Consciousness kicks you in the head with an agonizing jolt of pain, and for a moment, you wish you had not awoken. The moment passes, as all moments tend to, and the throbbing pain in your skull recedes long enough for you to take in your surroundings. Nothing but black.
The Awakening2
And for another moment, panic seizes you. BLIND! your brain screams, but then it registers slowly in your swollen mind that you must open your eyes to see.
The Awakening3
Your lids part sluggishly, as if they were set to rusty hinges, letting in a sliver of painfully bright light. You gasp at the onslaught of the sudden stimulus, but find your throat is too parched to utter sound. A swollen, bone-dry tongue makes its way over cracked and severely chapped lips.
The Awakening 4
The thought of water makes your entire body cry out in pain, and your eyes instinctively jerk completely open in order to look for water. The merciless brilliance of the noon sun once again stuns you, but this time the effect vanished more quickly.
The Awakening5
You try to sit up, but are too weak. Instead, you merely look around from your lying position, only to see miles of yellow sand and the occasional lonely palm or cactus. Brown cliffs shimmer in the heat in the far distance to either side of you, and above the carrion birds circle lazily, waiting..
The Awakening6
The questions come to you naturally. Where were you? How did you get here? And, indeed, what was your name? You remember nothing, and even after moments of strain, you can't seem to force an answer from your crippled memory.
The Awakening7
You attempt again to stand, to somehow improve your situation by movement, but only succeed in collapsing into an even more uncomfortable position. So this is it, you think. This is how you will die. Alone, parched, in agonizing pain, and without any knowledge of how it happened.
The Awakening 8
Suddenly, consciousness slaps you in the face again, and you, not even aware that you had blacked out, curse the gods for not allowing you to at least die in peace. I am not the gods, a sandy voice replies, But you shall be meeting them soon if you do not drink!
The Awakening 9
You nearly laugh. So now you will become insane as well? You are about to respond to the voices in your head when something cool and distinctly moist touches your blistered lips. Your eyes whip open suddenly. A young man wearing a tan robe with a hood kneels before you, a waterskin in hand.
The Awakening10
The bag of fluid drips moisture into your open mouth, and without asking questions, you grab it greedily and suck on it like a newborn infant. For minutes, you drink so ravenously that much is wasted as it runs down your chin and torn clothing.
The Awakening11
Finally, you let go and wipe your mouth with the back of a badly sunburned hand. Apro Mort, your leg is broken, the man says suddenly, bringing you back to the present. You are lucky I find you here in sand. I bring horse. Come, we have camp to west. I know woman there who can fix leg.
The Awakening12
Let us go before it gets dark. To the south and then west. The man packs his stuff and then helps you silently to a large dun mare. You almost feel like kissing the beast. There are so many questions you want to ask your savior, but for the moment, you are content to ride in silence...
Approaching Death
The night was spent in silence. Your companion says little, and the pain in your head and leg gives you little reason to complain. Several times during the day, you lapsed into unconsciousness, and you eventually had to be strapped to your horse.
Approaching Death2
Night came swiftly, and the baking sand and blistering sun gave way to frigid air and the dismal howling of wolves. Dinner was brief, though during the short break you found out your savior's name. Apro Mort, I am known as Koltair, the nomad had muttered through labored bites of drief beef.
Approaching Death3
The food tasted rancid and took real effort to eat, but you were thankful for anything by that point. Several moments passed, and Koltair seemed content to simply stare at the small campfire that warmed the air around you. It still had hurt to talk, so you just indicated that you wished to sleep.
Approaching Death4
It seemed like no time had passed before Koltair was shaking you awake, and your eyes had opened once again to the almost tangible heat of the morning sun. Your fast was broken quickly, and then you were off again, due west. We should be at the Border Camp tomorrow, was all he said.
Approaching Death5
And so here you are now. A day ago you were as good as dead, and now you are riding with a stranger and a broken leg to a camp of desert folk, and you don't even know your name. Suddenly, something strikes you, and you call ahead to Koltair. Is that my name? you ask. Apro Mort?
Approaching Death 6
Koltair smirks and replies, Apro Mort means 'Approaching Death' in Sandspeak. It is the name we give to people like you who we find unconscious in the sand. The news is not what you hoped for. Do you find many of us? you ask, trying to glean information from him.
Approaching Death7
A few each month, Koltair answers. Some live. Most don't. Your prospects are good. Just be glad I don't call you 'Alko Mort' - Already Dead. The nomad laughs at this and turns back to leading the way. You frown, realizing this man's sense of humor is as dry as this desert.
Riding In the Desert1
As you ride through the hot desert, you are eternally aware of the lazy circling of the carrion birds above. Take your time, they seem to say. We'll dine whenever is good for you. Between the heat, the omnipresent birds, and your lack of memory, irritation drenches you like a thunderstorm.
Riding through the desert2
Koltair seems to warm to you. He rides beside you, sometimes sharing your silence, other times taking the opportunity to point out landmarks or peculiar plantlife. That is the 'Canteen Cactai', he says, It can hold up to a gallon of water within its spiny trunk.. he trails off.
Riding through the desert3
Despite his friendliness, Koltair's companions seem distrustful of you. Grag especially remains aloof, eyeing you like a cat eyes a mouse. Don't worry, Koltair assures you, One must prove himself worhty of Grag's trust. I sometimes wonder if even *I* have earned his approval.
Riding through the desert4
You smile half-heartedly. It is difficult to remain in good humor in such a desolate environment. Yet something itches in the back of your mind. It is as if your mind is dangling a carrot in front of you, taunting. I know everything, it says. Let's see if you can figure it out...
Riding through the desert5
Sometimes you see glimpses of your past. Faces you don't recognize. Voices that sound familiar, but you can't place. Snowy mountains, dense swamps. A promise... You grab your head, trying to force the memories to make sense, to take some semblance of order.
Riding through the desert6
But they don't, and soon the visions disappear, replaced with blackness. All you know is desert and these darkskinned nomads, who look at you even now with contempt, with distrust. Can you even remember what a pine tree looks like? Snow? A lake? With sadness, you ride onwards, in a foggy reality.
After the body 1
It has been several days since you found Ellabel's body in the desert, and yet you still remember the look of pain and horror on her wrecked face. Who had killed her? Why? Reaching into your saddle bag, you take out the crumbled, bloodstained note. What did it mean?
After the body 2
Why had Roger apologized? Was he at all connected with you? Who had killed that beautiful creature? Still trying to figure it out? Koltair says, riding up next to you. You are going to stare a hole into the paper if you look at it any longer.
After the body3
You chuckle, trying to sound cheerful. It is a halfhearted attempt. Two weeks since you awoke, and your amnesia has gotten no better. Do not worry, Koltair says, In Erlos, we shall learn much. I hear the ruling lord there has a gift for divination. But what if we don't? you want to ask.
After the body4
You look back to Koltair's companions and the small gathering of mercenaries you've managed to attract. They look like a motley bunch, walking along in the sand in their tattered clothing carrying rusted weapons notched with age and wearing what pieces of armor they could find.
After the body5
They are the children of the desert, Koltair said, recognizing your thoughts. They may not look like much, but they are hard, weathered fighters. They will come through for you. I've seen Arythian knights fall to much worse looking than them before..
After the body6
You turn back around. The heat is sweltering, but Koltair and these desert folks look as resiliant as always. Every ray of sun hits you like a brick, but it seems to drip off these men like water. They seem totally unaffected. In Erlos... you whisper. But how long until Erlos?
In the Cave1
Another day spent in this damn cave. Another day without sun. Another day without hope. Another day without memory. The darkness is starting to get to you, and you almost yearn for the hot, unbearable days spent out in the desert sun. Would this cave even take you anywhere?
In the cave2
Koltair shook his head. I do not know these caverns, he said. His companions didn't know either. For the last week or so, they have seemed to drop their hostility towards you. Grag even slapped your hand yesterday after ambushing a small group of goblins.
in the cave3
Did you hear that one's skull go C-R-R-RACK when I hit him with that rock!? he had said to you excitedly, making a crunching motion with his hands. You had smiled, glad to finally be earning the friendship of these men. This man who took pleasure out of squishing little green creatures.
In the cave4
Koltair had become a good friend over the last two weeks. The two of you fought side by side, like brothers. He shared things with you, personal things. He had told you about his father, who had sacrificed his life to save his son. Understand that men are bad, and trust none of them, Koltair said.
In the cave5
Those were my father's last words as he lay dying, the tusk of a behemoth protruding from his chest. What kind of last words are those? Koltair had stared at you, tears in his eyes. And though you didn't envy his pain, you were jealous of his ability to remember. To know his father.
In the cave6
And now, the darkness of the caves once again surrounded you. It was ironic in a way, traveling in this cave. The darkness was outside your head and inside it. Yes, Koltair and his men had become friends, and for that you are happy, but what of your previous friends? Who were they?
In the cave7
Would you ever look upon them again? In some ways you dreaded meeting them, if ever you would. What would they tell you. What if they told you you were a murderer, a thief, a raper of women? Could you deal with the news? Perhaps it would be better to stay in the cave, stay in the dark...
82, 107 подземелье
South to Vladan Finsk North to the Border Post
87, 102 подземелье
West - Old Desert Road East - the Dead Canyon. DO NOT ENTER
84, 95 подземелье
Border Post
101, 100 подземелье
Half buried in the sand and covered by squawking vultures, you come upon the rotting carcass of a horse. It was a fine animal, the nomad says, pointing to the colorful tabard and ornate armor. Fit for a nobleman, he adds, eyeing you. Could it have been yours? you wonder.
94, 104 подземелье
Standing before you are two giant towers carved right into the canyon rock, a large open gate between them. A few lazy archers pace the crenelated wall that spans the distance between the aged structures. Do not worry, we can pass, Koltair says and waves amicably to the soldiers.
94, 102 подземелье
Why would they choose to put a guardpost there? you ask, It formally separates the Kingdoms of Aryth to the distant north and Ingnotal to the south. Many years ago, they were at war, but now with hundreds of miles of desert separating them, it does seem silly.
14, 6 подземелье
Welcome to the Land of Tales (proceed east).
16, 7 подземелье
Here, noble Narrator, is where your task begins. The unknown hero shall make it known when each chapter of his story needs to be told. The Sage of Ages has already recorded it all. You need only to proceed along the Path of Time and use your magic to transmit the story to the Observer.
17, 6 подземелье
Do not rush and recite chapters ahead of time, lest the Observer become confused! Now, the time of the first chapter approaches. Proceed east, past the Font of Time to the beginning of the Path of Time. The first chapter awaits you, Celestial Narrator. Do not stray from the path!
25, 3 подземелье
The Path of Time begins here. Do not stray, my friend.
84, 99 подземелье
Ahead you see a small gathering of tents and adobe buildings. This is Border Post, Koltair says. We find food and shelter here, and I know woman who can fix leg. She live outside of town in tents. We will be there soon. You nod silently and follow the nomad to the village.
82, 97 подземелье
Koltair leads you into a small village comprised of several tents and lean-tos. You get more than a few stares as you make your way into a large tent at the far end of the village. That is Elga, Koltair says, indicating the wrinkled old woman standing outside. She fix leg. (READ CHAPTER ONE)
84, 96 подземелье
Border Post is nothing more than a handful of buildings made of mud and straw and some pitched tents that serve as a market place. Koltair and his men join you as you enter the city, and tell you to look for supplies and some mercenaries for hire.
100, 6 подземелье
76, 81 подземелье
The ogres, seeing their brothers already in your army, willingly join your ranks.
60, 88 подземелье
Help!! They are going to feed me to that THING on the next full moon. Please, help me. I wrecked my ship and they caught me. I'm going to die...
101, 88 подземелье
The narrow valley seems to close in on you. Just as you are about to say that you feel like you're being watched, dozens of creatures roar and pop up from behind boulders and dead trees. Koltair and his men draw their swords with lightning speed, as if they expected the ambush.
100, 95 подземелье
Koltair stops suddenly and jumps down from his horse. The wind is fierce, throwing hot, stinging sand into your eyes. The nomad wanders around and then approaches you. The body is there, he says, a few meters to the north, though the carrion birds seem to have gotten to it already.
100, 94 подземелье
You can see it in the distance, lying partially covered on top of a mound of sand. You suddenly feel nautious, but swallow your distaste and the bile that comes with it. Dismounting, you make your way slowly towards the corpse. (Read Chapter Two).
85, 82 подземелье
Road to Erlos - Proceed North for clearance.
103, 35 подземелье
Monks' Hold
83, 79 подземелье
Going North - Keep Right
92, 106 подземелье
I am Aralos, Guardian of the First Spire. Our kind guard the Grail from those who would exploit its powers. Defeat me, if you can.
84, 79 подземелье
Koltair seems confused by the amount of men pacing the giant walls of the fortification in front of you. I've never seen the road to Erlos guarded this well. It does not bode well. Come, we shall approach the walls and find out if we may pass.
84, 78 подземелье
Go back, strangers, the guards yell down. Nobody shall enter the country of Aryth this month. After a few minutes of argument, Koltair shrugs and turns away. What about Erlos? you ask. I know of no other way across the border, he replies, But we can try going west.
68, 86 подземелье
The Chemosh River
66, 88 подземелье
The Chemosh River, Koltair speaks as you near the abandoned shipyard. And a dead end. It seems we will not be going to Erlos this year, Apro Mort. I apologize, but we cannot aid you in investigating your past. There is no way to go north, not now. (Please Read Chapter Three)
66, 101 подземелье
This is it, Koltair says, looking about nervously. Chemosh Caverns. These goblins who live on the beach are probably the new recruits of the cult that lives within. I'm not sure if you are going to find much of anything in here, but it can't hurt to look. Keep on your toes, though!
76, 62 подземелье
91, 64 подземелье
The Training Grounds
25, 34 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Buildings! Woowoo!
Buildings for Caryngton
Гидра хаоса
85, 33 подземелье
I am Oragos, Guardian of the Second Spire. Defeat me and my brethren, if you desire to gain access to its hidden knowledge.
74, 27 подземелье
Nol Viluj
96, 46 подземелье
Monks' Hold - NorthEast Mage's Tower - NorthWest Caryngton - West Erlos - South
56, 22 подземелье
Taverns and Stuff
Taverns and Stuff for the Computer
66, 50 подземелье
69, 45 подземелье
South - Taylor and Erlos East - the Swamps of Monks' Hold West - Caryngton, Wildwood, Innabrook
11, 41 подземелье
Taverns and Stuff
Taverns and Stuff for the Computer -> AI Activation Event
14, 50 подземелье
The giant creatures loom before you. One calls out aggressively, Keep away, Mortals. I am Flox, the Guadian of the Third Spire. You shall not gain access to this structure whilst we live.
10, 72 подземелье
Призрачный дракон
12, 24 подземелье
Ahhhsss.... I am Kolotos, Spirit of the Dragon King. I guard this, the Fourth Spire, along with my fellow Spirits. Only he who can banish us to the Void may visit this structure!
Водный элементал
94, 33 подземелье
The water elementals smile as you approach. We have been commanded to join you, mortal. What do you wish of us?
13, 86 подземелье
Shok Tir
Посещение Ведьма:
17, 107 подземелье
Ghastly creatures mill about the area, carrying scythes with sinister blades that match the length and sharpness of the horns protruding from their heads. One of the devils speaks, Come dance with us, Mortals. But you shall never see the secrets of the Fifth Spire!
17, 92 подземелье
Shok Tir - North The Crossvein Caverns - South
59, 41 подземелье
North - Wildwood East - Monk'sHold, Erlos West - Caryngton, Innabrook, Valkynborg
15, 41 подземелье
North - Valkynborg East - Caryngton South - SouthMill, the Dead Swamp
6, 74 подземелье
South - the Dead Swamp (KEEP OUT, by order of King Sorlan)
96, 25 подземелье
You emerge from the cave to air that is heavy with humidity. Almost instantly, you are swarmed by mosquitos, and after even the briefest period of walking, sweat is running down your head in rivulets. Still, it is refreshing to be above ground again, and finally in Aryth. Now, where is Erlos?
Водный элементал
106, 42 подземелье
The water elementals smile as you approach. We have been commanded to join you, mortal. What do you wish of us?
Водный элементал
75, 29 подземелье
The water elementals smile as you approach. We have been commanded to join you, mortal. What do you wish of us?
103, 36 подземелье
The monks of Monks' Hold welcome you to their humble home. After a good meal and a bath, they inform you that Erlos is about three hard days ride to the south. The best source to seek woud be the Lord of Erlos, Valan Erloen. If anyone can help you, he can.
77, 63 подземелье
The trading city of Erlos is a hodge podge of clay and brick buildings, many of them in sore need of repair. Though somewhat delapidated, the city is the greatest economic center of the south, and Lord Valan Erloen's power is not to be underestimated. (Please Read Chapter Five).
35, 32 подземелье
A giant stone wall looms before you, connecting the mountain on the right with the mountain on the left. Sneaking by the massive structure would be nearly impossible. Runes of all shapes and sizes cover the fortification, giving proof that the kings of old truly wanted to guard the Aurespi Springs.
26, 35 подземелье
Castle Caryngton sits stoically among the rust-colored mountains, proud as an eagle, solid as the earth. Carved right from the Northern Mountain Range, the castle is more than a millenium old, and can mount quite a defense. You prepare yourself for a tough battle. (Please Read Chapter 6 Afterwards)
13, 33 подземелье
The dusty trail gives away to crunching snow as it winds higher into the mountains. A cold blast of air assails you, and you attempt to hide yourself from the unforgiving winds. So, this was your home? Koltair and his men look miserable in the climate. Hopefully, Valkynborg will be warm.
Черный дракон
1, 83 подземелье
The dragons do not even pause to taunt you, as if they deem you unworthy of the effort of speech. They simply attack.
13, 87 подземелье
An ancient citadel rises from the swampy land. Green moss and fungus covers its aged walls like a rash, and movement is everywhere in the undergrowth. This place is prepared for your attack... (Please Read Chapter 7 After You Defeat this Castle).
48, 79 подземелье
A fountain, not all too dissimilar from the WaterShrine you saw many weeks ago, rises majestically from the center of this mysterious glade. You approach, more confidently this time. The jets of water once again coalesce to form the face of a WaterSpirit. (Please Read Chapter 8)
39, 63 подземелье
You find the entrance to a small cave hidden behind a conspicuous clump of trees. The sound of running water can be heard within.
35, 24 подземелье
A giant shimmering door rests in the center of this magical glade. Arcs of green magical energy burst from the surface of the portal and strike the ground in front of it. You seem a little wary about stepping into such an object, but it is the only way into the Aurespi Springs.
9, 10 подземелье
At the appropriate times, it shall be made known to you that it is time to recite to the Observer the next chapter of events. Please, proceed east.
100, 98 подземелье
Apro Mort
90, 81 подземелье
The Ogres look you up and down, but an angry grimace suddenly appears on the face of the leader. YOU! he bellows. Without warning, he lifts his club and charges, along with his underlings, towards your small party. You are too stunned to do anything but draw your sword and defend yourself.
52, 42 подземелье
North - Caryngton East - MonksHold, Taylor, WildWood, Erlos West - Innabrook, Valkynborg
28, 3 подземелье
Chapter One - The Nomad Camp. Note
29, 3 подземелье
(1/18) After several hours with Elga, who apparently is the camp's healer and leader, you feel much better. You are amazed at how well she does her work, especially without magic. Your leg is still broken, however, and she warns you not to put too much pressure on it.
30, 2 подземелье
(2/18) You laugh, and stand up to prove her wrong, but the weight on your crippled limb suddenly sends seering pain through your body and you collapse with a cry. Elga stares at you and says sternly, Men always think themselves impervious to injury, even when they're injured!
31, 1 подземелье
(3/18) You will need these, she adds, holding up a pair of carved wooden poles with padded tops. They will help you when you walk. You thank the woman, face red, and leave the tent to find Koltair.
32, 1 подземелье
(4/18) By this time, the skies had once again darkened to night, and the cold evening air assails you, carried by a cruel southerly wind. You wrap your new fur cloak around your body and wander towards one of the many campfires that light up the desert evening.
33, 2 подземелье
(5/18) Thankfully, Koltair is seated around this one, chatting with a bunch of fellow nomads. You limp over to him, hindered by your inexperience with the crutches, and sit down. The fire crackles and pops, and for a moment, you do not speak. Koltair stares at you but says nothing.
34, 3 подземелье
(6) His friends seem equally intrigued, and you give them a pained smile while warming your hands. Finally, Koltair speaks, I see my mother has fixed you well. He pats your leg roughly, causing it to burn with pain. You flinch inwardly, not wanting for some reason to appear weak to these men.
34, 4 подземелье
(7) One of the other nomads speaks to you suddenly. Apro Mort, what is your name? Where are you from? He seems genuinely interested, and you wish you had a definitive answer for him. Lacking even an inkling of your origins, you reply, I remember nothing. It is as if I was born yesterday...
34, 5 подземелье
(8/18) The nomad nods and returns to his whiskey. Quiet again follows as the men stare into the dancing flames, chewing their dinners or sipping liquor. Koltair offers you a flask. Distilled from cactus pulp, he says, but you politely decline. The mere thought of alcohol makes you queasy.
34, 6 подземелье
(9/18) The other nomad breaks the silence again, his features scrunched in thought. You have the light hair and large eyes of a northerner. Your skin is fair and your lips tight. My guess is that you hail from the northern reaches of Aryth.
34, 7 подземелье
(10/18) I had a brother who once traveled up there looking for wealth, he continues. It means little to our people, of course, and his journey was scorned. We have never seen him since. Ah, but I digress... The man turns away, eyes full of tears.
33, 8 подземелье
(11/18) You know of no way to respond to this, so you turn instead to Koltair, who seems to have heard the story before by the jaded look on his face. Koltair, you say, You found nobody else with me? I was alone? Suddenly brought out of his personal musings, he pauses to think.
32, 9 подземелье
(12) By yourself, yes... he says. But some distance to the north, we found a corpse dressed similarly to yourself. I hadn't made the connection until now, but it is possible that her fate was somehow connected to yours. We do nothing with the dead bodies we find. It is likely there still...
31, 9 подземелье
(13) You feel suddenly hopeful for the future at hearing these words. Perhaps even a small clue to your identity lies with this dead body. Excitedly, you say, I must leave for there in the morning! This could answer many of my questions.
30, 9 подземелье
(14) But Koltair shakes his head. Alone, you will only join her in death. It takes a seasoned explorer to make it in these wastes alone. We were going to travel north to the trading city of Erlos next week, but we can leave tomorrow. We shall take you to where the dead body lies on our way.
29, 9 подземелье
(15) And then perhaps you can accompany us to Erlos itself. You may find more answers there. You must have passed through there on your way here. Come to the communal tent tomorrow morning and we shall gather some more men for our expedition. Now, get some sleep.
28, 9 подземелье
(16) You thank Koltair for his kindness. For the first time since you awoke nearly dead in the desert, you finally feel hope for the future. You limp your way to the small tent that Elga set aside for you and fall asleep almost immediately.
27, 9 подземелье
(17) You awake rejuvenated the next morning. Koltair has already gathered his men, six tall dark men all wearing hide armor and carrying curved sabres. What need would they have of these? First we ride to Border Post and trade for some supplies. We might be able to hire some help, too.
27, 11 подземелье
END CHAPTER ONE - Please Proceed to Next Signpost and Wait for Instruction
Зеленый дракон
26, 4 подземелье
A giant dragon blocks the narrow path. To you, he says with a thoughtful glare, Only those endorsed by Algemosh may enter the Path of Time. If you truly have his permission, than She With the Golden Scales must accompany you. Only she can defeat me and gain you entrance here.
31, 11 подземелье
Chapter Two - Ellabel. This chapter contains 17 events.
32, 11 подземелье
(1) The sand is nearly blinding as you make your way across the dunes to where lies the corpse. Heat drifts up from the hot earth like a bad stench, making your injured leg sweat and itch inside its splint. The crutches do you little good in the loose sand, and you fall more than once.
33, 11 подземелье
(2) You hardly notice this through your excitement to find some revelation about your past. You cross your fingers, hoping for any bit of information, and approach cautiously, as if fearing the corpse might rise from the earth and strike you down. The wind relents, and you find Koltair beside you.
34, 11 подземелье
(3) As you get nearer, you see that Koltair is right -- the birds had already gotten to the corpse. From ten feet away, you can also clearly see that the body was indeed female. Finally, you find yourself able to kneel by the side of the corpse and inspect it closely.
35, 11 подземелье
(4) A first look sends your stomach lurching and for a moment you fear you might vomit. Most of the face is gone, including the eyes, and several organs lay in pieces on the ground beside the body. Eventually, you are able to overcome the nausia and attempt to examine the body again.
36, 10 подземелье
(5) She was young, you conclude, noting the smooth skin and dark, curly hair. Perhaps thirty, as old as I, you mumble to yourself, noting for the first time your own apparent age. She was wearing no jewelry and there are no other identifying marks on her body.
37, 10 подземелье
(6) Damn, you curse. Nothing at all, a dead end. Suddenly, something catches your eyes, sticking out of the corner of her tattered shirt. It is a note! You grab it quickly, like a child stealing candy from the market, and carefully open the dried paper. It reads
38, 9 подземелье
(7) Dearest Ellabel. I know you must now hate me, but please know that what I did, it was because I had to do it. It was not by choice. You know I would never wish to harm you. I will find a way to make things right, I swear it. Love always, Roger of Valkynborg.
39, 9 подземелье
(8) You read the message several times, trying to glean some meaning from it, but you are at a total loss. You can make no sense of it. Suddenly, Koltair is beside you, staring at the corpse. You feel like crying, as all your hopes of finding out who you are seem suddenly smashed.
40, 8 подземелье
(9) You kick at the sand in frustration with your good foot. But what did you really expect, a diary, someone to spell it out for you? This woman was murdered, Koltair says absently, jolting your thoughts back to the present. What?? you ask hoarsely.
39, 7 подземелье
(10) Look, he says, pointing at the body. These, he says, indicating the several gaping holes in her abdomen, were done by carrion birds. See the jagged edges of the wounds? Note the missing kidneys, liver, part of the lungs... hmmm. the heart is missing. Not unheard of, but...
38, 6 подземелье
(10) Koltair turns to you. Must have been hungry birds, he quips. You clear your throat in agitation, in no mood for jokes. Sorry, he says Anyway, those were done by birds, as were the wounds on the face.
37, 5 подземелье
(11) But look at this one, he indicates a neat, three inch long cut in the upper abdomen, right below the right breast. No bird did this. A sword, perhaps, maybe a spear. Not the best place to stab someone - that would be the left side. It does the job, though.
38, 4 подземелье
(12) I would imagine she was killed long before the heat got to her, Koltair concludes, standing up. He thinks for a minute and then adds, So, someone wanted her dead, though why they brought her all the way out here to put a blade in her chest is beyond me.
38, 3 подземелье
(13). I know what you're thinking, he continues, indicating the look of horror on your face. But we found no weapons anywhere close to this area, no other bodies. So whoever killed her went back home.
39, 2 подземелье
(14) Anything else? you ask. Only the dead horse some distance to the south, he replies, rubbing his chin. Don't bother, he adds, We checked it the first time through and found nothing. I think it was stolen. Had a broken leg. Both of you are silent for a while.
40, 3 подземелье
(15) Thoughts race through your head
41, 4 подземелье
(16) You frown, unconvinced. Unfolding the letter, you show it to the nomad and ask him if he has any idea who Roger of Valkynborg is. Never heard of him, Koltair replies. Though Valkynborg is a small mountain province in the northern regions of Aryth I believe. So this must be Ellabel?
42, 4 подземелье
(17) After some more trite conversation, the two of you make your way back to your horses. Still interested in accompanying us to Erlos? Koltair asks you. You nod, feeling that going north is the only way you will find anything out. Silently, your party leaves the area, heading north.
43, 4 подземелье
END CHAPTER TWO - Please Proceed until you reach Chapter Three. (Those Gold Dragons seem to be Friendly).
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END CHAPTER THREE - Please proceed underground to chapter four.
54, 8 подземелье
(8) We don't get many chances to have an adventure, Koltair, Grag rumbles. It might be fun. His absentminded thumbing of his blade tells you what kind of fun he has in mind. After another moment of thought, Koltair turns to you. Ok, Apro Mort. We come. But you owe me...
52, 9 подземелье
(6) A risk I am prepared to take, Koltair. Come, let us go. But the nomad doesn't budge. Apro Mort, I cannot go with you. I cannot leave my people to go with you on this dangerous quest. This news is unacceptable, you decide.
51, 9 подземелье
(5) But caves have more than one entrance, do they not? Meaning they have multiple exits. Is it possible the caves might have an exit somewhere north of the border garrison, that we could sneak across? Koltair thinks, and then replies, Possible, but it is a risk...
50, 9 подземелье
(4) Chogosh Caves? you ask, suddenly interested. Koltair shrugs, It is a vast network of caverns along the eastern shore of the Chogosh river, overrun by goblins and other riff-raff for some time. You will not find anything of use there. They'd kill you for just landing near the entrance.
49, 9 подземелье
(3) The Chogosh eventually dumps into the Eren Ocean, many miles to the south. It is not where you want to go, Apro Mort. To either side of the river is nothing but cliffs and dense vegitation. Landing a boat is all but impossible. The only thing you'll find are the Chogosh Caves...
48, 9 подземелье
(2) So Koltair is right - it is a dead end. Can we not just sail north? you ask, to which the nomad replies, The river is too rocky; we wouldn't make it far. You bite your lip in consternation, angry at the Arythian guards who wouldn't let you pass on the road to Erlos. And south? you ask.
47, 9 подземелье
(1) The muddy waters of the Chemosh flow swiftly by as you approach the eastern bank. You stare sadly at the distant western shore, knowing that fording the river is not possible. Jagged peaks rise along the western bank, making you wonder if landing a ship is even possible.
46, 9 подземелье
Chapter Three - The Chemosh River. This chapter contains 8 events.
6, 23 подземелье
The tall spires of Castle Valkyne call out to you as you approach, and you attract a following of loyal peasants, glad to see your return. Swordsmen lining the gate rush out to join your army, all bearing the Golden Conifer that is your house's symbol. If only you could remember this place...
10, 27 подземелье
Valkynborg - Due North <>
89, 6 подземелье
(5) Suddenly, Valan's eyes glow with a fiery light, and smoke seems to seep from his nostrils. Ahhh... he says in ecstasy, Akamaresh fills me with his fiery powers! I shall be invincible. Now, my friend, it was due to your own idiocy and lack of foresight that I lost that Ellabel. I underestimated you, yes that's true. But now, you will not get away, not this time. This, he says with a sneer, the fiery energy spraying from his outstretched hands, shall be the end of Valkynborg. The heat emanating from the Warlock causes Anna to shriek in pain.
89, 5 подземелье
(4) It is so nice, really, Valan says, waving a hand in a wide circle. Akamaresh has allowed me to recruit from the ranks of his hellish minions. That little army of yours will never be able to stand up to mine! And when I've won, I'm going to carve myself a heart from a little child.
88, 4 подземелье
(3) Ah, he bellows, So the Arythian lord finally figured things out. Come for a chance at redemption? Or did you come to seek the gold for yourself? The Warlock's words make little sense to you. Mindless taunts, Koltair assures you while staring coldly at your adversary.
88, 3 подземелье
(2) As if hearing your thoughts, the dark lord of Erlos appears some distance from you, on a ledge jutting from the castle. A young frightened girl is held tightly in his hands- the king's other daughter, you surmise. A wicked grin is painted on the Warlock's face.
87, 2 подземелье
(1) Akamaresh's prison stands like a decayed tooth
86, 1 подземелье
Chapter Ten - The Bowels of Hell. This chapter has 6 events.
80, 1 подземелье
End Chapter 9 - Please Proceed to Chapter 10.
79, 2 подземелье
(13) The method of breaching his seal can be found some distance to the southwest of this castle, from a mage living in a blue tent. You open your mouth to further question him, but Koltair simply turns and walks away. It is now you notice Telemoth's blood is still dripping from his fingers...
80, 3 подземелье
(12) Sometime later, you are informed of Telemoth's death. He was tortured for information, a savage act, yes, but necessary. Koltair was given the duty, which he accepted with grim pleasure. Valan sealed the springs after he snuck in, was all the nomad said when he next saw you.
80, 4 подземелье
(11) You cannot reach him in time, Telemoth laughs, causing blood to spray out of his mouth. Lord Valan will fulfill the prophecy, and the world will fall under his newfound might! You get the sudden urge to kill the creature, but restrain yourself. He may still be useful.
80, 5 подземелье
(10) Where is Valan, you ask, bending down so that your face is onlyt three inches from the creature's bloody bull-nose. You're too late, fool. My lord has left already to find the prison of Akamaresh, and he's taken that pretty little daughter of Sorlan's with him.
80, 6 подземелье
(9) Suddenly, he looks up, his glowing blue eyes studying you intensely. What have we here? you ask sternly. One of the fellows who brought him in replies, Telemoth, their commander. Trying to escape through the back of the castle. The guard kicks the minotaur for good measure.
80, 7 подземелье
(8) With a grunt, they dump their burden at your feet. It is a minotaur, an enormous one at that, wearing finely crafted armor and bleeding from several vicious wounds. The creature is heaving, coughing up blood, struggling to hold on to life.
80, 8 подземелье
(7) Muffled human voices lessen your alarm, and eventually you see it is your own men, dragging something through another door to the throneroom. They struggle with the weight, and you crane your neck to see what it is that they have captured.
81, 9 подземелье
(6) A massive battle happened in here. Minotaurs by the dozens lie dead and bleeding on the dais upon which sits a jet black throne. A last stand, you decide. Suddenly, from across the room, a door bangs open. Your sword jerks free, echoed by your guardsmen.
80, 10 подземелье
(5) You finally arrive at the throne room, and with a cautious hand you hold Koltair back. Though thirsting to avenge Grag, he must not be allowed to plunge carelessly into danger. The massive doors open, revealing a large room littered with corpses and clutter.
79, 10 подземелье
(4) But now, as you march towards Undearth's throne room, your nomad friend wears a face carved from obsidian with an angry glare so dark and intent that you wouldn't be surprised to see it splinter wood. Koltair ignores your questions, concentrating only on finding Valan.
78, 10 подземелье
(3) And for all the enemy knew, he might have been a servant of the underworld. Koltair was a tempest of fury in the battle, darting from one place to another and spreading carnage like a raging bull. Hundreds of enemy creatures must have perished by the stroke of his blade.
77, 10 подземелье
(2) By what stroke of luck has the warlock Valan slipped from your grasp yet again? You look to Koltair. The nomad is a sight. Covered in blood and gore and carrying an obsidian black serrated sword, he looks more like a servant of the underworld than one of your knights.
76, 10 подземелье
(1) In anger, you and Koltair storm down the hallway of Undearth's main keep, a handful of rigid guards trailing behind you. The floor is littered with dead bodies and rubble. Although the enemy surrendered but twenty minutes ago, you feel like you've been searching for hours.
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Chapter Nine - Escaped. This chapter contains 13 events.
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End, Chapter Eight. Please Proceed to Chapter Nine.
67, 9 подземелье
(8) The plan seems farfetched, but at this point, you don't have much to lose. You thank the water spirit for his help. The face smiles and then the water separates into its constituent streams. Once again, the beautiful shrine is drowned in the sounds of flowing water and chirping birds.
66, 8 подземелье
(7) It is said that he has found a way to make creatures of your element more compatible with our own. If you possessed this knowledge, you might find through water a different way into this fortress of which you speak. It is worth a try, if nothing else.
65, 7 подземелье
(6) Not too long ago, a group of Alchemists stole an item of great power from us to aid them in their art. They live not too far to the west, and store this item of ours in their workshop. If you were to bring this item to the Waterwizard who lives to the south, he could teach you many things.
65, 6 подземелье
(5) The figure thinks for a moment, and then replies, Water has carved a home for itself underneath this earth, and our networks are great. Many things can be found by following our wanderings. But you are not of our element, and would find traveling difficult.
65, 5 подземелье
(4) We search for a way to Undearth, the fortress underground. The main entrance is too heavily guarded. Do you know of another way in?
66, 5 подземелье
(3) Title? you ask, to which the elemental replies, For your services to our element, you have gained the eternal friendship of our kind. Please, you seem distressed. What has brought you all the way out here? Is there nothing we can do to help?
67, 4 подземелье
(2) You stare at the face in confusion. As if anticipating your question, the voice answers, Water flows to all corners of the Earth, mortal. Information is carried in it quickly. Inshamam informed us of her gift to you long ago. It has been ages since the title has been bestowed upon a mortal.
68, 4 подземелье
(1) The coalescing waters once again form into the shape of a face, and you are no less astounded by the magical feat than you were the first. The elemental speaks, this time in the graceful timbre of a youthful male. Mortal, you are a friend of water? I had to see it to believe it!
69, 4 подземелье
Chapter Eight - A Friend. This Chapter contains eight events.
63, 2 подземелье
Chapter Seven - Down Under. This Chapter Contains 7 Events.
64, 2 подземелье
(1) The moss covered walls prove little challenge for your men with their scaling ladders and massive siege engines. The battle is decided in little over an hour, with your army the clear victor. You ride amongst the post-battle chaos, surveying the destruction that your army has wrought.
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(2) After a few minutes of riding, gazing at the smoldering buildings and corpses strewn about the inner courtyard of the castle, you take notice of Koltair struggling towards you, carrying a mortally injured Grag on his shoulders.
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(3) The wounded nomad is barely conscious when Koltair lays him at your feet. Your friend's eyes gaze at you with watery sorrow. He wanted to thank you for a good adventure, Koltair manages to say between silent sobs. Grag simply coughs and sputters and dies.
67, 2 подземелье
(4) You lay a consoling hand on Koltair's shoulder after getting down from your horse. I'm sorry. This is my fault. But the nomad shrugs. It is not your fault. We chose to accompany you. But I certainly shall avenge his death. It is our way...
68, 2 подземелье
(5) Though you don't want to change the subject, you feel compelled to acquire information. Any idea of the whereabouts of Valan or the lord of this castle? you ask. Koltair seems distracted. The Lord of the castle has been killed, I fear. You will glean no information from her.
69, 2 подземелье
(6) But, he adds, Her soldiers say that Valan has retreated to his underground fortress, Undearth. The entrance can be found to the south.
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(7) Then Undearth is where we go, you proclaim. Take time to bury your friend and inform the troops. We leave immediately.
71, 2 подземелье
END Chapter 7 - Please Proceed to Chapter 8
26, 10 подземелье
(18) Koltair takes note of your concern. Just a precaution. Would you like one? You nod absently. Something gives you the feeling that you were never a dunce with a blade. Do not worry, Koltair says, handing you a tarnished shortsword. We'll find out who you are in Erlos.
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(6) Without thought, Koltair yells, TO BATTLE!! Valan seems to welcome your advance with a smile. And with that, the conflagration begins.
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END of Chapter TEN. Please Proceed to the Town of Finisio.
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North - Crossvein Caverns (The Sunken Kingdom) Keep out!
76, 83 подземелье
These Ogres look friendly enough!
56, 25 подземелье
Saria Lor
7, 6 подземелье
Nothing Event
(Mapmaker's Note
Золотой дракон
44, 8 подземелье
We have been ordered to follow you, noble Storyteller, to protect you from the perils ahead. Sometimes, creatures wander to the Path of Time. Algemosh the Seer wouldn't want your task to be interrupted by such instances of bad luck.
54, 69 подземелье
This HOMM3 Map was created by Timothy Duncan. Please email me with comments or questions at [email protected].
6, 22 подземелье
32, 86 подземелье
The Alchemists do not take kindly to your intrusion. Before you can blink, their creations seem to come at you in swarms. Amidst the confusion, you see the glimmering of a blue orb clutched in the hands of one of your enemies. You must have that orb!
14, 42 подземелье
7, 9 подземелье
Greetings, noble Story Teller. You have been summoned by Algemosh, the Lord of Tales, to recite the story of our unknown hero to the Observer from the other side of the Great Glass Barrier, He Who Sits on the Chair. He who even now looks down upon our world with interest in our affairs.
7, 8 подземелье
The Narrator
53, 9 подземелье
(7) Koltair, you say, looking him in the eye. I cannot do this without you. Please, come with me. I will find some way to make it worth your while. I beg you. The nomad turns to his men and gives them a questioning look. One large one, named Grag, nods his head.
100, 9 подземелье
Celestial Navigator! You have done your job admirably, a voice echoes, He Who Sits on the other side of the Great Glass Barrier has followed your tale well. Rest now, for though our hero's journey has just begun, yours is almost over. For now.... (Proceed to the Epilogue after the final battle.)
100, 7 подземелье
EPILOGUE - The Demon Within I'm sorry, Roger said, holding up to King Sorlan the tattered piece of Anna's clothing. But there was nothing I could.. She was already dead. I... At a loss of words that made sense, the Lord of Valkynborg fell silent. The Arythian King took the scrap of cloth and stared at it almost fearfully, as if it was a viper. It was Anna's favorite night-gown, given to her by her mother several years earlier before the elder woman had died of consumption. I picked it out. Deep green like the color of Anna's eyes, Sorlan muttered, rubbing the gossamer fabric between his shaking fingers. So smooth... The king closed his tired eyes and let his fingers caress the flawless piece of cloth, as if he could divine his daughter's last words from it. Suddenly, Sorlan's eyes opened, and they turned to Roger. The Lord of Valkynborg shied away from his liquid blue orbs, suddenly feeling ashamed of the fact that for the second time he had brought the king news of the death of a daughter. As if it some how made it Roger's fault. But the King did not lash out in anger or remorse. He simply stared at his vassal with reflection, thinking of something meaningful to say. Finally, Sorlan spoke, his voice faltering from his tears and sorrow. How? was all he said at first, choking on the word as if it was a piece of rotten fruit. How has this happened? It was my fault, Roger sighed. I was not fast enough, could not stop it from happening. Valan was too quick, too determined to free the spirit Akamaresh. And what about the fiend Valan? What of him? Is there no body you can bring me? Sorlan said coldly, clutching now to his daughter's tattered clothing with white-knuckled fists. Clearly, he sought some object on which to focus his distress, something that he could point at and say, Yes, that is the thing that has hurt me. But now I shall hurt it back. Roger felt a pang of regret that he could not at least offer his king this much. It hurt him so to see Sorlan so upset, and he wished dearly that he had something with which to assuage his friend's sorrow. Emptyhanded, Roger turned to excuses. I'm sorry, he said again, pleading with his king to understand. It was... horrible. I can't describe... he is dead, Roger finally says. Dead. That is all that matters. The lord of Valkynborg turned away, the vision of Valan's last moment still haunting him. How? Tell me. I would know this, the King urged. Roger shook his head, unwilling - unable - to conjure forth the words necessary to describe it. The memories clouded his every thought, and for the last two days since the incident he had been unable to sleep. The words Valan had spoken, the last blood-filled curses. It was too much, the anguish was to great. My king, please, Roger implored, Do not force me-- Tell me, dammit. As your king I will have this information! Sorlan nearly screamed, slamming down his fist in rage. Roger bowed his head. Arguing was pointless. The King would have his story, no matter what he had to do to get it. Heaving a sigh, Roger began to speak. The battle went smoothly, he said. Akamaresh gave Valan the use of his minions of fire, for some reason, but my own army was too great. Before three hours had passed, we stormed the gates of that unholy citadel. But to our dismay, the battle was just a ruse, a device meant to give Valan time to begin the ritual with which he hoped to free the evil spirit Akamaresh from his eternal prison... Roger of Valkynborg scrambled across the jagged rocks that led down to the Aurespi Springs, Koltair stumbling along awkwardly behind him. As soon as they had stormed the castle of fire, Roger realized the ruse. Valan had outsmarted him again. Taking advantage of the confusion of battle, the lord of Erlos had escaped the compound and fled west towards the Aurespi Springs, wherein the essence of Akamaresh laid in waiting. Struggling to no avail against the unnatural strength of her captive, Annabel, daughter of Sorlan, cried in pain and confusion as she was dragged towards the place of sacrifice. Roger ran as fast as he safely could over the uneven ground of the cavern, but could not seem to lessen the distance between himself and his target. Koltair, carrying his heavier sword and shield, lumbered along behind, more focused on the object of his wrath than keeping his balance. Finally, the cavern opened up, and Roger suddenly came to a halt. Koltair nearly crashed into him. Roger had never seen a place so beautiful. The underground lake, the Aurespi Springs, was a study in tranquility. Crystal clear blue water filled the large cavernous room and trickled down in the form of quaint waterfalls from small streams near the ceiling. The omnipresent light that came from no identifiable source was reflected in bizzare patterns from the surface of the lake, throwing sparkling and morphing shapes upon the walls and ceiling. The air smelled sweet and crisp, like a morning mist, and the soothing sound of water lapping up against a rocky shore soothed the very bones of the two onlookers, Roger and Koltair. Indeed, for several seconds, they completely forgot the frantic screams of the king's daughter. The sound of monotonic chanting brought them back to the present. Valan was weaving his spell! A renewed sense of desperation filled the two heroes as they ran clumsily down the narrow path cut into the rock around the perimeter of the chamber that housed the underground lake. Roger and Koltair dodged jagged stalagmites and rock pillars until they finally reached the bottom of the unnatural staircase, a large, flat rock platform that extended out some distance into the clear waters. Beyond the end of the platform, some twenty feet away, Roger could see the focus of power of this place, a large ring of stones jutting up from the still water. Valan stood facing these stones, waving his arms in circles and chanting in some arcane tongue. Anna, paralyzed with fear, cowered on the ground a few feet from the sorcerer. Neither of them seemed to notice or care about the presence of Koltair and Roger. With a mixture of stealth and speed, the lord of Valkynborg attempted to get closer to the King's daughter, tried to capture her attention while remaining unseen by Valan. In the second part he succeeded, and Anna was wise enough to not try to get up and run over to her saviors. However, the first part failed miserably, as he collided with a deep thud with an invisible wall of air. Pain surged through his arms and legs as small bolts of energy arced from the magical barrier to his vulnerable limbs. With grunt of pain, he threw himself backwards and landed in a heap. Koltair ran up to Roger to offer help if he needed it, but the barrier was meant more as a preventive measure than an offensive one. Roger sat up nearly instantly, but the damage had been done. While Anna craned her neck, trying to see what had happened, Valan turned, a wicked smile on his face. Foolish man, he sneered. You insult my intelligence. To think that I wasn't aware of you sneaking after me like a wounded dog trying to steal meat from a lion. Pah... but I'm glad you've joined us. You can watch me become the wealthiest, most powerful man in the world. Anna whimpered and called out to Roger for help, standing up in the process. With a roar, Valan lashed out with an arm and smashed his magic-filled fist into the side of her face. Silence, child. You'll have your moment on the stage in a minute! Sorlan's daughter flew back from the force and crumpled on the floor like a caved-in melon. Valan chuckled and turned back to his incantation, calling upon the forces of fire and water. Roger yelled and screamed, but the wall of air prevented him from advancing. Koltair studied the invisible barrier with silent consternation, biting his lip in thought. These two men were not sorcerers. They had no chance of breaking Valan's spell. All they could do was watch as the warlock gathered his magical power. The air around Valan seemed to thicken, turning into invisible mud. The water contained in the stone circle began to bubble and steam, turning a bright red color. Light from the depths of the lake burst from the turbulent waters in visible rays, striking the roof of the cavern with a bang. As the spell grew in intensity, so did Valan's chanting. He sounded like a madman, speaking gibberish and flailing about like a fish. Yet Roger and Koltair could feel the growing power, a tingling that made their hairs stand on end. Suddenly, the entire cavern lurched, and Roger was thrown to his feet. Time seemed to shatter for instant, and space seemed to bend. Valan shouted even louder, concluding his spell. The waters parted with a hiss, and the creature rose from the lake with a deep bellow. Valan fell back a step as Akamaresh studied his conjurer and flexed his long-unused muscles. The fire spirit resembled an Efreet in form, with the red torso of a man suspended upon a maelstrom of fire and energy. The water of the lake shied away from the spirit, like similar poles of a magnet. Steam rose from the boiling waters with a noise that seemed to drown out thought itself. Fire mixed with the growing mist, jumping from the spirit's body as if alive. But nothing prepared Roger for the sound of the spirit's voice, which was loud enough that he had to clutch his ears. Who is it that has called me forth? Akamaresh bellowed. I have slept for a millenium, maybe three. Why now have I been disturbed? Valan backed away, hesitant for a moment. Then purpose filled him, and he grabbed Anna by the arm, jerking her to her feet. From somewhere in his robes, he produced a long, curved blade, something that looked similar to a sickle. An angry gleam filled his eyes, and he smiled. Akamaresh simply watched with amusement. He had seen this before. Anna was so frightened that her knees wouldn't support her, and Valan had to actually hold her up. Roger guessed Valan's intent immediately. With a cry, he smashed into the invisible wall. He would not fail his king a second time. He had to rescue her. The magical energy in turn smashed into him, throwing him back. Again, he ran against it, joined this time by Koltair. But the wall wouldn't budge. If Akamaresh noticed the two mortals banging on the magical force field, he didn't show it. He just smiled, his arms folded across his chest like a referee. And then the deed was done. Time seemed to slow down for Roger. His arms dropped to his sides. Koltair continued to bang violently on the wall, causing sparks and jagged forks of energy to spray out, but Roger didn't notice. His knees grew weak, and he collapsed. Valan lifted his bloody prize into the air, like a knight showing off a trophy after the joust. But all Roger noticed were Anna's eyes, pale, fearful, lacking understanding, the life draining out of them. She stared at Roger from across the platform and reached out weakly. Did she mouth the word, Please.? The gaze cut into him like a knife, and he cried out where she could not. And then she collapsed, dead, with a thud. A thud that may as well have been a block of steel falling on Roger's head. Sudden memories flooded Roger's mind. Clearly, the youthful face of Ellabel presented itself before him. It was so close, so realistic. He reached out to touch it. Can you touch a memory? Her eyes, so clear to him. So green, like her sister's. Like her sister's gown, now soaked with blood. He remembered seeing her, seeing her fall to the ground after the life had been cut from her. Suddenly he realized, he had been there, watching, when she had been murdered. Why hadn't he tried to help her? Her eyes implored him, asked him to come to her rescue. Why? they asked him. Why don't you help me? Roger struggled to remember, to pull details, but all he could see was her face, her shocked face. Had he been injured? Was he simply afraid? Too many assailants? Why? Koltair had stopped pounding. His fists were bloody from the effort. He seemed not to notice, only staring at Roger, who with his clenched fists clutched his skull. The tears flowed from the Valkynian's eyes like streams. What happened in the desert might forever remain a mystery. I will find whoever killed her, Roger vowed to himself silently, I will find them and stab them until there was nothing left to stab. A sudden voice he recognized brought Roger from his memories. He looked up. Valan stood proudly, holding the bleeding organ above his head. Akamaresh regarded him with a bored expression on his face. In fact, he seemed to be pouting. Valan's confidence wavered. He was confused. So were Roger and Koltair. I had hoped, Akamaresh said finally, That we could have talked a bit. I've been cooped up for over a thousand years, and you go right off and do something foolish. Why is it you mortals always put business before pleasure? I have brought you the heart of a mortal who is of the purest line. Here it is, fresh. I give it to you! You are free! Now, I demand the gold that is mine! Where is it? You demand nothing! Akamaresh roared, his humor suddenly gone. Fire flared from his eyes, causing Valan to jump backwards. You saw the gold. It is cursed. It always will be. I don't understand, Valan replied. I have fulfilled the prophecy. I have done everything right! You have done nothing right. Like countless mortals before you, you have done everything wrong. You underestimate the foresight of the gods who placed me here. And now, also like countless mortals before you, you shall pay for your mistakes with your life. Almost instantly, Akamaresh reached out and grabbed the stunned warlock. Valan let out a scream as the spirit's fiery hands burnt into his flesh. The heart he held so proudly fell to the ground with a sickening splat. Without a second thought, Akamaresh tore the sorcerer in half, and then in halves again. Roger shut his eyes and the sound of tearing flesh and breaking bones echoed throughout the cavern. Valan's last curdled scream was cut short as the spirit smashed his skull in the palm of his hand. The smell of burnt flesh stung Roger's nostrils, and when he opened his eyes again, there was nothing left of the lord of Erlos except a smear of blood and entrails and a badly charred arm. With a fizzle of energy, the wall of air dissipated, its source of power eradicated. Roger lurched forward towards the body of Anna. He held it in his arms, as if his wishes would bring her back. Koltair simply walked up to the last remaining limb of Valan and kicked it roughly into the water with frustration. He felt robbed. He had wanted to be the one to tear Valan apart, literally. Again, Akamaresh looked upon the mortals without speaking, content to watch them. Letting go of Anna's body, Roger stood up to face the evil spirit, who regarded him with amusement. I don't understand, he said, voice shaky, I can't complain with what you did to Valan, but why didn't you grant him what he asked. What kind of treachery is this? Do you not wish to pick up the heart and try for yourself? Akamaresh said, changing the subject. He once again seemed bored. Roger glanced at the bloody mass and turned away, sickened. No gold is worth that. No, he said simply, staring at Anna's corpse with sadness. Ahh, this is new, Akamaresh said with surprise. Very well, he sighed, I shall tell you. For thousands of years, men have been seeking my gold on a poor interpretation. It is not the heart of one who is pure that you must carry before me. You must have a heart of purity yourself. Only to this man may I give my gold and earn my release. But naturally, that will never come to pass, for by my own actions I ensured that a pure man would never exist. Simply put, the gods outsmarted me. They have trapped me here forever. I simply wait for the next man carrying the bloody heart of one who is supposedly pure. The only pleasure I ever get anymore is killing them and seeing the shocked looks on their faces when I rip off their heads. But what about me? I am pure, Roger said. A tight smile forms on Akamaresh's face. Now THAT is funny. Roger's features scrunched in confusion, I don't understand. Nobody is pure, was all Akamaresh said in reply. Now, go. If you stay too long, I may find reason to slay you, as I am bound to do by the decree of the gods. Never come back here. I grow tired of the death, even though it sometimes brings me pleasure. I am not evil, I am just weary. The gods didn't understand what I did, why I did it. Neither will you. Now, please, leave me.. Roger nodded, unsure of the meaning of Akamaresh's words. The fire spirit's form suddenly wavered, and then began to sink back into the water. Steam once again rose from the lake as Akamaresh was drawn back into its depths. Remember, he said before his head disappeared beneath the waves, You are all greedy. I made you that way. The cavern became suddenly dark and cold. Koltair reached for the body of Anna, but Roger grabbed his hand. No, he said. We bury her here. Koltair did not question his friend, and silently they cast her out into the water. Now, let us leave this place. Without looking back to make sure Koltair was following, Roger began to climb back up to where his army was now waiting. Sorlan sat for several minutes in silence, staring at nothing. It was good of you to bury her body, he said finally. I would not have been able to bear the sight of her. Roger simply nodded. I wonder why Akamaresh told you the truth about his term of prison. Surely nobody will attempt to gain access to his prison once your story is known. Roger shakes his head. No, others will try, as greed bends and refracts the delicate light of sensibility. I think he regrets his actions, and has tired of the killing. As all things good are not always truly good, perhaps all things evil are not truly evil. Perhaps, Sorlan replied. Silence then fell over the room. It was just the King and Roger, now, up late at night. The candles burnt low in their holders, the light flickering unevenly about the room. Roger considered the man next to him, his King, supposedly one of his best friends, and yet he didn't even feel he knew him. What other things don't I remember? Roger thought. I don't blame you, Roger. My daughters died at the hands of a madman. It was out of your hands. I believe there was nothing you could do, Sorlan said, laying a hand on Roger's. The Lord of Valkynborg tried to smile, to thank the king, but Akamaresh's words weighed heavily upon him, and he was forced to question the very things he, and other humans believe in. What dark secrets did any of us carry around? You said only a few people would have known how to kidnap Ellabel. Do you think...? Roger tried to pose his question. Sorlan shook his head, No, Roger. Impossible. Do not think of such things. You loved her dearly, you ran after her to save her. Just because you witnessed her death doesn't mean anything. Besides, what reason would you have had to kill her in the desert. Likely you rescued her and fled south in the hopes of eluding Valan's armies, but were unsuccessful. But what if.. just what if I was the one who kidnapped her? Perhaps I brought her to Valan, only to find I couldn't go through with it? Does that make me an evil person? I'll never know. Think no more on this, my friend. It was out of your control. I remember the day you left, how you cried. You are not the type to commit such crimes. Now, you have a castle to run, people that need you. Return to Valkynborg. We shall have plenty of time to catch up later. By the way, where did Koltair get to? I wanted to thank him for all of his help in returning you to us. He wanted to leave to get back to his people. They deserved to hear the news of his friends' deaths, Roger replied. He says he will come back to visit. Roger then thanked the King and took his leave, thinking about the past events as he left. Sorlan watched him go, holding in his hands the tattered remnants of his daughter's clothing. He laid his head on the table, and thought of Anna and Ellabel. Such cruel games, the gods play with men's lives. Such cruel games... Some distance to the south, Koltair rode his horse at a fast gait. Past Erlos, he rode, where people looked about with fear. Where had their Lord gone to? Into the desert, he rode, under the great fortifications who now let him pass unhindered. He spent a good deal of time crying, for Grag, for his friends who died because of one man's quest for power, for the King who lost his daughters, for Roger who would never know who he was. The tears dried almost instantly in the hot, arid winds of the desert. Many things evaporated in the desert
100, 8 подземелье
Wait here until After the final battle.
70, 89 суша
The group of ogres spot you immediately and charge. You are prepared for the attack, but not for their ferocity. Why do they defend this grassy hallway to tenaciously? The thought leaves your head as you ready yourself for combat.
68, 94 суша
You surprise a small group of goblins, and attack before they have a chance to sound an alarm.
84, 96 суша
Suddenly you are thrown to your feet by a deafening crash. Out of one of the walls explodes an enormous beast, some twenty feet tall. Koltair rears his horse and fumbles for his sword as the enormous creature dashes towards you with incredible speed.
60, 41 суша
The Tomb
Посещение Некромант:
62, 45 суша
The Tomb
46, 24 суша
More skeletons emerge from this ruined old building. They attack without hesitation.
Скелет воин
42, 26 суша
The skeletons attack mindlessly as you begin to chop them down. Dozens of them emerge from the blackened rock and you quickly find yourself overwhelmed. Where are all these undead coming from?
69, 100 суша
The musty smell of fungus and the reverberating echoes of dripping water assail you. The pitch blackness is interupted only by the sporadic appearance of sputtering torches set to rusty brackets in the stone walls. Orc and goblin voices resonate in the distance. Was this a mistake, you wonder?
Бездонный кошель золота
8, 27 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
6, 27 суша
The gems, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems these gems are cursed!
27, 96 суша
CrossVein Caverns
Золотой дракон
6, 26 суша
The dragons stare at you mindlessly as you cautiously approach. Suddenly, they all take flight, and fly straight towards your army. You should have listened to Koltair.... this gold is protected by the gods!
Бездонная сума золота
3, 29 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
7, 29 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
25, 77 суша
69, 58 суша
Portal to the River of Shame/Chemosh Cavern
7, 89 суша
Ящик Пандоры
95, 68 суша
The box opens gently, and you are surprised to see it is filled with swirling water of the purest blue. Suddenly, beings, Water Elementals, materialize from the depths of the magic box. Friend of Water, one intones, Allow us to join your ranks, and partake of our treasures.
Ящик Пандоры
99, 68 суша
The box explodes as you open it, sending waves of heat and fire searing through your army. Men cry out in anguish as their flesh is melted off their body by the magical flames. You manage to regroup your fleeing men, only to be confronted by an army of magical elementals.
Ящик Пандоры
99, 71 суша
The box explodes as you open it, sending gusts of wind tearing through your body. Suddenly, beings materialize out of the magic air. You scream in agony as they buffet you and your army into a bloody mess.
Ящик Пандоры
95, 71 суша
The box explodes as you open it, sending rocks and chunks of metal flying through your army. Blood and gore spray everywhere as your army is torn to shreds by the earthly shrapnel. You manage to survive, barely, only to find the Earth taking the shape of men... and they seem to be surrounding you.
98, 68 суша
Fire Corner
96, 68 суша
Water Corner
96, 71 суша
Earth Corner
98, 71 суша
Air Corner
6, 67 суша
22, 47 суша
Верховный лорд
22, 51 суша
20, 60 суша
Portal Direct to Castle Caryngton - FOR INVASION ONLY
70, 96 суша
The narrow cave opens up into a large surprisingly well lit chamber. In the distance, large trees and flowing grasses can be seen. You turn to Koltair questioningly, and he replies, This cave used to be a Shrine to Water, he says, but has long since been overrun by vermin.
74, 83 суша
You are amazed at the thickness of the vegetation. Clearly some remnant of the power of Water still lingers in the caves. How else could these plants be nourished? The Ogres and Goblins worship the God of Bones, Koltair breaks in, whom they believe lives in these caves.
75, 83 суша
That's why they fight so fervently, the nomad continues. Whether or not Chemosh exists is a mystery - nobody has seen him and lived, but rumors suggest he is a massive beast that eats the bones of his victims. My guess is these monsters have just been worshiping some savage creature..
84, 97 суша
So much for Chemosh, the God of Bones, Koltair quips. I figured that some beast had just scared those Goblins and Ogres into thinking it a deity. Perhaps we will find something useful in the creature's treasure hoard, which must be around here somewhere.
89, 98 суша
Chained to the side of the building is a frightened woman. Koltair cuts the chain with a powerful swing of his broadsword. They were going to feed me to that monster! she cries. She gives you a medallion as a token of thanks, and says that none of the goblins would go north of here.
93, 90 суша
The narrow valley opens up into a lush cavern filled with running water and dense plantlife. A thick wet mist floats upon the ground like the breath of giants, and long, cautious tendrils reach towards your legs as if by purpose. You swear that you can even hear birds chirping.. what is this place?
94, 86 суша
Your feet sink into the muddy ground as you walk, making loud sucking noises as you make your way to the central structure. High pressure jets of hot water spray from large holes in the underlying rock, forming a beautiful fountain. You approach cautiously. (Read Chapter Four, Please).
35, 27 суша
An overpowering blast of hot air almost knocks you off your feet. Rivers of lava flow sluggishly through narrow valleys between erupting volcanoes. Hot magma is blasted into the air at incredible speed, and the smell of sulfur is almost choking. In the distance, blurred forms lumber about.
47, 31 суша
The River of Shame
61, 44 суша
Ahead of you, a large gothic structure stands among the charred trees and malevolent volcanoes like a petrified corpse. Whatever heathenous creature rules these undead creatures must be exterminated, and with the troops you've amassed, it might just be possible.
66, 48 суша
The dark waters flow by quickly. Strange scaly creatures swim in the murky depths of this underground river, easily seen by their pale, luminescent bodies. You wisely stay towards the middle of the boat. Where ever there is flowing water, Koltair mumbles, There is daylight.
23, 94 суша
In the distance you can make out a well guarded fortification. We are not powerful enough to storm those gates, Koltair says simply. Reluctantly, you are forced to agree. There must be another way into Valan's fortress. But where could it be?
46, 68 суша
The water flows by swiftly in the darkness of the cavern. On the other side of the river, this passage continues, but you see no possible way to cross the estuary. The water is too deep and too cold and the river is too wide. You wonder where the river leads...
97, 67 суша
The border guard disappears, giving you access to Valan's secret vault. Expecting mounds of gold and gems, you are surprised to see that the room contains only four simple looking boxes. What ruse is this? Be wary, Roger, Koltair warns, grabbing your arm.
31, 80 суша
What's this? you ask yourself as you come upon a small stone structure. A few lazy creatures stand atop it, their bows leaning against the walls out of reach. Could this be another way into Valan's stronghold? You could disppose of the guards with almost no trouble at all!
22, 56 суша
Beyond this gate lies Valan's main fortress, Undearth. Finally, the time has come to put to rest whatever vile scheme Valan Erloen has planned. In the distance, you can see giant winged beasts - dragons assuredly - circling the castle. Whatever his faults, Valan is anything but unprepared.
22, 48 суша
From atop the fortress, a lone minotaur shouts down to your waiting army. Foolish knight, he laughs. I am Telemoth, High Lord of Undearth. My Lord Valan Erloen doesn't wish to speak to you at the moment. Be gone! (Please Read Chapter 9 After the Battle).
12, 75 суша
Undearth - North The Treasury - South
101, 4 суша
Посещение Еретик:
Buildings for Orange
Creatures for Valan
47, 4 суша
Chatper Four - Water Shrine. This Chapter contains 10 events.
46, 4 суша
(1) As you come closer to the fountain, the jets of water seem to shift slightly, and, as if by magic, the water forms into the shape of a face. You reach out tentatively, touching the figure gently with a cautious finger. Though steaming, the water is cool and pleasant, almost inviting.
45, 4 суша
(2) Suddenly, a hollow, soothing female voice speaks to you. The sound is intoxicating, and seems to come from far away, although you can't place a direction. Surely, it doesn't come from the watery face in front of you. Greetings, mortal friends, the voice intones.
44, 4 суша
(3) The nomads stare about in awe, although Koltair could be a statue for the amount of emotion that appears on his face. You have my utmost gratitude. My home has been infested by those creatures for years. Please, speak, young human male. Ask of me what you want.
43, 4 суша
(4) Without thinking, you blurt out, Who are you? Silently, you curse yourself for your lack of control. This is like a genie's wish, not to be wasted frivolously. Whoever this is, she might be able to answer real questions. I am Inshamam, a Water Spirit. I sustain the essence of water.
42, 3 суша
(5) But surely, there is something I can give you? Inshamam adds. The words come to your mouth without thought, Can you tell me who I am? The face contorts into gentle laughter. Mortal, I am not privy to information such as that. Surely, you must know your own name?
41, 3 суша
(6) Not wanting to tell your long, sad story, you ignore Inshamam's question and pose another of your own. Then can you tell me how I might find my way into Aryth? Is there another exit to this cave? Silence for a moment, accompanied by a blurring of the watery face. And then it is back.
40, 3 суша
(7) Yes, mortal. My home is large, and leads to many places. Behind me I have created a portal for you. It will take you to another cave, that has an exit into the great nation of Aryth. Be warned, however, that my power to protect you does not extend where this portal takes you.
39, 3 суша
(8) The cave beyond is infested by the most foul creatures. Not even alive, they are. Tread carefully. Now, is there nothing else I may offer you? You think for a moment, but can think of nothing, so you tell the water spirit no.
38, 3 суша
(9) A humble creature you are, the voice echoes more softly, Then so be it. I wish you luck on your journey. In gratitude for your help, I have ordered my minions the elementals of water to aid you in your quest. If you should find any, do not fear. They will aid you as they can.
37, 3 суша
(10) You thank the water spirit for her generosity. A faint smile forms on the lips of the shimmering face before the jets diverge and the water sprays as it did beforehand. A heavy peace descends upon you, and you feel rejuvenated. To the north, a portal shimmers.
36, 3 суша
End Chapter Four. Please proceed to Chapter Five and wait for instructions.
31, 4 суша
Chapter Five - Valan Erloen. This Chapter has 19 Events.
30, 4 суша
(1) The gates of Erlos lie open in welcome, as they almost always are during the daytime. As the south's most important trading center, the city offers easy access to merchants from all lands, and, not surprisingly, the law is not too discriminating about who can and cannot enter.
29, 4 суша
(2) You leave most of your small army outside the city, and take only Koltair and his remaining men with you. Not knowing really where you are going, Koltair suggests that you find a tavern, as that is usually the best place to find information, sometimes for a price. You agree.
28, 4 суша
(3) You enter the first bar that you come upon, a dusty old watering hole with a rough wooden floor and a fat bartender wearing a grease-stained white undershirt. He eyes you disinterestedly as you approach the bar. Wad'l it be, he belches. Two beers, you reply.
27, 3 суша
(4) The oily man returns with two dirty mugs filled with warm, watered down brew. Anythin' else? he asks. Just a question, do you know where I might acquire information? Nevermind what it's about, just do you know? You lay several silver coins on the table to get a little honesty.
26, 3 суша
(5) Well, he says, Lord Valan holds audiences today in his castle, as required by the new law of King Sorlan. He might be able to help ya. Without another word, the bartender grabs the coins and stuffs them in his pocket. You leave the tavern, not finishing your drink.
25, 3 суша
(6) With some difficulty, you and Koltair and the other nomads make your way through the crowded city streets. People mill about merchants' tables and colorful wagons that peddle wares of all types. The noise and congestion is nauseating and you almost feel sick. Is that the castle ahead?
24, 2 суша
(7) Finally, you arrive at the main keep of Erlos, an ugly old square building some three stories tall constructed of dirty red stone. The guards wave you through the entryway without paying you a second thought, though they make Koltair and his men leave their swords.
23, 2 суша
(8) The inside of the Castle Erlos is little more decorated than the outside, the halls bare and the floor worn from centuries of mailed feet. This is a military stronghold, you decide, not one built for comfort. You follow the few people in front of you, also headed for the audience chambers.
22, 3 суша
(9) The hallway eventually opens up into a spacious room lined with old statues and drab tapestries. You expected the audience chamber to be brimming with people, but are happy to find there are only a few people in line. After only several minutes, you are signaled to approach.
21, 3 суша
(10) Lord Valan Erloen is a dark looking man, with short black hair that covers a stern but pale face. He is handsome in a stark and menacing way. The touch of gray at his temples and the tip of his beard makes him appear just a little old, and matches the cold blue tabard he is wearing.
20, 3 суша
(11) The Lord of Erlos studies you intently, a look of concentration on his face. Does he recognize you? My Lord Erloen, you say, bowing clumsily, I've come to ask you for information. It seems a most dreadful accident happened to me in the desert to the south.
19, 3 суша
(12) I can remember nothing, and if it weren't for these kind men here with me, you indicate Koltair and his men, I fear I would be dead now. They have said that you might be able to answer some questions about who I am or where I came from.
18, 2 суша
(13) Again a look of confusion washes over his dark features. A brief pause, and then he says, in a shockingly smooth and unctuous voice, My Lord Roger? Roger of Valkynborg? Could that be you? You look to Koltair for support. The same Roger in Ellabel's note?
17, 1 суша
(14) All you can do is shrug stupidly. I didn't recognize you by your sunburnt face and sunwashed hair. I never thought to see you again! Imagine my surprise! Valan stands up excitedly, a broad smile on his face. Come, come. We shall talk. You must be famished.
16, 1 суша
(15) The Lord Erloen cancels the rest of the scheduled audience time for the day and takes you down the hall to a massive dining room. Food is ordered, which arrives almost instantly. You devour it ravenously, realizing you haven't eaten since breakfast.
15, 1 суша
(16) The look on Valan's face is intent upon you as you eat, as if trying to figure you out. Finally, you sit back from your meal, stuffed. Sensing your attention on him, he says, It is good to see you , Roger, but if I may ask, where is Ellabel, and why have you returned?
14, 2 суша
(17) You give Valan a blank look. Then, you remember... I'm sorry, you say sadly, But Ellabel is dead. We found her murdered about 10 miles from where I collapsed. So she is connected to me? I feared as much. I found this on her, but know not what it means. You hand him the note.
13, 2 суша
(18) Valan looks completely shocked. The Princess is dead? Oh, this is terrible news indeed. He takes the note and reads it over several times. A moment of silence, and then he looks at you. You truly remember nothing, do you? The Springs of Aurespi, the spirit Akamaresh?
12, 2 суша
(19) The plot of the King Sorlan? Your engagement? Nothing? You shake your head, saying, Alas, not even my name until now. It's as if I was just born... Valan breathes heavily. Then I must fill you in. But not tonight. Sleep here tonight. I shall tell you everything on the morrow.
10, 2 суша
(1) You awake the next morning to find a breakfast laid out for you. Lord Valan Erloen sits with you while you eat your eggs and toast, staring at you silently with his dark eyes. When you are finished, he says, How much do you remember? Do you know the Aurespi Springs?
9, 2 суша
(2) You shake your head. Then I shall tell you the history of our world, from bottom to top, Valan replies.
8, 3 суша
(3) According to legend, when the gods set out to create Aryth, they divided the tasks of creation evenly among themselves and their lesser counterparts, the elemental spirits. These spirits were assigned the task of designating the attributes of Aryth's newly created human inhabitants.
7, 3 суша
(4) Humans were not the main focus of this world, although they came to be in time, and they weren't considered worthy of the attention of the gods.
5, 4 суша
(6) He bestowed upon humanity the trait of greed, and it went unseen by the gods. Akamaresh told nobody of his nefarious deed.
6, 4 суша
(5) And so each spirit chose a different characteristic for the human race; wisdom, compassion, integrity, lust, envy, all were given to us by these spirits. The gods were satisfied and the human race was born, but a certain devious fire spirit named Akamaresh added a trait of his own.
4, 5 суша
(7) As time wore on, the greater gods began to notice the effects of greed running through the humans, however; they realized the necessity of envy and hate and evil among the people of their world, but to see their creations killing each other for gold made no sense to them.
3, 6 суша
(8) It didn't take long for them to track the source of the corruption to Akamaresh, who had watched with satisfaction the effects of the virus he had planted. The gods were extremely angry, but knew that the deed had been done - it could not be undone without the complete destruction of Aryth.
3, 7 суша
(9) The gods sought to punish Akamaresh for his misdeeds. It was decided, swiftly, that Akamaresh could never be allowed to roam free again, and so a magical spring was created, deep within the rock behind Caryngton, capital of Aryth, and the fire spirit was confined to this spring's waters.
4, 8 суша
(10) The gods then made it known to the humans where Akamaresh dwelled, and furthermore that he had an infinite supply of gold and gems, but only a person meeting certain qualifications would be given the wealth - all others would be killed mercilessly by the minions of the gods.
5, 8 суша
(11) The lines written down by scholars that day have been kept ever since. They read
6, 8 суша
'Oh he who seeks the reward of gold, listen now to me. Only he who brings to me the heart of purest blood, Shall my gold ever see.'
7, 9 суша
(12) The scholars have interpreted this simply
8, 9 суша
(13) This makes sense, the scholars say, because it is unlikely ever to come to pass. Being pure, the Kings of Aryth would never sacrifice a member of their own progeny, and the royal family is guarded extremely well.
9, 10 суша
(14) Meaning, Valan adds, That it is unlikely that one could kidnap a royal fledgling and carry her down to the Aurespi Springs, as the prison is called, to be sacrificed. Everybody who has tried to acquire the gold has died horribly, as none of them had with them a member of the royal family.
10, 10 суша
(15) Except one, Valan adds as an afterthought. One man named Teran did manage to kidnap a king's daughter, and he did drag her to the wells.
11, 11 суша
(16) But when the King's soldiers finally figured out what had happened, Valan shudders, and arrived at the Wells in order to stop the ritual, all they found were the bloody remains of Teran and the King's daughter laying in a heap with her heart cut out.
12, 11 суша
(17) The King called it a close call and the scholars weren't sure why Teran hadn't succeeded but it was clear that Akamaresh was still imprisoned.
13, 11 суша
(18) So the King ordered the Springs sealed and guarded by his best wizards at all times, and so they have been ever since. Nobody has ever been down to the Wells since, and many don't even believe the story anymore... Valan fades off. So what does this have to do with me? you ask.
14, 10 суша
(19) Indeed, Valan says. The truth is something happened that the gods didn't anticipate. The purity in the early Arythian kings has been diluted.
15, 10 суша
(20) The current Arythian King, Sorlan, is a vicious, evil man. For most of his reign, he has at least curbed his base tendencies. But after the recent wars with Ingnotal to the south, his coffers have remained empty and his temperament bitter. His eyes naturally fell upon the Aurespi Springs.
16, 10 суша
(21) Hardly a trace of the original purity in his line remains, and he conspired to kidnap your fiancee, Ellabel, his own eldest daughter, and sacrifice her in front of Akamaresh's prison in order to get the gold. Only through my own divination was I able to realize this in time!
17, 10 суша
(22) Naturally, I told you immediately, and together we managed to rescue Ellabel from Caryngton. However, Sorlan suspected you and me, and so immediately upon reaching Erlos, I sent you both south through the desert to Ingnotal. Truly, I never thought to see either of you again...
18, 10 суша
(23) Sorlan's armies stopped here, and still amass on my borders. The King sent an army south after you; I prayed you'd both make it alive.
19, 10 суша
(24) I can only assume King Sorlan has blamed you for kidnapping his daughter and most likely gave his men orders to kill Ellabel as well.
20, 11 суша
(25) Allowing either of you to return would be too great a risk to his secret. But by some miracle you survived! Sorlan fears the suspicions of his vassals too much to attempt to sacrifice Anna, his younger daughter, but desperation may drive him to it. We must do something to prevent this.
21, 11 суша
(26) You nod enthusiastically. I have some men here. You could raise an army against this sordid King. Anna must be protected. The seal of Akamaresh must not be broken. The fate of the world may hinge upon it. You must leave immediately. Use the resources of my castle as you want.
22, 11 суша
(27) You give Valan a short, thankful hug, which he returns. Suddenly, a thought occurs to you. You pull out Ellabel's letter. What was I apologizing for? you ask, pointing to the hurried handwriting.
23, 11 суша
(28) Valan shakes his head. I don't know. She loved her home and you pretty much forced her to leave it. Perhaps you only wished to affirm that you were doing what you must? In any case, prepare well. Sorlan's vassals will defend their King. You must dispose of them first, then strike Caryngton.
24, 11 суша
(29) You give Valan a last embrace, and then set out to find Koltair. You are Lord Roger of Valkynborg, and you have a fiancee's murder to avenge.
25, 11 суша
END CHAPTER Five Part II (Sorry for the Length - that's by far the longest one
84, 4 суша
Harsh laughter suddenly resonates through your ears. The heart of one who is pure you have not! Mortal, what a foolish mistake you've made. Come, my pretties, show these men the true power of GOLD! Suddenly, the gold lying everywhere around you springs to life, forming the shapes of men.
101, 5 суша
Giant plumes of fire burst from holes in the ground. An oppressive heat pummels you, smashing into you like a massive fist. You almost feel dizzy. Minor fire spirits, elementals, and other creatures of the element shuffle about, oblivious to your presence. (Please Read Chapter 10 At This Time).
8, 30 суша
The small cave opens up into an enormous glittering cavern. Gold and gems lie everywhere in huge piles. Winged beasts hover in the distance, and you get the eerie feeling that they are watching you. Touch nothing... Koltair whispers, pointing out the dusty corpses of hundreds of men.
Бездонный мешок золота
5, 29 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
5, 30 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
7, 27 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
10, 27 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
Золотой дракон
3, 28 суша
The dragons stare at you mindlessly as you cautiously approach. Suddenly, they all take flight, and fly straight towards your army. You should have listened to Koltair.... this gold is protected by the gods!
Золотой дракон
12, 28 суша
The dragons stare at you mindlessly as you cautiously approach. Suddenly, they all take flight, and fly straight towards your army. You should have listened to Koltair.... this gold is protected by the gods!
11, 28 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
3, 30 суша
The gems, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems these gems are cursed!
13, 29 суша
The gems, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems these gems are cursed!
Бездонная сума золота
5, 27 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
Бездонная сума золота
12, 29 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
Бездонная сума золота
13, 28 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
Бездонный мешок золота
6, 28 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
Бездонный мешок золота
10, 26 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
Бездонный кошель золота
9, 28 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
83, 3 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
85, 3 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
Бездонный кошель золота
83, 4 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
Бездонный кошель золота
85, 4 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold is cursed!
83, 5 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
85, 5 суша
The gold, so beautiful from the distance, turns to liquid fire in your hands. You watch in horror as the flesh melts from your bones, and you scream in pain. Suddenly, from every corner of the cavern, large winged beasts appear. It seems this gold was cursed!
8, 26 суша
Between the two tall towers lies a small man-sized portal tucked into the rock. This must lead to the heart of Akamaresh's prison, Koltair muses. We must hurry, lest we arrive to late to stop the debacle that Valan plans.
77, 7 суша
Silence... nothing but silence greets your ears as you enter this dark, dank cavern. In the distance you hear.... laughter? It is hot, so hot you feel you might stop breathing. And what is that feeling? That desire... you suddenly feel the urge to steal something. What evil lives down here?
84, 5 суша
A golden fountain sprays into the air crystal blue water. Here is the Aurespi Springs, which contain the essence of Akamaresh himself. To walk forward now would bring infinite wealth, to the man willing to carve out the heart of one who is pure. Anyone else would receive... certain death.
41, 11 суша
(11) Roger climbed down from his horse and lifted the sobbing king from the muddy earth. Your highness, he said with compassion, I fear I may have been duped. Please, let us talk. I am perhaps more confused than you are. Roger motioned for his men to lay down their arms and prepare to camp.
40, 10 суша
(10) Surely, Roger mused, this is not the act of a skilled thesbian. These tears were real, not conjured. So the murder of Ellabel had not been by his order. What other false pieces of information had Valan passed along to the unsuspecting Lord of Valkynborg?
39, 10 суша
(9) This news had a profound effect on the king, who suddenly dropped his guard on his emotions. What? he shrieked. My daughter is dead? How? Where? When? The tears flowed freely, and Sorlan fell on his knees. Roger looked confusedly to his nomad friend.
38, 9 суша
(8) Roger's confidence visibly wavered as thoughts ran through his mind. Something the King had said confused him. Ellabel, as you must know, is dead, killed by the hands of your own men, Roger finally asserted trying to reassure himself.
37, 9 суша
(7) Of course it is I, Sorlan replied. We've been friends for years. And yet you bring an army to my walls instead of a daughter to my gate. What happened? And where is Ellabel? A giant of a man, a nomad, looked questionably Roger, who returned the look.
36, 8 суша
(6) His friend Roger seemed amused by this. He wore an expression as if to say, Come now, drop the ruse. Do not belittle our intelligence on top of everything else. Finnaly, he spoke. King Sorlan, I presume? The king's brow furrowed in confusion.
35, 8 суша
(5) Finally, Sorlan arrived, and pulling his stately robes about him as regally as he could, he finally looked his one-time friend in the eyes. He saw nothing there but malice and condescension. Why? was all Sorlan could manage to say. In such shock, more elegant words failed him.
34, 8 суша
(4) Roger rode tall and proud on his white steed, cantering confidently through the smashed gates of Sorlan's castle. The King, having too much pride to scurry fearfully to his captor's feet, made his way slowly but deliberately to the main courtyard of Caryngton.
33, 8 суша
(3) But there was no mistaking it now. Roger was back, and instead of bringing his precious daughter, he brought an army. Every Arythian city save Roger's home town of Valkynborg to the snowy north had fallen to the armies from the east. And now Caryngton, last bastion of hope, had fallen too.
32, 9 суша
(2) He had heard news of this enemy's movements for weeks, although nobody knew who led them. Some said it was Roger of Valkynborg, but No, he had replied. Roger was a friend, would never lead an army against him. It was he who had sent Roger after Ellabel after her kidnapping.
31, 9 суша
(1) King Sorlan, high lord of Aryth and descendant of the first Arythian Kings, had watched with sadness as the armies of the invaders breached his walls Even as his own men dropped their arms at the call of the enemy lord or ran for cover from the last deluge of the enemy arrows, he didn't move.
30, 9 суша
Chapter Six - King Sorlan's Tale. This chapter contains 20 events.
42, 11 суша
(Sometime Later in the Keep of Caryngton) <-- Note, Point of View Change)
43, 11 суша
(12) Again the King breaks into tears, and you must once more stop your story. You've been here for hours, relaying the story that Valan told you and how you woke up in the desert remembering nothing. Ahhh, was all Sorlan could say between sobs, He is a cunning one, he is.
44, 12 суша
(13) An so, you finish, he had convinced me that you wanted the gold of Akamaresh for yourself, that you would have killed Ellabel for it, that he conspired with me to rescue her, and that the men you sent after us must have reached us in the desert, where they killed her and left me for dead.
45, 12 суша
(14) And you say this is not how it happened? you add, trying to sound unbiased. The king shakes his head and rubs a cloth on his wet cheeks. No, no... I would never. Not my Ella. I knew Valan was up to something for a while. He is an evil man, you can tell by the way he looks at you.
46, 11 суша
(15) You pause to remember the dark lord of Erlos. How did you not see this? He has been amassing troops in his distant province for a while, but he had not the resources to mount a real offensive, not without a brilliant leader like yourself. Truly, we were not prepared for your attack..
47, 10 суша
(16) Had I not been in such grief over your departure and my daughter's kidnapping, I doubt you would have had the success you did. One morning, I just woke up and she was gone. I do not know how he managed to pull it off. Few people would know her routines.
48, 10 суша
(17) Finding her gone, I called upon you immediately. You were certainly eager to help. That very day, you rode after her, pledging to bring her back safely to me. I had no proof of Lord Valan's involvement, and could not send an army against him, not until now anyway.
49, 10 суша
(18) When I didn't hear back from you, I feared the worst, that he had captured you as well. I have guarded the Aurespi Springs tenaciously since you departed, but Valan would certainly have found another way in. At least with Ellabel dead, we do not have to worry about him awakening Akamaresh.
50, 10 суша
(19) Not with Anna, my younger daughter, safe behind these walls. Suddenly, Sorlan looks up, his bloodshot eyes studying you.
51, 10 суша
(20) Please, he says, Tomorrow, I shall form what army I can. You look away ashamed. I shall hunt Valan down for this act. You must have succeeded in rescuing Ellabel from her dungeon in Erlos, and he must have hunted you down in the desert. Spend the night, will you? You agree.
52, 10 суша
End Chapter 6 Part 1. Please Spend the Night again and read Part 2 tomorrow. Part 2 contains 5 Events.
53, 10 суша
(1) You are shaken awake by a very distressed looking King Sorlan. It is still dark out. Roger, a terrible thing has happened! Valan must have been tracking your movements. He struck last night and stole my Anna amidst the confusion. You must go after her! Please...
54, 9 суша
(2) He'll surely be trying to take her to the Aurespi Springs. He wants the money desperately so that he can buy an army and become king of Aryth. Please, please... I could not bear to lose another daughter! he wails. You jump up from your bed and strap on your sword belt.
55, 9 суша
(3) A sudden sense of duty overwhelms you. This is like a second chance for you. Do not worry my friend, you say, grasping the older man's tired shoulders, I shall return, and this time I mean it. I shall leave immediately. Anna will be yours again as soon as I can make it so!
58, 9 суша
End Chapter Six Part 2 - Please proceed to Chapter Seven.
56, 9 суша
(4) There is one last thing, Roger. This is for you, he hands you his sword. Because you seem to have lost yours. I want you to have it.
57, 9 суша
(5) You thank him, and then rush out the door half naked. Sorlan calls after you, My seers say he fled southwest to the swamps. You'll need to visit your home of Valkynborg first, where you can obtain a pass to enter them. Thank you so much, Roger. Boy is Koltiar going to be angry, you think...
11, 2 суша
End Chapter 5 Part 1. Please Spend the Night in Erlos and read Part 2 tomorrow (to fill your movement). Wait here tonight. Part 2 has 29 Events.
49, 48 суша
You come upon a large collection of caged creatures, guarded by some skeletons. Must be food for the undead armies, you decide.. You free the prisoners within, and they offer to join you. You thank the spirits for this stroke of luck!
Сандалии святого
43, 106 суша
HEY! a voice rumbles. You look up. Those are my shoes! It is a titan. Unfortunately, he is accompanied by several of his friends.
99, 29 суша
Always beware a pair of unguarded sandals!
13, 86 суша
Here lies the last man who thought to betray me. Beware my fire magic! -Valan
84, 8 суша
North - the Aurespi Springs - Enter at Own Risk. East - The Prison of Akamaresh
92, 27 суша
Exit to Aryth here!
93, 88 суша
Step up to the Fountain for Drink!
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