Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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A good 1v1 Battle for you to play against the computer or a friend. Even if you know the map by heart, it is still fun to play, and determain who the real champion is...
Dear sir, you may be able to construct this fine legions body, but never will you take his head, sir, never, for when his head is touched, he will resurect with a rage that will overcome you. . .so, do you dare disturb the guardian?
Торс Легионера
32, 7 суша
Dear sir, you may be able to construct this fine legions body, but never will you take his chest, sir, never, for when his chest is touched, he will resurect with a rage that will overcome you. . .so, do you dare disturb the guardian?
Поясница Легионера
32, 8 суша
Dear sir, you may be able to construct this fine legions body, but never will you take his legs, sir, never, for when his legs are touched, he will resurect with a rage that will overcome you. . .so, do you dare disturb the guardian?
Руки Легионера
33, 7 суша
Dear sir, you may be able to construct this fine legions body, but never will you take his arms, sir, never, for when his arms is touched, he will resurect with a rage that will overcome you. . .so, do you dare disturb the guardian?
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