Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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You seek the Holy Grail ! Your quest of honor sends you to Foss, City of a Thousand Gates and Domain of Uxnator, the Grand Overlord. Your success depends on how you deal with those you encounter. Will they join you in your glorious crusade? Or will they brand you ... {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !!} ?
Malathion is looking for some sturdy lads to work in the Manticore pens. Applicants should report to his Foreman outside Cow Palace (off Lords Square).
The Deputies are looking for a few sturdy lads to help bring order to fair Foss. Applicants should report to Deputy Grunt at the Main Barracks (Northwest end of City Walls)
The Society of Sages and Mages is seeking a few sturdy lads for work as night watchmen. Applicants should report to Maggio the Mundane at the Antequarian Shop on University Square.
Prelate Ivor is seeking a few sturdy lads for gardening work at the Cathedral. Applicants must be able to walk on Hallowed Ground, so this lets you out, {H-e-r-e-t-i-c!}
The word gets around that the Mob is looking for a few sturdy lads for some covert assignments. Applicants should report to the Don in his Hideout below the Mercantile District.
Riding across the Badlands, you sight a plume of smoke! Thinking it might be a Town on fire, you spur your trailworn horse to give you whatever speed it can and ride upward along the ridge to Pilot's Knob. As you come around the bend, the pony balks -- and as your eyes begin to clear, you can make out why: Pilots Knob has popped its top like a pumpkin! And rising out of the caldera is a Conflux of Fire!
The Good,
Prelate Mira,
Prelate Olaf,
Dollar Bill,
Not Clancy,
Mad One,
Deputy L.B.,
Deputy Fnord,
Friar Bruno,
Jack Demolay,
Lord Marcion,
Joan Dark,
Kid Crowley,
Nicky Tesla,
Old King Bob,
The Bad,
Dead Fred,
Deputy Eagle,
Bully Boys,
Deputy Grunt,
The Ugly,
Deputy Simon,
Local Yokel,
Bag Lady,
Purple Sage,
Deputy Angel,
Filthy McRum,
Crown Prince,
Don Primo,
Lucifer Array
51, 41 подземелье
CHATSWORTH'S MAGIC HOUSE OF CLOAKS Open Only to the Brothers of the Mages Society
3, 9 подземелье
Main Barracks
eco helper
day of deputy
It's the Day of the Deputy! A shout goes up from the Main Barracks in the West.
54, 20 подземелье
Swan Palace
Посещение Элементалист:
Swam Palace is Expensive to Operate!
Страж задания
64, 43 подземелье
Mordecai sells magnificent Magical Necklaces, crafted by his neighbor and enchanted by Mordecai in a way only a Mage could appreciate. The price is 10 each of Mercury, Sulfur, and Crystal.
Страж задания
64, 45 подземелье
Jeremiah the Jeweler makes excellent necklaces. Jeremiah has his neighbor the Wizard cast a mild enchantment on them to make his stock more quickly. --- The cost? If you have to ask, you can't afford to shop here!
37, 53 подземелье
FOSS SQUARE North - Temples and Uptown East - Downtown and Mercantile District West - Slums South - City Gate
15, 57 подземелье
Yo ho ho, round and round you go, Make sure you circle all around, though!
24, 48 подземелье
Ritz Hotel
The Ritz Hotel announces the opening of a new wing!
15, 56 подземелье
The noxious stench of the Cesspool is punctuated by the aroma of the Sulfur deposits along the rim.
21, 47 подземелье
{NEW ORC CITY} North - Arena East - Mercantile West - Tiny Town South - Slums
24, 9 подземелье
{FOR SALE} Fair Haven Only 40,000 Down Inquire at Estate Agent
Страж задания
9, 47 подземелье
This gate is for servants to the Nobles attending the Arena. You could pass through with a load of firewood ...
53, 51 подземелье
56, 50 подземелье
A shiver runs up your spine as you pass along the Great Wight Way. The men don't like this at all!
55, 48 подземелье
The Wights come flying out of the Watchtowers. Next time you'll trust your intuition.
61, 43 подземелье
You pause to rummage through the trash bins behind the Alchemist Lab. Your Luck holds! But why would the Alchemists be throwing out Mercury? Maybe it has some enchantment on it -- one that went wrong. Take it anyway?
Страж задания
24, 49 подземелье
The SlumLord is a tired old Ogre named Jamison. Over a couple of dozen mugs of grog, you learn that Jamison would like nothing better than to settle down and retire. But there's just one problem -- with a face like his, there are not a lot of potential brides in Foss. And to make matrimony even less likely, he has his heart set on a redheaded Mage.
8, 4 подземелье
You can hear shouts of anticipation from the restless slaves inside, mixed with threats and curses hurled down on them from the Barricade walls.
6, 3 подземелье
Some Dwarves have seen you coming and make a break for it !
13, 36 подземелье
The Beastmaster is the Champion of the Arena
13, 41 подземелье
The Manticores ask if you've seen any cute Womanticores. All they ever meet is Scorpicores, and their Astrologist tells them that Scorpicores are seldom good Romanticores. You get the idea that they have been in the Arena for a while now...
12, 40 подземелье
19, 41 подземелье
Накидка скорости
10, 41 подземелье
As you reach for the Cape of Velocity, a lout from the stands throws a cup of wine in your face. You were lucky that time! he screams, You outsiders come in here and violate all the traditions of the Arena with your risky maneuvers. But the Beastmaster will get you. Yes, he'll get you good --- {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}.
54, 57 подземелье
Now that you know the Sheriff's Passkey, you'll be able to enter most Municipal buildings, including the Jail. However, Deputies are not automatically awarded citizenship, and you remain beneath the contempt of the Nobility.
65, 63 подземелье
The Company Cash Box sits unguarded, out in the open. Obviously, this is too easy. Go for it anyway?
36, 26 подземелье
Великий василиск
65, 53 подземелье
The Leaping Lizards have winning smiles! How can you resist keeping them?
65, 54 подземелье
Manticores are bad enough. This is an even more bizarre crossbreed. You wouldn't even consider trying to meld them into your army.
65, 55 подземелье
These beasts have been badly abused. By the labels on their tags, it looks as though they've been used in some sort of breeding program.
Кристальный дракон
63, 56 подземелье
The Crystal Dragon is grateful to be freed. If you take me home, she says, I know others that will join us!
63, 51 подземелье
37, 60 подземелье
You arrive to find the gate barricaded. Fortunately, today is Alms Day and outsiders are allowed to enter the Gate area to beg alms from the Guards. It's only a matter of Disguise. -- However, there is a line at the Gate and you might have to shove your way through.
37, 57 подземелье
The Guards in the Barricade throw down a few gold pieces as alms for the poor. But they aren't about to let the poor inside! -- This Barricade is well defended. The only way through appears to be with the appropriate Password. But where will you find a Blue Tent?
40, 57 подземелье
Get away, you beggars!
24, 4 подземелье
Fair Haven
25, 6 подземелье
The staff presents itself.
Страж задания
24, 8 подземелье
The Estate Agent tells you the Castle is valued at over a million, but he can arrange special financing that will let you move in for only 40,000 ! First, though, as a formality, He needs to check your Emblem of Cognizance to verify that you are the Buyer.
37, 15 подземелье
Tower of Foss
Посещение Верховный лорд:
Амулет маны
65, 43 подземелье
Nice charm!
Ожерелье скорости
65, 45 подземелье
Nice necklace!
37, 29 подземелье
As you pass Citizens Gate, even though you gave the proper Password, some of the Guards note the unusual composition of your party and begin making belligerent comments. One thing leads to another and your chance of making a low profile entry into Uptown is shattered. They'll be watching every move now.
38, 26 подземелье
24, 41 подземелье
ARENA RULES [ 1 ] Come one, Come All [ 2 ] Matches start at 1000 HP base [ 3 ] Next matches double base [ 4 ] Monsters grow at normal rate
20, 42 подземелье
The Nagas swear you'll never take their hides to cover your cheap furniture!
13, 38 подземелье
The Beastmaster bellows his challenge, but soon you realize that he's not going anywhere -- you can choose the time for this fight. Sizing up his force, you count several Behemoths, packs of Wyverns and Mighty Gorgons, and lots of Thunderbirds, Hell Hounds, Evil Eyes, and (his favorites) Greater Basilisks. The Beastmaster himself looks to be keyed up and ready to rumble! He looks your army over and snorts -- Low level scum like that can't hope to defeat the mighty army of the Beastmaster. Where you come from, exotic animals may be allowed to live in their native lands, but here we put them on display in the Arena so that the little children will be able to see them. But you care more for the savage animals than you do for the children, don't you -- {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
Черный дракон
15, 31 подземелье
The Black Dragons pause to consider their attack, dividing themselves for battle. You realize they are probably working out double attacks and plans for avoiding each other's crossfire. This could be messy.
13, 30 подземелье
14, 34 подземелье
13, 34 подземелье
Now that your troops are reaching Veteran status, you can appreciate how far your little following has come from the early days in the Slums. So far your career in the Arena has put you up against an assortment of monstrosities, which might even include the Beastmaster himself, but now it appears that more serious foes await. Dragons are resistant to magic, they say, and even your precious Speed advantage may be lost here. But the Blue Tent of Citizenship beckons to you. And were not the rewards for the Third Match commensurate with the challenge? So what awaits the victor of the Fourth?
13, 33 подземелье
The Pitch for the Fourth Match has been Barricaded by a gang of Bully Boys. Get outta Town, they holler, Since you started fighting here, we've had to work twice as hard just to keep this place stocked. Do you have any idea how long it takes to raise a Manticore? And who has to skin those Nagas for their hides? And you come along and lay waste to months of hard labor -- and in all the time you've been here, no one has seen you do a lick of work. You claim to be so righteous, but you don't seem to believe in the work ethic, do you -- {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ! ?}
Щит королей гномов
10, 36 подземелье
Dwarven Lords? Who the hell are they? And how did their shield wind up here? You suppose you'll find out soon enough -- and make a note not to sell any Artifacts until you're sure you don't need them.
13, 31 подземелье
Another nice crowd -- Some Nobility, it appears have come to take in the spectacle. Better give them what they want !
53, 40 подземелье
Chatsworth's Magic House of Cloaks is open only to Brother Mages. But if you have passed the inspection at the door, you are certainly welcome to shop! -- We know that for such as you, cost is no object and so we have simply made a deduction from your account to cover whatever garments you select. No returns, please. We're sure you understand, Brother.
Королевский минотавров
61, 41 подземелье
Marcusio the Minotaur King offers the finest in servants. No need to travel all the way to the Slave Market -- For Exotic merchandise, just see Marcusio.
Страж задания
61, 40 подземелье
MARCUSIO'S DOMESTIC AGENCY Marcusio says he's closed! He explains he has to round up some Gremlins for batch consignment. Till then, the shop stays shut!
61, 39 подземелье
DRAGON PENS - 2 Crystal Dragons - Hold for the Overlord
60, 39 подземелье
Marcusio demands payment for the Azure Dragon and threatens to call the Deputies. He obviously has some sort of deal with them. The stench of a payoff fills the room.
Кристальный дракон
61, 37 подземелье
The Crystal Dragons are skittish from their confinement. One takes flight for the Crystal Caverns north of Foss. The other decides to remain with you!
Лазурный дракон
59, 39 подземелье
The Azure Dragon seems relieved to be freed of Marcusio's keeping. But it is still not likely to trade Marcusio's yoke for yours!
Лесной эльф
65, 39 подземелье
Would you like to join the Order of the Arrow? How about a friendly contest -- rubber tipped arrows?
63, 42 подземелье
HIGH STREET West - Boutiques and Salons South - Jeweler's Alley
19, 48 подземелье
16, 47 подземелье
A group of Orcs are shooting craps out back. You decide to convince them to enlist.
20, 55 подземелье
A kid playing with a slingshot accidentally hits you with a stone. After you assure him that you mean him no harm, he asks to accompany you -- at least until you get to his home in the part of the City they call Tinytown.
21, 56 подземелье
In case you hadn't heard, the favorite game in Foss is called Whack-a-Mage. It's a violent little card game that combines the fine points of Arcomage and Whack-a-Mole. There's almost always a game going on in back of a Tavern. Basically, a game consists of someone dealing until a Mage appears and then a general melee ensues -- winner take all. You decide to watch a hand before joining in and it turns out to be as brutal and pointless as you expected. So when the Seven Sorcerers card comes up and the crowd begins to descend on a hapless Mage, you decide to step in. Aghast that you have upset the rules of their game, the other players grab their weapons and shout -- {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ! ! }
Ящик Пандоры
47, 58 подземелье
The Widows and Orphans have left a small token of their appreciation. Just something they had lying around the orphanage... They also begin flocking to the cause...
48, 54 подземелье
SHERIFF'S OFFICE Rewards Posted -- Inquire Within (also Widows Home and Orphanage)
Ящик Пандоры
51, 56 подземелье
The denizens of the Slums have put together a small reward for slaying the Hydras. Now if you could just drain the Cesspool...
Страж задания
50, 56 подземелье
Due to complaints about the Hydras near Cesspool, a small reward has been posted for anyone who can dispose of them.
2, 62 подземелье
These Rocs are cooperative.
36, 17 подземелье
TOWER OF FOSS Celestial Palace of the Grand Overlord UXNATOR
Ящик Пандоры
51, 58 подземелье
Time to bring out the artillery!
Страж задания
48, 58 подземелье
Widows and Orphans Fund was recently stolen. Reward for Return. Inquire within.
49, 57 подземелье
Deputy Dan looks you over and asks if you've come to claim a reward. -- Reward? you say, What kind of justice system do you have around here anyway? Shouldn't the Deputy Sheriff be out solving these cases instead of sitting around here passing out rewards to freelancers? -- {H E R E T I C !} he cries, and runs to get the Sheriff.
Страж задания
3, 64 подземелье
The Birdman refuses to answer the door. You'll need to bring him a suitable gift. What could it be? Angel Wings?
2, 64 подземелье
The Griffins flock to your cause. Your horses get nervous.
Могучий горгон
65, 52 подземелье
These beasts are bred for ferocity!
Страж задания
47, 41 подземелье
HUT OF THE MAGI You're Not a Citizen, But You Want to See the Arena? You're Too Wimpy to be a Contestant? You Tried the Cartographer and That Didn't Work? THEN COME ON IN!
Сандалии святого
47, 39 подземелье
Bartok keeps his special orders locked up. You're no Saint, but if the Sandals fit ...
Хижина предсказателя
61, 21 подземелье
The Seer apologizes but insists that you must produce the Pendant of Negativity. Time was that knowing the Black Password was enough, but these days you can't be too careful, he says. -- While you're looking for the Pendant, here's a bit of news from the Underground. he continues, The Statue of Legion was stolen last week -- they'll tell you more about it over at the Quest Tower. What they won't tell you is that the statue was smashed into five pieces and the pieces are ALL hidden in the Mercantile District! They say they are all freely accessible and unprotected -- you just need to know where to look! How about that? -- Now let's see that Pendant...
58, 34 подземелье
Anna is a hired killer
59, 20 подземелье
Mad Brad is a Heretic
59, 21 подземелье
The Student Clinic is supposed to be closed, but you can see a light shining out of a barred window on the attic floor. You rise up in the saddle to get a better look and are surprised to see a figure looking back at you. -- After a moment, the curtains shut and then quickly open again, shut and quickly open, shut and quickly open. Then they shut and open more slowly, shut and open slowly, shut and open slowly. Then three more quick opens. -- After another pause the series repeats itself. Three quick, three slow, three quick. What could it mean? -- While you're trying to figure that out, you are rushed by 'attendants' from the clinic!
Страж задания
66, 23 подземелье
Maggio the Mundane is offering a couple of choice Scrolls in exchange for Reagents. He needs 10 Mercury, 10 Sulfur, 10 Crystal and 10 Gems.
Страж задания
68, 23 подземелье
As you browse the shelves looking for the odd Scroll, Maggio the Antiquarian takes you to the side promises a rare prize -- a Tome of Water Magic -- to anyone who will perform a certain task. Drawing nearer, he tells you that a vile Heretic has come to Town and has brought Spells previously unknown here. He says he has sent Mages specializing in Eagle Eye to battle the newcomer, hoping to obtain the new Spells that way. But it appears that tactic is failing, and so it is time for more direct action. Find the vile Heretic and bring him here -- dead or alive, and the Book is yours! That and the pleasure of knowing you have destroyed a {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}.
Книга магии Воды
69, 23 подземелье
You didn't think you could just snatch the Tome of Water Magic, did you?
Страж задания
68, 26 подземелье
Harokin deals only in Artifacts. Today he offers a Ring of the Magi for only 80,000 gold. A thoughtful gift for the Mage who has everything.
49, 25 подземелье
GROVES OF ACADEMIA Members of Mage Guild, Check with Border Guard Visiting Magicians, Inquire at Tower (and please close the gate behind you)
Бездонный мешок золота
69, 24 подземелье
Maggio's profits! You'd better believe there's a trap!
Страж задания
37, 6 подземелье
The cavern walls are encrusted with fine Crystal and the valley is teeming with Crystal Dragons. Only a true Dragonfriend may enter.
Кристальный дракон
34, 4 подземелье
You a glad to see your friend again! I'd be honored to rejoin your army, says the mighty Crystal Dragon, and if you don't mind, this time I'll bring my mate. You may find others, but they will require some compensation.
17, 9 подземелье
SLAVE MARKET Auctions Every Firstday Only Citizens May Bid
16, 7 подземелье
DRAGON GATE Two Way (Nobility Only!)
Хижина предсказателя
49, 0 подземелье
Yes, the Underground has contacts even here. This time, you'd swear you were face to face with the undead, yet they've made it very clear to you that although their membership is diverse, it is all very much alive -- and intends to stay that way. At this point, it is no longer necessary to provide identification. You are quite certain the Seers all know you by sight. However, there's no point risking disclosure talking out here in the open. . .
56, 4 подземелье
Foss Cathedral
Посещение Клерик:
The Hierophant conducts a high mass!
44, 11 подземелье
Your followers have heard about this place, and they don't like it!
36, 41 подземелье
North - Altars and Citizens Gate East - Temple Gate (2-way) West - Arena Gate
35, 41 подземелье
The Garrison Captain scopes out your little band and asks whether you're looking for work cleaning the Manticore pens. He boasts that it takes an Expert Magic user and lots of Level 7 armies to have any chance of winning even three matches. You reply that a smart leader could find a way to do it using the right combination of lower level armies. -- The captain is mortified
64, 19 подземелье
The Happy Leprechaun seems delighted to see you.
71, 25 подземелье
You pass some store windows showing fantastic magic items and arcane manuscripts.
8, 27 подземелье
The Fifth Match waits below. Only the victor comes out alive. In addition to Citizenship, the winner is made a member of the Nobility and receives a Title and Estate.
45, 3 подземелье
Rent on cemetery
Remember when you went into the Mortuary? Remember signing the lease on the Crypt that got you into the Underground? -- Well the rent's due!
Ноги Легионера
42, 49 подземелье
Broken off feet? What the?
34, 57 подземелье
Get away, you beggars!
42, 58 подземелье
OLD WELL Pilgrims Welcome!
56, 6 подземелье
38, 41 подземелье
A small donation is required by those who use the Lith to visit the Cathedral! (That's Every Time, Both Ways)
38, 40 подземелье
CATHEDRAL GATE Everlasting Life for the Faithful ! Death to Heretics !
24, 24 подземелье
LORDS SQUARE Exclusive Highrise Dwellings North -- Slave Market East - Celestial Palace South - Arena
23, 25 подземелье
A gang of Bully Boys is searching everyone going into Lords Square.
23, 24 подземелье
You can't help but stagger and crane your neck as you first enter Lords Square. This is where the good Citizens of Foss come to do their business. An assortment of scribes, civil servants, and consultants can be employed here -- and a few of these may actually contribute something to your cause.
20, 15 подземелье
LORDS SQUARE North -- Slave Market East -- Tower of Foss West -- Cow Palace South -- Arena
Страж задания
63, 53 подземелье
The creatures beyond are very dangerous. The guards eye you dubiously, but agree to let you by when you have achieved the experience level 10.
Демон бездны
10, 4 подземелье
The Overseer's Lashmen are waiting for you!
Королевский минотавров
10, 20 подземелье
The Minotaur Kings are ready to fight to the death. It appears they have been charged with guarding something important. If only you could read the runes on that Obelisk!
Страж задания
12, 14 подземелье
All visitors are refused ... except, of course, a Holy Ambassador.
39, 66 подземелье
Cheese it! The guards!
37, 65 подземелье
Your toes begin to tingle as you tread upon the Hallowed Ground.
36, 66 подземелье
FOSS City of a Thousand Gates Pilgrims Welcome!
35, 66 подземелье
The Leprechaun says it's your lucky day! Today is Almsday and vagrants like yourself are allowed to approach the City Gates. Don't get too close to the Halbardiers over there, though. They might 'forget' what day it is.
6, 14 подземелье
Cow Palace
Tan gets some money
Страж задания
6, 15 подземелье
Your Army nears the HQ of Malathion and the Barracks for the Bully Boys. All is quiet -- Malathion has left only a regular Garrison in defense. You may never have a better chance. -- If you can take Cow Palace and hold it for a while, you may shatter the enemy's morale and lead Malathion's heroes to abandon him. Without the Bully Boys behind him, Malathion may decide to quit Foss and Uxnator and seek to oppress another Town. -- Some of the Bully Boys have decided to switch sides, if the price is right. With a few well-placed bribes, the Town Gates might 'accidentally' be left open one night ...
10, 17 подземелье
Malathion gathers forces
7, 16 подземелье
There are a couple of Bully Boys loitering around the gate. You have them brought in for questioning and determine that Malathion is often away, checking the strength of the troops protecting the Tower of Foss. You also learn that he has left his Key the City with a Lieutenant in case it is needed for a job. In addition to the Bully Boys, there are some Cows and Rockchuckers hanging around the gates looking for work.
20, 44 подземелье
Hey! You don't belong here!
21, 44 подземелье
That last match sucked. Let's see if you can do better!
21, 39 подземелье
It's been so long since the First Match, that you barely remember these Zealots. But now that you do, you recall their taunts and cat calls. Not the behavior one has come to expect of the clergy.
8, 42 подземелье
You'd think Peasants would have better things to do with their money.
8, 36 подземелье
Um, how about a magic trick? Wanna see me disappear?
8, 35 подземелье
The Pixies ask to see your muscles.
18, 35 подземелье
The Sprites' Disposition is, as it says in the Properties box, 'Compliant' .
18, 36 подземелье
These Archmages were one of the few groups that did not call for your heads. Does that buy them a break?
8, 34 подземелье
The Dwarves have managed to sleep through all the action. Now they think you want them to enlist.
Лесной эльф
8, 39 подземелье
The Elves seem relieved to be rid of the Bully Boys.
Боевой гном
18, 34 подземелье
You sneak up on a party of drunken Battle Dwarfs. I hope you don't expect EPs for that.
8, 37 подземелье
The Monks are complaining about their seats when you come on them.
15, 26 подземелье
Hey, this row's full ! Go to your own seats!
14, 26 подземелье
Now listen here, there's no cause for violence, we'll just sit over there.
13, 26 подземелье
OK Buster, you asked for it!
8, 40 подземелье
A squad of Bully Boys is full of 'Arena Spirit.'
Королевский минотавров
20, 39 подземелье
You do remember this group of Bully Boys -- from the elite 'Kings' division it would appear. Now it seems obvious that these are not regular fans of Arena sports. They were here to scout your strength and learn your tactics!
52, 31 подземелье
Great Library
A wonderous Skyship has landed atop the Great Library!
Хижина предсказателя
53, 46 подземелье
ESTATE AGENT Spacious Villa Above Lords Square Available Immediately 40,000 Gold Down Payment - 40,000 at Closing
45, 51 подземелье
DOWNTOWN North - Inn of Seven Curses East - Mercantile District South - Sheriff's Office
Wicked Jim hands over the Kick-ass Artifact!
54, 21 подземелье
Your gift has gained you an audience with the Purple Mage. -- An austere gentleman stands before you and asks your business. You manage to stammer out something about the Grail and how you're looking for it and it got real cold and ... -- He interrupts you and says yes, he knows all about you and your quest. And that he has personally researched the Grail and found it to be purely a legend. Nothing to it. Certainly nothing to tie it to Foss or the Overlord. -- Finally he tells you that as the leading Scholar in Foss, there is much he could teach you. Of course, he would also be interested in learning more of the peculiar Fire-based Spells you've been seen casting. Not that he'd actually use them, but they are interesting curiosities. -- Thinking this over, you respectfully decline to exchange spells. At this, his facade breaks and he begins to rave, You come here and stir up trouble on campus like you have everywhere else. You throw around wild magics without regard to the destruction you unleash. You contaminate our student body with radical ideas. You interloper! You outsider! You {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
61, 19 подземелье
A group of Young Turks announces they have rejected the dogmas of the mystic establishment and wish to join your movement.
Страж задания
50, 58 подземелье
The Sheriff only accepts level 10 heroes as Deputies. Do you qualify?
Страж задания
52, 58 подземелье
Only the Sheriff and his Deputies have keys to the Sheriff's Office. But Sheriff Clancy is missing and you know about the Deputies. If you can find Clancy, he'll probably be more than happy to open the Door. -- Till then, officer, you have a day's work ahead of you. There are Rogues running rampant all over the Mercantile district. Go round them up and bring them in for 'questioning'.
Страж задания
50, 25 подземелье
All gates are open to a Holy Ambassador!
Страж задания
64, 36 подземелье
All gates are open to a Holy Ambassador!
Страж задания
26, 16 подземелье
All gates are open to a Holy Ambassador!
Страж задания
66, 41 подземелье
ARCHERS' GUILD Check your bow at the Door!
Золотой лук
65, 41 подземелье
There's a shooting contest for the Golden Bow. Enter?
Хижина предсказателя
69, 36 подземелье
The Seer eyes you suspiciously. He says he can tell you must be strangers because of the way you are dressed. Yes, strangers indeed. Any Citizen of Foss would be wearing more adornment -- a handsome cape, a gaudy helm, or perhaps (with just a hint of stress) a magical Pendant.
55, 41 подземелье
GERARDO'S ARMS AND ARMORY Serving the Nobility of Foss for a Really Long Time Custom Fit for the Fitter Fighter
A group of Mages waiting to enter the Altar of Wishes finally notices the havoc in the square.
Мастер гремлин
20, 17 подземелье
The servile Master Gremlins pull at their masters' cloaks to warn them of your approach, but the Mages seem preoccupied with the Altar of Wishes.
21, 20 подземелье
The Mages figure they've gotten the best of the argument and beat it. But one of them drops something.
22, 21 подземелье
Two crusaders are involved in a heated argument with some Mages. As you begin to inquire about the subject, they gasp at your presence and run to alert the others, shouting {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
22, 16 подземелье
A Zealot on the streetcorner is preaching against the Golem Factory.
20, 10 подземелье
A statue so lifelike, you'd swear it really moved!
21, 10 подземелье
An excellent statue -- very lifelike!
12, 26 подземелье
Get away, you {H-E-R-E-T-I-eeeeeee !}
11, 26 подземелье
My, that was impressive! Are you going to kill us, too?
Лазурный дракон
11, 31 подземелье
There is a commotion as you approach the Azure Dragons, and after some stormy discussions, about half of them abruptly fly up into the Grandstands and begin attacking the spectators! The rest approach and explain hurriedly that they have been planning a break for some time, but have been waiting for someone strong enough to challenge the Black Dragons, their mortal foes. They promise to tell you more later on, but now it's payback time and that's prime time if you're a {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
Хижина предсказателя
7, 27 подземелье
Congratulations on making it this far. Your fifth match awaits you below, but it will wait as long as you like. Perhaps now is time to utilize that new Blue Password.{ 'C-I-T-I-Z-E-N'}, your Underground contact says with a now-familiar inflection. -- But you sense he is merely testing your patience as he continues, But we do have some more information about the Grail. Soon after our last contact we confirmed that Uxnator is indeed aware of your purpose and also of the powers of the Grail. So now he seeks it for himself. And there's more! That will have to wait, though, until everything is quiet here in the Arena -- after the day's matches are all over.
12, 30 подземелье
As you step toward the Azure Dragons, about half of the Black Dragons hit you from behind!
8, 41 подземелье
And you'd think Angels had better things to do with their time.
Птица проницательности
11, 50 подземелье
The bird statute is not going to be confused with the Maltese Falcon, is it? But it might be just the thing you've been looking for. You wouldn't keep it yourself, but it might make a good present for the 'man who has everything'. -- On closer inspection, you spot an engraving on the bottom
18, 53 подземелье
Hi says the Ogre, I'm your block captain. This way is blocked!
64, 8 подземелье
Welcome to Foss Abbey. I am Azrael. I will be your 'escort' while you are here. -- Take care not to disturb Prelate Olaf. If we pass quietly, once we are beyond the outer wall, he will not follow. Normally he grants free passage to those who serve Uxnator, the Hierophant, or Malathion.
Страж задания
53, 6 подземелье
Azrael offers to open the gate to the Rectory.
Демон бездны
63, 54 подземелье
You come upon a gang of Whiplashes 'training' some of the animals. You interrupt the beatings, pointing out that the pointless beatings are not only cruel but also unlikely to impart any useful lessons to the poor creatures. You tell them it would be far more effective to reward good behavior and therefore reinforce it. The Whiplashes seem repulsed by the very concept
16, 58 подземелье
My, you've gone to a lot of trouble to go sailing in the Cesspool. -- Well, sludgejumper, you're efforts shall not go unrewarded. Floating amid the 'flotsam' you find a nice prize.
18, 22 подземелье
The Enchanters had been making time with the Sprites, but your arrival spoiled their chances. So they are not at all pleased to see you.
19, 22 подземелье
The Sprites look up from the magic show and fit away!
19, 21 подземелье
The Sprites bug out!
61, 67 подземелье
What's this? Foul play? Or is it Fowl Play? -- Whatever, the victim lies sprawled on the shore, its bones picked nearly clean. By the position of the body, you would say he must have swum the moat in a final effort only to collapse here on the shore. Could be an escaped convict, or maybe a runaway slave...
Страж задания
52, 65 подземелье
Sorry, we're sold out of singles. You can still get the dozen for 10,000 gold. But by the end of the Month, we'll be sold out of those too.
53, 65 подземелье
THE ROC SHOP ! {Friendly} Rocs -- 1000 gold each, 12 for 10,000 Experienced Birders Only (Otherwise they may not be so Friendly)
51, 65 подземелье
Remember, the sign said Friendly, not Compliant !
Страж задания
55, 23 подземелье
The Purple Sage is an aristocrat of the highest order. It will take a splendid gift to gain an audience!
32, 58 подземелье
What's this? The Guardhouse has a side door! -- You knock, just to see who answers and out come some Pikemen pushing an Ore cart.
35, 57 подземелье
The Barracks and Guardhouses to the West of the main gate add ground strength to the town's defenses. However, packed together like this, there are bound to be a few malcontents who might abandon their posts given the opportunity.
39, 57 подземелье
You pause and stare up at the Archer Towers to the East of the main gate. How many Archers are waiting there to rain missiles down on your party? But maybe if you spread a little gold around, you might convince some to join you. But look out for the Gate over there!
Страж задания
54, 9 подземелье
Only the Hierophant or his Prelates may enter here.
36, 58 подземелье
Look out! The Guards are eyeing you suspiciously. Better stay away from the Guardhouse and Barracks!
Страж задания
63, 21 подземелье
The Statue of Legion, which formerly stood in the center of the Square, has been stolen. If you could return it, the Legion Square Merchants' Coop will sponsor you for membership.
27, 44 подземелье
The Centaurs run the concession stand for the Arena. They employ Halflings to run refreshments to the gentry in the grandstands. They mistake your group for Deputies and deliver their weekly protection money.
21, 69 подземелье
At the edge of the woods you encounter a Gnoll Marauder, running from a band of Hog Riders. You decide you don't care to meet these Pigs either, so you follow the Gnoll along the woods toward the water. Along the way, the Gnoll introduces himself as Jeff and tells you he is a sailor who has been separated from his mates. He says they're waiting to ship out at a little town down this road to the East.
38, 66 подземелье
FOSS City of a Thousand Gates Pilgrims Welcome!
52, 50 подземелье
As you enter the Market of Time, your feet tingle again. Not like the burning sensation you felt when you first stepped on Hallowed ground, or the clammy feeling of Cursed ground, but something more energetic. Perhaps that's why the residents of Foss visit a shop with nothing to sell, except for Time.
53, 66 подземелье
Another Sign! -- It occurs to you that someone put these signs up for a purpose. And that you might do well to read them carefully.
37, 38 подземелье
Ahead are the twin Altar Gardens of Fire and Water. You wonder whether the Altar of Fire might lend you some help. After all, the Deity of Fire is the same everywhere! Even further ahead you can see the outline of Citizens Gate and beyond that a towering structure reaching toward the clouds themselves. About what one might expect from a self-styled Overlord. While you gaze down the path, the Lith behind you buzzes and you find your party under a vigorous attack. You have set foot on Hallowed Ground and so you must die -- {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}.
37, 39 подземелье
Your feet burn on the Hallowed Ground! -- Won't you ever learn, {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ? !}
70, 8 подземелье
Ouch! Hallowed Ground!
69, 7 подземелье
Ouch! Hallowed Ground!
21, 41 подземелье
The crowd boos! -- Bag your face! yells a pack of Zealots!
Страж задания
9, 56 подземелье
The back door to Tiny Town is locked tight. The only way through is to climb through the window and open the door from inside. That will take a Halfling.
7, 51 подземелье
Welcome to Tiny Town, the one garden of civility in the jungle that is Foss. Here the 'gravitationally challenged' have managed to carve out a small scale village and humble abodes. Some of the residents work as domestics and servants at the Inns of Foss. As you might expect the local inn is of superior quality. -- There's just one problem. Just as every City must have its Cathedral, so every Village must have its Idiot. And you're about to meet one
7, 52 подземелье
We're not Hobbits, Dammit! We live in thatched huts, not holes!
12, 50 подземелье
Behind the Tiny Town Tavern you find the usual game of Whack-a-Mage in progress. You watch with some amusement as the locals try to shuffle and deal the cards, which are about twice the size of their hands. Obviously this is a game played for small stakes. -- While you are chuckling to yourself, you fail to observe that having stood too close to the game, you have been dealt in! And wouldn't you just know it, all those Luck bonuses you've been collecting don't save you. -- The dealer turns over an Archmage and lays it in front of you.
64, 70 подземелье
A stranger meets you on the path and motions you into his Tent. He tells you he too is a wayfarer recently come from Foss, the City of a Thousand Gates, and while there had formed certain associations that might be of value to those who might visit there. -- These 'associates' are part of a shadowy group known only as the Underground. He says he was not himself a member, but had been imprisoned with one who claimed to be. His cellmate had made many ludicrous claims about the Underground, such as their extensive network of spies, their secret leader, and their hidden headquarters. More likely, he says, they are just a ring of local snitches attempting to intimidate their shills. -- However, for a small consideration, I'll tell you something useful -- the secret Password used by members of the Underground to identify themselves to each other. You never know when it might save your skin !
Летучий змей
18, 58 подземелье
The cesspool breeds flies.
18, 69 подземелье
The figure is a traveling Scholar, on his way to study at the Great Library of the University of Foss. He tells you that even before he met the Banditos, he had been beset by robbers, who stole his credentials and now he cannot even get into the City. -- However, I am most grateful for your aid, he says, and since you are also a stranger in a strange, um, City, you may find this of value. Because of your people's ruddy complexions, you are apt to stand out in the crowd here and thereby attract unneeded attention -- it would be safer for you travel in Disguise. Therefore, I will cast that spell in permanence upon you so that you will appear as one of them. And I will scribe it in your Spellbook so that you may likewise extend its protections to those who may join you. -- Well met, young Heretic!
18, 68 подземелье
Several Banditos are riding around on their Hogs, harassing a tall, thin fellow in a long brown robe. It doesn't look like they're going to let you through, either.
14, 60 подземелье
You stop short of the Hallowed Ground up ahead, mindful of the consequences from before. -- Your scout quickly returns to say that the little chapel would appear to be a Pilgrims' hospital. He also reports seeing horse tracks in the area, lots of them.
13, 59 подземелье
Interesting! You feel the now-familiar 'Hallowed Ground tingle as your Spell Points are drawn away. But this time you realize that your boots seem to fit a little better and your bunions have ceased to throb.
21, 51 подземелье
SLUMS Gotta Problem? Take it up with the Boss at the Ritz Hotel!
Хижина предсказателя
23, 58 подземелье
Ah! The Underground at last! Your contact briefs you on the Slums
23, 60 подземелье
Гнолл мародер
22, 58 подземелье
You are relieved to meet Akbar and his men, as promised. You start to question him about the Underground, but he shushes you and nods toward the Tavern. Better to talk in there...
Гнолл мародер
67, 71 подземелье
The Gnolls say they've been waiting for someone to build a ship so they can sign on with the crew. They tell you Foss is no place for outsiders, no matter what the sign says. They came to look in the shops for an heirloom Buckler belonging to their King, and though they did locate it, they admit they are really not sure that they it is the original they came out with. -- They also admit that until someone comes along with 1000 gold and a big load of wood, there aren't going to be any boats leaving from here -- so they might as well tag along with you -- if you don't mind that is. Besides, they have some mates in town to meet -- at a Tavern somewhere in the Slums on the Westside.
66, 71 подземелье
The Gnolls are being threatened by a couple of Minotaurs. At Jeff's urging, you send your party into the fray, glad you took the time to 'recharge' at the well. -- Some of the Minotaurs whip around to face you ! You're careful to watch their battle tactics, since your intuition tells you that you may see their like again.
Хижина предсказателя
63, 69 подземелье
SAILOR'S REST At first you feel a little foolish, knocking on the door of the treehouse to ask for help in entering the City. But, hey, what's to lose? This is the place Jeff said he might meet his brother. -- The Seer tells you to go away! There are no rooms now and there won't be until the party of Gnolls checks out. And they say they won't go until their mates get back from the Shipyard.
62, 70 подземелье
Jeff says this is the little town he was talking about and those are his mates up there. Looks like they're in some kind of dispute with some Minotaurs. -- He mentions that it does not look as though his brother Akbar has returned from the City yet. He had gone to see about getting a ship. There's a swampy little Tavern in Slums called the Cesspool Arms where they sometimes hire Sludgejumpers. He was also hoping to get word of the Captain. -- This is the Sailor's Rest boarding house. The Gnoll Marauders have been staying there while first the captain and then Akbar went into the City.
59, 71 подземелье
Before You Go to Heaven Visit PURGATORY Population
17, 58 подземелье
CESSPOOL Sludgejumpers Only! (Positions Available Now) (Inquire at Sheriff's Office)
21, 58 подземелье
CESSPOOL ARMS No Spitting on the Floor {Whack-a-Mage Tourney Out Back Every Firstday!}
Страж задания
68, 6 подземелье
Diplomats Welcome! (Please Leave Your Sash at the Door)
67, 7 подземелье
CELESTIAL CHOIR Prelate Olaf Directing
30, 8 подземелье
THE HOT SPOT Adults Only
24, 6 подземелье
You notice that the Estate Agent seemed v-e-r-y happy to pack up and go. In fact, he didn't seem at all daunted by your entourage and happily made his way through the ranks.
Страж задания
24, 7 подземелье
Now I'll take the Gold ... Let me count it now ...
24, 5 подземелье
As you turn the key to your new domicile, you pause to reflect that 120,000 gold was actually a pretty good price for a place like this. But then buyer's remorse begins to set in. Or is it something else?
59, 30 подземелье
COLLEGE SQUARE North - Swan Palace East - Chancellor's Garden West - Classrooms and Library South - Residential Area
Ящик Пандоры
12, 0 подземелье
This is the Treasure of Filthy McRum! Did you imagine it would be unguarded?
Страж задания
49, 59 подземелье
DIPLOMAT'S ENTRANCE All gates are open to a Holy Ambassador! (Check in with Deputy on Duty)
45, 59 подземелье
WIDOWS AND ORPHANS HOME Under Protection of the Sheriff
60, 50 подземелье
A shady looking fellow runs around the back and out of sight.
42, 45 подземелье
A gang of Rogues looks you over.
42, 47 подземелье
Behind the Market is a Harpy, picking through the garbage can. -- If you're looking for a 'Whack-a-Mage' game, dearie, she squawks, you ought to try behind the Tavern. -- Nothing but garbage behind a Market, though it does pay to look behind most buildings. If they put stuff out front, it wouldn't last long!
Карты пророчества
44, 41 подземелье
As advertised, the 'Whack-a-Mage' game is going strong. You have to wait two deals before you get to play. In the first, an Unlucky Ogre gets the first Archmage of the session ... and is quickly beaten down with his own club. In the second, it takes almost three rounds before a bored Enchanter flips over his hole card, Chaos, and calls for a general melee. This clears the table for you and some other newbies. -- Your Luck must be serving you well, because you manage to avoid being 'it' until there are only three players left
Страж задания
45, 41 подземелье
As advertised, there's a 'Whack-a-Mage' game going on. But to play need a Deck. You know, the Cards of Prophecy.
43, 41 подземелье
Some Rogues try to crash the 'Whack-a-Mage' game and steal the stakes!
46, 48 подземелье
Some Boars are eating out of the trash bins. So are the Goblins riding them.
Гнолл мародер
46, 52 подземелье
It's one of Jeff and Akbar's crew. He's really excited by all the maps in the Cartographer's. Also the new search engine! But he spent the map money on a curiosity he found at a pawn shop. Sorry, boss! -- He says that the Cartographer is offering 40,000 gold for the Admiral's Hat. Said he had previously arranged to buy it, but the deal had fallen through.
65, 21 подземелье
Sure enough, a 'Whack-a-Mage' game is in progress. But this one is taking place at the Teachers Lounge on the campus of the University. You don't expect to find the usual assortment of thugs and ruffians here, but it strikes you as odd that such a simple game would prove attractive to the Sages and Mages of Foss. -- When you get a look at the players, you begin to understand. This is the first time you've seen a Leprechaun or a Wise Old Tree at the table. And the strange being that keeps shimmering in and out of the material plane is equally disconcerting. -- But the deal is coming your way. You know by now how it's going to turn out. -- The dealer, a flamboyant Enchanter looks up and asks, Are you a player? Or just a big mouth {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ?}
Карты пророчества
30, 6 подземелье
There's a hot game of 'Whack-a-Mage' underway, members of the Nobility jostling with Rogues and Slum dwellers to get a turn at the table. The dealer is a gaunt Power Lich, who shuffles adroitly to the approval of his entourage. -- You reputation has preceded you. A seat opens almost immediately, as an unlucky gang of Sharpshooters are done in by a Court Jester in the hole and an Ogre's club upside the head. -- Do you shuffle away in disgrace, or stay to play?
29, 5 подземелье
Basilisks come out of the forest and go for the Cards!
Королевский минотавров
12, 4 подземелье
The Overseer's Bully Boys are waiting!
Волшебный свиток
13, 4 подземелье
So this is how they did it!
Хижина предсказателя
14, 4 подземелье
The Seer at the Monument gets a lot of business. You have to wait almost two hours for an appointment, even after you flash your Pendant of Negativity. -- This gets you only an audience with the Seer's servant, a familiar looking Halfling, who quickly examines your Pendant of Negativity and comes right to the point. -- We've decided to trust you. Before I tell you how to get to Underground City Hall, just one more test -- of commitment, if you will
Хижина предсказателя
59, 48 подземелье
Well met! whispers your contact. I've located the camp of the Thieves Guild. The Don knows many things that occur in the hidden places of Town. If the Grail is there, he will have heard of it!
Страж задания
62, 37 подземелье
Only Sheriff Clancy can open the door between the shops.
Страж задания
57, 40 подземелье
Gerardo's Tailors come and measure you! -- You need to attend a class before you can buy weapons. They will not let you enter until you can prove you have mastered Attack Skill 8 and Defense Skill 8.
Лорд вампиров
57, 41 подземелье
Gerardo is a pale fellow with long fingernails and a toothy smile. Unless he's missed his lunch, he should not be a threat -- it's bad for business to get a reputation for eating your customers, even in Foss. -- He invites you in for a trial fitting.
57, 39 подземелье
There's something about the Undead that you just can't get used to. Open minded as you may be, some things just feel unnatural -- including this Tailor's clammy touch as he fits you for a Breastplate.
49, 36 подземелье
The back door to Bartoc's Boots is locked. There's also an alarm! BBBRRRIIINNNNGGGGGGGG ! BBBRRRIIINNNNGGGGGGGG !
Башмаки скороходы
49, 38 подземелье
Your Boots await you. You can't help but wonder, though, how boots that a hero wears can make the armies move faster. The others don't get boots and the hero rides a horse anyway. Are the boots for the horse? But if so, wouldn't you need two pair?
49, 39 подземелье
Bartok knows you want the Boots. You know you want the Boots. So why make a fuss. Bartok snatches your purse and dives for the protection of his Barricade. Sounds like your reputation has preceded you!
Страж задания
49, 40 подземелье
Bartok's Boots sells only to the most exclusive clientele. Level 8 or up!
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
57, 38 подземелье
The Swordsmith shows you a selection of splendid, if unenchanted blades. You are about to withdraw when a handsome pommel catches your eye. Unfortunately, all that remains of this fearsome blade is a mere Shard. Obviously, its prior owner came to a bad end and the Black Shard wound up as a practice blade at the War College. -- Nonetheless, an Artifact like this does not turn up for sale very often. But an Artifact like this does not turn up for sale unless there's a curse. -- Do you take it, curse and all?
Страж задания
52, 38 подземелье
Chatworth offers to custom make a Cape of Velocity in exchange for a Crystal Dragon. In such a cape none will doubt that you are a member of the Faculty of Sages and Mages.
51, 39 подземелье
Chatsworth has indeed sewn a handsome cape. Too bad there are so few places you can wear one and not look like a fool. -- Over tea, he makes veiled references to Barricades and Keymasters. Maybe he's trying to impress you with his Underground connections. Maybe it has to do with the Green Tent that takes up most of the Sanctum. Maybe he's trying to initiate you into the Sages and Mages? Or maybe the Underground? -- Clearly, there's more to this that it might appear at first glance. Or second.
Плащ вампира
53, 39 подземелье
The Vampire's Cowl sits heavy on your shoulders. You don't really need it, but you'd like to get to the blue number behind it. -- Inevitable, the Vamps see it another way. Fight?
Страж задания
56, 38 подземелье
Gerardo is happy to order for you a very special suit of Armor. Not only does it convey extra Spell Power, it also enables one to pass through ordinary walls -- just as if there were a door and the wearer had the Key. The cost? Only 40,000 Gold.
52, 36 подземелье
Not much wood... -- Oh, it covers a trap door. Chatsworth has a cellar! -- He also has Trolls. Do you exterminate them?
54, 36 подземелье
Chatsworth keeps his gold down here. -- Is it a good idea to take gold hidden under a Crypt?
53, 36 подземелье
Down in the Basement, Chatsworth hands you his Pendant of Negativity so you'll know he's a member of the Underground. -- You teach him the basics of Fire Magic, and he fills in some gaps in your education.
55, 32 подземелье
FOSS STATE UNIVERSITY Home of the Fighting Troglodytes Go Trogs!
North - University Coop and Maggio's Scrolls East - Harokin's Gift Shoppe West - Cartographer and Wicked Jim's South - Cristoff the Goldsmith
61, 23 подземелье
North - Wizard's Retreat (Do Not Disturb) East - Legion Square (Antiques) West - Swan Palace South - Groves of Academe
37, 26 подземелье
The Great Tower of Foss rises above you like a great spire of Bluestone and Frost. And to either side, Gateways to the Underworld -- Foss Dungeon, no doubt. By constructing one on top of the other, Uxnator has merged the powers of Tower and Dungeon to create a Celestial Keep worthy of Foss. -- A group of Zealots awaits you on the Barricade.
Кулон жизни
37, 24 подземелье
To enter into the Celestial Palace is to find one's Life. Do you take up the Pendant of Life?
Кулон смерти
37, 22 подземелье
As you step into the circular depression between the Star Axes, you cannot miss feeling a surge of raw potential, until lately pent up by the conjunction with Life and Death, but now unbalanced and threatening to teem over in a Great Conflux of devastation. It's a good thing you got here before Uxnator did. -- So to restore the balance, you need to take the Pendant of Death. You know it won't be unguarded, but do you take it anyway?
37, 23 подземелье
If you see this, you're a computer! Uxnator gets a big boost!
37, 16 подземелье
Malathion is Uxnator's Grand Marshall and right arm.
38, 17 подземелье
TOWER OF FOSS Celestial Palace of the Grand Overlord UXNATOR
37, 17 подземелье
Uxnator did well to place his personal security in the hands of the Bully Boys. Though they report to Malathion, he too stands well protected, and as long as he is able to command their obedience, then Uxnator can count on their unswerving protection. -- Since they have not come out to meet you, you decide they have orders to hold at all costs. Perhaps a Vision would be in order before a hasty attack.
5, 4 подземелье
A whole lot of Goblins try to squeeze in!
Доспехи самородной серы
55, 39 подземелье
Your suit is ready!
Эльфийский лук из вишневого дерева
65, 46 подземелье
Jeremiah is also a member of the Archer's Guild. This is his Bow.
Кольцо мага
69, 26 подземелье
Truly fit to be a gift to a King!
66, 3 подземелье
The Hierophant looks down on you with disdain. Did you seriously think I would give you the Grail? If so you are deluded in more ways than one, {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !} -- And of course this is still Hallowed Ground.
Страж задания
67, 5 подземелье
The Hierophant comes down from the Choir to speak with you. He tells you he is growing old and must obtain the Elixir of Life. As you know it is a combination of three items
68, 4 подземелье
Who disturbs the Celestial Choir?
66, 2 подземелье
The Hierophant is arguable second in power to Uxnator.
Хижина предсказателя
69, 0 подземелье
It is possible to assemble the parts of the Angellic Alliance, though not necessary for the quest. If you do, the Heavenly Host will come to your side.
59, 9 подземелье
Olaf is one of the Hierophant's Prelates.
66, 4 подземелье
You approach the Hierophant expectantly. The singing of choir grows more fervent, causing the hair on your neck to prickle with anticipation. Some of the men find this disturbing.
66, 7 подземелье
Welcome, Citizen! The Celestial Choir is always signing praises to the Almighty. Come closer and soothe your soul. -- A small donation is expected.
Страж задания
65, 5 подземелье
The Ushers tell you that Citizens may only sit here on the lowest level of the Choir. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Mira.
0, 0 подземелье
KID HERETIC Version 1.2, May 2003 by Charles Watkins Thanks to Tim Fnord Pulver for testing Thanks to the Deputies for guest appearances
Водный элементал
45, 36 подземелье
Your very presence profanes the Altar of Water, {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
42, 33 подземелье
You begin to sink beneath the water!
29, 32 подземелье
Altar of Fire
open gate
A Castle Gate now connects with Brimstone.
Страж задания
29, 33 подземелье
To visit the Altar of Fire, you need the customary offering
35, 36 подземелье
31, 30 подземелье
33, 36 подземелье
As you approach the Altar of Fire, you are reminded of your home -- and your mission. You are grateful to see that the acolytes are dressed in the familiar garb of the Order of Fire. Perhaps it is too much to expect that they know the location of the Grail, but they can do much to assist you. However, the Hierophant of the Great Cathedral holds sway over all the Clerics in Foss, so it may be best not to rely to much on such as these. -- However, they do have the power to grant you temporary status as a Reverend Ambassador, which may help you gain access to more of Town, and perhaps even an audience with one of the Prelates. The Ambassador's Sash will serve as a diplomatic pass. But please note that the officials who honor it will want to keep it for their files, so it will only get you in one place -- one time.
25, 32 подземелье
Behind the Imp Crucible is a pile of ashes. From the ashes rises a magnificent Phoenix! -- Will you tame it?
39, 36 подземелье
59, 60 подземелье
The Mermaids sing a sweet song that you will never forget. You swear to someday visit them and hear the song once more! -- As you listen, you tend to forget that this wall is bound to be patrolled, going by the number of hoofprints in the sand. But you're feeling lucky ...
56, 57 подземелье
MOTOR POOL If You Wreck It, Don't Come Back!
60, 58 подземелье
The Mermaids sing the sweet song that you will never forget. You swear to someday visit them and hear the song once more!
58, 58 подземелье
The Mermaids sing a sweet song that you have never forgotten. You swore to someday visit them and hear the song once more! Now you have arrived!
Владыка джиннов
56, 56 подземелье
A hush comes over the squad room as the veterans size up the newcomers. Though you had come to have a certain amount of respect for the Sheriff himself, based on his reputation with the Underworld, these men live up to the Deputies' reputation for arrogance and abuse. A group of tough looking Deputies get in your face. We're all professionals here, one sneers, One thing you'll learn really soon is that there's a Light Blue line between us and the rabble. And what makes us superior is we look out for each other first. Or don't you agree ... {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ! ?}
Топор кентавра
55, 57 подземелье
Every Deputy is issued a Centaur's Axe.
Гончая ада
59, 55 подземелье
Arf (You expected dialog from a dog?) Oh, he's dug up something!
44, 59 подземелье
As you leave the grassy area at the gate, it becomes obvious even to someone without the Scout skill that the sheer number of hoof marks would indicate that the walls are patrolled. Since they haven't hit you yet, you also infer that the patrols are stationed further down the wall.
68, 7 подземелье
Begone, you {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
4, 10 подземелье
Drat! It looks like you ought to be able to get through here, but the vibrations set up by the Lith have disrupted time and space. (Are you satisfied now, Fnord?)
9, 9 подземелье
7, 8 подземелье
There's a note tacked on the door
13, 8 подземелье
The Overseer is responsible for the Slave Market and Pens.
Хижина предсказателя
14, 7 подземелье
The Slave Auction today is 500 Troglodytes, fit for work in the mines or for whatever purpose milord sees fit. After a spirited auction, a Vampire Lord places a bid of 20,000 gold. Care to top it?
40, 6 подземелье
Manor East
Rents are high at Manor East!
Черный дракон
38, 4 подземелье
A gang of Black Dragons sweeps down from the roof of Utopia, intent on starting a fight.
46, 4 подземелье
Somewhat awkwardly, you knock on the door of the Mortuary. After what seems like a long wait, the door is opened by a tall, grim figure. The Undertaker. -- Mr. Skellybones inquires about the deceased, and seems shocked that you do not require his services. He says he had heard that you might be coming, and had assumed you wanted to arrange for the final repose of a lost companion. Or some drivel like that. Suddenly he becomes more interested. -- After some questioning, he finally admits Not long ago I was commissioned by the Overlord himself to construct a coffin-like enclosure for an object of great value. He would not say what the object was--only that it was too powerful for mortals to touch and had to be enclosed in a coffer of the finest gold. They paid me well, so I was happy to remain silent. But now I'm starting to wonder what powers it was meant to hold. By the enchantments carved on the side, it would seem to do with life and death itself. If so, reckless use of such a force could be bad for business, no? So I tell you this and maybe set the balance straight again. -- But when you have need of my service, feel free to enter my Mortuary. I feel sure I can find a plot that will suit you -- with an easy payment plan to match!
49, 8 подземелье
Welcome to Uptown! Sitting on a raised plateau high over Downtown Foss, sit a row of Great Houses, the homes of the Nobility of Foss. Nearby rises the Cathedral, on a lofty level of its own, but accessible to the Elite with just a brief stroll through the Graveyard. -- Members of the Lesser Nobility prefer to dwell in the Condominiums to the West, and beyond that lie the private Estates of the great Lords. -- One thing for sure--to get any farther, you're going to need that Red Password!
51, 6 подземелье
Azrael comes forward, You may not enter the Graveyard. This is Hallowed Ground! And you, you may walk among the High and Mighty, but in your soul, you are still a {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
30, 59 подземелье
As you leave the grassy area at the gate, it becomes obvious even to someone without the Scout skill that the sheer number of hoof marks would indicate that the walls are patrolled. Since they haven't hit you yet, you also infer that the patrols are stationed further down the wall.
Боевой гном
49, 41 подземелье
Bartok the Bootman cobbles the best boots in Foss, but today business is slow so he stands outside his shop waiting for a customer. -- You look like a fine, uh, personage, he says, losing enthusiasm by the second as he sizes up your little band. But he resolves to follow through. I'm having a sale this week -- quality boots made to order. Why don't you come with me inside for a fitting?
28, 41 подземелье
SHRINE OF CONSOLATION Let the Fate of Those Gone Before Inspire Us to Victory!
12, 3 подземелье
War Memorial
memorial day
It's Memorial Day! There seems to be a gathering at the War Memorial.
Сила Отца драконов
40, 3 подземелье
The Dragon Father takes your measure.
28, 46 подземелье
The Northbridge Trolls like your looks!
Шлем белого единорога
17, 42 подземелье
Whoop-de-doo! A goofy looking hat that covers half your field of vision. A fluffy white mane and, for crying out loud, a tiny little unicorn horn sticking up. Better not stick your head in a Tavern wearing this rig -- at least not a Tavern on the South Side of town, if you take the meaning -- And it will probably not endear you to the real Unicorns, either. And for what? A whopping +1 of Knowledge -- a walk in the park! But it's not as if there are any conspicuously better looking helmets available -- have you checked out the Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment on the High Priest? -- so maybe this horny hat is worth picking up, but was it worth the fight?
63, 30 подземелье
Eldaron announces that you have arrived at the moment of decision. Three One-Way Liths lead to three different fates. One is certain oblivion. Another is nearly as certain, but at least offers hope of return. The third, of course, takes you to Underground City Hall. Do not think to outwit the Underground by sending in a scout. Only one hero will be able to enter Underground City Hall. Be sure to bring the right ID. And do not send a fool!
Страж задания
62, 31 подземелье
Only the Chancellor may enter the Garden.
66, 30 подземелье
This next one is a Ring of Invisibility, says Cristoff with a wide smile. I bought it from a Halfling who said he was tired of ruling the world, whatever that meant. Go ahead an put it on. If you like it, you can pay me later!
Нескончаемое кольцо самоцветов
67, 30 подземелье
Cristoff says, I've seen enough to realize that you are not going to be regular customer, and I must ask you to leave. And you can put down that Ring of Infinite Gems before you go. Otherwise, I'll have to call the Guards. Say, you must be that rebel I've been hearing about. That's why you come here and refuse to deal in good faith, isn't it -- {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ?!}
Кольцо странника
67, 29 подземелье
Cristoff has displayed the Ring of the Wayfarer in his shop window to attract customers. You're almost positive there's some sort of curse on anyone who tries to take it.
66, 29 подземелье
Cristoff the Goldsmith invites you into his shop to see his magical Rings. You are a member of the Guild, aren't you? Why don't you try this one on?
Черный рыцарь
49, 6 подземелье
We Guard the Gateway to the Dead! You may not pass as long as you live, {H-E-R-E-T-I-C}
47, 5 подземелье
Again your feet burn as you step on the Hallowed Ground.
69, 71 подземелье
The Gnolls had worked at the Sawmill long enough to liberate enough wood for a boat. However, the Bully Boys have caught on and have appropriated the goods. They seem intent on hanging around until the Gnolls come back. -- Do you get involved in this little dispute?
Хижина предсказателя
36, 5 подземелье
Your Underground contact smiles and asks how you like the Teleport. He tells you The Underground operates a number of the these, strategically hidden around the City. Most, but not all, go One-Way, like this one, to prevent our enemies from coming back through and discovering our hideout. Speaking of the Hideout, I'm now authorized to tell you how to get there, if you haven't found it yourself already. But of course there is the formality of the ID check...
35, 8 подземелье
Manor West
Upkeep is high on Manor West!
Страж задания
62, 64 суша
Don Primo reappears in a silk dressing gown and wearing a visor. He is also a Grandmaster-level player of 'Whack-a-Mage'. -- I'm a sporting man, he mumbles, and if you are the same, then perhaps someday we should play a little game of cards. -- But a player of my stature cannot compete with a newbie. It would be dishonorable. So go practice -- you'll always find a game in back of the Taverns of Foss -- and bring back the Statesman's Medal as proof you have won a big match. Then we can sit down for a friendly game.
Страж задания
60, 64 суша
The Don looks you over and says, I have an offer you cannot refuse. There is something I wish for you to retrieve -- a mere trinket to be sure -- but something that was taken from me. And I cannot allow that, because if my enemies saw that I was weak, then they would take from me those things I most value. So I ask you to do this favor.
69, 65 суша
Hortence shakes her lovely red hair and offers to join your group. I'm bound to be able to find a suitable mate among all those fighters, she says.
66, 69 суша
CAMPGROUNDS No Fires No Cursing No Solicitors
62, 67 суша
VILLA OF THE DON By Appointment Only
68, 65 суша
Darn it. Those Peasants are squatting right in way to mob HQ. Do you move them out?
Хижина предсказателя
63, 66 суша
At the Employment Bureau you learn that for 40,000 gold, you can hire the local gangs to work for you.
Королева наг
4, 22 суша
The Naga Queen welcomes you to the Fifth Match. Here you have only to make your way to Glyph of Gallantry across the chamber, choose your boon, and return safely. 'Tis a simple task, but for you things are never simple, are they {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ? !}
37, 15 суша
Foss Dungeon
59, 63 суша
Sensei teaches you many things, including how to walk on water and snatch the flame from a candle. Most usefully, he teaches you how to climb a sheer wall, such as those White ones that surround much of the City. Unfortunately, he says, the Sages and Mages have placed colored enchantments on some of the most important towers and barricades to prevent even the most skilled climbers from entry. However, even those may have climbable sections -- but you have to know where to look. Come inside the Hut if you want more details ...
61, 67 суша
Your Underground contact is a Lizard Man named Lazlo. After he checks you out -- he seems to have received some sort of description -- he takes you in to see the Don. Be respectful, he hisses. We have a certain understanding between the Underground and Mob that we must protect.
16, 3 суша
Sheriff Office
6, 7 суша
Unless you've been following his prior appearances, there's no way to explain how Filthy McRum came to be stuck in Prison. But you don't really care about that do you? What you want to know is where is this treasure he mentioned before you freed him? -- Easier said than done
11, 5 суша
SHERIFF'S OFFICE The Sheriff is Out See Deputy on Duty in Mercantile District
67, 4 суша
Vault of Fear
19, 36 суша
Clancy is the Sheriff
20, 37 суша
You come across a throng of Trogs. They seem worked up about something, and they have a Prisoner!
15, 4 суша
The Desk Sergeant comes in with your badge. Hmmm. Couldn't locate your birth certificate in the database. I'm going to have to fill out a 2114 -- or is that a 2114a? Either way I need just a few more items
Страж задания
14, 4 суша
The Desk Sergeant says, Hey, every thief knows the Sheriff's Password. If you want in to the Sheriff's Office, you'll have to flash your badge.
Стойкий часовой
62, 58 суша
A handsome statue from the Don's collection.
Хижина предсказателя
71, 45 суша
REVERSE SKELETON TRANSFORMER Converts 100 Skeletons One Time Only!
Королевский циклоп
71, 48 суша
Pop Cyke has a theory that playing computer games actually helps adolescents deal with their violent tendencies by providing a safe outlet for them -- much as monster movies help younger children resolve their fears of the unknown. So of course, Pop Cyke has been shunned by the authorities. In fact, until recently, he was Foss' most notorious {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
71, 47 суша
What, you thought the Cyclops would have binoculars?
Ящик Пандоры
71, 46 суша
You never met Pandora, but you've heard about her box. Some legend about all the world's ills being released when the box is opened. Phooey!
48, 30 суша
DANGER - Cave-ins
57, 25 суша
The Grail ! You've found its resting place! -- Unfortunately, someone else got here first. -- -- But maybe all is not lost. You're still playing the game, aren't you? (Please do not write in about this. It is part of the story. There really IS a Grail -- it's just not buried anymore. OK?)
36, 30 суша
Looks like you've found the Rats' nest the Sheriff was searching for!
6, 64 суша
U.G. City Hall
Адский троглодит
39, 36 суша
The Infernal Troglodytes are unhappy about having been compelled to visit the Altar of Earth in order to donate a tenth of their meager wages to support priests that have never done an honest day's labor in their lives. They ask to join your group to hear more about how things are in the wider world.
37, 35 суша
Looks like some kind of offering. If you try to take it, the worshipers are not going to like it. Has it come to this?
Королевский циклоп
43, 42 суша
The Rockchuckers are protecting the Gem pond.
32, 43 суша
The Trogs don't like the idea of your taking their hard earned Ore. They say they'll fight for what's theirs, that they have to because the Law around here is pretty useless. -- Do you persist in this bald faced robbery?
Глиф доблести
14, 26 суша
You claim your prize, an odd shaped stone embosses with the Glyph of Gallantry. You may keep it, of course, as a memento of your victory -- or you can exchange it at ANY ONE of the nearby Towers to gain access to the boon of your choice. But you can have ONLY ONE, so choose well.
Страж задания
13, 21 суша
BOON #1 Admission to Nobility Ceremonial Sword
Страж задания
13, 31 суша
BOON #2 Ordination as Brother of Celestial Temple --Sword of Justice for subduing the Heretics --Sandal of the Saint for walking on Hallowed Ground --Heavenly Host for rejecting the 7 sins
Страж задания
3, 31 суша
BOON #3 Prince of the Dead --Cloak of the Undead King for raising minions --Shield of the Damned for repelling good --Children of the Night for their sweet songs
Сандалии святого
14, 32 суша
Maybe now the Hallowed Ground won't hurt so much.
13, 32 суша
Seven Archangels appear by your side.
Меч правосудия
14, 31 суша
Hard to pass this up! Now what are you going to do about the Red Tent?
Накидка Мертвого короля
2, 32 суша
Does this mean you've turned to the Dark Side?
Лорд вампиров
2, 31 суша
Thirty three Vampire Lords descend from the rafters.
Огненный язык красного дракона
14, 21 суша
A flaming sword!
Щит проклятых
3, 32 суша
You like the flames, anyway!
Лорд вампиров
51, 2 суша
Three Vamp Lords fly away as you approach.
Страж задания
31, 28 суша
Only nobility can shop at Yin-Yang, makers of arrow-proof apparel with high style.
32, 27 суша
YIN-YANG a Shoppe for the Elite
66, 5 суша
This large group seems to be clamoring at the door to get into the Vault. They certainly do not seem to want to be rescued. What's going on here?
65, 5 суша
Your men round up some more Peasants and hold them while you decide whether to keep them with you -- for their own good -- or to dismiss them to return to their Hovels.
64, 4 суша
This time you order some brought in for questioning. The tell you that they are waiting in line for the Skeleton Transformer in the Vault up ahead ! You've heard tales of the dread Skeleton Transformer before and are horrified at the thought of a faith that would lead ordinary mortals to seek such a fate. Yet, there is something in the certainty of the Peasants that makes you wonder.
63, 4 суша
You try to explain you are here to help, but the Peasants tell you to go away!
62, 4 суша
The Peasants seem irritated to see you. They attack!
Лорд вампиров
68, 5 суша
Waiting at the door are a group of Vampire Lords, who seem to be measuring the Peasants for some purpose.
Страж задания
13, 9 суша
All gates are open to a Holy Ambassador!
Лазурный дракон
9, 40 суша
Welcome to the Sewers!
Лазурный дракон
3, 40 суша
Welcome to the Underground!
9, 41 суша
Gentlemen Lift the Seat
3, 41 суша
3, 10 суша
As you approach the cell of the Dollar Bill fellow -- whose 'crime' would appear to be politics -- you are greeted with a rude remark about how you just wasted your money. -- Yessir, comes the voice from inside, I suppose I'm grateful enough you were willing to bail me out, me being a stranger and all. But I was just about to escape on my own! You see, I've been tunneling out and I just broke into the Sewer and was waiting till the guard change to make my escape. -- But now they'll be down on all of us soon enough, so you might as well come with me! Look out, it's single file for a little ways.
Страж задания
62, 3 суша
Remember the Widows and Orphans? Maybe you did them a service? If so, your generosity is about to be repaid.
Оковы войны
22, 3 суша
For tough customers, the Sheriff always uses the cuffs.
Хижина предсказателя
7, 65 суша
Your achievements are most impressive. The Underground is pleased to lend its full support to your efforts. You are welcome to the use of Underground City Hall and the transport system. However, note that the transports open to you are One-Way -- out! I'm sure you noticed the Tents on the way in. But of course you already knew all of those. ; ^) I'm sorry to say the Purple Tent is currently empty -- we'd certainly appreciate it if you'd come back and teach our Keymaster the Purple password when you learn it. And I also regret that we no longer have our Key to the City. But we can get you into Uptown, so that's something. If you were hoping for reinforcements, then your success depends on your own ability to inspire confidence among the membership. When you reach experience level 20, return here and you may find many who will take up your cause.
3, 69 суша
Regrettably, the Underground does not have the Purple Key. But they would certainly like to have one. If you could obtain it and bring it here, they will make you a Seer and allow you to use the Two-Way Lith.
8, 66 суша
ONE-WAY MONOLITHS Black - Sage Brush Inn Orange - Slums Gold - Mercantile Red - Hot Spot
37, 32 суша
The Zealots have been observing your actions and are infuriated! They cry, {H-E-R-E-T-I-C! }
Ящик Пандоры
60, 6 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
60, 7 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
63, 6 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
63, 7 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
63, 8 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
60, 8 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
66, 6 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
66, 7 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Ящик Пандоры
66, 8 суша
There is a chest at the foot of the Sarcophagus for the deceased's valuables. Open?
Королевский циклоп
66, 51 суша
The Cyclops Kings have been working on a special suit of armor for Lord Malathion, and they are not about to let you steal it -- {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
50, 58 суша
WELCOME TO NAFTA This is not the way to the Hideout! (Please Ignore the Giant Sucking Sound to the South)
19, 53 суша
Looks like a few Hydras have come up out of the sewer pipes.
8, 65 суша
At Last! -- This could be your way home. The Underground seems to know its way with Dimensional Gates. (For a moment you drool at the thought of a Dimension Door spell, but then you realize that it was banned in the compact between the Mages Guild and Heroes Guild long before the current administration.) -- But if they can construct all these Monolith Gateways, perhaps with the aid of the Deity of Fire, they might construct a Castle Gate back to Inferno.
Хижина предсказателя
35, 23 суша
Arriman's Pawn Shop caters to the Nobility. Most of his merchandise is of rich but mundane quality. There is, however, a helm. . . In fact, this Helm was formerly the property of the notorious pirate, Filthy McRum, but was pawned to pay for legal expenses. For all the good it did! McRum managed to save his hide, but he's still languishing in the Foss Jail, by all accounts.
33, 43 суша
The Trogs hate their jobs, but they also hate your intrusion.
7, 8 суша
Stop swaggering around and let me out! comes a voice from inside Cell #1. Maybe I'm no freaking Sinbad, but I'm the only best sailor around here, and I'll be happy to share my hidden treasure with the one who frees me. -- Let me out of here and I'll let you read my bio!
63, 70 суша
Who Watches the Watchmen?
3, 61 суша
Welcome to Underground City Hall ! ( Big Reward to Deserving Hero)
Страж задания
3, 64 суша
The Guards pat you down and look you over. Are you the real thing or some stooge? they ask. You realize they were serious about not sending a scout. You must be level 10 to come in.
3, 65 суша
Nice place, eh?
35, 66 суша
Open Gate
Kid, It has been six months since you left us and we are all anxious about your safety. As you know, you only have a year to complete your quest. -- It was some time after you left that we heard anything at all, other than rumors of some disquiet in the City. However, last week Doc Seers was able to draw a vision of you and what appeared to be a large group of malcontents. We hope that you are not in any danger. They appeared to be quite ferocious. -- The ill winds continue to blow out of the void, and the frostbite still clings to the sagebrush here. We wish there were more we could do to aid you. -- But there is good news as well. We have continued work on the Fort, aiming to improve our defenses. But in doing so, we have uncovered what appears to be a magical portal, an arcane Castle Gate that must have lain unused since our people arrived here. Pity that it has no companion, as it would allow us to travel without having to face the dangers of the outside world. -- Best Regards, Kid -- the Mayor
Notice of ally portal
Kid, You won't believe this! We've just managed to connect our castle gate to the one at the Altar of Fire in Foss. You can come home! Regards, the Mayor of Bromstone
Ледяной элементал
30, 68 суша
It looks as though the Well and the Watering Hole have frozen over! You'd heard tell of strange bouts of weather lately -- sudden Frosts or Dustdevils plumb out of nowhere -- but so far in all your ramblings, you'd never seen the like! -- Just as you are about to climb down and taste the water -- a cool drink would go along way to restoring your gumption -- a couple of Ice Critters pop up out of the well and start chucking icicles in your direction!
Хижина предсказателя
36, 67 суша
Youngster, begins Doc Seers, throughout your youth you have shown a restlessness that is uncharacteristic of our people. I cannot count the number of times you have wandered away from Town, following some wild critter or even a cloud in the sky. Each time, the entire Town became distraught with fear for your safety, and was equally upset when you finally returned with absurd tales of your adventures. Perhaps the harsh reception only motivated you to strike out again, but you can understand the consternation you caused ! -- It could be that you have been unjustly targeted as a symbol of the disquiet that has beset us. Our hot springs have begun to cool and a chill wind has begun to blow down on us. If the temperature continues to fall, our Town will soon become uninhabitable. We've also been hit by unnatural Dust Devils and things I don't even want to speak of. -- So despite your past -- or rather because of it -- your Town now has need of one such as you -- to make a dangerous journey to the Holy City of Foss and there to locate the Grail and return with it. For with the Grail, we shall be able to invoke its power to protect us from the harsh Winter and return the warmth to our hearths and homes. -- So you must head out once more and find your way to Foss, for it is there that the Grail is said to reside. We have few resources -- and no companions -- to send with you, for production has suffered in the Frost and the others are fearful of the outside. -- So farewell ! These must truly be desperate times for the fate of the faithful is now in the hands of a {H-E-R-E-T-I-C !}
37, 68 суша
The Mayor is fishing at the old Quarry. When you tell him what Doc Seers said about the Grail, he reaches into his pocket and withdraws a parchment and beaded pouch. First he scribes some figures on the parchment. -- Young one, time has come to begin your journey. Would that the Town had more to aid you, but with the hard times we can hardly spare anyone. The resources you carry represent the entirety of the Building Fund. We had planned to construct a Fort, but decided you might need the gold and resources more. This Bill of Credit should be good at any Marketplace. -- Then he hands you the pouch. -- This Spirit Pouch was given to me by a dying Medicine Man. He said one could travel on the Wings of the Spirits, if one were to drink the tea made with its contents. I never had the heart for it myself, but I can see that now the time has come for it to be put to use and so I give it to you. Farewell, young Heretic ! Onward
34, 67 суша
Welcome to BRIMSTONE Population - People
Штормовой элементал
33, 67 суша
Some Dust Devils come whipping across the plains and sweep down on you just outside Town. You're starting to think something funny's going on here.
Элементал магмы
26, 70 суша
From out of the fumerole flow creatures of molten rock! -- How can you hope to win with just a Dog? -- (Your horse doesn't seem to be willing to do any fighting, but then again neither do you, Hero !)
27, 70 суша
Still dazzled from the flames, you are struck by a Vision
29, 69 суша
As the Ice Critters melt back into the Watering Hole, it occurs to you that the burning heat no longer bothers you.
35, 67 суша
At last you make it back to Town. Not much to call a Town, actually. About the only ones worth talkin' to are Doc Seers, who lives in a shack just outside Town, and the Mayor, who's usually gone fishing down by the Quarry. -- There's no Sheriff in Brimstone. No call for one, either. That's why you like to take the long rides away from town.
Хижина предсказателя
32, 41 суша
SEERS AND ROEBUCK Wholesale Market Prices Mixed Consignment 100 Gems, 100 Ore, 100 Sulfur, 100 Crystal for Sword of Judgement (sorry, slightly misspelled by NWC)
Хижина предсказателя
33, 41 суша
SEERS AND ROEBUCK Wholesale Market Prices Jumbo Consignment 500 Ore for 80,000 Gold.
Хижина предсказателя
34, 41 суша
SEERS AND ROEBUCK Wholesale Market Prices 100 Ore for 10,000 Gold.
34, 69 суша
When you Dig up the Grail, you will make a hole just like this one! You will also make a hole like this when you when you Dig and find Nothing! Where can it be? So you can conclude that if you see a hole like this, the Grail can't be there, right? -- Or will you Dig here, just to because you think maybe you aren't supposed to, eh, {H-E-R-E-T-I-C ?}
Лента посла
23, 5 суша
There's a Sash left by some other Ambassador!
66, 64 суша
Mob HQ
The Mob is dependable in its payments!
63, 63 суша
The Don has invited several other local figures to play in the game. They also appear to know their way around a 'Whack-a-Mage' table and have come suitably prepared. -- Naturally, the Don wins the cut and deals the first round. On the very first card, a Dwarven Lord gets a Mage and his 35 Battle Dwarves are quickly cut down by a Medusa Queen and her 38 ugly sisters. The next deal, Queenie lays an Archmage in front of a sour looking Minotaur King, whose squad of 40 Bully Boys and 20 Rockchuckers manages to take out the Medusas, but at a loss of half their ranks. -- The Minotaur King deals awkwardly because of his hooves and as he turns up a Hanged Man for the Vampire Lord next to you, you get a glimpse of the next card -- the one about to be dealt to you! Yikes! It's the Magician -- which means everyone at the table will attack. You'll have to think fast! -- You decide your only hope is in the element of surprise, so you accuse the Minotaur King of cheating. To prove your point, you name the card he was about to deal you. And though this is not exactly compelling proof, and cheating is not exactly unknown in 'Whack-a-Mage' it does give you a chance to settle things with him first, leaving the others for a second battle. --
63, 61 суша
As your men begin to stuff their pockets with the Don's riches, you call them to a halt and point out that this wealth is ill-gotten and should be returned to its rightful owners. No economy can afford to have a major portion of its workforce engaged in unproductive work such as theft, you point out. {H E R E T I C !} they shout, and a melee ensues.
Карты пророчества
63, 62 суша
You grab for the Deck and see that its all Mages! You've been set up! There are 34 Vampire Lords, 60 Rogues, and 44 Mummies to beat. Do you teach them how 'Whack-a-Mage' is supposed to be played?
Страж задания
60, 65 суша
The Don will be expecting a small gift...
Хижина предсказателя
59, 65 суша
In addition to owning most of the Stables in Foss, I am also a patron of the races, says the Don, and to show my appreciation to you, I will allow your cavalry to train in my private Stable. But you must enlist enough riders to make it worthwhile -- this is a one time offer.
33, 23 суша
THE EXPRESSO BAR Pool Service Available
Вождь орков
35, 21 суша
Of course 'Whack-a-Mage' is played here! In fact, the caliber of play seems rather high, considering the location. Must be the membership restrictions -- another thing you make a mental note to address one of these days. -- The players this time are a squad of 40 Bully Boys -- obviously 'off duty' from Foss Dungeon, about two dozen Zealots, a three-headed Giant, a sinister group of Power Liches, some angry looking Naga Queens, and a hard-pressed company of Orcs. The Naga Queens accuse the Orc Chieftain of cheating -- he has just dealt them the third straight Archmage and their numbers have been severely reduced. It does not take long for the others to voice similar suspicions, but the Chief claims they've just been Lucky and produces a charm to prove it. -- Do you believe the Orc Chieftain is innocent? (As if it mattered to a ...)
34, 21 суша
The Nagas split, but promise you haven't seen the last of them. The others sit back down for another game of 'Whack-a-Mage'. -- Since the Orcs work for you now, it's your deal. -- The first two rounds go uneventfully, with the Power Lich blocking a Mage with Dispel Magic. As he does so, you see he is wearing an Ambassador's Sash, much like the one you have worn. You are about to pass the deck to the Minotaur King, when your luck runs out! A High Priestess! Duck! There's not even time to choose up sides!
Don Primo is a dapper dresser for a Barbarian and wears an impressive Signet on his forefinger. He seem preoccupied with a racing form, but looks up to greet you warmly. -- Mi Casa, es Su Casa he says fluently, But you're not Texians, are you? I could tell you were from out of Town by your odd clothing. Is that supposed to be a Disguise? You were right to come to me. -- Many people confuse my operation with the Underground, which is natural because I make my home here in the Underworld. But I am not a member of the Underground and I am certainly not its Leader. This I swear on my sainted mother's grave. -- But it is good you have come here, because Foss can be a dangerous place for newcomers and many have taken shelter in my employ. If you should wish to undertake certain jobs on my behalf, you will find I am grateful. But if you would challenge me -- or steal what is mine -- then you will face my certain wrath. This is the Code. -- Since you already have the Black Key, all that is left to your initiation is to instruct you in the art of appraising your foes. There is much more you can learn here, but this is a start.
Страж задания
37, 16 суша
Malathion has cast a powerful ward on the entrance to Foss Dungeon. None shall pass here as long as he lives!
11, 8 суша
14, 7 суша
CELL #4 VIP Cell Open Only for Nobility
Страж задания
5, 9 суша
The way to Friar Bruno 'the Heretic' is blocked by a Locked door. But the Deputy on duty is willing to loan you the key for, say, 10000 gold -- no questions asked.
Хижина предсказателя
58, 63 суша
Sensei has a special mission for you, with a special reward at the end. He tells you the evil Mage Sardonicus has placed a diabolical curse on the Don, such that the defeat of the Sages would result in the Don's death within the week. A counterspell, he believes, is available in the Great Library, but Sardonicus knows this and has taken up residence there. Your job is to eliminate Sardonicus without alerting the other Sages, get the counterspell from the Great Library, and return here for your reward. The Don does not dare send his own men for fear of reprisals by the Purple Sage. Good Luck!
43, 22 суша
Looks like the Zealots are planning to burn someone at the stake -- eight someones, including someone of particular importance, going by the arrangement of the stakes. Let's see, how many Heretics are there in Foss ...
39, 22 суша
The Monks attack on sight!
Кулон отрицания
63, 58 суша
A memento of the Don's days with the Underground!
Щит львиной храбрости
65, 11 суша
Nice shield.
50, 39 суша
The Trogs tell you the Sheriff is being held in the Sewers. The entrance to the Sewer is plugged up, but a good climber could crawl over it. Once you're over, crawl along to the first right, then the next right, then one more right and the Sheriff is straight ahead.
Страж задания
49, 38 суша
The Trogs say that they will not longer pay bribes to the Deputies, so they have kidnapped the Sheriff. If you want him back, you'll need to bring 100 each of Ore, Sulfur, Crystal, and Gems.
47, 39 суша
SEWER ACCESS Official Access Only
55, 4 суша
Green Crypt
Сосуд с кровью жизни
55, 8 суша
Лорд вампиров
56, 8 суша
These Vamp Lords seem more determined to fight.
Страж задания
52, 8 суша
This is Uxnator's own Tomb. Once it was the Imperial Tomb, but the usurper has taken it as his own. It would appear to be quite dear to him, for he has warded it with his very Life Force.
Страж задания
19, 4 суша
The guards here say they have orders to only let Clancy pass.
13, 54 суша
You dig up someone's hidden stash!
Хижина предсказателя
44, 38 суша
Trog Union Hall The Union Hall stands deserted. Unable to stand against the overseers, the workers have abandoned the Union and toil under conditions of near-slavery. However, when the Overseers first arrived, a contingent of 500 rebels dubbed the Infernals attempted to resist. But they were overcome and taken away to the slave pens. If they were to break free and return to the Mines, then perhaps there would be a new uprising!
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