Трейнер к игре | Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia |
Ещё называют | Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии |
Вышла на платформах | PC |
Разработчик | New World Computing |
Жанр | Strategy |
Дата выхода | 1999-03-01 |
Хранилище файлов
You have relocated Endor to your new hotspot, however, in the proccess you have lost all your technology except your castle and the Grail - the most important thing. Your goal here is to eliminate all the other lords in the area to ensure the safety of your throne and your people.
Герои 3 - карта Mission 5
26/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of ErathiaОбъекты
- 8, 35 подземелье
Сообщение: Long haired freaky people need not apply.
Случайный ресурс
- 71, 71 подземелье
Сообщение: You have a sneaking suspicion that this resource pile belongs to someone. Will you take it anyway?
Случайный ресурс
- 65, 61 подземелье
Сообщение: You have a sneaking suspicion that this resource pile belongs to someone. Will you take it anyway?
- 4, 21 подземелье
Имя: Endor
Имя: A hot day
Сообщение: Another hot day in the tundra. Whose idea was it to build a castle in the middle of this wasteland? The ocean is at least a two day journey. Most resources are a one day hike. Informants tell you that there is a battle to take over all of the mines of the land between the Clerics and the Demoniacs.
Имя: Prepare for battle
Сообщение: You must take action at once. The unthinkable would happen if your kingdom were to lose control of the land. You prepare for your journey and plan for battles that might lay ahead. As the Mighty Kilgor, king by his own sword, you will cleanse this land from those who would see Krewlod harmed.
Имя: Overthrow thy neighbors
Сообщение: Yes, you say to yourself, An overthrow sounds good right about now.
Имя: Deserted Town
Сообщение: Scouts are saying that there is a town in the lower desert that has been deserted. However it is guarded by dragons. Defeating them will solve you population problems for ever. In addition to this fact, this new Stronghold will provide you with neccissary troops for clearing this land in the name of Krewlod.
- 54, 25 подземелье
Имя: Things are well.
Сообщение: Things are going well at your castle. Your influence has reached the entire land... almost. You are a leader in teaching the people of the land to be at peace with themselves, be one with their surroundings, be that which cannot fade, that which cannot disappear, and be of perfect repose.
Имя: Everything is wonderful.
Сообщение: In your kingdom everything is wonderful. Everything is beautiful. However, the evil leader of Inferno refuses to even acknowledge the very fiber of your existence, let alone your ideals. This is very disturbing to your utopian ways.
Имя: Send a message.
Сообщение: So you decide to send a message to the Inferno leader asking him to consider the ways of the hierarchy or further action will take place. You send the messenger on his way hoping to come to some sort of compromise.
Имя: Claim the mines.
Сообщение: Your advisors inform you that the mines of the land are being claimed by the enemy. You then realize that if all the mines are taken you kingdom will surely fall. Immediately you set out to claim as many mines as you can.
Имя: Reply to message.
Сообщение: A reply from the enemy has come to the kingdom. That horrible evil beast sent back the messenger's head on a pike with a piece of blood stained leather tied to a lock of hair. Scratched onto the piece of leather are the letters W-A-R.
Имя: Grief and Sorrow
Сообщение: Even worse, he sent an artist with the messenger to capture the grief and sorrow of the messenger's family in a horrific painting for his leader. The entire town holds a memorial, lasting three days.
Имя: Pray for the enemy
Сообщение: The town decides to join hands and pray for ways to help those at the Inferno. They come to the conclusion that Inferno is almost beyond hope. You order your advisors to send a Cleric and a dozen rose stems to ease any tensions that might exist.
Имя: The cleric went crazy.
Сообщение: Your advisors inform you that the Cleric ran away from Inferno clawing at his eyes realizing that he has seen the purest of evil. You say to yourself, I'm surprised he lasted that long.
- 40, 11 подземелье
Сообщение: The grass is always greener on the other side.
Океанская бутыль
- 28, 23 подземелье
Сообщение: My Bonnie lies over the ocean...
- 21, 54 подземелье
Сообщение: You didn't believe your scouts, but they were right... four dragons guarding a deserted castle. It's times like this you wish you had a Slayer spell. Wait a second... better find out what that scroll lying in the road just up ahead is.
Свиток с заклинанием
- 22, 53 подземелье
Сообщение: What good fortune! It's a Slayer spell! Whoever dropped it here probably won't mind if you borrow it... will you pick it up?
Страж прохода
- 22, 51 подземелье
Сообщение: This Stronghold is for the one who is worthy to recieve it. Until you have reached level 25 you may not enter it.
- 62, 50 подземелье
Имя: Disco
Имя: Another dull day.
Сообщение: Another dull gray day at the Inferno. And you, the King, just received another threatening message from those goodie goodie faerie loving towns due west. You've had it up to HERE with all these empty threats to overthrow your town. You look at the rather thick stack of messages delivered to you over the weeks and you promptly decide to burn them. Your servant, stopping you from igniting the letters right at your desk, convinces you to burn them in the fire pit. As you are tossing the letters into the fire today's letter catches your attention. So you read it again. As you read the message you realize how serious they are. Reading on it says that they're on their way to burn down your town. The letter does not say when they are arriving but it does say, When you least expect it. Angrily you throw the message into the flames.
Имя: Take control of the mines.
Сообщение: You tell your servants to reply by giving them something they won't forget. You then gather your thoughts and prepare for war. One of your advisors suggests to you that if you take control of all the mines the enemy will lose all of their resources in a very short time. A splendid idea.
Имя: One less messenger
Сообщение: Your reply, the messenger's head on a pike, was not well received by your enemy. Lucky for you the gift lasted the journey. Unlucky for them to now have one less messenger.
Имя: Kill thy neighbors!
Сообщение: However, you're in this for blood, not resources. Kill thy neighbors! you shout. We'll kill them all, take their castles, and then we'll take all the mines! You pause and add, Whichever comes first.
Имя: Picture
Сообщение: You did send an artist along to capture the grief and sorrow of the messenger's family. He returned with a beautiful painting that now hangs in your study.
Имя: The enemy prays for you.
Сообщение: Disgusted by your revolting and heinous actions the enemy troops gather for prayer and come to the conclusion that you are beyond help. They send you a bouquet of rose stems and a Cleric to help you through the tough times you've been having.
Имя: The cleric runs away.
Сообщение: The Cleric runs away clawing at his eyes realizing that he has seen the purest of evil. You say to yourself, It's about time that fat bulbous rambling mass got out of my hair... as if I had any.
Океанская бутыль
- 70, 1 подземелье
Сообщение: In days of old when knights were bold and toilets weren't invented, they laid their loads beside the road and walked away contented.
- 54, 66 подземелье
Имя: Devil Cauldron
Страж прохода
- 31, 4 подземелье
Сообщение: To enter this Castle you must achieve experience level 15.
- 5, 28 подземелье
Сообщение: To your right and left lay two sawmills, one without guardians, one with a light guard. Delightful! You say to yourself.
- 16, 54 подземелье
Сообщение: This little fort has just been built and the workers are resting around it and on the walls. They welcome you and invite you to come inside and better train and equip your troops.
- 12, 39 подземелье
Сообщение: To your east there lies a magnificent sword you are unable to identify. Unfortunately, you must fight for it.
- 14, 40 подземелье
Сообщение: If you are reading this, quit wasting your time!
- 11, 45 подземелье
Сообщение: Whoa! This area is crawling with all sorts of creatures! There are a few mines and several Goblin Barracks and Orc Towers here. Although dry and barren, this land is swarming with creatures!
- 14, 31 подземелье
Сообщение: From the mountains comes a hail of rocks bigger than a Behemoth's head! As you assume battle formation, you spot your assailants -- a horde of Cyclops Kings. These sudden attacks are good for your battle practice.
- 15, 30 подземелье
Сообщение: Standing in the middle of the pass are lots of Cyclopes who are too stupid to do anything but blink their one big eye at you and say you are in their mountain.
- 12, 32 подземелье
Сообщение: This is said to be a very dangerous mountain pass, rumored to be inhabited by Cyclopes.
- 17, 28 подземелье
Сообщение: The locals say entering this pass is to die by the hand of some one-eyed monsters.
- 16, 29 подземелье
Сообщение: So much for Cyclopes! These Behemoths mean business!
- 63, 52 подземелье
Сообщение: Have a happy day!
- 62, 51 подземелье
Сообщение: You stand in front of the Disco Inferno, home of the Screamin' Demons. Idiots! You say to no one in particular.
- 56, 69 подземелье
Сообщение: Devil's Cauldron? HA! They will all DIE!
- 22, 42 подземелье
Сообщение: Now you've seen it all. Before your eyes lies, like an oasis in the desert, stands a Magic Forest! I suppose I can use these odd dragons to my benefit, you mumble to yourself.
- 47, 70 подземелье
Сообщение: These Devils sure make a mess of where they live!
- 8, 33 подземелье
Сообщение: This Behemoth Lair has some particularly filthy inhabitants.
Шлем Божественного Просвещения
- 5, 38 подземелье
Сообщение: Centered around this helm is a field of intense magical energy. It has seemingly endoed the very ground with power.
- 9, 42 подземелье
Сообщение: These Behemoths sure are messy creatures!
- 11, 31 подземелье
Сообщение: From the hills Rocs swoop down and attack your army!
- 46, 51 подземелье
Сообщение: As you step onto the black volcanic rock you wonder what awaits you in this land of destruction.
- 37, 57 подземелье
Сообщение: Judging from the death that seemingly overflows through this portal, this must be the way to the Necromancer's realm.
Страж прохода
- 0, 18 подземелье
Сообщение: I can't tell you why, but here lie the components to the Vial of Lifeblood and if you want them you will need to bring me 1 Faerie Dragon.
Страж прохода
- 3, 46 подземелье
Сообщение: The wizard agrees to let you by in exchange for the Vial of Dragon Blood. Do wish to pass at this time? By the way, make sure all your Misc. Slots are open.
- 12, 54 суша
Сообщение: You find yourself in a place that looks like it has never seen life. Quickly, you look around. It's very quiet. There is a very stale musty odor in the air. You get a sinking feeling in your stomach as you notice all of the skeletons lying on the ground.
- 13, 56 суша
Сообщение: Don't plan on leaving... alive.
- 12, 57 суша
Сообщение: I've been down here for weeks it seems. I thought I would die here. There are three roads here. The clue to finding the Grail is at the end of one of these roads. Choose correctly and the clue is yours. Choose incorrectly and... words can't say the pain you'll go through.
- 24, 46 суша
Сообщение: To proceed any further would indeed result in certain death.
- 15, 44 суша
Сообщение: May the Almighty have mercy on the souls that go beyond this sign.
- 27, 53 суша
Сообщение: Turn back now!
- 12, 58 суша
Сообщение: Speaking of death, the Necromancers have a castle down here but the way to them is from above.
- 65, 24 суша
Имя: Death's Gate
- 48, 40 суша
Сообщение: Beware the living!
- 47, 45 суша
Имя: Morlund
Страж прохода
- 65, 26 суша
Сообщение: You are not allowed past this point until you have achieved the experience level 15.
- 65, 25 суша
Сообщение: You stand before Death's Gate, contemplating the undead horrors that may await you inside. In any case, it is neccissary for you to capture this citadel.
- 51, 36 суша
Сообщение: In disgust you realize the smell of rotting flesh is seeping into your very pores. You'll have to get used to it if possible.
- 47, 46 суша
Сообщение: This Necropolis bears the name Morlund from a great Necromancer famed for his ability, without artifacts, to resurect every single one of his victims. He was not only able to turn them into skeletons, he was able to resurect slain dragons as Bone Dragons, and Magi and Arch Magi as Liches!
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