{R}umors and gossip, one and the same, or so they say!
{A}fter crawling out of his grave, Rin starts his quest to reclaim his mortality. With just a few dark knights to aid him, it will not be easy.
day 9
{Y}our sleep is uneasy. You dream. Demons dance around laughing, throwing fireballs in every direction. Men scramble for cover. You see Brygon diving for protection and are about to go to him when a fireball hits you. You are engulfed in flames! The pain is unreal. Your vision fills with red and orange flame and your body starts twitching from the ravages of extreme heat. You scream and collapse. You can smell your flesh burning and melted hair drops to the ground like wax from a candle. You are covered up by someone and presently Brygon's face comes into view. He is looking at you, horrified. You look at him and manage a few words but you can not hear what you say. All goes foggy and then dark... You awaken. All is still dark but sounds come to your ears. You breath a heavy sigh.
{A} few wraiths float over to you and offer what they have stashed away.
day 20
{Y}ou have been in these caves for 3 weeks now. Best to get a move on before your enemies become too powerful.
{A} surprise ambush by unorganized bandits reaps some resources.
day 42
{G}ood news! Several troops return from a raid. It appears there are renegades scattered about the caverns and your army has found a hiding place of several of them.
day 50
{Y}ou are on your horse riding hard to the sunset. The wind rips through your hair and the scenery blurs by on either side. You feel an urgency to get there. But where 'there' is, you have no idea. The sun gets lower and as the last sliver hides behind the horizon your horse trips sending you flying. You land in a boggy depression and start to sink. Desperate, you claw at the ground but it just sinks with your hand. Panic grips you and you flail about. This causes you to sink faster until just your head is above ground, at which point you stop sinking. The panic subsides a bit. You're looking around for something to grab onto when a fireball flashes a few feet in front of you. The devil appears and looks down at you with a smile. It grabs a stick and reaches to you with it. You grab the stick, not knowing why. The devil laughs and pushes you down deeper into the muck. You try to let go of the stick but it is fused to your hand. Your heart beats wildly and your panic level goes off the chart. You try to struggle but your head starts to go under. Your mouth fills with fetid rot when you try to scream. You are choking. Finally your head goes all the way under and you hear the laughter no more. Your lungs catch fire, desperate for air, but there is none. All starts to go dark.... You wake up sweating profusely.
{Y}ou come across a traveling caravan of traders. Not having much to trade you rob them.
{Y}ou feel ashamed, but the war effort comes first. At least no one was killed and you DID leave them some of thier belongings.
{S}piro appears soundlessly while you are taking your evening meal. Masssssster. You jump and nearly choke on your food. You look angrily at Spiro. What the hell is wrong with you, sneaking up like that? I'm sssorry masssster. It just floats there. Well, what is it? you are losing patience quickly. Meals are few and far between. Spiro motions to the door and two vampires stagger in. They are torn up pretty bad. You put down your tankard of water and, stench and all, approach the creatures. What happened? you ask. Ve vere ambushed my master. Durink a scoutink mission, a dozen large deveels attack us. Ve vere oveer forty strong. They demanded meercury and took all ve had. One of the creatures of the night collapses and turns to dust. Your fury burns! You feel moisture on your arm and look down to see that you have squeezed the tankard of water so tight, it crushed, spilling its contents.
{T}hings are going well. You have retaken Encropoly and your army is getting bigger. You wonder how big it must be to face the Lord of Fire.
{A} huge raiding party is foiled by a spy. Instead of losing life and resources, you gain. This is a big hit!
{Y}ou are soaring high above the lands with an angel. The angel points down and you see a ceremony where Brygon is being coronated. The crown is a perfect fit! You smile at your angelic tourguide who does not smile back, but instead shakes its head. Clouds suddenly obscure your view of the lands below. White puffy clouds which turn dark and ominous. Thunder booms and lightning jumps about in brilliant flashes. You are blinded by a bolt and when the dots clear your vision, you can see the ground again. What you see is a procession. A procession with a huge devil leading Brygon, now in chains with his head bowed. The devil looks up -right at you! Your gazes lock for a brief moment and the devil roars with laughter. You look at the angel once again and a single tear rolls down its cheek.
{Y}ou call for three ghost dragons to send on a special mission!
{A} black dragon flies into camp causing your army to scatter for cover. Vampires turn to bats and fly in all directions. A dozen death clouds pummel the beast and it falls over snarling. You look at the dragon and order a cease fire. Upon closer inspection it is fading in and out of visible range. You cast a low level ice bolt on the creature which turns to water on impact. The soot is washed away revealing one of the ghost dragons you sent on a mission the week before. Slowly the commotion dies down, but only for a second. The angry dragon, with lightning speed for a bag of bones, bites down on two liches neatly severing their heads. The bodies clatter to the ground and the heads arc neatly through the air after being spit out. You calm the dragon and whisper to it. You then climb on its back and fly off in a hurry.
day 166
{T}wo ghost dragons fly into camp just before sunrise. They are cautious about it. You fly from your tent to see a large devil dropped from the jaws of one. The demon plops to the ground and you hit it with a high level ice ring to keep it there. The dragons worked it over pretty well. Blood trickles from multiple bite marks up and down its body. You order the devil to your tent, an order gladly carried out, none to gently I might add, by several skelebones. Before starting your interrogation you ask of the third dragon sent on the mission. The other two just shake their heads. You feel a twinge of pity. When this all started you despised undead creatures, but after seeing them fight and die under your command, you have grown respect for them. It seems that whether dead or alive every creature wishes to survive in whatever manner they can.
{W}eeks of torture and exhaustive questioning of the captured devil reveals much information. The Lord of Fire is not a devil after all! It is a creature of pure fire in the shape of a devil. It seems this is the most effective means to put fear into all manner of man and beast, as a devil is a form they are familiar with, and are terrified of. King Brygon's lands are overrun and the remaining castles are enslaved. Sir Mullich, once a nobleman in the king's court, has turned traitor and now serves the enemy. If this is of his own doing from greed or lust of power, or if it out of terror, no one knows, Either way he must be dealt with the only way a traitor can be dealt with. DEATH! It appears that Archangels are banished from the land. There are angels, but if any aspire to fulfill training to Arch status, they are killed. Many are tortured first. The Lord of Fire enjoys this very much as he knows angels can not help but to evolve to a higher state of being. The last thing you gleaned before the devil imploded into ashes is one of the most difficult things to hear...
{E}very one you knew, friends and foes alike, are dead or exiled, and worst of all... Grovenor Hall has fallen.
65, 23 подземелье
{S}unlight! Fresh Air! Many of your troops are hissing and cowering from the sun, but you are overjoyed. The heat of the sun feels good even on your charred face. You are immediately in higher spirits even if the spirits are in lower! You dismount and have a look around. There appears to be a burial site here. Some tombs are aligned and lilacs are planted everywhere in neat rows. Such a place means people are nearby. It is too clean and well maintained. Within minutes your zombies and wraiths start arguing with each other. Apparently the zombies are susceptible to the sun more than usual and want the wraiths to shade them. The wraiths are uncomfortable as well and don't want to help out. The zombies appeal to you, and you tell them to deal with it just like the rest. This causes more grumbling making things more difficult.
54, 13 подземелье
Страж задания
79, 21 подземелье
{H}ow many of these towers are there? A salty old sea dog opens the front door and looks at you. His mouth drops open and the pipe he was gnawing on drops to the sand. You politely pick it up and hand it back to him. You know it's impolite to stare, so KNOCK IT OFF! you bark. Eh, sorry. I ain't never seen a dead guy before. At least one that walks and talks. he cackles, What can I do for ye? We need your boat. We are looking for King Brygon's lands. Can you help? Sure. First I need a favor of ye. Yog is the dog that rules Castle Caretaker on this piece 'o' land. He set me here to guard his ship. The ship be mine matey but what is an old sea dog like me to do. Stole me necklace too, he did. My necklace allows me to travel farther on the seas in a day. Bring me my necklace as proof you have dispatched him and I will let you have me ship. The old man coughs up a viscous flemball and spits it away. Wiping his lips he continues, She's a good ship too, take you anywhere you want to go. You sigh. What is it with people using you as a repo man. Listen old man. I will get your necklace back and when I do...HOLD ON TO THE DAMN THING! The last part is boomed right in the old man's face and he backs away shocked. Later Spiro floats up. Rin. You musssn't be sssso hard on people. Thosssse who are weak need help from the ssssstrong. You are sssstrong Rin. Do not forget that. Spiro floats away leaving you to think it over.
Чешуя большого василиска
61, 10 подземелье
{T}his armor is made from the scales of creatures you have fought before. You remember they were tough to kill so this should provide good protection.
Древнее чудище
62, 11 подземелье
{W}e tire of serving Yog. grumble the beasts. Unless we are serving him for dinner! If you want our help to kill him we will gladly join you. We have this armor for you to use as well. What say you, human? These things are as big as a house and the claws would surely rip anything to shreds. I say...OK! you approach the leader and whisper in his ear. The beast nods a few times and you both smile. The group joins your party and the leader rumbles over to the zombies. They stop bickering with the wraiths and look to see what is shaking the ground. What they get is a mighty roar from the behemoths loud enough to wake the living and the dead. The roar is so fierce that the three closest deadies fly backwards into the rest of the group and all topple over in a heap. The beasts move toward the wraiths next, who, being a bit smarter and quicker than the zombies, bolt in all directions bumping into each other, cloaks flying in all directions. You laugh so hard you fall from your horse...into a pool of mud! Everyone starts to laugh at your expense, that is until you get up and send magic bolts flying in all directions in a fit of rage. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHIIII HATE MUD!!!!!!! you scream at the top of your french fried lungs. After a moment you calm down and notice it is deathly quiet and all eyes are on you. You compose yourself and remount your horse. Let's move. is all you manage to say feeling quite disgusted.
55, 14 подземелье
{A} barbarian stronghold towers before you. The sight is awesome. So much so the wraiths and zombies quit squabbling to stare in amazement. You see familiar creatures roaming the walls and memories kick in again. You defeated the notorious Crag Hack in life and it appears you will have another barbarian lord's head soon. LOOK OUT! is yelled from your ranks. A huge boulder crashes into your party instantly crushing three of the slow shuffling zombies. Their broken and tattered bodies ooze pus into the sand. It is nauseating and you feel like vomiting. From the battlements above you hear a cry. CRUSH THEM!!!
77, 24 подземелье
{T}wo wraiths are peppered with rocks from a few zombies. The wraiths fly down and scratch the eyeballs out of the two offenders causing a full blown melee. Rotten flesh and moldy pieces of tattered cloak fly in all directions. Your skeletons are cheering wildly at the fray. After they fight themselves out you waste quite a bit of mana reanimating the casaulties.
3, 5 подземелье
Astral's Hold
Посещение Чародей:
Astral was a good wizard at one time but as the demons poured forth unto the lands he became embroiled in the wars. Too much war and death has twisted his mind and now is in league with the devils. The local townpeople have nicknamed him Astral Evil as he tortures and kills without remorse.
106, 84 подземелье
Посещение Еретик:
{I}thicus is one of the Lord of Fire's chieftans. Schooled in sorcery, he command fire magic better than everyone save the fire lord himself.
6, 51 подземелье
29, 2 подземелье
Jark's Peak
Боевой меч титана
0, 0 подземелье
{T}he fabled Gladius of Titans! This is a weapon of great power and will come in handy. However, it is guarded by more Titans. Do you wish to tango?
Кираса титана
15, 34 подземелье
{H}mmmmmm Cur-i-ass. This must be the fables cuirass of the gods.
13, 33 подземелье
{Y}ou mortals realize that we will shred you if you try. says a Titan softly, Leave at once! Uh huh is all you say.
4, 0 подземелье
{S}TOP WHERE YOU ARE! booms a voice. TURN BACK FROM WHENCE THOU CAME OR MOST SURELY BE DESTROYED! You stop, but do not turn. There are Titans here and alot of them. Past the giants a sword is resting on a pillar. You have heard of a titanic sword, able to cleave even the toughest hide neatly in two. You decide you must have it. We can not turn back. you reply, Your sword is needed to help cleanse the land of the evil that infests it. A lightning bolt crackles by your head. EVIL DOES NOT COME HERE MORTAL, AND NEITHER SHALL YOU! THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO RETREAT AND SAVE YOURSELVES. We can not. We shall not. You look over your army and see fear on the faces of your troops. Not good. Nonetheless you advance and engage the godlike creatures in battle.
Хижина предсказателя
14, 18 подземелье
{T}his by far is THE biggest mushroom you have ever seen! You try to take a bite out of the side, but are interrupted by the owner of the toadstool. By now you have seen artifacts of great power guarded by Titans. says the squat little man who interrups your snack. They will not be easy to defeat, but I can help! Astral the Evil built a statue to commemmorate them and their powerful lightning bolt attack skills. This statue has the ability to increase generation of creatures at all castles in the world that you control. I, have a piece of it, and can tell you where to find the rest. Yeah, you reply, and how much is this one going to cost us? You remember that everyone needs to be paid for one greedy reason or another. Yeah, sure, they all want you to help rid the evil from the land, but no one does it for free. Funny you should ask that. the little man chuckles, No gold, oh no, not gold. I wish for you to dispose of Astral himself! Do this and return, and I will give you what I have. You agree to his terms. Ok stumpy, you got a deal.
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
15, 9 подземелье
{T}his necklace is blissful and celestial. heh heh!
Мастер гремлин
15, 10 подземелье
{Y}ou approach the guardians of a shiny necklace you absolutly must have. One spies your army and sounds the alarm.
39, 17 подземелье
{T}hese lands are owned by Astral. We have not gotten word of a summons for rotting fleshbags so that must mean you are intruders. Intruders will be dispatched!
Перчатки всадника
18, 30 подземелье
{J}ust what the doctor ordered! You'd figured you would be immune to fire and ice but you figured wrong. Your freezing hands are looking forward to donning these gloves. You call Spiro over and ask for some of his cloak to line them with. He just looks at you and floats away shaking his head. Oh well!
Медаль чиновника
21, 30 подземелье
{Y}ou never defined surrender and others seem to join your army at a regular clip anyhow. You take this medal nonetheless. It may come in handy to a another person. You recall a seer who needed this once before*. Looks like that seer lost it again. Probably to the dragons he was trying to deal with. {* Play House of Flame for details!}
Громовой шлем
36, 0 подземелье
{T}his helm looks like the fabled helmet of thunder. You snatch it up!
Волшебная сфера маны
0, 28 подземелье
{A}n interesting trinket. You wonder of its purpose. When you put it on you start tingling as you drift off to sleep that night. You like the mushrooms better though!
Королева наг
11, 29 подземелье
{D}eath to you all! cry the snake women and attack with sword arms flailing.
75, 85 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Sir Traitor decided that an alliance with the devil was OK by him. Hence the name.
71, 34 подземелье
{Y}ou stop and look at the cemetary. It is well maintained indeed. You wonder why you crawled out of a hole while others were put to rest with honor. Surely Brygon would have made sure you had a better resting place. Someplace nice, with flowers, like this. Blue sky, like this. Perhaps a marble tomb, like these! Come to think of it, you were just thrown in a pit and covered! THE NERVE! When you get your hands on Bry... GRRRRRRRRR...but wait. Brygon WOULD have given you the respect you deserved, and since he didn't that could only mean... Your blood boils and you swear vengeance against the Lord of Fire once again.
Страж задания
1, 81 подземелье
{A}n old woman comes to the door of the tower. I want jewelry. she states simply, What have ya got? You look at her amused. Typical woman, all they ever want is money and jewels. I have my family jewels if you want those m'lady Snickers come from behind. You smile at your own wit. She, however, does not. Some gremlins, in Astral's lands, hold a necklace I wish to have. Bring it to me and I will let you go through. You sigh. Another repo mission!
21, 28 подземелье
{A} group of ghost dragons comes out of hiding at your approach. We have been in hiding here. We were sent to spy on Astral the Evil and were almost caught. Our transclusence is the only thing that saved us. We must join you and help defeat Astral and the Lord of Fire before more damage is done.
53, 46 подземелье
{H}orsemen! They look like shieks but can't be. Shieks have cash and do not need to hang around deserted islands. These men are rougher looking as well. They are also guarding what looks to be a well crafted bow. Even death can't squelch Rin's eye for a good weapon. You approach the group and are immediately stopped by sentries. After a short discussion you are led to a small tent where a large nomad is playing with some women. He is displeased by the interruption. Who are you and what do you want? the leader queries. I wish to barter for your bow. My company is on a quest to... You are cut off. I don't care about quests. I care about cash. Give all of yours to me and I may kill you quickly, otherwise you die slow. Unbelievable! This guy is an idiot. I AM dead already in case you didn't notice. I come in peace, but will leave you in pieces if I have to. Since you will not bargian for the bow I will just take it. Insolent fool! he bellows You die now! He motions to the guards but you were ready for this. Your blade is but a blur and the first guard's head is already falling from his shoulders. You run. They chase. You look over your shoulder and see legions of horsemen galloping after you.
29, 54 подземелье
Old Rome
30, 55 подземелье
{T}his place looks like it was populated once. Brush overgrows everything now. There is a colliseum to the south, but it is now quiet. Rin's imagination gets the best of him thinking about it. He sees himself slaying a hoard of beasts to the wild cheers of a bloodthirsty crowd. Rin Rin Rin! they cheer. You are walking around with your crusty claws in the air while slightly bouncing to the imaginary chants of the imaginary crowd. Spiro floats over and gives you a shove...back into reality. You almost take his head off out of pure reflex. Spiro floats away quickly!
Страж задания
86, 4 подземелье
{T}his tower is quiet. You call out but there is no response. On the door is a carving of a dragon inside of a triangle. The dragon once had colors to it but are now faded. You spit on the tail of the dragon and rub a bit with a crusty finger. The crust has a bluish hue to it. There is an inscription below the triangle. You ask around for a linguist and soon learn the translation to read 'With the power of three.'
Дух угнетения
87, 8 подземелье
{T}his thing looks like a genie popping out of a lamp. A genie having a real bad day!
89, 9 подземелье
{Y}ou see a female scholar in a small magical clearing. Hail Rin, Lord of the Undead! she cries. I have a gift for you, a spell you may not know. I am not a lord, yet. But thanks for the support. You reply. What is this spell and what does it do? It creates a sorrowful feeling in your enemies. They may feel severe depression and just sit there instead of attacking. A real morale killer! Behind me is an artifact that will do the same if you are weak on magic power or do not want to waste your mana in combat. Why do you help me? asks Rin. She steps forward and pulls her hood back revealing the most beautiful women you have seen in a long time. Crimson hair and eyes as blue as the sea shine at you. I was married to a man named Rogarth a long time ago. You knew him in another life, if you remember. You rub your backside unconsciously. He helped you then, but alas, he is gone. Taken by the Lord of Fire! Avenge him and all the others who have suffered. Free their souls and you shall free mine as well. This is why I help. You look upon her beauty and feel transfixed. You feel a debt of honor to Rogarth for some strange reason. I thank you m'lady, and I will do what I can to put your troubled soul, and that of Rogarth, at ease. You bow deeply and see a zombie elbowing another. Both are snickering quietly. You fume at this but take no action in front of Rogarth's widow. Later you approach the two offenders. They stop what they are doing at look at you. You are the last thing they see. Fire engulfs the both of them and they burn to cinders within seconds. This, of course, attracts a crowd, which is what you planned. If anyone dares to mock me again they will suffer the same fate. you announce and quietly stride to your tent leaving shocked faces staring at the smouldering rubble that, a few minutes before, were two foolish undead idiots.
106, 33 подземелье
{A}nother cave! You wonder what surprises await you inside.
Кулон мужества
45, 69 подземелье
{A} glint catches your eye. Upon further inspection you find a necklace with a broach expertly fastened to it.
Кулон смерти
44, 78 подземелье
{A} skull has been turned into a necklace. You take it suspecting it may have magical properties, since when you touched it you felt a familiar tingle.
47, 77 подземелье
{A} prison! You see no guards about. The prison is silent as well. You peek inside and see what was probably a knight. He is dressed in broken armor and his arms and legs have been hacked off. Long dead. You decide to free the poor soul and try to reanimate him. There is a helm that looks interesting and you decide to take it.
96, 16 подземелье
{I}t is a good day to die!
103, 10 подземелье
{H}ey Rin! Wanna play catch?
Лорд вампиров
97, 3 подземелье
{W}e wish to come with you. We have looked for help but the Lord of Fire strikes too much fear into the hearts of all who live.
Владыка джиннов
90, 5 подземелье
{Y}ou come across a lamp and rub it. Careful what you wish for! comes from inside the lamp. A puff of smoke erupts from the spout...
Владыка джиннов
97, 12 подземелье
{W}e said to be careful. Guess your ears are to fried to hear good. say the genies. I hear just fine. I heard your 'friends' screaming as they died! you reply.
Призрачный дракон
107, 5 подземелье
{W}e serve the Lord of Fire now!
Глиф доблести
105, 1 подземелье
{T}here is a stone tablet here. It has the markings of King Brygon's lands. You wonder how it got here. Two arrows pierce the neck of a death knight, which falls dead instantly. As tough as those guys are you guess the archers are experts in their field. More arrows start whistling by and your army scrambles for cover..
Страж задания
103, 87 подземелье
{H}alt! The tower guards look at you with hate in their eyes. Give us one good reason why we should not kill you where you stand? You simply point up. The tower guards look up and see one of their men already being carted away by a ghost dragon. Guess you didn't see that coming eh? you laugh. Shall I order that man to be dropped, eaten, ripped apart, or released? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, FOOLS! you boom They look at each other nervously and finally one looks hard at you. Hold on a minute. he says and disappears from view. After a few moments the front gate rolls up and he comes out to talk. I had to get a closer look. Yes it IS you, Rin. We are sorry. The kingdom has been taken by demons and we trust no one anymore. Why are you here? You look at the man with recognition but quickly dismiss it. No time for reminiscing right now. We are to quelch the Lord of Fire's fire. Please tell me he is in your castle caught off guard! No such luck, my friend. He lives below and rarely makes an appearance, fortunately for us. One of his cronies hostages our castle. There are no Archangels anymore... The man bows his head in grief. Jared Coron. Rin states. The man looks up and smiles weakly. You remember me? Rin nods. You delivered some very bad news if I recall. You've looked better. Yes, we all have been through the ringer over the past 5 years. When we heard what happened to you we thought all was lost. King Brygon was good but you added the necessary elements to victory. When the king was taken many left these lands and many others fell into despair. Can you defeat the fire lord? You falter for a second. 5 years! It seems like just a month ago you took a fiery shower and died. I will defeat him once and for all. The power of the three will heal the lands. You motion to the sky and the terrified pikeman is gently landed on the top of the tower. His breeches are wet from crotch to toe, and he falls to the ground weeping. Jared looks up and then at you. My lord, I ask only one thing. Please leave us a guardian. One of those invisible dragons may come in handy when word of your passage through here is known. You consider the request...
Страж задания
66, 107 подземелье
{I}thicus has not told us of your coming. BEGONE!
67, 107 подземелье
{Y}ou catch up with the gogs. KILL THEM, KILL THEM ALL! you cry raising your sword. The gogs shriek again as they are cut down.
7, 52 подземелье
{You} approach the prison with apprehension. You call out to Brygon but there is no answer. Perhaps he has seen you coming, but your grotesque looks could be keeping him quiet. He may be summoning his last bit of strength to attack you. He may be sleeping. He may be dead. The prison is small and you wonder how a legion of angels could fit. You suppose if they dance on the heads of pins... You hear a noise. A scruffling. A light suddenly illuminates the dimness around you. You call out again. Brygon, King Brygon are you there? A haggard face appears at the barred window. It IS Brygon! Although he is scruffed out, he is Brygon. His beard is long and tattered and his face is wrinkled and leathery. His eyes! His eyes pierce you with hate which changes to wondered curiosity. Who...who are you? he asks and after a second of pause, I know you. His eyes light up with recognition. Rin? Is that you? Can it be? You look at your friend, your king, and a tear rolls down your scarred cheek. It is me, my liege. I have returned. I thought I would never see you again. As I thought I would never see you again. Or anyone else for that matter. I am resigned to die here, in this place, my failure complete. Brygon bows his head against the steel bars. You see a trickle of moisture run down a bar and alarm suddenly grips you. You rush over and realize it is tears. Brygon is weeping softly. Weep not my king. I am here. Please step back from the bars. Bry complies and you dispatch the locks and free him. What staggers out and collapses into your arms horrifies you. He is sickly thin and all manner of insect munch greedily at the abundance of open sores that cover his flesh. You slowly lay him down cradling his head in your arms. He looks up at you with bleary eyes and manages a faint smile. You smile back. King Brygon coughs weakly a couple of times and closes his eyes. All is still. The king passes quietly, but passes a free man. You hold him for several moments while your army looks on in silence. Many bow their heads and the remaining wraiths pull back their hoods and bow their heads as well. Spiro floats over and lays a bony hand on your shoulder. You look up and feel small comfort. We will help you bury him or carry him home masssster. What isss thy bidding? You make a stretcher out of some dead tree limbs and Spiro donates his cloak for the slain lord to rest upon. Before you go you look in the prison for any sign of angels and they pour out in droves. They seem oblivious to the surroundings and fly off in all directions. One flies to you. We can not help him. We are to weak. By the time we strengthen it will be too late. The angel bows and flies away. You realize with Bry's passing the power of the three is lost and the land is doomed to stay this way forever. You had thought you could save him and make a difference but, alas, it is not to be. The Lord of Fire is destroyed once and for all, and the world will slowly heal itself, and this was made possible, in part, to the return of Rin. {THE END} [email protected] If you enjoyed this map please try The House of Flame. It outlines Brygon and Rin's first battle against the fire lord.
8, 52 подземелье
{Y}ou catch up to a small force heading for the jail. They are singing some nasty song and seem to be in high spirits, that is until you announce your presence.
96, 81 подземелье
99, 81 подземелье
{Y}ou are not welcome here.
101, 64 подземелье
{P}lease do not harm me. begs the monk. This island is my home and I only wish to pray in peace. I will show you the power of a good prayer if you will permit me to live. I mean you no harm, you say, and I would be grateful to learn anything you have to teach.
95, 36 подземелье
{I}t seems that the only way through is wading the river. The wraiths and dragons have it easy but the rest of your group must slosh through the muck. There is much grumbling and you are in too foul a mood to say anything about it. Old memories of giant mosquitos flood back and you hope there are none of those here.
96, 50 подземелье
{T}here is a troll toll ahead. You can either pay, or fight your way through. You consider looking for another way around, but this is the quickest way.
Амулет маны
91, 54 подземелье
{A}n interesting charm. You decide it may come in useful and take it.
Стрелы с перьями ангела
106, 46 подземелье
{S}omeone left this quill of arrows just lying here. That someone, however, is guarding them as well.
Накидка отречения
93, 56 подземелье
{H}ere you find a cloak tossed aside. When you try it on you feel strange. It's as if your magical energies are being curbed.
Ящик Пандоры
98, 53 подземелье
{A} box with strange carvings on all sides.
Могучий горгон
107, 51 подземелье
{A}nd just where do you think you are going? Wow! Cows that talk! Can you sing and dance too? you ask. The cows form a kick line and start dancing to the theme of a chorus line. When they are done you applause. When you are done they attack!
97, 58 подземелье
{N}o words are spoken by these creatures. Actions speak louder than words, after all, and the actions of these winged beasts speak quite clearly.
86, 46 подземелье
{I}f you wish to plunder our lands you must first get by us. a single doglike creature says. It then howls and thousands of them pour from the bushes and attack.
97, 34 подземелье
{W}ishful thinking.
94, 61 подземелье
{S}o... you're one of thoses who looks everywhere huh?
7, 91 подземелье
{Y}ou sailed all the way out here for nothing!
36, 2 подземелье
{I}f it is death you desire, there are easier and much less painful ways to attain it. you are told. Well we heard you have a special going on so, ya know, we though we'd check it out. Turns out several of my companians here say your deal is rotten. The Titans look confused for a second and angry after that. Oops! Not wise to piss off a Titan, let alone a large group of them.
Султан ифритов
3, 20 подземелье
{T}hese genies are our enemies! You shall not recruit them to fight against us. Astral has given them to us to 'play' with.
98, 49 подземелье
{P}erhaps human not see toll. Human thinks he is to good to pay. You pay now! With life you pay, human!
Хижина предсказателя
20, 102 подземелье
{I}nside this gnarled tree is the same seer you helped out on your travels with Brygon. Hello! you call out. After a moment the door opens and the seer comes out. I see you escaped the dragons. You must like these deserted isles. Why not pick out a nicer area to live. you say to him. The seer looks at you squinting from the sun. He shields his eyes from the sun by putting his hand across his brow. After looking at you for a bit he steps closer. I remember you. You've seen better days. You should stay out of the sun. That burn is nasty. You have no idea. Say, since you are here, can you help me again? You knew this was coming. What is it this time? Well, I lost one of the items you found for me. It is a medal that wears around the neck. Do you remember what it looks like? Yes. It is the Statesman's Medal if I am not mistaken. Correct. If you find it for me I will teach you the finer points of being a diplomat Those mummies over there are not allowing me to enter the pyramid. Why do you even want to? There is arcane magic to be learned within. I wish to learn arcane magic. You think about it for a moment. Arcane magic might come in handy. OK. I will get your necklace for you and we will learn it together. The seer smiles. I await your return.
16, 102 подземелье
{Y}ou should not have come here. It is a good thing we have space in our pyramid for you. You shall be entombed.
Громовая птица
70, 18 подземелье
{E}ntrance to the colisseum is restricted to the living. We make sure that directive is complied with!
Наездник на волке
70, 22 подземелье
{S}o you wish to learn a little something, eh? We will teach you a lesson!
76, 28 подземелье
{T}he spirits within the tombs come to join your cause.
88, 58 подземелье
{I} am here to guard this portal from those who would try to escape through it from the other side. growls the huge black dragon. I will permit you to pass but be warned! The Lord of Fire controls the lands beyond.
Ящик Пандоры
52, 46 подземелье
{T}he treasure of the nomads!
Тетива из гривы единорога
91, 37 подземелье
{Y}ou find a fine bowstring here, laced in golden unicorns mane. The sharpshooters wont be needing it anymore so you take it.
99, 32 подземелье
{E}ver since King Brygon lost the throne, the world is not safe. The group of sharpshooters here taking aim at your noggin are proof enough of that.
Страж задания
65, 22 подземелье
{Y}ou didn't really think you could keep it did you? Cough it up as it makes the map WAYYYYYYY to easy. What's that? You didn't find all the pieces? Email me and MAYBE I'll tell you where they are. [email protected]
89, 41 подземелье
{Y}ou groan! Swamps again! You hated this place last time you were here and are sure as hell not going to like it now. Some of your army are pulling slimy appetizers from the bog. You feel sick.
Эльфийский лук из вишневого дерева
94, 85 подземелье
{A} fine bow.
Страж задания
82, 59 подземелье
{T}hunder of the Gods! What? Thunder of the Gods. Bring it to me and you can proceed And just where do you expect me to get this thunder? I care not how, as long as you do. You will not gain passage to this inlet unless you do as the man says so off you go to find the Thunder of the Gods.
87, 74 подземелье
{W}e want no part of your war. I am sorry you feel that way. I want no part of it either but have no choice. You see, if we all just turn the other cheek then the fire lord wins. If he wins, how long do you think it will be before his attention turns toward your quiet little hamlet here? The sorcerers mull this over and after a bit one steps up. What would you have us do? Fight with you? He looks at your army of the dead and shudders. Do not underestimate these beings. They were all good men and beasts before they died. Some died fighting for what they believed in. Others were simply slain and still others died of natural causes. They fight for whatever freedom can come to them. You cross your arms and raise your eyebrows. They are brave souls...are you? More murmuring amongst the sorcerers. We shall join up with you to keep our lands free. We are brave men and women but we know when we are overmatched. Perhaps with your army we will all prevail. You are relieved to have some living companions with you. Ones who will not eat you if they get real hungry, like the blue dragons!
Страж задания
88, 74 подземелье
{F}rom behind this tower a sorcerer can be seen peeping at you. Hello! you cry out. Go away! We don't want any! is the reply. How do you know you don't until you see the WaReZ we have. The enchanter disappears for a moment. What a chicken, you think. After a bit he returns. If you were to show us you are not an enemy, we may let you in. OK, how. you ask Bring proof of friendship with the elusive archers of the swamp and we MAY talk. OK, you have a deal. I will bring those you seek and then we will...talk. You lean forward before this last word so the enchanter can see your grotesque face in all its blistered detail. The sorcerers eye's widen in shock and it moves back a bit. You wink and smile broadly and the terrified magician vanishes from view, all the while muttering to himself. You grin at your own mischief.
Амулет некроманта
89, 1 суша
{T}his amulet has to be one of the three artifacts needed. However it is guarded by....well......guardians! Do you have a go?
Страж задания
61, 11 суша
{A}s you approach the tower a grisled old hag peeks cautiously from the highest opening. She is old and very haggard looking. I know what you want. she states simply, And you'll have to retrieve my four leaf clover before you can get it. How do you know what I want scruffy? I have spoken nary a word. Rin replies. Are you a psychic or just figure that since you are guarding the ONLY WAY OUT of this fiery hellhole, that passage through is what anyone wants who dares even look at you. Let us pass! Fat chance, and you are not one to talk about looking at someone. Look in the mirror lately? You need a skin creme to the extreme there sonny. Either way, no clover - no entrance! Rin stops for a second and then slowly walks to the water. He kneels and, with much apprehension, looks into the still waters of the lake. What he sees appals him. His handsome reflection is replaced by one of sheer horror. His skin is melted away and his eyes bug out of nearly seared sockets. Pockets of charred flesh hang limply from his cheekbones and where his ears used to be are crusted lumps. After a few moments Rin rises and walks back to the tower. I will find your clover. he tells her and mounts his steed.
89, 5 суша
{T}his castle is unlike anything you have seen in your living days. It is built of stone as grey as the skies on a rainy day, and as old as the ages themselves. It seems to have been carved from the volcanic mountains. Just off the castle to the right is a smaller tower with swirling red energy dancing inside. You know not what this is but it can't be a good thing. There is thick smoke pouring forth from one of the towers, which Rin figures is the reason for the lousy visibility in this part of the caverns. The garrison is manned by creatures you have seen before! The same fireball throwing demons you were attacked by on your last living day, except not as many of them. There is a fire headed rider as well, which you figure to be the captor of this castle. Has to be, as this is not a typical demon castle. This is somenting else. They don't seem to notice you so you try sneaking up to the gate to try an ambush. You fail at this attempt, however, and flamehead readies his troops for your assault.
2, 101 суша
{I}f this is the only source of wood than you decide to make sure it does not get taken. There is a small creature just outside of the mill smoking a cigarette. Upon your approach it drops the smoke and faces you. Surprisingly there is no fear in his eyes or voice. If you let me live I will tend to the mill for you. I have been doing so for a millennia and I'm quite good at maximizing product. Delivery will be made to wherever you choose every morning. Fair enough, you reply, but be warned pugnose, that if there is a lapse in quanity I will have your squat little head as a snack. Pugnose nods compliance at the deal without any kind of reaction to your insult. A real pro, you think to yourself. NOTE TO PLAYER. Let him live. I mean after all this is one measly, low experience, worthless waste of time battle. Of course if you want to slaughter the cute little horny imp than go ahead - MEANIE!
3, 101 суша
{W}hen the creature realizes you are not going to chop it to pieces it asks you who you are and what you are doing here. You explain about Brygon and his quest to defeat the Lord of Fire, your demise, and your quest for revenge, if possible. All the while pugnose nods and listens attentively. When you are done the imp (as he told you he was) hops behind the mill and you hear the sound of saws cut into action. After a moment, just as you are turning to leave, pugsy hops back over to you with a bundle under its arm. It hands the package to you mumbling something about you might as well take it as it no longer needs it. You open the bundle and inside are a pair of winged boots. You thank it for the gift and turn to leave. Unconsciously you grind out the smoldering cigarette butt with your foot before you go..
9, 107 суша
{W}elcome fool! We own the only source of wood and are not about to let someone as UGLY as you take it from us. One of the demons produces a small fireball and whips it in your general direction. You freeze for a long enough time, remembering your final moments, to let the fireball impact at your feet. Flames lick at your heels and you jump back into reality.
9, 106 суша
{Y}ou enter a small cavern and see another pillar of light up ahead. There seems to be life here, although not much and not in a very flourishing state. You are about to continue to the light tower when a fireball whizzes by your ear. You turn to see that a few of the demons were faking death.
75, 12 суша
{T}here is a portal of sorts here. An huge emerald adorns the top with giant wings spread to either side. Two smaller gems are mounted below either wing and all three flash in rhythm. Steps lead up to a flat swirling green surface while arcs of green lightning arc to the ground. You consider stepping in.
Плащ вампира
66, 11 суша
{Y}ou look at the back of the skullcave, and indeed the hole in the front does go through. You go around to the front and climb into the hole. You thought it would go all the way through, but can't see to well. Tossing a torch to a wraith, you order it around back to float up to the hole so you can see better. When it does you notice a bundle wedged into the back opening. You poke at it and give it a shove causing it to fall free out the back. It falls onto the unsuspecting spirit and both hit the ground with a thud. After a moment the wraith frees itself and looks up at you with a glare. Sorry! you call out. The wraith grumbles something while making a rude finger gesture at you and floats away. You clamber down and around to see what you found and it is a cloak wrapped up. Could this be the cloak of power you were told of? Spiro floats up and inspects the cloak. He confirms your find.
20, 4 суша
{W}elcome Rin, we've been exssssspecting you. Rin looks at these...things with awe. Someone animated some old tattered cloaks, and not to carefully. They are moldy, and although Rin's nose is cooked pretty well he can still smell their stench. It is revolting. What manner of creature are you things? he asks. We are ssssspiritsss. one hisses. We have a cassstle in thesssse tavernsss which wasss taken from ussssssssss. You must help usss get it back and in return we will help you exisssssst. Take thesssse bootsss. They will help you build an army of the dead fasssster. It isssssss ssssssaid that a cloak and a necklacccccce will combine to make your army grow even fassssssster than jussst any one item alone. Yeah...OK, replies Rin Just stay near the back so I don't have to smell you. Assssss you wish. they reply and fall to the rear.
Башмаки мертвеца
21, 3 суша
{C}ool boots! There is a skull sewn to one of them and Rin wonders who's head is making the decoration. No matter. Boots are better than bare feet anyday.
14, 9 суша
{Y}ou remember the king was slain. Browgan going crazy and slaying himself. A lucky joust! Your head begins to hurt again so you block out your memories as best you can. The pain dampens a bit but you still hurt. A healer would be nice right about now but, alas, there are none handy. Just these dank caverns. You come to a split in the road. To the north a faint glow can be seen.
10, 21 суша
{M}ost of the skeletons are pure bone but a few still have flesh attached to them. One in particular has a festering eyeball left in the socket. You approach this one and smack the back of its skull causing the eye to plop to the ground. The enraged skeleton draws his sword and attacks.
65, 14 суша
{Y}ou recall what was said about the three artifacts that combine to make a more powerful one. You check your inventory to see if you have gotten them all. While you are looking you finger your mushroom stash. POP! Zooooooooooooooooooom!
24, 14 суша
{O}ne of the three horsemen moves along side you. It says nothing but you can tell there is something. What? The dark knight looks at you with red eyes and motions to your boots. It then motions to its neck and back. The boots? you ask. It motions to its neck and back again and then clasps its bony hands together. Oh. You mean the cloak and necklace, right? It nods and then spreads its hands evenly. It then points to its eyes and spreads its hands again. Do you talk? Can you? It makes a gurgling sound that could be speech if your a blender but Rin catches the jist. OK, we will hunt down these 2 artifacts and see about combining them. OK? It nods again and falls back to its comrades. You drop back and speak to the wraiths in your ranks about the cloak and necklace. They tell you they are in the underground caverns hidden from the fire demons who took over their castle. You ride up front again where the air is a bit cleaner and make a note to get all three artifacts together before searching for Brygon.
48, 3 суша
Death's Hamlet
{Y}ou sink all of your cash into building buildings.
{G}ASP!!! AIR! Most precious of the gases! Heavy breathing echos all around as firelight slowly illuminates the area. The breathing is his. He slowly, painfully (very painfully), rises to his feet. He is in a small cavern of sorts and it is hot - very hot. What is this place and what... He feels a nudge behind him and a hot blast at his neck. He whirls to see a white stallion looking expectantly at him. Where did you come from? he wonders. The horse whinnys and drops a knee. He mounts the steed.
{H}e looks around. There is a hole behind him and his hands...he gasps! His hands are almost skeletal with dirt under what's left of the nails. I was in that hole. he amazes to himself. I...crawled out. Around him there are small fires burning at the bases of several pillars. Realization hits. This is a burial site - HIS burial site!
resources gone!
{Y}ou are dead! You start with what a dead man has - NOTHING!
82, 20 суша
{Y}ou come across a fantastic sight. A river of lava is emptying into a lake of fire covered with thick black mist. Steam rises and swirls everywhere. In the distance to the northeast you can see a devil and the devil sees you. It twirls its scythe around its head and winks at you. Along your path ahead is a garrison where shadows move back and forth. I guess this is where the fun starts. you comment to no one in particular. You are right about that FOOL! exclaims a voice. You spin around to see who said that but the air is to thick with heat waves to distinguish anything. You do catch a glimpse of movement and draw your weapon, ready to fight.
27, 12 суша
{A}nother fork in the road. A skeleton, who used to have one rotten eye, comes forward. Our base is north of here. You will be able to find more help there. It is all that is left of us. It turns and walks away.
36, 0 суша
{I}ndeed there is a base here, and yes it is small. The same eyeless joe comes up again and whistles. How it did without lips you have no idea but demon types materialize. Eyeless hisses at you and joins their ranks.
Страж задания
38, 0 суша
{A}fter witnessing the dispatch of the renegade skeleton, the guards open the doors and let you pass through.
37, 0 суша
{A}fter the battle, the same wraith who gave you the boots floats to your side and pulls its hood back revealing its skullish head. We sssssusssssspected a traitor in our midssssssssssst. You have proven yourssssssssself a bit more exsss-mortal. Let ussss make hassssssssste. Time isss ssssssshort.
12, 12 суша
{Y}ou keep thinking of Brygon. You must try to find him, that is if he lives. Brygon is sure to be able to explain more than you can remember. He is King now if you recall right. He is sure to have powerful healers who may be able to help you. You just hope this Lord of Fire didn't do him any harm.
Страж задания
13, 12 суша
{T}he tower in front of you blocks your way. There must be a way through. You bang on the door but all is silent.
36, 8 суша
{B}ehind a clump of dead trees are some regalish looking deadies. They have crowns of a sort on their heads and they are wearing chainmail skirts? You gotta be kidding. These things must've been drag queens in another life. As you approach one comes forward and speaks
Щит неупокоенных
35, 7 суша
{U}pon closer inspection, although ugly in design, this shield is very well crafted. Either the dead ones have good armories or it was...appropriated! You tend to think the latter.
30, 17 суша
{T}hese mushrooms you have seen scattered about seem to be the only form of life around. Curious, you eat one. It's not like they can kill you, right? After several moments you start seeing things and feel like you are flying. You float over to the wraith who has been the apparent leader of his pack and offer one to it. It waves its claws back and forth in refusal but the claws seem to blur back and forth. You laugh and reach out to give the poor slob a hug...and fall flat on your face. Rolling over on your back, you stare at the emptiness of the cavern ceiling making doodles with your fingers, all the while, laughing. This continues for several hours until you finally doze off. When you awake your army is staring at you, some shaking their heads. You gather up as many 'shrooms as you can!
Костяной дракон
50, 10 суша
{N}ow that's a skeleton! A dragon skeleton! You figure even dragons are not immune to the afterlife. They live forever and hoard treasure in life so it figures they would do the same in death. You feel a tingle of anticipation of slaying dragons again and this time the mushrooms have naught to do with it!
49, 10 суша
{I} don't think a fight would've been wise. says one of the bone dragons. I know of you Rin, and have been saving this weapon for you. Take it up and smite thy enemies so that we may all rest in peace! The laws of physics go right out the door here when the (no-flesh-on-their-bony-wings-which-means-no-lift) dragons take flight above your party.
46, 12 суша
{Y}ou hear water! It never occurred to you to be thirsty but hearing waves lap against the shore bring back that particular memory, and your thirst. Nostalgia swims over you and your thirst turns to a thirst for vengeance. You will hunt down this Lord of Fire and destroy it, lest Brygon has already done so. Part of you hopes not, but that would mean that Brygon......NO! You shake off the thought and push forward.
62, 12 суша
{Y}ou pick up the clover. It is warm to the touch, but than again everything down here is.
55, 18 суша
{J}ust ahead is a well and a crude monument to some fallen warrior, you surmise. You figure a few minutes poking around here couldn't hurt. Finally a drink of water as well. Well & well. Get it? You still have it, you think to yourself. You are about to tell your wraith buddy this but decide against it. You are pretty sure these things you call an army have no sense of humor.
89, 4 суша
Посещение Одержимый:
Fort build
Encropolians are happy to be home again. They have decided to rebuild their town now that the threat is over.
79, 21 суша
{T}here is a tower here. It glows from fire within. You get closer and notice the fire is channeled to the top illuminating the area. There are steps leading up so...you climb them to get a better look around.
37, 17 суша
{T}here's a BIG mushroom here!
71, 17 суша
{Y}ou call a halt. You gaze out over the water from this vantage point and see, of all things, a cave entrance. However this is manmade. It is in the shape of a skull of a mammoth type creature. The mouth serves as an opening to who knows where. On the right is a tower, most likely a lookout/housing area for guards. Above the eyesockets, in the middle, there looks to be a spot for something for there is a hole bored out there. You wonder if it goes all the way through. You will have to look behind to see. Either way this is a way out. Or up!
96, 17 суша
{Y}ou have never seen anything like this before. Out in the lake of fire there is another whirlpool. You surmise that a ship would be lost if caught in such a thing. It would be just your luck to have to try to navigate it anyway. You look harder and see another ship's fate smashed against the rocks. No survivors there, you think. A river of lave empties into the lake here and you spend the better part of the day tiptoeing your way past this fiery delta.
Страж задания
92, 2 суша
{A}nother tower. You are wondering what you have to do to get past this one, when there is a shout from beyond it. Help me out of here! You look past the tower and see a makeshift prison cell. It is in shoddy condition. Rats come and go from a hole near the base and slime coats the walls outside. The door hinges appear to be rusted out, and Rin wonders why whoever is locked away just doesn't simply bust their way out. Because this place is magically sealed from the inside. yells the voice of the apparent mindreader. PIPE DOWN IN THERE! a guard, who has come to the tower window, bellows. He then turns his attention to you. If you think you can free our prisoner, think again. The guard is a deadie! It looks to be a vampire but dressed in demonic garb. As much as I hate confining one of my own I hate torture even more. If you want her freedom than I suggest you take the matter up with the lord of the castle. The window slams shut.
92, 1 суша
Morrotta was one of the last holdouts when Encropoly was sieged. She was able to cut down many demonics before falling herself. As a result she was spared and imprisoned. LuCrane praised her for her valor and told her she was a victim of inferior forces. To die in this prison having time to curse her bad fortune was his idea of a joke.
64, 11 суша
{T}he old hag appears again. Before you go out, visit this tent. My beautiful twin sister holds the password you will need to gain access to the upper world. The undead beings created a blockade just above to keep intruders out. If that is the case than how did the devils get in? And how is it you use the word beautiful to describe yourself? Maybe YOU should look in a mirror sweetheart! The old hag scowls at you and goes through the tent flap. You follow. Inside you see double. She was right about the twin part. The sister is just as nasty! They are both even missing the same teeth. Many pints of ale would need to be consumed for these two to look even halfway decent. {NOTE TO PLAYER
87, 13 суша
{W}ell, well, well, lookie what we got here. How'ya doin' there. Rin...isn't it? I must say you looked better before I hit you with that fireball. Damn son, I'm a lousy shot too, which makes you a pathetic -or should I say made you a pathetic warrior. Look at you now. All crispy. Can I call you crispy? The devil rolls his head back and laughs aloud. So it was you who got in the lucky shot. Perhaps that stolen clover you have had something to do with it because there's no way you do it alone hornhead. The devil stops laughing and looks at you. He leers, is engulfed in a fireball, disappears, and reappears in a fireball right in front of you swinging his scythe for your head. You duck - barely, and engage him in combat.
101, 4 суша
{A} portal! It looks like the night sky contained in a door. You wonder where it leads.
Зловещий рыцарь
66, 14 суша
{Y}ou have become stronger and can now travel topside Rin. We will escort you on your quest. We wish to find King Brygon and aid him. He did defeat the Lord of Fire but only temporarily. The fire lord is back and is stronger than before. King Brygon has been captured and is languishing. We must help him or all may be lost. You take all this in slowly. Your fried brain assimilates this information and now you must decide when and how to strike the fire lord. One thing is certain. Finding Brygon is a must.
24, 2 суша
{H}ere is another memory popping up. These obelisks unlock the hiding place to the all powerful grail.
Скелет воин
2, 14 суша
{W}e wish to come with you to help liberate our castle. Fine. Any sword will help. You all can join the floating rags at the rear. Dead things are one thing Rin just hates hanging around. He did his fair share of killing but never knew what came next. He does not like what he is seeing.
15, 88 суша
{B}oy do I love traps. Don't email me complaining. {YOU WERE WARNED!}
14, 88 суша
{D}ragons! Big ones too. These are of the Azuratic region of Charlama. Once servants to the wizards of that region, Astral the Evil made them his personal slaves. He sent them here to guard the remaining pieces of the statue of legion, after the head was stolen.
8, 79 суша
{T}his must be the cave the mushroom man was talking about. You sniff about and the stench of death is in the air. You wonder if anyone has ever come out of here alive or if you will be the first. Seeing as you are dead anyway you can't be the first. Self preservation is an issue though. Perhaps this statue is not worth the trouble.
Страж задания
6, 79 суша
{T}his cave belongs to Astral the Evil. You are face to face with a troll. Kill him and I can go home. You do know what lies beyond? The troll raises an eyebrow at you. We know and we want to continue. you reply Suit yourself but as I said, Astral first. I communicate with him through my crystal ball. It functions through his life force. When the ball goes dark he no longer has any life and you can then pass. Agreed? And if I decide to take YOUR life force right here and now? You step forward menacingly and peel a chunk of flesh from your face. The troll does not flinch but instead claps twice quickly. Suddenly trolls materialize from nowhere, hundreds of them. Like I said before chunky, Astral first. You look around and decide to do as the troll wishes.
84, 40 суша
{A} small lake is off to your right. Behind the lake sits three blue dragons. They see you and do nothing. They just watch you sail by. You wonder if these are the same three who got you by the tower on the island above. Ahead there is a dockhouse coming off the lake into the river. A light glows in the windows.
94, 61 суша
{T}his seems to be the only place to land a ship. You drop anchor and take a dingy ashore. Looking around you notice a mix of healthy plants and dead vegetation. Strange.
Лазурный дракон
101, 65 суша
{I} know what it is you seek. A wizard of sorts cloaked in blue with wings on his back stands before you. He approaches you without fear, with a strange look on his face. It is a familiar look, but you can't place it. Perhaps you knew this person. I doubt if you remember me Rin. I was a friend of your family a very long time ago. Last I saw you, you were about knee high and oh so innocent. Just a child. Now looking at you I feel sorrow. Not just for you but the circumstances which made you what you are today. Who are you? you ask. I go by the name of Rodan. I am King Brygon's older brother. You step back in amazement. I never knew Bry had a brother. I knew Bry all my life and he never spoke of you. Brygon does not know of me as I was taken before he was born. It is the only way he could live, but that is another story I have no time to tell. Rodan tells you. Brygon has been imprisoned by the same Lord of Fire he set out to destroy. The final battle was fierce and Brygon almost came away victorious but in the end he fatigued and fell. The Lord of Fire decided not to vanquish him, but instead make an example of him. The fire lord placed a magical barrier around him and a legion of angels, and threw them in prison to rot for all eternity. It was a message to the rest of the world that no one shall dare try to coup his power from him again. So far, so good. No one has dared. Rodan steps right up to you. You will dare Rin, and you shall succeed where Brygon failed. The Lord of Fire has never been able to conquer the underworld completely. Living creatures are easy for him but dead creatures are his nemesis. This is why your army willingly joins and dies for your cause. The Lord of Fire has decided to make everyone immortal and weak so he can control them. With the resurrection power of angels this is made possible. He has grown VERY strong and may be unstoppable. You are the last hope for living kind. It is enigmatic irony that you, a dead creature, with an army of dead creatures, are the final hope for all that lives. Just look around. This cave once flourished with vibrant life, but now that life dies. Dies slower here, as my power helps preserve it. My power, however, grows weaker as I grow older. There are two others who can combine their power with mine to stop the decay but these two are separated from me. Who are the other two? Where can I find them? you ask excitedly. You are one of the two, Rin. Me?!? I have no power to speak of. Sure I know a few magic tricks and I am getting better but what you speak of...no way, not me. Your power lies in your strength Rin. Mine in magic, and the third in conviction of all that is right. Who is the third? you have a feeling you know but want to hear it. The third is Brygon. My brother. He must be freed and all of us together must heal the earth before it is too late. You take all this in for a second and then promptly vomit. While you are bent over spilling your guts Rodan continues. I know this is hard for you Rin, but it is the way it is. Free Brygon and together all three of us will restore what is right. In order for you to do this, you must first destroy the Lord of Fire. Only then will the barrier drop and the power of the angels be restored. And what of me? Can I be restored to my former self? Yes. You will be as good as new again. Hope fills you. You didn't know if your body could be healed, yet you continued fighting for a way to find out for sure. Now you know. I will do my best Rodan. We will meet again and I will have Brygon with me. As you turn to leave, Rodan calls after you. Take these dragons with you. They have pledged to serve our cause and will help you in every way they can. Fare thee well Rin. Our hopes lie with you.
101, 66 суша
{J}ust before you leave the area you feel a tingle. You turn to see Rodan softly chanting. When he stops he looks up and waves. The tingling stops as well.
29, 91 суша
Посещение Одержимый:
53, 51 суша
mula for greenie
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
47, 69 суша
{A}fter defeating the hellspawn you claim the booty.
65, 42 суша
{Y}ou wonder who's torso became enchanted armor.
Рогатый демон
66, 43 суша
{I} tell you what Rin. When we are done gnawing the flesh from these bones you can have them. Of course we will have your bones to gnaw as well. the demons laugh gruffly and advance upon you.
Ящик Пандоры
33, 99 суша
{H}eh heh heh! Do you dare?
Рогатый демон
45, 66 суша
{Y}ou should not have come here Rin! Our master will be pleased at your destruction. Does everyone and everything know who you are? No matter. Time to hack away!
79, 72 суша
{A} very nice helm! It is fashioned to look like a skull.
Рогатый демон
78, 73 суша
{R}in! Baby! How's it hanging? Did you come here to die by our hand? So very nice of you...CHUMP!
34, 22 суша
{M}ore mushrooms here. The lead wraith floats over to chat with you. Rin, you mussssssssn't get disssssssstracted by these mushroomssss. They will make you losssse your edge in combat. We need you alert. And just who are you to tell me what to do Mr. Cryptkeeper? My name is Ssssssssspiro and I am not telling you what to do, jusssssst voicing conccccern for your wellbeing. Spiro floats away leaving you to ponder his words.
39, 9 суша
{W}e shall join your fight. There are more of us on the upper world who wish to join as well. They were sent to find help, but have not returned.
90, 84 суша
{T}his must be the way to Brygon's lands.
86, 88 суша
{J}ust as you expected, these caverns are not unguarded. You are surprised by a welcoming committee. It looks like ol' eyeless is back, and this time he brought more reinforcements.
63, 95 суша
{A} blast of air comes from the mouth of the cave entrance. The smell is sweet, like trees and flowers. You hasten the pace just a bit.
75, 95 суша
{H}ey Rin! A devil is hiding in the burnt out bushes. Never thought you would make it this far. Cheers to you mate! I would kill you where you stand but I have orders to let you through. There are bets on you ya know. Yeah. What kind of odds am I getting? you ask sarcastically Not that good fleshface. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 at last check. A month ago there were 6 more zeros on that. Congratulations! Do me a favor would you? You go along with the banter. What's that? Stay alive until you meet the boss. If you do, I win. That is unless you defeat him. the devil laughs wholeheartedly, In that case all bets are off. Good Luck...sucker! The devil laughs again and you grind your teeth while moving ahead.
0, 21 суша
{B}ehind this portal must be where Brygon is being held. You hope you are not to late to cut off the assassins sent to kill him.
18, 39 суша
{C}erebus! The 3 headed guardians to Hades. They must be dealt with if you are to continue.
12, 8 суша
{R}in. My name is Rin. Funny how you remember Brygon's name before your own -Bry for short if you remember correctly. And speaking of memories, yours are coming back at a steady clip. The battles with the barbarian and lizard people. The incessant heat and humidity building as your travels progressed. The mud! You fell into mud three times on your last living journey and everyone laughed at you each time. Grrrrrrr!
6, 4 суша
{B}ehind the grave 3 shadows appear soundlessly and approach. They are riders but the men are not alive. No words spoken they just stand there. Not really understanding he starts to ride away and the three follow. Fine enough, he thinks. As long as they keep their distance. You wonder what has become of everyone you once knew. What year it is. What has become of Brygon...
9, 5 суша
{M}emories of his final day start to come back and he collapses. Brygon!?! He feels something bad has happened but can't put a finger on it. He rises with the help of a shadowy horseman. He looks up at the rider who nods ever so slightly. Pain rages between his temples. His head is still cloudy.
Рыцарь Смерти
1, 1 суша
{R}in was always a headstrong, foolish, oafish, bullheaded type. His brash ways and superior mass have gotten him into many a scrape but he has always prevailed. Until the Lord of Fire's minions got a lucky shot in he was a handsome devil. But than that's usually how Rin's type of person is defeated - with luck. Look at him now. Flesh cooked off like a fried turkey.
23, 2 суша
{T}hisss isss the only wood we know of for sssure. says the leader of the wraiths. There issss a sssawmill but it wasss guarded lassssst we knew. You may find ssssome by pure chanccce though.
Страж задания
44, 6 суша
{I}n order to pass through you must gain more experience. the tower guard says. We wouldn't want to get blamed for your getting hurt.
Страж задания
1, 26 суша
{N}o one may pass without the fire lord's permission. you are told by a surly guard. The guard slams his window shut. A moment later a dull red force field engulfs the tower.
4, 40 суша
{F}lames lick at everything. The castle before you is not what the tales have described. You were expecting a black, soot covered monolith type castle dedicated to the Lord of Fire. This is not it. This castle glows! Everything is rounded and it is remarkably pleasing to the eyes. Probably an illusion. Lava trickles into fiery pools and smoke fills the air. The heat is insufferable here, more than anywhere else. You hear deep throaty laughing. Quiet at first but growing louder until it fills the air. You turn to see many of your men covering their ears and bending over. A fireball materializes in front of the castle gate and the biggest devil you have ever seen appears. It must be 18 feet tall! It is the Lord of Fire in all his glory! His hair is pure fire, his eyes burn bright with flame, and small fangs, which look like dancing flames, flicker at his lips. His eyes slowly size up your army and come to rest on you. An evil smile broadens across his red face. Hello Rin! he says politely, If I had known you were coming I would've had refreshments ready. Not that you would benefit from them long. The smile widens and the flickering teeth elongate. He continues. I suppose we have to fight now. I mean, after all, I DID rough up your king and all. Brygon...isn't it? A pathetic excuse of a man if you ask me. I don't believe I did. you reply and since you are being so polite why not release him to me lest I destroy you. Of course I'm going to do that anyway but I figure I might as well try practicing my diplomatic skills first. The battlement are slowly filling up with demons of all kinds including your favourite, gogs. What's the matter flameface? You need backup? I thought you were the all-powerful Lord of Fire? Personally I think you are a flickering waste that needs extinguishing. Tall words from a short man. Before I kill you and your pitiful army I will tell you about your beloved king Brygon. I have him locked up for all eternity. You see, I whipped him pretty badly as he was no match for me. You will never see him again. I tortured his army and played with the women. Those who died, which was most, I fed to my pet hounds. Three heads - triple your pleasure! He laughs again and his minions all start dancing and hooting. You feel your blood begin to boil. Spiro floats over to you. Masssster. He ssspeaksss the truth. I wass oncccce one of King Brygon'sss men. Many of us were. Thisss isss why we fight with you. You look around and get several nods from the creatures in your army confirming what was said. You are a vile abomination and shall be destroyed! We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose. I will avenge the people you have wronged and take back our world from your clutches.! you shout at the fire lord. We shall see. Either way your precious Brygon is dead. I sent a executioner to take care of him while I take care of you. We have bets going as to who will actually die first. I bet you both die at the same time, but than I am a gambling man. He laughs again and is taken by surprise by an icy bolt that crashes into his chest. Enough small talk beast. Let's get it on! You give a battle cry as never before and storm the castle!
26, 33 суша
{T}he true Lord of Fire is in this cavern, or so your spies tell you. You hope they are right. Time to rock and roll!
28, 64 суша
{Y}ou come to the end of the cavern. You see a great dragon utopia and what looks like a breeding ground for their food. Many cattle are herded together and a small area is kept green for them to grow fat upon. There are skulls of the mammals scattered about here and there.
103, 49 суша
{Y}ou make it to the bottom of the rapids in one piece, which is more than you can say for the wrecked ships on the rocks ahead. All sorts of debris is washed up down here. Maybe you will find something of value!
80, 42 суша
{W}hite water! Your ship starts to bounce around as you enter the rapids. You were never much of a sailor, and drowning after being burnt to death would just add insult to injury.
4, 39 суша
Посещение Элементалист:
{T}he Lord of Fire! One psychotic dude!
Страж задания
72, 86 суша
{T}his tower yet stands! It is in the shape of a giant warrior with a skull for a head. You think back to your living days to stories you were told of sorcerers and necromancers who ruled the dead. One such story tells of a mighty necromancer practiced not only in the ways of necromancy, but in combat as well. His name was Nefario, and indeed was feared by all. Nefario hated all things alive, but overlords were his biggest nemesis. Great battles raged between the two factions until, on this very spot, Nefario was defeated once and for all. A powerful overlord, commanding legions of but one type of creature, claimed victory. The creature was the medusa, able to turn anything, alive or dead, that met its gaze, to stone. Nefario was mostly immune to this, but 20,000 magically enhanced medusa combined one single stony stare to get the job done. Nefario stands here to this day guarding the portal to another place, another time pehaps as well, for all eternity. You look at the stoned lord and notice his battle garb is missing. The infamous Armor of the Damned, which gave Nefario his edge in battle, was plundered. You know of this armor as it was used by Brygon once before. It takes four different weapons and armor to combine magically, to create. If magic makes the armor than perhaps putting the magical armor back on the statue... You got the shield at the beginning of this quest.
Ящик Пандоры
51, 9 суша
{E}ven dead dragons have treasure, and this booty is yours for free!
Страж задания
29, 13 суша
{I} am still waiting for my relief to show. grumbles the guard on duty, Go the Death's Hamlet and fetch him for me would ya. No one passes through until I get some chow.
86, 52 суша
{T}here is a ship smashed against the rocks here. Looks like someone misnavigated this portion of the rapids.
97, 8 суша
{T}he cavern widens here. Rivers of lava snake thier way toward the lake of fire, and a big batch of mushrooms are just ahead!
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House of Flame 2 - Rin Returns"