Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Legends say that great power exists on the islands of air or could it be just a legendary illusion! This land is rife with strange laws, strange happenings, and even stranger creatures- some you may even know. This chaotic world could only be in the world of H3trio;-)
Choose carefully your paths to glory for they are covered in gore. It is NOT wise for a warrior to venture from his castle without an army to protect his interests.
Khorgath loc
Some say there is a crypt in the Southwest with a mighty azure guarding the renowned Titan Warrior Khorgath
Jedi Lord loc
In a swampy island in the Northeast Titans guard a warrior known as Warlord Jedi Lord. He could prove useful in the coming battles.
Legend says an ancient hero born from the depths of the ocean, was heaved upon the frozen shores by a mighty wave. It is said Aqualung will serve the warrior who first releases him from his prison in the Northwest
Gnaughty Gnoll
Gnaughty Gnoll is said to be a powerful swinger of ale. Many call him father, few call him friend, Qrystal Dragon calls him her chief tormentor and has locked him in a prison on a lush island in the Southeast.
In an effort to reveal the location of the pink pig....Qrystal had her wizards cast earthquake.....unfortunately it only revealed some useless items underground that a dragon has no interest in.
Gageteer loc
Guarded by wolves, Gageteer rests in the northeastern part of the world. His power over Rust Dragons makes him a powerful ally!
The strong magic of enchanters guard the sleeping Malta. Some say the power of his magic is strong enough to subdue the illusive Faery Dragons
gnolls waypoint
Deep in the bowels of the earth is a small town that if taken, will provide and excellent venue for replenishing troops in the coming war.
Water warnings
This warning comes but once..... woe to those who fail to heed it. Traps upon the waterways are few and far between, but almost always deadly. Fair winds accompany the safest routes......
prison heros
Some say a great warrior or two may be found sleeping in the troubled land, but their services come only at great cost.
Unstable land
For many years this unstable land has been burdened by strange laws and inhabitants that freely break or choose to impose their own interpretations upon unwary travelers. Choose carefully your paths to glory for they are covered in gore. It is NOT wise for a warrior to venture from his castle without an army to protect his interests.
water warning......
This warning does not come often..... woe to those who fail to heed it. Traps upon the waterways are few and far between, but almost always deadly. Fair winds accompany the safest routes......
limited heroes
The ways of battle have been foregone and many chose the rogues' way. Heroes are few and no taverns exist throughout the land. Some say a great warrior or two may be found sleeping in the troubled land, but their services come only at great cost. Only the foolish waste their warriors' lives.
Thomby shedding
You hear mad laughter in the distance......... It appears Thomby Golddragon is shedding again as sparkling dragon scales rain down......
Malta's loc
The winds of time whisper eerily a name of great power. It is said that a mage of wondrous power rests deep in the southwestern regions of the world. Only a warrior of great strength can waken this mighty warrior, so beware to those who choose to go this dangerous path.
No dimdoor/Fly
Uh oh....... Light Mage has been practicing his magic skills in the Fireside Tavern again. Due to the extensive reconstruction required and to keep him from popping in and out, all Dimension Door and Fly spells have been disabled until further notice. Light Mage did leave a bit of gold towards the damage cost and this will be shared among the inconvenienced patrons.
Khorgath's loc
A wounded dragonfly that got his wings singed by the breath of a mighty azure dragon, claims that he saw a crypt in the Southwest. He also claims that the azure boasts of guarding the mighty Titan Warrior Khorgath. The seers speak of this warrior disappearing hundreds of years ago.... could the tale of the dragonfly be true?
An edge
Each castle has an edge, a minor advantage that the others do not have. You may not know what your edge is. You will not know what their edge is, but it exists.
Jedi Lord's loc
Your miner's discover an ancient parchment deep in the gem mines. As it is deciphered it refers to a swampy island in the Northeast. Further research also suggests a mighty battlemap warrior known as Jedi Lord could still be there. Some say witches foresaw a day when this warrior would be needed to heal the land and set him under a powerful sleeping spell. Titans guard this noble warlord, waiting for the sleeper to waken.
Aqualung's location
Legend says that there is an ancient hero born from the depths of the ocean, heaved upon the frozen shores by a mighty wave. It is said Aqualung will serve the warrior who first releases him from his frozen prison in the Northwest.
Gageteer's loc
Gageteer traveled the world over in his journey of this chaotic land. The rust dragons claim he rests in the northeastern part of the world, but only the well armed may disturb his sleep.
Gnaughty Gnoll loc
Gnaughty Gnoll is said to be a powerful swinger of ale. Many call him father, few call him friend, Qrystal Dragon calls him her chief tormentor and has locked him in a prison on a lush island in the Southeast. The warrior who releases him may earn his services, but from Qrystal Dragon earn only grief.
Light Age Fire Magic
The Light Age has been practicing his magic in the Fireside Tavern again. As his fingers danced to a complicated tune the spell weaver prepared to dazzle the patrons by changing sulfur into wood to stoke the fireplace. Of course the stuff made Cattleman sneeze with his snort sending the powder into the flames, and the patrons diving for cover. Damages come to $1,500.00
Black Marauder shares stash
Black Marauder has managed to stash away some more gold in the ever-illusive pink pig. He's willing to share with you to buy your silence....
Light Mage Water Magic
The Light Mage popped into the Fireside Tavern again hoping for a flash of dazzling light. Patrons quickly grabbed the emergency umbrellas assigned to each table as the thundercloud quickly formed upon the tavern ceiling. Needing gems to counteract the spell, Qrystal collected gems from the uncharitable patrons in exchange for her valuable crystal. Water damage to tavern comes to $555.00
Sir Charles blue spell
Sir Charles has been working on a spell to turn Qrystal's lovely hide to a bright shade of blue. His supplies are a bit low so he pilfered your supplies but he left you some nice mercury to replace it.
Gnaughty gnoll teases Q
Gnaughty gnoll danced through the tavern swinging a large mug of ale. The tasty treat danced right under Qrystal's nose sending her into a frothy frenzy to sink her teeth into the pastry pest. Cattleman desperately grasped Qrystal's tail to halt the wild-eyed dragon in her luncheon pursuit. As crystal scales scattered across the tavern floor, Black Marauder burst out laughing and ordering drinks for everyone...... compliments of Sir Charles of course;-)
Major catastrophe
There is a massive shortage of gnolls and Qrystal has ordered all available resources to be devoted to replenishing supplies........this is not an option!
The mother lode!
Scouts report they have found the pink pig..........in excitement Qrystal gathers everyone around to enjoy the site of all them gold coins!......... with a might crack the pig is busted!..............clink.......a single coin.....Another..Decoy!
Behemoth drops by the tavern
Behemoth comes into the tavern dragging a huge sack behind him.....Qrystal, you really must quit shedding at the Claw's Inn. Most of our patrons sensitive eyes can't handle your glowing hide
Chuckles Looking for a new home1
Sitting in a corner and looking a bit morose, Sir Charles sadly rubbed his bottled home which had sadly been mistaken for an iron golem oil can. On the search for a new home......many traders come to visit......
Sir Chuckles /Whiskey bottle
The first trader wobbles into the bar with an empty whiskey bottle Izz hearz sum blu bloke needz a newz home. *hicup*....Iz gotz juz de thang fer himz Stumbling in front of Sir Charles he flings the bottle onto the table....grabbing a few coins and stumbles out. Desperate Sir Charles floats into the bottle....and immediately floats back out grinning like an idiot....hmmmmm Nice for a bit.......but gives you a headache
Dutchrain visits the tavern bringing along several hundred gnolls.......Qrystal is ecstatic and sheds like crazy!
Sir Charles Home#2/boots
Another trader strolls through the tavern.....this time carrying a pair of smelly boots. Seeing the desperation in Sir Charles's eyes, the trader offers his boots as a new home with a greedy gleam in his eyes. Grabbing a huge chunk of Sir Charles's loot the trader cackles as he leaves. Holding his misty nose, the genie dives in........ only to shortly spurt out gasping for air..... tosses the boots on top of the discarded whiskey bottle.
Thomby Golddragon
A might wind is generated over the tavern as Thomby Golddragon drops by for a visit.......... luckily for the visiting patrons it is molting season for the golden one........
Sir Charles home#3/hat
A very tall trader strolls through the tavern.....this time carrying a pole with a large group of hats. Unfortunately it's been a great week for hats and all the trader has left are frilly pink ones. Seeing the desperation in Sir Charles's eyes, the trader offers a bright pink hat with a twisting ornament large enough to accommodate the misty one as a new home for the beleaguered genie. Grabbing a huge chunk of Sir Charles's loot the trader cackles as he leaves. Sensing that he can finally get some well-earned rest, the genie dives in........ only to shortly spurt out with a glazed look...Pink....all that pink....makes me nauseous..... tosses the hat on top of the other discarded temporary homes.
You hear a thumping noise.........it appears Qrystal is shedding again:)
Sir Charles .......Home#4/sea shell
An old man stumbles through the tavern....He appears to be carrying a large conch seashell. Seeing the possibilities, Sir Charles's eyes the shell and thinks of how all his beach furniture would go quite well in such an abode. Offering to grant the old man a wish, he finally gains possession of the shell by granting his wish to leave the old man the heck alone. With a large grin, Sir Charles grabs his beach chair and dives in........ only to shortly spurt out with a shocked look...who would have thought snails come that big!..... tosses the shell on top of the other discarded temporary homes.
Wanted posters.
Qrystal's wizards have posted sky messages offering a reward to anyone who can tell her the whereabouts of Black Marauder's pink piggy bank....of course to subsidize this reward....requires an increase in tax revenues...
Light Mage Earth Magic
Taking great pride in his position, Light Mage noticed the battlefield in the arena was getting a bit mucky with all that fighting that takes place. He made a quick decision to surprise Qrystal with a revamped battlefield. With great flair he tossed up a hand full of dirt.....mumbled a few magic words.....and scrambled for cover as the earth began to heave. As the dust settled, he expected to see a shiny new field. Instead he was greeted with lava pools and the stench of sulfur.......Qrystal would not be pleased as he frantically tried to shovel the entire sulfur out the arena gates.
Black Marauder Tattered rag sale
Black Marauder is in desperate need of a new wardrobe. Gathering his meager possessions he has a Tattered Rag Sale in hopes of raising enough money for some new shrouds. Being a good fireside patron, you purchase a few shreds of clothing.....
Thomby Golddragon sneezes
Thomby Golddragon flies overhead and catches a whiff of fresh pink paint......his sneeze is heard for miles......and a fine shower of gold drifts down......
Sir Charles Home#5 battered teapot
Beastly rushes by swinging a battered teapot at Qrystal whom of course easily avoids the flustered bartender. Just as Beastly gets ready to conk Qrystal, Sir Charles grabs the teapot out of his hands. Smiling he checks it over carefully. Although it has a few dents, it appears to be an acceptable home for a displaced genie. With a great sigh of relief, Sir Charles drifts into the teakettle for some needed rest. A few minutes later a shrill whistle is heard from the spout of the teapot, shortly followed by a trembling genie. Without another word, the teapot is added to the heap of discarded homes.
pig rumors
Rumors of a giant pink pig overfilled with coins roaming in the southern hemisphere has sent Qrystal scampering for warmer climates......leaving a trail of crystal in her wake....
false pig rumors
As it turned out the rumors of the coin-laden pig were entirely false...a dejected Qrystal is forced to raise taxes to maintain curren gnoll supply...
Light Mage Air magic
A beautiful day in the Battlemap Arena.........or so everyone thought. Suddenly a great boom could be heard and billows of smoke started pouring out of the arena. Visitors could be seen frantically rushing out of the arena gates. As the smoke cleared, Qrystal balefully eyes the hapless mage who is covered from head to toe in soot. Swatting the smoke away from her eyes, Light Mage, whatever were you trying to do?. Patting the scattered fires out on his robe, It seemed a bit cool, was just trying to generate a warm breeze. I guess I used a tad too much sulfur. ......repairs were expensive!
Scaring Qrystal
In another spectacular entrance......In a great ball of fire, Light Mage comes spiraling through a tavern window directly into Qrystal's tail........with a mighty whoooooomph she jerks her tail away from the hot little wizard only to whack it into the tavern wall, scattering crystal shards everywhere.....
recently seen
Black Marauder was recently seen re-painting a certain piggy with camouflage paint.......Qrystal was recently seen purchasing paint remover..... Sir Charles was recently seen chortling with glee as he added an unidentifiable substance to the paint remover.....Cattleman was recently seen hovering over the whiskey barrels concerned that Qrystal might mistaken them for pigs.....Some whisper her eyesight isn't as good as it used to be since Light Mage made his last spectacular appearance.......
Breakfast blows.....
Chole decided to surprise Black Marauder with a home cooked breakfast......Unfortunately cooking is not one of the demoniaks better skills.......after cleaning what is left of the kitchen......a bit of sulphur has been swept out the door for scavengers......
Sir Charles Home #6 - snuff box
A tiny little old lady with a huge nose wanders into the tavern carrying what appears to be a rather large snuffbox......being a bit deaf......she is a bit loud.....HEY YOUNG WHIPPERSNAPPER.....YOU THE BLENDER BOTTOMS WHO NEEDS A NEW BASE........EH?..........EH?......WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY?.....YOU NEED NEW FACE?......YOU LOOK CUTE IN LACE?.....SPEAK UP BLUE GOO!......disgusted the tiny woman throws the snuffbox at Sir Charles and toddles out the tavern muttering about something that can't be traced.....Eyeing the box as his last hope....Sir Charles grabs his feather duster and dives in......only to appear 10 seconds later sneezing like a phoenix in full attack mode......with tears in his eyes and brown streaks running down his face......he adds the box to the other discarded temporary homes......
stuck on boot....
It appears something is stuck to the bottom of your boot.........Whew....at least it wasn't what you thought it was:)
weary Qrystal
Qrystal wanders into the Battlemap Arena looking tired........worn.......her hide is covered in swampy material.......hardened lava bits stubbornly stick to some of her scales.....desert sands grate between her battlegear and tender hide.......muddy globs of snow laden gunk cake her talons......the dragon is a mess and it shows.....Spying Light Mage practicing his wizardry she sidles over to the pavilion......Mage........I'm tired of that d*rn pig elluding me!......Do something......cast a spell.....mix a potion......stir up a cauldron......I want that pig!..........tosses Light Mage some supplies......
Sir Charles Home#8......old bottle back
Light Mage entered the tavern with Sir Charles old home firmly in his grasp. *sighing* Light Mage took a seat at Chuckles table and set the bottle in front of him. Qrystal seems to think a old wore-out tired genie provides little entertainment and asked me to try some spells on restoring your old home. I have been ...........partially sucessful. The look of hope in Sir Charles eyes was quickly replaced with wariness, Partially?.....meaning? Looking off into the distance, Light Mage continued The potion was very potent and required the strength of the crystal scales to give the needed effectiveness. Your home should be quite habitable and more than that I do not care to divulge. In a poof of smoke.....the little mage disappeared. The exhausted genie grabbed his favorite teddy bear and dove into the bottle looking forward to a long rest. Shortly an agonized scream could be heard throughout the tavern, followed by exhaustive snores.....it appears his home is habitable........but the bright pink walls and furnishings may take some getting accustomed to...........
86, 81 подземелье
88, 81 подземелье
Ящик Пандоры
32, 50 подземелье
As you open the box you face Qrystal Dragon..... suddenly the air begins to hum as you hear far off chanting. Without Warning more dragons appear by her side.........and you hear whispering in your head........ this artifact must be earned!
29, 55 подземелье
A bit damp.....but this hat is BM's favorite
35, 89 подземелье
Well........it might have been Light Mage's once since some say he is technically a wizard.
Волшебный элементал
69, 28 подземелье
Yes...... the stories are true..... there is great magic below the mother earth. The stories do not tell of the mighty creatures that guard it jealously. It is not wise to go.............. unprepared.
Лазурный дракон
142, 72 подземелье
Lord Xeen recognizes no man as master......... I choose to Master Man!
140, 72 подземелье
Warning! It is against the law to feed the dragon blue berries. All violators will be eaten!
Лазурный дракон
3, 67 подземелье
DR_AGON reared his mighty head and roared his anger at the poor unfortunates who dared to intrude on his domain To walk the clouds of dragon kind, is to walk the path of death!
4, 68 подземелье
Warning! It is against the law to paint dragons blue! All violators will be splattered across the landscape!
75, 3 подземелье
Warning! It is against the law to take chips off the crystal dragons. All chippers will be ground into dust! .... by order of Qrystal Dragon
66, 89 подземелье
WARNING! You are about to enter Neptune's Forest. Trespassers will be invited to dinner.......... as the main course!
63, 93 подземелье
Dare you go deeper into the strange forest? Turn back before it is too late!
61, 96 подземелье
The elementals make a strange and eerie noise as they fire their frozen arrows into the sky. You wonder what have they done...... You don't have to wonder long, they have summoned Neptune's cousins!
69, 96 подземелье
What a wonderful way to wallop wayfarers! Neptune calls forth the elements of storm!
65, 100 подземелье
It appears Neptune has some powerful kin, Lord Chaos a cousin from the swamplands has sent some of his pets to play in the forest. They rush to greet you.............
Водный элементал
64, 91 подземелье
Foolish warrior, the only gates you'll pass here lead to a watery grave!
136, 115 подземелье
Dark Archangels evil side
The village priest demands donations to the church for his constant prayer vigil to atone for Dark Archangels demonic side.
gods debt
As clouds drift towards your army, you hear strange and frightening laughter. The horses are restless..... the warriors nervous......... no good came come when the gods choose to roam the land. Suddenly a loud booming voice roars in your ears....... Qrystal Dragon claims you are owed, little warrior, for the loss of your tavern....... SO BE IT...... I will give you a Capitol...... but you will get NO MORE from me! With booming laughter the voice fades back into the clouds from whence it came.
In eerie silence a huge clouds blocks the path of the sun as it drifts with purpose toward the gentle countryside. The mist settles briefly on the welcoming earth as it places a noble castle amidst the beauty of nature's realm. The heavens burst forth with angels' songs as the holy cloud slowly lifted and revealed the blessed castle. As the gates burst open showering your troops with angel feathers, you roar with laughter for it is as welcome as rain on a spring day. A voice as old and ancient as the cloud that bore it Welcome warriors we have prepared for your return. Much was done, but the cost was great! The voice returned to whence it came, as the cloud slowly dissipated into a gentle mist.
The denizens of heaven, have sent a few worthy minions to provide service in your noble cause.
tavern built
Beastly managed to scrape up enough supplies to re-open the tavern....... of course.... it doesn't come cheap.
A strange trunk washed ashore. Grimacing, you expect to find women's clothes again. What a great surprise to find it filled with gems instead. Thinking of the kegs of ale to be purchase you fail to see the castle ladies snatching the sparkly jewels for their wardrobes.
spike computer
1, 118 подземелье
D'Ragon Shire
Battlemap arena rental fees
Qrystal Dragon sent Beastly around to collect Battlemap Arena Dues (He has a special talent at collecting). Thinking hard Beastly scratches numbers in the dirt.....hmmmmm 1 X 10 = 1.... no that isn't right... 10 X 1 = 100..... hmmm no, that doesn't look right..... 10 X 100 = 1000..... Yes that's it! $1000 is what you owe.
gods debt
As clouds drift towards your army, you hear strange and frightening laughter. The horses are restless..... the warriors nervous......... no good came come when the gods choose to roam the land. Suddenly a loud booming voice roars in your ears....... Qrystal Dragon claims you are owed, little warrior, for the loss of your tavern....... SO BE IT...... I will give you a Capitol...... but you will get NO MORE from me! With booming laughter the voice fades back into the clouds from whence it came.
The mountains shake as a wind of unspeakable strength bears a castle formed from an ancient race of dragons. The beating of wings of ancient creatures can be heard whistling through the monstrous spires. As the gates burst open showering your troops with ghostly ashes fueled by a dragons breath, you roar with laughter for it is as welcome as rain on a spring day. A voice as old and ancient as the wind that bore it Welcome warriors we have prepared for your return. Much was done, but the cost was great! The voice retreated to whence it came, as the furious wind became a gentle breeze to slowly drift away .
The denizens of the wind, have sent a few worthy minions to provide service in your cause.
tavern built
Beastly managed to scrape up enough supplies to re-open the tavern....... of course.... it doesn't come cheap.
Knowing that Qrystal enjoys her gnolls toasted, you send *hee hee* volunteers to collect sulfur from your local volcano......
spike computer
23, 4 подземелье
League of Lost Souls fine
The League Of Lost Souls (LOLS) has accessed The Real Chole with a heavy fine. It appears she has exceeded her allotment again to keep her flameyard fertilized.
gods debt
As clouds drift towards your army, you hear strange and frightening laughter. The horses are restless..... the warriors nervous......... no good came come when the gods choose to roam the land. Suddenly a loud booming voice roars in your ears....... Qrystal Dragon claims you are owed, little warrior, for the loss of your tavern....... SO BE IT...... I will give you a Capitol...... but you will get NO MORE from me! With booming laughter the voice fades back into the clouds from whence it came.
The ground shudders, as born from the lava itself, a mighty castle rips from the bowels of the earth. Aaaaah the stench of evil, you relish it so! As the gates burst open showering your troops with the molten lava, you roar with laughter for it is as welcome as rain on a spring day. A voice as old and ancient as the depths that bore it Welcome warriors we have prepared for your return. Much was done, but the cost was great! The voice slowly retreated to whence it came, as the tortured earth finally settled.
The fiery denizens of hell, have sent a few worthy minions to provide service in your hellish cause.
tavern built
Beastly managed to scrape up enough supplies to re-open the tavern....... of course.... it doesn't come cheap.
A visibly upset Light Mage passed through leaving several vials of mercury. It appears his attempts to turn them into gold failed and he has no use for the silvery stuff.
spike computer
49, 114 подземелье
Qrystal sends gifts for gnoll treats
Ever grateful for the gnoll treats, Qrystal donates a few shedded dragon scales.
gods debt
As clouds drift towards your army, you hear strange and frightening laughter. The horses are restless..... the warriors nervous......... no good came come when the gods choose to roam the land. Suddenly a loud booming voice roars in your ears....... Qrystal Dragon claims you are owed, little warrior, for the loss of your tavern....... SO BE IT...... I will give you a Capitol...... but you will get NO MORE from me! With booming laughter the voice fades back into the clouds from whence it came.
The swampy earth shifts and oozes as it's mass seems to fold in upon itself. The dark and moldy clay begins to take the shape of a castle, as the creatures of the wetland swarm across its sticky surface. . With a massive sucking sound, the swamp retreats from its slimy creation. As the gates burst open the rank vegetation of the swamp pelters your troops, you roar with laughter for it is as welcome as rain on a spring day. A voice as old and ancient as the ooze that bore it Welcome warriors. We have prepared for your return. Much was done, but the cost was great! The voice slowly retreated to whence it came, as the greasy mess seeped back into the murky swamps.
The denizens of the swamp, have sent a few worthy minions to provide service in your slimy cause.
tavern built
Beastly managed to scrape up enough supplies to re-open the tavern....... of course.... it doesn't come cheap.
Knowing that Qrystal enjoys her gnolls toasted, you send *hee hee* volunteers to collect sulfur from your local volcano......
spike computer
122, 67 подземелье
spike computer
105, 112 подземелье
Dragons home to roost
Some rogue dragons have come home to roost
8, 42 подземелье
spike computer
13, 57 подземелье
Dwarves swarm from the hills to protect their golden treasure! They appear to be led by Gnaughty Gnoll...... who doesn't seem to be headed for the treasure but the lady dwarf hiding behind a bush!
Земной элементал
87, 78 подземелье
Stunned you watch the earth roll and form a giant creature of stone. He lumbers slowly your way. In awe you watch the lumbering giant bellow forth his message Mighty warrior, the earth mother has sent me to warn you of this path you tread. A river of fire, a path of peril and creatures of unusual fiery strength rest beneath this peaceful isle. It is true that there is a great artifact in this land of flame. It is truer still that the corridor of hell will not surrender it's prize that easily!
Королевский циклоп
72, 123 подземелье
You no see writing on message boards? This Ungo's cave. You no come in. I squash you with rock!.............
88, 124 подземелье
Yes in time, I will play in the H3trio leagues........ In the meantime we shall use you for training.........
33, 82 подземелье
It is true the magic below is said to give the greatest advantage of those who seek the mystical arts. Qrystal Dragon prays that you take heed warrior.... the path of magic can be treacherous for those who seek to use this mighty power....... do ....... not....... go ........unprepared!
Королевский циклоп
18, 61 подземелье
I have trained with Qrystal in the Battlemap Arena. My name Florian Trombach is written in the upper ranks and you shall be a notation recorded in my victories! Catch this boulder......... if you can!
2, 59 подземелье
So little........... at such a high price!
2, 76 подземелье
An angry azure spots you trying to take his mercury away!
62, 135 подземелье
Dead warriors tread where dragons rest.
81, 135 подземелье
Greed is a dangerous thing!
141, 62 подземелье
Unfortunately one of your soldiers belches and wakes the sleeping dragon!
141, 81 подземелье
Had a bad day so far???? well it's gonna get worse!
65, 2 подземелье
One of your soldiers reaches down to pick up the shiny rock.... It moves!
85, 2 подземелье
The sun appears to be reflecting off of a large rock! Venturing forward to take a closer look you realize....... that was a mistake!
13, 89 подземелье
Lost at sea.......... 1 bottle
8, 85 подземелье
Its not always wise to take short cuts......... sometimes it is a poor choice. Especially if the natives have seen Gnaughty Gnoll playing water games with their ladies!
13, 139 подземелье
In the slimy swamp you hear a sucking sound, lifting your boots you see nothing that could cause such an eerie noise. The warrior to your left screams as the snake woman's venomous hair wraps around his vulnerable neck! You cannot take our beloved Gnaughty Gnoll!
53, 86 подземелье
The soothing sounds of the waterfall would be heartening except for the disgusting sounds of the trolls! Where Gnaughty Gnoll? He takes troll ladies? We want back!
106, 26 подземелье
Coming too close to the rocks, some fall onto your ship! kerrrrrrrrrplunk.....You give us Gnaughty Gnoll. You give us Rock ladies. You may live! No? You no live!
54, 4 подземелье
It seems unnaturally warm in these waters, your men get excited! Maybe there's a brewery nearby. Heading closer to shore expecting a bit of home brew you get instead stewed! Where issssssss Gnaughty Gnoll? He took Magma Mamasssssssssss. We want back now or elsessssssssssssssss!
9, 32 подземелье
You hear a heavenly choir as the angels sing Don't rock the boat else you'll tip over! Don't rock the boat else you'll roll over! Laughing insanely they land on your boat and start rocking! That Gnaughty Gnoll made away with our angel maids! Give us Gnaughty Gnoll or you will pay!
11, 35 подземелье
The dead seems to take it personal when you try to rob their bones and it is always best to leave their women alone. Where is that wraith wandering Gnaughty Gnoll. You would think the dead would at least be safe from his amorous clutches
86, 131 подземелье
As you near the frozen shore, the lovely tinkling of ice plays an entertaining melody for the troops............ while large shards of spitting ice gather on the deck! WE know you harbor an Ice Maiden thief. Toss over that Gnaughty Gnoll or you will be cubed!
124, 91 подземелье
Ah fresh air, fresh air! You take deeper breaths of the fine salty air. Seems the wind is picking up and there could be a storm in the area...... but nothing compared to the furious winds that just dropped in! Weeeeeee got Winnnnnd that Gnaughty Gnoll is aboard this ship! Weeeeee waaaaaant him now! Our Winnnnnndy Wooooooomen willllllllll not waaaaaaaander home!
81, 74 подземелье
Unfortunately your boat got to close to the wreck and pieces of drift wood litter your deck........Our lumberous lasses have left for parts unknown ever since the Gnaughty Gnoll swept through. We must have his compost hide for your roots. Give him up or be buried!
120, 107 подземелье
126, 129 подземелье
Strange but true
110, 59 подземелье
We are sorry to announce that Mr. Albert Brown has been quite unwell, due to his recent death, and is taking a short holiday to recover-Parish Magazin
16, 77 подземелье
Please provide the date of your death - from an IRS letter
46, 102 подземелье
The slogan on New Hampshire plates is Live Free or Die. These plates are manufactured by prisoners in the State prison in Concord.
134, 89 подземелье
Your food stamps will be stopped because we received notice that you died. You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances-SC Social Svcs
23, 119 подземелье
19, 130 подземелье
In Texas, it is illegal to put graffiti on someone else's cow....
18, 131 подземелье
My hide is not for your artistic pleasure, prepare to eat that charcoal......
Зловещий рыцарь
89, 21 подземелье
Dr. Death screams with rage You fool. You dare ask how we died! The mighty dark stallions rear high into the air as he leads his deadly army towards your destruction....... At least you know how your statue will stand......
89, 22 подземелье
Statue with person on horse
132, 9 подземелье
Sir Charles
Sir Charles is known and feared throughout the land. It is even whispered that he once turned the mighty Qrystal Dragon into a child's toy. Of course this cannot be proven. His powerful magic serves him well in this land of struggles.
Верховный лорд
1, 119 подземелье
DWIN is a warlord of the highest level in the battlemap arena whose status as a Seasoned Warlord in the Top 10 ranking gives him a mastery of skills few can match. He also likes to test his blade in Sir Charles's MOTW domain.
135, 9 подземелье
The Light Mage has great magic, which is both feared and respected. This warrior mage has proven his skill in the fiery fighting grounds of the Battlemap arena. He is also Qrystal Dragon's Arena Warrior Wizard who manages the Warriors Challenge Maps..... which makes him special so his abilities reflect that
42, 103 подземелье
Khorgath the Titan Warrior of the Battlemap arena has mastered all battles. He is feared by many and justly so, for not only is this mighty warrior desired by many as an ally; the Dragon King also protects him.
Лазурный дракон
43, 103 подземелье
Three mighty blues stand guard to a prison located close to a secluded crypt. As you approach, the first dragon known as Azurewrath bellows his wrath and two more azures echoes his call. In unison the dragons roar only a warrior of uncommon skills may enlist the assistance or Khorgath, prepare to proved yourself!
93, 21 подземелье
Jedi Lord
Although the Jedi Lord does not yet have the elite status of Titan Warrior, his skills make him one of the deadliest warriors in the land. He reigns supreme in the battlemap arena as others seek his throne.
93, 22 подземелье
The great warrior Titansword has sworn to guard the sleeping warrior Jedi Lord. Only by testing your skills against this battle hardened warrior along with his loyal troops, will you be able to convince Jedi Lord to serve your cause.
130, 9 подземелье
Lord Valkyr
Lord Valkyr is a warrior of many skills. He has excelled in the Battlemap arena and his campaign quests are noted by many. This wizard warrior is not only wise he has the offense to back it up.
3, 119 подземелье
Guinea is an extraordinary warrior whose fighting skills have won honors in the Battlemap arena, MOTW domain, and the Campaign quests. This warrior is an excellent ally and a feared enemy.
Верховный лорд
5, 118 подземелье
Pringel roams the battlemap arena at will and has been known to test his skills in the MOTW domain. The dungeon will benefit from the mighty warrior's skills.
120, 94 подземелье
Gnaughty Gnoll is said to be a powerful swinger of ale, which has made his sword skills a deadly force to be reckoned with. Some say that many call him father, few call him friend, and all call him deadly. It is said that his presence alone torments the Qrystal Dragon in the Fireside Tavern.
31, 32 подземелье
Aqualung was born from the depths of the ocean and heaved upon the shores by a mighty wave. This warrior has been tested in the Battlemap Arena and The MOTW domain. His water magic is deadly and his ice elementals will pierce the hottest fire.
Черный дракон
31, 33 подземелье
A great black dragon known in the human tongue as Darkdragon stands patiently in the snow. His midnight hide a sharp contrast in the pureness of the snow. As you approach Darkdragon roars You think to have the water warrior serve you...... I think you will have to earn that right!
89, 46 подземелье
Soul Drift
Porker Paint Job
The camouflage paint is peeling from the pig..... Time to refresh
gods debt
As clouds drift towards your army, you hear strange and frightening laughter. The horses are restless..... the warriors nervous......... no good came come when the gods choose to roam the land. Suddenly a loud booming voice roars in your ears....... Qrystal Dragon claims you are owed, little warrior, for the loss of your tavern....... SO BE IT...... I will give you a Capitol...... but you will get NO MORE from me! With booming laughter the voice fades back into the clouds from whence it came.
The barren land can take no more the cursed suffering from the bones of tortured souls. With a mighty heave it rejects the cursed remains that course through it's scarred earth , and it forces the deathly burden to the surface . A massive castle begins to form, as the tortured souls skitter across the heaving mass to find their place in the gory abode. As the gates burst open a putrid smell and rotting remains pelters your troops, you roar with laughter for it is as welcome as rain on a spring day. A voice as old and ancient as the horror that bore it Welcome warriors we have prepared for your return. Much was done, but the cost was great! The voice slowly retreated to whence it came, as the gory decay seeped back into the screaming earth.
The decaying denizens of this tortured land, have sent a few worthy minions to provide service in your cursed cause.
tavern built
Beastly managed to scrape up enough supplies to re-open the tavern....... of course.... it doesn't come cheap.
A visibly upset Light Mage passed through leaving several vials of mercury. It appears his attempts to turn them into gold failed and he has not use for the silvery stuff.
spike computer
132, 8 подземелье
BlueMist Shire
Bar Tab Due
The Black Marauder has sent Beastly around to collect bar tabs due at the Fireside Tavern. Sir Charles share comes to.................$1,000.00
gods debt
As clouds drift towards your army, you hear strange and frightening laughter. The horses are restless..... the warriors nervous......... no good came come when the gods choose to roam the land. Suddenly a loud booming voice roars in your ears....... Qrystal Dragon claims you are owed, little warrior, for the loss of your tavern....... SO BE IT...... I will give you a Capitol...... but you will get NO MORE from me! With booming laughter the voice fades back into the clouds from whence it came.
The ground shudders, as born from the frozen land itself, a majestic castle bursts from the sides of the mountains. The frosty air swirls in a sparkling dance of icy drops! As the gates burst open showering your troops with frozen icicles, you roar with laughter for it is as welcome as rain on a spring day. A voice as old and ancient as the rock that bore it Welcome warriors we have prepared for your return. Much was done, but the cost was great! The voice slowly retreated to whence it came, as the massive mountains returned to their silent vigil.
The magical denizens of the frozen mountains , have sent a few worthy minions to provide service in your cause.
tavern built
Beastly managed to scrape up enough supplies to re-open the tavern....... of course.... it doesn't come cheap.
A strange trunk washed ashore. Grimacing, you expect to find women's clothes again. What a great surprise to find it filled with gems instead. Thinking of the kegs of ale to be purchase you fail to see the castle ladies snatching the sparkly jewels for their wardrobes.
spike computer
40, 5 подземелье
Qrystal Dragons special brew...... In case of emergency.... throw at enemy!
78, 128 подземелье
Qrystal Dragons special brew...... In case of emergency.... throw at enemy!
18, 2 подземелье
As you approach a devil seems to be taunting you to come closer. When you get close the creature introduces himself I am called Devilblade in my travels through the Message Boards, Qrystal asked me to guard this tent......... with your life!
2, 23 подземелье
Dog of Justice bellows I'll give you a hint you fool..... the sparkly pool is mine and you can't have it!
Дендроид воин
22, 61 подземелье
As you approach the giant tree something starts to move upon the ground. It begins to take the shape of a tree. I am called Dendroid Soldier and come from Lady Qrystal in the message boards. In our talks there she stressed the importance of protecting our forefathers and this tree you approach........... is mine!
Высокий эльф
16, 71 подземелье
They call me B Hunter and I have spilled blood in the battles of the MOTW. Now it is time to spill yours!
141, 4 подземелье
Foolish warrior, Qrystal Dragon sent me direct from the message boards. I am called Magick and you will be called vanished if you persist in reaching this tent.
44, 114 подземелье
I am called Hydraboy and have been honored by Qrystal Dragon herself in the Battlemap arena. This tent is hers and you don't have permission to enter. Prepare to sink into the swamps you sniveling shrimp!
Костяной дракон
92, 46 подземелье
I forget the name I was called in living flesh, but in this world I am called Roadkill. The Lady Qrystal Dragon warned me in the message boards, that a warrior would try to enter the tent. She said that I should....... d-bone anyone that tries!
48, 34 подземелье
As you neared the tent, the fiery bird turned her smoky eyes toward your approaching army. Who dare approaches SkyBroad while she guards this tent. Qrystal Dragon gave me no instructions in the Message boards to allow you to pass therefore......... you must fry!
Кристальный дракон
71, 135 подземелье
Normally I have gnolls for breakfast, but in your case I'll make an exception.
Кристальный дракон
77, 2 подземелье
Ah more ingredients for my Dragons Brew!
77, 3 подземелье
Warning! It is against the law to feed the dragon strawberries! Violators will be stomped and made into fine wine!..... by order of Qrystal Dragon
139, 100 подземелье
As I was passing through the message boards I met the Lady Qrystal Dragon. I am called Angelicus and she asked that I guard this royal tent. You have not been given permission to pass!
Владыка джиннов
110, 8 подземелье
Let me give you a hint......... I am called Abullah and I supply the strategies....... which evidently, you haven't read...........
Султан ифритов
10, 27 подземелье
The message boards whisper my name...... COLLM....... which means to you Death!
121, 23 подземелье
I look familiar puny warrior, because I have been known to participate in the MotW. My Name! You demand MY NAME! It comes with a price...... my name is Aarkon the Uncanny...... and the price is Death!
Демон бездны
0, 19 подземелье
I am the taker of souls........ come would call the soul reaper...... others would call Belenus........... I have made and traveled worlds beyond your feeble imagining...... and now it is time to............... Harvest!
46, 33 подземелье
Puny warrior...... you should know by now that witches are shapeshifters.... It is written in the message boards that you will meet your doom at the hands of Diabolique the Dark Witch!
129, 20 подземелье
Sir Charles was impressed with my skills in the MotW and assigned me to guard the waterways. You mean to take my boats...... I think not..... It is too late puny warrior to escape the wrath of Bonik.
11, 23 подземелье
My name is Ivandu...... I have fought many Battles in the MotW and Battlemap Arena.......... today I fight here!
Штормовой элементал
8, 43 подземелье
The wind carries my name Fatrim and I am written in the Message Boards. I bring the storm.......... I bring your death!
Зловещий рыцарь
8, 88 подземелье
I have earned this gold in the Battlemap Arena and the MotW...... you can not have it..... Fraudatio will be the last name you speak from your dying lips!
5, 90 подземелье
I am but a shade of the mighty Gageteer I once was...... My name was written in the message boards where all could see. Now all I see is your death!
5, 109 подземелье
People once knew me as the great warrior Josef V who fought in the MotW....... but I ventured too deep in the swamps. As I slept a fog covered me and when I woke this feeble form is all I had left. ..... You dare laugh.... for that you pay!
Элементал магмы
11, 130 подземелье
You cannot have Kilu's pretty rocks..... Qrystal gave them to me in the message boards.... I said NO!
Летучий змий
1, 135 подземелье
I am called Mozhils and I prepare for the League! You shall be my training session!
Летучий змей
18, 141 подземелье
Yes guarding this mine can be a drag, but as Lord Mithral I get plenty of exercise in the MotW... I missed my exercise this week..... so you'll just have to do!
Королевский циклоп
21, 134 подземелье
You have dared disturb the mighty Marko Stjepanovic, who has fought better heroes than you in the campaigns....... You may not pass...... you may die!
18, 127 подземелье
Stupid Warrior! My name ranks in the top 10 of the Battlemap Arena.... and you cannot take my name Zbysiu III Niski's or my status away from me.... The only thing you will take away from here........ is your soul!
Железный голем
24, 119 подземелье
It is written in the message boards that a hero would come and use this cape to return Landis to his form from this terrible metal one I now wear...... You are not that hero and cannot have the cape!
Волшебный элементал
20, 87 подземелье
I am called Prophet and as one of the top 10 ranked Battlemap Arena warriors, I have been tasked to ensure only the worthy have access to this great library......... you have yet to prove yourself!
26, 80 подземелье
My name, Jon Pontzen, is written in the League Maps for Black Marauder has entrusted me with the power to test the greatest warriors of H3trio. He has not given you permission to enter!
Вождь орков
22, 73 подземелье
Stupid warrior Gill Posse guards this Hill Fort and just as surely as my name is written in the message boards; so shall yours be written in stone above your severed head!
Дендроид воин
20, 69 подземелье
Ahhhhhhh Qrystal must have sent you to prepare me for the H3trio League. I am called Woods.... prepare to fertilize my roots!
Боевой гном
19, 67 подземелье
Many remember the Red Dwarf and his messages in the H3trio Boards. You mean....... you don't!.............. You will!
29, 35 подземелье
My magic is performed in the message boards, I have even written my name, Saleena, in the Tavern Walls........... but that information will never leave here!
Высокий эльф
27, 23 подземелье
You dare to deter Logarch from his appointed duty of protecting the Battlemap Arena! I have fought stronger warriors than you in the MotW. Feel my wrath as your lifesblood seeps from you flesh.............
33, 53 подземелье
The mighty Sergo must train for the leagues..... surely Qrystal Dragon sent you to test me........ I'll shall prove myself worthy over your battered bones!
Лазурный дракон
72, 136 подземелье
Only Death awaits those you dare intrude in the Xanadus domain!
73, 135 подземелье
Only a fool invades the abode of the Xanadu Dragons...... It appears you have been very foolish indeed!
70, 138 подземелье
Dragon Bait........................... and something nibbles! Are you sure you want to bite?
55, 8 подземелье
You dare invade Dzagiel's home puny warrior. Don't I remember seeing your scattered remains in the MotW..... I'll shall finish the job here!
57, 30 подземелье
You came to hear the great Roeltje's H3trio's stories?.... What?! ..... You came to take my treasures from me! My friend..... you have just written your final chapter.....
45, 61 подземелье
My warrior friend, the art of enlightenment, may only be obtained from Gaidal Cain when earned...... have you learned nothing from the hints & strategies lessons at H3trio........ it may be too late!.......
Могучий лич
37, 62 подземелье
Surely you remember the Evil Pat from the MotW...........surely you will not forget again!
Королевский грифон
37, 138 подземелье
The message boards say you best run for the hills..... for Langolin will shred your armor to tattered ribbons..............
48, 141 подземелье
The roads traveled were treacherous from the message boards, but Nature Paladin always performs his duty. Qrystal did not give you leave to take her precious artifact ...... so I shall take your life!........
51, 138 подземелье
Stand still you pesky warrior...... my flames are hungry........
Рогатый демон
64, 16 подземелье
Yes...... you may have seen me in the Battlemap Arena..... to some I am known as Jorge Linde...... to you I am known as the last survivor!.......
Черный рыцарь
88, 117 подземелье
You say you see a slight resemblance to the Black Marauder.... hmmm... could be... could be..... I am called Dark Tide and will slaughter inferior warriors in the H3trio League.......this knowledge you take with you to your death!...............
82, 97 подземелье
I am D'Onno mighty warrior of MotW..... defender of the weak...... destroyer of the wicked......... and crusher of warriors who dare intrude upon my home!
86, 42 подземелье
Before I was banished to guard this lowly lab, I was the great Xephrena and mastered many in the MotW...... now my boredom is only broken by the rattle of warriors bones!
89, 24 подземелье
Halt! Who goes there? Come closer little warrior...... no man living or dead.....gets by Rex Mundi. My conquests are legion in the MotW and you are hardly worth the bother........ .but then why bother not to.......
Гарпия ведьма
95, 4 подземелье
To call me a hag is a bad bad thing....... to know that my name, Sourdust, is written in the message boards is even worse........ for that you die.
Боевой единорог
102, 4 подземелье
To see my name...... is to see your death, for Lentiay is feared by many in the Battlemap Arena....... there is no turning back my little friend.... the snow cries for your mortal remains and the earth hungers for your blood!
Владыка джиннов
106, 73 подземелье
Yes Sir Charles sent me to this lonely place to guard this silly tent. I, Myriad, could be doing greater things in the MotW that wasting my magical talents to protect purple sheets........ and he who makes fun of me........dies!
Громовая птица
106, 69 подземелье
Think to do a little bird hunting warrior?........It is not wise to bother Daex, my thunder served me well in the Battlemap arena....... it will serve you death here!
Боевой единорог
105, 113 подземелье
Only the best warriors are allowed in the Battlemap Arena and you would not be allowed to pass those hallowed gates. It is even whispered that my blood is tied with the Bloodsworth Clan. The beating hooves you hear warrior is not your salvation.........but Burghy the bringer of your death.
Черный рыцарь
112, 134 подземелье
Terror follows in my wake........ for the death of many has met my blade in the MotW. You too shall know the fear of death's sudden arrival...... for Darkreign's mercy is only that it be quick!
Лорд вампиров
114, 135 подземелье
I was once the bearer of a warm and living body, but my heart was cold and the name, Coldheart 320, engraved in the Fireside Tavern. As you can see the heart killed that which made me human and left me in this dead and ragged carcass. A ragged carcass which has no choice ...... but to feed.....
Железный голем
130, 135 подземелье
You dare to try to enter the arena! I am Jorge Linde, warrior of the Battlemap Arena, and this place you shall NOT be!
121, 95 подземелье
Hear the name and shiver in fear for you have found one of Qrystal Dragon's elite warlords in the Battlemap Arena. The name Magnion is engraved in the upper ranks for all to see.......... You dare ask why I guard the aggravating gnoll, Ritcher1...... stupid warrior without him there would be no Qrystal Dragon!
122, 68 подземелье
Just as the name Mighty Zombie is feared in the Battlemap Arena...... so should you fear me!
Владыка бездны
141, 48 подземелье
Dzagiel has scattered bones in the MotW my warrior friend....... why would I be afraid of you!
138, 131 подземелье
I may look old to you baby warrior, but Greybeard has spanked many a warrior in the MotW..... come closer and you shall feel my age!
38, 132 подземелье
As you near the survivor....... you notice Gnaughty Gnoll frolicking with some water nymphs....... unfortunately so does their boyfriends...... and they think you are part of the party!
71, 138 подземелье
Xanadu Dragons-AngelA,Darkwolf, Oz, Maneater,Qurqirish Dragon, Smoking Dragon, Qrystal Dragon Here Be Dragons-Heroes about to Die, We Salute You !
73, 139 подземелье
Tour Guide
134, 139 подземелье
Strange but true
69, 141 подземелье
Tour Guide
23, 11 подземелье
Ah....... badly needed Alchemist Lab........ unfortunately it does not belong to you and appears to be guarded!
135, 123 подземелье
Ah....... badly needed gem mine........ unfortunately it does not belong to you and appears to be guarded!
25, 13 подземелье
Hee hee hee hee..... you'll not get by Shadowmutt, protector of lab lizards. It is written in the message boards that I shall rule the world......... okay maybe just this small spot..... but it is mine and you can't have it!
123, 3 подземелье
Ah....... badly needed gem mine........ unfortunately it does not belong to you and appears to be guarded!
5, 111 подземелье
Ah....... badly needed sulfur mine........ unfortunately it does not belong to you and appears to be guarded!
84, 45 подземелье
Ah....... badly needed Alchemist Lab........ unfortunately it does not belong to you and appears to be guarded!
42, 121 подземелье
Ah....... badly needed Sulfur Lab........ unfortunately it does not belong to you and appears to be guarded (tee hee, but not as heavily as the other guys
53, 34 подземелье
Time Lost
Peddler passes through
A peddler passes through selling magic beans guaranteed to lift a warrior to the greatest heights. The castle cook quickly gives the peddler gold for the beans and sends him on his way. That evening you are served Pork and Beans. Although a bit uncomfortable, you don't feel very uplifted.
gods debt
As clouds drift towards your army, you hear strange and frightening laughter. The horses are restless..... the warriors nervous......... no good came come when the gods choose to roam the land. Suddenly a loud booming voice roars in your ears....... Qrystal Dragon claims you are owed, little warrior, for the loss of your tavern....... SO BE IT...... I will give you a Capitol...... but you will get NO MORE from me! With booming laughter the voice fades back into the clouds from whence it came.
The ground seems to swell with joy, as a great cloud of magic dust settles gently atop the fertile soil. The swirling pixie dust slowly reveals a solid castle with massive roots, nourishing its strength from the earth itself. As the gates burst open showering your troops with fragrant flowers, you roar with laughter for it is as welcome as rain on a spring day. A voice as old and ancient as the magic that bore it Welcome warriors we have prepared for your return. Much was done, but the cost was great! The voice slowly retreated to whence it came, as the fairy dust scattered upon the winds.
The fertile denizens of mother earth , have sent a few worthy minions to provide service in your cause.
tavern built
Beastly managed to scrape up enough supplies to re-open the tavern....... of course.... it doesn't come cheap.
Passing through to frolic with her golden kin, Qrystal seems to have left a bit of herself behind.
spike computer
4, 17 подземелье
Gnaughty Gnoll races past your forces to catch a fleet little female imp. Just as he grabs her cute little tail, a few of her brothers and their friends take umbrage to the gnoll's flirty ways. Gnaughty Gnoll scampers off before they can catch him, with fury they redirect their anger towards you!
108, 14 подземелье
Gnaughty Gnoll races past your forces to catch a fleet little female gremlin. Just as he grabs her cute little hat, a few of her brothers and their friends take umbrage to the gnoll's flirty ways. Gnaughty Gnoll scampers off before they can catch him, with fury they redirect their anger towards you!
99, 35 подземелье
Gnaughty Gnoll races past your forces to catch a fleet little female skeleton. Just as he gets ready to jump her cute little bones, a few of her brothers and their friends take umbrage to the gnoll's flirty ways. Gnaughty Gnoll scampers off before they can catch him, with fury they redirect their anger towards you!
3, 132 подземелье
Gnaughty Gnoll races past your forces to catch a fleet little female troglodyte. Just as he gets ready to pounce her cute little tail, a few of her brothers and their friends take umbrage to the gnoll's flirty ways. Gnaughty Gnoll scampers off before they can catch him, with fury they redirect their anger towards you!
128, 107 подземелье
Gnaughty Gnoll races past your forces to catch a fleet little female archer. Just as he gets ready to grab her cute little bow, a few of her brothers and their friends take umbrage to the gnoll's flirty ways. Gnaughty Gnoll scampers off before they can catch him, with fury they redirect their anger towards you!
109, 73 подземелье
The fountain up ahead will be a welcome relief, just as your troops start forward; Gnaughty Gnoll races by as he sees a cute little unicorn grazing by the fountain. Just as he grabs her shiny little horn, her brothers gets ready to pierce you with theirs.
86, 116 подземелье
Just as you are about to cross the bridge, Gnaughty Gnoll races past you in hot pursuit a female ogre. Just as he is about to grab her cute little club, she shrieks with pleasure......... unfortunately her brothers think she is in pain!
23, 94 подземелье
Just as you are about to enter the medusa stores, Gnaughty Gnoll races past you in hot pursuit a slithering medusa. Just as he is about to grab her slithering hair, she screams in ecstasy......... unfortunately her sisters think that she is in pain!
47, 59 подземелье
Just as you are about to enter the sandy plain, Gnaughty Gnoll races past you in hot pursuit a female gorgon. Just as he is about to grab her shiny hide, she roars in pleasure......... unfortunately her brothers think that she is in pain!
28, 35 подземелье
Just as you are about to enter the altar of wishes, Gnaughty Gnoll races past you in hot pursuit a female genie. Just as he is about to grab her misty frame, she screams in ecstasy......... unfortunately her sisters think that she is in pain!
27, 6 подземелье
As you near the Fireside Tavern, a ragged Beastly the Bartender comes out bearing a wrinkled piece of paper in his hand. With a sob, he frantically clutches your boots. Tears pour down his homely face. Please tell Black Marauder I tried. *sniff* I tried to give that pink lizard the bar tab, but her massive tail started twitching. It was horrible. Tables started flying. Barstools went through the roof. The tavern is closed for repairs. Hesitantly he hands you the bill. Please see that he gets this and he must get that dragon out of there. The workers won't start until she is gone! *Beastly collapses at your feet in a sobbing mess*
139, 13 подземелье
As you near the Water Wheel, you notice Qrystal Dragon hiding in the snow. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Her troubled eyes look pleadingly into yours, Please don't tell anyone I'm here. Someone has been marring my beautiful hide with blue markings. I thought I would hide here for a while, but I'm getting very very hungry. Would you mind tossing a few gnolls over here? Feeling a bit guilty about the markings you throw the hungry dragon her gnoll treats. For some reason your load seems lighter.
131, 135 подземелье
As you near the arena, you notice Qrystal Dragon drawing pictures of what could be a pig. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Startled she looks your way and starts scratching through her drawings. No, I'm just errrrrr preparing the arena schedule for the weekend. Are those gnolls I see behind you? A loud growling comes from Qrystal's direction. Tossing the hungry dragon some gnolls you realize your supplies need to be replenished. Shaking your head you continue on your way.
8, 101 подземелье
As you near the stables, you notice Qrystal Dragon peering intensely at the back of the wall. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Startled she looks up. Do you think the stable is big enough to contain a very large pig? Sniffing the air Are those gnolls I smell behind you? A loud growling comes from Qrystal's direction. Tossing the hungry dragon some gnolls you realize your supplies need to be replenished. Shaking your head you continue on your way.
59, 39 подземелье
As you near the cursed temple, you notice Qrystal Dragon pulverizing old skeleton bones with her tail. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Stopping in mid-smash she looks up. No, nothing is wrong, Light Mage gave me this wonderful potion that exposes hidden pigs. One of the ingredients is crushed bones of boars. Shaking your head Qrystal, the bones you are crushing are not boar bones. Qrystal looks up confused But the nice man over them told me everyone who is buried here is a bore. With a heavy sigh Qrystal, take this money and go to the magi hut, and buy the crushed bones you need. Those you have won't work. Shaking your head you continue on your way.
96, 34 подземелье
As you approach the wagon, you notice Qrystal Dragon trying to hide her massive body behind the small wagon. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Stopping in mid-squeeze she looks up. No, nothing is wrong, I'm just trying not to let BM see me. My nose tells me he has brought the pink pig through this way, and I intend to follow him the next time he does. Looking at the huge dragon and then the small portal. Qrystal I don't think you are going to fit through that portal without some help. Here take this gold to the nearest magi hut, and get you a shrinking potion. Be sure to get the antidote also. Shaking your head, you only wonder what the pink dragon will look like next time you see her.
22, 31 подземелье
A strange swishing sound comes from the woods. Suddenly a swirling mass of blue mist materializes in front of you. A desperate genie grabs you by the shoulders before you can even react. Tears are pouring down the genie's face. Please, please take me with you. That pink dragon thinks I would make a great crystal ball for the Fireside Tavern and keeps trying to stuff me into a pickle jar. Sir Charles is destined for greater things than the pickle jar! Awkwardly patting the shivering blue genie you welcome him to your army and quickly escort the soggy mist to the back.
107, 81 подземелье
As you near the water wheel you hear a loud splashing. A huge mighty gorgon paws the ground as he speaks Warrior, have you seen Qrystal Dragon? Wondering what the wisest answer would be, Are you the Mighty Gorgon Cattleman, that the Black Marauder calls friend? Snorting the massive bull responded He has that pleasure, now I ask one more time have you seen Qrystal Dragon? Nervously you respond, Yes I have seen her on occasion in my travels. She seems to be searching for something. Cattleman's eyes begin to glow The pink dragon knows naught of peril and needs a friend, YOU will take me to her. Knowing only a fool refuses Cattleman, you nodded as he joined your party.
53, 35 подземелье
Jenn's gentle demeanor is misleading to many warriors who have thought her an easy conquest. She has proven herself in Sir Charles's MOTW domain. She is a shrewd warrior who uses her intelligence to distinct advantage when visiting the Battlemap Arena Forum or Fireside Tavern.
Рыцарь Смерти
55, 36 подземелье
Though his eyes glow with an inner fire, his soul is dedicated to any quests he chooses to partake. Qrystal welcomes Russtovich in the arena for his skill in battle is well know in Restoration of Erathia and Armageddon's Blade. Beware of this dark knight for his sword will cleave you in twain before your eyes can see him move.
52, 36 подземелье
Yung's dedication is known throughout the land. This warrior has not only proven his skills in the Battlemap Arena, but has also earned the Lady Qrystal Dragon's respect for his Quests in the campaigns. His loyalty is unquestionable . His respect is not freely given but must be earned.
49, 115 подземелье
Cattleman, the mighty gorgon freely roams the battlemap arena and Fireside Tavern. He is known to have powerful allies in the dead and the dragons. Even they know to beware the glowing stare of this powerful hero. He is a provider of gnolls for the Lady Qrystal Dragon, who holds this bovine warrior in great affection. For that generosity he is granted a special talent not normally known among his kind .....
51, 116 подземелье
Lunetic's name is whispered in awe in the Battlemap Arena. This warrior hones his skills in the Battlemap Arena where he is ranked among the best. When he feels the real urge to crush foes he treats the Sir Charles's MOTW domain to the taste of his sword.
46, 116 подземелье
Raistlin is a hero much to be feared, not only is this warrior ranked in the top 10 of the battlemap rankings but also is at the very top of the MOTW rankings. His skills are unparalleled and his attack his deadly.
Рыцарь Смерти
89, 47 подземелье
Black Marauder walks the dark path and inspires fear in those who walk the light. They say the dragons respect him, the mighty gorgons stand beside him, the demoniaks admire him, and genies heed his call. Others see only death in the darkness of their souls.
136, 116 подземелье
The Dark Archangel is feared in the Battlemap Arena and it is said the dragons themselves protect him. Some say he is welcomed by the Death Knight Black Marauder and respected by Qrystal Dragon. His skills in battle have served him well and left the fallen as memories in the dust.
132, 117 подземелье
A top 10 ranking in the Battlemap arena means little to this warlord, who enjoys the thrill of battle. His leadership abilities and willingness to share his knowledge of war has served him well in the MOTW domain. He in turn serves those well that he calls friend.
130, 118 подземелье
Jolly Joker
Beware of the Jolly Joker, some have made the mistake of not taking this warrior serious. The joke of course was on them. This warrior excels in the art of strategy and has been known to eliminate the opponent without a hint of his intentions.
Боевой маг
84, 48 подземелье
Black Finn
Black Finn's gruff demeanor cloaks an even more deadly trait for unsuspecting foes. His intelligence and skill in battle tactics make him a formidable foe regardless of the size of his army. Engage this hero at great risk and be prepared to lose that which you value most...... your very existence.
86, 49 подземелье
Grand Guild Tactician of the Zenith Guild of Doom gives terror a whole new meaning with his deadly abilities. They say none can master the game as this death warrior can.
23, 5 подземелье
The Real Chole often brings a warm feeling whenever she visits the Fireside Tavern. Very few can get close to her although she doesn't appear to have a *dampening* effect on the death knight. Few cross her path and keep their lives.... even fewer keep their souls.
19, 8 подземелье
Many warriors whisper in the Fireside Tavern Halls that Dutchrain is a warrior who deals death in battle with unparalleled skill. His fiery demeanor instills fear in the heart of those few, those very few who dare oppose him.
17, 7 подземелье
Javai is a noble warrior whose skills are well known by Sir Charles in the MOTW domain. Few know that this feared warrior is also known for the gift of turning phrases. All know not to mistake this talent for..... weakness!
Мастер гремлин
124, 2 подземелье
Once I was a mighty warrior called Andrzej Hildebrandt who fought in the Battlemap Arena..... but alas I woke up one morning in this puny frame. You dare to laugh! It will be your last!
Мастер гремлин
134, 1 подземелье
You dare call me a gremlin....... before I read those cursed words on the message board, I was much more. I was Amiz!
Красный дракон
3, 140 подземелье
As the warriors tried to sneak up on the mighty red dragon, he turned around and roared Ah puny mortal feel the wrath of Strider. I will carry the news of your demise straight to the Qrystal Dragon in the message boards
110, 94 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
10, 57 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
71, 44 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
80, 121 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
140, 37 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
19, 91 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
38, 68 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
113, 125 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
45, 137 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
110, 61 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
68, 17 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
21, 120 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
92, 25 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
128, 87 подземелье
I am a little gnoll scout who's sole purpose in the world is to search for clues of where the pink pig is hidden and give this vital information to Qrystal. If I fail I become............. lunch;-)
Волшебный свиток
43, 119 подземелье
Qrystal whispers *The others are guaranteed this spell in their mage guild and no way was I going to let my favorite gorgon be the only one to not get it*
Волшебный свиток
50, 118 подземелье
Qrystal whispers *The others are guaranteed this spell in their mage guild and no way was I going to let my favorite gorgon be the only one to not get it*
83, 84 подземелье
In honor of your bravery......the mermaids leave you a little something they found on the ocean floor
85, 84 подземелье
In honor of your bravery......the mermaids leave you a little something they found on the ocean floor
89, 84 подземелье
In honor of your bravery......the mermaids leave you a little something they found on the ocean floor
91, 84 подземелье
In honor of your bravery......the mermaids leave you a little something they found on the ocean floor
89, 86 подземелье
Smiling the mermaids ask, Are you sure you wish to travel by pool? There are 15 Crystal Dragons guarding the gates.
85, 86 подземелье
Smiling the mermaids ask, Are you sure you wish to travel by pool? There are 15 Crystal Dragons guarding the gates.
81, 84 подземелье
Smiling the mermaids ask, Are you sure you wish to travel by pool? There are 15 Crystal Dragons guarding the gates.
93, 84 подземелье
Smiling the mermaids ask, Are you sure you wish to travel by pool? There are 15 Crystal Dragons guarding the gates.
36, 141 подземелье
Malta chose his nickname to honor a small nation that he liked. Although generally very peaceful, he has been known to engage in discussions, including some rather heated ones. He possesses a very philosophical mind and often spends time thinking about the meaning of life. As a Wind Mage, Malta has worked on his skill in Air Magic, and underestimating him due to his lack of physical skills could therefore be dangerous.......*Many thanks to this map tester for his efforts in making this an enjoyable map!*
36, 142 подземелье
Only the foolish attempt to get past Warrior Fiur, and those that have tried......have died in the Battlemap Arena. Qrystal sent no word of your passing to wake the sleeping Warrior Malta. He has traveled this world far and wide, his sleep will not be disturbed by the likes of you!.............
125, 34 подземелье
Being a male lizard, Gageteer was destined to become a reluctant footsoldier in Breath province's military. During the crushing counter-invasion by Erathia, however, his unit was shattered. Somehow he managed to escape to Nighon. In Nihon, a warlock befriended him. Then his magical aptitude was discovered. With his mentor's backing he recruited others like himself and quickly formed a freelance guild known as Wind Mages. *Many thanks to this map tester for his efforts in making this an enjoyable map!*
127, 34 подземелье
Just as you are about to enter the war machine factory, Gnaughty Gnoll races past you in hot pursuit a slinky naga. Just as he is about to grab her slithering tail, she screams in ecstasy......... unfortunately her sisters think she is in pain!
Разбойник на волке
126, 35 подземелье
As you approach the prison, you hear a deathly growl. A large group of wolves spring out to attack. The leader Warrior Madog growls his warning, Who dares to approach Gageteer! Qrystal sent to word of your coming........so you will be going.....to your death!
Летучий змей
40, 121 подземелье
As you approach the Sulfur Mine a giant insect and his troops position themselves protectively in front of the mine. I am called Dragonfly a visitor of the message boards... my message comes straight from Qrystal Dragon herself... the message being a........stinger!
88, 10 подземелье
It seems really foamy in these waters, your men get excited! Maybe there's a brewery nearby. Heading closer to shore expecting a bit of home brew you get instead stewed! Where issssssss Gnaughty Gnoll? He took Water Mamasssssssssss. We want back now or elsessssssssssssssss!
66, 27 подземелье
Lost One Magi Ring........reward offered.......see Light Mage
67, 95 подземелье
Deep in the watery forest, you reach for the mighty sword of Neptune himself. Your frustration mounts as you find you cannot touch the sword! You scream your fury to the gods! You say bravery is rewarded! Well I have conquered the forest of the mighty god of Neptune and this is my reward. A sword I can not touch! What must a warrior do to prove his worth? Lightening flashes across the empty sky as a voice booms down from the heavens. Warrior prove your worth to ME and you'll have the Titan's sword. I will leave a false one in the forest. The mighty Neptune will never know you won his prize!
84, 74 суша
A searing heat reaches to the very depth of your lungs. It is said Hell's Corridor greets all visitors with hot fury. You hear a deep rumbling laugh and then from the bowels of hell Come in puny mortal, you'll find no cooling breeze in my hall! Come in if you dare and strip the pretty helmet from my head! Or then again I might strip your head from yours!
58, 74 суша
An evil presence passed through the message boards..... he is called Beltion and he lives here!
Ящик Пандоры
58, 66 суша
As you open the box you face Qrystal Dragon..... suddenly the air begins to hum as you hear far off chanting. Without Warning dragons and devils appear by her side.........and you hear whispering in your head........ this artifact must be earned!
Кристальный дракон
58, 67 суша
If it is destined that I must die...... so be it..... the box must be earned!
Ящик Пандоры
25, 85 суша
They fairy dragons waved their claws, at first you think the magic failed.......... until their swampy friends appeared!
Сказочный дракон
28, 83 суша
No we do not take magical bribes..... and yes you will die because of it!
27, 77 суша
The name of Hydraboy is written in the Battlemap Arena..... It is also the last name you shall hear in this lifetime!
23, 83 суша
lOrdbasili5k has been known to visit the Fireside Tavern, but this eerie place is my home....... and no one invades my home!
28, 87 суша
Yes it is true that I am called Robin Goodfellow. Yes it is true that I assist warriors by providing hints..... but it is not true that I will let anyone pass for a few coins. You insult me sir and must die!
Ящик Пандоры
81, 28 суша
As you open the box you face Qrystal Dragon..... suddenly the air begins to hum as you hear far off chanting. Without Warning more dragons appear by her side.........and you hear whispering in your head........ this artifact must be earned!
Кристальный дракон
81, 27 суша
At all costs......... I must protect the box!
Ящик Пандоры
12, 2 суша
Only two Azure Dragons remain guarding the prize....... but they have called some friends.
Лазурный дракон
12, 1 суша
A large azure dragon gazes at you contemptuously. He lets out a mighty roar, which sounds almost like a laugh. Ah I see thoughts in your head little warrior that you think because you have made it this far, you will get the prize.... if there is a prize . Too bad that you will never know puny mortal for you are in the presence of DR_AGON who has killed better warriors than thou in Sir Charles's MOTW;....... and you have met the end of your destiny.
10, 0 суша
Qrystal Dragon asked me to bring a message to you from the Message Boards...... She said to tell you that Dutchangel bears your death warrant..... prepare to die!
3, 11 суша
89, 46 суша
You might as well give up it isn't going to happen. Can't get by this way either.
89, 49 суша
*snicker* you think you can sail that boat through rock. You aren't going to be able to visit the little houses on sticks this way
87, 47 суша
No No No No No....... You can't reach them this way either
87, 49 суша
*snicker* you think you can sail that boat through rock. You aren't going to be able to visit the little houses on sticks this way
91, 48 суша
Nope! Afraid not! You aren't going to get to it this way!
33, 49 суша
All that glitters is not gold......... Fool!
Золотой дракон
2, 1 суша
You would not understand my dragon name puny warrior..... only my human one as written in the message boards...... they call me Thomby Goldragon and I love tasty warrior treats!
1, 5 суша
I have traveled the H3trio world over..... my journeys have taken me to the Battlemap Arena.... I have shared my strategies to young warriors..... I have made maps to test the mightiest of conquerors...... I am called The Fiery Phoenix and I have earned my place......... YOU cannot take it!
Древнее чудище
2, 9 суша
Qrystal has asked me to ensure only the strongest of warriors is allowed to pass. Those who prove worthy may call me Behemoth and visit the lair....... others are bloody ribbons of confetti at my feet. *Slashing his deadly talons in the air* Come warrior...... which are you?
36, 48 суша
All that glitters is not gold......... Fool!
Гнолл мародер
49, 121 суша
Although the guise may change, the names does not... I am Aegirson and I have fought in the MotW. Puny warrior I have no fear of YOU!
Элементал магмы
80, 74 суша
I remember passing through the message boards...... I remember my name, Haber............. I do not remember you...... so you must die!
36, 136 суша
Some have seen me in the MotW........ Some call me FanofH3trio........ Some have never been able to speak again......... you......... fall into the later group!
Королева наг
106, 66 суша
Qrystal Dragon allowed me to take a vacation from the Battlemap Arena....... She knows how much T3TrOne enjoys slicing and dicing intruders...... I have the perfect recipe.......just for you!
101, 52 суша
Come closer......... just a bit closer............. I am Dalamor, feared warrior in the MotW............ I tell you this so you will know who strips the meat from your bones!
Сосуд с кровью жизни
43, 1 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
46, 1 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
48, 3 суша
Brotherhood of the Bloodsword Clan...... Mighty Defenders of Mice. If you have a battle that needs running from!..... We are your Club!
49, 4 суша
Tour Guide
43, 5 суша
Tour Guide
20, 33 суша
Tour Guide *brushes hair out of eyes* My My that was invigorating! Okay folks step up close for the second stop on our tour. Please pass around these perfumed hankies. The DePHEWties have a bit of order about them, but we feel they are well worth the tour! Follow me! *Gnaughty Gnoll slips through the portal and tags along
11, 29 суша
Tour Guide
16, 33 суша
Tour Guide
45, 5 суша
Dragon Players-Once Great Slayers of Dragons.. in practice...until they met some real ones and then prayed for deliverance. Been toys ever since!
44, 5 суша
You reach down and find a coin.....must be your lucky day! oooooooops it belongs to someone....... not so lucky
47, 5 суша
Tour Guide
13, 31 суша
The Awesome Dingy Circle.........we are to be feared! We are the lint in your belly button and in battle we will dust you!
14, 32 суша
Tour Guide
Щит львиной храбрости
11, 58 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
Меч правосудия
10, 57 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
Сфера подавления
12, 64 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
Башмаки полярности
11, 63 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
14, 59 суша
Knights of the Brown (Table).... We don't run for cover! We carry our own cowering shelter!.
10, 60 суша
Scarlet Underhood Team..... The battlefield runs scarlet when we fight, we run so fast we leave our red undies behind!
11, 61 суша
Tour Guide
14, 60 суша
Tour Guide
18, 32 суша
The Great DePHEWties Gang...... no stink job too small! In battle, we will bore you in record time!
135, 138 суша
The Unmobile Alliance... We like to lay down and play dead till the battle is over, then quietly slink into the night!
137, 139 суша
Warlock's Loco No.13.... our name reflects our game... it takes only 13 days to beat us!
125, 87 суша
Warriors of Little Magic..... The mighty peasants fear our magical warfare others we just refuse to fight!
133, 140 суша
Tour Guide
140, 136 суша
Tour Guide
Сфера небесного свода
123, 86 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
Книга магии Воздуха
127, 92 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
128, 86 суша
Tour Guide
123, 91 суша
Tour Guide
126, 89 суша
Tour Guide
Шляпа заклинателя
38, 5 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
124, 90 суша
Trendy Mages... It doesn't take magic for us to break Wind!
136, 23 суша
The Light Mage
Демон бездны
141, 24 суша
Элементал мысли
140, 20 суша
Marty Everson
Волшебный свиток
140, 15 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
135, 29 суша
137, 19 суша
As we proceed down the walkway you will also notice on my left, Marty Everson. Marty is our resident Chief Map Reviewer. He has made many friends and ........ er possibly enemies in the map making world. He keeps pretty much to himself. It is said he once had a lovely sprite for a companion, but unfortunately she did not get a very good review and fluttered off to lands unknown.
137, 17 суша
Tour Guide
137, 21 суша
I apologize for that minor interruption, but it is so hard to keep the riff raff out nowadays. I would like to direct your attention to my right of the pathway and the large structure you see, is the Battlemap Arena. The Cute Brown Wooly guy is of course Behemoth. He has provided valuable assistance by creating the Conflux Battlemaps. He is quite popular with the ladies, for it seems he has an extraordinary talent for shredding unwanted laundry. Next to Behemoth, is of course, Gwhenwyfar. Although she is no longer a part of the staff for H3trio, she is very much a part of it's rich history. Without her there would be no Battlemap Arena and she made some of the Best and most popular maps for H3trio. Gwhenwyfar gave much more to the site, than it could ever possibility return to her. Standing across from Gwhenwyfar, you will notice a rather ancient guy in a to-die-for red robe. Don't let the appearance fool you, for Light Mage is a dangerous creature. His magic is noted for incredibly unforeseen results. Once he got the idea to have night matches in the arena, and decided to conjure up some magic lamps for lighting. Well you should have seen the furious genies popping up all over the arena. Qrystal Dragon had to use her best diplomatic skills to prevent them from turning the little mage into a candle and lighting him at both ends. Needless to say, matches are still held during daylight hours only. Light Mage is well worth the ....hmpmh.... minor inconvenience he may cause. He assists Qrystal Dragon in the Battlemap Arena and she is extremely fond of him. Speaking of Qrystal Dragon, she of course is the Battlemap Arena Mistress. Campaigns, Battlemaps, and Warrior Challenges fall within her domain. She is constantly searching for a pig, which Black Marauder is constantly hiding. Despite this little contest, the two are said to be good friends...... but sometimes with the bickering it's hard to tell.
138, 23 суша
Speaking of Black Marauder, you will notice the Death Knight to my right. He is the commander-in-chief of H3trio, and THINKS he is control of the site and his staff. His patience is unlimited as he tries to provide direction to this odd but vital crew. He has been known to write an entertaining tale or two. The rest of the tired, overworked, underpaid staff have often wondered if he does anything else. It seems he is forever seen pushing a large pink pig around the premises. The demon lady close to Black Marauder, is Chole. She teases the Black Marauder unmercifully and of course provides him with a daily dose of hugs. This invaluable service (and just how many want to hug a musty corpse) is appreciated by the whole staff. It also keeps BM out of trouble and away for the general population. When not entertaining BM in the Fireside Tavern, Chole can be found on the Heroes IRC channel and 3do board.
138, 25 суша
Ah folks this is the last stop on our short tour, I do hope you have enjoyed it as much as I. If you will direct your attention to the figure on the water to my right, this is Belenus. He has taken on the awesome responsibility of the Daemon's Cry project. He is also the web master and owner of Lancer Games, an affiliate of H3trio. Although I hear Daemon's Cry has brought tears to his eyes, I understand he still has a shred of sanity left. Okay folks, you may refresh yourself by the well before you leave, and please feel free to visit again anytime!
137, 20 суша
Oooops, sorry folks it appears some of Marty's not so friendly friends don't care to let us continue. I'm afraid you will have to convince them otherwise.....
Крест отваги
134, 23 суша
Foolish Warrior..... you were never meant to have this artifact
135, 23 суша
52, 125 суша
Gnaughty Gnoll races past your forces to catch a fleet little female gnoll. Just as he gets ready to pat her furry fanny, a few of her brothers and their friends take umbrage to the gnoll's flirty ways. Gnaughty Gnoll scampers off before they can catch him, with fury they redirect their anger towards you!
69, 46 суша
As you near the windmill, you notice Qrystal Dragon hiding in the snow. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Her troubled eyes look pleadingly into yours, Black Marauder says that sometimes I have windmills in my head *sniffle* but even I know that twirly machine would never fit in my head, don't you agree? Desperately looking for an answer that would pacify the pink dragon errrr, Qrystal I brought you a gnoll treat. Quickly forgetting the question, Qrystal gobbled the little gnolls as fast as they were tossed.
101, 54 суша
As you near the Gold Mine, you notice Qrystal Dragon apparently digging behind it. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Her startled eyes quickly turn in your direction while she tries to hide a shovel, Wrong? No. errrrr I'm just porking...... I mean poking around for some loose change. Tossing her a few coins Why Qrystal, I didn't realize you were having money problems. I hope this helps
44, 137 суша
As you near the learning stone, you notice Qrystal Dragon sniffing what looks to be pig tracks. Qrystal...... Is something wrong? Stopping in mid-snort she looks up. Have you by chance seen a very large pink pig pass this way? Another odor drifts across the foliage, sniffing the air Are those gnolls I smell behind you? A loud growling comes from Qrystal's direction. Tossing the hungry dragon some gnolls you realize your supplies need to be replenished. Sorry, Qrystal, saw a few boars a while back but no pink pigs. Shaking your head you continue on your way.
6, 60 суша
Tour Guide
139, 137 суша
Tour Guide
56, 39 суша
Gnaughty Gnoll races past your forces to catch a fleet little female centaur. Just as he grabs her silky mane, a few of her brothers and their friends take umbrage to the gnoll's flirty ways. Gnaughty Gnoll scampers off before they can catch him, with fury they redirect their anger towards you!
Скелет воин
89, 63 суша
I once was the great warrior Alexis MacCoy and fought in the MotW. Now my weary bones guard this coffin shop!
105, 19 суша
It will cost you...... but the prize may well be worth it!
109, 20 суша
It will cost you...... but the prize may well be worth it!
Случайный город
4, 80 суша
Plzur Palace
Villains creatures
villains resources
67, 104 суша
Gnoll Sleeeez
additional creatures
additional resources
67, 105 суша
Richter1 is said to be a powerful gnoll swinger of ale, which has made his sword skills a deadly force to be reckoned with. Some say that many call him father, few call him friend, and all call him deadly. It is said that his presence alone torments the Qrystal Dragon in the Fireside Tavern.
103, 114 суша
A tiny sprite flits up from the flowers and whispers into your ear I have been waiting for a worthy hero who comes to fight the evil skirt chaser. *sniff* He said I was too tiny for his taste and for that he must pay! Suddenly the little beauty flits away but with a POOF an artifact appears in her place.
1, 142 суша
additional creatures
additional resources
10, 77 суша
Richter3 is a clone of Richter 1 and said to be a powerful gnoll swinger of ale which has made his sword skills a deadly force to be reckoned with. Some say that many call him father, few call him friend, and all call him deadly. It is said that his presence alone torments the Qrystal Dragon in the Fireside Tavern.
Красный дракон
66, 65 суша
I believe my friend said Never!
Черный дракон
67, 65 суша
Never! I repeat Never!........Interrupt a dragon's conversation!
141, 111 суша
Ah....... a safe haven in the bowels of evil..........................or is it?
142, 111 суша
It appears you breathed a sigh of relief.............. a bit too soon!
114, 116 суша
A mad laughter erupts from the river of flame............ it appears you have stumbled upon some wild fires!
Огненный элементал
79, 11 суша
When the smoke begins to clear........ you see a soggy hat.....liking the jaunty feather you wring it out and plop it on top of your head.....all of a sudden you hear a loud sizzle......
Огненный элементал
83, 14 суша
In the ashes you see a book that is just a bit singed around the edges..... scanning the pages it looks as if it might be useful....... unfortunately the previous owners do not care to part with it.
89, 2 суша
A flickering flame dances by muttering My hat! My hat!...... I went splat...and lost my Hat!...... My book! My book!...... My goose is cooked.....and I lost my Book!
80, 47 суша
If I am here and you are here then who the heck is in charge! Surely ........not Qrystal!
82, 55 суша
82, 56 суша
you appear to be.....
82, 57 суша
on Cattleman's trail
82, 58 суша
to the tavern......
82, 59 суша
Drinks of course......
82, 60 суша
are compliments of Black Marauder!
Могучий горгон
67, 66 суша
The mighty gorgon Cattleman wanders out of the foliage...We appear to be headed in the same direction my friend...... mind if my buddies and I join you?
5, 142 суша
Richter2 is a clone of Richter 1 and said to be a powerful gnoll swinger of ale which has made his sword skills a deadly force to be reckoned with. Some say that many call him father, few call him friend, and all call him deadly. It is said that his presence alone torments the Qrystal Dragon in the Fireside Tavern.
42, 41 суша
It appears you have found Qrystal's secret lair........It's a shame that the Pink Piggy isn't as easy to find.............
42, 43 суша
Are you sure you want this gold?.............
42, 42 суша
Seems Richter wanted you to have it.............or did he............
52, 90 суша
As strong as you think you are warrior..........there may be one even stronger. Near here is a secluded town protected from the pesky gnoll, it would make an excellent waypoint for replenishing troops in the battle ahead........but hey *snickers can be heard far and wide*.....maybe the fiercesome warrior you are.......doesn't need this piddly town east of here.......your choice......your death........
54, 90 суша
As strong as you think you are warrior..........there may be one even stronger. Near here is a secluded town protected from the pesky gnoll, it would make an excellent waypoint for replenishing troops in the battle ahead........but hey *snickers can be heard far and wide*.....maybe the fiercesome warrior you are.......doesn't need this piddly town east of here.......your choice......your death........
93, 92 суша
As strong as you think you are warrior..........there may be one even stronger. Near here is a secluded town protected from the pesky gnoll, it would make an excellent waypoint for replenishing troops in the battle ahead........but hey *snickers can be heard far and wide*.....maybe the fiercesome warrior you are.......doesn't need this piddly town northwest of here.......your choice......your death........
112, 116 суша
As strong as you think you are warrior..........there may be one even stronger. Near here is a secluded town protected from the pesky gnoll, it would make an excellent waypoint for replenishing troops in the battle ahead........but hey *snickers can be heard far and wide*.....maybe the fiercesome warrior you are.......doesn't need this piddly town northwest of here.......your choice......your death........
Случайный город
63, 82 суша
No luck on locating the illusive pink porker........but the villagers thought you could use these resources......
Кристальный дракон
72, 84 суша
*snicker*.........yes there is powerful forces here for the taking......but are you warrior enough to take it.......crystal dragons are rare.....they only join forces with those who have proven theirselves on the battlefield....my friends are not impressed with you.........yet........
91, 30 суша
Some mean mudder artis down this way!................some mean mudders guarding them too
71, 86 суша
Qrystal's Garden.........proper care and feeding of dragons is heavily encouraged
65, 62 суша
Saleena, a Barbarian Warrior is admired by many not only in the world of H3trio........It is said the dragons serve her because of her close friendship to the Battlemistriss Qrystal Dragon....
71, 28 суша
Grasshopper who some might say has been confused with Sir Charles because of their blueness, is actually a loveable bug in human disguise. His honor and intelligence is unquestionable.......on the other hand.....his taste in ale could be........
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