You are Ben Holiday, a lawyer from Chicago who is bored with his life. You are rich and your wife has recently died in a car accident. You see a magic kingdom advertized in a Christmas catalogue. It can't be real can it? But you have the money to pay the million dollar cost and the guts to take a chance. Imagine, ruling a magic kingdom! So, you meet with a man named Meeks who tests you and finds you worthy. He tells you of a gate to this magic world in the Mountains of Virginia. You find yourself before the gate... The rest is up to you.
Strabo Intro
You are Strabo the last of the dragons. Although hopefully you can make a few more in this Landover. You live in the fire springs and for the 20 years since Landover's Last High King ran like a chicken you have done as you please. Now there is a new High King supposedly taking over. Well, we'll see about that! Your mortal enemy is a witch named Nightshade who keeps stealing from your hoard. Some people have Nooo respect for privacy! Well, eat all the cows you please, but save room for a few humans if you want to win.
Rakor Intro
You are Rakor the current leader of the Crag Trolls. No leader lasts too long among these nasty creatures. The trolls are the blacksmiths of Landover using their forges to make weapons and armor. They like to fight but are not so crazy about magic. You rule the Northern Mountains where many strange things lie frozen. However, they say there is now a new High King in Landover. Like you have time for that! It is so much more fun harrassing the Knights, especially Kallendbor who gets so angry he almost explodes at your raids.
River Master Intro
You are the River Master, a water sprite of great power. You rule the land of the lakes and the swamps around them. The creatures obey your call without question. Now you hear about a new High King who has come to rule. Although you have been friendly with past High Kings, it has been 20 years since the last one ran like a chicken. You are not so keen on the idea of a new High King.
Iron Mark Intro
You are the Iron Mark, ruler of the demon kingdom of Abaddon (Hell). Abaddon is a different world, just as Earth is a different world than Landover. The demons have long hungered to conquer Landover. Landover is especially weak now for they have had no High King for 20 years and rumor has it that the new one is a wimp. Now is the time to strike.
Knights Intro
You are Kallendbor current leader of the Knights of the Greensward. Although the knights have been fighting each other for the last 20 years since the last High King ran like a chicken. Now rumor has it that a new High King has come. Being the current bully on top you are not happy about this. No doubt this new High King will want you to fight demons and dragons for him. Well, not this time! You begin gathering your troops to take care of this king. However, your bullying has not made many friends. The dragon Strabo has been eating your cattle, the Trolls to the North have been raiding, the River King to the South is always complaining about how you destroy the land, and the witch Nightshade hates everyone. This will not be an easy job, you will have to be shrewd to win.
Nightshade Intro
You are Nightshade, the wicked witch of the Deep Fells, a pit of darkness in Landover that few can penetrate and almost no one who does lives to tell about it. You are rumored to be very beautiful on the outside, ugly as sin on the inside. Nothing makes you happier than misery and few can stop you from causing it. It is your fondest dream to make all of Landover like your Deep Fell home. For the last 20 years you have had your way. A blight is slowly destroying all the life of Landover. Soon it will be a land of death. However, there is a rumor that there is a new High King. Well, you have killed them before. What shall it be this time? Poison or a knife in his sleep or perhaps something more clever this time? The thought makes you tingle in anticipation. The only thing that would give you more pleasure is putting an end to that arrogant dragon Strabo. He was seen again last night setting fire to one of your dead woods. He will be skinned alive and his hide used for boots. Yes, that is it, bright red ones!
You have no doubt discovered that the magic kingdom is real and that you have help. Questor Thews is not a very good wizard, but he is all you have. Perhaps he will get better with time. Make sure he gets to the gate leading out of the mists before Holiday! Hopefully Questor won't turn himself into a toad trying to rescue you.
Horas Kew
You may have noticed by now that a goofy character named Horas Kew is currently helping you. Not that you like help or that Horas is any help. You prefer to work alone. Horas is a scam artist and a bad wizard as in not very good. He never worked hard a day in his life and was kicked out of Landover once for ripping people off. You are wondering why he is back. Rumor has it that he got himself in trouble with a nasty and powerful creature called The Gorse. Now this seems like a character who can help you. Perhaps Horas can lead you to him.
You may have noticed that your partner in an ugly little critter named Sot. He is one of the Go Home Gnomes. Go Home because no one wants them around. Sot and his sidekick Filip eventually side with the High King after you threaten to kill them for stealing and eating your pet. Gnomes especially like to eat pet dogs. They say the High King's scribe is a dog, hmmm... Anyway, if Sot doesn't steal you blind he will serve you for now. He has a way of aquiring (stealing) valuable things.
River Master aid
The River Master is one of the few to start by himself. That is the way he has always ruled. However there are two characters that may be of help to you. One is your wizard. He is usually loyal, but has very bad breath and always compalins when you stick him with your spear. It is so hard to find good help. Another is your daughter, Willow, who lives deep in the forest with her mother and doesn't trust you. She is destined to marry this new High King. Perhaps you can persuade her to help you. That would be better than her mother who refuses to live with you. Finally there is a rumor of an elemental creature called the Earth Mother who lives in your realm. She has never appeared to you for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with your bad temper. Nice guy you have chosen to be, huh?
You may have noticed that your partner is Strehan, a pompous ass who thinks he is a Knight. Really he is a fat coward who has a bad habbit of falling out of his saddle into piles of horse dung and cacti. Strehan is mean and clever so maybe he can help you, if he doesn't stab you in the back first. With friends like this who needs enemies?
Working for the Demons of Abaddon is the ex-head mage of Landover, Meeks. He is mean and powerful and is the one who came up with the scheme to hire new high kings for Landover. Naturally Meeks only chose the ones he thought would fail. That way he could sell the kingship again to another guy. For years now Meeks has been making a million a crack as each new High King is killed or eaten. For the first time Meeks is wondering if he has made a mistake in hiring Ben Holiday to be the next High King. Holiday has proven to be unbelievably lucky and determined. This calls for your personal involvement to make sure Holiday dies and the Demons again have their way in Landover.
The Darkling
Perhaps by now you have found the Darkling. This is a creature of Abaddon who feeds off evil. And no one has more than Nightshade. As your partner the Darkling will bring Landover to it's knees. It's only weakness is that it is bound to a hideous red bottle. Whoever possesses the bottle controls the Darkling. Well, you have no plans of giving that up!
Lava in the Laundry
The Iron Mark's mate Octavia caught you hanging out one afternoon with Ash working on your bloodlust spell. She was so furious she dumped a bucket of lava in your laundry burning your undies to a crisp. Unfortunately the fire didn't stop there, the bedroom, kitchen, pool room, hot tub room, and the stables all burned down. It takes you three months to rebuild. It takes just about that long for you to figure out why your mate got so mad! Sometimes life is just hell isn't it?
Crystal Dragons
You hear a nasty rumor that some Crystal Dragons from Abaddon are looking for Horas Kew because he tricked them out of a huge hoard of Crystals. You call Horas in to explain himself and bowing and slobbering all over your claws he gives you a huge bag of crystals. He crawls out appologizing the whole way. You are left wondering if this guy is more trouble than he is worth and wonder how long it will be before those crystal dragons come calling.
Landover Blues
You are quickly finding that this High King thing is not what it was cracked up to be. You find you do rule a magic kingdom, except it is a kingdom dying of some blight, is occupied by six other waring factions many of whom are fighting with themselves, and which hasn't had a High King for 20 years, nor does it want one. In the first two weeks you have been rejected by the Kallendbor and the Lords of the Greensward, the River King, and the Crag Trolls of Melchor. Those were the three easy ones! The three left are a crazy Death Witch named Nightshade who is out to kill everyone, a ravenous dragon who is eating half your kingdom, and the Demons of Abaddon. All three have made death threats to you. What do you have for help? An incompetent wizard, a Kobold who doesn't talk, just smiles with a face full of shark teeth, and a talking dog named Abernathy. Oh, I forgot to mention your great champion, the Paladin, who has never been defeated. No one has seem him in 20 years. Your food is running out and the castle guards are making bets as to how long you will last. Maybe you should have just stayed in bed.
Blight Damage
A blight coming from Nightshade's Deep Fell continues to rot the crops in your fields and the wood in your forests. You have got to put an end to this!
Land Destroyed
News reaches you that Kallendbor of the Knights, Strabo the dragon, and the witch Nightshade have been destroying the forests again with over cutting, fire, and blight. Furious you send out pixies to heal the land. Unfortunately Pixies do not work for free. Grumbling about big chested pip squeaks making more gold than they know what to do with you stomp down to the bog to soak for awhile and cool down.
Sot 's Supper
Just as you feared Sot and his Go Home Gnome friend Filip have struck. Eight of your warriors have come to you complaining that their pets are missing. Two dogs, two cats, a bird, a pet lizard, a fish, and a pet rock are missing. You throw out the guy with the pet rock and pay off the others with missing pets. Wait until you get your hands on those Gnomes!
Tower Tragedy
A nasty character named the Darkling came to your court one day offering to grant any wish. You remember that your rival and supposed partner Strehan is building a new tower on your land to the East destroying one of your valuable forests. You ask the Darkling to stop the building. He does this by destroying the tower and all the people in it. After looting the rubble of the tower you turn to ask the Darkling for another favor, but he is gone. Boy, you hope that guy is never sent against you.
Stealing Strabo
That blasted dragon Strabo has busted his way into your vault again while you were away and stolen some of your possessions including a golden unicorn bridle that is your favorite possession. Unfortunately the dragon never just sneaks in and there a major repairs needed to your vault.
Today you are crowned at the Heart of Landover. A Handfull of Hobbits and Peasants came to see it. They brought you impressive gifts of sticks and rocks. No one else came. Not one of the lands other rulers would acknowledge you as the High King. Well, you have to start somewhere.
Nightshade Noose
You sneak into the fire springs and snare that stupid dragon Strabo with your best web spell. It takes him three hours of thrashing and burning to get out. By then you have raided his dragon hoard taking among other things your golden unicorn bridle. When will that dragon ever learn that you don't mess around with Nightshade?
Mind Eye Crystals
Your castle and fire springs are suddenly swarming with peasants looking for Mind's Eye Crystals. Trapping one the terrified peasant explains that Horas Kew sold them these magic crystals that allowed them to see themselves as their fondest dream. The peasants became addicted spending all day staring into their magic crystal. No work got done and farms fells apart. After two weeks the crystals turn to dust. Now the peasants are frantically looking for Horas to get more. Horas is, of course, no where to be found. Not only have the farmers quit caring for their farms, the ones that feed you, but they are now trashing your land looking for that idiot Horas!
Meeks Money
Meeks finds another sucker who wants to try being King of Landover. As usual he cashes in the deposit and then scares them so badly they back out.
Go Home Gnomes
The first subjects to appeal for your help are a couple of filthy gnomes named Filip and Sot. Their people the Go Home Gnomes as they are called, because no one wants them around, were enslaved for eating the pets of the Crag Trolls. After helping them they swear loyalty to you. The Trolls and Knights hate you even more now. Hail oh High King of the Gnomes!
Darkling Dance
A wight comes to you with a gift of a hideous red bottle that bear an evil creature named the Darkling. The darkling offers to grant your fondest wish. You can't resist asking to see Willow's mother, the wood nymph dance for you. But when the Darkling calls her the dance is a nightmare, as if she is a puppet on strings. In horror you ask the Darkling to stop. He ignores you speeding the dance until in a frenzy collapses nearly dead. In anger you banish the Darkling from your lands. After healing the nymph you love she flees from you in terror. For the whole week you are depressed and angry that you smash a couple of tables and chairs and blast a hole in your castle wall. Naturally you servants carry out repairs. They are used to your selfish tantrums. The Darkling has vanished, some say he has been seen in the Deep Fells. Now that is not good news.
Dragon Raid
The dragon Strabo came on a feeding raid last night destroying several of your barns and parts of your castle burning them to sulfur ash. Once again you have to rebuild. A number of people again died, burnt to a crisp. Oh well, at least you got some much needed sulfur out of the deal.
Nightshade Tricked
The knights promise they will serve you if you will get rid of the dragon Strabo. With the help of the sneaky gnomes you try to get the witch Nightshade to help you. She tricks you into going into the fairy mists to retrieve two sleeping pods so she can use one on the dragon Strabo for her own revenge and one on you to finish you off. Nightshade cannot enter the mists as the fairies have cast her out. You bring back the pods, although the fairies nearly drive you crazy, and then to her shock you use one of the pods on her, sending her into the fairy mists. Hopefully that will be the last of her, but somehow you don't think you could be so lucky. Now to go after that dragon.
Crag Troll Treasure
Several Crag Trolls have found treasure frozen in the mountains to the West. Among the things saved were a map to the lost fortress of Mirwouk and it's famed library. The map is hardly readable but it does say the treasure is guarded by giants.
Basilisk Bingo
It seems that the Muddy Buddies across the river had a bingo night in the swamp. One of your Basilisks, not wanting to miss such fun crashed the party. Muddy Buddies are pretty easy going about such things. Unfortunately the Basilisk lost every game that night. By midnight it was getting down right testy. The last straw was when the Bubbie sitting right next to the basilisk jumped up and cried B-1? That's BINGO! The basilisk went crazy, turned the Mud pie rock solid with one look. Then turned all his buddies to rock as well. Next morning there's this huge pile of rocks on your doorstep!
Dragon Ride
Nightshade has somehow sent your female friend and future wife Willow to Abaddon. To rescue her you use the last pod from the fairy mists to enslave the dragon Strabo. Together you ride aginst the demons in their own pit. Never has there been such a hot time in the old town tonight!
Gorse Gold
The mysterious Gorse creature that used Horas has agreed to a partnership with you promising gold for your hoard if you will also accept a strange box as a gift. You agree but you wonder what the Gorse is up too with that box thing.
Meeks Freaks
Your mage Meeks was defeated at the library at Mirwouk and lost a major source of his power, captured unicorns, which Willow and King Holiday rescued. Meeks escaped but not without cost.
Meeks defeated
Having defeated the dragon and Nightshade, winning the loyalty of the knights now you need to marry the River King's daughter, defeat the Iron Mark, head of the demons, and unmask the wizard Meeks who you discover has been selling the kingship of Landover to crackpots for a million dollars a shot over the last 20 years. You are the first to even come close to succeeding. You defeat Meeks, Questor's evil brother, and prepare to meet the Iron Mark.
High King Tribute
If you are worth anything at all you are ruling most of Landover by now and receiving regular taxes as in not only sticks and rock but major loads of gold. More likely you are still struggling and getting sticks and rocks and some extra pocket change from begging.
12, 52 подземелье
Sterling Silvr
Go Home Gnomes
The gnomes just love you. They keep bowing to you and tell you, Great High! Mighty High King! More move into your castle eating you out of house and home and pocketing anything that isn't strapped down.
35, 62 подземелье
9, 51 подземелье
This is the tomb of the Paladin, the defender of the Kings of Landover. It is said that no one can defeat him. But no one has seen him for 20 years. That was the last time Landover had a true king. You must seek out the Paladin if you are to survive for you have terrible enemies in this land who wish to rule instead of you. There is some valuable equipment in this tomb to help you in your quest.
Страж задания
4, 34 подземелье
Only the bearer of the amulet of the Landover King may pass.
Страж задания
5, 23 подземелье
This is the gate between worlds. Only the holder of the Amulet of Courage which is marks the King of Landover may pass.
7, 38 подземелье
East to the Gate of the Heart of Landover. South to Sterling Silver, castle of the High Kings of Landover.
17, 30 подземелье
South to the Heart of Landover. East to the Deep Fells.
Хижина предсказателя
9, 30 подземелье
The demons of Abaddon, who threaten to conquer Landover, have stolen the Wizard's Well weaken the magic of Landover. Rumor has it that they display it as a trophy behind their arena. If you could recover the well you would be deserving of a Wizards hat that would show your mastery of the most potent spells.
7, 28 подземелье
Questor Thews is the Mage to the Kings of Landover. He is not a very good mage for he was forced into duty by need since the old mage to the king turned to evil. Half the time Questor's Lightning spells rain flowers down on their victims. He used a disgise spell on your Scribe, Abernathy and turned him into a Dog. Unfortunately he can't turn him back. Questor is riding to meet his new king as he comes through the gate from the fairy mists. He must hurry for demons are about to attack the new king as he enters the land. Questor must defeat them first or the new king will be in danger of being lost before he even begins.
2, 50 подземелье
5, 34 подземелье
You find demons waiting to attack the new High King as he enters the land. You cast a spell a lightning spell and skunks pour out of the woods in a frenzy attacking the demons. The demons are so astonished it takes them a moment to understand. By then the half the forest stinks and demons flee before your power. How could you have forgotten that lightning spell? Hmmm... It seems the demons were trying to us an orb of some kind that they leave behind. Perhaps this could help your lightning spells?
37, 5 подземелье
Ogre Bonus
Ogres come down from their forge in the mountains with weapons and armor for you to sell. They also offer to continue in your service.
Страж задания
4, 57 подземелье
The guards here say they have orders to only let the Paladin pass.
66, 45 подземелье
Fire Springs
36, 63 подземелье
River Master
21, 43 подземелье
The Heart of Landover
7, 26 подземелье
Questor Thew
29, 53 подземелье
20, 18 подземелье
West to the Deep Fells (Beat it Runt, you aren't wanted!) South to the Heart of Landover
34, 33 подземелье
49, 18 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
57, 26 подземелье
The seer here knows foresees that magic will defeat you. He sees your only hope in the artifact orb of inhibition which of course only he has. Grumbling you ask what he wants. He tells you he has been trying to get a pixie to go out with him. She has turned him down every time. He think a pretty pendant like the Pendant of holiness might do the trick if he gives it to her. Bring it and he will give you the orb. Oh, he thinks you can find such a pendant in a Behemouth's horde. Great!
Страж задания
12, 5 подземелье
There is such a magical aura coming from this area that only the righteous servants of the High King may pass..
11, 4 подземелье
You have found the lost library fortress of Mirwouk! Just imagine the learning and the magic that will be yours. Wait, it is guarded by giants? Oh no!
12, 6 подземелье
The wind howls through this pass and it is clear you are on the edge of the world of Landover. You see fairy mists churning in the distance. This is not a safe place to be!
11, 3 подземелье
The Paladin
39, 7 подземелье
14, 7 подземелье
15, 7 подземелье
You find the tomb of Fynt the Guardian Giant. You free him from his frozen prison and he agrees to serve you. He also grants you valuable equipment.
49, 19 подземелье
56, 33 подземелье
41, 18 подземелье
Kallendbor is well liked by the warriors of the land. They grant him valuable weapons and equipment.
18, 11 подземелье
You find the Behemouth caves and mound. As you begin looking for a stupid pendant the Behemouths return. Boy, it doesn't look like they are too happy to see you digging in their stuff.
Хижина предсказателя
48, 46 подземелье
The witch, Nightshade has stolen the dragon Strabo's teeth while he was sleeping thus robbing him of some of his vast power. If you can return those teeth to the dentist who lives here that power would be returned to you. They are rumored to be hidden in her Deep Fell behind the infamous hut of the magi that runs her disgusting eye balls in the mist.
Страж задания
67, 34 подземелье
You overhear on of the guards talking to another in a whisper. Don't let him through it is too dangerous. The master needs a real idiot, someone like Horas Kew.
67, 50 подземелье
Here lies your dragon horde.
4, 43 подземелье
You sneak into the church to steal the pendant of holiness. The zealots fight to defend what is theirs!
25, 22 подземелье
Bandits jump out of this pass and raid your troops. Before you can even draw your weapons they are gone. You can tell you are growing close to the deep fell. This is not a place for wimps.
30, 54 подземелье
This is a dark wooded glen. The home of Willow. She is a Slyph, the daughter of the River Master and a Wood Nymph. She will eventually marry the King of Landover. But you found her first. They do not like visitors here. If you can defeat her soldiers she will use her healing power to serve you. Each month she must turn from her beautiful human form into a willow tree.
29, 51 подземелье
This is a dark wooded glen. The home of Willow. She is a Slyph, the daughter of the River Master and a Wood Nymph. She will eventually marry the King of Landover. They do not like visitors here. Willow's friends defend their home..
56, 31 подземелье
62, 24 подземелье
You find the knights of Tiglath building their tower. You can see the woods destroyed all around. You search frantically for clover and find none. Finally in the trampled mud you find one. You are so enraged you attack the knights.
26, 42 подземелье
You sneak into the church to steal the ring of life. The monks fight to stop you!
Хижина предсказателя
34, 12 подземелье
You walk into a stinking hut filled with vile G'home Gnomes. Their leader grunts at you. Look boys, big wimp! You no bash head! We bash you head! Suddenly they swarm you and you run for your life. As you escape you hear them yell. You come back when man. We fight! You grind your teeth. You'll come back allright, level 12 attack should be just enough to skin them all alive.
Боевой маг
20, 8 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
28, 34 подземелье
An old warrior here is looking to will his magic shield to the most courageous warrior he can find. He figures a level 14 warrior would be about right.
0, 20 подземелье
Wow, this is wierd, faces look at you from out of the mists. Maybe there really is magic.
16, 16 подземелье
As you enter the Deep Fell you troops hear screams of dying creatures in the distance. As they look around they see nothing but death, dead trees, dead animals, even the air is dead. Soon your troops are fighting with each other and you get a bad feeling about being here.
32, 52 подземелье
Willow gathers her possessions before she leaves.
4, 40 подземелье
5, 40 подземелье
Here waits Bunion, a Kobold who is a nasty fighter and fiercely loyal to the High King. He is quick, deadly, and unlike your other helpers, never says a thing.
38, 69 подземелье
The Lizardmen here beg you to free their leader, Komodo, who also happens to be your court wizard. They offer you aid and equipment in your quest.
36, 68 подземелье
16, 66 подземелье
Earth Mother
Хижина предсказателя
14, 66 подземелье
The old ranger who lives here has cared for the forest all his life. He has constantly waged battle against the knights of the Greensward who have no respect for the land. He says even now they build a tower North of Tiglath on the last remaining patch of clover in Landover. The magic clover will be lost unless you can save one and return it to me. I will reward you with a powerful orb.
Земной элементал
42, 67 подземелье
The Earth Mother sends some of her servants to assist your people. Should you need further aid, seek her to the West.
60, 54 подземелье
Horas Kew
Верховный лорд
66, 46 подземелье
3, 17 суша
Before you enter the magic land you meet an sinister old banished wizard named Meeks. He wears an eye patch and has a look that gives you the creeps. Meeks gives you an amulet that will make you king and also some training as far as the use of magic and some spells you will need. He tells you that the amulet is the only way you can return to your home world.
1, 23 суша
Ben Holiday
18, 16 суша
Deep Fell
Хижина предсказателя
22, 12 суша
Here is your laboratory. In an ancient tomb you find a formula for creating a cloak that will bring awesome power to raise the dead. You will need to melt down two holy artifacts to complete the formula. They are the ring of life and the pendant of holiness. The tomb says you can find these guarded by monks in the only two churches in Landover. This should be a piece of cake!
17, 18 суша
67, 64 суша
61, 11 суша
This looks like a caved in tunnel. Hope it wasn't anything important!
11, 56 суша
North to the center of the Labirinth. South to Abaddon, a nice name for hell.
50, 35 суша
The Gorse
69, 68 суша
The demons cheer your rise to the leadership as the Iron Mark and whip themselves into a frenzy thinking of the pain and death they will cause. They present weapons to insure your victory.
24, 39 суша
West to the Center of the Labarinth. East to Abaddon, a nice name for hell.
Хижина предсказателя
13, 57 суша
You find an old demon staked to the floor of this hut screaming in agony. Filling the air is deafening thud of rap music. The song ends and the demon pleads with you, gasping, Please! Destroy the archangels who defeated me. Else I will have to be tortured like this for eternity! You will find them in the fairy mist! Chop off their wings and I will be free! Return and I will reward you with an orb of fire. The rap music starts again and the demon screams in agony. You get out, fast.
34, 3 суша
15, 18 суша
Trapped in this crypt is the tortured Zombie of the last King of Landover. You have enslaved him for your dark purposes forever. Stealing his paltry weapons and equipment you taint them to serve you.
62, 58 суша
You find the wizard's well displayed in front of the arena. Minions of hell are dancing gleefully around it.
56, 8 суша
You find the dragons teeth, but they are guarded!
Хижина предсказателя
50, 43 суша
A weakling mage named Horas Kew tricked us into thinking he could sharpen our teeth to a razor edge that would pierce any armor. After putting us to sleep he pulled our teeth and vanished leaving us the laughing stock of Landover. We have sworn to serve the one who destroys Horas Kew.
16, 46 суша
10, 46 суша
This stable is a secret front for the thieves guild. Meeks demands that they provide him certain training and equipment. Naturally they attack. You will have to show them who is boss around here.
19, 9 суша
19, 10 суша
Waiting to serve you here is Rydall, a black knight who is called King of Marnhall. Wherever that is. He is greedy for power and selfish. He sees you as a way to gain that power so he is willing to serve you. However, he is not to be trusted. He would stab you in the back if he had a chance.
67, 65 суша
Iron Mark
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