Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Last Hope: A Heroes of Might and Magic 3 WoG Campaign Original H2 Concept by Timothy Duncan Conversion to H3: WoG by Timothy Duncan ERM Scripting and Strange Ideas by Timothy Pulver Map One: Last Hope, Version 1.0
The corpse of one of your lieutenants is hanging from a tree, strung up here by the enemy to put fear into the hearts of your men. Grimly, you order your men to cut him down. You knew this man. Barclay was his name, and you had just awarded him a medal of valour last week for his bravery in scouting raids against the enemy. When the corpse has been layed on the ground, you reach out and pluck the medal from his mud-caked tunic. You shall wear this as a reminder of the bravery of your men in the face of almost certain defeat.
Секира Кентавра
13, 18 подземелье
Stuck in a half-chopped tree is an old wood-axe. The lumberjack who was trying to fell the tree and his entire family appears to have fled the area long ago, as his small hut looks abandoned. You pick up the axe and test the blade -- still sharp. Since you lost your favorite sword a few weeks ago while fleeing before a horde of barbarians, you decide to keep the weapon, as good steel can be hard to come by when you don't have access to the royal blacksmith.
Шлем Белого Единорога
19, 21 подземелье
A shrill shriek pierces the air and you hurry to investigate. It seems that one of your troops has hurt his foot on something sharp sticking out of the mud. The wound is quickly cleaned and dressed, and to your surprise, the offending object is a helmet, finely crafted with a spiral unicorn's horn protruding from the top. You wash it off and place it upon your head, immediately feeling its effects -- your mind feels clearer and more focused than before.
14, 16 подземелье
You are the the 17th King of the nation of Holbark. You were made king by your father when he committed suicide approximately three years ago. Your father was a strict man with little love in him, yet he was meticulous in your military and political training. As such, you are talented in the arts of war and diplomacy, but suffer from some confidence issues. However, your heart is pure and good, and ever since rescuing them from almost certain starvation by begging the aid of neighboring nations, your people have loved you.
14, 15 подземелье
Bred Toran
You are Bred Toran, now Lord Toran of Toran Rift. The second son of the late Edric Toran, you are infamous for you skill at the military arts. Your elder brother, Sarl, the former Lord Toran, was killed only three months ago defending Last Hope from marauding barbarians, which made you by rule the new Lord of Toran Rift. Though you have little skill in diplomacy (your brother was the politician), you always excelled in battle and strategy and have gained quite a reputation as the King's smartest general. Fiercely loyal to king and country, you often find your conscience tested between obeying your king and doing what you know is militarily sound.
Хижина провидца
22, 15 подземелье
An old man standing outside the hut eyes you distrustfully as you pass by. You dismount and approach him. I know you've heard I have something special, but I'm only giving it up to my king!
14, 17 подземелье
As you and your army begin your long march, squishing slowly through the muddy bogs, you make a mental note to visit the grave of Sarl Toran before leaving the swamp, intent on paying your last respects to a loyal vassal. Not sure how to proceed with handling the immediate threat, you order Bred to defend Last Hope at all cost. If that town falls, you are certainly lost. He seems to want to protest staying here while his king takes on the entire world by himself, but you manage to convince him of the importance of the task. You know you must not be killed or captured in battle, for the fate of Holbark rests in you, but you could always flee, as long as you find your way back to Last Hope before the end of the week so your troops don't think you have died. Finally, you remind yourself that there are a few outpost towers around here where some archers and swordsmen train and keep watch over the area. They might be useful in attacking the enemy that is even now surrounding you, although they will probably not relish the idea of trekking through this infernal swamp, where the thick muds often cause you to misjudge how far you can walk in a day.
15, 17 подземелье
As you and your army begin your long march, squishing slowly through the muddy bogs, you make a mental note to visit the grave of Sarl Toran before leaving the swamp, intent on paying your last respects to a loyal vassal. Not sure how to proceed with handling the immediate threat, you order Bred to defend Last Hope at all cost. If that town falls, you are certainly lost. He seems to want to protest staying here while his king takes on the entire world by himself, but you manage to convince him of the importance of the task. You know you must not be killed or captured in battle, for the fate of Holbark rests in you, but you could always flee, as long as you find your way back to Last Hope before the end of the week so your troops don't think you have died. Finally, you remind yourself that there are a few outpost towers around here where some archers and swordsmen train and keep watch over the area. They might be useful in attacking the enemy that is even now surrounding you, although they will probably not relish the idea of trekking through this infernal swamp, where the thick muds often cause you to misjudge how far you can walk in a day.
14, 14 подземелье
Last Hope
Day 21
Three weeks since your decision to sally forth and meet your enemy on the open ground, and frankly you are surprised that you are still alive. There have been many tough battles in the last weeks, but reports are promising. The enemy is gradually falling back and your own reinforcements from the west are approaching. If you can just hold out a little longer, victory may be yours!
Day 17
Much to your surprise a small group of the King's Soldiers has shown up at Last Hope today, having battled their way through the enemy defenses. Lucky you, for you can sorely use the help. They are available for hire.
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