the man says finally, stamping his feet on the floorboards. Uh, is this the home of Luthur's trainer, Alero? Who wants to know? the man squints his eyes in suspicion. I'm Ranin, nephew of Luthur... you grit your teeth, ...the Valiant, and this is Dameon, my guide. The man suddenly smiles (rather maliciously), Ohhh... I see. Yes, I am Alero, trainer of Luthur. Come in, I'll tell you all about it over a bowl of special soup I'm cooking up... Ranin, correct?
Дендроид страж
1, 12 подземелье
Fire Makers! the trees of the forest cry out quite suddenly and unexpectantly, We will not let you burn us! We don't want to set you on fire! Dameon calls back to them, like he's done it before, Let us pass in peace! Fire Makers are all bad! We must stop you from burning us! Sigh. Another battle. Remember, Dameon whispers to you, Sometimes running away is a good tactic too.
0, 18 подземелье
Those, Dameon says, are gnolls. Wild wolf/man creatures who roam the land in search of food and riches. They usually live in gnoll country. Hmm, the gnolls are coming our way. Prepare the men for a scuffle. You never would've guessed the world outside Castle Axten was so ruthless!
9, 11 подземелье
This is it, Dameon says.
Летучий змей
1, 6 подземелье
Buzzzzz! Serpent flies. You used to have one as a pet when you were younger.
1, 2 подземелье
What's that? you ask, pointing toward a bull-like creature. That? Dameon glances over, That's a Gorgon... a creature very protective of its territory.
4, 32 подземелье
9, 23 подземелье
So... you try and make conversation with the mercinaries, Who's your leader here? We aren't being payed to make small talk, one of them grunts. Right... This is a rocky start. What's going on? you turn to find a cloaked man exiting a striped tent, Where are you headed? Sorry, boss, a mercinary replies, this guy wants us to go on an trip with him. He's paying us two gems each! Hmm..., the cloaked man eyes you closely, What kind of trip? I'm Ranin, the nephew of Luthur Sterling, you tell him, And I'm on a quest to... uh... do something heroic! That sure sounded stupid. So, the cloaked man says, That means you're on a quest to spite him? To prove you're better than he is? Wow. He nailed it. Yes... I guess you can say so. I'm also trying to become a HSV council member. It's been my life's dream, and now I'm finally doing it. The cloaked man nods, Interesting. You know what? I'd like to join you. My name is Dameon. I know these woods like the back of my hand, so I'd be a very useful guide. Thanks! How much do you want? All I have is one gem. Nah! I'm not asking for anything in return. As a matter of fact... Dameon turns to the eight mercinaries, ...Men! Give our good friend Ranin back his gems! There are some groans from the mercinaries, but they do what he says. Things are looking a lot better now!
16, 19 подземелье
As you approach the angry zealot, he calls over to you, Don't come any nearer, young man, if you know what's best for you! I know all about your statue incident! You cringe in embarassment.
14, 19 подземелье
The zealot at the Shrine of Magic glares angrily at you, as though he has some old grudge against you. Very strange, you think, making up your mind that it would not be smart to ask the zealot to join you, I wonder if {he} knows about my statue incident too?
13, 20 подземелье
These gems seemed to have come from that well! You wonder if the well is magic.
Водный элементал
5, 8 подземелье
Water elementals! Dameon gasps in wonder, I've never seen them before! I wonder why they look so upset...
Страж задания
13, 3 подземелье
The as you approach, two guards at this tower are arguing and leafing through stacks of trading cards. My best card is the Gnoll King, one guard says to the other, the Gnoll King can't be defeated by any other card. Look at it's HP! Oh really? the other guard snorts, Well, I have the Luthur Sterling card. He can beat your Gnoll King any day. No he can't! The Gnoll King is unbeatable, and I'm not going to let anybody pass until you admit that my card is better. No! You and Dameon roll your eyes.
12, 7 подземелье
Only worthy opponents are allowed to fight in the arena! the giants boom, Do you wish to challenge us? You and Dameon exchange worried looks. Well, here goes!
9, 7 подземелье
Dameon! a passing gang of rogues stop when they see your companion, So glad to see you again! May we join you?
Карты пророчества
19, 6 подземелье
What would imps be doing with these cards?
21, 7 подземелье
Imps! Dameon snarls, I've had run-in with these pests before! They're better off in hell where they belong!
Хижина предсказателя
13, 16 подземелье
Welcome to the Hero's Society of Valorsville office, an unattractive woman behind a counter says to you in a gruff, phlemy voice, Do you have an application you'd like to turn in? Yes, you reply, handing her your form, It's all filled out. Hmm. the woman eyes the paper carefully, stopping at the bottom line, Yes, the form is complete, but do you have extra qualifications? What do you mean? The HSV council is trying gather {experienced} people... people who have preformed tremendous feats, like slaying a dragon or defeating a Dark Lord, that sort of thing. They don't want the average Joe. You can't help feeling insulted, I see... soooo... in order to join, I need proof of heroism? Bingo. This is going to be harder than you thought!
18, 15 подземелье
Hey look! The ogres of the 'Oog Klan' laugh, Our dinner is comin' to us tonight!
Огрова дубина разрушения
17, 16 подземелье
The one of the ogres dropped this while you were fighting them. Now that they're all dead, you decide it's yours.
15, 10 подземелье
Atop a magic well stands a Sprite, looking forlorn. What's wrong? Dameon asks it. Leave me alone! it snaps, Go away! Maybe if you told us what was wrong, we can help. I blinded myself by casting a stupid spell, happy now? The sight of this Sprite stumbling around blindly on top of a well... you and Dameon can't help tumbling over in laughter. This seems to upset the Sprite even more, and it calls all of its friends to attack!
16, 17 подземелье
Chained up near the ogre's camp, you find a whimpering white horse. On closer inspection, you notice the horse has a horn on its head. It's a unicorn... Dameon says, shaking his head, ...one of the most majestic creatures to ever roam the earth. I've never seen one treated so terribly. You untie the poor thing, give it some of your trail rations, and show it to the forest, but it chooses to follow you instead. In return for giving it freedom, it has decided to aide you in your quest.
21, 16 подземелье
Kep Oot! Do nat inter ya scum! Oog Klan Terrortory
20, 13 подземелье
We come to raid garden for food, but all we gets is knowledge! Dis make us angry!
Разбойник на волке
21, 10 подземелье
You enterin' Gnoll Country! a pack of goblins on wolves taunt you, So we eats you for tresspassin'!
16, 6 подземелье
There are hawks circling above us, you say, looking up at several winged birds. Those aren't hawks, Dameon replies, looking up and shielding his eyes from the sun, Those are harpies. Time to prepare the troops again, 'cause here they come!
Хижина предсказателя
25, 2 подземелье
As you walk past the dead cyclops, you notice that the place he was guarding was a gnoll museum! Inside, you find a small gnoll, busy sweeping the floor around the base of a giant gnoll statue. In case you're wondering, the puny gnoll growls, that statue is of the Gnoll King, my relative. He lives in the castle east of here... ooh! I hate that guy! Why does {he} get all of the attention while his nephew has to sweep the floor of his god-damned memorial! Someday, I'll show him! Amen! you think to yourself, Now here's a gnoll I can relate to!
24, 8 подземелье
The gnolls attack, howling and wailing like dogs.
Волшебный свиток
16, 11 подземелье
All sorts of things can be found in magic wells! This is the scroll that the Sprite blinded herself with!
26, 3 подземелье
30, 6 подземелье
Screech! A huge bird swoops down upon your forces!
28, 7 подземелье
Three ogres are drinking from a well and suddenly gain magic powers! They've turned into Ogre Mages, Dameon says, by drinking from that magic well. Now that they've quenched their thirst, you gulp, They're coming to fill their stomachs... with us!
30, 8 подземелье
Gnoll King's Kastle
32, 12 подземелье
A horrible roar shakes the earth. Uh oh! Dameon looks worried, I hope that isn't what I think it is.
Гнолл мародер
33, 9 подземелье
Our camp isn't for humans! A gang of gnolls exclaim, So back off!
Гнолл мародер
28, 13 подземелье
Going somewhere? the head gnoll asks as you ride up. Let us pass, Dameon commands, And no one will get hurt. Ooh! the gnolls taunt, Big words for someone as outnumbered as you!
25, 15 подземелье
You's be a little far from man-country, so it's be good to eats you here!
Хижина предсказателя
10, 1 подземелье
Work, work work! as you near, a bedraggled housewife is beating the dust out of a rug, That's all I do! Work! My husband said he was building an assistant to help me do the chores, but he can't finish the project because the golem's arms got lost in the mail while they were being shipped over here! That husband of mine, he's too lazy to find the parts! Work, work work!
6, 10 подземелье
Our lord has died! a pack of dwarves are mourning a dead battle dwarf, who had appearantly died in some sort of skirmish with a gang of goblins. We're sorry, you say. No! the dwarves become enraged, You aren't sorry at all! How dare you insult our clan like that! Dwarves are quick to anger, Dameon explains, And you just made them angry. That's not good.
Рогатый демон
8, 21 подземелье
Demons are rarely seen in a forest, Dameon says, I wonder what they're up to?
33, 19 подземелье
Human or elf meat... I choose... both!
Высокий эльф
34, 20 подземелье
Thank you for rescuing us from those terrible ogres! I'm forever in your debt! As further payment, I give you this as well!
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
35, 12 подземелье
The sparkle of this necklace must've been valued by the monster.
Амулет маны
27, 9 подземелье
What an ugly artifact!
Колье заклинателя
12, 2 подземелье
Collars like these went out of fashon decades ago. You wonder why there's one here.
15, 23 подземелье
Creepy. What once belonged to vampires now belongs to you. You hope it cause any weird side-effects when you wear it!
Страж задания
10, 28 подземелье
This is the way to Luthur Sterling's grave, the robed guard explains, You may only visit him when you have a tribute worthy enough to place near his tomb. Even in his death he recieves great wealth. Damn that Luthur! Why would you want to visit his crummy ol' grave anyway?
Дух угнетения
9, 27 подземелье
This must've been what was attracting the spirits, Dameon says, picking up a tarnished lamp from the path. When you hold it, your spirits are low. What kind of artifact is this?!?
8, 26 подземелье
Sometimes, spirits of the forest make themselves visible in order to frighten travelers, Dameon says. I don't like the look of them! you reply.
Хижина предсказателя
23, 33 подземелье
You knock on the door, Hello? Anybody home? No answer. You try again, but with the same result. Maybe whoever lives here isn't home, you sigh, Actually, it doesn't look like anybody lives here at all! Dammit! Alero tricked us! He stole my boots! Check to see if the door's open, Dameon suggests. You try, and see that it swings open with a creak, Hmm. It's awfully dusty in here. All I can see is a table, some chairs and a... wow! Your eye catches a glimpse of something shiny resting inside of an open chest. Upon further examinaton, you discover it's a sword!
Королевский циклоп
25, 12 подземелье
A cyclops king... Dameon whispers, We should think twice about engaging it. Too late, you reply, It sees us and is heading our way!
Страж задания
32, 24 подземелье
The sign reads
32, 33 подземелье
We do not believe you are the true magi, so you are not welcome in our gardens!
Ящик Пандоры
33, 33 подземелье
{Chest of Enlightenment} Only the Learned Few May Open the Lid
Меч правосудия
5, 33 подземелье
The inscription on the blade reads
14, 33 подземелье
I'm going ahead to make sure it's still there, Dameon says. You can catch up to me later. Before you can ask him why, he's gone.
6, 34 подземелье
Pick up the sword, Dameon commands, And use it well. What are you talking about? you are utterly confused. This is very unlike Dameon. Long have I saught someone like you, Dameon continues in a deep, booming voice, that was why I formed the Hero's Society. Is he joking? What's going on? What happened to the Dameon you knew? I had people from all over the world scrambling to join the my 'high council', doing everything they could to become a member. Little did they know what massive responsibilities would come with their decision. You are dumbfounded. Dameon leans over to you and lowers his voice, Do you know what the main goal of HSV is? Come to think of it, you don't. The organization claims to be protecting the land from evil, Dameon answers his own question, and it does... very well, in fact. BUT, the real purpose of the HSV is to train the ultimate hero... one who can stand up to anything. One who is unbeatable; invincible! How do we determine if our training is successful? With a single battle against the famous Luthur Sterling the Valiant. Now you know he's gone crazy, But Luthur Sterling is dead! Dameon takes a deep breath and gazes over at the sun setting behind the mountains, Do you remember that day, long ago, when you first entered the mercinary camp and met me? ...Yes... I was originally going to wait those five months for a new member to join the council, but when I heard what you said about trying to prove that you're better than Luthur, I knew you were the one. You had the drive and the motive to be the best... exactly what the HSV is looking for in a member. I decided to start the training immediately with you as my trainee. Don't you see? All of this has just been practice, leading up to this moment, right here at this spot! You don't know what to think, Then what am I supposed to do now? It is now your time to challenge Luthur Sterling. Your final test. He's dead! Pick up the sword, Dameon commands again, and read the inscription on the blade.
Летучий змей
18, 27 подземелье
Serpent flies are everywhere! You and Dameon are having a hard time batting them away!
22, 26 подземелье
You are not the true magi! the monks say, You are defiling our sacred place!
1, 21 подземелье
A elven family lives in this hut, Dameon tells you, They try to lead a peaceful life here in the forest. They're nice... I've met them a few times.
1, 11 подземелье
So... Dameon begins, Do you have any particular act of heroism in mind that you'd like to try? Er... now that you think of it, you don't. Well, how about defeating the Gnoll King? That doesn't sound too hard, you say. If gnolls are as weak as the ones you encountered earlier, you feel you'll have no problem at all, So where is this Gnoll King? Northeast, in Gnoll Country, Dameon points in the direction we should travel, But beware, all sorts of nasty things live in Gnoll Country. Oh great.
20, 16 подземелье
Why are we going this way? Dameon asks. I dunno. This way is the home of an entire ogre clan. They aren't very nice to men like us.
34, 6 подземелье
Grrr... the gnolls are twirling their flails, Our king has watched your progress and has sent us to stop you! Fat chance!
33, 5 подземелье
Stop where you are! the Gnoll King calls down from his fortress, I mean it! Don't come any closer! He really sounds scared! you comment. Yeah, Dameon replies, even Gnoll Kings are pretty weak. He should be shivering in his... um... armor. Then it should be pretty easy to defeat him and become an HSV member, right? Maybe...
33, 23 подземелье
Damn! you curse, There's nothing here! Calm down! Dameon says, I have another plan. How about we go visit Luthur's old trainer? Luthur Sterling had a trainer? Ha! Hardly heroic! you sneer, Real heroes have little or no help at all! Bah! A trainer! How about it, though? Fine. What's his name? Alero. He lives a stone's throw away from Castle Axten, next to a small lake. Well, if he trained Luthur, you mumble, he may be able to give us some pointers on being heroic. Let's do it, then!
13, 30 подземелье
I still don't get why we're going to this guy's grave, you scratch your head. You'll see, Dameon replies ominously.
13, 34 подземелье
The path seems lonlier now that Dameon has gone ahead of you.
8, 34 подземелье
Oh, there's Dameon. He appears to be waiting for you.
31, 25 подземелье
The aroma of the flowers hightens your troop's moods.
19, 25 подземелье
As you stand at the bow of the ship, a cool breeze numbs your face. Brr! Don't seafarers have the saying
8, 23 подземелье
...and so that's when I fled Castle Axten. You finish telling Dameon the details of this quest. You've hated Luthur all your life? Dameon, who had been very attentive, asks. You nod, Yep. I mean, what did he ever do to become a hero? I haven't heard of anything he did worth remembering! In my travels, I've listened to many tales of Luthur's bravery. Eh, I don't want to know. Slaying dragons and rescuing damsels in distress? Bah! Anybody can do that!
Источник чародея
28, 26 подземелье
It's the magic well you left at the gate! How'd it get here?
Кольцо мага
27, 30 подземелье
Hey! You got your ring back!
24, 34 подземелье
So this is the place Alero recommended. you scoff, gazing over at the decrepid old tree-house. Dameon says nothing.
5, 13 подземелье
Dameon! the rogues hiss, How dare you show your face in these parts after what you did to us! You didn't deserve to join my group! Dameon shouts back, Your minds are corrupt with greed! Begone before I kill you all!
Крест отваги
3, 32 подземелье
You've done it, Luthur says, You've defeated me. Well done. Hmm... you're deep in thought. What's troubling you, Ranin? I thought you'd be gloating right about now. You shake your head, I did too... but now... hmm... There's a long silence as you stare off into the twinkling stars. Feeling lost? Luthur sighs, I mean, you are now this world's greatest hero, but... do you feel like you are? Your whole life you've been driven by the idea that one day you'd be better than Luthur Sterling the Valiant. Now that you've achieved your goal, you don't have a clue what to do next. Without your jealousy, you are nothing. You don't answer, but you know he's right. Take this Crest of Valor, Luthur says, and do what you want with your life. You can slay dragons, rescue maidens, defeat evil necromancers... or... you can return to the city and continue your job as a janitor. The choice is yours. Without your jealousy, you are nothing. Luthur's words echo in your mind, I am nothing...
15, 1 подземелье
Why, Hello, Tasty, Little, Friend! The heads of these lizard-things hiss in sequence. I don't, Think so! You and Dameon reply with a smile.
Ожерелье навигатора
29, 17 подземелье
Among the clovers you find a sparkling golden dolphin. It must've been dropped by some careless passerby.
Клевер Фортуны
19, 1 подземелье
Hey! Dameon exclaims, Look what I found! A four leafed clover. These are said to be lucky!
Летучий змий
20, 33 подземелье
The pests are everywhere!
Ящик Пандоры
17, 20 суша
{Pandora's Pack o' Parts} Create your very own assistant in a few hours! Adult assembly required. High Quality, guarenteed by Wizards everywhere! Being delivered to
Королевский минотавров
17, 21 суша
Lord Gunnar may have been vanquished, but we, his ever loyal fan club, still remain! Prepare to pay with your life!
4, 8 суша
Minotaurs Fort
Посещение Верховный лорд:
15, 19 суша
Esquibit eelsh?
16, 18 суша
Troglodytes, Dameon says as you stand over the dead bodies of the strange, humanoid blobs, Cave dwellers. They hate sunlight and anybody who lives in it. They may be weak individually, but in swarms, they can be deadly!
13, 21 суша
As you round the corner, you stumble upon a worried-looking man. I'm a delivery guy. I work for the post office, the man explains, There used to be 6 more of us, on our way to deliver a package above ground. Anyway, we were walking along on our usual route when suddenly we were ambushed by a Minotaur! In the confusion, it snatched up the package and ran off. We followed it to this cave, where we lost it. In order to retrieve our package, all seven of us decided to split up so that we could explore more tunnels. Needless to say, we're lost now. Come with us, you say cheerily, We'll help you find your co-workers!
Адский троглодит
12, 25 суша
Знак мужества
35, 35 суша
Can't get it! Haw haw!
Страж задания
17, 23 суша
Gunnar, King of Subterrania, has given me strict orders not to let anyone pass. Go away!
Хижина предсказателя
24, 26 суша
The owner of this house accidentally bangs his head on the door as he answers your knock. Ohh! Ouch! the man has a handlebar mustache, a black top hat, and a red cape, I'm a terribly unlucky wizard. Just last week, I unkowingly changed my house into a mushroom while practicing my magic, and a few days ago, I somehow ended up underground in this cave! If only I had something lucky...
20, 27 суша
I'm Jack, a delivery man. Yes, we know.
Адский троглодит
2, 34 суша
1, 34 суша
I owe you one! I'm Bob, a delivery man. Yes, we know.
6, 32 суша
Gunnar is ruler here, and he does not permit your intrusion! Grarrg!
Доспехи самородной серы
5, 34 суша
Dameon bends over to pick up some armor he sees, but recoils when he touches it, Ow! It's hot! When he touches it a second time, it's fine... how strange.
9, 34 суша
A manticore! Dameon says, I've always wanted to see one! And not be attacked? Yes, but I don't think we're going to have that luck.
3, 31 суша
Королевский минотавров
12, 30 суша
I've never tried human meat before... I hear it's good! GRAAHRGH!
11, 30 суша
Thanks for saving my life. I'm Dave, a delivery man. Yes, we know.
Страж задания
20, 35 суша
The guards at this tower say they have something to be delivered. We can't mail it without a full postal crew, the head guard explains, We need one archer, two marksmen, one pikeman, one halberdier, and two swordsmen. If you find them, {you can store them in the gate so you won't lose them}. When we are able to mail this package, we will let you pass. Note to Player
Меч адского пламени
4, 5 суша
Some subterranean lava spews forth a fiery sword which lands at your feet. You're afraid of taking it, but you feel you must.
23, 27 суша
Mushrooms make a bad meal! the ogres chant, Human meat is better!
14, 31 суша
Tired of having to drag yourself to a Magic Well every time you run out of spell points? If so, then the Wizard's Well is the artifact for you!
Адский троглодит
26, 28 суша
6, 20 суша
Red men with horns beckon you over, Hell wants you!
8, 24 суша
3, 26 суша
Hail Gunnar!
Щит проклятых
5, 17 суша
This looks like it was forged by the devil himself! Unfortunately, some of his minions have decided to guard it.
10, 17 суша
I'm Dan, a delivery man. Yes, we know.
23, 13 суша
32, 14 суша
Death follows he who touches the cape! the wraiths moan.
25, 33 суша
I go through portal once! the ogres are talking to one another, but it take me someplace I don't want to go. Hey look! Food!
Щит неистового огра
27, 32 суша
This must've been the ogres' most prized possesion.
Башмаки скороходы
21, 11 суша
The troll was wearing these, you can tell by the stench.
20, 10 суша
ThOse oUr BoOts! the trolls gurgle, ThEy maKe Us faSt!
Адский троглодит
28, 12 суша
Королевский минотавров
19, 3 суша
Where did that pesky postal worker run off to? the minotaur ponders as you round the corner, I lost him when I was chasing him. Oh, well! I'll just have some fun with these guys here! Raagh!
13, 9 суша
16, 6 суша
We is wanting to fight! We smash you good!
5, 13 суша
We've never been through this portal before, the minotaurs scratch their heads, And you won't either! Not after we're through with you!
1, 12 суша
I'm Tom, a delivery man. Yes, we know. By the way, Tom adds, Since you rescued me, I'll give you something an elf gave me when I delivered a package to his house. It's a hand-crafted bow! I use a crossbow, so I don't need it.
Адский троглодит
21, 22 суша
Ящик Пандоры
3, 4 суша
{Box O' Experience} (How is this possible?)
7, 8 суша
Even if you defeat us, which you won't, you still have to get past Gunnar! Hah!
Королевский минотавров
3, 11 суша
Human meat is fun to eat, so crack their head and make them dead!
5, 9 суша
Haw haw haw! the minotaur lord Gunnar points and laughs at you and Dameon, What have we here? A couple of spelunkers, eh? To tell you the truth, I'm surprised to see you got here at all! My trogledyte and minotaur guards must've been easy on you! Well, I'm telling you, if you decide to fight me, I'll give you everything I've got! How'dya like them apples? I like them just fine! you call back. Then turning to Dameon you ask, Do you think this will count as a heroic act? Dameon sighs, I doubt it. That woman behind the desk probably hasn't heard of a Minotaur Lord either. Yeah... you know already, But we might as well defeat him anyway. We're here, right?
22, 15 суша
Sparkle, sparkle! Who said that?
17, 22 суша
Hey! you get an idea after defeating the minotaus, Do you think returning this package to its rightful owner is heroic? Dameon shrugs.
Древнее чудище
13, 2 суша
The earth trembles beneath your feet as something approaches. Oh, no...
27, 17 суша
11, 15 суша
Why hello, good sir! Nice of you to drop by! Did the troglodyte just speak to you? No, it was the postal worker behind him. For a second there, you were awestruck!
10, 12 суша
Талисман маны
9, 11 суша
Is this a cowbell or what?
6, 29 суша
Beholders! Dameon warns, They can shoot from thier eyes. Take extreme caution!
Сфера проливного дождя
12, 2 суша
This orb is wet to the touch. Maybe the behemoths used it to drink... who cares? You got a neat artifact!
Королева медуз
31, 24 суша
Don't look in their eyes! Dameon says, Eye contact means petrification!
Стрелы с перьями ангела
34, 23 суша
These arrows sparkle in the dim light. They must be potent magical artifacts!
27, 3 суша
I'm Stu, a delivery man. Yes, we know.
Крест отваги
35, 34 суша
This is a no-no!
Волшебный элементал
21, 31 суша
Alakazam! You've seen one of these before! It was preforming magic tricks in Castle Axten! Your favorite was the cup and ball trick!
Земной элементал
33, 11 суша
Now we've seen Water Elementals and Earth Elementals. Dameon smiles, I wonder what we'll encounter next?
Сфера тверди земной
34, 11 суша
What else could a horde of Earth Elementals be guarding besides a magical orb of dirt? Sigh...
Накидка заклинателя
34, 16 суша
You don't like what the wraiths said about these boots! A few hundred skeletons lay around in heaps... Do you dare take them?
Адский троглодит
21, 19 суша
Кольцо заклинателя
33, 35 суша
You are viewing this with the map editor, eh? I like the cut of your jib!
Хижина предсказателя
34, 34 суша
This map was made by Grayson B.
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