Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The dark Guildmasters of the Dragon Guild of Sawado, Gudei and Nurkassu, have alienated all the other guilds with their hostile policies. The evil Guildmasters welcome open warfare, however, and the chance to eliminate all their rivals at once...
You recieve word today -- and a threat -- from nearly every other Guild in the land. They all claim to have had their Guildmaster kidnapped! What could this mean? Is someone trying to destroy the very foundation of the Guilds? If the problem is not solved in one way or another by next year, the Guild's will surely fall to infighting and fail to function. Yet at the same time, perhaps this is a prime opportunity to extend your authority over the land of your neighbors while they are similarly suffering (presumably) from lack of strong leadership.
Clue 2
Oddly enough, you realize that no threat came from the Dragon Guild of Sawado, the powerful Warlock and Overlord faction that lives in the very center of this land. Why would they be exempt from this tragedy, unless... Could they have found something that would lead them to believe they are powerful enough to make an open move against the other guilds? You think it may be about time to check with the local Den of Theives. The Guild for the rogues, brigands and thieves may not have official recognition, power or troops, but they do have information!
Clue 3
You hear an awful squawking sound and see a small colorful bird flying recklessly over your army. One of your troops nonchalantly shoots it from the sky. You've never seen such an ugly bird in your life, as the soldier presents it to you. It's got startlingly green plumage, and a short, curved beak that looks like it would be totally useless for anything other than cracking open seeds and nuts. At night, your camp cook tries to make a meal of the bird, but the meat is terribly gamey and sour, and you throw it to the dogs. To your surprise, they're not very interested in it either.
Clue 4
Looking behind you, you see a flurry of dust as if someone is riding quickly to catch you. You halt your army and wait to see what it is. In just a few minutes a fatigued horse and rider stumble into your ranks looking for you. You recognize Sasho, your Guild Second, and he looks like the very demons of the Inferno were on his heels. My Leige! he pants, pouring a hide bag of water over his face. Did you get the message I sent to you last week? Ummm, what message is that? you ask. I sent Gwaihir the Windlord with vital news. Surely you saw the creature. In truth, I don't know why he fancies himself the Windlord -- I found him to be a silly little bird, but he is easy to dupe into doing our bidding so I sent him to give you the message. Silly little bird? A little green bird with a strange hooked beak? you ask. Sasho brightens visibly. So you did see him? Uhhh, no actually, you answer quickly. Why don't you just give me the message now? Of course, my leige, answers Sasho. Our intelligence reports that the Dragon Guild of Sawado is responsible for the kidnapping of the Grandmasters. Our Grandmaster is hidden, somewhere here on our own territory, but guarded by fearsome guardians and unable to come to our rescue. Only you can find him and bring him to liberty. You thank Sasho for his message and dismiss him back to the castle. You have to think about what he says. While it is true that the missing Guildmaster is the greatest crisis you have faced, you enjoy being the one to weather it. You determine immediately that if you are to free the Guildmaster, you will make sure that your authority is not questioned by his return.
54, 55 подземелье
No buildings
9, 13 подземелье
Lukuwas stormed into the sleeping quarters of Jianniver and unceremoniously threw her covers from her bed. She awoke rudely, shivering naked in the cold Shavashtian air. What do you think you're doing? she asked, her tone colder than the icey air. Lukuwas didn't flinch. He never did, curse him. The man was practically not human anymore. Constant exposure to magic had changed his physical appearance until his skin was tight and parched. His eyes glowed an eery red with pent-up power. Jianniver had always felt powerless and angry around her Wizard counterpart, mostly because he was the only man she knew who was completely unaffected by her beauty. Have you taken him? If you've harmed the Guildmaster you'll die this instant. Tell me now! Jianniver could feel the power growing in Lukuwas and she started to panic. She was a better fighter than he was, but it looked like he was ready to blast her with spell before she could even move. She could already feel his magic binding up her limbs, raising her from her bed to float in the air in front of him. I don't know what you're talking about, Lukuwas. You should know me well enough to know I would never harm the Guilmaster! Rukh is my strongest supporter! If I were to do anything to him, my position in the Guild Council would be forfeit! I do know you, the wizard answered coldly. I know your ambition knows no bounds. Suddenly the magic that held Jianniver released her and she crashed into the bed, and slid off onto the cold flagstones. With a deft roll, she came to her feet with a sword in her hand and thrust it right into Lukuwas' neck. His mouth twisted into that hideous semblance of a smile that never showed any true emotion. Don't be a fool, Alchemist. If you really value Rukh so much, then you will prove it. His chamber was broken into last night by a powerful spell, and our Guildmaster is missing. We currently have no clue as to his whereabout or who could have attacked him. We don't know if he is alive or dead. If you value your position on the Guild, you will make a good show of finding him. I can make this be our investigation, with our rank, but if you attack me now, you will be the prime suspect in his disappearance. Jianniver's eyes narrowed as she realized she had no choice but to listen to him. You speak the truth, she said, casually lowering her sword and picking her undergarments off the floor. She was herself again; in control. She knew Lukuwas was unaffected, but she made a show of dressing anyway; a show that would drive any other man insane with desire. If we have the council's approval, let us requisition some troops and begin our investigation.
97, 13 подземелье
97, 100 подземелье
Vaiak still hadn't completely grown accustomed to the sounds of the swamp
9, 100 подземелье
Late last night the Behemoths were restless. Kadu woke up to the sound of the rocs and thunderbirds screeching shrilly. She climbed out of bed, looking out over the dark mountains that surround the castle and shouted some obscenity at the restless birds. The didn't stop screeching. Like all true inhabitants of the Fire Guild, Kadu didn't give a goblin pellet about modesty, but she did believe in being prepared. She left her clothes in her bedroom. She did bring her sword. There were a few small fires still lit this late, but for the most part only the twinkling stars lit the dusty ground. Kadu crept silently through the barracks, her sword raised and a spell brewing in the back of her mind. She could see the stealthy moves of another figure just ahead of her near the thunderbird compound. With a shout she cast the Blind spell and struck with her sword. She was barely able to stop it in time. The figure she had nearly attacked was Anirekash, an ogre and a Barbarian hero who garrisoned in the castle as well. She grumbled slightly at the delay, but cast Dispell Magic on her mighty counterpart, allowing him to see again. What's going on, girl? growled the hulking brute. I don't know. Something doesn't sound right, though. Suddenly it occured to her what was going on. With a cry of dismay, Kadu ran towards the Guildmaster's suite. Just as she suspected, the place was a disaster. The timber roof had been forcibly torn off, and the adobe bricks were spread all over the ground. Our Guildmaster! she cried.Vaul has been taken!
55, 58 подземелье
Nurkassu is the leader of the Warlocks, and peer only to Gudei. His power is rightly feared by all the Guilds. The current expansionist and hostile stance of the Dragon Guild of Sawado is based purely on his own personality and sharp temper. It was he who alienated the other guilds and brought them to open war.
Верховный лорд
53, 58 подземелье
The vicious Gudei is one of the most powerful and prominent Overlords to rise through the ranks of the Dragon Guild of Sawado. His natural affinity to dragons is what gave him the ability to first train the terrible Azure Dragons and bring them into the service of the Guild. He currently shares the Guildmaster duties with the most powerful Warlock ever seen.
8, 15 подземелье
Jianniver has suffered the unwanted attentions of her tutors for too long. Although she looks gentle and delightful, she is in reality a black widow of the worst kind, seducing and murdering her lovers. She has used her dark charms to rise to the rank of Second Guildmaster, but now feels threatened by the Dragon Guild of Sawado.
10, 15 подземелье
Lukuwas is a dedicated student of magic and eschews any other diversion. His constant exposure to the Winds of Magic has changed his appearance until he hardly appears human anymore. However, is he able to train his apprentices as even better spellcasters than before, so they become the dreaded Enchanters.
Боевой маг
10, 102 подземелье
Kadu is the daughter of the king. She is spoiled to death and very sadistic and hedonistic. However, in spite of herself, she is a brilliant leader of armies, and she seeks to wrest the power away from her father and rule solely by her own might. She is the first woman to ever rise to be the Guildmaster of the Fire Guild of Eternal Nimоr, and she is determined to leave a legacy of conquest.
8, 102 подземелье
Anirekash is a decorated hero of the Fire Guild of Eternal Nimоr, but he struggles to find true happiness and fulfillment. Recently he made a vow to subdue the Dragon Guild of Sawado in the center of the continent to prove his worth to his barbaric gods Kolo and Besso.
98, 102 подземелье
Ivasha is secretly in love with the dark Vaiak. Against her better judgement, she is drawn with him into the fight against the Dragon Guild of Sawado. There is nothing she would rather have than to spend the rest of her days living in her elevated swamphouse, listening to the sounds of the marsh.
96, 102 подземелье
Vaiak is a dark and mysterious man who seeks revenge against the capricious Dragon Guild of Sawado for some unknown wrong. It is rumoured that he once lived among them, but he would as soon kill you as admit that this rumour is true. His rival guild, the Serpent Guild of Varran is oddly patterned after the Guild of the Warlocks and Overlords.
98, 15 подземелье
Sodewo sees himself as the newest champion and prophet of Sutaka, an ancient god of the woods who hasn't been worshipped in centuries. It is his sacred quest to bring the word of Sutaka to all the nations -- by forcable conversion, if necessary. To accomplish this he has joined the Guild of the Prophets. He is the only Guild Warden.
96, 15 подземелье
Aissha is a dark woman of the woods who lives alone and suffers from absolutely no sense of humour. She has little patience for flippance of levity, and stomachs absolutely no insult. She has mastered the practice of sharpshooting so that she can teach elves to shoot as sharpshooters.
Страж задания
41, 63 подземелье
This tower is a ruin, easily passed by. To your surprise, you find that it is blocked by an irresistable force like an invisible wall. You hear an eery voice call to you, This is Nimоr, the God of the Desert! You cannot pass without surrendering a Rust Dragon to by my herald!
Страж задания
41, 45 подземелье
As you approach Ojoz Pass you see a strange tower that was never there before. A flaming eyeball appears before you, demanding that you bring it a Rust Dragon before you can use the pass.
Страж задания
61, 43 подземелье
The dark men without faces look at you from their unassailable tower. If you with to cross Jishija pass you must bring us one Rust Dragon to be our servant.
Страж задания
59, 66 подземелье
Despite the bravest efforts of your army, you are unable to defeat the guardians of the tower. Bring us a Rust Dragon, they say, and we will let you pass!
Случайный монстр 2
23, 22 подземелье
Suddenly you see several shapes leap up from the snow, dusting off the powder from their shoulders and rushing to attack. Quick! He's after our mine! they shout.
10, 1 подземелье
Ahead of you is a blight in the snow; a black land where nothing grows and nothing lives; even the snow itself will not sully its white purity by landing there. The cursed land is the result of a terrible Necromancer of the old days, who now lives on only as a mummy, guarding his ancient burial ground from any desecration.
18, 15 подземелье
You are saddened by the sight of boars keeping you from approaching the gem lake. Once, the boars were your allies, but now the accursed orcs of the Fire Guild of Eternal Nimоr have stolen their loyalty.
12, 15 подземелье
The Guildhouse of the Snowguild of Shavashtian
13, 3 подземелье
Rukh is old, but is certainly not feeble. He has maintained his position as Guildmaster through his ruthless efficiency and supression of rivals. His specialty with the Chain Lightning spell has made him a feared opponent on the battlefield.
Случайный монстр 7
14, 3 подземелье
Ahead of you, you see your captive Guildmaster, hidden away in prison. You eagerly rush to free him. But you should have known the Guildmaster would be well-guarded...
34, 14 подземелье
You are astonished to see a tiny hollow hidden under the mountain that springs as green and lively as if it came from the forestlands of the east. What could such a spot be doing here in the snowy lands of the west? As you gingerly approach you see the signs of Enchanters practicing their magic; making the land grow as green as it ever did. You call out to them, but they are angered at being discovered and disturbed. You are afraid you will either have to run away or defeat some of them before they will let you join them in the green hollow.
Хижина предсказателя
17, 31 подземелье
The wizened old sage cackles as you show yourself into his tiny mushroom hut. I have so wanted to study the Faerie dragons, he says. If you could bring me one, I would reward you most handsomely.
34, 34 подземелье
You are shocked to see that even here on the edge of volcanic ruin is a hale and ancient oak, his leaves still green, defying the snow and ash that surround him. Your curiosity awakened, you move closer to see what keeps this strange tree alive and well.
50, 57 подземелье
As you step out of the glowing gatway to emerge to the surface, you are surprised to feel a bitterly cold wind slap you cloak against your side. Your feet sink deeply into the snow, and its wetness seeps through your boots to chill your legs. Behind you is the dark obsidian and ash wall of the Dragon Mountains. You have made it into the dreaded Guildlands of Sawado! You look ahead of you over the snowy fields and see a brownish outcroping where the snow does not shine. There you look upward to see the terrible might and power of the Guildhouse of the Dragon Guild of Sawado. The Guildhouse is a mighty fortress, rampart upon rampart, battlement upon battlement in a veritable mountain of stone and rock, shaped by magic and labor. Above the terrible Guildhouse is a perpetual cloud of ash, spit up from the face of a sphinx frozen in a silent scream. And flitting in and out of the cloud you see the darting shapes of dragons. Mighty red dragons, the fearsome black dragons, and even the horrible glittering shapes of the azure dragons. Your face becomes stern and you rattle your sword in its scabbard. Despite the awesome power of the Dragon Guild of Sawado, you muster your troops to begin the final assault.
97, 3 подземелье
The Guildmaster of the Guild of the Prophets is wise, patient and kind, yet ruthless in his holy war. He is the father of Sodewo, and is just as passionate about bringing to the world the Light of Sutaka.
Случайный монстр 7
97, 4 подземелье
The long lost Guildmaster's prison has been found! As you approach it, you hear snarls and curses from the trees around you. Suddenly you are attacked...
100, 1 подземелье
The mummies of the ancient sorcerers who cursed this land still guard it from those who would despoil their pyramid graveyards.
106, 89 подземелье
Once, long ago, the witches buried their dead in strange pyramids deep in the swamp. Despite the wet climate, they struggled to mummify their remains. Now, those same mummies guard their burial grounds. What treasures could their pyramids hold today?
107, 85 подземелье
Mekkelle is the nominal Guildmaster of the Serpent Guild, but for the most part she lets Vaiak run things the way he sees fit. She has pondered her role in the Guild while in prison and is now determined to take a firm lead in its operation.
Случайный монстр 7
107, 86 подземелье
Rising up from the stinking mud are fearsome guardians. It will not be easy to free your Guildmaster!
20, 103 подземелье
You are appalled that thieves have crept right up to the center of your base of power. It is time to take control of the Fire Guild and make it burn with justice once again!
3, 91 подземелье
Vaul is a powerful man, easiliy able to hold his own in a culture run by ogres and orcs. He is universally respected, and the Fire Guild is often at a loss without his guidance.
Случайный монстр 7
3, 92 подземелье
You finally found the prison where your Guildmaster has been kept prison. However, you find that it is strongly guarded.
3, 96 подземелье
What is this spindly creature? He looks like a skeleton with paper-like skin stretched over his old bones. Ahh, if he falls half as easily as a skeleton, who cares?
Хижина предсказателя
80, 60 подземелье
The wizened old seer cackles as you show yourself into his tiny mushroom hut. I have so wanted to study the Faerie dragons, he says. If you could bring me one, I would reward you most handsomely.
Хижина предсказателя
15, 68 подземелье
The wizened old seer cackles as you show yourself into his tiny mushroom hut. I have so wanted to study the Faerie dragons, he says. If you could bring me one, I would reward you most handsomely.
Боевой единорог
4, 50 подземелье
The brilliant white flanks of a war unicorn blend in perfectly with the snow. But when it moves, you can see it. You grit your teeth and prepare to attack the creatures as you can see a vital clue to the whereabouts of the Guildmaster just beyond.
10, 36 подземелье
My brothers are busy in sacred meditation. They will not be disturbed!
5, 59 подземелье
You rarely are able to see the strange metal ones in your land, but here is a group of metal ones guarding a Gatekeeper! We better have at these strangers, you say aloud. That Gatekeeper is surely guarding something important.
Случайный малый артефакт
17, 57 подземелье
We are extinct in this land, but not forgotten! say the strange reddish guardians of the artifact as they leap to attack you.
0, 66 подземелье
You are surprised to find a number of brown-robed individuals wandering through the desert. You know how to deal with interlopers like these!
Королевский грифон
11, 72 подземелье
You see a number of strange bird-like creatures guarding the theive's den. It appears the rogues are becoming more and more protective of their own Guild now!
Элементал мысли
33, 60 подземелье
The strange armless creatures are among the ugliest you have ever seen. Whoever could have come up with the idea for such a creature? you ask. Your troops merely shrug, thinking that some god somewhere must be insane. However, the strange creatures can read your thoughts and are insulted beyond measure and attack you viciously.
Штормовой элементал
83, 10 подземелье
With a flash of thunder, several humanoid shapes appear suddenly in front of you to threaten your quest to retrieve those crystals!
69, 13 подземелье
You have entered the Land O' Lakes. This is prime dairy land, obviously, so you expect to see some cows soon...
67, 11 подземелье
Gems?! sneer the cow-herders. You ain't gettin' no steenkin' gems!
Хижина предсказателя
71, 28 подземелье
The wizened old seer cackles as you show yourself into his tiny mushroom hut. I have so wanted to study the Faerie dragons, he says. If you could bring me one, I would reward you most handsomely.
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
92, 42 подземелье
The Dead Knight has not been forgotten! These soldiers have made a pilgrimage to visit the Blackshard of this great hero. They will not let you take their holy relic without a fight!
Золотой голем
19, 44 подземелье
This mine was once used by Alchemist pirates -- renegades who rejected the Guild. It seems they used the very gold they mined to fashion guardians for the mine...
87, 2 подземелье
The downtrodden peasants have had enough! With the capture of the gold mine they think to rule the world through wealth. What fools! Be that as it may, they refuse to leave the mine except as corpses. You suppose you better oblige them!
Зловещий рыцарь
102, 47 подземелье
As you approach the strange tent, knowing it is something you will need to visit to gain ingress to the strange northern cursed land, you see a formation of black armored knights approaching you slowly. You hail them but they make no answer. You feel a strange sense of forboding in their presence, and realize suddenly that they are the corpses of once noble knights, guarding this location from all you would approach.
Шлем небесного просветления
62, 10 подземелье
Did you really think to just walk up and take the Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment? booms a voice. Three huge reddish draconian forms rise from the bushes to challenge your right to take it. Do you wish to fight the three crystal dragons for the helm?
Оковы войны
58, 41 подземелье
Ten golden birds, wreathed in flames, surround the shining metal adamantium of the Shackles of War. If you would take these powerful manacles from us, they shriek in their high-pitched bird voices, you must first defeat us in battle! Will you accept their challenge?
65, 38 подземелье
This is the dreaded Dreadwood, a place where the very trees are hostile, and the spirits of the dead are said to haunt the branches and eaves. If you dare to enter, there is said to be a great prize deep inside.
66, 36 подземелье
You have reached the evil nexus of the woods, and you are amazed at the creatures that now attack you. The skeletons and ghosts of dreaded gold dragons now move forward with their withering breath, aided by the fiercest of the dark trees.
67, 39 подземелье
You see the greenish eyes of some of the hostile trees already looming over you. It appears you are not going to go further into these woods without encountering hostility!
71, 38 подземелье
After making firewood of the last trees to attack you, the arboreal monsters hang back. This time, you are approached by the moaning spirits of the dead!
69, 36 подземелье
The hostility of the woods is intensified -- obviously something is trying to make sure you never find the treasure of the woods!
Щит львиной храбрости
27, 17 подземелье
Sure, that shield looks pretty darn cool, but are you willing to fight two crystal dragons just to try it on your arm?
Меч правосудия
37, 77 подземелье
Hey, uh, Boss! say the barbaric troops you happen to be slumming with at the moment. Youse a-think we can take them there three crystal dragons to take that sword?
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
94, 93 подземелье
Next to the fountain you see a beautiful blue neckless, and one that is supposed to have incredible magical properties -- it would make the most humble a hero! However, you gotta take out two crystal dragons if you want to wear it...
78, 27 подземелье
Just to the east the river appears to turn marshy, choked with long reeds and grasses. It will probably make it a little more difficult for you to continue that way without going around.
88, 24 подземелье
You swing by to pray at the monument ahead, but it looks like this way is a dead end. The river becomes so choked with grass and reeds that you will have to find another way around.
66, 35 подземелье
What are you doing? You've already got the prize, now turn around and get out of these terrible woods! Time's a-wastin'!
80, 92 подземелье
Despite their snaky, reptilian appearance, these medusas are not related to the swamps, and look to be threatening to you and your troops.
Волшебный элементал
104, 59 подземелье
The strange robed creatures glare at you with their shiny eyes. You know you need to get through them to the tent beyond -- for therein lies the password that will allow you to free your Guildmaster, so you loosen your sword and order your armies to form up for an attack.
85, 74 подземелье
As you approach the redwood tower, you feel a strange chill wind blowing towards you. You have heard of the cold swamps to the north -- water trapped in a cold, frozen plateau, but you didn't think you'd find them so soon. It is said that the colder swamps are due to the Marshy Mountains, the only range of mountains to traverse the entire swamplands. Perhaps you will see them soon as well.
80, 61 подземелье
You are incensed to see the skull of a gorgon laying next to the seer's hut. You angrily bang on the door, demanding an answer. Huh? says the seer. I don't know anything at all about that.
62, 69 подземелье
Northeast -- Dragonlands of Sawado
Страж задания
54, 51 суша
The Guildmasters of the Dragon Guild have built a terrible, spikelike tower. You realize that you cannot pass this way until you have a vast store of experience (level 20).
Страж задания
57, 54 суша
The Guildmasters of the Dragon Guild have built a terrible, spikelike tower. You realize that you cannot pass this way until you have a vast store of experience (level 20).
Страж задания
51, 54 суша
The Guildmasters of the Dragon Guild have built a terrible, spikelike tower. You realize that you cannot pass this way until you have a vast store of experience (level 20).
Страж задания
54, 57 суша
The Guildmasters of the Dragon Guild have built a terrible, spikelike tower. You realize that you cannot pass this way until you have a vast store of experience (level 20).
The old seer cackles with joy at seeing you come to the door of his... hut, or whatever this thing is. I have just the thing for you, kid! he says. In order to face Nurkassu, the Warlock Guildmaster, you will need to be wearing what only I can give you. Only wear it to fight him, mind you, then take it off. If you have at least 15 in all four primary skills I'll give it to you.
55, 68 суша
At first, all you see is the lava, just like above ground. However, you sniff a little and detect a fetid, rotten scent, like an ancient, reeking swamp.
55, 43 суша
At first, all you see is the lava, just like above ground. However, you sniff a little and detect a fetid, rotten scent, like an ancient, reeking swamp.
67, 55 суша
At first, all you see is the lava, just like above ground. However, you sniff a little and detect a fetid, rotten scent, like an ancient, reeking swamp.
42, 55 суша
At first, all you see is the lava, just like above ground. However, you sniff a little and detect a fetid, rotten scent, like an ancient, reeking swamp.
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