It was long time ago. The Emperor Kammillius, famous for his extraordinary bravity and unprecedented war skill, ordered to the Druid Batt to erect a statue of him. The statue turned out to be a magic one. Since then Kammillius forgot about the lack of troops. He became really invincible.
History 2
The statue was called Legion for its magic peculiarity. On the battle-field Kammillius was the strongest one. But nothing could protect him from spies. The magic statue was stolen and broken into 5 pieces. For many years nobody knew anything about it. Nobody, except Druid Batt.
History 3
But he was already quite old and didn't have much physical force and magic power to return the statue. And he found you - a student of MAGIC ACADEMY, and decided that you were quite the right man to be engaged in search for it. Of course, you are not the only one!
History 4
Four other young magi work day and night long. Each one looks for one piece of Legion. So, your task is to get into possession of the Head of Legion which is guarded by your enemy and to return it home where it must belong. Your old teacher Batt will help you.
Direction 1
Old Batt lives to the West in the desert near the oasis.
Direction 2
Old Batt lives to the South, near the oasis.
Direction 3
Old Batt lives to the North-West near the small lake.
Direction 4
Old Batt lives to the West on the beach.
Find 1
Knight Brekht has found the Joints of Legion. Not bad, not bad.
Find 2
Brekht was the first swallow. Young Necromancer Scrapp has pleased my eyes with the basement of the famous statue - the Legs. I hope, you, my friend, will succede as well...
Find 4
Only two pieces left. There's no message from little Fiona. I'm afraid, it was too dangerous and reckless to send a girl for such a difficult mission. But she was the brightest student at the faculty. Besides, I knew her father - Druid Malcolm. Fiona inherited his courage and magical abilities.
Find 3
The Arms have arrived. Unfortunately, during the fight they were damaged greately. It's work for me - try to restore them. Doubt if I'll succede. I'm too old now.
Find 5
I'm afraid, we'll never see Fiona again. There's still no news about her. And how are you? May be you need some help?
Find 6
Oh, dance and sing! The Druid girl is all right! She was captured, but fled and besides, she managed to get the Torso of Legion! Now we all wait for you. I understand, that you mission is the most difficult, but I'm sure, you'll do it. Why do you think, I've chosen you, after all?!
57, 116 подземелье
Elemental Peninsular
61, 29 подземелье
Help! Help!
119, 63 подземелье
Help! Help!
82, 66 подземелье
Are you SURE that you want to go down?..
Лазурный дракон
84, 65 суша
Oh, one more too SURE idiot...
87, 68 суша
Jump to the Unknown, eh?..
122, 138 суша
To the place of no return.
141, 2 суша
You will see all the world but you will never live in it again! Perhaps only some MAGIC helps you...
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