All the girlies say I'm pretty sly (for a white guy)
On a continent far to the South of Erathia, your and a friend's ship have wrecked along with numerous colonists. You are left with no choice but to construct your town here to protect yourself from the hostile local bestiary.
Intro 2
After the construction of your town, the monster raids slowly lessen, and before long you get the feeling that it has come time to explore and conquer this continent!
Peasants and merchants donate some of their wealth to your cause!
What the?
Things have been going pretty peacefully so far, your domain slowly expanding. Then, one day, miners are suddenly reported missing. You send some troops in to investigate this incident, thinking it nothing more than a cave-in.
The few the come back speak of a horrid massacre; the bodies of the miners were strewn about, their innards flayed open for all to see. Creatures that bore resemblence to the myth-like Demons were feasting upon the dead miners. This does not bode well.
The Demon
With the threat of the Demons still posing on your people, you consult your seers and wise-men. They claim the Gods have informed them of a Demigod that dwells beneath the continent. It would seem this Demigod is attempting to surface and conquer the upper world.
If you do not stop this Demigod now, he will make his way back to your homeland and wreck havok upon the unsuspecting people.
77, 16 подземелье
As you near the gate, a dread knight comes out and orders you to turn around. He says that he and his companions are the restless spirits of those the demons slaughtered, and they will stop at nothing to prevent such a further tragedy. To continue, you must kill them.
99, 91 подземелье
Ahead of you is strange hut... You wonder why they're there, and if anybody resides within it?
49, 96 суша
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The Armies Build
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Комментарии к файлу "
Invasion of the Demon Xaeflin"