Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Made by: SuicidalScourge This map is a huge 4-way FFA. There are plenty of seers huts to keep you busy, and custom rumors & events to keep you interested. It'll take a while to beat, but to get a true feel for the map, play it from all four sides. It is not rigged!
Beware the Pandoras Boxes, hostile creatures are often found inside.
Seer's Huts
The Seers may seem demanding, but their rewards are always worth the effort.
I've heard that the Enchanters North of the two central subterranean gates have a price on their heads.
Dimension Doors
The one-way and two-way dimension doors save time in traveling long distances.
A Titan could Kick a Black Dragon's ass any day of the week! Titans are 100% superior to Black Dragons!
Though the Prisons and Jails are often guarded by those who have imprisoned the hero, fighting them and freeing the hero held captive always proves to be a beneficial endeavor.
Scholars often teach what they have just learned. Pay attention to one's surroundings to see what one might teach you.
New Dragons
Do not fear the new Dragons. They aren't as strong as everyone says.
Beware the Necromancers - This land contains enough creatures to feed their Skeleton hordes almost indefinitely!
Do not become comfortable with the land you have conquered. The enemy is getting closer all the time.
The Tavern Keep Knows
I've seen enough experienced heroes come through here to know a thing or two about this area. And I'd be happy to tell you the information... as I get it.
If you are somehow warned, take that warning to heart. Do not ignore a omen, it is there for a reason.
With a large gold income, your armies might be larger. Without it, you'll be struggling to keep up with your enemies.
Ящик Пандоры
62, 56 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Хижина предсказателя
45, 58 подземелье
Enchanters are menacing the central region of this land. If you could be so bold as to defeat them, I would reward you richly.
73, 61 подземелье
What? That old fool thinks he can find someone to defeat us? Muahaha! We will shoot you down where you stand!
Ящик Пандоры
116, 63 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Хижина предсказателя
11, 70 подземелье
I own several properties throughout this land, and a tornado has recently destroyed one of my farms. All of my slaves and slave drivers either escaped or were killed. If you could replace them, then I would be happy to reward your efforts.
7, 72 подземелье
We are holding Gelu, and you will not rescue him!
8, 72 подземелье
You see in the distance a swarm of castle creatures guarding a jail. Advancing without a large army would surely mean defeat.
Ящик Пандоры
58, 98 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Ящик Пандоры
20, 93 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Ящик Пандоры
49, 103 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
70, 107 подземелье
The Sorcerer
Once a respected advisor for a powerful king, the man known only as The Sorcerer faked his own assassination to get away from his king's overbearing guards. His whereabouts have since been a mystery, but every so often a small amount of money disappears from the king's treasury.
Хижина предсказателя
77, 117 подземелье
I know a certain barbarian army that is preparing to assault a tower town. Barbarian Bryus is worried that the defending Wizard Pewtras will use lightning to weaken his forces before moving in with his nagas and genies. He seeks a way to get around this setback, and if you would help Bryus, I'm sure he'd pay me -- that is, uh, -- us handsomely. The Pendant of Negativity is the answer, so bring it here quickly. The attack can't wait much longer!
138, 84 подземелье
A large army will be needed to defeat the forces guardig the prison. Even at this distance, you can tell the opposition is undead, and quite formidable.
138, 85 подземелье
We are holding Dracon, and you will not rescue him!
114, 60 подземелье
The Dragon
The Dragon is a red dragon intelligent enough to mount a horse and lead an army of his own. Unfortunately, his jealous rival heroes have trapped him in jail along with his army. The Dragon has a unique relationship with all other dragons under his command, giving them increased strength in battle.
Хижина предсказателя
41, 141 подземелье
My pet Farie Dragon, Missy, has recently fallen ill. The doctor told me it was a problem with her blood, a type of deficiency. I know of a vial of healthy dragon's blood somewhere in this land. If I were to find it, I might be able cure Missy. Unfortunately I am stuck here, caring for her. If you could somehow find it for me, I would give you my eternal gratitude, and whatever I could find to pay you.
57, 143 подземелье
As you approach the Elemental Conflux, an enemy army suddenly appears. The leader, an Earth Elemental, tells you that they are here because they refused to join that Conflux town. This corner of the forest is theirs alone, he tells you, and you have intruded upon it.
Хижина предсказателя
135, 39 подземелье
I am studying to become a Warlock. I have already began my training, and it seems as though all of these spells require mercury. To become a level 1 Warlock, I will need 45 mercury! If you help me, I'd be willing to convince some of the local Troglodites to train you & your troops for underground battle. Think of the knowledge you would gain!
Ящик Пандоры
89, 117 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Хижина предсказателя
100, 142 подземелье
I am a biographer of great heroes. I'd really like to meet a well-rounded hero who has mastered Attack Skill 10, Defense Skill 10, Spell Power 10 and Knowledge 10. I'd pay well for his story.
95, 2 подземелье
Green Zombie
The Green Zombie was banished to a small island in the north after his failed attack on a tower town against the unbeatable Halon. Several Black Knigts were also spared and sent to the island with him, and they have been training within the confines of the prison since. His only goal now is to get his revenge on the Green Genie (as he calls him), Halon.
97, 7 подземелье
As your scouts peer around the corner, they see an Altar of Wishes and a prison. It looks like a Wizard has set up a defense to guard whoever is in that prison. A large amount of Tower troops guard the pass ahead. A strong, experienced army will be needed to advance. Otherwise, defeat is imminent.
96, 5 подземелье
The Great Halon has sent us here to guard this prison. His instructions were to not let ANYONE pass, and that means YOU. By violating Halon's wishes and trespassing on this island, we must kill you.
132, 1 подземелье
As you approach the Badge of Courage and its guardians, some Pixies surround you and give you luck for the coming battle.
Хижина предсказателя
130, 4 подземелье
I have a serious crisis involving my wife and child. She wants to name him Greol, but I want his name to be Gargutua. To solve this arguement, we would like a hero with enough knowledge to choose the better name. If you were to gain this knowledge and help us, we would greatly appreciate it.
Ящик Пандоры
107, 5 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Ящик Пандоры
98, 140 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
127, 115 подземелье
Ignoring his warning, you go on. The earth continues to tremor as many more like him rise up, and organize themselves into squadrons. They moan in unison, Turn back... Danger lies ahead... Turn back... Danger lies ahead... Turn back... Danger lies ahead..., and you attack them, not frightened by them at all.
127, 116 подземелье
You come across a cursed corpse, lying dead in a ditch. It suddenly springs to life, warning you of the danger ahead. You laugh. You aren't afraid of a Zombie, or anything he has to say. You have one of your troops slay him quickly and without mercy. When he hits the ground, the earth begins to shake. You suddenly think his warning might have merit.
127, 113 подземелье
Unfortunatly, the cries of the undead were true. Sad as it is, a swarm of undead creatures have appeared to protect their home. You should have turned back.
Страж задания
41, 23 подземелье
The guard post here claims to be looking out for you, and says that you cannot pass until you achieve a Defense Skill of 6. After that, he feels that you'll be able to handle going past, and able to sufficiently defend yourself.
Ящик Пандоры
51, 16 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
49, 27 подземелье
Amongst the flowers and sparkling ground, you see a Pixie with a broken wing. A few of your troops also see this, and comence to torment the poor thing. Before you can stop them, a small army appears to save the Pixie.
Хижина предсказателя
51, 31 подземелье
An archery contest is coming up, and I aim to win it. I myself am a horrible shot, but if you could get me 5 sharpshooters, they could train me to shoot with the best of them. I would be able to pay you well. Whadda ya say? Will you help me out?
Ящик Пандоры
81, 32 подземелье
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Хижина предсказателя
84, 42 подземелье
There are powerful creatures guarding the sawmill northwest of here, in the snow. If you would be so kind as to rid the world of their presence, the sawmill could begin to operate again, and produce wood for whoever controls it. The only way to reach it is by water, and I believe there is a shipyard just over those mountains. You see, the owner of the sawmill is my brother, and he always gives me a piece of the profits...
58, 1 подземелье
Blaze was once a respectabe witch, who specialized in fire magic. However, her passion for fire drew away from her friends and allies. While under the command of King Krell, a powerful Beastmaster, she mysteriously disappeared, only to be found several weeks later living at an altar of fire. For deserting her king, she was set on fire and banished to the north to live out her days in a prison. The cold prevented her from using her fire magic to escape, and the guards would have stopped her even then.
59, 2 подземелье
The Lizard Warrior screams, I told you to turn back! You musssst not reach the prisssson!. They attack head on, the Lizard Warroir leading them all.You still think it is odd that a creature would lead such a large attack force.
60, 3 подземелье
Your scouts ahead report that the prison is guarded by a strong force of fortress troops. One scout brings a Lizard Warrior with him, seemingly their leader. The Lizard Warrion tell you, in his hissing voice, that Blaze is being held here, and she is not to be released by orders of King Krell. He tells you to turn back, then returns to his army.You think to yourself, Why wouldn't a hero be in charge here? That must be a pretty skilled Lizard Warrior.
131, 47 подземелье
The Dragon is imprisoned near the end of this river.
112, 126 подземелье
The two-way dimension doors connect the four kingdoms.
130, 10 подземелье
The Seer's Hut quests are worth completing.
23, 19 подземелье
Beware of Pandora's Boxes. They are often guarded.
53, 113 подземелье
The Sorcerer is being held east of here.
30, 132 подземелье
The gates to the underground can be found in the central regions of this land.
63, 6 подземелье
Beware this dimension door. It will take you to a far away place.
6, 132 подземелье
The Demons look at you with scorn, ready for a good battle. Their confidence shakes the morale of your troops, afraid of what tricks the Demons might pull.
113, 138 подземелье
A stray arrow from the Sharpshooters ahead suprises you. It lands harmlessly in front of your horse. You think to yourself, how good can these shooters be? Your troops also saw the arrow, and their morale rises substantially.
42, 72 подземелье
As you ride toward the crystal cavern, a band of theives ambush your troops. They get away with some of your money, so you chase them for while. Finally, the back end of the raiding party stop to face you, allowing thier friends to get away with your gold.
65, 82 подземелье
The Psycic Elementals give you an odd look as you approach, after which you have the sudden urge to turn around and not attack them. You snap out of it, angry that they would try to influence you like that, and with a reason to show them no mercy.
85, 86 подземелье
The Scholar in the distance seems to be waving his arms at you. Before you realize why, a fairly large meteor lands not two feet from you. This event shakes you up, and you decide to talk to him.
Хижина предсказателя
110, 89 подземелье
I have always wanted to go to Enroth, but no ship will take me. If I was to convince them that I was an ambassador, they might let me go. If you would please find the Ambassador's Sash for me, I would happily take you along. Or, if you bound to a leader here, I would be willing to reward your efforts with some gold.
7, 18 подземелье
You leave your main castle, only to see several Demons and Pit Fiends loitering on the side of the road. They seem to be arguing about something. When they see you, however, thier faces light up. They approach your horse and say, Excuse me, sir, but we would be very pleased if you would be willing to rid the land of those annoying Sprites not far from here. We would do so ourselves, except thier numbers are much too high for the few of us. Please let us join you, so that we may eventually see them in combat.
18, 26 подземелье
The Sprites assemble into a battle formation. The lead Sprite yells, I can't believe that you would listen to those evil creatures! Don't you realize that they just want to save their leader and friends? You deserve what's coming!
72, 63 подземелье
The Enchanters in the distance eye you suspiciuosly. In the back of you mind, you know there's somebody wanting them dead.
20, 115 подземелье
If you enter the dimansion door, you won't be getting back anytime soon.
113, 30 подземелье
The Green Zombie is being held north of here. Please leave him be. - Halon the Wizard
71, 27 подземелье
A band of Rogues lay in the bushes, waiting for the right opportunity to attack. You spot them first, and make an attack on THEM.
42, 7 подземелье
As you walk along the slippery ice and snow, your horse loses its footing, causing you to fly off into a small snow bank. Your troops see this, and laugh themselves silly. You'll have to remember to be more careful next time.
45, 54 подземелье
Follow this road to a subterranean gate.
101, 64 подземелье
Follow this road to a subterranean gate.
49, 130 подземелье
The clanking of swords and shields are audible from even this distance. You note to yourself that you could show them a thing or two, given the chance. Such loud noises are a sign of soldiers in training, or poorly skilled ones. An experienced warrior goes for the kill, not a fancy show.
34, 56 подземелье
Just as you note the high heat to yourself, a band of Fire Elementals appear. Talk about making an uncomfortable situation unbearable. You attack, just wanting to cool off.
77, 40 подземелье
A group of Elves appear, looking like they aim to rob you. Instead, they offer to join your cause, wanting to join the armies of the (obviously) best player.
26, 129 подземелье
The gem pond looks marvelous from this distance, not to mention all of the loose items about to be picked up. The Scholar in the distance beckons for you to come closer. He seemingly has something to teach you. The beautiful pond even gets to your troops, who feel uplifted by the sight.
71, 4 подземелье
As you approach the sawmill in the bitter cold, you think to yourself, Doesn't a seer want something to do with this?
31, 86 подземелье
The Liches taunt you from a distance. You'll never get past our clouds of death!, they shout. Your army takes this to heart, dispite your assurances.
Хижина предсказателя
69, 83 подземелье
Hello! Welcome to my humble home! At last, a hero who can help me has arrived! You see, my son has fallen ill with some kind of disease. I found him, keeled over, near the crypt not far south of here. I told him not to go near that place, but he didn't listen to me. He had a run-in with a zombie, and although he managed to kill it, he was left in terrible condition. If you could bring me the Vial of Lifeblood, I might be able to cure him before he... Well, just bring it to me. I am desperate!
127, 57 подземелье
The river winds around yet another bend. You feel like you're on a roller coaster with all of these meandering turns. As if on cue, a large group of water elementals appear, angry that you would ever think poorly of their river.
121, 92 подземелье
The road looks pretty well traveled, you think to yourself. I wonder how many people have been through here? Then, suddenly, you notice a bush shift out of the corner of your eye. Nomads ambush you, but at least you saw it coming.
89, 98 подземелье
The swamp continues to annoy you, with all of its obstacles and bugs. some flies are hovering around you, looking for a meal, no doubt. Tired of everything, you attack the flies, just wanting to be rid of them.
26, 38 подземелье
Walking through the mountain pass, a large group of goats run down the mountains to attack you. You have never seen this many goats before, or met any in combat. so you think it best to move along quickly, and leave them behind. Discretion is the better part of valor, after all.
104, 55 суша
Place of Refuge
Ящик Пандоры
11, 28 суша
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Хижина предсказателя
15, 38 суша
I have a few creatures to give away, but I refuse to trust them with just anybody. Once someone has shown me their responsibility by reaching experience level 20, I'd be satisfied with thier level of responsibility. Achieve experience level 20, and come back.
9, 35 суша
The snakes in the distant Medusa Stores hiss in your direction. You ignore them, but notice a strange green tint to the air anyhow.
12, 32 суша
Troglodyte Crossing
15, 32 суша
An army of troglodytes walk by, blocking your path. There are so many that you decide to leave them alone, and wait for the swarms of them to cross the tunnel.
86, 49 суша
As you unsuspectingly step over a small puddle of lava, a hand grabs you and pulls you toward it. You are quick to react and cut off the mysterious arm, only to see many other puddles appear. You realize that you have somehow upset some Magma Elementals. Before you have a chance to think, they rise up out of the lava pools and attack.
Ящик Пандоры
77, 83 суша
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
Ящик Пандоры
38, 78 суша
You find a Pandora's Box, and remember the fable and other warnings surrounding it.
60, 81 суша
Artank grew up in the tunnels underground as a kid, and became friends with the troglodites living there. Since then he has trained to become an Overlord, his troglodite companions helping him along the way. His battlefield tactics and sense of strategy have brought him far, until losing an arm-wrestling match with a minotaur landed him in debt and eventually jail. Even so, his troglodites stuck with him, waiting for his release.
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