Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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It's time to separate the amateurs from the professionals. No RPG'ing, no questing, no beautiful map; only pure strategy and tactical mastery. 4 will compete, only 1 will survive. Do you have what it takes? Only for advanced players. Pick your favorite town type and choose hard to play.
Welcome, Gladiators! You are all here today for one reason and one reason alone: to find out once and for all who is the most powerful and intelligent of warriors. The winner of this contest will be promoted to General and will command all the armies of the kingdom. But before we begin, I will explain to you the rules. The main battlefield is divided into eight primary regions, with each gladiator commanding two regions. Each of these territories are bordered by three other regions, and protected by garrisons. Phoenixes guard the choke points between garrisons. These birds are very unfriendly. It is worth mentioning, however, that each group of phoenixes guards a substantial reservoir of gold- should you be able to defeat them, of course.
intro 2
Ground Rules: All of you command two warriors and two regions. However, no two friendly regions border each other. This means your three neighbors are enemies. In each region, there is a one way gate that leads to a neutral (secondary) battleground. This battleground contains several resources that will become key in winning this contest. However, you must know that once a gladiator teleports through to the neutral battleground, the only way back is by ship. When the contest begins, each gladiator will start with the same amount of resources and have one free creature group in each territory available to recruit. In addition, there will be one random artifact per gladiator available from a carefully pre- selected pool. This means that the more gladiators you kill, the stronger you will become (note: warriors recruited in taverns are not gladiators, but they still may be carrying artifacts).
intro 3
And now for the final and most important thing to know: The Rules of Engagement. There will be only one survivor. You will take no prisoners. Cowardice is unacceptable. All heroes will be equipped with The Shackles of War. If you are to win, then all else must die. Good luck, fellow Gladiators. May he who is strongest, survive.
take resources
All participants in this contest must check their belongings at the gate. The winner will collect them back at the end.
give resources
We will now give to each you a standard issue of supplies. Good luck, gladiators. Let the games begin!
System: You can identify Gladiators from tavern recruits by their names. All gladiators have an asterisk, *, in front of their name. Remember, killing a gladiator will get their artifact(s).
Message to Red Player
Message to Red Player: You currently command a structure named Partheon. If you lose control of this town at any time during the contest- even if for a moment, you will be eliminated. If you are truly the best of Gladiators, then surely this shouldn't be much of a problem...or is it? Either way, you must not lose Partheon! Also note that there is a two-way gate protected by a garrison in the NW corner of one of your regions. This gate borders an enemy territory to the south. Good luck.
neutral town
Notice to all gladiators: He who controls the neutral town of Kronos will receive additional bonuses every 7th day. Kronos can be found in the north area of the neutral battleground.
check up
The King is pleased with the competition. All of you are proving worthy opponents. Fellow Gladiators, please take this as a gift from the King.
Случайный город
31, 5 подземелье
3, 6 подземелье
Верховный лорд
24, 30 подземелье
Боевой маг
10, 30 подземелье
17, 6 подземелье
3, 18 подземелье
31, 18 подземелье
Случайный город
18, 5 суша
The town of Kronos gains resources.
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