What... Where? You wake with a blinding headache, a tongue like blotting paper and a taste in your mouth which .... well let's just say, if you could convert it into a solid would probably make the best fertilizer in the world. What happened? And then the memories come back!
Oh no! You didn't! You couldn't have! Not all over your father's favourite tapestry! And Anna ... surely you wouldn't have ... Oh no! You hold your head in your hands and then scrabble for your water bag, hunching a bit closer to the fire. No more drinking red wine out of pint glasses!
Fire?” You suddenly think, how did I ....” You notice a small and slightly charred piece of parchment. After a while you manage to focus. All you can make out is ..mensi...do.. mensi do, what could that mean?.... OH NO!.... Dimension Door!... And you've used it to start the fire!
That's how you got here and, looking around wildly you realise that's why you can't get back! This little beach is only accessible with the spell!. How can you get home! And then you realise that you can't go home in any case. You will need to find another one, or something equivalent!
At least you were smart enough to bring Boewing with you. You look affectionately at the great gold dragon. She will protect you against most things - you hope. But she can't do much about your headache, or the feeling suddenly building up in your stomach............ Oh no!
After a while you feel a bit better and your brain starts to work again ... What else would do the same job? You strain to remember your Basic Magic 101 lectures... Hnnnnn! ... yes, yes ... Ok, that's it - The Tome of Air Magic! Yes, that would do it.
Something horrible has happened! The earth shudders and huge waves wash against the shore. You hear a vast roar, and behind it, very faintly, We are free! We are free! Finally! Now for our REVENGE! Now that doesn't sound all that good! But it's probably got nothing to do with you....
So, what do you do now? Back to the boat and try to beat the guardians of the second passage? Apart from anything else, the thought of getting back on that boat doesn't do your bodily equilibrium much good. Maybe you should just explore some more.
Its tempting to go back into the cavern to get some more troops .... I WOULDN'T IF I WERE YOU. YOU NEED TO GET A MOVE ON! A voice seems to come from all around. What, who are you? you respond. I AM THE VOICE OF AUTHORIAL INTENTION. But you thought that was just a myth . NOT IN THIS MAP
You hear some very strange things in taverns. So you have heard a lot of strange things. But somehow you think that the guy you were talking to last night actually made some sense. He was a scholar from the southland, and its just possible he might know something - you can't be sure.
You must remember the history of this land he insisted, the history of the ancient empire, its rise and its fall.” Well, of course, you know that stuff - a big empire which got bigger and bigger, and then it fell into ruin. Yes, the scholar sighs, but how? and why?
At your blank expression (history was never one of your best subjects, like all the rest - you didn't have any best subjects come to think of it) he sighs again. Empires grow he explains. They're like vegetables, enough nourishment and they get bigger and bigger.”
And so it got bigger and bigger, and then something happened.” What? you exclaim. Hubris, he replies. Hubris, who was he, a bad guy? There is a long pause. No, it means overwhelming pride - they thought they could challenge the gods. It led to their downfall.” He will say no more.
You run into the southern scholar again. Apparently he has taken to wandering the land telling his stories in return for sustenance - mostly in liquid form it seems. But he is amazing in some ways and takes up his story exactly where he left off last time you saw him
As the empire grew physically, it also grew mentally. Great academies were created and scholars delved into arcane knowledges of all kinds. The magicians of that age were much greater than any before, or since. he sighs but they went too far in their search for knowledge and power.”
In a city which no longer exists - even its name has been wiped from our memories - the Archmages came together to perform the greatest and most dangerous spell of all times; they opened a passage to the Demon planes of existence, confident in their abilities to control it .... they were wrong.”
Scholar I
Again it is the scholar, and again he takes up where he had left of (well, after considerable attention to sustenance). They were wrong in the worst of ways. Their spells of power and control were broken almost immediately, and many of them died that day .... very unpleasantly.”
Scholar I
Through the portal they created poured a host of evil creatures intent on the destruction of all that was fair, and a re-creation of the world to suit their own vile tastes. This was the greatest and the worst time of the old empire. It was the mightiest and wisest of them all who led - Anduran.”
Scholar I
Although the demon hoards made quick inroads, the armies of the empire united behind Anduran the Glorious, eventually contained them, and then began to push them back. But the cost was enormous - in both lives and resources. The empire would never recover.”
Scholar II
Its the scholar again. You make a note to restock your supplies. Finally Anduran's forces pushed the demon's back to the ruins of the un-nameable city, and there the greatest battle of all time took place. Anduran himself died in a final sacrifice which turned the tide of war.
Scholar II
His magical armour was destroyed (although there are those who hope and believe it will return one day), but the power its destruction lent to the magicians was enough for them to cast one last mighty spell, sealing the city and the demons far underground, in a cavern beneath the sea.”
Scholar II
But many of the magicians died, or were greatly diminished, drained by the spell. And it was not totally successful. For although the demons were banished from the land, they remained in the world. The portal was restricted, but not destroyed, and their prison was not invulnerable.”
Scholar II
The resouces of the Empire had been consumed in the war and the population decimated. Anduran left no heir and when the remnants of his army returned to their devastated lands, there was no one to hold them together. A hundred petty wars broke out as all struggled for their own survival.
Scholar II
And so the dark ages began ... Dark ages from which we were only just beginning to emerge .... but fate is fickle.” The scholar looks very sad. He has an enormous swig from his very large glass and then collapses. You realise he is totally hammered. In the morning he is gone.
Scholar III
The scholar stumbles into your camp and after you provide him with a few basic 'necessities', continues with his tale. As I said, the great spell was flawed. The demons could not escape their captivity, and for more than a millenium they hungered and waited, but then nature intervened.”
Scholar III
A great meteorite - a rock falling from the sky (ok, ok, you know) - shattered their prison and threw up a new land to serve as a foothold for their return to our land. The great waves caused by its impact disrupted the lands. They have grown strong, and already they work to restore the portal.”
Scholar III
Luckily the impact disrupted them as well, and some were scattered to the corners of the land and their underground stronghold was broken. They have had to rebuild, and some cannot join the others. For this we can only be thankful. Let us hope it is enough.”
Scholar III
This time they must be defeated utterly, or they will destroy us, and our world. But we have lost much of our magic, and Anduran is no more.... For some totally obscure reason after he finishes he locks his gaze, his eyes blazing, on YOU! No, he couldn't think, could he .....?
You notice that every week lately has been a week of the imps. You don't really want to think to much about what that might mean, but you know it can't be good.
3, 4 подземелье
The Vale
3, 5 подземелье
And finally you are here, and there they all are
11, 4 подземелье
14, 4 подземелье
There's that rickety old boat you sometimes used to go fishing. You're not really that keen on boats, particularly ones that leak .... But what else can you do? And why is your stomach twitching like that? Maybe a swig from your hip flask? Maybe not!
Ожерелье навигатора
33, 4 подземелье
Well, this might help you with that horrible boat. Pity there's nowhere to go - it's so nice to be on dry land!
21, 5 подземелье
All you've ever done before is fish in this sheltered bay, but that won't do you any good now! You have to find that scroll, and get home. The waves look much bigger out there and you've never been happy on boats, but .... Oh well, here goes.
22, 5 подземелье
A swell hits your boat and it starts to move with a sidewards, backwards, forwards, up and down motion. Oh No! Who could imagine that one stomach could hold so much!
Водный элементал
34, 16 подземелье
Welcome man child. Your offering has brought the fish to the surface and we feed.
Водный элементал
32, 16 подземелье
Vile human! You have polluted our realm!
33, 13 подземелье
A ghostly apparition appears before you. Ahead you have a choice. One way lies salvation, the other doom. Those ahead will advise you. But, while one of them always tells the truth the other always lies. You may ask one of them one question.” Fear clenches your gut. Oh no!
33, 14 подземелье
Two ghostly apparitions appear. Wait, wait you think you know this, its .... Which way would the other one tell me to go?” you ask the closest. Right is the reply.
43, 6 подземелье
Brrrrr. It's cold! But at least your stomach has settled down now you are back on dry land. You hope you never have to get back in that rickety boat again. Not much of a hope really ..... and what are you going to do now? Well, there's that funny looking hut over there.
40, 6 подземелье
There is an old ....something? here. So you are to be the one” it cackles. (an old woman, then - for some reason only old women ever cackle). Hmmph!” She eyes you up and down. Well, at least you have the golden one, and it's possible the elves will help. Here, come to my hut!”
Золотой дракон
52, 2 подземелье
Boewing swoops, and for a moment you think it's going to be nasty. But then they twine their necks around each other and, after making some very strange noises, fly off together. You decide to wait.... Only eight hours later they return. Funny, you didn't know dragons could grin.
50, 1 подземелье
Ahead you can see a great golden dragon. He (somehow you can tell it's a he) roars out a warning, WHO DARES ... And then catches sight of Boewing. He rears back his head and a great spout of flame roars into the sky. Boewing responds in kind! Uh oh, you don't like the look of this!
41, 3 подземелье
It is not far the seer calls out, but no one yet has managed to best the guardian of the cavern. And who knows what waits below? Go north first.” Oh great you think, just what I need.... guardians ... caverns... But you did promise. You reach for your hip flask. Damn! its empty!
Лесной эльф
44, 2 подземелье
You are the great hero the seer prophesied!” The elves look at each other incredulously. You don't know quite what to say. You have been called many things in your life, but great hero didn't come up that often. Well, never, actually. Things like blithering idiot, on the other hand ...
63, 111 подземелье
50, 9 подземелье
It's nice to finally get out of the snow. Some of your extremities were threatening to freeze, and you wouldn't really like that. But, hang on, there's a den of thieves over there! You fumble in your pockets and there is some coin! Great, you can get some information, a meal, and maybe even the odd drink ....
49, 15 подземелье
Pity about the chandelier, but they are supposed to swing, not fall off the ceiling just because a bit of weight was applied! Everything is shoddy these days you decide .... time to move on. You look at your men and count the black eyes.... Well, maybe a late start ...
44, 20 подземелье
Oh no! It seems that the only way out of here is by boat. For a while you consider the possibiity of setting up a tavern in competition with the den of thieves. There wouldn't be much money in it, but ... Boewing looks at you ... Damn! Oh well, here we go!
50, 14 подземелье
Maybe that stopover in the den wasn't such a good idea. The keeper didn't seem to think so, at least after a while. Perhaps it was when you got down to 57 bottles of beer on the wall, and then fell over someone else's table. Well, it wasn't that much of a brawl, and you did win - you think.
48, 25 подземелье
The sea is quite calm today, and a gentle breeze fills your sail. After a while you even begin to enjoy the way the boat seems to glide above the waves sending the spray flying. But with every moment, you realise, you are further from home. Your mother will miss you, you think. And your father ...
57, 21 подземелье
Oaken Isle
58, 21 подземелье
Welcome traveler. Rest here a while and learn what you can. It sounds a bit too much like school to you and you turn to leave. Nay, stay a while child, you need what we can teach, for you have a long and difficult task ahead.” Oh, Great!
61, 11 подземелье
Hi ho, hi ho, its off to work we go! Just what have they got to be so damned cheerful about you wonder. Then you notice the bottle they are passing around. There can't really be a drink called Doctor Love's Randy Rocket Juice can there? These guys need to be saved from themselves!
69, 5 подземелье
A group of villagers stop you. Oh please sir help us. Our town has been overun by bandits from the south. We didn't have the strength to resist them. They seem to be fleeing some great horror.” Sir! That has a nice ring to it. You will free their town! Well you'll try.
74, 5 подземелье
The village ahead looks idyllic, but you can hear sounds of debauchery coming from behind the walls. Now that sounds pretty good. You are suddenly a lot keener!
77, 5 подземелье
The grateful villagers tell you of the caverns to the east. saying they contain mighty treasures. Apparently their queen went to seek them out, but never returned. Actually, you don't really take it all in. That was some celebration when you freed the village, you're fairly sure you had a good time!
78, 5 подземелье
Well, at least you think so ..... You can't really remember that much, and your head hurts. Strange how the village elders seem so pleased when you left. After all, you saved them from the bad guys, didn't you? Anyhow, you may as well have a look at these caves,
35, 112 подземелье
74, 4 подземелье
The villagers have finally gotten over the party you had after you liberated the town. The inn has been restocked, and there is a fair chance that the population will boom in the next 9 months or so.
Jo e'B, the queen of the elves, consults you .... well, explains to you .... no, tells you .... Your destiny lies to the south. She will guard and consolidate in the north, while you will find out what is happening in the south. There are some very nasty stories and lots of refugees.
The people of the village are so happy to know that you have gone to save the queen that they set out to build a new capitol in anticipation of her return. She certainly wouldn't be pleased at the way it is.
From the stories you are hearing from the refugees you are going to have to be very strong to venture into the far south. You point this out to Jo 'eB and, surprisingly, she agrees, and even promises to bring reinforcements. But you should go soon, we need information!
The villagers are working very hard for their beloved Queen
95, 6 подземелье
Without the authority and power of Jo e'B the north has fallen into disarray. Brigands and worse have taken the towns and have drained their wealth. Now it is time to reassert her power. There is a growing evil in the south and you must be ready!
78, 20 подземелье
Well, really you figure, they must have had too much home-made vodka. A rock falling out of the sky! How would it get up there in the first place? And burning rocks! Have you ever tried to light a rock? And demons! Maybe they picked the wrong mushrooms!
78, 19 подземелье
You meet some refugees on the road and share your meagre rations with them. They tell you some very strange stories about a giant flaming rock falling from the sky into the ocean and a mountain appearing where it landed, spewing burning rocks, and of evil monsters abroad .... demons, and worse!
115, 7 подземелье
Eastholm - East, Southholm -South Strange about that!
113, 6 подземелье
Hmmm! Ge r'B, do you think we should go east or south? There is a short pause. Well, my queen, I think - he is cut off Yes, we'll go east Jo e'B announces..
104, 3 подземелье
Jo e'B looks at the devasted town before her. This was once a prosperous community, now it is little more than a few hovels with only the remnants of its former wealth apparent. She turns to her major retainer Ge r'B, you're going to have to fix this up! He rolls his eyes, yes my queen.”
114, 8 подземелье
And now to the south! This was the richest part of your realm. After you've subdued... sorry, liberated it again then you might have a few troops to spare to send down to see what is happening in the far south. Maybe that boy will have something to report.
114, 25 подземелье
Jo e'B looks at the town and thinks this would make a great resort/conference centre. It just needs to be cleaned up a bit and a few minor changes made ...We could call it Artisanholm. Ge r'B! He wanders over and she tells him her plans. Yes, maam! But why are his eyes rolling she wonders?
121, 16 подземелье
Those monsters in the banks have locked all the wealth away. Something will have to be done about this!
70, 35 подземелье
There are some more refugees huddled outside the town walls. They have been prevented from entering by the guards. You promise that you will let them enter when you have taken the town. In return they promise their aid, give you a bottle of their home-made vodka (great!) and tell you of the garden.
69, 35 подземелье
The ancient way to the south has been blocked by the rise of this fiery mountain (well, you have to be wrong sometimes!) says an old man you meet on the road. Now the only way is along the shepherd's trail. Seek the garden of revelation.” Well, that's clear. You have another swig from the bottle.
85, 36 подземелье
Shepherd's Way
87, 36 подземелье
As you come down from the mountain pass you reflect on your fate. No one you have met so far has been able to give you any information on the Tome of Air Magic. Even worse, your supply of home made vodka dried up days ago! You decide that the world is an ugly place when you are sober all the time.
86, 37 подземелье
But, what else is there you can do except push on? From what you have heard it could be very interesting when you get to the south. You hope that Jo e'B remembers to send the reinforcements she promised.
101, 39 подземелье
You peep through the bars and then rock back in shock. The woman inside looks exactly like your favourite character from your childhood story books - Gwhenwyfar, the beautiful and compassionate fairy! Free me and I will unleash justice on the land, she cries. Now that is scary!
101, 40 подземелье
A vision appears to you. 'When the demons came we had no real defence. Although we fought, it was of little use and we were overwhelmed. Just a few escaped, but they managed to set up this magical barrier to protect the finest of their society. Release her and build your strength!
101, 38 подземелье
68, 34 подземелье
Glad to be rescued from anarchy the local artisans set to work.
93, 43 подземелье
You don't much like the look of that. It is though the land itself is sickening and breaking out in awful sores. What is happening to this land? And, more to the point, how will it affect your quest?
106, 50 подземелье
Refugees come out of the hills and support your cause. They set to work,
104, 2 подземелье
The villagers set out to repair the damage the barbarians (well, your men didn't do that much - it was just a bit of a party) did to the town. Jo e'B is very pleased. So is Ge r'B!
Building 2
These guys are really working hard!
132, 65 подземелье
Hidden vale
128, 67 подземелье
There is sanctuary here, for some. The demons cannot enter this area, for the moment. Do you wish to enter and leave the way open to any demon who might come this way? This sets you a great moral dilemma. You will need the troops... And you never know, there could be a tavern in there.
106, 57 подземелье
What now? Some of the refugees tell you of a place to the south east which might be useful. But can you afford to leave your back uncovered? There are a lot of people depending on youl What a bummer! Jen suggests that she should go to the south. They were her people after all.
109, 64 подземелье
Of to your left you can see the remnants of an ancient road. Jen suggests that you should go and have a look, while she continues on. Jen is very good at suggestions ....
122, 67 подземелье
Another one of those burning mountains. What is happening to the world? Next they'll have you believing that rocks can fall out of the sky. You shudder at the thought and have another slug of vodka (now that Jen isn't around to see you).
107, 71 подземелье
You can see (and smell) the dreaded bogawful swamps on your left. Its said that they are totally impassable. You decide, swatting another giant mosquito and sniffing the air, that you don't really want to test that theory.
Могучий лич
101, 73 подземелье
You gag at the smell which surrounds you. Something seems to have been very dead for a very long time here. Its even worse than the repellant. So! A harsh voice rattles You have come to steal my treasure. You shall not have it! You organise your troops for attack.
122, 81 подземелье
A very strange looking chap calls you over and asks for news. You tell him what you can and then explain the situation. Hmmm! he responds I can't help you with troops, but I might be able to help you in another way. Here, come to my dwelling and I'll explain.”
123, 81 подземелье
You will need to brave the swamps, and then at your groan but there is a hidden way through the caverns to the north east. And here, this might help you persevere.” He gives you a large bottle of a strange smelling fluid - insect repellant. Lucky Huck isn't here, he'd probably try to drink it.
118, 74 подземелье
There is a castle to the south. It will help you to build your power, and from what you have seen so far you will need all the power you can get. You're grateful to Huck for rescuing you, but he is a bit of an idiot. Cooler, and soberer heads will be needed to win this war.
66, 67 подземелье
You come across an old man weeping by the side of the road. After calming him down and feeding him you manage to get his story. They came in the night, killing and plundering as they came. Those they did not kill they enslaved. Somehow I managed to escape .... He breaks down again.
65, 68 подземелье
You look at the old man and realise he could have been your father, and those he is weeping for your mother or sisters or Anna! Suddenly you are very angry. You will free these people! You reach for your vodka bottle, but then stop. Not today, you think grimly, not today.”
60, 72 подземелье
A few survivors creep out of the trees. Hail Captain they cry we would join you. We seek revenge! You gladly welcome them.
78, 72 подземелье
The Vale of Anduran
80, 75 подземелье
The Vale of Anduran! Named after the mightiest warrior of the previous age. Surely that can't be right! It was supposed to be the most beautiful place in the world, a land of milk and honey (and, probably, mead you reflect sadly). Now it is almost entirely barren. A land for Demons.
73, 70 подземелье
Some of your new recruits tell you that a few of their comrades escaped into the swamps and mountains of the east, along the old road. The question is, should you seek them out or maintain your push to the south?
81, 71 подземелье
Even from this distance you can smell the swamps. You decide you don't like swamps. But at the urging of the new men you decide to press ahead. You just wish you had another bottle of that Chili vodka.
85, 71 подземелье
A group of Battle Dwarves emerge from the forest and greet their friends. More have escaped to the north they tell you.
87, 68 подземелье
As you approach a pile of tumbled rocks which block the path ahead you are hailed by a group of Grand Elves. They suggest you should go east.
90, 71 подземелье
Some bedraggled looking Siver Pegasi emerge from the swamp.
89, 74 подземелье
These are not mere woods, they are Dendroid Warriors!
87, 73 подземелье
War Unicorns! Perhaps you can persuade these beautiful and powerful creatures to join you as well.
132, 7 подземелье
When they put their mind to it the workers can do wonders. Well Ge r'B anyhow.
111, 46 подземелье
Jen has decided to explore the cave. You ask her to bring you back some vodka - or even beer - if she happens to run across any, but she dismisses your pleas. I am interested in fighting, not drinking she explains, and so should you be.” Hang on, you thought you were just trying to get home.
111, 47 подземелье
You see a castle in the distance and decide to take it. It would make a good base for Jen. Besides its almost certain to have a tavern ..... And then you might do a bit of exploring and wait for Jen before you venture further south. Maybe Jo e'B will even turn up with some reinforcements ....
67, 35 подземелье
Hmmmmm! You wonder what's down there.
91, 54 подземелье
Another fiery mountain. Apparently they are called volcanos. You don't really care what they are called, they scare the hell out of you. Hey you call out any of you guys got any vodka left? It doen't appear so. Blast.
75, 42 подземелье
You finished the bottle a while ago and are feeling just a little bit strange. In fact you seem to have discovered three new colours and four or five new animal species. And you'd always thought that midget pink elephants and flying purple pigs were just myths!
67, 46 подземелье
Hmmmm! Which way to turn? You remember your father saying that you should always cover your back, but you thought he just mean't you shouldn't go out in the sun without a shirt. Now... maybe you should see what's up there to the left before you go any further south.
82, 85 подземелье
A demon recruiting station!
93, 84 подземелье
The legendary Vale of Dreams! Apparently its got something to do with the mushrooms. Normally you would .... But no. After your experiences with the Chili Vodka/Insect repellant, or what ever it was, the last thing you want to do is to see beyond this reality - its not necessarily nice over there!
106, 58 подземелье
You decide to go a little way with her, to get better acquainted, before heading to the west. She is very beautiful after all, and seems to quite like you. Well, she's not absolutely repulsed. Not that you've had much success with women. You still blush when you think of trying to kiss Anna ...
135, 65 подземелье
Ah well, no tavern then. Flagging these buildings will help Jen to build her forces. When you've finished, you decide, you really should go scouting to the west. You're too vulnerable there at the moment, although you'd really prefer to follow Jen. You hope she's ok.
86, 25 подземелье
You look up the vale toward the garden of revelation and realise that this is the road you must take. But you do not think you are strong enough to take this path as yet. First you should build up your army, and visit the taverns for other essential supplies.
132, 8 подземелье
Oh really! Jo e'B exclaims, just look what those barbarians have done to Eastholm. Once we get rid of them we'll have to put in a lot of work to restore it to it's former glory. Ge r'B! Yes my queen! He shrugs his shoulders and looks imploringly at the troops. No response.
80, 45 подземелье
A refugee you rescue gives you a bottle of slightly pink fluid with a few chilis floating in it. Great, you think chili vodka and take a long drink. WWWWOOOOOOWWW! What a kick. Its only later you notice the label - insect repellant. Oh well, it still tastes ok.
94, 97 подземелье
The local recruits look at the castle in horror. This was once a fair city they exclaim, look at it now. It is a place of darkness and terror! So, this what the Demon's will do to your land. A slow anger begins to build in you.
96, 100 подземелье
What a strange thing. As usual you went to the tavern with your men after the battle for the city. But although you tried to put a good face on it your heart wasn't in it. You kept seeing the faces of the poor wretches who had been left alive to serve the Demons - the horror in their eyes ....
100, 106 подземелье
To the Desert Lands
98, 104 подземелье
You decide to leave the east to Jen while you continue to forge south. Strangely enough she accepts your decision without demure. I do not care which direction I go as long as it is to war! she exclaims. You watch her go and then, shaking your head, decide that it is time for a drink after all.
107, 104 подземелье
Ah! the desert lands. You can smell the heat and the dust - so different from the green pastures of your childhood. And you have heard tales of those who live here. They are fierce warriors. Surely they were able to stem the Demon tide.
132, 108 подземелье
Jen is stunned at what she has seen. The people of the desert are fierce and proud. She has always felt that she should have been born amongst these natural warriors. But they have not been able to withstand the might and the magic of the demons. They too have been enslaved. Now they will be freed!
112, 117 подземелье
You look ahead and see the burning mountains and the demon dwellings. They are breaking through! You must neutralise them before they can build their evil forces even further!
84, 133 подземелье
To the Western Lands
Золотой дракон
59, 5 подземелье
Again with the roars and spouts of flame. Again with the twining necks. And then the three of them fly off. A dragon menage a trois? That's .... well .... mind boggling! This time they are gone for 12 hours.
95, 119 подземелье
What is even more worrying than the boat is the response you might get to the message you sent to Jen asking her to stay here to consolidate and guard. You didn't like the look of that exit portal near the last castle. And that looks like a messenger ahead. You reach for the vodka.
95, 120 подземелье
Indeed it is. The message is to the point
69, 121 подземелье
At last! The tome of air magic. You can go home! But somehow you feel that you still have something else to do!
5, 8 подземелье
Landing bay
3, 7 подземелье
Yes, there it is, just as you remembered. You look out over your father's gardens and orchards. You seem to have been away so long. It’s a beautiful place and you love it, but you doubt if you'll be staying that long. Already Jo e'B and Jen are riding around the country calling you the Saviour and saying you should be crowned. You can't have that!
3, 6 подземелье
Well, you suppose you did achieve a few things, but you are happy that you can finally make up for your idiocy and bring your father a replacement for his precious scroll. Maybe you have changed, although you probably will have a drink or two tonight.
89, 131 подземелье
One of your men points to the west, saying That way lies the hidden passage to the Western continent. Good. But it might be a good idea to build up your troops before you go.
28, 129 подземелье
And now to the north, as quickly as possible.
20, 136 подземелье
One of your men points out the caves to the west. Perhaps you should investigate them before heading north. You wouldn't want any nasty surprises now, would you.
100, 17 подземелье
Why, that must be the legendary Cave of Sorrows. It has an evil reputation, but it is also said to be a source of great power. You hope you've brought enough troops.
99, 17 подземелье
It is said that a fair damsel took the fancy of the troglodyte king who had her kidnapped and brought to his lair in these caverns. Her lover raised an army to rescue her, but he was too late ... The king, in his passion, had taken her by force, and her shame was so great that she killed herself.
98, 16 подземелье
In his misery and fury her lover vowed to exterminate every troglodyte in the mountains. His army smashed through their troops until he faced the king himself. Their battle was bitter and, when the king finally lay dead at his feet, he was mortally wounded. But he would not leave the caverns.
97, 15 подземелье
He stayed by her grave until he finally succumbed to his wounds. It is said that their spirits, and those who died in the battles, still linger. And there are no troglodytes in these mountains ... Jo e'b shudders, remembering the legend.
74, 26 подземелье
Ahead you can see a DEMON! Up until now you didn't really believe in them. It doesn't look in very good shape (thankfully) - it's staggering around in circles. But it's still got a formidable army. So, this is what the refugees have been talking about!
99, 73 подземелье
A strange feeling comes over you!
86, 136 подземелье
Suddenly it strikes you how far you are from home and how much has happened to you. Ahead lies an uncertain choice, while behind you have achieved much. Surely with the resources of this continent you could hold off the demons forever!
86, 137 подземелье
Why take such a risk when, as you suddenly realise, you could enjoy undreamed of wealth and power here? Because ..... you strain your brain, because I have to ..... It seems that your brain isn't that much of a help.
85, 138 подземелье
I have to because .... of what might be happening to the people on the Western continent, and I might be able to stop it. Whew, that was hard work! And my father ... I owe him an obligation.” You feel much better about yourself and ignore the image of Anna which flickers across your mind.
83, 139 подземелье
It's a one way trip. Are you sure you are ready? You are not sure you’ll be able to get back ....
30, 136 подземелье
Why, surely this the Mountain King's territory! You have never been so far south before - your father prefering to trade in the kingdom of Nimian to the north, saying that the extra travel was not worth the higher prices. You wonder if there still is a Nimian, or a Mountain Kingdom?
31, 120 подземелье
These must be the famous melee grounds! Every 10 years those who have disputes, between the people of the Mountain Kingdom and Nimian, or just between each other, assemble here for ... well, an enormous brawl. It makes everyone feel a lot better - hitting as many people as possible.
31, 119 подземелье
But those bodies did not come from any melee! They are too fresh .... and too mutilated. There was no honour in the last battle that took place on these grounds. You shudder and reach for your bottle, and then realise that you don't have one. How strange. Even stranger, it doesn't worry you.
35, 113 подземелье
You look at the town before you, thinking that can't be.” You have been to Nimian towns before and they are places of light and magic, places of joy. But this! Its sheer ugliness makes you feel sick! Not that this is a new sensation, but you haven't had a drink for days. Maybe now is the time.
34, 100 подземелье
All around you are signs of devastation, but you know this is only the beginning. If the demons succeed in their quest, then this will be the fate of all the world. Suddenly you are very, very angry. They would do this to your home as well!
24, 96 подземелье
Ahead there is another of those volcanos, pouring ash and polluting gases into the air. Somehow this is all tied in with the rise of the demons, and you know that the land cannot be restored until they have been eliminated from the world. Maybe this is your real quest.
14, 81 подземелье
And these are lands you know well - you have travelled here with your father. Well, you used to ... Before there was that ... incident ... in the Buxom Boar's Inn (strange name, now you come to think of it). You wonder if the warrants are still in force. Not very likely, really.
13, 80 подземелье
It doesn't seem like the demons have been here long enough to do serious damage ... but there are signs ... and every step is taking you closer to home, to your family .... and Anna.
24, 39 подземелье
This is the hardest choice of all. Your home is close, but you cannot get there, and who knows what lies beyond that gate? Certainly it will take you further away. But what else is there to do? And the demons must be defeated. More, you can sense that the prize you seek lies in that direction.
18, 34 подземелье
Home! This is the way! Surely you have nothing more to fear.
64, 113 подземелье
Finally, the heart of the demon empire - or is it?
95, 118 подземелье
The open desert lies before you and, according to the local recruits, the last fortress in the south. Once you have taken it your way leads to the Western continent. You thought you would have to go by boat (shudder!), but the men assure you there is another, hidden, way.
8, 16 подземелье
And there, in the distance you can see it, your home land, and now you can return. But how will you be received .... Your father .... and Anna ....?
20, 23 подземелье
Hmmmm! You don't like the look of this.... Something very nasty has been going on around here ....
114, 24 подземелье
Сосуд с кровью жизни
47, 0 суша
Here's the vial. You wonder what the seer will give you for it. But there are some useful things just ahead. You decide to collect them before returning.
Адский троглодит
49, 1 суша
Ours, ours, ours!” a host of voices cry.
51, 2 суша
Hmmm! Lots and lots of troglydytes. Ugly little brutes aren't they. But the seer promised .... Well nothing really, now you come to think about it. Still .... as long as you don't lose your dragons.
90, 16 суша
Jo e'B
84, 5 суша
Oh, wow! Something nasty has gone on down here! You don't really want to look that closely, but can't help noticing the piles of ancient smashed armour, not to mention the bones, some of them still relatively fresh - or at least the maggots seem to think so.
Земной элементал
91, 4 суша
You may not pass! We guard this for a great hero.Well,you think. maybe ....
89, 17 суша
Hello young man a sweet voice rings out. help me and I will pledge myself and my people to your cause.” Your cause?” To find the tome of air magic and get home? You have this nasty feeling that she means a lot more than that,
Гончая ада
81, 5 суша
The dogs of war! They don't seem to mind the maggots, although they are looking at you with very hungry eyes.
63, 109 суша
55, 104 суша
54, 117 суша
128, 71 суша
Oh great, an underground swamp with only marginally fewer mosquitos than above ground. Just what you needed. The lotion does seem to help a bit, but the smell ..... Apparently the mosquitos don't like it much either. You don't blame them.
104, 69 суша
Hmmmm! Maybe you shouldn't have put on quite so much of the insect repellant. The mosquitos aren't just keeping away, they are dropping as you pass. And your troops are lagging well behind. Never mind, sacrifices must be made ....
Летучий змей
102, 73 суша
You try the repellant. It doesn't work. These aren't mosquitos ...
65, 36 суша
The Refuge
94, 35 суша
This is no natural tunnel. It is a work of great and ancient magic. You marvel at the smoothness of the walls and the workings of the road. How could it have remained this way for so long. And where does it lead?
72, 35 суша
Now you begin to understand. This was a way of the old empire, a means to connect disparate portions of the realm. And to provide a refuge and armoury in times of great need. It must have been forgotten since the empire fell - more than 1500 years ago!
86, 35 суша
You see a wonderous artifact ahead, and then realise that, to the people who could build such a tunnel, it would be nothing but a trinket. And there seem to be more of these trinkets ahead.
101, 37 суша
Jen's Way
128, 42 суша
A hidden treasure vault! Now that could really come in handy. Unfortunately it appears that some others have the same idea...
41, 6 суша
Remember, you can never have too many resources or too much gold - and it wouldn't hurt to build your army a bit either.
135, 39 суша
Hmmm! This should allow you entrance to that secret valley in the north. Perhaps Jo e'B should have a look, AFTER she's brought you those reinforcements.
128, 7 суша
Through the dust and the rubble you can see the ruins of an ancient castle, now little more than a shell of crumbling stone. The castle of the troglodyte king! Maybe there will be something useful inside.
98, 14 суша
The hairs stand up on the back of your neck. You don't like the feel, or the look, or the smell of this place at all! And then there is a faint whispering from all around Leave mortal, leave while you can. Leave us to our sorrow it seems to say.
99, 14 суша
103, 12 суша
You REALLY don't like this place. But something tells you you must push on. Something ahead draws you ... Something that will be useful in the struggle against the demons. And more and more you realise that you must help Huck in any way you can.
107, 10 суша
The whispering voice again! Long, long have we waited for our release. Are you the one to free us, or one to join us?
118, 8 суша
You are strong then! Strong enough to release us all from our doom?
127, 9 суша
A vague image appears before you - a beautiful young woman in the arms of a proud warrior. Please, the voice comes from all around Destroy us for what we have become, and set us free to travel on. If you can do this there is a reward ... You need no reward to do what is right, but ....
8, 138 суша
The Hall of the Mountain King
8, 136 суша
Ahead you can see a grand castle, but it is not flying any flags. This was the home of the Mountain King, But it appears that he is no longer in residence. Almost certainly he is no longer .... The scholar (who has decided its easier just to trail along) wishes to talk.
8, 135 суша
I have come upon something he slurs Its not clear but ... 'As the blue to the red, the brown is to the green, and without the green the demons must prevail'...... I do not know what it means, but it is the key to everything.” Thanks a lot you think.
12, 131 суша
Ahhh! now you begin to understand. To gain the red key you had to have the blue key, so to get the green key you need the brown key ... Obvious really. But the brown gate is on the eastern continent, and you cannot return! Jen will have to seek it out .... leaving Jo e'B to defend - if necessary...
11, 130 суша
Perhaps you had better send some messages - and quickly!
88, 122 суша
Wait, you have heard of this place ... It must be the Golden Grotto, a place renowned for its beauty, a place of calm, a holy place .... But it does not seem beautiful, or calm, or holy, now ....
84, 121 суша
The air is dank and sulfurous, and strange noises emmanate from the depths and shadows ahead. There is no doubt, the demons have defiled this place. But, have they also discovered its secret?
68, 97 суша
The air is getting thicker and more sulfurous... What lies ahead, you wonder, taking a firm grip on your sword.
66, 93 суша
And now you see it! The centre of all the evil in this cavern. Choking back your anger at this desecration, you draw your weapon. This abomination must be stopped!
50, 95 суша
Already the air seems to be clearing. Perhaps there is hope after all!
33, 108 суша
There are patches of greenery, and even flowers! You begin to understand why this place was renowned for its beauty. Your spirits soar!
30, 120 суша
The Brown Barrier stands!
25, 121 суша
The keeper of the Grotto greets you. I thank you with all my heart for banishing the evil. Here is a small reward.
9, 15 суша
21, 23 суша
Well, it seems that you still have work to do after all. You get the distinct impression, helped by the piles of bones, that whoever or whatever lurks in these caves is probably not very nice - not very nice at all .....
10, 20 суша
Another inferno castle! You must take it to complete your quest.
129, 6 суша
You see something unusual behind one of the tumbled stones. What could it be?
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