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Герои 3 - карта Olde World

29/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

Olde World
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
Chose either Chaos (red), The Empire (blue), Orcs (tan), Goblins (green), the monstous hosts (orange), Undead (purple), Elves (teal) or Kislev (pink) and take your part in the final battle for the Olde World.



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Olde World


  • Указатель
    • 122, 8 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The High Pass
  • Указатель
    • 132, 8 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Zorn Uzkul - The Great Skull Land
  • Башня
    • 105, 22 подземелье
    • Название: Kislev
    • Посещение Клерик: Название
    • Биография: Tzarina Katarin succeeded to the Kislev throne after the death of her father, Tzar Bokha. Her aloof majesty and inscrutable disposition has caused many to refer to her as the Ice Queen of Kislev. She is so suffused with icy magic that even her flesh is cold and plae and her limbs are long and lean like icicles. He hair glistens with frost, and ice crystals sparkle on her lofty crown.
    • Название: Start1
    • Сообщение: The lands of Kislev are savage, and the winters merciless. Such harsh conditions have toughened the people who live there, and given rise to hardy folk uncaring for the outside world. And now you have been chosen to lead them.
    • Название: Start2
    • Сообщение: The khan-queens have ruled the land ever since the day when the tribes of Kislev first journeyed to their present location and defeated two mighty Empire armies, until an alliance was formed to fight the common enemy - Chaos. But the days of the alliance have long gone. Diplomatic relations with the Empire have broken down. Once more Kislev stands alone. And these are dark days. The prophesies say that Chaos has arisen again, and now the Empire wants to add Kislev to its own territory. AS the new commander of the Kislevite armies you will have a tough task, but only you can suceed.
  • Некрополь
    • 138, 127 подземелье
    • Название: Vorag
  • Замок
    • 106, 10 подземелье
    • Название: Praag
  • Указатель
    • 97, 9 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Troll Country
  • Лучник
    • 94, 15 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The flower of the Erengrad archers face you on the battlefield.
  • Указатель
    • 92, 15 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Erengrad
  • Указатель
    • 99, 16 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Northern Wastes
  • Некрополь
    • 113, 123 подземелье
    • Название: Nagashazzir
    • Посещение Некромант: Название
    • Биография: From his early years studying under Dark Elves, Nagash quickly became the greatest Necromancer the Olde World has ever seen. Despite numerous attempts to destroy him, Nagash always returns at the head of his undead legions.
    • Название: Story1
    • Сообщение: A flash of lightning briefly illuminates the opposing visage of Nagashazzir, the fortress of Nagash. A few seconds later and thunder rumbles somewhere to the east. Then all is quiet, except for the chilling wind. The figure wraps his cloak around him tighter and grips onto the large tome. A crunch under his feet makes him pause and look down. He realises he has stood on a ribcage and with a shudder he moves on towards the citadel.
    • Название: Story2
    • Сообщение: Inisde all is silent, till the great door creaks open. The figure slows as he crosses the entrance hall, his footsteps on the cracked tiles seeming so loud. He pauses to take deep breaths and light a small lantern. With its pitiful illumination he peers at his surroundings. The paintings and mozaics on the walls are chipped and dirty, but the images can jsut about be made out. Here the man sees a horde of elves slaughtered by zombies. There a hundred men hang, their blood draining from cuts to form a sea of their juices. The figure stares for a few seconds, then shakes his head and continues on.
    • Название: Story3
    • Сообщение: As the figure enters the throne room he sees the great throne, towering above him, at least the height of three men, if not four. And sitting upon it is a great skeleton clutching a sword larger than the figure who has entered. The figure stays where he is, in awe of the skeleton. He is unsure, but something tells him to continue forwards. Still holding the book he moves towards the throne. You have bought the book. Congratulations. Says a voice in less than a whisper. Y...yes. Replies the figure, checking all around. It is the first voice he has heard in over a month but he cannot see its source. I can feel its power even now. Open it. Says the voice. Um... Begins the figure. Open it. Comes the reply. The figure does as he is told, and holds the book open at the front page. Now read. Says the voice.
    • Название: Story4
    • Сообщение: He has been reading for an hour and his mouth is dry, but he is almost at the last line. His words echo around the huge room. Then he finishes. He waits. Then the skeleton stirs. It moves as though it had just awoken, stretching and moving its joints. M... my lord. Nagash? The figure at the skeleton's feet begins despite his terror. Yes? Nagash asks distractedly while he looks around his newly awakened body and his giant sword. Now I have awoken you... I thought I might... serve you? The figure says dropping to his knees. I am a clever tactician, well learned. I can be very useful. Of course you can serve me. Nagash replies and with barely a movement of a bony finger dark energy flashes towards the figure. In a matter of seconds the figure's skin and flesh is stripped from his bones leaving an upright skeleton.
    • Название: Story5
    • Сообщение: And on the dark plane outside the skeletons that the figure stepped on and walked between begin to stir.
  • Указатель
    • 78, 133 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Marshes of Madness
  • Башмаки мертвеца
    • 81, 142 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The last one to wear these boots went mad. Are you sure you can handle them?
  • Указатель
    • 76, 3 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Norsca
  • Цитадель
    • 137, 102 подземелье
    • Название: Mt. Grey Hag
    • Посещение Варвар: Название
    • Биография: Skarsnik is chieftan of the Crooked Moon tribe of Night Goblins, and perhaps the most respected Goblin amongst the Orc and Goblin tribes.
    • Название: Start1
    • Сообщение: Right, lissen up and lissen good. We is da goblins, we is entilted... enitled... gonna rule da Olde Wurld for da greater good ov gobbo cilivisassion. Know wat I meen? Good.
    • Название: Start2
    • Сообщение: So wat yoo still doin ere? Get out dere and bang sum eads together!
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 74, 125 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A skinny man answers the door when you knock. He has a very large, white and whispy beard and is dressed in flowing robes of faded blue. I used to be a Battle Wizard. The man tells you. I travelled far and wide with a party of adventurers, exploring dungeons and slaying beasts. But now I am retired and have no need for the vast number of treasures, and I am willing to pass them on to anyone I deem worthy.
  • Указатель
    • 121, 37 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Peak Pass
  • Указатель
    • 114, 78 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Silver Road
  • Указатель
    • 96, 69 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Black Fire Pass
  • Указатель
    • 114, 90 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Mad Dog Pass
  • Цитадель
    • 106, 102 подземелье
    • Название: Black Crag
    • Посещение Варвар: Название
    • Биография: Gorfang is one of the most savage Orc leaders in the Olde World. He tears up his opponents with ease, keeping his troops under control with his iron gaze.
    • Название: Start1
    • Сообщение: After a long day spent fighting against a rival Orc tribe you retire to your tent to get some shut eye. You find it hard to get to sleep, and you toss and turn. Eventually you decide not to keep trying and walk outside back into the camp, where most of the other boyz are asleep. Suddenly your stomach rumbles. So you decide to find some food. After all, you can't sleep on an empty stomach. You poke around the camp, but it seems all the food was eaten in the feast. After a bit more mooching about you come to the shaman's tent. Outside is a bag with an opening through which you can make out some mushrooms. You would have prefered boar flesh, but it looks like mushrooms will have to do. You sneakily open the bag and munch your way through its contents. It doesn't look like there's any more food in the camp, so you return to your tent and drop to sleep immediately.
    • Название: Start2
    • Сообщение: Then you have the most vivid dream of your life. You are standing on a mountain of corpses, holding your axe which drips with blood. You look around you but all you see are dead bodies. No-one is alive. Then you look at the sky and see two giant Orc faces. One of them says in a voice that echoes round your skull. This could be yours.
  • Цитадель
    • 83, 115 подземелье
    • Название: Mt. Blood Horn
    • Посещение Варвар: Название
    • Биография: Morglum Necksnapper is an entirely fearless Black Orc, leading his tribe to through the Olde World to countless victories.
  • Указатель
    • 115, 104 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Death Pass
  • Указатель
    • 92, 103 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Badlands
  • Замок
    • 61, 103 подземелье
    • Название: Remas
  • Указатель
    • 52, 112 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Luccini
  • Указатель
    • 61, 83 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Miragliano
  • Указатель
    • 58, 104 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Land of Tilea
  • Рейнджер
    • 70, 72 подземелье
    • Название: Orion
    • Биография: Orion, king of Athel Loren, has acquired the power of Kurnous, the ancient elven god of nature. Now he embodies the untamed savagery of the primaeval Elven spirit.
  • Замок
    • 72, 30 подземелье
    • Название: Middenheim
    • Посещение Рыцарь: Название
    • Биография: Boris Todbringer is the Elector Count of Middenland and has proved to be most loyal to the Emperor Karl Franz, despite the fact that he opposed Karl's rise to the throne.
  • Замок
    • 84, 40 подземелье
    • Название: Talabheim
    • Посещение Клерик: Название
    • Биография: The Grand Theogonist is the high priest of the Cult of Sigmar. The current holder of the position is Volkmar the Grim, a zealous preacher utterly devoted to the destruction of evil and chaos.
  • Замок
    • 79, 55 подземелье
    • Название: Nuln
    • Посещение Рыцарь: Название
    • Биография: Marius Leitdorf is known as the Mad Lord of Averland, due to his unpredictable temper. Sometimes he is sullen and locks himself away, and at other times he flies into fits of rage. However his madness is combined with an acute artistic mind and skill on the battlefield.
  • Указатель
    • 96, 54 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Moot
  • Указатель
    • 66, 51 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Axe Bite Pass
  • Указатель
    • 56, 34 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Cursed Marshes
  • Указатель
    • 108, 47 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Sylvania
  • Событие
    • 128, 131 подземелье
    • Сообщение: In the tent lives an ancient Skaven, a rat-man, who tells you his name is Thanquol. He claims he is the last of his race, the others being devoured by the monstrous hosts who now use the Skaven tunnels as their home. He says he knows the secrets of how to access these tunnels, something the monstrous hists keep secret.
  • Указатель
    • 80, 64 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Bugman's Brewery
  • Указатель
    • 105, 56 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Zhufbar
  • Указатель
    • 47, 119 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Sartosa
  • Указатель
    • 67, 25 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Salzenmund
  • Указатель
    • 82, 31 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Wolfenburg
  • Указатель
    • 90, 35 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Hergig
  • Замок
    • 68, 43 подземелье
    • Название: Altdorf
    • Посещение Рыцарь: Название
    • Биография: The Emperor Karl Franz has lead the Empire from strength to strength, and its armies from victory to victory. He is said to be the greatest statesman in the Olde World, a military innovator, a patron of arts and science, and a valiant warrior.
    • Название: Start1
    • Сообщение: Well met, my commander. So you are to lead the armies of the Empire against their foes? Well your record is excellent, and it seems you have lead your forces to victory on countless occassions, but are you sure you are truly ready to handle such a massive task as military commander of the entire Empire? Hah! Listen to me, I appear to be putting you off the task. In reality you are certainly the best man for the job, I am sure. And now you have under your command the greatest army in the Olde World. Whilst the Elves have all but disappeared from the lands and the Dwarven civilisation is in ruins, we have shone like a beacon against the forces of darkness. We have endured, stood firm, there is none that could crumble the Empire. But we, and especially you, must not become complacent. Our foes grow in number each day. They surround us on all sides. Recently the kingdom of Kislev has severed their alliance with us. Reports have reached us that the Chaos gods have sent a representative to this plane to lead the demoic forces. And perhaps worse that the liche lord Nagash has arisen to lead the legions of the undead against the world. And the orcs and goblins still fester throughout the lands. So a great task faces you, commander, but with the strongest army behind you, how can you fail?
  • Указатель
    • 78, 48 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Kemperbad
  • Указатель
    • 66, 46 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Bogenhafen
  • Указатель
    • 87, 52 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Averheim
  • Указатель
    • 88, 46 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Wurtbad
  • Указатель
    • 106, 33 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Bechafen
  • Указатель
    • 106, 42 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Waldenhof
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 69, 33 подземелье
    • Сообщение: I am the keeper of the ancient dragon caves. I have an artifact I will give to anyone whom I deem clever enough to put it to proper use.
  • Указатель
    • 137, 83 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Mount Grimfang
  • Указатель
    • 129, 38 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Gnashrak's Lair
  • Цитадель
    • 122, 58 подземелье
    • Название: Mt. Gunbad
    • Посещение Варвар: Название
    • Биография: After eating a pile of raw troll flesh, Grom gained an enormous girth and a vision from Gork and Mork. Perhaps it was just hallucinations from over eating, but Grom decided he would be the one to lead the goblins of the Olde World to victory.
  • Замок
    • 61, 68 подземелье
    • Название: Quenelles
  • Замок
    • 65, 55 подземелье
    • Название: Parravon
  • Некрополь
    • 41, 44 подземелье
    • Название: Mousillon
    • Посещение Рыцарь Смерти: Название
    • Биография: Vlad von Carstien terrorised the Empire with his undead legions. He was finally defeated, but a good vampire count can never be kept at bay for long.
  • Замок
    • 52, 35 подземелье
    • Название: Marienburg
  • Указатель
    • 32, 71 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Bilbali
  • Замок
    • 29, 88 подземелье
    • Название: Magritta
  • Указатель
    • 50, 91 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Tobaro
  • Указатель
    • 51, 45 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Gisoreux
  • Замок
    • 42, 30 подземелье
    • Название: Coronne
  • Указатель
    • 31, 30 подземелье
    • Сообщение: L'Anguille
  • Замок
    • 42, 55 подземелье
    • Название: Bordeleaux
  • Указатель
    • 47, 64 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Brionne
  • Инферно
    • 135, 8 подземелье
    • Название: The Bastion
    • Посещение Одержимый: Название
    • Биография: Archaon's name strikes terror into the hearts of his enemies. For he is the one chosen and blessed by each of the Chaos Gods to lead their armies in a campaign of blood and slaughter,
    • Название: Story1
    • Сообщение: For aeons Chaos has infested the Olde World. Time and time again the armies of the dark gods have marched upon the lands, only to be defeated by the combined forces of men, dwarfs and elves. Well that will not happen again. The elves have retreated back to Ulthuan and the dwarven empire lies in ruins. Now is the time when you shall lead the Chaos hordes to victory. Go now, and reap skulls for the throne of the blood god!
  • Тролль
    • 95, 5 подземелье
    • Сообщение: It seems an entire Troll army is camped here, protecting its treasure.
  • Указатель
    • 26, 84 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Estalia
  • Золотой голем
    • 17, 87 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Estalians are a rich nation and can afford mages to craft expensive guardians.
  • Нескончаемое кольцо самоцветов
    • 17, 88 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Crafted by Estalian merchants this ring typifies the prosperity of the region.
  • Сфера небесного свода
    • 35, 2 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The orb is freezing cold to the touch, and you have to wear thick gloves to pick it up.
  • Громовой шлем
    • 96, 4 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Discarded in ages past, this helm gives you the knowledge of the gods.
  • Бездонный сосуд ртути
    • 109, 7 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You are careful when handling the tiny vial, for you know its magical mercury giving properties.
  • Щит дракона
    • 104, 78 подземелье
    • Сообщение: This shield provides both the destructive energies of a forest dragon with the defensive power of a dragon's scales.
  • Бастион
    • 86, 90 подземелье
    • Название: Barak Varr
  • Бастион
    • 70, 70 подземелье
    • Название: Athel Loren
    • Посещение Друид: Название
    • Биография: Ariel is Queen of Athel Loren and presides over the realm with Orion. The magic force of nature flows through her as if she were the godess Isha.
    • Название: Story1
    • Сообщение: In ages past the Elves in the Olde World argued with the Dwarfs. These arguments turned to war and the Elves were forced to abandon their coastal colonies and retreat back to their own land of Ulthuan. Indeed their home land was also under threat from invasion, and Elves retreated from the Dwarfs to defend Ulthuan. However some colonies refused to return. They were forced by the Dwarfs to abandon their coastal cities and instead retreated into the deep forests inland. This forest had never been invaded by orcs or other foul creatures, and it became known as Loren. Now the descendants of those Elves still dwell exclusively in the forest of Loren. Since the forest dictates their way of life they have evolved very differently from the Elves of Ulthuan. Nowadays they are known as Wood Elves, and their society whilst derived in part from their age old traditions is quite distinct. The Wood Elves have dwelt in their forest for many thousands of years now, their mistrust of outsiders growing. They have learnt to utilise nature for their own means, and befriended the woodland spirits that have dwelt in the forests since time began. And now the Dwarf empire has crumpled, and the humans look to expand their grip over the entire Olde World. And perhaps far worse is that evil hides in every shadow. Staying hidden will keep the Wood Elves safe no longer, now is the time of action, now is the time for the Elves to make their presence fealt.
  • Архидьявол
    • 136, 45 подземелье
  • Подземелье
    • 98, 6 суша
    • Название: Hell Pit
    • Посещение Чернокнижник: Название
    • Биография: Fire-bringer recieved his name after learning fire magic, unusual for a Minotaur, and using its explosive effects on the battle field.
  • Подземелье
    • 47, 79 суша
    • Название: Skavenblight
    • Посещение Верховный лорд: Название
    • Биография: Gor revels in causing slaughter and frenzy, making him ideal for leading the rabid hordes of the monstrous hosts.
    • Название: Story1
    • Сообщение: The Olde World is home to all manner of creatures.
  • Щит львиной храбрости
    • 69, 141 суша
    • Сообщение: Now this is a lucky find...
  • Меч правосудия
    • 107, 141 суша
    • Сообщение: Gosh... what is this doing here?
  • Указатель
    • 7, 5 суша
    • Сообщение: Scrowe's World'o'Maps http
  • Ящик Пандоры
    • 24, 127 суша
    • Сообщение: The land itself seems to be on fire, and carpetted in skulls. However your eyes are on a small box. On each side is burned a rune of chaos. Would this box unleash the forces of the chaos gods? Perhaps, but if you could defeat them the gods would reward you indeed... you may even become their champion. Do you wish to attempt such a thing?

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