Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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This is the World of Greyhawk, the original campaign setting in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons multi-verse. You and seven other powerful rulers now vie for control of this land in a mysterious contest, where you seek both an ancient artifact and control of the renowned City of Hawks.
Where are all the spiders? You have not seen even one since this strange contest began. Do the powers that formed this place have a particular aversion to our eight-legged friends? Hmmm....
Bright Desert
Beware the Valley of the Dead in the Bright Desert. It is said that no living thing can exist there.
Burneal Forest
It is rumored that ancient green forest dragons have a hidden citidel in the cold and trackless depths of the Burneal Forest, far to the northwest.
Ivid Sexaur
I've heard some folks whisperin' that Ivid has an entire hidden city below his capital Rauxes, full o' demons and such....
Black Ice
I've heard tell that deep within the Land of Black Ice there is a fantastic tropical valley full of unimaginable riches - and horrible guardians as well.
I heard that the helm is guarded by fearsome dragons.
helm 2
Well, between you and me, I have it on good word that the helm be buried, and all the hosts of hell are guarding it....
looking for answers
If I were searching for answers, why, I'd travel the lands far and wide, sail the seas and plumb the depths, for surely the answers are out there somewhere. Yes sir, that's what I'd do.
bartender lies
I heard that some other bartenders been tellin' lies, they have! Don't know who to trust these days.
Some fella' named Gord was in here last week looking for a barbarian by the name of Chert. You ain't seen him around, 'ave you?
helm SB
I hear there's no helm at all, and this is some grand scheme devised by the Scarlet Brotherhood.
Rel Astra
On the eastern shores neighboring the Great Kingdom, the city of Rel Astra sits wrapped in protective magics, impervious to all but the mightest of assaults.
Long ago I hear, a Sage named Gygax penned some informative and entertaining tales of the past.
sea of dust
Kingdom once mighty, now turned to ash; still holding mysteries, and powers of past.
whilpool rhyme
In a ship upon the sea, a mighty whilpool captured me; A terrible journey as my ship was tossed, fortunate was I only few were lost; Caverns vast now fill my view, as Despair joins my hopeless crew.
Introduction - Page 1
What on Oerth is happening?! It seems as though the entire Eastern Flanaess, center of this planet's greatest cultures and powers, has fallen under the effect of an immense Confusion spell. As leader of one of the great nations, you find that even your own subjects have rebelled.
Intro - Alt Page 1 - Pink
What on Oerth is happening?! It seems as though the entire Eastern Flanaess, center of this worlds greatest cultures and powers, has fallen under the effect of an immense Confusion spell. Even your own subjects have rebelled.
Introduction - Page 2
You are sovereign within the walls of your capital city and nowhere else. Your mind is cloudy, and your ears buzz. Other than your name, the only memory you have right now is from a dream last night - or was it a dream?
Introduction - Page 3
Eight powerful leaders of the nations of Oerth, you among them, agreed to a contest to resolve some of the conflicts facing all of you in these difficult times. Overseen by an anonymous group of greater powers, you are tasked with one of two paths to victory:
Introduction Page 4
You must defeat all your opponents outright; or you must recover a relic called The Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment, and thence carry it victorious into the city of Greyhawk.
Introduction Page 5
Although you are still confused about many things, this you know for certain: You are a hero, and a leader, and you are fighting for your nation and all that you believe in. You feel confident that other memories will return in time - right now there is work to be done - heroes work!
Iuz introduction
You are Iuz, and you are thoroughly evil -- an evil humans can only dream about -- for you are a demon, and ruler of a vast realm upon the Prime Material Plane. But you are half human too, a Cambion by 'species', a 'fault' you have fashioned into an empire. As for your empire....
Iuz intro 2
This day finds you in a temperament most foul and befitting of your demon half. They have left you with nothing! All of your glourious gains! All your mines and slaves!! The horrible injustice of it!!! Crushing a few nearby underlings hardly eases your vile mood.
Belvor intro
This land full of rebellious people should be your peaceful and prosperous Kingdom of Furyondy, united against the demon hordes to the north and east, a shining example of all that is chivalrous and good in this world.
Keoland intro
The Kingdom of Keoland - your eyes shine just thinking about this mighty and ancient realm, older even than the Great Kingdom. But now all has gone awry, and your lands are in chaos. You steel yourself to the task of bringing order to your beloved country, knowing it is only the start.
Archbold Intro
For centuries the Kingdom of Nyrond has stood as a bulwark against the depravity of the Great Kingdom to the east. But now all is in disarray, and you find that you must summon all your powers as king if you are to unite the discordant forces of your land.
Ingemar Intro
As the strongest of the barbarian tribes, it has fallen to you to defend the interests of all those that call the Thillonrian Peninsula home. First you must reclaim your own lands, crushing the rebellious wherever you find them as you move towards your inevitable domination of the others.
Eclavdra intro.
You are initially confused. You know that you are the leader of an ancient underground race of dark elves known as drow. But there are no others of your kind that you can find. Still, you have many powerful forces you will be able to bring into this contest. And you remember something else:
Eclavdra Intro 2
You believe you are in a better position than any of the other leaders - deep underground, away from the major civilizations of this world, you feel you can build up your forces unmolested by the others, until you are ready to unleash the power of your armies upon them. A smile crosses your face....
Barbarian Intro
The first order of business is to consolidate your own realm, as all your former subjects have seemingly gone mad. You do not however find this to be an unpleasent task - indeed, you are looking forward to it, as a good bloody battle always lifts your spirits like nothing else.
Nyamo Intro
You have been chosen. The Scarlet Brotherhood is not to be represented in this contest, for reasons unknown. You, Princess Nyamo, staunch defender of Cuhuetla (coo-hoo-ET-lah) and its people, are to take their place.
Nyamo Intro 2
Of the many civilizations on the continent of Hepmonaland, yours has remained one of the strongest, and thus you feel it only proper that you have been chosen to lead in this unique challenge. Still, all around you is chaos, and you will have to move swiftly to bring this land to order.
All intro day 2 last
You hope that all may be put right in the end, but for now it seems you must fight nearly every creature you encounter, whether they were once friend or foe. Still, in order for things to 'be put right,' you feel that you must win this contest unequivocally.
Iuz - intro 3
An evil glint comes into one of your oil-black eyes. You will take the wretched and unworthy forces within your nightmare city and go out and crush EVERYTHING. You will not stop until all Oerth trembles under your merciless iron shoe. Even the devils will fall under your sway now!
Iuz - intro 4
Ah, yes, how you love the taste of fresh paladin blood in the morning!
Eclavdra towns hint
You are sure that there must be other dungeon structures somewhere, but you fear they may not be very close. However, it is clear that all of your eight-legged spies have been taken from you - how are you to gather information without your spiders?
Pink-Scarlet Bro. replacement
Your opponents in this contest are known to you: they are among the worlds most potent powers. But the Scarlet Brotherhood is missing, replaced [you know not why] by a heretofore unknown force from the far south. But who then is this other power? Your spies go back to work....
Pink spies set-up
You suspect that your opponents may not know much about you as yet, and perhaps this can be used to your advantage. You find that you also must learn a bit more about them however, so your spies get to work.
Pink spies 2
The other nations do seem to be making efforts to learn more about you, a concern that prompts you to tighten your own security measures. And still you ponder why you are in this contest instead of the Scarlet Brotherhood, and who was responsible for this change....
Ivid news 1
More disconserting information reaches you: It would seem that the decrepit and undying Ivid V still wields some power beyond even your comprehension. You believe that he has entered this contest far ahead of all others in power and resources.....
Ivid news 2
And his power is of a most ghastly sort - the legions of the undead obey his commands, but there is rumor that he has added to this a most unholy mixture of infernal beasts, which would only be in keeping with the Naelax family tradition of consorting with such - but it doth bode ill for all others.
Pink more news
You receive further information concerning your mysterious opponent to the southeast. An ancient civilization from Hepmonaland, the Cuhuetla (coo-hoo-ET-lah), have been suddenly thrust upon the world stage. Led by the Princess Nyamo, they appear a force not to be taken lightly.
Ivid set-up
The Great Kingdom worries you. If it is true that Ivid has managed to influence this contest from the outset, what else is he capable of? Does anyone else stand a chance against the might of those forces? Many questions, but few answers. You hope that will change soon....
Eclavdra town hint 2
For weeks you have struggled to remember these tunnels and chamblers that once you knew so well. Where were the other dungeon structures? You have a vague recollection of journies made to these places....was one upon a ship? And the other through a place of stifling heat?
Eclavdra town hint 3
Bah! What good would it be to know? All is changed here, and even if it could be remembered, still it would require fighting through to the place. There is naught to do but press on, and perhaps somewhere Loth shall spin a little web of wisdom and luck to run into....
Eye of Magi info
Through the use of certain divination magics, you are able to gleen a small bit of knowledge about the mysterious Eye of the Magi near your capital. Though exact information is scarce, you believe there is a similiar 'Eye' near all the other leader's capitals - All except one.
Ivid SB rumor
Concerned enough about the Great Kingdom that you feel extrodinary measures are necessary, you have authorized a clandestine meeting between your most trusted spy and those of the other nations - an unprecedented move that will likely not happen again.
Ivid SB 2
There is little trust amongst those in the meeting, and negotiations are difficult. It is slow going, and you don't expect any real news for a day or two. Meanwhile, your quest continues elsewhere....
Ivid SB 3
You receive word that the meeting of spies is proceeding, although King Ingemar's representitive stormed out after a disagreement over protocol. Nevertheless, progress is being made, and you hope for some news tomorrow.
Ivid SB Barbarian
Though fearless and skilled in battle, your people are not known for their diplomatic prowess. Asking a spy to also be a diplomat is sure to lead to difficulty. Less than a day after meeting the others, your operative storms out of the conference, incensed by the conduct of the others.
Ivid SB Barb. 2
The exact reason is unimportant, but the net result is that you will need to find a way to get the information from that meeting. It may take some time, but you are certain you will find it eventually.
Ivid SB 4
Your first bit of news arrives, and it does nothing to ease your fears about the power of the Overking Ivid V. You think it possible that he may have had a hand in the absence of the Scarlet Brotherhood in this contest. Why he would do this is unknown. How he would do this is unfathomable.
Ivid SB final
Disappointingly, you learn little else for all the risk taken in such a meeting. No word on troop strengths or positions, and no further insight into the twisted genius of the Overking. Now you will depend only upon your own abilities and those of your troops. Pray that is enough.
Ivid SB Barb 3
After much effort, you believe you now have the information concerning the Great Kingdom that came out of the conference of spies last week, and it but reinforces your age-old hatred of that evil empire to the south.
Ivid SB Barb 4
It would seem that the Overking Ivid V has indeed influenced this contest in more ways than one: You think it possible that he may have had a hand in the absence of the Scarlet Brotherhood in this contest. Why he would do this is unknown. How he would do this is unfathomable.
Ivid SB Barb final
Disappointingly, you learn little else for all the risk taken. No word on troop strengths or positions, and no further insight into the twisted genius of the Overking. Now you will depend only upon your own abilities and those of your troops. Pray that is enough.
Blue Underlight
For time uncounted, the paladins and other noble defenders of your realm have fought to stem the tide of evil not just from above ground, but from the twisted passages of the Underdark as well. You remember a castle in those depths, called Underlight, and wonder if it might still exist....
Teal Underlight
For time uncounted, the wizards and other noble defenders of your realm have fought to stem the tide of evil not just from above ground, but from the twisted passages of the Underdark as well. You remember a castle in those depths, called Underlight, and wonder if it might still exist....
Barb. underground
Under the deepest roots of the Corusk Mountains, whispered rumors from ancient shamans speak of a Stronghold long forgotten, of a name now lost in shadows....
102, 45 подземелье
54, 68 подземелье
89, 124 подземелье
Resistance is futile.
39, 55 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
112, 82 подземелье
Посещение Некромант:
69, 58 подземелье
130, 33 подземелье
Посещение Варвар:
47, 39 подземелье
Посещение Еретик:
51, 50 подземелье
45, 4 подземелье
The Land of Black Ice
135, 139 подземелье
Королевский циклоп
39, 9 подземелье
At the top of a treacherous slope of ice and scree, you spot a cave. Unfortunately, its owners spot you too, and gleefully begin hurling large chunks of rock at you. You'd think they have something to protect......
35, 29 подземелье
You approach the capital of the Wegwiur, Eru Tovar. Impressive to those who roam the plains, those from more 'civilized' lands find it rather primitive. Nevertheless, the Wolf Riders are fierce protectors of their realms, as ye are about to discover......
6, 5 подземелье
Go Back! There is naught here for thee. The Dramidj Ocean ye may not ply very far, and the dreaded Land of Black Ice is to the East. I say, Go Back!
55, 80 подземелье
The Bright Desert. Go carefully, else it will surely be thy death.
82, 70 подземелье
Rel Mord
Посещение Алхимик:
44, 39 подземелье
WHAT??? You are incredulous. Several Imps are claiming this ore pile for themselves. You're all for Chaos, but this is ridiculous....Surely they deserve to be crushed slowly beneath this pile of YOUR ore, no?
42, 38 подземелье
This must be a horrible illusion conjured up by some goodly mage working for Furyondy! Now it seems some gogs have barricaded the road. Much as you'd enjoy watching them set their own barrier on fire, as they are wont to do, you're a busy tyrant and must move on....
45, 35 подземелье
Even your lowliest chattle are unimpressed by your overwhelming presence! You feel like a small child again, just learning to torture small furry animals, dreaming of the day you would get to do the same to something with the intelligence to fully appreciate your cruelty....and now this!
44, 33 подземелье
At last! Some properly subservient underlings. Typically, you feel only scorn for these imps. You pathetic balls of dung don't even have the avidity to resist me when all others are doing so. I would feed you to my hounds were I not needing your nearly worthless hides as fodder.
29, 3 подземелье
The legends were true! Deep within the heart of the Land of Black Ice lies a fantastic green valley, and here you are standing in it! A conflux of energies play here, but you see no sign of other monsters or animal life. Still, your hair tingles from both the energy and a sense of danger.
11, 27 подземелье
This looks to be a particularly fierce group of warriors belonging to the Tiger Nomads. With exceptionaly quick mounts, they are upon you before you can even consider fleeing.
3, 28 подземелье
You approach Yecha, capital of the Tiger Nomads. Are we to be impressed by your show of force, or will you surrender quietly?
54, 69 подземелье
Thy quest is perhaps nearing an end mortal. Capturing this city is but one part of your task however. For a chance at that honor, ye must first pass us, the Guardians of the Sacred Trials.
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
27, 78 подземелье
A pack of self-righteous archers and swordsmen guards what they call an evil relic, intent on making sure no one hurts themself with it. They refuse to give it over, assuring you they are the only ones trustworthy enough to watch over it. Do you agree with their assessment?
Эльфийский лук из вишневого дерева
39, 75 подземелье
North of the capital city of Enstad, you enter a grove of trees and come across a magical bow. As you reach to pick it up however, the trees surrounding you come to life and close in towards you menacingly. Will you fight or run?
Щит неистового огра
140, 38 подземелье
You would claim the Targ of the Rampaging Ogre, but it is guarded by - what else? - a bunch of rampaging ogres - want to try your luck punk?
126, 85 подземелье
Rel Astra
Зеленый дракон
124, 81 подземелье
Ye tread where 'tis most treacherous to do so. Ah, but we are feeling a bit edacious, so perhaps we shall satiate ourselves on thy flesh. Ye being so efficacious to that end, as ye no doubt can appreciate.
17, 98 подземелье
137, 22 подземелье
What tribe are you from? you growl with some bemusment. A stuttering reply
136, 24 подземелье
Tracks in the snow indicate that many jermalaine were scavenging this pile of ore, but they doubtless fled upon your approach. Slippery little rodents (as you regard all Gremlin-kin), you never even saw them fleeing.
108, 23 подземелье
44, 38 подземелье
These lowly Glabrezu demons seem to think they own the gate where they spawn. The pompous imbeciles! Even the new spawn will probably make you pay them for joining you! Your anger smolders ever hotter....
115, 138 подземелье
Pelisso Swamp - North [there be deadly dragon flies] Sharba - East Headhunters & Tractless Jungle lie to the farther South
Гнолл мародер
119, 135 подземелье
Sometimes you think you understand Gnoll speech. Now is not one of those times. This group is so mad with blood lust that you can hear only howls and barks as they drool over your meaty flesh. Though in your experience, you find that the side with the most meaty flesh usually wins....
137, 141 подземелье
Well, it seems that not all the Brotherhood's mysterious robed figures have left Hepmonoland, and they're not at all happy about it either! These fellows haven't broken any necks in so long, they attack you with abandon, and once again blood-lust beats out discipline and meditation.....
Скелет воин
118, 141 подземелье
These warriors, betrayed and massacred upon this battlefield many years ago, now roam the spot of their murders, attacking any living being in their mindless hatred of life. Perhaps putting them to their rest will reward you with a few of their surviving baubles.....
136, 140 подземелье
As you approach the mercury you see sitting so temptingly in front of the town, some two dozen Harpies drop from the trees and spring from the brush, hoping to score a big meal from the blundering greed of a careless Hero. Being careful, and not at all greedy, you spot the ambush. Do you proceed?
130, 129 подземелье
A tremendous pile of gold nuggets sits on the beach, unclaimed by any human. However, it would seem that an entire ships crew perished here in some awful way, and now haunts this gold in the form of Wraiths. You try to tell them they have no way to spend it, but you know how wraiths are...
108, 126 подземелье
A small band of lucky Goblins rolled a boulder off a ledge and onto an Ogre carrying a sack of gold. They have been digging the gold out from under the boulder for 2 days now, and have most of it extracted just in time for you to come by and collect it, unless you feel really sorry for them.
120, 136 подземелье
Mercury! So sought after in these jungles. A few pathetic Lizardmen watch over this tiny bit, but likely as not you could use even this small amount.
Золотой дракон
141, 97 подземелье
Ye do not belong here, tresspasser! Make thy peace with thine God, for ye shall meet him or her very soon.
53, 135 подземелье
Шлем адской бури
35, 42 подземелье
A rift in the time-space continum has left an ancient artifact deep in the forest. Unfortuately, it has also left a few dozen hell-spawn as well. You can't tell how many for all the trees. Up to it anyway, berk?
Демон бездны
39, 40 подземелье
Перчатки всадника
29, 44 подземелье
A horde of evil Dwarves, hardened by battle, has been moving suprisingly fast through this forest, evading capture by all. You corner them in a small clearing, but are you really up for the fight?
Доспех черного дракона
26, 37 подземелье
Behind a magic waterfall is a hidden cave, where you see fabulous riches piled about. Alas, you discover it was an illusion to draw you into the home of lots of Chaos Hydras. Well, you could make some really nice magical armor from these dragon-like creatures, if you choose....
Бездонный сосуд ртути
39, 51 подземелье
A slippery pack of ogre mages made off with the magical potion bottle of some hapless wizard. You discover them searching for ways into the town of Crockport, where they no doubt intend nothing but trouble. Will you stop them?
49, 55 подземелье
Ye shall not fool us with your illusions evil one! Attack men, attack before the deceivers find thy minds and wreak havoc with thee!!
51, 56 подземелье
'Tis an ambush brave soldiers! The enemy has come around behind us and now seeks to drive us into the river -- ready thy weapons and prepare for battle!!
46, 49 подземелье
Some of Furyondy's finest are here guarding the borders, but they are hostile to all, good, evil or neutral. The Captain seems to have a nice piece of magical armor though.....
Рогатый демон
54, 56 подземелье
Sssss! Nasty goodlings try to play tricks on us, but we are not fooled. You shall die now, each and every one of you.
49, 56 подземелье
To arms men, the enemy is upon us!!
25, 61 подземелье
Лесной эльф
26, 56 подземелье
The city of Highfolk is closed!
Бездонный кошель золота
31, 51 подземелье
Well, so much for tales of Leprechauns watching over pots of gold -- It seems as though this magical sack is claimed instead by a large group of Medusa and Harpies, and you just interrupted their weekly coffee klatch. Do you bow out quickly, or use your initiative agressively?
Сосуд с кровью жизни
22, 54 подземелье
Hidden deep within the stones of a secret side ravine, you come across the stronghold of some wicked Death Knights and Vampires. They have been experimenting on the local Dwarves, and have created a potent magic item of questionable ethics, but awesome power in battle. Will you have at them?
Неисчерпаемая вагонетка руды
25, 58 подземелье
Ah, there's that magical ore cart you've been looking for! Seems a few formerly loyal horsemen carried it off and hid it behind the town here. Do you wish make an attempt to drive them off?
Книга магии Земли
16, 61 подземелье
Near the fissure where the Alchemists draw forth their quanity of mercury, you find a passage that leads to a chamber, wherein rests a book. Oh, and like a hundred or so Earth Elementals -- give or take a score. Got your mining pick with you?
Шляпа заклинателя
3, 71 подземелье
With the Mage of the Valley nowhere to be found, his prize magic item is being fought over by a legion of nasty Tower and Dungeon troops. They all turn their attention towards you, the Outsiders. Don't say you wern't warned....
Корона верховного мага
4, 70 подземелье
Yes, there is knowledge to be found here in the Valley of the Mage. But knowledge is often a dangerous thing. Sometimes one must seek it without knowing the possible dangers. Will you do such as that now?
Железный голем
4, 69 подземелье
Ye have heeded not the warnings. Now ye will surely die.
Стойкий часовой
10, 68 подземелье
A large statue blocks your way. It speaks as you approach
Золотой лук
10, 112 подземелье
Well of course it's guarded mate. An Arch-Devil captain smiles at you as he speaks, his mouth all fangs and forked tongue. Care to have a go, berk? Lots of Pit Lords, a horde of Cerberi, and 2 hordes of Magogs move in behind him. Well, do ya'?
Ожерелье скорости
9, 95 подземелье
In the branches of the strange tree before you comes an ominous buzzing sound. You see a pack of serpent flies hovering around a shiny gold necklace of some sort. Thinking quickly, you....
Ящик Пандоры
23, 140 подземелье
You come across a large glowing cube, made of gold and stained glass. The metal-work depicts Gold Dragons, eight to a side, that begin to grow and animate, forming into real creatures that interpose themselves between you and the magical cube.
Ожерелье из зубов дракона
27, 123 подземелье
High up in a boboa tree, a glint catches your eye. A necklace has been placed around a branch. A veritible swarm of Serpent Flies buzz around the object, so that you almost think they're worshiping it or something. Do you wish to disturb their meditations?
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
4, 112 подземелье
So mortal, ye doth wish to experience the bliss of the Heavens, to know what it is like to float among the stars, above all thy mundane affairs? Ha! Ye have not the fiber for such a quest. We, the 7 Arch-Angels of bliss, shall not allow thee to soil that of which ye are not worthy. Be gone knave!
Щит львиной храбрости
0, 105 подземелье
Moving through the mountain pass, you come upon a host of Manticores and Harpies feasting on the remains of a previous adventuring party. You notice a magical shield amongst the remains, but the monsters seem still to be hungry by the way they eye you. Do you fight or flee?
Золотой лук
24, 141 подземелье
You have come through mighty struggles to reach this far. Surely you deserve a break at this point, no? Maybe the gods will smile upon you and let you have this awesome artifact without another life and death struggle. Hmm? Is that the sound of laughter I hear from the clouds above?
11, 132 подземелье
It is a brutally hot day, and as you trudge across this wasteland, you can't help but think how exposed you are in the open here. A Dragon perched atop the mountains to the East could likely see your army with ease. Was that shape you saw in the sky over that way, or just the heat getting to you?
4, 136 подземелье
Everything in this forsaken land is grey. Your own troops are covered in the fine ash of this place, plodding along half-blinded by the accursed stuff. Suddenly from the greyness emerges the shapes of figures, blending into the landscape so well they are upon you immediately
Воздушный элементал
2, 135 подземелье
You hear a roaring wind, and think that you are about to face yet another ash storm. Thankfully, this time it is only the sound of a group of angry Air Elementals threatening your life....
100, 99 подземелье
Книга магии Воды
101, 20 подземелье
Rolling blue envelopes all sight and sound; breath goes seeking airy ground. Will you face the drowning swarm of the hydrosphere?
Сфера небесного свода
74, 21 подземелье
To possess this airy Orb, ye must best those of the sky that now claim it. Dost thou wish to make the attempt?
102, 20 подземелье
Might it be a nice big pile of dragon gold? Maybe ye shall face the hoard of scaly beasts to find out?
Голова Легионера
101, 102 подземелье
Hmmm, feet and head and naught in-between. Either a very large disintegration or a very hungry Tarrasque that was passing through.....And nary a defending monster to be seen, until the ground around you writhes and forms into a throng of Earth Elementals.
Огрова дубина разрушения
95, 101 подземелье
You heard tell many years past of the magical club of the ogre's, and how a daring band of creatures from Sunndi stole it from under the nose of the ogre warlord. Now it is before you, still held jelously by those who took it so long ago. Will you challenge them?
Ноги Легионера
100, 103 подземелье
Upon solid base and sturdily built, the immense magical statue was vunerable nontheless, but that tale is not told here. The legs and base prove a nuisance to move when a small horde of Earth Elementals begins pulling from the bottom side.....
134, 33 подземелье
Little in this harsh land is won without struggle. Even a small pile of ore finds its protectors; in this case a pack of belligerent gnolls howls and barks at your approach. Do you continue your advance?
135, 32 подземелье
It would seem that the gnoll's older cousins have kept the good stuff for themselves. Several gnoll marauders lay claim to a pile of rough gold nuggets and coins lifted from scavenging dead bodies and bullying the local goblins. They look eager to attack -- are you?
Дендроид страж
115, 23 подземелье
Things definitely are not right. You have always gotten along well with the treants of the Spikey Forest. Now they don't even call themselves treants! Oh, and they've become very agressive as well, and you are under attack...
Владыка джиннов
133, 36 подземелье
Genies? What in Vatun's name are genies doing here? Some foul magic is at work, you can smell it. Well, genies can be beaten just like any monster, so you bellow your usual challenge
126, 37 подземелье
Ah, were it that easy, just going out and gathering some wood. Seems like some bunch of creatues lays claim to even the smallest bits of anything that holds value. Do you wish to show this small pack of lizardmen the error of their ways?
127, 38 подземелье
A pack of dwarves with their sergeant sit around a pile of gold they moved down to the coast, waiting for a merchant ship that looks as if it's not coming. They seem anxious to get back to the mountains, but are unwilling to abandon their precious treasure. Perhaps you could help them out...
126, 32 подземелье
Gaarrrgg, da smellie humie tell us join army, but orks clomp 'im!
Плащ из крыла дракона
121, 29 подземелье
Dragon wings, eh? But no dragons guarding it, thankfully. Just lots of wayward dragon flies, who seem to hold the cloak as sacred. Since you hold your axe as sacred, it looks like you've got a little conflict of ideologies. You naturally believe that the ideology with the sharpest axe always wins...
Летучий змий
72, 84 подземелье
Being rather low in the intelligence department, you don't expect much in the way of treasure from these creatures. They seem eager for a fight though -- yet another indication of their level of cognitive ability....Still, you think you see a glint of something shiny amongst the 'flies' detritus....
Щит неупокоенных
101, 76 подземелье
You approach the gruesome shield, when from its mouth black smoke pours forth, forming into a pack of wights and wraiths. Do you face them or go running in fear to crouch quivering in some corner?
26, 88 подземелье
Niole Dra
Посещение Рейнджер:
Чешуя большого василиска
13, 65 подземелье
A pack of greater basilisks with a desire for greater glory wish to challenge you to a duel. Do you except?
41, 77 подземелье
Lots of ogre magi, a pile of gold, and all spells at full power
Бездонный сосуд ртути
46, 88 подземелье
Lots of marauding Orcs & Goblins have ambushed and slaughtered a group of Centaurs carrying supplies to the Ulek states. Not realizing the value of some of their ill-gotten booty, they are about to spill the toxic contents of this vial into the waters of the Jewel River. Will you stop them in time?
61, 91 подземелье
This is the tale of Largg the Fire Giant, whose remains lie before you. Thought he might come to The Pomarj and rule over the little Orcs and Goblins; but then Largg wasn't the brightest Fire Giant. He walked right into a trap, and ten tons of oar fell right upon his head. Poor Largg.
Мастер гремлин
97, 72 подземелье
Long live the king! We pledge fealty to you, oh wise and mighty one!
93, 75 подземелье
You are stopped upon the bridge leading to the tower beyond. Practically an entire hoard of arch mages stand before you, their staves beginning to glow ominously. You stand transfixed for a moment, but then quickly begin barking orders to your army to prepare for battle....
94, 75 подземелье
So, thought you could sneak up behind the old men and steal their gold, eh? Well, not so fast there rakes! For we are more than a match for your worthless hides. So say a pack of alert student mages as they begin their incantations. What is your response?
Башмаки скороходы
66, 69 подземелье
Three dozen very nimble mages prepare to pounce upon you. You may still beat a cowardly retreat if you wish.
114, 64 подземелье
81, 95 подземелье
The forces of the Iron League fight a noble struggle against the tyranny of the Overking. Unfortunately, they are under the same spell as all creatures throughout the world right now. They care not whether you be friend or foe, they seem eager for the blood of all....
89, 41 подземелье
I hears this place is called the Troll Fens, but I ain't seen no trolls anywhere. What's the story bub? Ain't seen me a spider neither, and that just ain't natural, ya know. Sump'in fishy goin' on I tell ya. Say, y'all ain't gonna kill me or nuthin' are ya?
Чешуя большого василиска
86, 40 подземелье
A few greater basilisks are all you need to create some potent magic armor. Unfortunately, these few are accompanied by a throng of troglodytes, loyal to their cause and prepared to die defending it. Will you challenge them, brave one?
88, 94 подземелье
Бездонная сума золота
101, 51 подземелье
You glare at your second in command, though you both know it was your idea to sneak around behind Spinecastle and attempt to break into the orc leader's treasury. Your plan failed miserably, for you now face a battalion of 100 elite orc chieftains and 10 ogres. You growl out the order
98, 53 подземелье
Волшебный свиток
98, 56 подземелье
You run into an obnoxious young Mage, out hunting pets and potion ingredients. He has himself a motley crew of charmed monsters already, mostly Orcs and Ogres, but a few Cyclops as well. He boasts that he knows a 'killer' spell he wants to try out on your army. You oblige the punk?
119, 87 подземелье
Hmm, wonder who left this lying around?
108, 85 подземелье
Дендроид воин
85, 60 подземелье
The ancient and venerable Gamboge Forest is not to be entered uncontested. Those of the outside lands, be they for good or evil, law or chaos, must first pass a test of their worth. Then perhaps will the folk of the wood show you some small measure of respect.....
73, 79 подземелье
You spot a barge headed down the Duntide River, and you realize that lots of Lizardmen are not the usual crew for such a vessel. They have an obvious heap of loot - can you possibly resist?
Стойкий часовой
75, 66 подземелье
Hark! I am he that waits. I stand unmoving, unsleeping, ever watchful. Only the King and those heroes who serve him may command me and move me. Be you one of those now leading an army forward towards righteous battle and glorious victory? If so, then I am yours
85, 51 подземелье
Welcome to Pilgrim's Gate. Only those of the proper beliefs and fealty may pass into the Theocracy of the Pale. No offense to thee personally, but the army of heathens that you lead could not possibly all be of the proper persuasion, so it would be best if you all left now.
Башмаки скороходы
92, 56 подземелье
Darting from tree to boulder in a blurring mass all around you, what seems like an entire legion of gremlins is preparing to attack you. Surely their speedy movements make it just seem like there's so many. There couldn't possibly be a legion of gremlins here, could there?
Поясница Легионера
92, 55 подземелье
You come across a horde of ogres attempting to move a massive piece of a monstrous statue. Poor dumb ogres - they know naught about the magic of such a colossus, even when in pieces. It can be lightened for travel, which you laughingly explain to them. They are not amused.
Накидка заклинателя
79, 51 подземелье
Well, you can tell that the cape is magical, but can these idiot Serpent & Dragon Flies have even the slightest clue? But will they move aside and allow you to make proper use of it? Noo, they have to fight you to the death. Hence the fitting description 'idiots.' Sighing deeply, you....
Шлем адской бури
78, 50 подземелье
Hmm, nice helmet. Must of belonged to the fellow who had the cloak over there. Of course, all this really good magic is 'claimed' by some bunch of monsters with delusions of grandeur. Some things never change. Today's fare is a more worthy group however
Карты пророчества
83, 52 подземелье
'I am determining your fate now as I read the cards. With your lineage, your power both realized and yet to come, with all that you are and carrying taken into consideration, I pronounce my prophecy
Бесконечная повозка дров
80, 54 подземелье
As you look to take possession of this magical cart, there is a flash and puff of smoke. Before you stands an Arch-Devil with his Black Knight captain and some six dozen Imps as his traveling retinue. He produces papers of ownership and offers to sell the cart for a few of your troops' souls.
Птица проницательности
69, 59 подземелье
A massive statue blocks the gates to the city. It speaks as you approach
74, 67 подземелье
The speculum has sat in the topmost tower of the Parapet of the Gargoyles for years, used by scholars to study the stars or the surrounding landscape. But it is a time of war now, and you lay claim to any and all items of this realm that might be useful. Of course, not everyone agrees with you.
78, 75 подземелье
Let's join the big army fellow gremlins! No, let's attack! Yeah, kill them and plunder their bodies for loot! And some tasty humans, eh? Shut up! We need to join, or we're all dead! Don't you see that? You shut up! But you do have a good point on that being dead thing.
Тетива из гривы единорога
83, 75 подземелье
This week's claiment to this magical bit of hair is a deranged group of lizardmen. They seem to believe that this modest bit of magic will allow them to rule the world someday. They are nothing if not fanatical, which could be dangerous as there are about 80 of them, give or take.....
Мастер гремлин
83, 76 подземелье
Death to the oppressors!!
75, 53 подземелье
Halt! You not belong here. You not allowed in Stoink! Now we crush you and puny army!
Перчатки всадника
77, 52 подземелье
Stepping out the back door of the tavern, you run into an odd lot of cavaliers and dread knights. They claim to have put aside their differences in order to take up a 'greater cause'
Талисман маны
76, 52 подземелье
The town of Stoink is surely a wild place run by thieves, where one can find most anything, however strange. But this may take the prize
Кулон святости
34, 71 подземелье
A shaft of light shoots through the clouds momentarily. When it fades, a magical pendant floats above the ground. As you approach it, a pack of dragon flies appear from the surrounding rocks & trees and swarm around the item. Seems even divine gifts arn't safe in this chaotic world!
Дивный доспех
67, 40 подземелье
A few enterprising Rogues try to sell you some magic armor, but they want much more than it's worth. When you ask them why you shouldn't just take it by force, one of them pulls out a pendant that summons 99 Air Elementals who are commanded to attack unless you flee now.
73, 55 подземелье
Hey there mate, you lost? 'Cause you're on the wrong side of the Artonsamay River - this here is the Bandit Kingdoms and a wanderin' greenhorn ain't too safe. Well, for example, like now - being as how we're bandits and your packs are seemin' a mite bit heavy, eh chap?
107, 30 подземелье
A whole entire 'lot' of hobgoblins (that would be exactly 49) are up to something - no doubt it will be something that will cause someone harm, injury, or death, but you can't figure out what they are doing with all that sulfur, and that in itself is annoying enough....
102, 34 подземелье
With wide eyes and trembling awe at the power of your forces, these ogre magi throw themselves at your feet and pledge fealty to the king.
Сосуд с кровью жизни
105, 35 подземелье
Vampires! Vampires on your very shores, eager to drink the blood of the innocent children throughout the nations of the Thillonrian Peninsula! The very thought makes your blood boil, which, by the way, helps to attract the attention of the thirsty undead - nice hot barbarian blood - mmmm......
96, 33 подземелье
Thank you for saving us from those terrible griffons! We will gladly join your worthy cause!
Птица счастья
95, 27 подземелье
You are travelling through the Griff Mountains, never an easy or safe passage. As its name implies, these mountains are home to numerous griffons. You might say they are blessed by the Ladybird of Luck (hey, it's bird humor, what do you expect?). Will you try to capture that elusive gift?
Меч адского пламени
23, 18 подземелье
In the depths of the cold forest, you come upon a flaming sword stuck in the ground. Stranger still, there are what appear to be hundreds, if not thousands of Imps, Gogs and Magogs, all prancing madly about the strange artifact. Do you dare interfere and risk your own sanity?
78, 39 подземелье
Our horses - where are our horses? You there, where did you get that horse? I'd say we found our bandits my fellow horseless companions! They obviously are too chaotic to surrender - Crossbows ready soldiers and prepare to fire!!
72, 42 подземелье
I hear tell that the rouges are in hiding, but that they may one day return. We stand in their place, the devout of Olidammara, and we sing the song of your demise.
Стойкий часовой
74, 39 подземелье
This statue dedicated on the 1st day of Richfest, 488 CY, in recognition of Knight Commander Willip the Watchful, for his unceasing vigilance and exceptional service as a lifelong member of the Ever Watchful Border Knights. His own brother asleep at watch and all killed. R.I.P.
89, 25 подземелье
Begone knave! Lest thy hide become the bed of beasts.
91, 20 подземелье
Some underdressed and desperate goblins come howling down a snowy hillside, oblivious to your superior might or warning to stop. While they close with your troops, you reflect for a moment on the amazing stupidity of the greater part of monsterkind, and how easy that makes it for you....
121, 16 подземелье
At the entrance to the ore pit, there is a small gathering of goblins, orcs and ogres. Upon a pile of ore stands one ogre who seems to be speaking to the crowd of humanoids, trying to persuade it to take over the ore pit for themselves. You obviously must put a stop to such foolishness, right?
Корона дракона
137, 12 подземелье
Landing on a freezing, windswept beach, you trudge into deep snow that has been piled high against the dunes by the constant gale-force winds. You step into a deep pocket of snow and fall into a chamber of ice and rock, where you are confronted by a throng of angry earth elementals.
Кулон мужества
83, 27 подземелье
You enter a dark, forboding cave. A chill runs up your spine, and the cold smell of death flows around you. Your troops urge you to turn back, but you steel yourself and through pure force of will exercise your considerable personal power and lead the reassured army into the darkness....
82, 27 подземелье
The city of Vlekstaad has become a mysterious portal of unknown destinations. Such magic is best explored only by those magically prepared for what may await them. One small spell can sometimes do much in the right situation....
80, 28 подземелье
The city of Vlekstaad has become a mysterious portal of unknown destinations. Such magic is best explored only by those magically prepared for what may await them. One small spell can sometimes do much in the right situation....
Плащ вампира
71, 34 подземелье
Ooooooooo.....Ooooooooo.....this place is hauted, you are certain, but by what, ghosts? Banshees, mummies, poltergeists? Ghouls, ghasts, wights or wraiths??? Dare you find out? Ooooooooo......Ooooooooo........
Вождь орков
65, 39 подземелье
You stumble across a band of Orcs that have set up camp deep in the woods, hoping to lay claim to all that lies downstream. The group looks to have done well already judging by their armament. Perhaps they have other goodies hidden away under their filthy bedding of animal skins and rags....
Лесной эльф
62, 37 подземелье
A small but doughty group of Wood Elves lives in this deepest part of the forest. In these troubled times, the elves tend to view all intruders as hostile, and therefore they are prone to shoot first - a natural reaction as they are sure you would agree.
Крест отваги
63, 37 подземелье
You spot a glint of metal poking out of the ground. Curious, you start digging, and discover a finely crafted magical crest, unaffected by its years spent buried. The find bolsters the mood of your entire army.
Рогатый демон
50, 52 подземелье
You dare disturb us at our tasks? Foolish mortal, for that you shall know pain and death at our hands.
Владыка бездны
51, 53 подземелье
Ah, our lord has sent us food and sport all in the same package. Most appropriate....
7, 54 подземелье
***Mmmm - fresh meat for master - and enough for us***
Неиссякаемое кольцо серы
27, 85 подземелье
Seems some mischievious gremlins managed to make off with a magical ring belonging to their master, and decided that behind your castle is a good place to hide. It's actually a terrible place to hide. Yup, that's why they're gremlins. You count 40 or 50, including some master gremlins.
23, 87 подземелье
To arms fellow centaurs! The vile enemy is upon us! See their demonic eyes gaze upon us even now - Attack! Attack before it is too late!
Капитан кентавров
29, 85 подземелье
Ye shall not pass here treacherous ones!
36, 92 подземелье
The king! The king is still alive and has come to protect us - All hail the king!
Боевой гном
37, 88 подземелье
Halt! Who do ye claim loyalty to? These are dangerous times, and few are to be trusted. What say ye fellow Dwarves, what is our decision on these ones?
23, 88 подземелье
You run across several Dwarves carrying this ore away from Niole Dra. When confronted, they pull their heavy battle axes from their belts - an almost mad look in their eyes - and yell a war cry towards you in challenge. What is your response?
Сандалии святого
89, 125 подземелье
Saints come in all denominations, and not all are of good alignment. The 'Saints' of the Scarlet Brotherhood would only be considered such by those of this land - cruel, unmerciful, but gifted with the divine insight of the terrible Suel Gods, and in this case attended by dozens of lesser Monks....
Меч правосудия
89, 122 подземелье
My, my, don't we have our sights set high this day! To hold the Sword of Judgement, one must surely prove themselves worthy in a test that truly challenges their mettle. A host of Arch-Angels awaits you in anticipation of such a challenge. They will be here until you think yourself worthy.
Ящик Пандоры
26, 2 подземелье
HA HA! There in the distance is the long sought for ivory tent, but to reach it requires a journey through this devious device called Pandora's Box. Danger lies beyond, but reward too, if you survive. Will you open up this unknown world and step within?
Щит часового
27, 3 подземелье
The Sentinel's Shield glows ominously before you, barring your path further into the valley. Its eyes follow you, and the mouth speaks as you approach
Волшебный свиток
25, 3 подземелье
Ye would travel the enigmatic pathways between the folds of space and time? Surely 'tis madness, and the learned Mages of the Hidden Valley are present to emphasize this fact. It would seem an entire university's worth is present - 'Tis an important lesson after all....
8, 129 подземелье
Though your Field Guide to the Flora & Fauna of the Sea of Dust can only come up with 'Basilisk', you are sure this is something else unique to these treacherous wastes. You are also seeing the limitations of your 15 page field guide - this place is alive, but in a brutal mosaic not easily seen....
108, 136 подземелье
Посещение Ведьма:
Меч адского пламени
118, 99 подземелье
*** Sword of Hellfire....hmmm, hell, fire, Pit Fiends? Devils? Oh Gods of Fate and War, please don't let it be Devils. T'would be just my luck.....Aye, but the Sword of Hellfire! Tis worth a few troops, hmm? *** (ever feel like this?)
60, 105 подземелье
In a boat upon the Azure Sea, a host of angels came to me; The Pirates of Glory is who we be, now give us yer loot, all that we see.
61, 114 подземелье
We are trapped in the Amedio Jungle, far to the southwest. Treasures abound, but they will not buy us freedom from this accursed place - Send help!
105, 125 подземелье
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
74, 140 подземелье
Who would disturb the masters of water? You shall then join us, in eternal slumber beneath the waves....
Шляпа капитана
138, 78 подземелье
One night, you are behind the Salty Dog Tavern in the town of Oakenhart, when you chance to meet Admiral Arias - a wiley old sea captain famous for both his great sailing ability and his cruel and unmerciful treatment of both crew and prisoner. He has lots of tricks - are you curious to see?
Бездонный мешок золота
142, 77 подземелье
What cost doth we bear; and cost upon cost multiplied; by times cruel march inexorably forward; in a lust for wealth in metal and rock; lodestones to that of other lofty quests; but in a cosmos of divergent view; 'tis more to some likened to elixir; the mortar of foundations moral by decree.
Щит короля гноллов
141, 76 подземелье
Dead gnolls tell no lies.
Медаль чиновника
62, 72 подземелье
Dove of peace upon the golden disc of sun; held by warrior turned statesman now on the run; The day seemed so bright when battle did begin; now hope is scattered like blood on the wind; To fight tomorrow is noble indeed; if one has the gold in this hour of need.
Плащ из крыла дракона
20, 115 подземелье
A large tribe of gnolls overpowered a mage and took his magical 'dragon wings.' Now they are trying to fly with the 'wings', arguing over what needs to be done to make them work. Some have tried jumping off cliffs or out of trees, but a throng of living, uninjured gnolls remains....
28, 50 подземелье
Клевер Фортуны
29, 64 подземелье
A lone crusader with a big sword stands before you and speaks
Стрелы с перьями ангела
60, 127 подземелье
In the heart of the steamy jungle of South Olman Isle, you come across a tribe of wild jungle elves. They seem uncannily accurate with their bows, which leads you to believe they must possess some potent magic item. There are lots of them though - do you dare challenge them?
Кольцо странника
27, 134 подземелье
There are many mysteries still to be discovered in the deep jungles. It seems often just a wild place without any trace of civilization. But now you come across a tribe of ogres that has a strange patron
Золотой лук
43, 141 подземелье
Dragon fly, dragon fly, what do you say?; The bow of gold is ours, so please go away; If you continue, be sure we shall sting; Lest thou art the Dragon Fly king. You look upon the mass before you, with its lizard warrior friends, and one word you think of, your mind it bends
Сандалии святого
42, 143 подземелье
Fe, fi, fo, fum.....oops, sorry, I forgot that all the Giants around here are good - or so they say. Oh, sure, they all look the same, but that could just be an illusion like everything else around here. Don't trust anything anyone tells you, even me.
Щит дракона
53, 132 подземелье
A pack of water-loving gold dragons is swimming about in the shallow surf when they spot your boat and approach. Should you turn away and attempt to escape, or face them and perhaps gain some fine magical item?
Туника короля циклопов
72, 119 подземелье
In the thick and steamy growth of the isle of Lof Bosok, you discover a hidden valley of stone which is the domain of a fierce civilization of cyclops. The king challenges you to do battle with 100 of his best warriors, and wagers his great magical tunic should you win. Do you except his challenge?
Торс Легионера
43, 72 подземелье
Near the obscure border between the Gnarley Forest and the Welkwood, you chance upon a horde of stone golems. You believe you might salvage some magical pieces you can use if you attack them.
Перчатки всадника
38, 80 подземелье
A small horde of silver pegasi lay claim to these fine magical gloves. Dare you challenge their legal claim?
Башмаки левитации
142, 58 подземелье
At the very back of the water elemental's grotto, you come across the detritus of many years, left to drift into an ever larger pile. The pile is huge now, but you are undaunted in your search for valuables. Your disturbance reveals some magic, but also legions of lesser undead long forgotten....
Книга магии Огня
142, 103 подземелье
A legion of Elves stand guard here, ever vigilant to any intruders, so that their spell-weavers may study undisturbed. Will you attempt to defeat them in the hopes you might recover some potent magic in return?
Серебряный пегас
139, 101 подземелье
Do not attack! We can see your cause is noble, and we would ask to be allowed the honor of joining you.
Башмаки скороходы
133, 102 подземелье
Ah, it's an amazing world you live in. Treasure & monsters, Heroes & noble quests, might & magic, Dungeons & Dragons, tunnels & Trolls.... Well, you get the idea. The magical guardians of this artifact of power are strange and amazing to be sure
Кольцо странника
118, 117 подземелье
A large throng of grand elves seems none too pleased that you have invaded their home. Do you press your advance or flee while you can?
Огненный элементал
141, 121 подземелье
You have saved us! Those wretched water scum kept us here, torturing us with this evil aqueous substance. We are grateful to you for - say, that's a wooden boat your in isn't it? We haven't eaten in days. (*sniff*sniff*) Ah, wood, we can smell it. May we have a little? Just a wee bit......
Водный элементал
139, 123 подземелье
You are not one of us - You are not permitted to enter the prison - At least not alive........
Водный элементал
140, 122 подземелье
Stop where you are! Our prison is full - we have netted a most special prize lately, and we will not have you interfering! On the other hand, you would make many meals and save us from hunting for food - yes, you will do nicely, and your ship will be food for our prisoners...
Оковы войны
110, 15 подземелье
Ah, this will make your enemies stand and fight to an honorable death!
Шляпа заклинателя
53, 65 подземелье
If you can take this, then you deserve it, and you can fly or water walk anywhere you please. But first you must defeat the following
Шляпа капитана
54, 65 подземелье
Aye, ye land lubber, it be too dangerous for'ee here. Only an salt like me can hope to survive in these here waters. The dead, mate, the dead roam here! No sane creature would dare risk it. Ye best be on yer way now, afore it's too late. I feel 'em a'coming, hund'rs of 'em. It's getting cold....
24, 83 подземелье
A wild group of radical Wood Elves is roaming the countryside, claiming that any and all wood, alive or dead, belongs to them, the Wood Elves Forest Freedom Coalition (W.E.F.F.R.E.E.C. - pronounced 'we freak'), led by the charismatic Wood B. Free. Several of them claim this pile....
24, 89 подземелье
A pack of belligerent Centaurs block your attempt to gather up this pile of wood. They seem eager to pick a fight, and impervious to any sort of reason or logic - well, until one of your Dwarves offers you his axe, which he says is named 'Reason', for just this sort of occassion...
Щит королей гномов
37, 98 подземелье
Near the mouth of the great Sheldomar River, you peruse the debris washed down by recent storms. Hidden under the muck is a wooden shield, undamaged by its rough passage. As you approach it, a pack of serpent flies buzz out from underneath it. Do you engage them?
Владыка джиннов
59, 4 подземелье
The master did not move to this loney spot so that she could be disturbed by chattle such as thee! We will take care of this matter and save others the trouble.
28, 3 подземелье
It did'nt take long for your first opposition to appear
5, 141 подземелье
As you travel through the choking dust, your army is suddenly plunged into a hidden rift below the ash. Using all your arcane powers, you are able to allow your troops to breath, giving you time to constuct an immense scaffold that allows your escape, but the cost in resources is immense.
1, 119 подземелье
A fierce wind storm whips up the ash all about you, choking your troops and threatening to rip the very flesh from their bones. You hastely construct makeshift shelters and ride out the storm, but it has a demoralizing effect on your troops, as if it physically sucked out their will to continue.
3, 124 подземелье
This is not a good thing....Your entire army is swept into a whirlpool of ash that suddenly opens beneath them. You find yourself in the chamber of a group of Devils, who seem most pleased with their haul of fresh mortal blood.
10, 138 подземелье
What seemed like a huge crystal formation glinting in the sun turns out to be only a small outcropping that was misperceived in your brutal trek through these ashen wastes. What hides beneath it in the ash is no illusion however
20, 83 подземелье
Some of the young Mage students have taken over the University, demanding more rights over which spells they must study. They are hostile to all attempts at negotiation, and seem almost to be enjoying themselves as they shoot fireballs at all passers-by.
142, 74 подземелье
We have discovered that indeed there are waterways underground that may be travelled by our ships. Tomorrow we shall seek to find a passage.
Бездонный сосуд ртути
136, 70 подземелье
You come upon a motely crew of desperate pirates, offering you a little mercury in exchange for some food. You notice they have a magical vial of mercury that would be much more useful than the little being offered by the cutthroats. They couldn't be all that tough, could they?
Щит неупокоенных
125, 61 подземелье
Rising from the waves in front of you, the empty eye sockets of a hundred dead warriors stare at your ship. Now just skeletons, some still wearing pieces of their old armor upon their bare bones. Will you continue to disturb their rest, or sail away whilst you can?
124, 26 подземелье
Mages! You've never much liked them yourself - the stench of their magic fouls the air where they congregate in numbers. This mangy bunch has laid claim to your gem pond, and seems to think they can beat you off with their feeble spells.
76, 142 подземелье
Beware the hidden guardians that bar thy way to the Conflux of Posiedon's children, for they will surely be thy demise.
95, 139 подземелье
Mysterious portals swirling about, many exits from just one mouth; unknown dangers lie beyond, but rewards as well if ye be strong.
Кулон святости
62, 108 подземелье
Art thee worthy? 2 angels and an archangel await the test.
Тетива из гривы единорога
63, 108 подземелье
Golden Bowstring laced within the metal and cloud work of the Portal of Glory, overseen by the 36 sacred unicorn guardians. Dare one disturb such transendence?
Черный дракон
126, 86 подземелье
As you approach the massive gates of the great city of Rel Astra, you find your path blocked by many mighty Black Dragons. Without warning or challenge, they decend upon your formidable army. You smile as you think of the glorious battle to come.....
2, 143 подземелье
50, 5 подземелье
The dreaded land of Black Ice lies to the West. Naught but death and misery await thee in that direction. Turn back now whilst ye can!
Кулон внутреннего зрения
91, 80 подземелье
Your old master's voice is in your head
Боевой гном
99, 44 подземелье
You stand before the legendary Stronghold of Rogahn and Zelligar, the mysterious Dungeon called Quasqueton. It was looted long ago, and now is but a twisted passage to the Underdark. Your journey, however, ends here.
Волшебный свиток
26, 3 подземелье
Sound advise heeded 'tis a priceless thing, but the same ignored doth misery bring.
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
104, 133 подземелье
Some of your troops come across an old tomb, wherein you detect a powerful magic coming from an ancient artifact. Unfortunately, the spirit of the knight it was buried with rises to defend it, and summons 2 other knight spirits to aid him. Do you leave them in peace, or attack?
68, 4 подземелье
To find a key dark as night; look east or west under day's light; where Solnor Ocean meets Barony small; or in dust where human lives not at all....
1, 116 подземелье
The Sea of Dust. Tread carefully, for death wears a cover of ash, and strikes swiftly.
1, 141 подземелье
The Sea of Dust. A choking death awaits thee, and may strike suddenly. Farewell....
97, 107 подземелье
57, 70 суша
You see before you the form of the mightest of this worlds evil Dragons, his size and power giving even your veteran mind pause. To his sides stand a cadre of his kind, forming a terrifying wall before you. An ear-shattering below issues forth as a warning, flames licking at your feet.
58, 71 суша
A sickly green and brown mist envelopes you, and your head swims as you stumble to the ground. Summoning all your will power, you try to fight off the poisons, but some dark magic present in the mists assaults your mind, and before you can expunge it, you have lost some of your arcane powers...
60, 72 суша
You enter an ancient, unnatural chamber, and you shiver involuntarily as you gaze about you, breathing in the centuries-old air. What further dread awaits you in this endless contest? Your troops look nervously about, less resolute than you, but sworn to serve come what may....
113, 82 суша
135, 118 суша
45, 9 суша
The guantlet run, you stare at the chamber before you, noting how it seems arranged in an almost ceremonial way. Intrigued and confused, you nevertheless feel the need to continue, for surely more clues lie ahead. Besides, what could be worse than the guardians you've already faced?
37, 17 суша
A moaning wind blows cold in your face as you gaze upon the gauntlet ahead of you. Unnaturally carved from these rocks, this mysterious passage undoubtably leads to unknown horrors and wonders. Do you dare risk the wrath of its guardians? If so, then the Dragons await thee.
26, 8 суша
Ssssss, we needsses ssome sstatuesss here....Sssstrike a pose, and we shall pressereve thee for ever....ssssshehehesssss.....
32, 8 суша
Chamber of the Acolytes - Please observe silence while present.
8, 17 суша
The beholders seemed to be transfixed by the single, glowing eye of the Star Axis, as if entranced by the rythmic pulse. You could swear that they were in love with it, but more likely they are just stupid monsters and need a good sword blow upside their fat heads, don't you think?
2, 14 суша
Hidden above, as hidden below, much may be discovered under the black snow....
96, 124 суша
Jer' lyxx
13, 51 суша
Kal' Shiral
Золотой голем
60, 76 суша
An apparent variation on iron golems, these gold golems do have some real gold to them, though it is only a small portion of their immense weight. Still, you could salvage enough of the precious metal to make it worth your while, don't you think?
Щит дракона
25, 109 суша
You've been searching for you best magical shield. Now you find it in the basement of your castle, several of your former troops arguing over who owns it! They all turn to fight you
Королевский циклоп
43, 114 суша
We are the great and mighty cyclops kings! You come here and bring not tribute for us? This crime will be your death little one.
55, 46 суша
Голова Легионера
31, 138 суша
Hmm, this seems to have rolled off into an obscure corner and been forgotten about by all save a throng of Basilisks. You've been needing a head for the magical statue you've been working on back at your capital....
7, 97 суша
Heart of the Hellfurnaces
12, 87 суша
Two young Dragons play upon this large pile of sulfur. Chasing them off will get you the sulfur, but before you pick it up you will surely be confronted by the parents, who are no doubt nearby, perhaps relaxing with some friends...
118, 22 суша
Summoned any good boats lately?
92, 21 суша
The Wind Lands - hold onto thy bonnet.
Золотой дракон
41, 14 суша
Defeat thee we must, for ye are not to have the treasures that lie beyond, lest ye pass these trials afore. Make thy peace, for ye shall surely perish here.
Черный дракон
39, 16 суша
Foolish vermin - Ye have found your end.
Черный дракон
43, 12 суша
Золотой дракон
45, 10 суша
We are tasked with your deaths, but this doth seem madness. We have instead decided that if ye are willing, we shall join thy worthy cause, and perhaps hasten an end to this struggle.
Башмаки мертвеца
55, 43 суша
Be gone!
88, 142 суша
To find a key of ivory white, look for ice as dark as night....
Огненный язык красного дракона
89, 141 суша
Inexplicably, a flaming sword rises out of the calm waters ahead. It is carefully guarded by over a hundred water elementals, lest it be stolen back by its creators the fire elementals.
82, 134 суша
Well, these pesky water elementals seem to have the run of this watery realm here. An elite group of particularly sneaky elementals manages to suprise you and your crew, launching a frenzied attack and getting the deck of your ship wet!
134, 6 суша
92, 36 суша
110, 44 суша
26, 112 суша
Посещение Чернокнижник:
3, 114 суша
You trigger a spell upon approaching this pile of gems, and there is a blinding flash of rainbow light. Upon the pile now sits a single Red Dragon, wings spreading to fill the cavern as it issues a challenging roar. Do you run in fear or stand up and face the beast?
3, 117 суша
You run into one of the guardians of the treasury chambers
Бездонная сума золота
1, 115 суша
In the very back corner of the old treasury chambers you find a magical leather bag. It was not left here accidently, as you discover when a horde of Stone Golems appear from the rock walls all around you - ancient guardians, made of powerful magic. What is your command?
13, 116 суша
Ah, here is a fine leader, worthy of our fealty. We pledge ourselves to your cause, my leige.
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
49, 116 суша
Such sweet music comes from the magical necklace before you that your troops are entranced, nearly hypnotized. Only at the last moment do you realize that the music has some accompaniment, as the rising buzz of a dozen-dozen Dragon Flies swoop into sight.....
48, 116 суша
Ghosts! Ghosts in the shipyard! So says one of your scouts. You do your best to explain once again the differences between various undead, and the type that are to be found in these parts, but whether it gets through or not is unknown. You sigh and guess they saw some Wights or Wraiths....
Кольцо заклинателя
48, 121 суша
Several stone golems surround a pedestal upon which rests a beautiful magic ring. Will you challenge the guardians?
27, 128 суша
A broiling mass of giant worms springs up out the pile of wood. Wait! Those arn't worms, they're Hydra heads! It's a pair of Chaos Hydras eyeing your troops hungrily. Whatever will you do?
33, 120 суша
A pack of 10 Ogres is sitting around a strange looking device of fine craftsmanship, trying to figure out just what the heck it is. An empty bottle of some sort seems to be the current favorite theory. Do you wish to properly educate them, one way or another?
26, 108 суша
A large pile of sulfur has been collected by a horde of Imps that have settled themselves beside the outlet pipes of your castle (a location that makes even you shudder). Nevertheless, you can always use sulfur - Do you wish to battle the creatures for this precious resource?
22, 102 суша
The masters have returned! Oh great and terrible one, let us join your magnificent cause!
Адский троглодит
23, 103 суша
You may intimidate our smaller cousins, but we are not fooled by your illusions! Attack! Attack without mercy or quarter!
10, 107 суша
Built and maintained with great magics, summoned elementals, and slaves from the surface, the Great Lava Wall has for decades kept at bay the molten flows from the lava fields to the north. Inhospitible and dangerous, the area is nevertheless rich in resources.
Ожерелье из зубов дракона
40, 87 суша
Your way is blocked by a magical necklace hovering in the air in front of you. From the space within the circle of the necklace, smoke pours forth and coalesces into three dozen genies and master genies, evenly split. A potent magical protection - are you sure you're ready for it?
41, 89 суша
Sulfur seems scarce around here, as evidenced by this pitiful pile before you. Several sniveling, wretched gogs snarl and hiss at you, a wild, murderous look in their eyes......
35, 73 суша
All guests to Anulev must report to the tower. Do not disturb the wizards!
34, 73 суша
Invaders! Begone invaders, you are not welcome!
Башмаки скороходы
34, 76 суша
Speed kills
33, 105 суша
A few of your troops are going to gather up this mercury, when out of the pot comes a pack of Serpent Flies. Some type of crude protection spell - so much less elegant than a glyph or symbol that can kill outright, and with much less mess. Nevertheless, the problems yet lies before you.....
47, 101 суша
One sulfur?! What in the name of Graz't is going on? To top it off, this one measly speck of sulfur is being claimed by an obstinate pack of troglodytes. Well, at least you have something to smash in your frustration.....
25, 120 суша
Some new recruits perhaps? You address them
7, 55 суша
Winding Windy Way
Торс Легионера
26, 61 суша
For the Torso of Legion, ye shall face a legion of torsos! Yes, well, and their attendant heads, arms and legs. All the better to slay you with my darling! Cackling in that annoying high pitched laugh that just grates against your ears, these gremlins have really crossed the boundries of decency.
27, 61 суша
Now that's a pile of wood!
Медаль чиновника
28, 64 суша
An odd looking fellow, a Dwarf or short human, with a large, curling, white mustache, a strange, tall black hat, and a shiny black cane, offers to sell you a get out of jail free card for 50 gold pieces. It turns out not to be exactly that, but the fellow dashes off, saying he has to 'pass go'...
Сфера буйного пламени
39, 63 суша
In the deep recesses of the basement of the Dark Sun Tavern, you find a secret door, and steps leading down farther then you care to remember. At the bottom is a pit of lava, with an orb upon a pedestal in the midst of the molten rock, attended by nearly a horde of mixed efreet.
35, 74 суша
Not all is like it should be in the underdark, in ways that leave you feeling that you are indeed participating in a strange and deadly game. To wit
36, 47 суша
Бездонный кошель золота
28, 46 суша
You stand before the Great Maze, temple of the Minotaurs. Offerings of gold are piled before it, but they are surely not left unattended. An honor guard of elite Minotaur Kings stands to either side of the entrance to the maze, four score on each flank. Dare you challenge such might?
Черный дракон
67, 109 суша
Ah, what have we here? More foolish 'heroes' come to test their mettle against us? Well then, we shall not disappoint you, for we are the greatest creatures to ever roam this planet, and you will find yourself in awe as your doom decends upon you.
84, 114 суша
Welcome to Angus & Ork's Discount Dungeon Krafts! One stop shopping right from the comfort of your own boat - Pull right up and bring your gold!
Бездонный кошель золота
139, 115 суша
A great and ancient wyvern queen challenges you to a contest
Кулон отрицания
123, 122 суша
During a storm, you come upon several titans enjoying the lightning storm. The leader speaks to you
80, 19 суша
The Wind Lands
Сфера уязвимости
122, 43 суша
Would thee be a mighty Dragon-slaying Wizard? A noble warrior merely seeking a level playing field against the mighty beasts? Or are you a lowly and despicable bully just looking to pounce on hapless Dwarves and cackle as your spells inflict unresisted misery upon them?
125, 43 суша
You are not permitted here! For your knowledge of this place, you now must die.
123, 42 суша
You would have our sacred magic items? Those rare artifacts that allow us to continually prevail in our wars with the Dragons? We believe you are unworthy of such great gifts. We will speak no more.
Волшебный свиток
122, 42 суша
Death! Death to the wretched beasts!
Руки Легионера
131, 24 суша
To arms! To arms! Are we under attack? No, but there are two arms here, and I was just being punny. Captain, have this clown drawn & quartered! Yes sir, I'll call for the artist, and have his bunk moved to the officers quarters right away. (had enough yet?)
Щит неистового огра
134, 9 суша
A throng of rampaging Ogres swarm into the valley to defend their territory and goods. Do you press ahead into what will surely be a hard-fought battle?
135, 7 суша
Nearing the head of the valley, you look up to the mighty gates of the castle before you. You stand amidst jagged upthrusts of crystaline rock and precious minerals. Suddenly from either side appear Ancient Behemoths, a score in each of the two packs. Do you retreat or advance?
96, 11 суша
77, 19 суша
The wind blows incessantly here. You stand before a unique conflux of natural forces that cause this. To the West and East are long, narrow tunnels of cool underground air, while to the Southeast is the hot dry air of the Lava Fields. This contrast gives rise to a great wind that never ceases....
79, 72 суша
Книга магии Земли
97, 91 суша
Would you know the secrets of the earth, mortal one? Then you must prove yourself master of its forces. A thousand earth elementals await you in the contest - Will you best them?
117, 104 суша
Dark it stays and knows no sun; but there surely is more than one; North is near the land of Wind; West is wet and cold and dim.
Глиф доблести
98, 100 суша
So, you fancy yourself a gallant hero worthy of this small bauble? Then come and take it from us, little one. This spoken by one of a horde of medusa & medusa queens. Will you defend your honor?
Корона дракона
70, 113 суша
Green or red, black or dead; Gold could be, would you like to see? I hear tell of others, but they enter this tale not; Won't matter when your dead, 'cause all you'll do is rot.
Красный дракон
69, 111 суша
We are impressed by your defeat of our cousins. We can see that it would benefit you to have us in your ranks, though we will of course be made commanders. Your abilities shall allow us ever greater glory and victory, which it is our fate to attain. With us you will be invincible!
Кулон смерти
67, 107 суша
Dragon bones. Dragon bones litter the beach. Some of them begin to move as you approach. A cold chill runs down your spine. Do you continue forward?
Сосуд с кровью жизни
68, 121 суша
We come to suck your blood.
Неиссякаемое кольцо серы
79, 111 суша
A magic stinky ring. Smell or no, it would still look good on your finger. Only trouble is, there are two dozen efreeti, including a smattering of sultans, that seem very attached to this particular ring. How, oh how will you resolve this smelly situation?
Сфера проливного дождя
99, 109 суша
Freed from their enthrallment by the bone dragons, a throng of water elementals reassert their ownership of this sacred magic item. Will you dare to challenge their claim?
Накидка заклинателя
108, 122 суша
Ole! (pretend there's an accent over the 'e', as the twisted magic of this realm has forced all the varied languages of Oerth to be reduced to the standard 'Great Kingdom Common' tongue - curse you Ivid!) In any case, 26 big, mutated bulls with really nasty breath await your red cape & sword....
Башмаки левитации
139, 112 суша
So you would walk on water? Much better to fly, but not all creatures are so blessed. Some though would reserve to themselves the privledges of unhindered movement across all forms of water. A throng of genies would deny you this ability. Will you allow them to do such a thing?
Королевский минотавров
50, 136 суша
Stop! You must not pass. You would surely get lost, and we would feel terrible. It is an awful thing to be lost - worse than death even. So you see, we must stop you, even if it means killing you. It's for your own good. You'll thank us in the end.
Знак мужества
46, 128 суша
A pack of wights lament their un-life as they hover near this magical item that bestows some measure of courage. This being a quality they lacked in life, and one which ultimately lead to their untimely deaths, they hold a strong hatred of the item, and wish none to possess it.
5, 93 суша
A pack of Magogs are playing King of the Hill on this large pile of sulfur. Do you wish to play?
Перчатки всадника
94, 28 суша
A detachment of Cavaliers and Champions were sent to recover these magical gloves for their Lord, but now wander the Underdark hopelessly lost. They seem desperate, and move to attack anyone that approaches. Do you flee while you can?
Боевой гном
104, 42 суша
Accursed demons! Ye shall not have us!
Боевой гном
109, 40 суша
Be gone, evil ones!
Накидка скорости
112, 39 суша
An entire legion of elite Battle Dwarves guards this great treasure against all claimants. Will you dare to challenge them?
Бездонная сума золота
111, 40 суша
Dwarven gold! But of course dwarven gold has dwarven guards - in this cause an entire swarm of them - 400 to be exact.
Нескончаемое кольцо самоцветов
110, 40 суша
More dwarves? But of course. 160 regular old dwarves this time. Can you handle it?
Боевой гном
102, 40 суша
Back, back to your infernal realms, evil ones! We shall never yield to thee!
99, 70 суша
A disgruntled gang of ex-gladiators loiters about the arena, discouraging anyone from entering, and generally looking for trouble. Just how much trouble are you going to be?
14, 40 суша
Ha! Thought you could just sneak on past, didn't you! No one gets past us, The Honorable and Righteous Guardians of the Gate. No sir, many have tried, but we are ever vigilant and prepared to defend our charge with our lives! (All this from a horde of somber, loquacious Gargoyles).
4, 74 суша
A howling, ceaseless wind squeezes its way through this narrow passage. The particular configuration of this area, along with the temperature differences between the cool tunnels to the north and the hot lava to the south, creates a constant gale here....
Сфера тверди земной
45, 26 суша
An entire swarm of Earth Elementals surrounds this mystical item of power. Will you challenge them?
Золотой лук
60, 49 суша
An archery duel perhaps? Alas, the dead don't use bows, but some of them can still afflict misery from afar. Ninety-nine liches and power liches will stand in the archers stead, and shoot their deadly clouds in the place of arrows and bolts. Ever so much more interesting, wouldn't you agree?
Кулон смерти
60, 42 суша
Walk with the dead
78, 44 суша
Infidels! Back to the Abyss with thee!
Перчатки всадника
82, 69 суша
A horde of fine steeds face you, their rider's fine armor and long lances poised for battle. Will you turn and flee, or face them bravely?
85, 59 суша
A sudden cave in forces your troops to take emergency measures to survive. Using some of your stores of wood, they make bracing and shore up an area that allows you to escape, but only after considerable effort in time and resources. Still, success uplifts your troops as you move on....
79, 81 суша
What is this? An ambush, by a veritible throng of infernal troglodytes. Curse them!
Султан ифритов
128, 82 суша
Hmm, Master has sent us some toys to play with!
Кулон жизни
35, 6 суша
A mass of monks bars your path
27, 9 суша
What is better
Бездонный мешок золота
54, 70 суша
Dragon Treasure! You don't suppose there could be some sort of supernatural guardians protecting it, do you?
114, 83 суша
9, 113 суша
East to Erelhei-Cinlu; West lies the Olde Treasury chambers; North is the Great Lava Wall; South lies the Swamp Chambers
75, 48 суша
Lands of Conflict
132, 79 суша
Psst...Hey you - Tired of those pesky Mages barbecuing your troops all the time? Have we got a deal for you then! Just step this way, that's right, over here by our sickles, just a little closer now.....
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