Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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The defeated Sylva long ago began to recoup her losses in the Keep at the End of the World. The scryes say the time is nigh. She seeks her freedom to reconquer Erathia. A fool shall soon release her. When that day happens will you be ready? Can you defeat her?
Trained in the way of War and all things evil, Deniseypoop first sided with the darkside. When she saw that Lord Bobby had enjoined the battle against the evil army, she knew the tide had turned as did her allegiance. Now she must be the first to silence the mistress Sylva to maintain her silence.
Скелет воин
66, 38 подземелье
From the deaths of all the battles fought in this pass for untold eons; these undead soliders seek their revenge
Хижина предсказателя
142, 1 подземелье
My father went away for a year of research. I am researching a way to make the greatest stink bomb while he is gone. If you could bring me 60 Wood, 15 Mercury and 30 Sulfur, and you will be well rewarded.
60, 126 подземелье
Keep of wisdon
0, 114 подземелье
Fanmail from a flounder... You're doing great, now dont flounder
25, 76 подземелье
I seek to complete the an artifact of power! It is with this aid that we shall defeat thine enemy. I thank you for rescueing me and will do as you bid. But please seek with me the Titan's Thunder.
Боевой меч титана
36, 52 подземелье
A large giant jumps down blocking your path. Only the bravest of warriors can wield this weapon. My friends and I challenge you to a figh. To the death! There are several Giants Do you accept the challenge!
Кираса титана
25, 96 подземелье
We sucked the blood dry from the formidable foe who wore this armor. We will do no less to you if you do not leave now! From the back one of your men screams, Show him your Cross! You yell at the vampires to show them you're cross, but they do not back down. Do you choose to fight them for the artifact?
Хижина предсказателя
63, 26 подземелье
No luck in finding the 14 Sharpshooters? Well try the underground, try the farthest lands to the south...but find them!
Кулон отрицания
3, 139 подземелье
You may find it easy to defeat out kind with this artifact. But first you must get through us! Do you choose to fight the storm elementals
131, 56 подземелье
Having been wrongfully accused and found guilty of aiding Sylva, Ayden now pledges to do all in his powers to destroy her. Now that he is free, is your servant and begs to be allowed to prove his worth.
130, 66 подземелье
Warning Stone is an effective barrier to elements that come from the sea.
Ящик Пандоры
139, 124 подземелье
A box wrapped in multi colored ribbons lay on the ground. Swarms of men and foul creatures lay dead all about it. Do you dare open the BOX?
Хижина предсказателя
88, 13 подземелье
I have found the secret to harness the powers of the Dragons. If you could bring 2 Gold Dragons, 1 Black Dragons, 1 Azure Dragons, 1 Crystal Dragons, 1 Faerie Dragons and 1 Rust Dragons to me, I could make us both amulets.
Штормовой элементал
105, 21 подземелье
As guardians between rain & snow, these fierce elements stand vigil to prevent needless bloodshed from despoiling this land
Случайный монстр 2
112, 133 подземелье
Aargh matey! It be my treasure ye be seeking. Well ya'll be in davey jones locker before I. Aargh!
142, 5 подземелье
Alas the fool reveals themself. A great cry is heard throughout the land. Scryes and wisemen alike gouge their eyes out so as not to see the great evil that will besmirch the land. Sylva is free! And yours is the name that will be cursed from those who survive her wake of death and destruction only to be enslaved for all eternity.
Ожерелье навигатора
103, 102 подземелье
A band of theives and cutthroats leap out at you! This treasure is ours! Do you stand and fight?
Ожерелье навигатора
21, 68 подземелье
Your trying to steal our treasure on purpoise! That will never do! Do you run or fight the sprites before you?
74, 83 подземелье
AMBUSH!!!! Trapped here, we seek nothing more than to eat off of the bones of those who trespass.
24, 26 подземелье
Land End Prison - Follow Coast due South. Boat Yard - Circle the bend
Случайный монстр 4
62, 49 подземелье
I will not surrender my prize with out taking a piece out of thee first!
116, 56 суша
Hidden Palace
63, 65 суша
An Ogre Mage who stood on the sideline while Sylvia wicked rule brought the world to its knees. His punishment was to guard Sylvia in her castle. An unforseen cataclysm left him inprisoned and unable to fulfill his duties.
8, 76 суша
Зловещий рыцарь
11, 82 суша
Beyond death, these valiant knights guard their pass.
Хижина предсказателя
82, 38 суша
Oy...is it good to have company! I've been down here so long, well I dont have to tell you...It can drive ya meshuganah! So, where is my wood I ordered. C'mon you give me my wood and I reward ya. Well?
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Комментарии к файлу "
Keep at the End of the World"