As you pass this point you feel that your not longer as safe as before... ...But you are interrupted in your thoughts by a old man....actually a mage passing by, he stares at you for a moment then pass over a book to you and walk away...
32, 62 подземелье
As you pass this point you feel that your not longer as safe as before... ...But you are interrupted in your thoughts by a scout screaming that he found something....when you arrive at the place you see a corpse on the ground...you search it for artifacts and you find that the boots are magical...
50, 33 подземелье
As you pass this point you feel that your not longer as safe as before... ...But you are interrupted in your thoughts by a old man....actually a soldier passing by...at first he stares at you then as he pass by you he hands over a pair of boots to you....
68, 46 подземелье
As you pass this point you feel that your not longer as safe as before... ...But you are interrupted in your thoughts by a old man....actually a ranger passing by, he stares at you for a moment then pass over his arrows to you and walk away...
62, 57 подземелье
As you pass this point you feel that your not longer as safe as before... ...But you are interrupted in your thoughts by a old elemental....actually a fire elemental, as he pass by you he give you a book and walk away....
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