You spot a mysterious object infront of you...If you decide to pick it up, be warned that Lots of Chaos Hydras will prolly not like it.
Топор кентавра
18, 56 подземелье
There is a Seer looking for this I think. If you can prove yourself worthy I will let you have it.
Топор кентавра
5, 50 подземелье
There is a Seer looking for this I think. If you can prove yourself worthy I will let you have it.
61, 62 суша
Before you enter this portal be sure you have the purple key, otherwise there will be no way to return, and you will be trapped!
4, 11 суша
Before you enter this portal be sure you have the purple key, otherwise there will be no way to return, and you will be trapped!
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