Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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It's about time you stood up for yourself. For years you've settled for living in the Underworld while Lord Jim and his tribe of witches have gotten free reign of the world above. Take back his mines, and then take Jim himself!
Lord Jim has his own personal portal to your underground prison. Find his castle, and you might be able to make a surprise attack on one of your opponents!
allies (of Jim)
Jim's witches still fight for him. They will be formidable opponents.
r: underground
Controlling Jim's Mines is key to getting an early advantage.
liths: underground
Each of the underground prisons is also connected by an underground passage.
r: ocean
The sea holds many treasures.
mapmaker credits -
Lord Jim (Allies) update v1.1 by David Page (Original version and concept by Timothy Duncan)
history 1: Your homeland
Many years ago, you and three other factions ruled this territory. It was mostly swamp, but it was loved nonetheless. You fought over the land constantly.
History 1.5
Out of the confusion arose a Warlord who simply called himself Lord Jim.
history 2: Jim
While you were fighting, Lord Jim payed visits to the witches and lords of the swamp. He earned their allegiance through gross promises. For months he layed low, waiting for the moment to strike. That moment came when scouts of his discovered the Grail.
history 3: Overthrow & the grail
Weakened by years of fighting, you couldn't mount a defense against his attack. He tore apart everyone's armies. Crowning himself King, he built a great stronghold to house his grail. He then banished you each to a small but cozy prison in the underworld.
history 4: the mines
In the ten years since, Lord Jim has grown lazy with his power. His entire base of resources, a vast pit of wealth underground, now lies virtually unguarded. His armies are strong but his leaders uninspired. He has nearly forgotten you!
history 5: How to defeat Jim
The path to Lord Jim's mines are open. Capture them to build a capitol to challenge Jim and his grail. Should you oust him, you will effectively be the boss. Tread carefully, however, for your old enemies see the opportunity as well.
37, 31 подземелье
Посещение Варвар:
57, 37 подземелье
This map made by Timothy Duncan. Send commends to [email protected].
35, 37 подземелье
Portal to East - Lord Jim's Resource Mines Portal North - To the Homes of those Pathetic Underworlders
61, 6 подземелье
Ahhh, the smell of fresh air in your lungs. For too long you've been squashed underground like a mole. This is your true calling. Your old home is nothing but a small town now, but in time it will be large. Lord Jim lives in the swamps, but go slowly. Surprise is everything.
59, 65 подземелье
Ahhh, the smell of fresh air in your lungs. For too long you've been squashed underground like a mole. This is your true calling. Your old home is nothing but a small town now, but in time it will be large. Lord Jim lives in the swamps, but go slowly. Surprise is everything.
37, 32 подземелье
Lord Jim's castle! Over the walls, you can see the jagged top of his Grail. It will give him almost divine strength. Be sure you have an army capable of countering his advantage. Take this castle, and your war will effectively be won.
5, 54 подземелье
Ahhh, the smell of fresh air in your lungs. For too long you've been squashed underground like a mole. This is your true calling. Your old home is nothing but a small town now, but in time it will be large. Lord Jim lives in the swamps, but go slowly. Surprise is everything.
13, 7 подземелье
Ahhh, the smell of fresh air in your lungs. For too long you've been squashed underground like a mole. This is your true calling. Your old home is nothing but a small town now, but in time it will be large. Lord Jim lives in the swamps, but go slowly. Surprise is everything.
North - Portal to the Resource Mines. NOTE
65, 67 суша
South - Portal to the Resource Mines. NOTE
14, 68 суша
South - Portal to the Resource Mines. NOTE
68, 7 суша
North - Portal to the Resource Mines. NOTE
36, 39 суша
Mercury and Sulfur - South Crystal and Gems - North
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