Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Its just past midnight & you hear a light tapping at your door. Cautiously you approach the door & peer through the peephole. To your surprise you see a figure wrapped in a dark cloak that shimmers & seems to change color in the moonlight. He slips a small square object through the mail slot.
{PICK IT UP}, the cloaked figure shouts in a commanding voice. Trembling and against your better judgment you bend down to retrieve the object. As you grasp it in your hand the cloaked figure begins to chant in some ancient & long forgotten tongue.{(Uthrath,} { Spartat,}{ Das Viende)}You bolt upright & look through the peephole again only to find no sign of the cloaked figure.Total silence permeates the air. Only the sound of your heartbeat pounds in your ear. Then the lights go out.
Day 1a
You open the front door to see if the power is out on the whole block. To your shock you find a thick unprentable fog. And a strange silence. Shaken you slam the door shut and bolt it. Off to your side a flicker of light catches your eye. You make your way towards it. The light is coming from your P.C. You think to yourself, how can the P.C. be on when the power is out? Suddenly you remember the object the figure thrust through your mailslot. As you look at it you realize its a 3 1/4 floppy disk. With strange symbols written on it.
Day 1b
As you stand there pondering the strange symbols on the disk, letters begin to appear on the P.C. I N S E R T T H E D I S K, I N S E R T I T N O W. Trembling you try several times to slip the disk in until finally you steady your hand & get it in. A emerald mist fills the screen. You can see shadowy figures running to and fro until finally the mist clears. You see a woman valiantly battling strange creatures until finally she is overcome. Then they bound her hands and legs. She turned her face in your direction & her image suddenly filled the screen and her eyes looked directly into yours. And a love that knows not the boundaries of time pierced your heart.
Then the leader of the attacking creatures turned his eyes towards you and chanted some incantation. A small ball of fire formed in his hands and he hurled it in your direction. As it came towards you it grew in size until it filled the whole screen. You felt as if the inferno was about to engulf you. In a panic you jumped back only to find the floor gone. You begin to half fall, half float, tumbling down into a bottomless chasm. Overcome by the whole ordeal you pass out.
Day 1d
{So begins The Adventures of Pendragon's Son & The Quest for Love} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you awake you find yourself on a small pocket of land surrounded by a sea of darkness. A holy man dressed in brown robes beckons you.
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Gate message
As you look into one of the fountains that is in your courtyard a image of a figure dressed in a dark cloak that shimmers and changes color appears in the water. The figure begins to speak...Once you have passed the tests of Truth, Courage, & Honor you and your Quest Knights will be able to travel freely in & out of Camelot. But venture not far, for if Camelot falls so falls the hope & dreams of mankind. Then the figure says in a loud commanding voice, {Uthrath,}{ Spartat,}{ Das}{ Viende.} With that the waters go quite.
Mysterious woman message
Again the woman appears to you. Softly she speaks.... Beware my king, beware. A stormcloud approaches & in its midst ride the Triad of Darkness, bringing with them an eternal night that no sun may pierce and in their wake follows an army of great numbers who have been blinded by their lies. They will not rest until all have been cloaked in the shadow of their illusions.
All Resources
Pink wood
resources day 84 all
Gates Deception
BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE!!!! The minions of Deception are about to come forth.
Gates Anger
BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE!!! The gates of Anger are about to open up to unlease their fury.
Pink Merc
pin resources sulfur
Случайный монстр 5
36, 83 подземелье
Quest Knight
Случайный монстр 5
122, 75 подземелье
Quest Knight
Случайный монстр 5
122, 85 подземелье
Quest Knight
Могучий лич
85, 86 подземелье
Even if you do get past us it will serve you little purpose if you have no Guardian Angel!!
74, 68 подземелье
The Triad of Darkness has set us here to guard the prisoner. And guard him we will.
Королева медуз
80, 85 подземелье
We hear you look for a girl. We have seen her. But we will not tell thee where. Maybe that Quest knight that my half sister the Naga has imprisoned down the west road will tell you. Oh but I forgot, you'll be dead long before then.
78, 80 подземелье
New Camelot
53, 72 подземелье
Sir Percivil
Страж задания
72, 81 подземелье
The Guardian of Truth says he will let you pass if you bring him 100 Halberdiers, and 1 Archangel as recruits.
74, 66 подземелье
Sir Gawin
74, 67 подземелье
Sire.... I had lost all hope & then as out of a dream you come.... (You decide to play along, whatever it takes to find the woman with the piercing eyes.) You ask the knight if he has seen her... No Sire but I will gladly take up this quest in thy name. I will journey through the portal of no return. Sire it is imperative that you remain here & protect Camelot.} I have heard that another Quest knight has been taken captive back down this road where it ends. They are asking for 1 Angel in exchange for his freedom.
83, 67 подземелье
Sir Kay
Страж задания
83, 82 подземелье
The Guardian of Honor says he will let you pass if you bring 50 Royal Griffins, 25 Crusaders and 2 Archangels as recruits.
83, 78 подземелье
A Halbeirdier greets you. You ask him what this place is called. He looks at you strangely and replies. Why this is Camelot of course. Are you feeling ok sire? Not wanting to draw attention to yourself, you simply nod your head yes.
82, 80 подземелье
All the people bow as you travel the streets of Camelot. You look at all the faces hoping to spot the woman. But alas she is nowhere to be found. You wonder why you feel so drawn to her, like a moth to light. You cant explain it. You just know that you must find her.
Страж задания
85, 71 подземелье
A mercenary troop occupies this tower. They say they will let you pass if you bring them 1 Angel as recruits.
Королева наг
85, 69 подземелье
So I see you have brought the Angel we required in exchange for your knights freedom. Foolish mortal what we really wanted was to see you turned to stone. So that we might have a statue to decorate our den.
Страж задания
78, 75 подземелье
The Guardian of Courage says he will let you pass if you bring him 25 Zealots, 15 Champions and 3 Archangels as recruits.
64, 74 подземелье
As you ride down the path it somehow seems familar. You see hazy images of you and the girl with the piercing eyes. You see yourself and her walking by a lake hand in hand. then the memory fades.
64, 83 подземелье
Suddenly a familar scent strikes your nose. It brings images of the woman with the piercing eyes. You can see yourself looking at her while she sleeps and a smile of contentment is upon your face. Then the scent dissipates and the dream is gone.
92, 86 подземелье
As you approach the school of war. You seem to recall training here many times before. You recall a woman with adoring eyes watching you from the background as you honed your skills. You see her smile as you show off for her. And that smile warmed your heart like the summer sun.
53, 73 подземелье
Who goes there?..... I am Sir Gawin. The King has sent me on a quest to find a girl who has appeared to him in a vision.... Then free me brother for I am Sir Percivil and also serve the King. I to will take up this quest to find this women that speaks to the king in his dreams.... Tell me Sir Percivil how came ye to be locked in that prison?... }Twas the Triad of Darkness that locked me away to rot forever. They sought to punish me for finding the Holy Grail. Alas I was but feet from Camelot before they overtook me. If not for the Lady of the Lake, who sealed it behind a red barrier they would have possession of it now.
58, 78 подземелье
I hear tell of a hill fort located on an outcrop of land to the west of here where they will train your troops and make them much better warriors in combat.
100, 78 подземелье
Rumor has it that the Lady of the Lake can be found on a outcrop of land to the east of here. You must journey by boat to reach it. Be wary of sea pirates. They show no mercy to their victims.
94, 70 подземелье
As you look about the path, you can hear the sound of birds chirping in the trees. Then their song changes to the sound of a women’s laughter. It is the sound of the woman with the piercing eyes as she laughs at a private joke you and her shared. Then the birds go silent and you are left alone again with memories of a time you cant quite seem to bring into focus.
84, 68 подземелье
Sire, how may I serve thee?.... Go through the portal and send word throughout the land that I seek the girl with the piercing eyes. See what you can learn of this Triad of Darkness also. I feel somehow that I must face them before all is said and done.... Your wish is my command sire. By the way I have heard that in order to reach the circle that lies just outside this one you must pay a tribute of 1 Arch Angel.
Случайный монстр 5
32, 77 подземелье
Quest Knight
74, 81 подземелье
You see a monk standing before a barrier. You ask him what lies beyond. He tells you ahead lies the {Holy Grail.} Only those who have passed the tests of Truth, Courage & Honor may drink from it.
74, 78 подземелье
It will cost all your worldly possessions to drink from the Holy Grail. You think to yourself .... whatever the cost if it will help me get Guinevere back, I will gladly sacrifice it. For without her I am the poorest man on earth already. ( New Camelot is the only town that you can build a grail structure in)
74, 76 подземелье
Well done King. You have found the key of love. Forget it not least ye subcumb to the illusions of the Triad of Darkness.
120, 76 подземелье
Lady O Lake
119, 77 подземелье
I am Sir Kay. Are you the one known as the Lady of the Lake?..... Indeed I am. How may I help thee?.... I come in the name of the king. He seeks a mysterious woman with piercing eyes. Have you seen her?...Yes I have. She is being held captive by the Triad of Darkness. They have locked her away behind 5 walls. The king already has the keys that unlock them. He need only look inside himself to find them.
Страж задания
65, 79 подземелье
A mercenary troop occupies this tower. They say they will let you pass if you bring them 1 Archangel as recruits.
Страж задания
92, 79 подземелье
A mercenary troop occupies this tower. They say they will let you pass if you bring them 1 Archangel as recruits.
69, 93 суша
Sir Lancelot
98, 79 суша
64, 85 суша
I am the Guardian of all that is pure and innocent. Only those who have survived the trials of life and have not let go of their ideals may pass. Prepare thyself to be tested by the fire of truth.
93, 83 суша
I am the Guardian of Honor. Only those who would do what they ask of others, no matter what title they hold in life may pass. Prepare to be tested by the shock of thy own words.
15, 34 суша
You ask the holy man where you are. He responds... You are at the road yet traveled, the beginningof a tale yet told. Then you ask, how did I come to be here? He responds... It matters not how, but rather why. Only you can answer that question. Then you remember the woman whose eyes pierced your heart. I have come in search of love...... Then follow your heart if you would be king. Journey on down the road yet traveled son of Uther Pendragon.
97, 80 суша
{Uthrath, Spartat, Das Viende}... Well met Sire. I have not been idle while I have been locked away. I have discovered a powerful magic that will allow us to traveled between towns we have taken. It can be found at Old Camelot along with reinforcements. I heard you speak of many things while you were in that trance. Pray tell, what is a pea sea? Or were you spelling something maybe it was P.C. You also said something about a floppy dish....Those words seem familar to you. But you just cant seem to grasp there meaning anymore.
14, 35 суша
King Arthur
15, 35 суша
{The road yet traveled.}
64, 87 суша
An image begins to take shape in the air before you , as it comes into focus the woman appears again. But this time it is a different setting. She is happy & carefree. You watch as something catches her eye. You follow her gaze & trace it to the back of a young man. Your heart drops as you realize she loves another. Then the man slowly turns to face her and its as if you were looking into a mirror for he bares your face. Then as quickly as the vision appeared it is gone again. Leaving you perplexed, but not without hope.
93, 81 суша
The vision of the woman appears again. She is sitting on a throne & next to her you also sit on a throne & wear a crown upon your head. The vision changes & next you see yourself & her alone, she is speaking. You listen as she says, Why must I always come second? Why must Camelot always be first? Why cannot you be husband before king. Then she turns & storms out of the room with you chasing after. Then you hear horns blowing, men shouting orders, & the clanging of swords. Then the vision fades.
74, 70 суша
I am the Guardian of Courage. Only those who have looked upon their worst fears and acknowledged their flaws may pass. Prepare thyself to be tested by the scythe of self examination.
69, 94 суша
My friend, my king. Sir Lancelot is ready to ride into battle in your name and to defend the honor of Camelot. I to will go in search of this mysterious woman whose vision has appeared before thee.
74, 67 суша
If I could but hold her in my arms. Feel her breath upon my face. Feel her fingers intwined with mine. Hear the sound of her laughter . Then and only then shall I be content. I will not rest till I find her. I will let no enemy separate me from her embrace.
74, 68 суша
The vision starts once more. It begins like the last one ended, with the blaring of horns & the clanging of swords. You are chasing after the woman with the piercing eyes you watch as she runs right into the fray. Suddenly her name comes to you. You try to shout a word of warning. Guinevere, Guinevere look out my love. You rush to defend her but it is to late. She is surrounded. Suddenly a burning pain engulfs your body. You look down to find a arrow piercing your side. You fall to your knees & watch in horror as Guinevere valiantly fights the creatures, but is finally overcome. You watch as they bind her hands & feet. She turns her gaze in your direction till your eyes meet and a love that knows not the boundaries of time pierces your heart.. Then you fall all the way down to the ground. The world around you begins to fade & you next find yourself half floating half falling down a dark bottomless chasm. You hear Guineveres voice calling as if from a great distant. She is saying love has no end. I will love you for all eternity. With that you awaken from the trance.
65, 91 суша
You have found the key of Truth. Let be as a sword in your hand and the lies of your enemies will fall before it.
73, 64 суша
You have found the key of Courage. You may now go forth and face danger and hardship without fear.
91, 79 суша
You have found the Key of Honor. Where it as a mark of distinction so that all will know what you stand for.
69, 135 суша
77, 66 суша
As you approach the warriors tomb, a chill runs up your back. The lid is slighty raised and a milky light seems to glow from inside. You can see words inscribed on the side. They say true love never dies. With that you turn around. You dare not look inside for fear of what you'll find.
78, 66 суша
Turn around thou fool. No one may look upon the face that lies within.
24, 137 суша
117, 141 суша
I come in the name of love. I will not be blinded by your lies, Jealousy. My Guinevere leaves me wanting not. She makes my heart smile. Tis you who are envious of our love.
117, 143 суша
Castle of Jealousy
26, 142 суша
Castle of Deception
Шлем небесного просветления
75, 64 суша
Only the true king may wear this helm upon his head. {Lose it not} At the appointed time it will be} {required.} Without it all hope is lost.
Щит львиной храбрости
95, 80 суша
Only the one true king may hold this shield.{Lose it not.} At the appointed time it will be required. Without it all hope is lost!!!!
Сандалии святого
66, 92 суша
Take these blessed sandals and {lose them not.} At the appointed time they will be required of you.
69, 139 суша
I come in the name of love. I will not be deceived by your lies Anger. For there is nothing that my Guinevere could do that I could not forgive her for.
24, 141 суша
I come in the name of love. I will not be fooled by you, Deception. My love for Guinevere has opened my eyes to the truth. I have all that I require in life to make me happy.
69, 141 суша
Castle of Anger
73, 36 суша
Welcome to the Land of Deception. I wield the sword of lies, whereby I pierce the heart with untruths. We will cover your love with the darkness of uncertainty. For they who deceive themselves will never know the light of love.
81, 36 суша
Welcome to the land of Jealousy. I ride the green horse of envy. I will trample your love under the hoofs of fear. You shall try to control your fear by controling love only to lose it in the process. Then shall you cry the tears of sadness for eternity.
Страж задания
75, 40 суша
It is required that you give up the Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment as a sign you have learned to think for yourself.
Страж задания
77, 40 суша
It is required that you give up the Sword of Judgment as a sign that you can judge for yourself what is real and what is an illusion.
117, 137 суша
Страж задания
83, 39 суша
The guards here are charging a toll of all travelers. They will let you pass for 10000 Wood.
Страж задания
81, 40 суша
It is required that you give up the Lion's Shield of Courage as a sign of your own courage.
Страж задания
79, 39 суша
The guards here are charging a toll of all travelers. They will let you pass for 10000 Mercury.
Страж задания
77, 60 суша
Do you have the Sandals of the Saint that were intrusted into your care?
77, 53 суша
As tears of love roll down your face, a glimsp of hope arises in your heart as you can see up ahead, the Sword of Kings, Excaliber.
77, 54 суша
Guinevere, Guinevere... where for art thou my Guinevere.
77, 63 суша
Welcome to the Triad of Darkness.... Only the very brave or the very foolish enter herein.
77, 61 суша
Only those who are strong enough to face themselves will survive. Prepare to have your heart tested by the reality of your own weaknesses.
77, 45 суша
Old Camelot
77, 36 суша
Welcome to the land of Anger. I will kill your love with the mindlessness of hate. I will fill every bone of your body with anger till you lose sight of what you have. Then when I have stolen your most prized possession, love. Everything of beauty will disgust you, because it will remind you of what you had.
77, 46 суша
As you enter Old Camelot a multitude of images flash before your eyes. Visions of the past, the present, and the future all collide & merge in your thoughts. Suddenly you remember everything as if it were yesterday. The argument, you trying to explain, Guinevere running out into the middle of an invasion. Then the arrow that pierced you side and the feeling that you were being lowered into some deep dark chasm. You remember seeing a warriors tomb and looking at the name carved in marble. It said here lies King Arthur who died for love. You remember Merlin chanting the words (Uthrath, Spartat, Das Viende). You understand there meaning now. Where there is love there is hope. You remember hearing Guinevere's voice calling to you from a great distant, saying not even the boundaries of time will end our love. Come back to me Arthur. Come back my heart. Then you smile as you realize that not even death could conquer your love for Guinevere. Your mind stills as the virtues of the 5 keys of Wisdom touch your heart with an understanding of the true meaning of love, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Patience, Trust & Hope. Suddenly your whole body is filled with a new resolve.The time has come to break down the Castles of Anger, Deception, & Jealousy that seek to separate us, one from another. The time has come to put an end to this Triad of Darkness.
71, 111 суша
71, 112 суша
Then come forth my husband, my king, there is nothing left to sperate us.
71, 113 суша
Guinevere my heart and all that I live for. If you should remain locked away from me for all eternity and I should never again feel your embrace or the touch of your lips upon my mine, then should my dreams die and my desire to live fade. And without my hand to guide Camelot it too will crumble and fall. Know this my love. Without you by my side there can be no King Arthur, there can be no Camelot, for hope shall have died. Nay... I would rather die a thousand deaths than to spend one more second without you by my side. Forgive me my love, for the walls that seperated us were of my own making. I was deceived by the illusions of the Triad of Darkness ( Anger, Deception, & Jealousy.
71, 114 суша
King Arthur my love. Twas only the thought of your embrace that has keep my hope alive all this time.
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