Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Upgraded version of Passages II. More balanced, better trimmed, characters from the Quill and more. I hope you enjoy this update. Your opinion is more then welcome! Jaxe @ [email protected]
Although the teleport system is highly complex, it does provide you with a fast way of travel. Real shame you can never tell where you will end though...
In this land, movement is the real key to succes. Too bad Dimension Door, Fly and Waterwalk aren't allowed.
Did you already check out that prison I told you about?
Life and Death
Legend says that their should be two altars in this land. One with supreme knowledge about Death and the other one about Life.
The time has come. You have prepared yourself for a great war. A war that will possibly gain you powers and land you have always dreamed of. You recruited your best generals to fight off the other lords in the land. After that, everything is yours to do with as you see fit...
Necropolis 02
But there is more to gain than land and power. You know that DarkSword, the most irritating Kannigit of all is somewhere roaming this land. Though dangerous, he'll be an excellent general for your armies. To kill and animate his dead body should be fun. Killing him will be fun anyways. It will also be a completion of the work that Jaxe once started. He almost killed DarkSword in the Tournament of Honor. You know that this time, there won't be a Dragon like Melian to heal him. At least, you certainly hope not. You wonder whatever happened to Jaxe anyways.
Necropolis 03
You do know that after the Tournament of Honor, Jaxe was badly hurt. Melian and her helpers took him away. After that there never came a word from Jaxe anymore. Perhaps you could find him. He just might be trapped here, since the land is known to hold many outcasts. He must be more then happy to kill and slaughter again.
Rampart 02
Besides power, you also hope to find the great Dragon Slayer Ejarra. He has been one of the fiercest warriors of the Elven society for many years, untill the Quebec Dragon trapped him inside a prison. This happened when Ejarra was on his quest to slay an Azure Dragon. During the combat, Quebec Dragon managed to stun Ejarra with a heavy blow from his tail. He then quickly imprisoned the Elf.
Rampart 03
The dwarves have reason to believe that he is held somewhere in this region. Finding him is of great priority. He will probably want to get even with Quebec Dragon. He still needs to complete his quest of slaying the Azure Dragon. After all, this is the ultimate goal for all Slayers. However, there is no reason to believe that the Quebec Dragon is still in this region. Still, Ejarra will be a highly motivated warrior.
Purple Loss
Remove everything
Castle 02
However, the most important thing is to kill the undead. You, DarkSword, heard that Jaxe might be roaming the land, as well as his cruel partners, the Mausoleum and Covenant. Your chestwound reminds you of the unfortunate happenings at the Tournament of Honor. Revenge is certainly at place. You shall face Jaxe again, and this time destroy him!
Tower 02
Next to wealth, there is more! You know of two great altars in the Underground. One is supposed to give you the forces of Life, the other one the forces of Death. If you can combine the two, you will be become extremely powerful! That will make killing the opponents here a breeze! Next to this, you know that Fnord believes that the god Lord Titan has been banned to this land. If you find him and can persuade him to join you, you will have a great and strong leader.
32, 1 подземелье
For years the ancient vampire Jaxe has been kept captive. Now that he is free his only goal in unlife will be to destroy everything that lives. His ability to animate the dead has proven to be most usefull in the wars with the living. Together with Mausoleum he rules the Unholy Alliance. He has a spcial hate against the Kannigit DarkSword. Jaxe once stabbed a sword through his chest, but the Dragon Melian transported and healed DarkSword before Jaxe could finish him off for good. This time he will not fail.
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Lord Titan
Lord Titan, a former God was betrayed by the other gods. He was imprisoned by them and they made him mortal. Now that the Wizards have rescued him, he has sworn to strike with the force of Lightning on all but the Wizards.
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Danger! Do not enter without proper preparation! The way home can be a tough one.
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Danger! Do not enter without proper preparation! The way home can be a tough one.
24, 63 подземелье
Danger! Do not enter without proper preparation! The way home can be a tough one.
46, 13 подземелье
Danger! Do not enter without proper preparation! The way home can be a tough one.
41, 19 подземелье
Dwarven Treasure Island
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East - Island Transporter West - Golden Gates South - Home?
35, 4 подземелье
The leader of the Behemoths walks up to you and growls
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AngelA once was trapped by the terrible Lich Mausoleum. She was tortured, taunted and molested by him for many years. When she was freed from her prison, she took an oath to pay him back sometime. With the help of Heaven she actually has a good chance at doing that.
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Ejarra is known as the greatest dragon slayer in Erathia. However, the wise Azure Quebec Dragon cleverly trapped him inside a prison. After years, the Elves set him free. Ejarra became part of the Elven society and now fights with them. With the help of Ejarra, their strenght has increased dramatically.
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A Behemoth growls to you
Королевский грифон
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A group of rebelling Griffins attack you!
Высокий эльф
70, 67 подземелье
A group of renegade Elves attacks you!
Железный голем
70, 7 подземелье
A group of rebelling Golems attacks you!
2, 8 подземелье
A group of deserted Wraiths attacks you!
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Covenant is the most important general of Mausoleum. His skill in Necromancy is brilliant. Not even Mausoleum or Jaxe can match him. He has been known to be ruthless and without mercy. Even the undead themselves don't trust him.
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Fnord has been studying mythology years. Recently, he became aware that the god Lord Titan was banished from the heavens. Fnord doesn't know when this happened, but he does know that the location where he landed is near. His goal is to free Lord Titan and persue him to join their clan. With his help, the Wizards will rule supreme!
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Malta chose his nickname to honour a small nation that he liked. Although generally very peaceful, he has been known to engage in discussions, including some rather heated ones. He possesses a very philosophical mind and often spends time thinking about the meaning of life. As a Wind Mage, Malta has worked on his skill in Air Magic, and underestimating him due to his lack of physical skills could therefore be dangerous.
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The ent Treebeard is nature in it's strongest form. Like nature, he can be most pacifistic, but also full with rage. He has been searching for his friend Ejarra ever since Ejarra got trapped in a prison by Quebeq Dragon on this island.
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Sir Whale
The rogue of the elves. Sir Whale was born as a regular Elf. In his youth, he was send to an Elven camp where he was to become a fighter. He showed great agility, speed and stealth. Sir Whale never interested himself much in the honest way of living. He prefered the life of a thief. He secretly trained himself in darker arts and read a lot about the Dark Elves. Even though the Elves know of his dark habits and interests, they keep him in their ranks for his abilities.
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Dark Sword
Dark Sword is the most skilled Knight in Erathia and Enroth. In Enroth he fought many historical battles. His hate for Necromancers makes him a big threat to the undead. He is often underestimated by his kind appearance, but his warrior instincts makes him vicious.
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Pacifist is a lonely hero, not commiting himself to any clan. He is a mercenary roaming the land in search for quests and glory. Now, he is aiding DarkSword to get rid of the undead plague.
Золотой голем
32, 2 подземелье
From the prison you hear a familiar voice. Get me out of this prison! You recognise the voice as the one from Jaxe. So he is here on the land! And so close! You call him to do whatever it takes to free him. Soon, evil will be reunited again!
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After defeating the Gold Golems, you walk closer to the prison. Behind the bars, you see a pale face. Could it be? You shout Ejarra and wait for a response. From behind the bars, you here a loud yes. You recognise his voice. The dwarves where right! Ejarra is imprisoned here. Quickly you walk up to the prison to save him.
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Historians see Mausoleum as the very first Lich ever. His name has been called with fear and disgust by everyone. He has been known to have almost killed AngelA, one of the strongest Clerics of Clan Xanadu. Mausoleum, together with Jaxe, is the leader of the Unholy Alliance.
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You stand in front of the gates of the castle of the Unholy Alliance. You smell the stench of decay and rotting carcasses . Still you feel extremely motivated, capturing this castle is a mayor loss to the undead!
34, 8 подземелье
You hear a harsh and deep voice shout
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A lonely farmer sits on the side of the road. He says
35, 35 суша
Посещение Чернокнижник:
Quebeq Dragon is the only Azure Dragon known to roam this land. He has been keeping the peace for years. When he heard that the great Dragon Slayer Ejarra was free again, he feared for his life and took refuge in the deep caverns. Here he awaits the war.
31, 23 суша
A scholar speaks
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A scholar speaks
31, 24 суша
We will guard the powers of death against all cost. Prepare to feel the wrath of God!
36, 48 суша
Never shall you gain the pity strenght of Life. We shall take you to Hell!
35, 36 суша
Your entire body shakes with rage. It really is the Quebec Dragon! Finally revenge is yours! But will you be able to take him on? Doubts and rage go through your mind. What to do...
35, 37 суша
When you near the castle, you see that the rumours are true. A great Azure Dragon flies around the castle. You recognise him. It's Quebec Dragon.
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Passages II - Quill Version"