Master Wizard Solmyr is imprisoned on an island in the far southeast of the archipelago.
The Embezzler is trapped on the Island of the Azure Drake in the far southwest of the archipelago.
The Grail was lost long ago on the Great Jungle Island, also known as the Isle of Doom.
The Wizards' Guild is building a wondrous Skyship in their fortress on Fire Mountain far to the northwest.
Princess Mika of Old Greenhome will be visiting the Archipelago soon. She will be staying at the Grand Union Station Hotel in Freeport. She's still single!
Astonishing but true: Solmyr knows the location of the Grail!
This map was designed by Jeff Cavebear Stroud, a Canadian living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Feedback: [email protected]
This map was playtested by Isabella Lovello, Ryan Worm, Rob Dino, and Doug Richards. Any mistakes that haven't been fixed are their fault!
Somewhere in the south central region can be found a dead zone where countless wonders and ancient treasures are to be found.
If you like this scenario, and want to try out other maps by the same designer, email Jeff at [email protected] and he'll send you some.
Welcome to the Archipelago of Nomines. For millenia it was a motley collection of small island kingdoms which engaged in constant intrigue and frequent warfare. This idyllic state was not to last forever, alas. One after another, the mines became depleted, and economies began failing. The suffering people blamed the nobility and their interminable wars.
Workers everywhere began banding together and making demands, mostly without success. However, when a crafty dwarf called Ufretin was chosen to lead the Miners' Guild, change was in the air. He armed his brawny dwarven miners and refused to part with any of the treasures of the earth until his demands were met. Soon the dwarves were wealthier than the kings they dealt with. They renamed themselves the Merchants' Guild.
Encouraged by Ufretin's success, other professions soon were striking for their rights, and the sluggish economies of Nomines quickly ground to a halt. Conventional armies dwindled as the nobles could no longer afford to maintain them. A ruthless and opportunistic archmage called Lomazney was quick to seize his chance. He incorporated the fighting wizards, the mages, and the building wizards, the alchemists, and raised armies of magical creatures with which to challenge the might of kings.
Supreme Master Lomazney destroyed without mercy any nobles who failed to acknowledge him the most powerful man in the Archipelago. Eventually the kings formed a coalition and attempted to best him once and for all in a mighty battle on the large central island. Unfortunately for them, Master Ufretin allied the dwarves with Lomazney. Unfortunately for the Guilds, the kings had powerful magic of their own in the form of a new relic called the Armageddon Blade.
Both armies were destroyed, and only those with great magical defenses escaped the devastation which razed the entire island. Both Guildmasters survived, and in the years that followed they rebuilt their strength until they once again dominated Nomines. The central island became overgrown with a magical jungle whose creatures viciously resisted any attempt by treasure-hunters to recover anything that might have survived the Armageddon.
Relations between the wizards and the merchants had been cooling as Ufretin became more old and stubborn, Lomazney even more megalomaniacal. Last year, a mysterious assassin put a magic arrow of slaying through the Supreme Master's heart, and the Wizards' Guild promptly accused the Merchants' Guild of the crime. Old Ufretin of course denied all knowledge, but both major guilds immediately began arming themselves for the Guild Wars, as people have labelled them.
Hail, General! Not all who fight wars lose money, and over the years those who fight for profit have built an efficient and effective guild called the Mercenaries' Guild, of which you are the boss. While others might be content merely to make a killing off of the Guild Wars, you are not. If the Wizards and Merchants can weaken each other sufficiently, you intend to move in and establish yourself at their expense.
Your Excellency! Religious orders have existed since long before the guilds rose to power, and, God willing, will continue to flourish long after they fall. Your order, the Knights Templar, has a history of success in trade and politics as well as on the battlefield. Now, at long last, the hour is at hand: You must seize the opportunity presented by these Guild Wars to bring The Faith and The Way to all in the Archipelago of Nomines.
Hail to the Chief! While most guilds have a very narrow focus and a very restricted membership, in the free port of Freeport the lesser guilds have formed a coalition called the Union. The strength of the solidarity of our brothers and sisters is at your disposal, Mr. President. We believe that our way offers the best prospects for an enduring peace in the Archipelago. Ironically, we will have to fight to make this peace a reality. You must lead us into a new age of universal brotherhood and progress.
Headquarters is secure from land attacks, because an attacking army from Fire Mountain to the west or Freeport to the southwest would have to cross long leagues of dragon-infested tundra to reach us. By sea, the nearest threat is North Branch to the south. East across the sea is the Wizards' Guild capital of Stone Crag, but spies report they are not yet ready to attack.
Chapel Hill, the Templar city, is strategically located to the southwest of West Branch, and northwest of Waterford. The enemy has tried to take Chapel Hill in the past, but has always been repulsed by the armies of the faithful. This time, Excellency, we should be the ones doing the attacking. To the north of our land holdings is the Wizard stronghold of Fire Mountain, where I hear they practise black magic. Their day will come soon enough, by God...
Freeport is within striking distance of many other towns: Fire Mountain to the northwest, Mercenary Headquarters to the northeast, North Branch to the east, West Branch to the south, and Chapel Hill to the southwest. So many options for our first campaign! Shall we have council vote on it, or would the President like to make the call? Sir?
The old noble families of Freeport still hold their estates to the northwest and are more than willing to fight any trespassers including our armies, Chief. Sooner or later they will have to get with the program. Right, Sir?
The Merchants' Guild used to employ dragons, but not any more. Dragons are a waste of resources to maintain is the official line. Now, most dragons can be found in the mountains far to the north and the islands far to the south.
Urgent news for the General! Sir, we have discovered that one of our missing officers is being held in the Merchants' prison on the island of Calcatraz. It seems that Captain Orrin was the archer who feathered Lomazney last year. Such a good deed should not go unrewarded--why not send a few mercs down to spring him? Calcatraz is off the southeast coast of the Great Jungle Island.
Excellency, remember Father Loy's moving sermon on giving to the poor instead of to the Merchants' Guild, and his mysterious disappearance shortly thereafter? We now know that he is being held on the prison island of Calcatraz, along with many other zealots. By God, we should deliver them from this travesty of justice soon, lest the dwarven axe should fall...
Chief! Good news and bad news! The good news is, we've located our best leader, Malekith the Minotaur Warlock. The bad news is, he's imprisoned on the prison isle of Calcatraz, for blasting Old Ufretin's statue in North Branch with a fireball. We could wait for him to serve his time--12 years--or we could try to free him. Calcatraz is southeast of the Great Jungle Island. Should we put it to a council vote or do you want to make the call? Sir?
The nemesis of the Merchants' Guild was an Elf accountant named Jenova, but nicknamed The Embezzler. Her intelligence, charm, and fiscal savvy were capable of winning over even stubborn Dwarf hearts. Since Old Ufretin himself has taken an interest in her exploits, this con artiste has been lying low recently--but still collecting interest on her vast offshore accounts. Sweet. Except that she was recently spotted by the paparazzi on the beaches of Azure Isle in the far southwest.
A mysterious stranger claiming to have survived a trip to the Great Jungle Island seeks an audience. He tells you that he spied from a distance a most magical sword--surely the Armageddon Blade--in the middle of a lake of fire within a dead forest deep in the jungle. Someone who would dare the molten rock and the fiery guardians could possess the weapon that ended the last great war...
The Genies, as everyone in the Archipelago knows, were created by the Wizards to be powerful, intelligent, mobile servants. The Wizards were very successful: They even managed to create spellcasting Genies. The greatest of these was Solmyr. His ability surpassed most humans', and he became a Master Wizard. Eventually, though, he began to espouse equal rights for Genies, that they might share in the gains of the Wizards' Guild which they served.
The Wizards scoffed at Solmyr. The creations equal to the creators? Never! They imprisoned Solmyr on a lonely isle as hostage against the behaviour of his fellow Genies. Now all but forgotten, Solmyr languishes far to the southeast of the Archipelago, but perhaps he is the key to breaking the power of the Wizards' Guild.
A shadowy figure contacts you by crystal ball. This is Agent Q. I have infiltrated Fire Mountain and have news: The Wizards are working on a Skyship, a magical vehicle which if completed will allow them to view all things from on high and grant them superior battlefield intelligence, not to mention the ability to rain magical spells on those below with impunity. Rumour has it that this marvel will be completed in no more than two weeks time. Q out.
This is Agent Q with news most interesting. It seems that careless workers filled the Skyship with a highly flammable gas instead of the inert one requested by Master Hindenburg, the wizard in charge of the project. As a result, yesterday's test flight resulted in a tragedy as the Skyship exploded and all aboard were lost. Master Pyro has abandoned the Skyship project, but is conducting a full investigation...
...Initial findings indicate that the labels on the gas tanks had been switched. It is likely that whoever is responsible for this 'error' will never admit to it, heh-heh. You can thank me later. Q out.
The annual graduation convocation at which new graduates of the Magic Universities are inducted into the Wizards' Guild takes place on the 2nd day of the 2nd week of the 2nd month of each year. This year's graduates are being commissioned into the army immediately to fight the enemies of the Guild. Beware!
The Merchants' Guild has reportedly agreed to a deal with the Elves which will result in many more Elvish Archers serving in the Guild's armies. While the details are not known, it is rumoured that for once someone has outhaggled Old Ufretin.
This is Agent Q. Remember Project Skyship, which was terminated after the catastrophe? The Wizards' Guild has secretly been working on a second Skyship in their fortress of Stone Crag, and this time they are not overconfident. Even Orrin the Assassin couldn't penetrate their security, were he to try. The Skyship will fly in a fortnight, barring a miracle. I'll do my best. Q out.
Q here. The Skyship sure is a majestic sight, as it floats like a leviathan above us. Hope you're good at dodging lightning bolts. Sorry to have to report this bad news. Q out.
Your advisors tell you that people are upset that the Guild Wars have gone on too long. They want you to bring peace as soon as possible. The economy is slowing down.
A deputation from the people visits you, imploring you to end the Guild Wars before the economy goes into recession. They are not sympathetic to the military challenges you face, and as they leave they make some cryptic warnings.
The people are demonstrating in the streets, calling for an end to the Guild Wars, and complaining about the economy which is in depression. The minor guild leaders are calling for a General Strike to halt all production in your country.
The workers are arming themselves and if the Guild Wars have not ended in one more week, a General Strike will shut down production in all your cities. What is worse, many of your own guild members are threatening a sympathy strike. Better wrap this war up quickly, or chaos will ensue!
Your negotiators report a total collapse in the talks; there is now no possibility of conciliation. If the Guild Wars have not ended by midnight tonight, there will be a General Strike and all that you have worked for will be lost. You will be removed from your office, by force, and your successor will sue for peace. Today you must conquer or retire...
5, 4 подземелье
Fire Mountain
Посещение Чародей:
12, 48 подземелье
West Branch
Случайный город
18, 25 подземелье
40, 23 подземелье
North Branch
102, 56 подземелье
Head Office
Посещение Рейнджер:
Here are the Elvish Archers, as per contract. By Durin, I hope they're worth the price!
83, 30 подземелье
East Branch
85, 78 подземелье
Windy Reach
Посещение Чародей:
105, 6 подземелье
Stone Crag
Посещение Чародей:
Here are the new graduates of the Magic Universities, Grandmaster.
The Skyship is now complete.
70, 35 подземелье
This is the island of Tortuga, a haven for pirates and outlaws. The only guild welcome here is the Free Brotherhood of Buccaneers...
103, 104 подземелье
Come to free the renegade Master Wizard Solmyr? Prepare to die!!
22, 96 подземелье
Посещение Чародей:
51, 89 подземелье
South Branch
63, 65 подземелье
69, 65 подземелье
Father Loy
66, 68 подземелье
Calcatraz. Nobody ever escapes from The Rock.
Боевой гном
6, 104 подземелье
Jenova the Embezzler is the most dangerous criminal the Merchants' Guild has ever known.
Неисчерпаемая вагонетка руды
7, 22 подземелье
You can't have this one without a fight either! the royalists declare, waving their lances.
Клинок Армагеддона
51, 48 подземелье
Thought you had defeated the last of the guardians, eh? Ha ha ha!
54, 48 подземелье
To the west is a causeway across the lake of fire, but the way is barred by many guardians of fire.
53, 54 подземелье
Lost in the jungle, you are ambushed by a party of treasure-hunters looking for lost artifacts.
Поясница Легионера
13, 15 подземелье
If you want this statue you'll have to fight for it! say a group of stubborn royalists.
13, 20 подземелье
So? Why should we serve you. Give us one good reason to join the Union...
19, 26 подземелье
Welcome to Freeport, largest city of the Archipelago of Nomines. Royalists are not welcome! Solidarity forever!!
46, 4 подземелье
3, 69 подземелье
Chapel Hill
5, 48 подземелье
We, the Holy Knights of the Order of Axander the Merciless, hereby defy the Templars. Come west if you dare.
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