Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Northlands have fallen to the Haedric Barbarians, now united after 1000 years of internal squabbling, by the Barbarian Lord Zarach, Master of the Winds, a former student of the Magic University at Narrath.
It is said that Zarach once studied Magic in Narrath... Some think that the Northlands brought these problems onto themselves.
Fafhnir is said to be less than one eighteenth the man his father was. It is said that he kills people once a year for sport in a 'Behead-fest.'
The Northlands have fallen to the Haedric Barbarians, now united after 1000 years of internal squabbling, by the Barbarian Lord Zarach, Master of the Winds, a former student of the Magic University at Narrath. Alessandr, Lord of Castle Highpeak has decided that the Northlands must be returned to their former glory and that Zarach must be stopped before he invades the Lowlands.
For those ends, Alessandr must gather allies in the South, but first he must convince his future allies of his worthiness to lead the alliance. Alessandr knows not how he will accomplish this, but he knows that for Castle Highpeak to survive, the Barbarians must be crushed.
Good News!
Good news! Spies have reported that Zarach's monsters have begun to quarrel amongst themselves over the new land's spoils and that, before Zarach can assault Highpeak, he must quell the disturbance.
Quillich, a Narrathian Ambassador-Mage advises Alessandr on the situation, bowing low before the Lord. My Lord. He begins. Yes, my friend? Alessandr asks, tapping his fingers impatiently on the throne. My Lord, Quillich petitions, I ask that you amke all haste to smash through Tytan's Pass and clear the Titans so that you may receive the services of the remaining forces of my nation. I shalt think on it. Alessandr gives a brief nod to Quillich, who backs out from the audience chamber, praising Alessandr's wisdom.
Good news! Spies bring reports of Northlanders within their land still holding out against the Barbarians. Alessandr nods soberly as he hears the news. Quillich jumps for joy, Do you know what this means! He shouts, all smiles. What? Alessandr broods, frowning. Why, the Northlanders can regain their own lands within a few days after Zarach's forces destroy each other. They're trapped. Alessandr mumbles. They're what? Quillich steps forward eagerly, head still bowed. They're trapped. Can't you listen to the words behind the words! Alessandr rises violently and steps down from the throne. What words? Quillich pleads. Pray humor me Lord. I do not understand. Lord Alessandr turns to Quillich. I pity you. He says, then shakes his head. They're trapped. He states. Quillich gasps. Why do you think they do not assault, they cannot leave their fortress and they have no great leader- Mortimer and Alvion are dead Quillich, the Northlands have no great hero. They can do nothing. Quillich blinks, But- he begins. You cannot appreciate the harsh realites of life, Ambassador- there may be a few still holding out, but, if they ever had any chance at all, they would have held the Castles. Lord Alessandr Highpeak shakes his head, rises, then walks briskly away. Quillich raises his head and glumly watches the Lord retreat to his quarters.
A sealed message from Castle Angellika, sent by courier arrived today. I have long awaited his moment, Lord Highpeak. A moment when our two nations amy be joined as one, and, may I add, a moment when our two bodies may finally be joined in holy matrimony. I hope that thou rememberest my gracious offer; because I surely remember thou's promise all those years before. Now, our parents are dead, and an alliance is needed. Dallin cannot protest for he must join either thou or Fafhnir... Dallin will not join Fafhnir because Fafhnir is a petty chief, an ignoramous, he is not a true Lord- he, the haughty man, has wrecked his once fine nation and let it slide into disrepair. Please, make haste to my holdings at once. I look forward to thou's fine attentions. The message was signed, in illuminated handscript- Lady Angellika
Rep to Mes
A tear dropped down Alessandr's cheek as he read. When finished, he clutched the message to his chest and stared longingly into space. After a few moments he rose, retreated to his quarters and began penning a reply.
Dallin V
Another messenger arrived today, this time borne by a tattered and bruised messenger from Castle Dynnisdale. The messenger passed his message onto Alessandr's Seneschal, Albrecht, then was taken to the Monastary for medical care. In court, Albrecht read the message aloud: To the Grand Lord of Castle Highpeak From the Lowly Lord of Castle Dynnisdale- We seek thou's help before we mayest join thou's alliance against the foul barbarians of the north. A horrid horde off Hobgoblins have seeped out of the Barbaric Cliffs and besieged our Castle. We need your assistance in escaping from their foul grasp. Please send assistance posthaste. -Signed Lord Dallin V
Alessandr nodded his head and gave orders to Shobay to send a force out to rescue Dynnisdale as soon as possible. Shobay nodded and replied that she would send out a force as soon as it was prudent. After a moment, Alessander asked her where Quillich had been for the past two days. She sniffed and replied in her husky voice, head bowed, He is in his quarters, M'lord. The man had a mental breakdown but two days past. Alessandr frowned and ordered Shobay to fetch his cousin.
Yesterday, my slightly troubled cousin, through Marshall Shobay's orders, ordered me to comfort Quillich and perhaps restore some sanity to the broken man, because they had heard of the quality of my diplomatic skills. Oh, perhaps I should introduce muyself, I am Low Lord Noveno Highpeak, cousin to the Lord Alessandr. This is my journal you have been reading. All the earlier information came to me from my cousin and several court rumors that have been inauspiciously passing around the grounds. Now to continue... I arrived in Quillich's quarters at the Castle and was trated to the sight of a blubbering mage. I walked over to attempt to comfort the man, but received no response. Then I tried a tactic; I spoke to Quillich about the Northlands as though they still existed. After a few hours, Quillich ceased blubbering and sat intent, listening to my tales of dealings in his lands during my time as Ambassador there several years bygone. Around midnight, Quillich finally spoke. He said but five words, I want to go home. Then stared pleadingly into my eyes for a moment. After breaking the stare, he weakly raised a hand and waved me out. I hesitated for a moment, but eventually left.
Quillich Returns
Now that Quillich has returned to sanity, he has retaken his position as an Ambassador-Advisor to Alessandr, and I have received, as a reward, a position as Consultant to Quillich. Now, of course, this is not a very good position, but I'm not a Marshall Shobay, or even a Dall in prestige. As a Marshall, Procurator, or Spy, I'd likely be more of a liability than an asset... And, of course, I can't stay at home or become an Advisor, since Alessandr can't trust me not to seize the throne. He's been edgy ever since Balthamael and Grigor tried their coup, and that Lady Anastasia incident couldn't have helped him. But, I have no ambitions, I really do. I care less for position than anything. At heart, I'm a farmer, I really am. I was raised by farmers after Alessandr's father executed mine in the Succession War, but I bear no hard feelings, really.
Wedding After
Lord Alessandr's mood has improved considerably since his wedding to Lady Angellika. One could almost say that hew as happy. After fifteen long years spent waiting for each others company, they have finally married. Their love, a love that could have never been before the Barbarian's attacks because of Dallin's lands separating their two kingdoms. Well, now they have finally succeeded, and this time Dallin can't complain.
Today I spoke with Vissier Alabaster, Alessandr's accounts manager. He, after I spent many minutes distracting him from his duties, finally told me some information about how the campaign was progressing. After a few minutes; however, he shooed me away and returned to his desk where he was crafting a plea for assistance against the Haedric Barbarians.from the Eastland Kingdoms,
I've been talking with Marshall Shobay and she's told me that she is annoyed that Alessandr has retired from campaigning for a time. She thinks that his honeymoon has gone on long enough during this time of war. Marshall Dall agrees. And I can't say that Alessandr's dalliances are helping Quillich's nerves. Myself, even I'm getting a bit worried about Fafhnir and that garrison separating his lands from Angellika's, or should I now say, Alessandr and Angellika's. What will that garrison do?
Alessandr Returns
Well, Alessandr's finally come to his senses and resumed campaigining. Angellika isn't that pleased about it, since the usual Royal Honeymoon is supposed to last two months, but she understands the need.
It has been rumored that the reason why Fafhnir has not yet assaulted us is that he is hanging 'traitors' who do not show full support in him. This, in turn, is breeding discontent. Marshall Shobay urges an assault. Lord Alessandr and the Lady say they'll consider i, but hink that it might be best to push into the Northlands while Fafhnir destroys his nation. Marshall Dall sulks about how we will need Fafhnir's fortresses to combat Zarach's seemingly endless supply of forces.
Tales of atrocities drift down dail from the conquered Northlands. Quillich bears it well, but I fear he may soon begin a remission.
Marshall Dall just sent word that he had several of the deserters hung as he had ascertained that htye were spies. Alessandr listened to the words glumly. Angellika tried to comfort him.
Head of Fafhnir
After strong fighting, Fafhnir's head now rests on a stick near Alessandr's Camp's entreance. Alessandr wanted it put in front of his tent, but Angellika objected to the stink.
Quillich is feverish with excitement because, just yesterday he received a note from the Northlands informing him that Lord Zzulush, Lady Callais, their children, and his wife, Tenna are all alive and well, hiding in the Barbaric cliffs with some Crusaders and Royal Griffins.
Since the first incident, Alessandr has politely stayed away from Ezmerelda and made sure to humor his wife as much as possible. Ezmerelda doesn't mind too much as she has ah, *cough*, taken up with me. When could I ever dream of this day! Me, and a beautiful dark haired, full figured Lady... I'm quite proud of myself.
Well yes, that's true. If Alessandr had been paying more attention, he wouldn't have been ambushed. Ezmerelda is right! With the information that Alessandr had, I would have noticed that attack beforehand, although I wouldn't go as far as she suggests and volunteer on that substance to become a Marshall. But, she is persuasive...
I have hereby, at my fiancee' Ezmerelda's urging, petitioned the Lord about a Marshallship for myself. He said that he would hink about it. It is a great success, is it not? And when, that night, I informed Ezmerelda about it, she brightened up, and well... ah... all in all we had a good night!
Today, Defensive Marshall Dall quizzed me on strategy. I suppose I passed. Ezmerelda has been coaching me about tactics as well as other things... And I've watched the Marshall's at work for nearly seventy days. I think I know my stuff. Ezmerelda does too. Oh, when I think of her; those eyes... those beautiful green eyes...
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Посещение Рыцарь:
Lord Alessandr, born in 1169, is the son of Lord Ezarith and Lady Aemilia, who died in childbirth. He has had a troubled ruling period, starting in 1192 with the poisioning of his father and his sister's assumption to the throne. Anastasia, upon assuming the throne imediately accused Alessandr of the horrid deed and forced him to flee with his most trusted Marshall's, Dall and Shobay. For years they fought a guerilla war with Anastasia, seeking to cleanse Alessandr of his alleged sins and put him on the throne instead of his ambitious sister. Then in 1196, after Anastasia ordered many alleged 'supporters' of Alessandr put to death, she was overthrown and killed by the people. Alessandr rode in on a wave of popularity, forgiving his two brothers, Balthamael and Grigor for standing against him. Unbeknownst to him, Grigor and Blathamael secretly began to plan a coup. In 1199, through intelligence gathered from Marshall Dall, Alessandr managed to put down his brother's coup, and after a trial, had his brothers hung.
More forces are joining the army each day. Why, just today a band of ten Monks and twenty Crusaders arrived from the Eastlands.
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Marshall Dall salutes Alessandr as he rides up to the Guardhouse. He then proceeds to explain the uses of the trining facilities and tells Alessandr that if he returns every week, he'll have new recruits. Alessandr nods and thanks the Marshall.
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This grouping of archers hail their Lord, telling him that they have returned from a scouting expedition under Marshall Dall's leadership. Marshall Dall has since returned to the Northern Keep to continue training new recruits.
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Marshall Shobay served under Offensive Marshall Daubin as a Junior Marshall until Alessandr fled Castle Highpeak. Shobay sympathised with Alessandr's cause and rode with a small contingent to help him, joining his Defensive Marshall, Dall. After the defeat of Lady Anastasia, Marshall Dall replaced Marshall Daubin as Lead Offensive Marshall of Highpeak's forces.
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After his city was saved, the Lord, Dallin V comes out to personally thank Alessandr and even pledge fealty for the duration until such a time as the Haedric Barbarians may be repulsed.
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A beautiful, light haired woman in long flowing white robes walks out of the Castle to meet Lord Alessandr. When he see her, Lord Alessandr brightens, dismounts and approaches her, arms outstretched, Angellika. He speaks, sighing. She smiles and the two embrace. Finally, they kiss. After a long time, the two tear away from each other. After a moment, Angellika brushes back her long hair with a quick movement of her hand, then grabs Alessandr's. Come in. The wedding must be tommorrow! She whispers, then drags him into the Castle.
A band of deserters from Fafhnir approached our army earlier today and asked if they could join. Alessandr sent them off to the nearest city.
Ezmerelda, a witch from the Eastlands, recently arrived in Castle Angellika along with an escort of twenty Zealots. Alessandr was delighted with her arrival, whereas, upon seeing her, Angellika at once, and I quote, saw through her tawdry disguise and veneer of wholesomeness. and ran screaming from the reception tent. Ah, Alessandr stared after his weeping wife and gestured towards the tent's exit. Oh, go ahead. Ezmerelda winked, green eyes flashing. Comfort her. Ezmeralda sat, then demurely reahced down into her bodice. I'll just busy myself here. She united the top string of the bodice, her ample breasts growing outward as the restraint was lessened. Ah, excuse me. Alessandr tore his eyes away form her excellent figure, then fled after his wife. As for myself, well, I ah, straightened my collar, coughed and approached the Lady. We exchanged introductions. First, she asked about Alessandr's marital status. I told her and she frowned slightly, I thought so, she muttered, then brightened and asked me about MY marital status. I informed her that I was single. She then gently took my hand and leaned over. Perhaps we can get to know each other better. She suggested, smiling benignly.
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Gem Grove
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Alessandr's scouts report that over 2000 hobgoblins are beseiging Castle Dynnisdale... Suddenly, the hobgoblins notice your army and rush towards you, intent on destruction.
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Herelies the southern tips of the Barbaric Cliffs
Громовая птица
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Kaw! These are our lands! Our nests be here! It is promised from Zarach! Why do you trespass! Kaw!
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A whitehaired old Pikeman steps forwards and informs Alessandr that he and at least 99 others have come from Fafhnir's realm in the South to inform Alessandr of Fafhnir's intention to lead the Alliance. Alessandr snorts- The alliance will crumble if Fafhnir leads, he's not the man his father was. That's just why we decided to join you. One Pikeman, a grizzled veteran declares, laying his sword down before the mounted Lord. Fafhnir cannot rule. He has let the realm rot. You are our only hope. Alessandr nods.
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The Kings Plain
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Alessandr sees the old cracked sign, dating back a few hundred years to the time when the lands were united under one banner, and sadly shakes his head. There has been no kingdom since Darmoth accidentally set the Legions of Hell free... It was a miracle that the one hundred arch-magi of the land were able to construct a magical barrier around the Legions, preventing their spread. Since then, the Kingdom has fallen into disarray, into hundreds of squabbling lands, each with their own petty Lords and Chieftans, instead of one united land. Alessandr thinks on this and broods
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Several Ogre Magi are besieging Castle Angellika. Upon seeing them, Alessandr snarls and rushes to the head of battle.
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Tytan's Pass
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Several Tytan's rush down from the Mountains screaming invectives at Alessandr's force. You Shall not Trespass on Titan Territory!
Корона верховного мага
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So this is what the Tytans were guarding... An amazing looking Crown. Alessandr walks over, picks the Crown up and puts it on, then nods knowingly to his forces and remounts.
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The leader of the Garrison shouts, We support Fafhnir, son of Lallach! You traitors shall not pass!
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An old man tells Marshall Shobay about the gem grove to the south. She thanks him, presses a few coins in his hand, and leads the army on.
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Thunderbirds fly down, ambushing your forces.
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Alessandr comes upon several wolf raiders devouering a body. He hesitates for a moment, unsure whether the battle is worth pursuing.
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Посещение Варвар:
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Quillich informs Alessandr that this is one of the ancient Obelisks, left behind by the ancient Archmagi who, long ago, embarked upon a learning program of 'fusing' knowledge into their students brains, and therefore built several of these obelisks across the continent.
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OUR Obelisk!
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OUR Gold is Sacred. YOU are Unsacred. YOU will Die!
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SOUTH- The Badlands
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Черный дракон
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From out of the cliffs fly ten black dragons, who consider you an intruder on their land and a threat that must be dealt with.
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Alessandr, Angellika, Quillich and the Marshalls examine the blasted lands around. Quillich retches. Alessandr shakes his head and mutters, Zarach must be stopped. Angellika asks Marshall Dall for a sword. He reels backwards with a slightly bemused grin on his face, Do you know how to use it? He asks. Oh, of course, she nods. My Father taught me everything there is to know, but I haven't had any use for it, thus, I ceased practicing a year ago... Then I found this man... She beams at Alessandr who smiles back benevolently. And knew that I would never need to fight... But now I WANT to fight. She grabs for one of Dall's spare swords. Shobay rides up behind Dall and slaps him on the back laughing, then exchanges a wink with Angellika. Alessandr's eyes narrow and he frowns slightly, not amused by the breach of protocol. Shobay laughs, then rejoins her column.
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This Land has been Cursed to remind Northlanders not to resist the power of Emperor Zarach.
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Quillich quivers as the army approaches a pile of vulture-picked corpses. Do not disturb Northland dead. He whimpers. Nonesense, there may be something of value here! Alessander announces and orders a search. Quillich cries. I look glumly at alessandr, too afraid of his wrath to speak. Ezmerelda tsks and lays a hand on my shoulder, then leads me away and whispers, See. Do you want that type of insensitive boor liberating the Northlands? He is no better than Fafhnir. He is no leader. I agree and think on the issue.
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Blast! Zarach's forces have manufactured an ambush!
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These are evil lands, ravaged by war. Alessandr's troops take it as an ill omen.
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Rockslide! Supply caravans lost!
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Another ambush! How can Zarach be so well organized?
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Alessandr's troops have had it. Their morale has suffered greatly because of the series of troubling events. Hopefully, we will soon be freed from this horrible pass.
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Barbaric Path
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Черный дракон
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Tis' our necklace! We created it! We guard it! You shalt not have it!
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A messenger from Fafhnir loudly proclaims that Fafhnir will hereby and heretofore lead the alliance against the Haedric Barbarians and shall therefore be the sole savior of the Northlands. Alessandr sends the messenger away after smacking him on the cheek with his ceremonial sword for insolence, telling the messenger to relay the message to Fafhnir.
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A tall man greets Alessandr as he approaches, Hail Lord Alessandr! The man salutes, then bows. Alessandr acknowledges him and the amn rises. As the man rises, Alessandr arches an eyebrow questioningly. My new Liege Lord, The man begins, gesturing to the lumber mill beyond. All this is yours. Thank you my subject. Alessandr replies. The man strides forward and kisses one of Alessandr's rings. Alessandr draws his hand back in slight distaste. The man frowns and coldly regards his new Liege Lord. I have heard that you were more benevolent, and less haughty than Fafhnir... Is this true? The man asks, suspiciously. Of course it is true! Because- Alessandr trails off and frowns. Then, looking sour, he whaps the side of his horse, turns and rides away.
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Amazingly, Alessandr's force comes upon Lord Zzullush, Lord of the Northlands and his family, along with Quillich's wife, Tenna. Their allies gladly join Alessandr in his crusade to free the Northlands from Barbaric rule.
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A stream of refugee farmers approach Alessandr and ask for safe passage back to Highpeak. Why don't you stay here, is not your nation good enough for you? Marshall Shobay tries to wave them off. However, despite her best efforts, two manage to push through and approach Alessandr. Please! One cries. Our homes were destroyed by Barbarians! We need as safe escort back to safe lands- we need but ten or fifteen Pikemen to frighten raiders. Please- we have lost all that we had. You forgot to fall to your knees. Alessandr glares at the supplicants. You must show proper respect for your savior. I think they may be spies. Marshall Dall rides up, sword held high, an evil glint in his eye. No, Alessandr shakes his head. They are but frightened commoners. Marshall Dall eyes the men with suspicion. Oh, please help! The younger of the two implores. We have come to free your city, After we do as such, you may return to your farms. But, bandits still roam! The yougner cries. Take them away. Alessandr orders Dall. Dall salutes, turns and yells an order back to his column. The two supplicants scream in anger. I watch all this with distaste, shaking my head. They only wanted a little help. I mumble. That they did. Ezmerelda sets a comforting hand on my shoulder. I look over at her. She bears a pained expression on her face. She must truly feel my distress at the farmer's rough treatment. Now I know that I must marry her. We are two of a kind. The last people in this land who truly care about the plight of the common farmer, the common man.
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Yogs Ore- Yog bash you good!
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