Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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You suddenly find yourself in the lowest earth surrounded by your minnions. They have all run amok and its your job to once again unify all armies under your rightful rule. The only way to do this is to capture the key city of Opal's Heart!! Good luck..... General.
My lord welcome to your kingdom, please have a seat in your new throne. We have been working for many weeks on it. I hope you find it satisfactorily. My Lord, the first thing I have prepared for you is the information you requested. Here you are! The pages read..........
Page 1
Pages continued....... The dragons to our west have been the guardians from a powerful devil that has taken over your western underground kingdom. The dragons should be avoided until a large army can sent to subdue them or we find some way of bypassing them. Our resources are limited, we should.....
Page 2
Pages continued..... be able to secure are sawmills and ore mines within a week. However, other resources will have to be found above ground. This ends your scouts first reports!
My lord, as by your request, we now have the goblin digging Co. working for us. They charge a bit but whatever they find within the earth is ours to keep. They will begin work in 3 days, however we do have to pay them now.
Diggers first day
My lord the diggers have begun their work today. They expect resutls within days of working. However, they charge a fee of 500gp a week. I will notify you immediately of any and all results. And yes my lord, the spies you requested are here. What's that? Very well. you will see them tommorrow!
The spies
As you glance over the spies, you notice they are an incompotent bunch, except for one woman. You hire her on the spot. However, she charges 400gp a week for her services, which you find acceptable.
Discovery one
The goblin team has discovered a small vein of gold worth 1000gp. Your minions immediately put this in the treasury.
You pay the goblin team and spy today.
Spy Info 1
Spy Report 1: I have discovered that there are 4 lords. A barbarian, a necromancer,a knight, and a demonic. All are extremely powerful and should be avoided. They are not allied so they will not all attack you. END OF REPORT
Discovery 2
The goblin team has discovered a sulphur pile buried deep within a frozen glacier. They gladly had it to your minions.
Spy Info 2
SPY REPORT 2: I have discovered 3 islands above ground that valuable treasure and information. However, they seem very hard to get to. Also, Ive heard of thieves operating out of the volcanic region, however there is no proof to support this fact. I'll keep in touch. END OF REPORT
Discovery 3
The goblin team has done it again except this time they discover a lake of mercury. They fill many barrels and role them to your treasury.
Last report
You receive a package today. Well, what do you know they remembered. It''s your birthday today. You open the package and look inside and see....... Your spies's head severed and neatly placed, her pupils stare at you with dull eyes. You throw the box across the room. Cake master?????
Discovery 4
Once again, the team has struck pay dirt. They deliver many goods to your throne room.
Discovery 5
The goblin team has struck an amazing well of gems which you immediately sell for a huge profit.
The End of the team
I'm sorry to inform you that the goblin team has been caught in a cave-in. I'm sorry sir but we lost the team.
Yes sir, I have read the contracts between the spies and goblin team and unfornately we have to keep paying them because of the contracts we signed with them. For some reason, the money goes to their loved one and families. Yes sir, Once your truly the lord again, we'll remove such laws.
55, 39 подземелье
A man dressed in white approaches and says, Beware the easy path and with that he disappears in a cloud of smoke. When the fog has lifted you see something and pick it up.
38, 36 подземелье
The Easy Path!!!
Султан ифритов
40, 35 подземелье
You notice these efreeti guarding a great mound of treasure before a summoning mound!! They see your army and attack!!
42, 37 подземелье
A band of theives jump you. Your supply wagon has been taken.
48, 32 подземелье
A band of theives jump your party. Although you were able to protect your supplies, you were hit over the head. You have forgotten some important information and unable to lead your army effectively for some time.
51, 27 подземелье
A band of theives pillage your supplies and have taken some key resources.
45, 34 подземелье
A band of theives jump you. Your supply wagon has been ransacked.
50, 36 подземелье
You have found the theives hideout and have reason a bargain with him. He returns some of the things his army has taken from you in exchange for his life. However, thieves on the road already, cannot be bargained with and will still attack without warning. He warns you to stay offthe road.
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Information Isle
11, 59 подземелье
Test your Strength!!!!!!!
12, 9 подземелье
Test your Strength!!!!!
50, 65 суша
To the Unknown area!!!!!!
8, 7 суша
Opal's Heart
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