Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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By Hapkane. Updated 11/2/99. Tatalia, harbor to many ships of trade, have made a new discovery. Gold! Like a mass vein the flaxen shores of Tatalia are rich with these precious deposits. Two prominent Lords are seeking sole control of the new-found commodity.
Be carefull m'Lord... there are reports of pirates posting ambushes along our shores.
Tome of Water
There is a Tome great knowleged that exists on the eastern isle of Tatalia. Rumors are true that one can only reach it by going thru a guarded seaport.
Summon Boat
Scrolls of Summon Boat are scarce at this time of war. According to recent rumors... there is a subterranean castle in the eastern isles. Its guild may contain what you need m'Lord.
Wormthrax 1
Gorgons may be extinct soon. The appetite of that beast Wormthrax is immense! Brrr... somebody needs to do something... before WE are extinct!
Wormthrax 2
A seer on the eastearn isles is looking for anyone who can slay Wormthrax. He is holding a relic for the first who can bring him the fangs of Wormthrax.
Border Guards
Jeeeez... I hate border guards m'self m'Lord. Very adamant... they are! Another Tatalian stout m'Lord?
Zud is the current holder of the Addicts medal! That guy must be registering 5 games a week! Personally... i think he plays at work!! Heheheh. Another Erathian ale m'Lord?
MSN Zone
I hate the Zone server! It's so fickle... sometimes i get booted two times in pint of Bracada ale.
Isle League
Any news on that Isle League?
24, 18 подземелье
Those seeking riches beyond the lush glades of Tatalia must warrant permission from the Keymaster.
Хижина предсказателя
35, 1 подземелье
A dragon known as Wormthrax is in the southwestern underground region of Tatalia. If you could be so bold as to defeat him, I would reward you richly. If you need further assistance a magi east of here will show you the exact location of Wormthrax's cave.
47, 52 подземелье
Those seeking riches beyond the lush glades of Tatalia must warrant permission from the Keymaster.
Хижина предсказателя
67, 39 подземелье
A dragon known as Wormthrax is in the southwestern underground region of Tatalia. If you could be so bold as to defeat him, I would reward you richly. Should you need further assistance a magi south of here will show you the exact location of Wormthrax's cave.
Страж задания
27, 39 подземелье
The wizard is adamant. Without the Emblem of Cognizance and Pendant of Free Will, none will pass.
68, 51 подземелье
Have you been to simyar.com lately?
14, 20 подземелье
Pirates! It's an ambush!!
55, 51 подземелье
Pirates! It's an ambush!!
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