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Герои 3 - карта Legend of the Dragon Fighters

26/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

Legend of the Dragon Fighters
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
This is the legend... Once upon a time an island dropped from the sky. It had many, many dragons. Also, it had some colorful obelisks...and if you visit all of them...then, the dragon will send you a gift...Power Of The Dragon! The fighters of this place were very mad...



Legend of the Dragon Fighters0.07МБh3m

Legend of the Dragon Fighters


  • Legend Of Dragon Fighters
    This is a legend... One upon a time island drops from the sky. There have many, many dragon. Also, there have some colorful obelisks...if you see all of it...than, the dragon will send you a gift...Power Of The Dragon! The fighters of this place were mad...


  • Angel Said
    Your travel is the most difficult one. But...Don't give up, because the dragon will give concern to you.
  • Devil said
    You are the strongest Dragon Fighter. But...you should pass the test of the dragons. Since...you will be the real leader of this land, Here are some gifts.
  • Magician said
    You have got the information of this land.... That is, you know your army a lot. But...truly, your are so weak.also, you really feel that the resources about are not enough... So, you should use your wisdom...
  • Ethereal said
    You have the largest resource line. So, you are the richest. But, on the other side, you're also the most dangerous one. Why? First, your wealth...second, you are in a dangerous place.why? Why?
  • Barbarian said
    You are not the strongest one, also not a weak one either. Just a normal one. But you must strengthen yourself, if not...you'll have problems. Yes, you also solve the problem of your main army, The Cave-dwellers. Good luck.
  • Cave-dweller said
    You are not the strongest one, nor the weakest one. Just a normal one. You must strengthen yourself, if not... Yes, you also solve the problem of your main army, The Barbarians. Good luck.
  • Ghost said
    You are can defend yourself...but. How to develop your territory is a difficult question. But don't worry...I will sent you a big gift.
  • Magic for you
    Yes, you are the king of magic... I will give you a gift. But, you should give thanks to me...
  • Angel said to you.
    I give my concern to you.


  • Крестоносец
    • 70, 128 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Do You Want To Go??
  • Замок
    • 71, 142 подземелье
    • Название: Angel Heart
  • Инферно
    • 2, 75 подземелье
    • Название: Devil Heart
  • Башня
    • 90, 65 подземелье
    • Название: Magician Heart
  • Крепость
    • 140, 142 подземелье
    • Название: Savage Heart
  • Подземелье
    • 90, 78 подземелье
    • Название: Cave-dwelling
  • Бастион
    • 71, 99 подземелье
    • Название: Ethereal Heart
  • Некрополь
    • 68, 75 суша
    • Название: Ghost Heart

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