Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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It's a two-on-two battle of Might vs. Magic full of surprises and hidden areas! Guaranteed to keep you on your toes, and remember - he who snoozes loses, so keep moving and explore as fast as possible! (Red & Blue vs. Tan & Green) [Written by Aaron Ramsey]
They say that somewhere in the ocean, three different ships were destroyed on the reefs while the Sirens drew them in. If you insist on visiting the Sirens, be sure to be wary of the reefs!
Hidden Castle?
I've heard that if you manage to find a hidden gate to the underworld, that in the core of the planet is a powerful castle, surrounded by fire. All who enter the castle never come out.
Welcome! In this land, two sets of nations are warring: the magical side, and the warrior side. Both sides are connected by a narrow strip of land filled with valuable sites and objects.
You have heard rumors about one or more magical islands located around the world, each island containing resources, artifacts, and possibly items that may be valuable to one side or another! Seek out these islands at all costs, but keep in mind, when you go out, the enemies can go in to your base!
59, 13 подземелье
39, 17 подземелье
Топор кентавра
30, 10 подземелье
You stop to pick up the discarded axe, but lots of Centaurs approach you from behind and demand that you leave their axe where it is or you will suffer the consequences. Do you stay behind to defend your new axe?
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
48, 12 подземелье
You spy a neglected sword lying alongside the base of the mountain. You walk over to pick it up, but the sword's owner - the Dead Knight - appears and demands that you leave his treasure in peace. Do you fight for possession of the sword?
Щит королей гномов
30, 24 подземелье
You bend down to pick up the lone shield when a throng of Dwarves approach you and demand that you put down their sacred shield. They say they are willing to give you the shield as a gift if you can prove to them that you are qualified to use it. Will you accept the Dwarves' challenge to fight?
Кольцо странника
48, 21 подземелье
You attempt to pick up the Ring of the Wayfarer, but just as you do, lots of Gorgons rush out from hiding, preparing to charge you. Do you fight the Gorgons?
Щит дракона
59, 6 подземелье
As you try to pick up the Dragon Scale Shield, two Green Dragons fly down from high in the mountains and block your path, not allowing you to take their treasure. Do you wish to fight your way past the dragons?
Огненный язык красного дракона
66, 9 подземелье
As you attempt to pick up the fabled Red Dragon Flame Tongue, the also-fabled Red Dragon Guardian leaps down from his high perch in the mountains and blocks your path. Apparently, if you want the Flame Tongue, you're going to need to get through this dragon first! Do you fight the dragon?
Клевер Фортуны
71, 13 подземелье
As you casually bend down and try to pick up the four-leaf clover, you see hundreds upon hundreds of Gremlins march out of a mountain cave, coming straight for you. Apparently, the Gremlins do not like people taking clovers from their sacred garden! Do you fight the Gremlins?
Ожерелье скорости
58, 18 подземелье
As you attempt to pick up the necklace, you hear a voice in the wind. You may not have the necklace. We are meant to guard it from undeserving souls like you! If you want it, prove your worth. If you can see us, you can fight us! Do you wish to fight the Air Elementals?
8, 46 подземелье
Eagle's Nest
33, 62 подземелье
Шлем адской бури
15, 43 подземелье
You hear sound of troop movement coming your way! Unable to find a hiding spot, you stand in front of the helmet, hoping that these creatures won't notice it. The sound is coming from a troop of assorted Castle soldiers, patrolling the area. They see you and give chase. Do you stay to fight?
Волшебная сфера маны
11, 40 подземелье
As you attempt to pick up the Orb of Mana, you hear some Ogre Magi coming your way! You duck for cover and see that the Ogre Magi own the orb, and they left it behind when they left from here earlier this week. The ogres see you and challenge you to a fight for it. Do you accept?
Накидка заклинателя
2, 43 подземелье
As you approach the Cape of Conjuring, the apparent owner of the cape, an Arch Mage, appears along with his many Mages-in-training students. He offers you his cape, seeing as he already has another one, if you agree to help him in training his students in a real-life combat situation. Do you agree?
Сфера буйного пламени
41, 55 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of fire, you hear the divine voice of lots of Fire Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control fire magic, you must first prove you know the powers of fire magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Fire Elementals?
Кулон смерти
41, 66 подземелье
You see a Black Knight approach you, along with lots of Skeleton Warriors. The Knight introduces himself as Argon, a once-powerful Death Knight during his life who is sentenced to roam these mountains endlessly. He offers you the pendant if you agree to put his army and himself to rest. Will you?
Книга магии Огня
41, 56 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of fire, you hear the divine voice of lots of Fire Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control fire magic, you must first prove you know the powers of fire magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Fire Elementals?
51, 41 подземелье
Lakeland Swamp - Keep Out!
Башмаки полярности
54, 22 подземелье
As you try to pick up the boots, you feel an icy hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you see an unholy army of the undead, apparently sent by your enemies to stop you from picking up this tide-turning artifact! They look very deadly! Will you fight the army for the artifact?
Сфера подавления
69, 63 подземелье
You approach the Orb of Inhibition, but it it heavily guarded by six dragons, all of different types! It appears that you will have to fight your way past these dragons to get the orb. Will you fight the dragons?
Туника короля циклопов
3, 47 подземелье
As you approach the Tunic, you see a Cyclops King and a few Cyclopes appear in front of you with a flash. They offer it to you - on one condition - if you entertain them for a while in combat. Do you accept?
54, 64 подземелье
Ah! You have found a volcanic island! Finally, somewhere to explore and get your land legs back! Your entire troop is very overjoyed to find land.
49, 50 подземелье
What a grim sight! You seem to have found one of the wrecks of the ships you have been hearing about in the Taverns back home. You hope that the same fate does not befall your ship. As you sail towards the wreckage, your crew stops all talking and looks on in horror.
48, 50 подземелье
What a grim sight! You seem to have found one of the wrecks of the ships you have been hearing about in the Taverns back home. You hope that the same fate does not befall your ship. As you sail towards the wreckage, your crew stops all talking and looks on in horror.
47, 50 подземелье
What a grim sight! You seem to have found one of the wrecks of the ships you have been hearing about in the Taverns back home. You hope that the same fate does not befall your ship. As you sail towards the wreckage, your crew stops all talking and looks on in horror.
46, 50 подземелье
What a grim sight! You seem to have found one of the wrecks of the ships you have been hearing about in the Taverns back home. You hope that the same fate does not befall your ship. As you sail towards the wreckage, your crew stops all talking and looks on in horror.
45, 50 подземелье
What a grim sight! You seem to have found one of the wrecks of the ships you have been hearing about in the Taverns back home. You hope that the same fate does not befall your ship. As you sail towards the wreckage, your crew stops all talking and looks on in horror.
16, 66 подземелье
Ah! You have found a volcanic island! Finally, somewhere to explore and get your land legs back! Your entire troop is very overjoyed to find land.
Сфера тверди земной
38, 54 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of earth, you hear the divine voice of lots of Earth Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control earth magic, you must first prove you know the powers of earth magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Earth Elementals?
Книга магии Земли
39, 54 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of earth, you hear the divine voice of lots of Earth Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control earth magic, you must first prove you know the powers of earth magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Earth Elementals?
Сфера небесного свода
10, 48 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of air, you hear the divine voice of lots of Air Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control air magic, you must first prove you know the powers of air magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Air Elementals?
Книга магии Воздуха
9, 48 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of air, you hear the divine voice of lots of Air Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control air magic, you must first prove you know the powers of air magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Air Elementals?
Книга магии Воды
5, 54 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of water, you hear the divine voice of lots of Water Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control water magic, you must first prove you know the powers of water magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Water Elementals?
Сфера проливного дождя
4, 54 подземелье
As you approach the orb and spellbook of water, you hear the divine voice of lots of Water Elementals speaking to you. If you wish to control water magic, you must first prove you know the powers of water magic. You must beat us in combat. Do you fight the Water Elementals?
36, 28 суша
44, 33 суша
Welcome to the Underworld, Hades. Please present your ticket or you will not be permitted to enter.
31, 16 суша
Welcome to the Underworld, Hades. Please present your ticket or you will not be permitted to enter.
35, 36 суша
Hades' Palace - Keep out!
23, 27 суша
Along the path, you see a lonely spirit. He approaches you and says, If you plan to meet Hades, you should properly equip yourself with the appropriate equipment. Along this path to the palace are a few items that will help you on your way. Good luck! His words make you feel a little better.
36, 30 суша
As you gaze up at the towering palace, fear strikes your heart as you realize that you are about to meet the Devil himself.
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