Lord Damacon is exceedingly wealthy - it is said that much of his fortune stems from one extremely valuable artifact.
Two exceptional heroes were among the teams sent out by the university to restore the land - if you can find them, they will surely be of great help to you.
A few Enchanters make their home near Proteome - they exchange spells with the Master Genies there.
The city of Nagamemnon may only be reached by the Nagas' portal.
The genies near Proteome know a secret way to Dracon's hiding-place.
Proteome is located in a high mountain valley in Bracada; this Genie city may only be reached by lith.
There were some artifacts stolen {before} the University was affected - but the country was paralysed when the University went down.
The Power of the Dragon Father was protected in many different ways - the artifacts used to nullify these may still be near the University.
Archdevils teleport anywhere they can see - a natural ability, not a magical one.
Ghost Dragons
Ghost Dragons can walk through walls - but they need room on the other side if they're to resolidify.
The Collegium seek to rival the University by teaching all magical skills and spells ... though they may not know all the spells there are.
Siphon vampires
There are vampires living all around Siphon - north, south, within ...
Vial of Lifeblood
I hear Vampires can survive without human victims if they have the Vial of Lifeblood.
Ghost dragons 2
Anything a Ghost Dragon can steal, an Archdevil can too - they're smaller, faster, lighter, and don't need as much space to materialize.
Broken up
If the Power of the Dragon Father has been broken up, then whoever stole it couldn't have been able to use it as it was ...
You play Rion, a healer from the human countries. You are accompanying a young green dragon, Jen, to the homeland where her parents were born.
Jenova was enormously excited when a letter ({gogold_letter.txt}) arrived from her sister Shara, who had gone to the University in the centre of Falstaff. However, Shara reported some odd and disturbing happenings, enough that Jen and Shara's parents, Jonquil and Donal, forbade Jenova to travel alone when she came of age to go. You were visiting the Rampart when the matter came to a head. Seeing Jen so upset, you volunteered to escort her. With this precaution, Jonquil and Donal granted permission; and they gave you the money to pay for Jenova's university studies, and a letter to Jenova's cousins, who lived near the University. You and Jenova travelled without incident until they arrived at the borders of Falstaff ...
Jen's birthday
Rion wakes Jenova in the morning with a gift of carved ivory. Happy birthday, Greentail, he says. Jen laughs, and leaps to her feet. It is, too! I had almost forgotten! We've been so busy. Hmm - and today is no exception, right? As Rion nods, Jen takes the time to study the little carving, with its graceful wings, and claws picked out in gold. It looks just like my sister - how did you come by it? Rion smiles. I got the jeweller in the Market place to do it. As for models - you and she do look very much alike, you know!
Scout Damacon
Jenova re-reads the letter her sister had sent her, before she came to Falstaff. Lord Damacon is fabulously wealthy, she murmurs, before going in search of Rion. Rion nods as Jenova explains her thought. We shall hire some rogues and send them to investigate, he replies.
Scout reports on Damacon
The rogues return from scouting the lands to the north of the University. Lord Damacon is indeed fabulously wealthy, the first reports. He has a great chest of gold hidden within his castle ... not well hidden, by our standards, but he surely thinks it a cunning hiding place. He doesn't want anyone to know he has it - he fears people would attack him in order to obtain it - but he doesn't know the first thing about {our} means of information. The second rogue shrugs. The Collegium know all about it, I know that. They're an extremely conservative sect, broken away from most of the rest of the Conflux - but they can scry well enough to detect Damacon's wealth, and they would love to use it to power their Magic Schools. I think they want to set themselves up in competition with the University.
Teasing about Ann
Jenova stretches in the dawn light, her wings stiff after a lot of flying the previous day. An early night, and she'd slept well - a nice change after recent nightmares. She turns to see Rion emerging from his tent, shadows under his eyes. Not sleeping too well, hmm? Rion shakes his head. We've taken on a big task, you know. And I hate having to kill good creatures because they've gotten caught on the wrong side of this mess. Still - what kept me awake last night was the stones under my sleeping bag. There are advantages to civilisation! Jenova laughs. Going soft, Like Princess Ann? Rion grimaces. The first few nights Princess Ann had spent away from Town had been filled with complaints and comments - enough so that he had been tempted to leave the beauty in Mercanhold. She {had} learned, gradually, however. He defends her to Jen. She'd never spent a night in the wilds when we met her - she'd grown up being petted and adored, not going on hunting trips like you. The time she spent stranded in that old cabin was the worst she'd ever experienced in her life. And she {has} learned. Go easy on her, hmm? Jenova's eyes light with mischief. Oh, you like her, do you? She is so very beautiful, isn't she? Rion glares at Jen. Beauty isn't everything. He ignores the blush spreading over his face, turning back into his tent to pack up his bags for the day.
Teasing about Amy
This morning, Jenova catches Rion in a cheerful mood at breakfast. After a bit of small-talk, and since the others are slow to join them, she returns to the conversation of a few days ago. If beauty isn't everything, why do so many men follow Princess Ann around? Rion looks thoughtful. I think ... beauty is something. And she certainly is beautiful. And wealthy, graceful, pampered - a princess; lovely and unattainable. Jenova laughs, delighted. You do love her! Rion shakes his head. No. No! Jen continues to grin. I - he blushes, but Jen isn't going to believe a simple denial. I'd rather spend time with Amy. Jen breaks off in startlement. Amy? she enquires, startled. Rion nods. Amy, who we met in the hospital. Jen looks sidelong at him. She's okay, but no beauty. Rion shakes his head, looking back at her. Beauty isn't everything.
Beer in Dicorn
Jen puffs as she helps Rion pack up his tent. It's a hot day, and going to get worse as the cool of the morning wears off. Hard work, she says. I'd love to spend a few days where they serve cold drinks. Chris catches a tentpole, dropping it gently to one side. Mum said the Tavern in Dicorn served some of the best drinks anywhere. Jenova stares at him. There's a tavern in Dicorn? We were only there a little while - but a place they serve beer, in the Valley of the Pure? Rion laughs. It sort of figures. Hard work, followed by good food and cold beer - one of life's simple pleasures. Yes, we should go there soon. Hopefully we can prevail on some Bracadan mages to get us there and back from wherever we're camping at the time. Jen can't stop a smile from spreading across her face. Send a message to Amy - get her to meet us there! Chris takes in the blush Rion is trying to hide, and drags Jenova aside. What secrets are you hiding here?
Teasing Chris and Jen.
Rion relaxes over a mug of beer, conversing with Amy in the pleasant glade outside Dicorn. She glances quizzically over his shoulder, seeing Chris and Jen giggling together behind him. What's going on there? she asks. Rion hides his blush, getting up. I'm not sure, but I'll soon fix them. He stalks up to the dragons, sharing their vat of fruit juice. What's up with you two? Giggling in the shadows? Hmm? Jen starts to say something about Amy, but he forestalls her. You two! Bickering like siblings, joking together all the time, what's going on, hmm? Getting on like a house on fire - well, I guess I know what that means! Jen gapes, caught off guard. I - we - never thought of any such thing. Rion looks skeptically at her. Jen glances at Chris, embarrassed - then the two young dragons bolt, in opposite directions. Rion grins, and returns to his table. Those two will make a match of it one day, he says to Amy. You just wait and see!
Visiting the University
Jen combs through the artifacts Rion has collected, looking thoughtfully at the preserved dragon pieces. Where was this kept, anyway? she asks. Rion shrugs, gathering up some of the items as he prepares for the day ahead. The Power of the Dragon Father, you mean? Jen nods. At the University, of course. Jen glares at him. I meant {inside} the University. Did we ever take a good look? I think we should.
Amy colours
Jenova wakes Rion by shaking his tent. As he crawls out into the sunlight, Jen waves to Julia, and the angels start singing a Happy Birthday song. Rion glares at Jen, then gradually relaxes as the angelic choir continue. When they finish, he thanks them for their singing, and smiles as they glow with the compliment. Jen waves a claw at the fire nearby. Chris pulls a frying pan off the fire, sliding the contents onto a plate. Your breakfast is ready! Rion smiles, touched by the consideration. Just wake me a little later next time, hmm? He unwraps a small, flat package Jen hands him. What's this? A miniature? He glares at Jen, recognising Amy's face in the miniature. Are you meddling? Jenova shrugs off the accusation. Who, me? No, just giving you a picture of one of our friends. She moves so that she can see the image. I'm not sure why she always wears red, though. She might look better in blue, or green ... or all white? Rion growls. Leave me alone!
Asking Amy
Jenova makes an excuse to get Amy alone. Barely have they passed beyond earshot of the camp, on their errand to fetch water, before Jen starts pestering Amy with questions. Amy shrugs. Sir Mullich is cute. Can't carry a conversation, though. Gelu? He's scary - so quiet, you never know when he'll appear from behind a tree or something. And so strong - I tried to draw one of his bows once. I couldn't do it. Rion? Jenova stares as Amy's expression becomes slightly dreamy. Not so special, but I feel like I've known him all my life. Jen grins, delighted. Rion thinks Princess Ann is - Jen! Chris stands by the stream. He looks suspiciously at her, drawing her aside. You're meddling, aren't you? After what Rion said last time? Jen looks back at Amy, standing sadly by the stream. She's thinking about Ann - it's not fair, she got the wrong idea, I have to set her straight! Chris glares at her. Not one word. You leave them to sort it out. No more meddling! But - Chris shakes his head. No. And I'm going to stick with you and make sure you keep to it!
Jenova calls to Rion, who shakes his way out of his tent, followed a moment later by Amy. Jen is startled to see Amy barefoot. What's the story here? she demands. Rion looks sternly at Jen. We were discussing problems that can affect the feet. We {are} both healers, you know. Now - what did you need me for?
Chris whispers to Jen over breakfast. Something's happened between Rion and Amy! Jenova turns to him, excited. What? Oh, tell me, quickly! Sssh! Chris warns. He glances at Rion, before turning back to Jen. See that ring on his little finger? I think it's the one Amy wears. And the ring from his index finger is gone! Rion looks up, and the two dragons break off the conversation.
Rion gathers Jenova and the others together in the morning. You'll have to cope without me for part of today, he announces. Amy and I have an appointment with a priest. You may wish us happy - we're getting married. Jen's initial rush of excitement is mitigated by an unwelcome thought, and she takes Rion aside as soon as she can arrange it. This is a bad time for a honeymoon, she says. Rion nods. I know - and so our honeymoon will wait. We'll get you to the University first. He levels a stern look at Jenova. Someone has to chaperone you and Chris til you're of an age to marry! I've no intention of explaining {that} to your parents! Jen blushes, and disclaims. We're just friends! Rion smiles. And friends I hope you'll be, for the rest of your lives! It's a good basis for a relationship - when you're fully adult, which you aren't yet. So let's hurry up and get that University re-opened!
Princess Ann Array
0, 71 подземелье
Rion worked as a battlefield medic for many years. On one occasion, when he was separated from the mercenary troops he usually worked with, a pair of Gold Dragons saved his life. Now he escorts those dragons' youngest daughter to their parents' homeland, for the training she can get nowhere else.
Страж задания
7, 70 подземелье
You are startled to see a young elf sitting upon the branch of one of the oaks. He has a bow trained at your throat ... You gulp, and glance at Jen. Standoff, she murmurs. I could kill him, but he'd kill you first - and he knows I know it. He's well camouflaged - normally elves don't get the drop on dragons like that. You nod, and look back at the elf. Who are you? you ask. What do you want? I'm Aryan, border guard. I want you to leave this area. the green-clad elf replies. Jen mantles her wings. Why? The borders of Falstaff have not usually been closed! The elf looks pained - but too many dragons make their home in Falstaff - if Jenova is a native, he can't be too rude. Tensely, he admits There have been ... thefts. Important things going missing. Jen lifts an eye. Such as? Aryan looks even more uncomfortable. Our Bow of Elven Cherrywood. Jen turns back to you. That's serious. It's used to train all young elves - there are others, but usually each town has only one. If we can find it - or another like it ...
23, 71 подземелье
A swarm of imps play with some crystals. Jen approaches cautiously. This isn't going to be easy, Rion, she says. I hope that spell of yours helps!
24, 71 подземелье
Jen picks up the fragment of crystal with an expression of disgust. It looked larger from further away, she complains.
21, 69 подземелье
You catch a group of imps sneaking towards the witch's hut. Jen leaps into the air to pursue them.
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19, 69 подземелье
The witch toys with a scroll. Oh? Want to help the dragon clear out the imps, do you? You {can} ... but it'll cost you! Rion looks puzzled. I thought you wanted rid of those imps? The witch smiles, wickedly. I do. That's why I'm not asking twice this much!
Хижина предсказателя
18, 69 подземелье
Rion taps on a door set into the gnarled trunk of a giant old tree. There's no answer. He taps again. And again ... After ten minutes, the witch comes to the door. There's an arrow nocked to the bow in her hands. She looks surprised to see anyone ... I thought those pesky imps were playing knock-and-run again. Sheesh. What do you want? She un-nocks the arrow. Jen's eyes are riveted to the bow. That! she says, pointing with a claw. The witch grimaces. I'm not giving it up while those imps are hassling me!
9, 71 подземелье
So, you ask Jen, Why are these elves so dependant on this precious artifact? I thought elves were practically born holding a bow! Jen thinks a while before replying. The way that I learned it from my parents is this
15, 70 подземелье
The imps surround you, tugging at your clothes, and pulling on Jenova's tail. She snarls I hate imps! Stand back, while I toast these blighters!
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16, 62 подземелье
A gog dozes in a hollow tree, glancing occasionally through a small window, across at the trees opposite. A bell sits by its right hand. What's going on here? Rion whispers to Jenova. That gog looks like he'll raise the alarm if anyone tries to pass here. Jenova replies loudly Only if it sees us. Gogs tend to be pretty deaf. She pauses, watching for a reaction from the gog. And this one's no exception. So - as long as it doesn't see us ... got any mirrors?
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10, 61 подземелье
A shimmering barrier blocks the exit to the valley. One of the elves looks thoughtful when Jenova queries him. This hasn't been here long, no, he says. The seer, Thoron, put it up for us after our Bow got stolen. Mind you, we now know that was a petty theft from across the border, not part of something bigger like the Princess' kidnapping. I think Thoron would have an amulet or something we could use to take it down again. The Princess' kidnapping? Rion queries. Princess Ann, from Mercanhold, not far from here. She was overseeing a major artifact exchange between two cities when she disappeared, a few weeks ago.
64, 7 подземелье
35, 17 подземелье
The Vault
Damacon Infusions
Damacon's investments pay off.
38, 17 подземелье
Jen and Chris head over to talk to the Keymaster, while Rion steps inside the Tavern. The room falls silent as he enters, and all eyes turn towards him. For a moment, Rion feels like retreating, but he squares his shoulders and addresses the room. Lord Damacon is dead. he announces. A cheer erupts, and half the men in the room thump their mugs upon the tables. Damacon was not a popular lord, it would seem - probably far too heavy on the taxes. Rion scans the room carefully, looking for those who don't share the general enthusiasm. He approaches a group of rogues, hoping they will respond to bribery. He casually shifts a pouch of gold into view on his belt. Around him, people resume talking. Excuse me, Rion murmurs, addressing the bandit with gold earrings. I'm trying to trace Lord Damacon's movements over the past few days. Oho! The bandit chuckles, a gleam in his eye. Hid his precious artifact, did he? Oh, yes, we know where he's been. Came for the password, he did, just three days ago - the password and the key. The password? Rion lifts an eyebrow. Tell me this password ... He goes to unbuckle the pouch from his belt, and discovers it is empty, a gaping slash in the bottom. He looks up, and the table is empty - the last of the bandits silently disappearing out the door.
44, 11 подземелье
Mandrake, Jen murmurs, peering through the trees. She yelps and stumbles in surprise, as a stone underfoot lifts up off the ground. The earth elemental takes a swipe at Jen, and is swiftly toasted by Chris. He shudders as the charred stones collapse upon the ground. Did we ever find out how many spells that witch cast? he asks, glancing fearfully into the dark and gloomy woods. Rion gulps dryly as the nearby trees begin to rustle and shift. We didn't ask, if that's what you mean. I do believe we {are} finding out! He pulls out his spellbook as the dragons cluster closely about him, holding it tightly as a sudden wind gusts through. I don't know where she got these spells. Only the Enrothians ever knew how to set Elemental Guardians.
3, 61 подземелье
As Rion approaches the homestead, a flash of gold catches his eye. What was that? he exclaims. Jen swears. It's one of the senior elves - and he's got a bead on your throat. Sheesh, I really thought I was faster than that! Tut, tut. the Grand Elf says, rising from the bushes. Such language from one who should know better! And why are you coming to our homesteads, O GreenTail? Jen looks a little taken aback. We've come from Foothold, she says. We brought them their Bow; now they're suggesting we come here for recruits. A smile fills the elf's face. Well, then! He sweeps his hat off in a flamboyant gesture, bowing to Jenova. Consider me a recruit!
36, 18 подземелье
He didn't have it! Jen curses. All that pain to kill one ugly troglodyte, said to have one absolutely fabulous wealth-generating artifact - and he didn't have it! Chris dangles the Crown of DragonTooth from a claw. He did have this, you know. He must have been involved with the theft of the Power of the Dragon Father from DragonMount! Rion laughs, reaching out to unhook the Crown, which looks tiny in Chris's claws. I don't think old Damacon had the guts, somehow. I suspect he merely bought it from the {real} criminal. Jenova shakes her head. He didn't have it, remember? That fabulous artifact is just that - the substance of fables! Rion lifts an eyebrow. If you had something really valuable, and there were an army of Dragons coming to kill you for it, what would you do? Chris spreads his wings proudly. Stand and fight! he exclaims, pushing his chest out. Rion shakes his head, smiling. Damacon is a coward, remember? He'd have hidden it when we saw us coming. All we have to do is find out where! Jen cuts in again. If he's such a coward, I'm surprised he didn't run away altogether, and avoid the fight! Chris looks thoughtful. I think he was hoping to win, and waited where he had the best chances ... then couldn't run away, when the battle turned against him.
50, 16 подземелье
Oh yes, the bandit leader replies, in answer to Rion's query. We saw Lord Damacon a few days ago. He was in a bit of a hurry, too, know what I mean? Rarely seen a horse so tired and still being ridden. I think he went for a new one right after talking to us. Rion pulls out another pouch of gold. I'd be most pleased if you could tell us some more, he says. The bandit ignores it, looking Rion in the eye. Have you the password? he asks. Jen asks innocently What password? The rogue tosses his head back and laughs. I take that as a 'no', he says. So why should we work for a fraction of your gold, when we can kill you and take it all? A red handkerchief falls to the ground from behind the bandit's back. In response to the signal, rogues begin pouring out of their cavern, and springing up from various hiding places. Within moments, the group is surrounded.
54, 21 подземелье
Yes sir, the old stableman replies, Lord Damacon did come through here for a fresh horse. But I don't know where he was going - we learn not to ask about things like that, you know? Wrinkles shift on his face as he thinks carefully. I can tell you one thing, though. He had some fishermen's boots with him.
55, 26 подземелье
Lord Damacon? Boots? the wiry fisherman repeats. Nah, he didn't leave the boots here - just grabbed a small net from one of our boats and left again. No, I don't know which way he was going, except that it wasn't anywhere along the river here. Can't have been too far; he'd have put those jars of his into his backpack if it had been.
58, 21 подземелье
The artifact merchant strokes his chin. No, I haven't seen Lord Damacon in more than a week, I'm afraid. I'm sorry to hear of his death - he was a most regular customer of ours. Perhaps I can interest you in some of our wares?
57, 17 подземелье
The windmill operator shakes his hand dismissively. Lord Damacon himself never came through here. He'd send a Minotaur over every week - but I assure you, he had better things to do with his time than come himself!
48, 9 подземелье
The temple is quiet and peaceful. The priest comes forward to greet you. Almost out of habit, Rion asks about Lord Damacon's movements. He doesn't usually come here, the priest replies, a furrow creasing his brow. He did come here a few days ago, though - prayed for a while, and then left. I didn't get to speak to him - but I think he must have been preparing for a fight or something like it. Jen laughs from the door. We know more than we'd like to about that fight! We were on the other side. The priest looks up in some surprise. And you're still alive. Therefore ... Yes, he's dead, father. The priest sighs. May it be hoped that he uses his afterlife better than he used this one.
51, 24 подземелье
The lighthouse keeper shouts to Rion over the moo-ing of the cows. Hey there! Watch out for the bulls! They're a bit wild - no-one's got past them in weeks! Bit Wild! Chris snorts, in an aside to Jenova. Bit smelly, if you ask me - cowpats have turned this place into a swamp! Jenova laughs, too, a curl of flame escaping. The red flare catches the attention of the bulls. There is a short, pregnant silence - then the bulls are pounding through the muck towards them.
Страж задания
15, 66 подземелье
The path to the magic-users' forest is blocked by a shimmering barrier. Jenova cautiously puts out a claw to touch it. No go, she says. Perhaps one of the elves know how to get past? The greenclad elves confer briefly, and turn back to Jen. Not us, a spokes-elf replies. It's one of the things the grand-elves have learned, though.
16, 66 подземелье
The grand elf emerges from the glowing barrier, and silently hurries ahead of Rion and Jenova, disappearing into the seers' hut. Moments later he emerges ... Thoron will see you now ... he says you'll want this token to get past the barrier he put at one of the entrances to the valley. He laughed when I told him you were a healer, Rion - he said old Mrs Newtcatcher made a different kind of healer, and could probably teach you some real useful tricks. Anyway, Thoron will show you The University - that being where Miss GreenTail is so keen to get to.
5, 65 подземелье
Rion looks at the village with some trepidation. I thought we would be welcome, he murmurs, studying the grim expressions of the elves within. What can have happened? We retrieved the bow ... Yes, Jen replies thoughtfully. However, it doesn't look to have gotten here yet. Maybe they mistook the meaning of Aryan's signal arrow. Rion grimaces. The thoughtlessness of the young! Ignoring Jen's protest, he continues. We can't wait on Aryan's convenience. I'm sure if we can get past those guards the town will listen to us and feed us. We're running very low on supplies. He pauses, thinking. Then, too, with any luck they'll have first aid materials available. I can patch you up {after} this next fight without too much trouble - if I had a proper kit, I could do something {during} the fight as well, and that'd make life a lot easier!
37, 60 подземелье
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30, 61 подземелье
Some gold-clad elves block the road. Halt! Who goes there! they cry, as Rion approaches slowly. My name is Rion, he replies. Jenova and I seek to reach the University. The elven leader laughs sourly. You might catch cold at that - if ever you were to get there. University's had some troubles recently. Rion shrugs. We'll address that when we get there. May we pass? The smile vanishes from the elf's face. No. he says. Our Princess was stolen - our darling Ann; kidnapped while on a trading mission; Mercanhold and Falstaff Marketplace are closed until she is rescued. There are several teams out looking for her now.
Страж задания
36, 40 подземелье
Jenova approaches the university gates with considerable excitement. We're here! Rion, isn't this wonderful? It's such a beautiful university - such a bustling place. Rion frowns. The Marketplace behind us is bustling - but the University itself is un-naturally quiet. He raps on the gates - why are they closed? An Archangel answers within a few moments. Rion looks up at the magnificent being and feels his knees go weak. He focuses on the purpose for which he came here. One Green dragon to enroll, Holiness. The Archangel shakes his head sadly. We aren't taking enrolments. You must be from out of town - else you would surely have heard. The Power of the Dragon Father has been stolen - we cannot teach our students without it. Rion and Jenova turn away from the gate, sadly. Rion bows his head and looks down at his hands. This is terrible. The University has always been for everyone - impartial and welcoming; charging fees for the wealthy and giving free tuition to the poor - it is the hub of this country! A glint of gold on his finger catches his eye. He draws off the ring and looks at it. Jen - if this hadn't been in my family for years, it could have been part of the Power of the Dragon Father, couldn't it? Jen looks startled. You have one of the Dragon Rings? Yes, it could have been. You mean - Rion laughs. Yes, O green-tailed one. There's some hope - all we have to do is find copies of all the other pieces! Jen sighs, but the smile has returned to her face. And I suppose we'll be restoring everything else around the country while we're at it. It won't be easy ... but it's vastly better than sitting around giving up hope! I will achieve Gold status yet!
2, 48 подземелье
Princess Ann was kidnapped while organising a major artifact trade for two Bracadan groups. When she was rescued, the ring of infinite gems each faction was to recieve were gone - as were the artifacts each group had exchanged for the ring. Now the lovely Princess must try to repay the debt.
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4, 49 подземелье
The rocky mountain cleft was once spanned by a rickety wooden bridge. Now it lies in tatters against the walls of the chasm. Rion steps carefully to the edge and looks down; the sunlight glints off the shattered armour of a Champion and his horse. Poor dead fool, Rion murmurs. He looks up across the chasm, to the isolated hut where a tattered golden scarf still flutters from a chimney. Cooee! A grand-elf answers the call. Halloo! Moments later, the Princess emerges from the hut, looking hopefully across the chasm. Rion studies the pair speculatively. Jen, do you think you can carry those two back across here?
Гарпия ведьма
6, 50 подземелье
Harpy Hags feast upon the remains of some previous adventurers. They turn, shrieking, to face the intruders; then the flock flap laboriously into the air. Jenova takes to the air to meet them. Caught off-guard, Rion cries warningly Watch out for their dive-bombing!
3, 48 подземелье
Jenova lands near the princess's hut. The lovely blonde comes running over, clutching a small bundle wrapped in a scarf. So, who's the knight rescuing me? the princess asks. Jenova frowns. Rion is a Healer, she replies. A healer? Where's my knight? I'm sorry, Fiona - The name is Ann!
0, 48 подземелье
Princess Ann explains The men who kidnapped me took most of my gold and the artifacts I was taking to Genome and Nagai. I was able to hide my ring, and this gold. Jenova notes an ogre lurking in the shadows. And I suppose you'll be telling me that your boyfriend there helped you? As the princess faints, her bodyguard catches her and lowers her gently to the ground. She'll learn, the grand-elf comments. Shall we pigstick that ugly creature and retrieve that gold?
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15, 48 подземелье
This is the intensive care ward ... Rion moves quietly over the soft pine needles, looking at the Archangels. They work miracles here, he murmurs. Jen studies the majestic, powerful beings. They would work miracles on the battle-field, too, she says. Rion glares at her. Don't even think it! he exclaims - quietly, sharply. They are desperately needed exactly where they are. They wouldn't leave unless and until they were no longer needed, and {that} would take more than a miracle - that would take the Elixir of Life itself!
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20, 56 подземелье
Jen peers through the trees. This is a holy place, she murmurs. She turns a twisted smile to Rion. Why are holy types and healing types so often one and the same? Why do doctors often call on a God? It doesn't make sense. Rion starts to answer, but is interrupted by the appearance of an elderly cleric between the trees. The cleric approaches Jenova slowly. Young Dragon, the wizened healer says, there are many reasons. Some monks come to healing because they believe their god bid them to serve in that way. Some healers come to religion because they care so deeply for their patients that they cannot help but pray for their recovery. Jen lifts a claw. And how did you come to be a holy healer? A smile crosses the cleric's face. I'm here because of the Angels who work to heal, and the little angels whose lives we work to save. The wizened expression turns sad. One of those Angels is missing. Can you find Julia for me? She was collecting herbs and flowers somewhere to the west.
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36, 55 подземелье
A dwarf stands behind a fur-covered table. Riding gloves! he calls, to people passing by. Good quality riding gloves - just three thousand gold!
Страж задания
38, 53 подземелье
A jeweller displays an enchanted necklace in his window. Jenova peers at the price-tag. 25 Crystal? Or an absolute fortune in gold, it would seem. Rion smiles. I guess he needs the crystal for making more jewellery with - and for a single trader the exchange rates would be very poor. So it does make a certain kind of sense.
Страж задания
45, 67 подземелье
The trail leading through these hills is narrow and treacherous. While Jenova can fly over the pass, Rion is not sure that he can keep his nervous horse on the trail. Jenova returns from her reconnaissance flight to report a conversation with an angel on the other side; apparently one of the valleys on the far side is home to several unicorns and a few angels. This place of purity and goodness has been desecrated since a Demoniac moved in - every week they are there, more unicorns are killed. Normally, people from the University would have stepped in to protect the place - but the University is caught up with its own troubles now.
19, 48 подземелье
Amy Songbird
Hasty and impulsive, Amy soon got into trouble while working at Falstaff's hospital. She has a good heart, and makes a reasonable healer and a better teacher. Should she learn the wisdom to match her vitality and intelligence, this plain-featured human will make a courageous and effective leader.
21, 55 подземелье
Rion takes a deep breath as he steps into the hospital. The air is filled with the distinctive tang of pine disinfectants; like other religious hospitals, it is built on holy ground. Rion has spent many years ministering to the sick in places like these. Jenova shudders, scared - but Rion feels at home here.
1, 56 подземелье
As Rion and Jen walk down the pleasant valley, an angel flies to meet them. It's so good to see someone! she cries. I have been trapped in here by those demons for too long. I was terrified that they would find a way past the sanctuary, and drive me insane as they did Phogan! Rion soothes the fluttered angel. Always glad to help a damsel in distress. He ignores Jenova's glare. What's your name? And what's this about Phogan? The angel gradually regains some of her composure. My name is Julia, she says, with a gentle smile. And Phogan ... Her smile fades. He was one of the younger Archangels, and a friend of mine, until the demons got him. He'd been on guard at the University - the first we knew of it, he'd been found gibbering at his post, and the Power of the Dragon Father was gone, and many of the University's spells in tatters. First {I} knew of it, the line of communications between us and the University was down, and the hospital staff sent me to fly to the University to find out what was wrong. I got there, and found out about Phogan, and that everyone else's lines of communication were down. She sighs, and stands up. I'd been back at the hospital for a few weeks when I encountered those demons. I'm so glad you rescued me. Something is very wrong here - our once united country has been fragmented into many tiny pieces, none talking to any other - it's wrong, it is, and if you're prepared to do something about it, I want to help.
4, 52 подземелье
Demons occupy this mountain pass. Their progress further down the pass is blocked by a Sanctuary they cannot enter - one or two show the burns of a recent attempt to cross the holy threshold. They notice Rion and Jenova approaching, and form a circle, dancing in dizzying patterns that threaten to overwhelm the travellers' senses. Enough! cries Jenova, leaping forward with a roar of flame.
Страж задания
26, 66 подземелье
Jen peers over the fence at another green dragon. Hello, what's your name? The young dragon responds eagerly. I'm Christopher. How did you get away from your mama? Mine won't let me go anywhere! Jen grins. My mama thinks Rion is looking after me. She doesn't know it's really the other way around. But - see, here, it'd be great to have your company - your mama might let you come with Rion and me, if we ask nicely? Chris grins, and ducks inside. He returns a moment later, with his smile slightly faded. She says I can come - if you bring a monk from the church to vouch that Rion's an honest-to-goodness Cleric.
Зеленый дракон
25, 67 подземелье
I'm so glad you're here. I've been restricted to this clearing for months - or at least it {feels} like months - so glad to have permission to go somewhere new! I'm just about old enough to attend the university myself - but mom is so protective! Jenova laughs, recognising her own experience in Christopher's complaints. There are real advantages to getting out from under the parental wing.
Страж задания
27, 70 подземелье
Christopher points a wing-tip at the old wooden shield hanging from a tree-branch. I spent many afternoons playing with that, he said. I used to hang it on a branch and pretend it was a knight coming to kill me. He glances at Rion, and looks a little embarrassed. I always killed the knight first, of course. Childhood games - you know? Rion laughs. You're not so far removed from childhood at the moment! Chris glares a little, but settles down. Anyway, one time when I was playing at this game, I got the shield stuck. But if we could get it down, it would probably be useful to Rion now.
Щит королей гномов
28, 71 подземелье
The rogue drops gently out of the tree, tapping the shield. Good quality, this, he says. It'd stand up to dragon's breath - pity it's so small. Rion holds out his hand for the shield. Oh, no, it isn't that easy ... the rogue sneers, greed gleaming in his eyes. Oh, for heaven's sake! Chris snaps, and waves a wingtip summoning Rion's elves forward. The rogue attempts to dive into the forest, but the underbrush is too thick for him to get away. What a waste; what an exceedingly stupid human! Did he think he had a deal with a devil? Much good it would do!
Перчатки всадника
37, 55 подземелье
The dwarf snatches the bag of coins from the air, and leaps onto his fat pony, disappearing into the trees in some haste. Rion peers after him. How very odd. Jen looks over his shoulder, sniffing the air. What - surprised he didn't want to disturb that behemoth to get the gloves to you? Rion stares at the table, only now noticing that what he had taken for folds of furry tablecloth were in fact the limbs of a large creature. Er ... I hadn't realised that it {was} a behemoth, in point of fact. Jen flips a wing at him. Humans! No sense of smell. She leans forward, examining the situation. No hope for it, I'm afraid. The cords of those gloves are tangled in its claws. We're not going to be able to retrieve the gloves without waking the behemoth.
Страж задания
43, 55 подземелье
A representative of the Nagas resides in this valley. She looks Princess Ann up and down. You could use some serious swords-training, young lady! the Naga comments, with a twist to her lips. The princess demurs, embarrassed. Well - to business! the Naga continues. You were to bring us a Ring of Infinite Gems in exchange for our trade goods, and access to our depots. Have you got it?
Страж задания
43, 61 подземелье
A squadron of Genies guard the pass. One glides up as Princess Ann approaches. Ah, lady of the Mercantile, the genie says. You wished for a trading alliance. We wished for a Ring of Infinite Gems. Is it time for these wishes to be granted?
50, 60 подземелье
4, 26 подземелье
Страж задания
15, 22 подземелье
A Genie guards the pass. Are you allied with us? she asks suspiciously. Rion makes a reassuring comment. The genie shrugs. Words are only that. Look, I have a problem, and it provides an opportunity for you to prove you've been accepted at Genome. Machinery in the factory is broken - I need 5 Iron Golems to do the repair work. Bring me them and I'll let you through.
Страж задания
37, 67 подземелье
A cantankerous old woman sits atop a large wooden log, placed across the road. Go away! she shouts, as Rion approaches. But why, ma'am? he asks. Ain't no-one coming through here while there's that mad archangel on the loose! My old husband's dead scared of him, he is, and set me here to make sure Phogan doesn't get any closer than this. So you're facing the danger, not him. How gallant ... Rion's voice trails off. The old lady isn't moving. Who's your husband, ma'am? The woman glares suspiciously at Rion, but decides that the question is harmless enough. Toby MacEmerald, she replies.
Страж задания
52, 9 подземелье
A squadron of Naga Queens look down from the snow. Do you wish to pass, human? the leader queries, idly tilting one of her swords in the sunlight. The blade reflects a flash of light into Rion's eyes, distracting him from his answer. The Queen laughs, and draws another of her swords. A second Naga slides up to her, and whispers something in her ear. Rion catches the words Princess Ann. The Queen nods to her aide, and turns back to Rion. Bring us a representative from Nagai or Nagamemnon, she says. If you can show that you are allied with our castles, we will let you pass.
63, 69 подземелье
Tan infusion
Tribute comes in.
Боевой гном
38, 50 подземелье
Dwarves gossip about prices near the trading hub of the marketplace.
37, 50 подземелье
Leave my wallet alone!
Ожерелье навигатора
37, 53 подземелье
The necklace resembles a graceful aquatic creature. The tingle of magic suggests that sailors would value this necklace enormously.
Дендроид страж
31, 44 подземелье
Dendroids stand as ceremonial guards at the approaches to the University.
Дендроид воин
41, 44 подземелье
Dendroids stand as ceremonial guards on the approaches to the University.
44, 58 подземелье
Rion approaches the Archangel carefully. Jen and Chris flank him closely. As they draw nearer, the archangel fires an arrow at empty air; it disappears mid-flight, and he looks around. One down, many more to go! Julia gasps. The young angel hasn't seen her friend since before the incident at the university, and he has deteriorated markedly under the influence of his madness. Phogan! Phogan, my friend, what has happened to you? Oh, look at you! The archangel's eyes focus on her, and he draws his sword. I am the greatest ArchMangle that ever was! he proclaims, the madness lighting his eyes. You cannot touch me, demon!
Сосуд с кровью жизни
2, 4 подземелье
Vampires loll contentedly in the shadow of the necropolis. For such a dry, dead place, they seem surprisingly well fed. Are you sure you want to take them on?
3, 9 подземелье
Jenova examines the dry, dusty bones. Ex-minotaur, she says. Chris glides gently to her side. I'm not sure ... Not sure of what? That it's dead? Or that it's a minotaur? Chris flips a wing at the corpse. No, no, it's a dead minotaur right enough. Broken neck, pretty clearly - pretty odd, so close to a vampire's castle. No, it's the area I'm not sure about. If this patch of land were any more dead, we'd find ghosts in that old mine!
5, 37 подземелье
The lake is so lovely and peaceful that you can't resist at least pausing to take a drink and smell the flowers.
40, 6 подземелье
Страж задания
31, 7 подземелье
The pass is guarded by a few sorcerors. Rion murmurs a caution to the others - having caught a glimpse of altars in the valley beyond, it is likely that these sorcerors have earth elementals nearby. He dismounts and approaches the guardpost on foot. Good afternoon, sirs - will you tell me about the city below? One of the sorcerors, a bearded gentleman with a red cape, assesses Rion quietly before replying. It is the Collegium, pilgrim, a place where all different magics may be learned. Jenova, catching the response, steps forward excitedly. I would love to study there! To learn magic on my own behalf - what tuition is charged? How soon may we all enrol? The sorceror's expression goes blank, and he gazes steadily at Rion. Chris tugs Jenova gently away. The Collegium is hopelessly human-centric, he whispers. Where other Conflux cities are a little more reasonable, the folk who settled here have taken it further. You won't find any of their own heroes here - and they won't teach you anything. They won't even talk to Archangels. Rion steps back enough to overhear the conversation. Whatever their prejudices, being able to learn more spells would be very useful, he comments. Jen, Chris, Julia, will you be greatly offended if I go ahead and study with them? Julia nods as the two green dragons give their consent. Be warned, Rion - these folk don't actually know all the spells one can learn, only the disciplines. They strive after it endlessly - but they claim, when pressed, that they have not the funds for it. I understand they sought Lord Damacon's sponsorship, but he refused. Rion nods, heeding the angel's warning. He turns back to the sorceror. What price tuition? The sorceror smiles maliciously. You must bring a new book for our library - one on Water Magic would round things out nicely.
13, 8 подземелье
Sharpshooters train in a long-established outpost. Gelu has trained bowmen here for many years, one explains. There's another special training site nearby - but that one's for Dracon and his enchanters.
23, 1 подземелье
You are working on behalf of the University? the enchanters ask. Well, then - we should like to join you. Or most of us would - there are a few conservative brothers that believe none of us should leave until Dracon returns.
Страж задания
16, 8 подземелье
A shimmering barrier blocks the only path through the thick forest to Vertragon. Jenova shakes her wings, peering through the leaves, hoping to catch a glimpse of another green dragon on the other side. Chris pulls her back, gently. We were told about this one, he reminds her. Gelu threw the necromancer out - then set it so that only a sharpshooter could let anyone in.
69, 56 подземелье
14, 63 подземелье
Rion walks up to a cache of mercury reflecting the sunlight. A shout from behind makes him turn. Don't go there! the elf cries. It's guarded by scads of imps! Imps, huh? Jenova murmurs. She steps up beside Rion, a speculative expression on her face. D'y'think we can roast some more imps?
6, 60 подземелье
Some twigs lie beneath the spreading branches of a large tree. Rion studies them thoughtfully. Could be useful for something, he says, gathering them up.
43, 58 подземелье
As the archangel's eyes close for the last time, Rion kneels beside him. I wonder what was plaguing him, he murmurs. Archangels should not be so easily overcome. Julia points, horrified, at the devil materializing behind Rion's back. She tries to say something, but cannot speak. Jen draws close to her, as imps and demons become visible. Chris draws a fiery breath. By the first shell, I welcome the chance for revenge on these foul beings - they drove an archangel to his death; let us now see to their death!
Кулон святости
12, 46 подземелье
An archangel presents you with a talisman. This will admit you into our home, he says. Cathedrale is a most glorious city - but perhaps you have not visited the University's western regions as yet? Cathedrale is to the East, however.
Хижина предсказателя
71, 71 подземелье
An elderly man nurses a frail child, keeping a golden ring on her finger. Rion examines the child closely. A wasting disease, he murmurs, frowning. How has she survived this long? The old man taps the ring, large on the child's tiny hand. This is the Ring of Life, he whispers, as if fearful of the spirits. It has kept her alive for the last year. Rion shakes his head. It's keeping her alive right enough, he says, touching it, and feeling the tingle of magic. But she's not getting any better. It'd take a miracle ... or an Angel. You think I don't know that? the old man replies. Another healer told me the same thing when she first fell ill. But I can't give up hope - maybe some day someone will find an Angel who is willing to die in order for my grand-daughter to live.
Страж задания
5, 33 подземелье
A sharpshooter guards this narrow pass. Who goes there! he cries, spotting Rion on his horse. Friend, Rion replies. Hah! replies the sharpshooter. That's what the last visitor said. And we knew {he} wasn't friendly. Deemer, he was, sent by Mister Rich Coward to take over Whitestone. Took over Whitestone, too, but never sent any money back to his master ... or should I say ex-master? Jen rustles her wings, impatient with the gossip. I rather think we've dealt with Deemer - he won't bother you again. The sharpshooter makes a bow in her direction. To be sure, Miss Greenwing, but that doesn't prove you're a friend. Julia wraps her feathered wings around herself and speaks up. How if we could prove we've been to the University? Rion glances at her, startled - the angel doesn't often have much to say. Been doing things for the University?
4, 32 подземелье
As the sharpshooter sets off through the woods, demons emerge from the trees. Firing swiftly, the elven creature takes out two of his opponents - but then the rest reach him, and the battle is over before Rion and the dragons have time to react. As one of the demons waves the Angel-Feather arrows, Rion snaps out of his shock. Attack! he cries.
Хижина предсказателя
32, 31 подземелье
Rion walks into the smithy, looking around. What's it like, working so close to the university? he asks. The smith rolls his eyes. Up until recently, it was very good. Hard work, lots of it - I made better swords, shields, arrows for many of the students training in fighting at the University. It kept me, my journeyman and my apprentice very busy. But when the Power of the Dragon Father was stolen from the university, and the university shut down ... Well, my journeyman made a few rabbit traps and things before he left, and I think he and my apprentice are scratching a living that way in a village not too far from here. {I} certainly couldn't afford to keep feeding them. Feeding myself is hard enough! Rion looks around the smithy, noting the long benches, extra tools, the second anvil. His business could hardly have come at a better time for the smith, it appears. But enough gossiping! the smith exclaims. He points at his workbench. Just put that little shield down over there, please, while I stoke up the furnace.
Страж задания
31, 31 подземелье
A small smithy is nestled in the forest. Jenova gently glides in and lands near the window. Her shadow through the window alerts the smith to his visitors, and he comes hurrying out. What can I do for you, sir? he asks Rion. Goddam human-centric humans! Jenova mutters. He didn't even {think} of asking me! Chris glances over at her. And what could he make that we could possibly use? It's all heavy - I prefer to remain able to fly, don't you? Jenova laughs in spite of herself. Iron wing-guards! Big helmets we can't see out of! counters Chris, chuckling. Steel tail-holders! Chainmail breastguards! Rion turns back from his conversation with the smith. Having fun, are we? Jenova stops giggling abruptly. Rion continues. The smith here is ready to upgrade this small wooden shield of mine - for a small fee, if we supply the materials. 500 Gold, 2 Wood, 2 Mercury and 10 Ore; do you think we can afford it?
Волшебный свиток
16, 47 подземелье
One of the archangels finishes writing down the ingredients of a spell. This is has miraculous effect if used soon enough, he whispers to Rion. It is not useful in many circumstances - it must be used almost instantly, and cannot be used on anyone who has died slowly ... still, we resurrect many victims of accident or violence this way. It is an incredibly holy power, granted to the strongest of us by our Lord in Heaven.
34, 28 подземелье
Found sleeping under a magical dome, Sir Mullich's past is uncertain. So, given his capacity to irritate Princess Ann, is his future; he is little more than a pretty face attached to long legs and a chivalrous phrasebook.
Страж задания
33, 30 подземелье
Through the trees, Jen catches a glimpse of another dragon. Hola! she cries, hopefully. The dragon turns, and Jen steps back in surprise; it is huge! Giant green eyes peer through the trees. Bring me a princess! the stranger replies. Jen musters her courage. To eat? I think not! What a way to treat a friend! The stranger shakes its head, the movement seeming impossibly fast. No. I promise I won't hurt her.
34, 29 подземелье
A small, doe-eyed green dragon waits in the shadows. Princess Ann approaches it, carefully. Even as small as it is, it stands much taller than she does. Why did you need a Princess? Ann asks. The dragon extends a wingtip. A knight lies sleeping under a shimmering dome; the dome is surrounded by a river of lava. As Princess Ann watches, the dragon drops a heavy stone into the lava. It bobs to the surface and floats downstream. The only thing that doesn't float in that lava is gold, the dragon murmurs. I need someone with enough gold to dam the lava - or at least make stepping-stones across it. She tilts her head, sending a slightly sulphurous breath in Princess Ann's direction. I can fly across, of course, but I can't break the spell on him. The spell doesn't actually require a princess; any reasonably pretty female humanoid will do. I just needed a very wealthy one. Princess Ann feels her jaw drop. You want {me} to rescue a {knight}? She starts to back away, shaking her head. She bumps into something, and looks up at Chris's giant green head. Go on, he whispers. You can do it! He gently nudges Ann forward. Jen is already pouring a pouch of gold into the lava. Gulping, Princess Ann steps toward the lava.
Огненный язык красного дракона
34, 26 подземелье
Several Red Dragons lounge lazily near a magnificent sword sitting in a raised hollow. You want it? one hisses, as another inhales for a flame-filled breath. So do we! The sword shifts, and the rock underneath uncurls into a black dragon. A few red scales are still visible on the underbelly - the sword must have enabled the development of this dragon from red to black. It flaps its wings once, twice, and shoots a jet of fierce, hot flame into the sky. Jenova shudders as the giant black levels a malevolent gaze at the intruders. D'ya wanna fight? the Black drawls, lazily.
33, 27 подземелье
Princess Ann gradually stops shaking, as the fear subsides. She did it! And the knight in front of her is pleasingly handsome - probably well worth rescuing. The knight bows to her. My name is Mullich, and I am forever at your service! Oh, most beautiful damsel, from what may I defend thee? The elven princess's smile fades. Who'd rescued whom here, hmm? You may go look after my unicorns! she snaps. {I} have a sword to retrieve.
Сфера уязвимости
31, 37 подземелье
Rion picks up the Orb of Vulnerability. He glances over at Jen. Here, catch! Startled, Jenova makes a dive for the flying globe. She only just reaches it in time, and lands heavily on the ground. She gets up, stretching out the wing she'd landed on. Ow. What was that for, anyway? Rion's lips twist in a smile. Test your reflexes? Jenova glares at him. Well, actually, I was intending to test the effects of the Orb on you. I didn't mean for you to hurt your wing, though. How bad is it? Jen shakes it out, cautiously. It'll be fine in a few hours, I think. Rion reaches for his spellbook. Sooner than that, with any luck. He flips through, rapidly. Don't be silly, Rion, you know little spells ... don't ... work on ... Her voice trails off as the cure takes effect. That feels {weird}. But much, much better. Jen looks over at Chris, whose concern is mingled with curiosity. You try it - it's odd, to be open to little spells like that. Rion flaps his hands gently at her. He'll feel it soon enough. Many fights still to go before we make our way to the University.
Сфера подавления
40, 37 подземелье
Rion picks up the tiny red globe and shudders. Inhibition - ugh! Quickly, he deactivates it, feeling relief as the magic returns. The university will be very glad to have {this} little toy removed from their vicinity.
Демон бездны
26, 30 подземелье
The Pit fiends hear you trying to slip past, and turn around, whips at the ready!
28, 37 подземелье
Rion looks ahead at the shining black globe so near the university. Half the thief's story, he murmurs. We can use it, and the university won't mind having its magical protections back. Jenova and Chris exchange glances. A few skeletons for dinner - why hadn't the university taken care of the orb itself, then?
Скелет воин
27, 38 подземелье
Some skeletons bravely attempt to bar your way ...
Страж задания
46, 35 подземелье
Julia kneels at the entrance to the castle, praying for a few minutes. The other young angels join her. What's this all about? Rion whispers to the Archangels. This is Cathedrale, one replies. This is where angels become Archangels. We know it well - we spent some time here before we started our work in the hospital. The young angels will be praying for acceptance as Archangels. Rion looks on the shining white walls of the castle with newfound awe. Holy of holies, he murmurs. And will we be permitted to enter? The Archangel smiles. If you have some suitable gift to show your worship for our Lord.
46, 34 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
42, 29 подземелье
The old sage looks up from his book as Rion enters the small, thatched dwelling. Who are you? he asks. Rion bows courteously. My name is Rion, and I am a Healer from Erathia. Who are you, sir? The sage draws himself up with pride. Magnus Magnolium, Emeritus Professor of Aquathaumatology. Jen whispers to Chris, puzzled. Emeritus Professor? Chris replies equally quietly. It means he used to teach and research at the University, but now he's retired. Magnus looks sharply at them. My hearing is still sharp, he says, acidly. He slumps, remembering something. Pity about my sight! He snaps his book closed, and pushes it away. That does me no good, now. What I wouldn't give for a bit of freedom - or a strong young Azure dragon to carry me home to my grandchildren!
Сказочный дракон
43, 41 подземелье
The faerie dragons fan out in a circle, surrounding Rion with a sparkling web of magic. One steps forward and addresses Rion. Why dost thou come here, stranger? Rion bows, instinctively treating the beautiful creatures with courtesy. Lovely they are, but they could kill him with a thought if they thought he deserved it. I came to accompany Jenova to the University. The Spokesdragon lifts an eye. Yet you come here with an army. Is that the action of a peaceful mission? Rion turns and looks back at his companions, cut off from him by the circle of Faerie Dragons. They look back at him, apprehensively. Angels, Archangels, Dragons, Bracadans - all working for him and with him. It's a large force indeed, and he can see why the Faerie calls it an army. We found it necessary, Jenova and I - someone had to take charge, and throw the evil influences from the land. Rion frowns. That sounds so pompous! We found the University closed and people disorganised - we organised them and set out to restore things, so that Jenova and the others can eventually go to University. We have thrown out at least some of the devils and undead that plague the area. The Spokesdragon nods, and the circle of Faeries breaks up. We evicted some forty ghost dragons from this area a few months ago - but were sufficiently weakened by that fight that we could not attack the invaders or free any more territory. Since you have, it seems we need no longer guard Aurcliffe against attackers, and we will now come with you.
31, 61 подземелье
Princess Ann slows, as she rides down towards the market-place. Rion spurs his horse forward, noticing the frown on her face. Is there a problem? he asks, gently. Yes, Ann replies. I was on a trading mission when I was kidnapped. I had two Rings of Infinite Gems - very precious, very valuable. My kidnappers stole them, of course. There are two major factions of Bracadans who were going to give us access to their towns and transport networks in exchange for one of these rings - which would have been very profitable for my father, the chief trader. She sighs, and draws another breath. Both the Nagas and the Genies have already given us some opportunities, because we were bringing them the rings. Now ... now they're going to be very unhappy with us - and my father's emptied his treasury to no avail in this exchange. I don't know how we're going to get out of it. Rion looks sidelong at her. Most kings don't worry over-much about matters of trade and fortune ... Ann looks embarrassed. My father isn't a king. He's a merchant. One of the richest merchants in Falstaff, and everyone in this region looks up to him and follows his advice ... but he's not a king. He calls me his princess - some fathers do, you know - and everyone else has called me Princess, for as long as I can remember. She pauses, stunned by a memory. Including that lecherous old man who has the only other Ring of Infinite Gems. Ye gods - I really don't want to deal with Toby MacEmerald, or visit his slimy cave, but it seems like we might have to - and might be able to retrieve {part} of the trading deals. That would put us in a much stronger position. Toby lives underground, to the south.
15, 46 подземелье
Intensive Care
20, 53 подземелье
Falstaff General Hospital.
6, 16 подземелье
Withering Sands
38, 62 подземелье
Falstaff Marketplaces
46, 66 подземелье
The ride was rough and dangerous, and Rion is drenched in sweat by the time he reaches the other side. He takes off the gloves to let his hands dry, and looks back at the pass. A few rocks here, a little bit of wood there, a tiny earth magic spell, he murmurs. Next time will be easier. He shields his face from the dust raised as Jenova lands beside him.
54, 71 подземелье
Rion looks up at the parapet. This is odd. Why do gargoyles live here in the valley of the pure? Jen looks sidelong at him. Gargoyles live in all sorts of places. Most people don't mind having neighbours that spend most of the day sitting still like a lump of admittedly ugly stone. She stretches her wings, bored. Frankly, I don't think the unicorns really notice them at all - for all their sharp horns, they spend most of the time looking at grass. They don't have terribly sharp minds. Rion glances at her, amused. Unlike yourself, hmm? My sharp-minded friend who can't even remember a Princess's name? Jen refuses to be baited. I remember the things that are important. At that, Rion laughs out loud. I shall have to tell Princess Ann that she isn't important enough for her name to be remembered! Oh, heavens, Jen, you'd be in immense trouble if I did! He continues to chuckle for several minutes as they ride down the valley.
Карты пророчества
19, 10 подземелье
Jenova, scouting ahead, surprises some rogues playing a violent card-game. What on earth are you doing? she cries, as the rogues surround her. One rogue grins. Playing Aqueduct, he replies, with a glint in his eye. For dragon-teeth! Chris comes in to land near the table, disturbing the cards. Looks like 'Weir' to me, he replies. Or was it called 'Causeway'? Or what? I forget - haven't played in ages. But there's one thing I remember, that you seem to have forgotten ... The rogue's assurance falters. What's that? You shouldn't count the teeth until the dragon is dead. He lifts a wingtip, and Rion steps out of the trees, as the elves behind him stand up, arrows nocked to their bows. Anyway - all {our} scouts have guardian angels ...
Страж задания
61, 63 подземелье
Oh no! This is obviously one of the rougher taverns in the area ... there's a game of Whack-a-Mage going on in the back room. You'll have to get through that - and that means going in to play ...
62, 63 подземелье
Rion takes a seat, with Jenova and Julia looking on nervously. The Archdevil makes a ribald remark about the female audience, causing Julia to blush, and Rion's face to tighten. He makes no response, however, turning to the Ghost Dragon. Is it true your kind can walk through walls? The Ghost Dragon looks annoyed. Yes. We've been through this with the genies. I couldn't have stolen their treasure - I need room to materialize completely before I can pick anything up, and there wasn't enough room there, for all there is now. So leave me alone! Rion looks slightly stunned. This means two things. One - the Ghost Dragon knew how much room was in the genies' treasury before things were stolen from it. Two - not enough room for a Ghost Dragon is still roomy enough for an Archdevil. Genies aren't the brightest creatures around. He turns back to the Archdevil ... The Archdevil quickly deals a card face-up in front of Rion. It's a Mage. Stacks on! one of the genies shouts.
Бездонный кошель золота
63, 63 подземелье
Rion pulls a small purse from the Arch-devil's pocket. He upends it, and coins pour out ... and pour out, and pour out; more than could possibly have fit in the purse originally. One of his genies exclaims in surprise. That came from our treasury! You mean the Archdevil did it? Rion grimaces. I wonder what else he did. Your treasury isn't the only place that things have been stolen from.
49, 61 подземелье
The genie looks up at the battlements with a certain amount of puzzlement. They're all still on guard up there, she says. Probably because of the treasury theft two weeks ago - someone broke in and stole a lot of money and some valuable artifacts. Still - you'd think they'd know us! She looks sidelong at Rion. Frankly, I think a lot of the genies here aren't terribly bright. Can't they {tell} we're friends? Rion conceals his amusement. This genie isn't the most quick-witted of creatures, either. A rudimentary 'Disguise' spell could make someone look like a genie. His amusement fades as he contemplates the guards on the Tower's walls. He still has to get into the Tower itself before they'll give him the support he needs.
2, 71 подземелье
Jenova sighs, peering over the trees. That's Falstaff, just through there. My parents were born somewhere in here! She spreads her wings, excited. And somewhere in there is The University - I can hardly wait! You lift a hand in restraint. Easy, youngling. Many a slip twixt cup and lip - the problems your sister reported may have intensified. And we haven't gotten across the border yet ...
36, 61 подземелье
Princess Ann looks up at the battlements. They {are} on alert, she says. I could swear! People have been so tense and upset with everything that has gone wrong lately - and it's only making things {worse}!
24, 52 подземелье
Rion pauses as he approaches the Portal of Glory. Something ... He yelps in startlement, turning to the angel behind him. What do you - Julia! His knees go weak as he relaxes. You gave me such a shock! Do you want to come with us? Julia smiles. I do, she says. And so, I think, will a number of my friends. However ... She looks down, shamefaced, and then looks back at Rion. Did you suppose Angels were united or agreed on things? Rion looks closely at her, his attention caught. I hadn't thought about it, really. Why? Julia grimaces. Some angels think we should stay exactly where we are - in the hospital - not going out to do something about the mess this country is in. Close-minded old fogeys, if you ask me, but they won't. Anyway - those three angels waiting there are from that school of thought.
15, 51 подземелье
The monk approaches the open doors of the monastery, calling to his brothers. Come, let us go out into the world and heal the needy! Noises emerge from the stone walls of the monastery, and shortly two monks hurry to greet them. They nod to Rion, as the first monk introduces them and explains that these two have taken a vow of silence. He looks back at the monastery, startled to see eight silent monks taking up positions across the doorway. A ninth walks out on the balcony above. God should be worshipped in silence and prayer! the monk calls. Return to your cells and repent your desires of glory!
47, 64 подземелье
The angel flutters down to talk to Rion and Jenova. My name is Eowyn, she says. I would like your help in liberating this valley ... She gulps, and sniffs. Jen extends a comforting wing to the depressed angel. Won't you tell us what you can? Eowyn gathers herself together. The short story here is that a Demoniac came and took over most of the valley. She shakes her head. I don't know how she got here - we used to have magical protections in place against the Inferno in general, and Marius in particular. Marius {hates} woodland creatures, you know ... Jenova nods. Eowyn continues. Well, the first I knew that something was wrong, there was fighting at the Portal. My home, of course. More than half of us were killed in the first attack. I was told to go and find help - the others were going to hold off the attack for as long as possible - long enough for me to get away, certainly; they hoped to hold the attacks off til help arrived. Tears appear in the angel's eyes as she continues. I'd barely got this far when I heard the explosion. I turned around and saw a cloud of black smoke above the Portal of Glory ... which is a Portal of Glory no more. Cold, dead - oh, it is terrible! She wipes her eyes. And the University couldn't help me. The Power of the Dragon Father had been stolen the day before - they were all frantically doing everything they could to recover it, and fix the damage done during and after the theft. I hate to think what Marius is doing to the unicorns. She's not killing them outright - I know that - but with her hatred of all the unicorn kind, whips are probably the least of it. And unicorns aren't intelligent enough to rebel. (Note to player
Кулон святости
71, 67 подземелье
A chain crosses the narrow causeway, with a holy pendant dangling from it. Chris extends a claw for it. Wait! cries Jenova, wings spread in startlement. Don't you think it will be guarded! Marius didn't get past here ... She looks at the peaceful, undisturbed valley past the causeway. This would be a second line of defense - after those dendroids.
Дендроид воин
71, 68 подземелье
The causeway is blocked by trees, that move as Rion approaches. A whisper of winds through their branches sounds like a warning ... a few charred branches show that the trees have held back the Demoniac successfully.
48, 70 подземелье
Some Rogues are taunting a druid held prisoner. Is this another of the University's instructors, perhaps sent to help with the Valley of the Pure? Rion shrugs - the rogues are already turning to fight him; it seems he's rescuing the druid whether he likes it or not!
49, 69 подземелье
Coronius was sent to investigate the Valley of the Pure, so that the University could send a force to rescue it when some of their teams returned. However, Coronius fell into a trap set by bandits, and never made it back to the University to report.
19, 49 подземелье
A starched-up Matron sits at a desk covered in paperwork. In the small room behind her, a depressed young healer is visible through a glass window. She brightens as she sees Rion approach, and gesticulates rapidly, pointing at the Matron and the locked door. Rion frowns, and addresses the Matron. Why is that nurse locked up? What has she done to deserve it? The Matron frowns severely. Every item of her attire is prim and proper, neat and clean, in some contrast to the loosened hair and carelessly worn uniform on the imprisoned nurse. What has she done? She has been most improper - running in the halls, knocking things over, talking back to the surgeons, even singing to the patients. And {then} she spoke of taking her work elsewhere. Most ungrateful. Rion shakes his head. Damned if she did work for you, damned if she didn't. The Matron's expression, already cold, freezes completely. She taps a bell on her desk, and a group of equally proper Sisters appears behind Rion. There'll be no swearing in {my} ward, the Matron says, firmly. Throw him out, Sisters.
52, 66 подземелье
Valley of the Pure
55, 67 подземелье
The unicorns, crazed by the evil fog, turn and attack!
56, 67 подземелье
Jenova coughs in the fog. The damage these evil people have done to this valley! Will this scar ever heal? Rion shakes his head. Not soon, I'm afraid. Things are always easier to destroy than to create. He bows his head, thinking of the bright angels that once dwelled here. Now the portal stands dead and empty.
2, 7 подземелье
Vampires come
The cold, dead desert seems somehow to breed vampires like nothing else could.
25, 54 подземелье
Jenova studies the maternity ward curiously. That's odd ... Why are the medusas veiled? Rion follows Jen's pointing wingtip, and laughs a little. So that they don't stone their own babies. And so that their babies don't stone them ... it's worse in the delivery room; they have to blindfold the medusa, veil all doctors and nurses, and hood the baby as soon as it's taken its first breath! You think they're ugly when they've grown up - the newborns are revolting! He looks over the other patients in the ward, smiling as a sprite coos at her twins. Sprites bear children very readily - it's not surprising that there are a lot of the happy little creatures here.
17, 53 подземелье
Rion comes upon a monk kneeling at his prayers. Respectfully, he waits until the holy man is finished. The monk looks up and smiles. Join me in praying for this country, he says. The smile fades. Truly, there is much to pray for, and too few of us to reach all those in need of help. Rion bows. I would be honoured, he says. I have met some of the people needing our help. I could take you out there ... The monk casts down his rosary, jumping to his feet. I had by far rather serve my god by doing than praying! he exclaims. Let us fetch my brothers and go!
21, 53 подземелье
Rion's passage into the hospital is impeded by a thin little man with a querulous manner. I need careful nursing, he says, with strength at odds with his words. I am so very ill - so dreadfully ill - and you healers aren't taking me seriously! Rion lifts his eyebrows at the nearest nurse. Hypochondriac, she says. Rion nods and turns back to the peasant. I think Jenova can take care of you. Jen smiles wickedly, stretching her wings and emitting a tiny plume of flame.
21, 50 подземелье
What shall we do with the Drunken Swordsman? a healer murmurs, disgusted. Nothing better to do than hang around in taverns, huh?
Высокий эльф
17, 49 подземелье
Rion joins one of the healers, examining an elf's burned hands. Fought with a dragon three days ago, the healer says to Rion. Rion glances over his shoulder as Jenova tactfully withdraws. He took two days to get to us. Now the burns are infected. Three days of using lorei cream, and those hands would heal properly - but we just haven't been able to get it. We've run out of several basic medications recently. Rion looks startled, and checks his first aid supplies. I thought so, he murmurs in satisfaction, pulling a small tub out. It's one of the preparations I never travel without. The healer stares for a moment. Is the Marketplace finally open again? Rion smiles. It may take a little while for normal trade to resume, but I'm sure they'll have more supplies of lorei cream in soon. The healer smiles. That will be a relief. In the mean-time ... well, I rather think you'll need that pot yourself, but if this young fellow sticks with you, you'll treat him, won't you?
Зеленый дракон
11, 45 подземелье
Two green dragons lie still, barely breathing, as every movement disturbs the distinctive burns from a chain lightning strike. Jenova gasps and covers her eyes with a wing. The horror! Oh, who could do this to them? Chris tugs gently on Jen's wing. You can undo it, Jen! She brightens, and takes the vial of Elixir from Rion. A tiny drop on each dragon's tongue, and moments later, the pair are getting to their feet, all the weals and scorch-marks gone.
14, 44 подземелье
Rion kneels beside one of the unicorns, shocked. What happened here? The unicorns barely move; their coats are grey and faded; their horns nearly transparent. An archangel comes up behind Rion. Poison, he answers. Someone led a herd into an area where the grass was fouled with poisonous weeds. There were a few ordinary horses - all dead in short order - we lost half this herd, too, and the others are only lingering on because of their nature. We can't get sufficient food into them. Rion laughs, and shakes the little bottle of Elixir. Fortunately, I'm going to be able to fix that.
16, 43 подземелье
An Archangel invites Rion to visit the Portal of Glory. Truly, I think our younger brethren will be glad to join you - and if they are reluctant, we shall soon persuade them!
Страж задания
26, 34 подземелье
Only the pure may pass this close to the university ... have you a Talisman from the Valley of the Pure?
Страж задания
69, 29 подземелье
A shimmering barrier blocks the entrance to this tiny, over-grown valley. Rion studies it with his magical senses, and shudders. What's wrong? Jenova queries. Death magic. Rion grimaces with pain and distaste. Someone died to create this barrier - probably another green dragon. And the barrier will persist as long as the murderer does. Jen snaps her wings open aggressively. The same Death Knight who has despoiled Auragon, just south of here? I want to flame his dry bones til they're powdered ash!
67, 43 подземелье
Extra dragons
Страж задания
68, 38 подземелье
Jenova looks at the shimmering barrier, so like the one further north, and turns to Rion with fire in her eyes. Did another green dragon die to create this? she demands. Rion shakes his head immediately. No. Can't you feel it? This does {not} reek of death magic. I rather suspect this was set by a druid. What it does have in common with the other one is that this one will exist as long as Moandor does. Christopher extends a wingtip to touch the barrier. That would make sense, he says. We can see there are treasures hidden behind there. Moandor would never have done that - any necromancer would keep treasures for himself. But if the druid knew he couldn't hold Auragon against Moandor, he would have taken steps to protect these treasures.
Шляпа капитана
0, 0 подземелье
Christopher shouts a warning. Slow down! That artifact is guarded by still {more} water elementals! Jen's sharp eyes spot something more. And a horde of ice elementals. Well - do we think we can take them?
2, 0 подземелье
The boat rocks suddenly in the water. Jenova peers over the side, at the once smooth water, now boiling with water elementals. What on earth is going on here? she exclaims. Chris spreads his wings to keep his balance. We {had} seen other water elementals in the area ... seems they don't want just {anyone} recovering that hat!
38, 39 подземелье
The administration will be very pleased to hear about this. Jenova looks at the Archangel with an expression approaching contempt. The administration will be hearing from me, I assure you! Rather less of this would have happened if they had only listened to Dragons earlier! The Archangel kneels, apologetic. Rion looks on, dumbfounded. Archangels don't kneel to {anyone} ... he shakes his head, and concentrates on the Archangel's words. ...whether or not the administration is interested, I know {I} have much to learn from you. You will have my deepest respect and my loyalty until the end of my days. Jen shakes her head, gently dismissing the Archangel's vow. This was a team effort. Credit where it is due. She waves at the other green dragons, crowding into the university behind her. Just - just listen to dragons, next time they try to bring you a warning.
69, 27 подземелье
A blue-robed figure greets the travellers as they travel down the tiny valley. Do you come from the University? it asks. Rion pauses before answering. Indirectly, he replies. I have never spent any amount of time there, but we have visited and we have been able to help them in the present situation. The blue-cowled figure puts back his hood. Then that would explain why I do not recognise you. Christopher is visibly startled. But I recognise you! Dracon! Gelu told us you had been sent to do something about Auragon - how did you end up here? Dracon shakes his head. Sabotage - a spy had infiltrated my troops. We had camped in this little valley overnight, ready to launch a surprise attack on Auragon the following morning. The spy got a message to Moandor, somehow, and Moandor set up a barrier at the entrance to the valley while we slept. Foul creature - he killed a dragon to power that magic. Rion nods. We know. But why did Moandor not attack you directly? A look of pain flits across the master enchanter's features. At the time, my army of enchanters was more than a match for his forces. When we discovered that we were trapped, I did not immediately realise we had an enemy agent in our ranks - I thought we'd been spotted somehow. When our water supply was poisoned two days later, however, we did catch the traitor. But by then he'd set up a lot more nasty surprises for us. By the time we'd dealt with all of them, my force was reduced by more than half - and Moandor's force has now been growing for months.
Хижина предсказателя
61, 32 подземелье
A bright, healthy young girl greets the visitors as they enter the tiny hut. Ssshh, she says, Don't wake Grandfather. She smiles, revealing mischief and a touch of secretiveness. I have been waiting for Rion to visit for so long!
Страж задания
31, 51 подземелье
The shipbuilder is scared of Marius. I heard what happened to the Valley of the Pure, he says. And I'm not doing anything that might mean she gets north to where my family live! I think she used the Hourglass of the Evil Hour on the Angels. It is in vain to point out that Marius is not very close by - and that there are other ships on the river. The man is clearly terrified - and clearly brave enough to die rather than build another ship.
Амулет маны
64, 24 подземелье
Rion pulls the tiny charm from the muck of the swamp, flicking little insects away. Familiar, he murmurs. I rather suspect this is part of a set.
Бездонный сосуд ртути
69, 15 подземелье
Rion picks up the bottle of quicksilver with care. Valuable, certainly - but Damacon knew cash from chemicals.
60, 15 подземелье
Oh, yeah, sure we've seen Lord Damacon, the soldier says. Came by every month for some practice - though he insisted on so much padding I don't know that he learned very much. Haven't seen him recently, though.
64, 17 подземелье
The shrine stands cold and silent, clouds slowly performing over it. Rion shudders. I hate these things; they mess up my scrying something chronic. Chris scratches himself with his tail. Makes my brain itch, he says. I quite agree. I daresay this is the sort of place Damacon came regularly, though. Jen looks closely at the shrine, and sneezes. As the ensuing cloud of dust disperses, she steps back to join the others. I don't think that cloud of dust can have accumulated in the last few days, however. This hasn't been cleaned in some time.
Адский троглодит
68, 15 подземелье
Mine! Mine! Jen looks disgusted, as the blind little troglodytes shake their spears. Pitiful things. If this is Damacon's vaunted treasure, I'll eat your hat, Rion!
40, 28 подземелье
Chris points out the entry to the Dragon Utopia. We set some very precious artifacts aside here, and some money, he explains. They were to be kept for a time of national emergency. I think it's fair to say that that time is now, given the University's troubles - but I rather suspect the guards here will need convincing!
34, 18 подземелье
Chris flies tauntingly over the castle. Come out, Damacon! Come and fight! Jen looks quizzically at him. Why are we fighting Damacon, anyway? Chris settles to thr ground beside her. You mean - beside the fact that he's a horrible cowardly opportunist who should never be allowed to settle here, and probably abuses his people and definitely displaces ours? A smile tugs at Jenova's lips. Yes, besides that. Chris shrugs. He's filthy rich. And he's in our way. As Jenova gives in to laughter, Rion contemplates the serious side of the question. How likely is it that Damacon has participated in the despoiling of the country since the University's downfall? His mouth sets in a grim line. Remember Whitestone? Jen's amusement evaporates. Whitestone was a bright and airy Castle - when Shara visited it. I rather think the changes since may be laid at Damacon's door. He looks up at the grey, mud-packed walls, and the turrets manned by green-skinned medusa. A red dragon meets his gaze unblinkingly. Given that, I think defeating Lord Damacon and using his wealth to repair the damage is justified. Rion senses a probing airmagic spell being cast by Damacon. Coward or not, he says, Damacon would seem to be an expert magician. This will not be an easy fight - many of our army may die. Chris shrugs, ebullient as ever. So long as we have Archangels on our side, and their spells at our disposal, we can take the time to fix all that. Rion chokes with laughter. Impudent creature! The miracle of resurrection should not be spoken of in such an off-hand manner!
14, 36 подземелье
Whitestone, Rion murmurs as he studies the grey, mud-packed walls. Methinks someone else has taken over here recently.
2, 32 подземелье
Rion descends into the valley with a certain amount of trepidation. Gelu is not likely to react well to the loss of one of his sharpshooters ... The ForestGuard captain surprises Rion, appearing abruptly by his side. I saw that battle with the demons, he states. I only wish I'd seen the demons earlier. So tell me, how did you come here? Rion explains the situation, trying not to stare too obviously at Gelu's startlingly white face. As far as the University is concerned, no-one came back - and they don't appear to have had anyone in reserve. They'd even sent out scouts to get information for when the major teams did return - and still no-one came back. Gelu grimaces, and shakes his head. Very poor strategy. I was sent out on two missions - I {did} succeed in the first, throwing Thant out of Vertragon, but my force took some losses in doing so, and when we got here, we fell into a trap, from which we were lucky to escape to here. We had at least been able to hold Deemer off, but his army was growing every week, where mine did not ... I gather you've dealt with him? Rion nods, and the Ranger continues. Well, we were hoping {something} would get us out of here. If Whitestone had still been the glorious castle it used to be, I would have been able to train renegade archers - but all the human folk fled. Hopefully they made it over to Cathedrale, but that's a fairly long journey. Anyway, I rather expected it to be Dracon who came to get us - for an ex-Bracadan, he's a remarkably seasoned campaigner, and he can pull off remarkable victories against otherwise overwhelming forces. Gelu shakes himself, and beckons Rion towards his campsite. Enough gossip - we've got work to do. Those elves of yours - I've seen their kind of technique before; they get a lot of arrows in the air with awful speed, but not a lot of precision or power. If we have any time and money to spare, I might see about fixing that.
0, 34 подземелье
Gelu waves to the sharpshooters practicing amidst the trees. My trainees, he says, then whistles to get the bowmens' attention. Time for us to return to the campaign, folks, he declares. Rion, here, has dealt with the enemy who blocked our escape.
17, 6 подземелье
The sharpshooter joins Rion at the gate. This is Vertragon, she says. Home of a number of green-tailed dragons like your friends there. They're not listening to me, though, or anyone - still terrified after their experience with Thant. You will have to fight your way in. Jenova gasps, overhearing the report. She looks up at the fortress walls, seeing other green dragons waiting to defend their home town. We can't go killing other dragons! Dragons just like myself - I won't have it! It's not {that} important that I go gold! There are limits! Rion turns slowly to face her, a grave expression on his face. Our campaign isn't only for you any more, Jen - or for Chris. What about all the other dragons that will never go gold? Your children? Jen looks thunderstruck. My ... children? Rion nods, grimly. Your children. Many of these folk have alternatives - but you don't; for green dragons there is only the University. A tear trickles down Jenova's face. There were other places to go gold - but they're all linked to the Power of the Dragon Father that should reside here. Damn you! Damn it all! Rion stretches out a hand to the distraught dragon. We're trying to restore the university for everyone - Nagas, Genies, Unicorns, Angels - these folk have already made sacrifices in the hope that we'll succeed. Would you dismiss all they've given up? We must go on.
30, 41 подземелье
This is Vercliffe. My parents were born here, Jenova explains, studying the cliffs pock-marked with dragon caves. Shara said we had quite a few cousins here - hopefully they'll recognise us and help us in our quest.
29, 40 подземелье
43, 40 подземелье
70, 26 подземелье
Rion points back down the valley, at the white-glowing liths. You had an escape route - why didn't you use it? Dracon draws himself up with pride. My reduced force was still capable of defending this narrow pass - but if I had retreated, our Bracadan allies would have been open to attack through those liths! It would have taken a much larger army to defend Proteome from the other side. Rion shakes his head. I think there might be some misunderstandings somewhere. Those allies weren't providing much help til we came and shook them up a bit, whatever your enchanters might have been doing. Anyway, I think the situation has changed enough that you may safely leave this area and help us.
62, 48 подземелье
Christopher flies down from investigating the dragon vault. The horror of it all - Griscliffe once housed hundreds of dragons; I don't know how they were massacred, but the caves are full of bones. It will take generations to restore this place, if it happens at all.
64, 48 подземелье
67, 33 подземелье
Christopher and Jenova leap into the air as one, joyfully calling to the inhabitants of Shelcliffe. But their pleasure is short-lived - three green dragons, guarding the cliffs, breathe flame in an un-mistakably hostile manner. As they land again, beside Rion, he prepares for battle. Seems that trio of dragons have been hypnotised - Jen, your sister did warn us that magical invulnerability had failed here. I suspect that's half the story - and death-magic the rest. Hopefully it's only those three who've been affected this badly. Jen shudders, wrapping her wings around herself. Is there any way besides killing them? It was quite bad enough at Vertragon! Chris shakes his head sadly. I think Rion is right - and the same reasons we killed other dragons at Vertragon still apply here. We're not in this just for ourselves.
70, 6 подземелье
Jenova studies the icy spires, awe-filled. What manner of dragon lives here? Chris snorts gently, a flame emerging from his green muzzle. Dear country cousin, this is the home of Azure Dragons - many times larger and tougher than us. They have to be, to endure this cold. Jen spits vehemently I'm not your country cousin! Don't mock me! Children, children, Rion intervenes. No fighting, now. Jen, he does have a point - neither you nor I are terribly familiar with Falstaff. However - he turns to Chris before Jen, incensed, can get a word in - That doesn't mean you should be condescending. We might be better off asking Julia for information, not you. He turns to the angel. How does one get Azure Dragons on-side? Julia responds in a soft, alto voice, gentle as always. You have to earn their respect. Such swift, strong creatures will not fight for a weak leader. And you have to offer them a fortune in gold and mercury - like any dragon, they like a pile of treasure large enough to sleep on. Dragons this large need quite a large pile. The smile on her face catches Rion by surprise - he hadn't suspected the angel of having a sense of humour.
71, 7 подземелье
56, 8 подземелье
Rion breathes heavily as he climbs the steep mountainous road. He glances briefly at the dragons, flying lazily in the cool air above. Did they have to put the Bracadan Embassy at the top of a mountain? he puffs. A mage, climbing the trail easily beside him, laughs as he overhears the complaint. The ambassador likes it cold - we all do. No-one native to Falstaff was terribly keen on living in the crater of an extinct volcano, where Bracadans aren't terribly keen on warm seaside lands. The Ambassador, a very clever fellow, often arranges win-win situations like this. He points at the Tower spires, becoming visible above the mountain's slope. That's his residence there. You probably won't meet the ambassador himself - he has spent most of his time in Bracada since the University fell; no-one for him to negotiate with. However, his staff will probably show you around.
57, 8 подземелье
Rion looks more closely at the mage, trying to remember which city he was hired in. Why isn't he here defending the Ambassadorial Residence against invasion? The mage laughs as he moves smoothly over a narrow break in the trail. It wasn't necessary. Lord Damacon wasn't the nicest or most scrupulous of people, but as a trader he knew where he made his profits - and he never let anything jeopardize our trading relationship. A thought occurs to him. Besides, the Ambassador would be back here in an instant if anything were to go wrong. The Bracadan knowledge of transportation magics is unmatched; we make both temporary and permanent gates as needed. Even those gates which do not link to Bracadan territories were created by us - though commissioned by the University.
49, 39 подземелье
Mine! Mine! Julia shudders. Things have reached a pretty pass indeed, if Cathedrale's gem pond is taken over by devils!
Золотой голем
40, 64 подземелье
Hey! That was uncalled for!
Алмазный голем
41, 64 подземелье
So I said to the Jeweller, that's an outrageous amount to charge just for patching a dent. You'd think Diamond was rare or something!
42, 55 подземелье
Princess Ann looks out over the tiny Naga outpost. The Naga always scare me, she murmurs. They are such powerful fighters - and frightfully intelligent; I find it easier to deal with Genies cheerful carelessness. Rion pulls up his horse beside her. We have to be practical, I think. We can only get support from one group. Are they very different? Which group will be more help to us? Ann's brow furrows as she considers the question. Which is better - that's hard to say. The genies have one of their depots {here}, so we can benefit from their help {now}. The nagas are powerful fighters, and there are just about as many of them, but we have to reach one of their depots first - at least I don't {think} there are many of them at this outpost - and there are ice elementals barring the canal near the shipyard. She scratches her head. I think, too, that enchanters get along marginally better with the genies than the nagas. But enchanters treat everyone pretty much the same in the end, so that's not too big an issue. And both genies and nagas have mages in their towns.
Ледяной элементал
28, 48 подземелье
And just where did you think {you} were going? Rion looks skeptically at the elementals. You're remarkably ill-equipped to pull off that sort of school-teacher impression! A glint in the leader's eye warns of trouble. We'd like to teach you a lesson, it states, with deceptive calmness. Shall we begin?
51, 8 подземелье
The junior nagas, excluded from their senior's conference with the Gargoyle, indicate their willingness to accompany Rion.
54, 1 подземелье
Nagas practice idly in the snow. Bored, they respond eagerly to Rion's promise of travel and adventure.
49, 65 подземелье
Rion peers down the long valley. Marius, is it? Eowyn nods solemnly. I don't know how strong her force is now, but she was certainly strong enough to take {us} over!
27, 41 подземелье
None shall pass!
28, 41 подземелье
What on earth were they doing there? Jenova asks, shaken by the encounter with the Archdevils. Rion strokes his forehead, thoughtfully. I don't know - but I wouldn't be surprised to find that it was tied up with everything else that's happened in this area.
37, 39 подземелье
Rion takes Jen aside as the procession moves forward to the place where the Power of the Dragon Father belongs. Are you sure you want to do this? Jenova stares at him like he's out of his mind. Am I sure I want to go gold? Haven't I spent the last several months cleaning up this country because I want to go gold? Rion shakes his head, a little embarrassed, but persisting. But I had to heal you so many times - I lost count of the number of resurrections I performed on green dragons, and everyone else. I won't be able to do that once you make the change. Jen meets his gaze steadily. I will be likely to die in battle. Or in accident. I know - but now I must take that responsibility on myself. She smiles, looking older by the moment. You've been a good, supportive friend, Rion - you let me make many more of my own mistakes than my parents would. But now - now it is time for me to grow up. Rion returns the smile, his heart singing despite the tears in his eyes. Then go, O green-winged one, and exchange those green scales for gold ones!
59, 23 подземелье
The lake shore is quiet and still - the muddy banks broken only by a trail of footprints made from wellington boots. Carefully, Rion picks his way along the trail, til he finds the place where Lord Damacon had been fishing. There's one jar left behind - dropped and broken; the newt inside, long dead. What did he want with Newts? wonders Jenova. Where did he take them? Who uses newts?
Башмаки левитации
60, 23 подземелье
Rion picks up the Fishermen's boots that Damacon has left behind. He must have been in an enormous hurry, Rion comments. It's not like a notorious miser to forget something as valuable as {these}.
Фиал драконьей крови
40, 3 подземелье
Jenova swears mightily. Where did this come from? How did they do it? Who did they kill? Rion studies the vial with a more open mind. Who says this wasn't created by the dragons themselves? Jen pauses mid rant. What? Rion smiles, holding the vial up to the light. Death magic reeks - the taint is unmistakable, at least for a magic user like myself - and this doesn't have it. But it could be obtained from a living dragon - or several, more likely - and it would make a good base for enchantments that affect dragons. He glances at Chris, amused. Judging by the way both you have raised hackles, I would say this one makes you more aggressive, and possibly stronger as well. No - the real question, here, is how the Collegium came to have this - but they're not all that talkative a group, so I daresay we won't find much in the way of answers. We just have to hope they don't ask any awkward questions before we leave.
5, 64 подземелье
Aryan returns
Aryan returns to Foothold in the early hours of the morning. He's greeted with recriminations - Why didn't you come straight back here? Shame-faced, he admits to the elders that he hadn't thought that there would be any problem. He'd gone to Mercanhold - in Falstaff's trading centre - with the news. He'd brought back some supplies and a few friends ... after some more discussion, the elders let him go.
Aryan's information
Aryan finds Rion and Jenova to tell them what he has learned. The Bow of Elven Cherrywood from Foothold is only one of the artifacts that has gone missing - the most important theft was from the University itself! The Power of the Dragon Father is missing - many of the University's spells have been broken. Much of the country is bristling with frightened people, ready to draw swords before asking questions. No-one is sure how many other precious artifacts have been stolen, before or since. After Aryan is done, Rion turns to Jenova. It looks like your sister was right - trouble {was} brewing here, and it's obviously hit fairly hard. Determination spreads across Jen's face. I came here to go to the University. We're not turning and running home again. I want to go Gold - before I get too old to make the change!
Красный дракон
44, 16 подземелье
My name is Marcus, the Red Dragon says. He looks Jenova up and down. I should love to join your army - anything that keeps me in the presence of such a lovely young dragon is worthwhile. Jenova shivers, uncomfortable with the Red's frank appraisal. Rion lifts an eyebrow. And what are your priorities, young Marcus? The red dragon points at a black dragon behind him. Getting out of here while my Mum's not looking!
43, 14 подземелье
The ground around the witch's hut is littered with rubbish. Jenova's eyes skip over the broken Roc feathers and mollusc shells, to a pile of dismembered newts and a curiously rectangular lump of earth, crushing a hummock of grass. Rion goes over to the hunk of earth, and scratches at the surface. A few flakes of dirt come away in his hand. Tough stuff, huh? I wonder where it came from? Chris glides over and settles beside Rion. Let me. he murmurs, and drives his claws into the mass of earth, pulling it apart. The sound of tearing roots seems un-naturally loud in the pine-forest clearing. Rion brushes dirt off some of the roots revealed by Chris's action. By all that's holy! he swears. That's {mandrake!} The noise has attracted the witch's attention, and the old woman emerges from her hut. Mandrake? That's not Mandrake! she cries. Rion looks back at the roots, to see the more prosaic root structures of wild carrots. He returns his gaze to the witch, who looks less like a hag and more like a young lady than she did a moment before. Rion exchanges glances with Jen. She nods; they're in a spot of trouble here; best to bribe their way out. Rion pulls out a purse of gold. Mistress of the Night, he says, It was but idle curiosity and ignorance. I have just recently come from Lord Damacon's castle, where he demonstrated an extraordinary expertise in Air magic. I was wondering where a teacher in the art might be found. The witch's eyes gleam. I can teach you - for a price! she replies. She turns and gestures for Rion to follow her into her hut. Rion follows closely, overhearing her mutter Old cheapskate, Damacon. Tell him newts are expensive, and he supplies his own. You'd think the miser could afford to pay me properly. At least this sucker's ready to undo his purse strings.
17, 5 подземелье
40, 7 подземелье
Jenova studies the Collegium's smooth, elegant spires. I find it hard to believe that they could set themselves up as a rival to the University. Rion furrows his brow. I'm not altogether sure rivalry should come into it. I mean - the University provides physical training and education to a great many folk who it seems the Collegium would not accept as students. Then, too, the University teaches very little magic, whereas it's all the Collegium teach. I really think they can co-exist ... which is just as well, given that I wouldn't care to have these folk opposing our quest to restore the University. Jenova glances up at the walls of the Collegium. Erm - they aren't exactly granting us free entry ...
29, 37 подземелье
Did you really think it would be that easy? a dry voice asks.
42, 41 подземелье
The Faerie spokesdragon apologises as Rion approaches the cliffs. We felt it better not to force our way into Aurcliffe - a few of the green dragons there are still very scared and defensive. I don't know what the Ghost Dragons did before we got here - I think a few of them will never recover. Rion meets Jenova's eyes. No, this is not fun, but at least it will be quick and merciful - and it will be for their own good. Jen nods, acknowledging the unspoken message, though her pain is evident in the stiffness of her wings and the tension in her jaw. Let us put them out of their misery, and free the younger dragons.
14, 35 подземелье
Computer infusions
Aid from the underworld arrives.
Лесной эльф
41, 58 подземелье
Jenova explores the market-place, excited by the bustle and movement. Her exuberance is abruptly curtailed, though, when she sights an Archangel in dreadful health. His wings are ragged, half the feathers missing; his face contorted with some emotion she can't identify. Jenova settles to the ground, slowly, finding an elf to ask questions of. What's wrong with that archangel? The elf looks where she is pointing. Flutterbrains? He went mad a few weeks ago. Give him a wide berth - Phogan tends to shoot at people who come too close. Jen looks at the archangel, astonished. Something sent an {Archangel} mad? As she watches, the angel plucks a feather from its wing, slitting it and using it to fletch an arrow. A drop of blood rolls down the feather, unheeded. The horror ... Jen whispers, feeling unable to watch any longer. I must find Rion - surely there is something we can do. The elf nods. Can I help?
41, 19 подземелье
Jenova listens closely as Rion describes his encounter with the bandits. Interesting. So he had dealings with those unsavoury creatures. What next? Chris grins. We go visit the Rogues and find out where he went next! I've always fancied myself a detective ... we have to trace his trail til we find where he hid his treasure!
52, 56 подземелье
A genie glides gently forward. We came to Falstaff to travel - but we've seen no more than one outpost. We're bored. Won't you let us come with you?
53, 56 подземелье
I came here from Proteome, the enchanter says. Proteome is a lovely city in a mountain valley deep in Bracada - I worked on the lith connecting this area to that one. My work is done, however, so I'm free to join you.
36, 43 подземелье
Cavaliers guard one of the university's caches of gold. Do you want to fight them for it?
31, 55 подземелье
Princess Ann greets the elves as old friends. Can we come with you? they ask. We need to pay for a few more arrows, but otherwise we're all ready and eager to come! Princess Ann smiles, with an edge of sadness. I'm sure we can afford your arrows - this week, at least. The artifacts stolen when I was kidnapped cost us a lot of money, though, and we don't have that big an income - so I don't think we can hire absolutely everyone who wants to come, every week.
Дендроид воин
21, 12 подземелье
Thou shalt not steal!
25, 18 подземелье
This is a most useful spell, the monk whispers, gesturing to the shrine he tends. Cast it but once a month, still it will reveal all manner of secrets that may be most helpful to you.
Летучий змей
7, 62 подземелье
Jenova swats at a fly. What are these doing here? They came over the border not long ago, an elf explains. That was when we put up a border guard. They move almost too fast to shoot, or we would have been rid of them in short order. Jen inhales, and breathes out a broad swathe of flame. Fast or not, I think I can toast this group for you.
Страж задания
53, 71 подземелье
A naga guards the access to the tiny outpost. Yes, this lith will take you to Nagamemnon, or to Nagai, she says. But you may not use it unless and until you prove you have reached Nagai yourself. You'll find obsidian gargolyes in those two cities and no-where else.
Ящик Пандоры
46, 55 подземелье
The outpost has a small store-room. Do you want to go inside?
19, 66 подземелье
The witch greets Rion with some surprise. I recognise you! Come this way! Rion shakes his head, bewildered. The grand elf steps close to him and whispers Mrs Newtcatcher is a precognitive - she dreams of the future. Don't argue - pay attention! Rion nods and looks where the witch is pointing. See this plant beside my house? Rion studies the non-descript, small-leafed green shrub with a certain amount of bewilderment. This is Mandrake, the witch continues. She fetches a mouse and holds it over the leaves. The mouse squeaks wildly before going limp. Mice recognise it. You need to recognise it. I see you searching for it, digging near it - some moons from now, many miles to the north of here. There is only that one other patch in this country - and it is about six paces from my sister's house. Remember! Rion shakes his head, puzzled, but pulls out a notebook and writes down the witch's words.
Щит дракона
68, 39 подземелье
As Rion picks up the shield, a paper drifts to the floor. He unfolds it and reads it quickly. This is from the person who set that barrier, he says, as Jen and Chris move closer. It seems he killed the first invader, Nymus, from whom he captured this shield. Then Moandor turned up with a very large army, and he was rapidly overwhelmed. So he set this barrier to protect these artifacts, just before he set out to prevent Moandor massacring the dragons at Shelcliffe. There are still green dragons there, so it sounds like he succeeded. Jenova bows her green head reverently. A true hero. What is his name? Rion scans down to the signature at the end of the letter. Not a druid, a wizard, it seems; his name is Astral.
16, 45 подземелье
The Archangels gather about Rion, glad to exchange their passive service of nursing for the more active service they will see with him. A few junior angels take seats behind the Portal of Glory - all the current patients may be cured, but there will be more in time.
68, 44 суша
Feed me!
Feed computer Resources
Ghost Dragons
68, 55 суша
Feed me!
Resources for computer
Devils online
Extra devils
47, 20 суша
18, 22 суша
Огненный язык красного дракона
24, 8 суша
The battle over, Rion claims the sword. Did it have to come at such a cost? he wonders, sadly. What cost? Jenova asks. Startled, Rion turns around, to see the Naga Queens struggling upright. A gentle light bathes their wounds ... the air is filled with the tingle of enchantment. Oh, heavens! he exclaims. I thought it was real! It was, replied the Naga Captain; but we had prepared for it; we knew you would need our Sword back. Just - bring it with you when you return here, and we will train our daughters during your visits. She slithers slowly into the trees, followed by the other naga queens. Stunned, Rion looks around, to see a group of enchanters waving back at him. Preparations indeed, if the Nagas had arranged for them to handle the magic!
Страж задания
25, 24 суша
Rion presents his papers to the Naga guarding the lith. I'd like to travel to Nagamemnon and hire and train Naga Queens, he explains. The Naga looks penetratingly at him, then his army, before studying the papers carefully. Evidently she decides he can be trusted. We cannot let you pass, I am afraid. You will keep this in strictest confidence - our Sword has been stolen, the one named the Red Dragon Flame Tongue. Without it, we cannot train Naga Queens. Should you recover it for us, we will of course permit you the privileges you were promised in that trading agreement. Rion pauses for a moment, absorbing the news so matter-of-factly stated by the Naga. Well, they were always incisive, decisive creatures - though this is bad news indeed! He bows courteously to the Naga, thanking her for her time and information. She dismisses the flattery with a wave. Tis only pragmatic, she says. We want our sword back - how are we going to get it if we don't have anyone looking?
Королева наг
24, 9 суша
Now that you have brought our Sword back to us, a Naga Queen hisses, You wish to take it away again? To part us from the artifact that enables our daughters to become Queens like ourselves? Her serpentine tail digs deep into the snow, black and blood-red, and Rion takes a step backwards. I think we must, he replies. We must re-create the Power of the Dragon Father, if the University is ever to be re-opened. This doesn't just affect you - it affects everyone. If we {can} reopen the university, everyone will benefit - and your daughters will be able to train as Queens there. The Naga Queen ponders for a moment. There is something in what you say, she admits. But it would be foolish of us to give up the Red Dragon Flame Tongue if your chances of success were poor. At any rate, if you do not succeed, you must return the sword to us ... and you may not take it away to start with, unless you can guard it better than we can!
Плащ из крыла дракона
48, 8 суша
Still, Rion murmurs, we have to try. He looks at the shrine in the narrow pass, guarded by throngs of Master Genies, and draws his sword. Ready, Jen?
Страж задания
46, 27 суша
The genie at the gate looks harried. Yes, this path leads to Proteome. No, I can't let you past. Yes, I know we have a trading and free passage agreement. Jenova listens to the genie's replies to Rion with dawning enlightenment. The thefts reached you, too, didn't they? The genie squirms, embarrassed. Jenova continues, mercilessly. I thought it was odd that a mere genie would be on guard duty. You're not a master because they can't train you - and they won't let us reach Proteome to hire Master Genies, because there aren't any to hire. What got stolen? The genie gives up. Alright, alright! She glares at Jenova. You know too much. It was our Dragon Wing Tabard. For all the good it does you to know - I still can't let you past, unless by some lucky chance you happen to find it and bring it with you. As they turn away from the genie, Rion steps close to Jenova. They're dependent on an artifact like the elves are? he queries. Not quite like the elves, Jen replies. But similar, yes. Genies don't normally have any spell-points to cast anything with - or any spell-power to make it stick with. Master Genies have acquired both of these skills with the help of the Dragon Wing Tabard.
11, 54 суша
Pink infusion
Tribute comes in from afar.
Devil time!
59, 49 суша
Twin towers stand to either side of a seething lake of lava. The scent of sulphur fills the air. Jenova stares in disbelief. You'd think the stone would melt, she says. It's as hot as Hades itself in here. Rion grimaces, as sweat pours down his face. I rather think the stone may be magically invulnerable to fire. Jen looks back at him, surprised. Well, then, we {can} magically undo that magical invulnerability - with the same Orb that was used on the university! Worth a try, Rion replies, digging the Orb out of his pack. He hands it to Chris, who flies over and sets it near the base of one of the towers. The stone nearest the lake does melt - but the tower doesn't fall; as more and more molten rock joins the lava, Rion scratches his head. Something doesn't add up here. Chris steps back from the tower. I have an idea. He jumps into the air, flying up to the ceiling of the cavern. Quickly, before the heat and sulphur overwhelm him, he dislodges a large stone from the roof so that it falls onto the tower. The stone knocks a few chunks from the tower ... but as the trio watch, the damage heals and the tower is restored. Chris returns to the ground. I thought so, he says, panting. There's a renewing spell on them as well. If we were to activate the Orb of Inhibition, that'd put a stop to that. He looks back at the first tower, and smothers an exclamation. Jen - grab that! Jen dives at the Orb of Vulnerability, and retrieves it before it is covered in the stone still melting from the tower. Youch! she exclaims, shifting her grip. It's hot! We haven't solved everything yet. Even if we do use these Orbs to get a Tower to melt, we're not going to be able to get them back again - they'll be caught in the lava - and we still have to get past the melted Tower! Rion stretches his hands over the still-hot Orb in Jenova's claws. He mutters briefly, and a stream of cool water pours over the Orb, sizzling briefly. Jen sighs with relief. Rion pauses to fill a bucket with cool water, which is quickly passed around the thirsty travellers. He glances back at the tower. Another place where mage-skills are useful, Rion murmurs, before turning back to the two dragons. I won't be able to summon water right next to the Orb of Inhibition, he says, but I {will} be able to summon ice from further away. If we're fast enough, we'll get past the Tower while the temperature isn't too high.
Страж задания
62, 50 суша
The Tower will not melt unless both the Orb of Vulnerability and the Orb of Inhibition are used.
Страж задания
62, 48 суша
The Tower will not melt unless both the Orb of Vulnerability and the Orb of Inhibition are used.
61, 49 суша
Rion approaches the twin towers slowly. We can only pass one of them, he murmurs. But which? Jen glances at Chris, stretching her wings. The pair leap into the air together, raising a shower of ash from the floor of the huge volcanic cavern. They approach the towers carefully, but the walls are narrower and they cannot fly over the lake of still-active lava. Disappointed, the two dragons return to the ground, raising a second cloud of ash. There are imps behind the tower on the right, Jen reports. I think I caught a glimpse of an Inferno's black towers. If it's a devil who stole the Power of the Dragon Father, teleporting into and out of the University, then he and whatever he retains from the Power will be behind that gate. Chris looks over at her. But what if it were a ghost dragon? he asks. It's been absolutely clear that both the Inferno and the Necropolis have been involved in the problems besetting Falstaff. There are skeletons behind the tower on the left - if it was a ghost dragon who stole the artifact, that's where he'll be! Rion frowns. We're only going to have one chance to find out, folks. We'd better choose wisely. Jenova scratches her head, thoughtfully. Rion looks quizzically at her. What's on your mind, o green-tailed one? Jen sighs. I'm trying to remember what we saw when we revisited the University. Besides an Archangel turning us away because the Power of the Dragon Father was gone? Jen glares at him. No, when we went back and looked at where they used to keep it. Rion's jaw drops. Oh, I see what you mean. It's not just a question of who wanted it most. Only one of them was actually capable of removing the artifact. And hopefully that's the one who'll still be carrying the last two pieces.
45, 7 суша
Herman introduces Rion to his fellow enchanters. We've got a bit of a situation out there, brothers - and when we're done with the local Genies, it sounds like they could use some help in Falstaff itself.
47, 9 суша
Jenova stretches her wings in the crisp cool air of the Bracadan valley. She shivers as the movement chills warm scales. This is summer-time! How do they survive in this snow all year? Rion fastens his coat around himself. I'm not sure. I know I'd be less cold if I {hadn't} had to give up the lightest, toughest cloak I've ever seen ... Jen lifts an eyebrow. One made of Dragon Wings? She wraps her wings more firmly around herself, glad of the warmth they provide. That's a problem in itself, you know - if we're ever to restore the university, we need that tabard - it being one of the pieces of the Power of the Dragon Father. And somehow I doubt there's another one anywhere handy! Rion grimaces. And somehow I doubt the Genies will yield back it to us at all willingly.
48, 7 суша
Rion looks around at the devastated shrine. I wish it hadn't had to be this way, he murmurs. One of the Genies stirs briefly, sending a few sparkles of magic through the wintry air. Moments later, an enchanter comes running up the steep slope to the saddle. Herman here. What has happened? Rion explains, looking sadly at the green tabard they'd reclaimed. It hardly seems worth it, really. I still wish it hadn't had to be this way. Herman gathers his breath. Those dead and dying genies wish the same thing, I assure you! He pauses, and his face goes blank for a moment. My brothers in magic agree. So - how can we do this? Rion looks puzzled. Do what? Chris breaks his silence. Resurrect the Genies and grant your wish, I suspect. Herman nods. That's right. Resurrecting them and making them forget what has happened is largely a matter of power - and I don't have enough on my own, but my fellow enchanters are prepared to help. So - you need their Tabard? Well - let's see. Slightly scatterbrained and distinctly lazy, genies; no foresight or wisdom, unlike nagas. I think if you bring the Tabard back with you each time you want to recruit some Master Genies, they won't actually train the young ones up to Master until you need them, when you're actually {here}. So if there's an illusion that the tabard remains - as long as the tabard is actually {present} when you want to recruit Master Genies, that'll fool them. What do you think? Rion smiles, and offers the enchanter his hand. I think it a very good idea - and I wish that it will work!
50, 3 суша
Herman points out a lith glowing amongst the hills. We have created a portal leading to our leader Dracon's hiding place. We thought he might need the escape route.
33, 68 суша
Jen pauses while her eyes adjust to the darkness. The cave is cold and dank, the walls slimy. Why are we down here? she asks. This is not a nice place. Rion peers through the cave. We're looking for Toby MacEmerald.
Хижина предсказателя
38, 67 суша
Rion ducks inside the dank little hut. Hallo there! Mr MacEmerald? A fat, unshaven old man struggles upright from underneath a pile of papers, throwing aside an empty bottle. That'd be me. Who are you, then, charging into me hut without even knocking on the door? Rion holds his breath for a moment, while the smell of old beer passes, and then introduces himself. I understand you have a certain ring I would be interested in trading for. Oh, you do, do you? the old drunk replies. He wipes grime from his hands, revealing a large diamond ring. He grabs the diamond and tugs it off the gold setting, watching as an emerald grows in its place. How'm I going to keep myself in beer and magazines without it, hmm? Marry a rich girl? Obviously the thought appeals to him. The drunk throws back his head and laughs. Yes, I like that solution! I'll have Princess Ann to wife! Rion controls his expression with difficulty. What a vile, revolting prospect! Not to mention that he's already met Mrs MacEmerald. He's distracted by a crashing sound from the next room. What's that? Toby scratches the stubble on his chin. Dirty dishes falling down, I reckon. He turns his gaze to Rion. Well - that's the only trade I'll give you. My ring on Princess Ann's finger - her ring on mine. Rion is about to refuse the offer, repelled, when a thought occurs to him. Ring for ring is a fair trade - so long as Princess Ann is not involved. Can he hold the old drunk to the word of his offer, and not the spirit?
Волшебная сфера маны
38, 68 суша
A lovely orb lies hidden under some stones near Toby MacEmerald's hut. Rion picks it up carefully. Somehow, he doesn't think the old lecher will miss it.
Владыка джиннов
48, 12 суша
A fat genie counts coins in an ice-cream factory. He looks up as Rion enters. What? Another merchant come to diddle me out of a very profitable business? Get him, boys! The factory Genies rise to attack Rion before he can explain.
0, 52 суша
Nulltown Tan
3, 52 суша
Thant has quest artifact and must not abandon.
0, 60 суша
Nulltown Orang
3, 60 суша
Moandor has quest artifact and must not abandon.
Страж задания
70, 59 суша
Rion studies the shimmering barrier. Another place protected with someone's life, he says. In this case, the infernal creature from in that castle there. Well, it obviously {was} an Archdevil who stole the Power of the Dragon Father in the first place - we were right; there wasn't room for a Ghost Dragon - but why? Jenova studies the relics beyond the barrier with a certain amount of awe. They wanted these, it would seem. Few more powerful relics exist. Rion shakes his head. There are quite a number of more powerful relics - many of which we wrested from evil hands in this process. And the Power of the Dragon Father itself has enormous power - yet they broke it up! Why? Chris laughs. That last is easy, at least. They couldn't use it, any more than they would be able to use the Angelic Alliance. He glances at Julia for confirmation. The Archangel frowns. You're right, Chris - and I also know why they stole it. It's not just so that they could have it - greed is only one of the forces that drive the Infernal creatures. They - she pauses, controlling her emotion. They are also driven by envy - if they cannot have it, they don't want anyone else to either. Good and beautiful things - it doesn't matter - the whole business of bringing down the University and stealing artifacts from all of Falstaff and parts of Bracada - oh, it is evil, horrible, alien, but they did it simply because they could.
Доспех черного дракона
71, 60 суша
Rion picks up the Dragon Scale Armour with reverence.
Ожерелье из зубов дракона
71, 59 суша
Jenova lifts the string of sharp dragon teeth clear of the rocks beneath. Such wonderful teeth you have, grandmama, she murmurs. Chris laughs. Magically fireproof, no less! That little explosion would never have hurt them.
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