Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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At last, the Hell Gate has been opened, but the local Inferno town can't send down any Arch Devils because all of them were slain by some cursed Angels, also destroying the Forsaken Palace. Win great reputation and become a minion of Hell, if accumulating an Arch Devil. Created by Lennart Mumm.
There has been pamphlets all over this region. The message is that the local Inferno town is looking for an Arch Devil for sending into the meeting in Hell every year. But, most unlucky, they neither have Devils or Arch Devils left. (There might be some Devils and Arch Devils left in the wilderness, but they don't fit for this assignment. Just a properly trained Arch Devil will be allowed to take place at the great meeting). All Devils were slain in battle with Angels and Arch Angels. Now, there is a great reward if finding and accumulating an Arch Devil.
Accepting the Trial
Of course you are willing to begin a search for an Arch Devil. If Hell in the end really is somewhat noble, you might get powerful enough to finally claim the rich regions of your neighbour!
Bad News
Some wanderers came venturing to your castle this morning. They told you about the trial for accumulating the Arch Devil and that all of your neighbours are strengthening their armies for not being overrun by any other lords. As you realized what this meant, you became horrified; could your neighbours have gotten the same idea as you?
Preparing for War
It's going to war. Everyone tries to seize the lands of others. All communications and trade routes have been broken and each army is growing fast. You could really need some Gold Mines, but you haven't been able to locate any. Maybe there might be some in the desolate lands nearby?
Attacking Bandits
One of your resource caravans has been trapped, robbed and destroyed. This is quite expensive, and it'll take some time to gather the resources again.
Disturbances of Heaven
A ray of light! Your cousin has gotten information about your quest, and he sent you news where he told you about a rumor that says the Angels are becoming nervous - but he didn't know why. Whatever, if they don't are completely satisfied, there still might be hope. On impulse, you donate an additional 1000 gold to your troops.
Cursed Angels
The problems just keep coming. Yesterday, some Angels descended from the sky, but the didn't spread divine light and happiness. Oh no, they turned your castle upside down and looked for evidence that you worked against them and tried to find a Devil. (Some jewellery just disappeared. Is life really that hard in heaven, so you have to steal?).
Scourging Angels are going rampage and are plundering, killing and destroying everything in their way. But you collect the fallen trees.
Gold Mines
A scout returned home this very morning and told you glad news about the location of four Gold Mines. They are simply in one of the areas next to you. In both of the areas, there are two mines.
Страж задания
76, 70 подземелье
The only chance to pass this point is to destroy the seal, and it can only shatter when 6 Efreet Sultans sacrifices themselves, to honour the infernal creators.
Хижина предсказателя
138, 67 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Titan's Thunder, you would be well rewarded, as a little hint I can say I have lots of tame Ghost Dragons somewhere in the mountains, who would gladly join you.
36, 47 подземелье
This is nearly the last water hole with any real size in this forsaken world. Everything else was dried in the war between Devils and Angels.
96, 41 подземелье
This is our library. We won't allow you to visit this sacred place!
53, 22 подземелье
Pitiful reader! This is a message from the last remaining Devils. If you dare riding into this Monolith you'll discover the ultimate Forsaken Palace.
Ящик Пандоры
44, 83 подземелье
Nasty Zealots have here imprisoned a throng of Ogre Magi, which they won't give up that easily. (They need them for their sacrificing rituals).
52, 69 подземелье
Incidentically, you meet some white-faced settlers.Whith horror, they tell you what lurks ahead
9, 10 подземелье
Leave my mill alone! It belongs to me!
115, 111 подземелье
Perhaps the dragons also hid som treasures outside their Utopia. (Unguarded).
15, 134 подземелье
Upon investigating a small pond you find a ferocoius Chaos Hydra trapped in an abandoned fishing net. After releasing it, it turns out to be friendly and asks if it might join you.
30, 122 подземелье
Here, out somewhere in nowhere, you feel the burdens of life just floating away.
28, 121 подземелье
Calm here, isn't it?
Хижина предсказателя
26, 121 подземелье
My master, Godric the Lonely, is being locked in a tower. Only a powerful offensive spellcaster, like a Faerie Dragon, will be able to break the seal. If you could bring me one, I will strengthen your armies.
Хижина предсказателя
52, 14 подземелье
I know there is a Tower up the road and because I don't like Titans, I've decided to give you quite a reward if you could bring me these resources
Хижина предсказателя
50, 49 подземелье
I'm extremely greedy and I want 50 000 gold.
88, 93 подземелье
Near the castle, wandering Angels lurk around, and as they see they realize you're looting the area for Devils. (This is what you have been waiting for
137, 78 подземелье
Without a warning, bandits appear from nowhere and attacks you.
Хижина предсказателя
127, 96 подземелье
My favourite creature is the mighty Black Dragon. If you could bring 3 Black Dragons to me, I would teach you something useful.
74, 78 подземелье
Hell Bastion
A helping hand from Hell
Hell gives you aid in accumulating an Arch Devil!
76, 81 подземелье
This Monolith can teleport you to different locations.
64, 126 суша
When nothing else helps, Angels and Arch Angels have to unite and fight together. And we also get assistance from our pets. This last remaining Forsaken Palace has withstood our attempts to destroy it, and you won't prevent us from cleansing this region from all Devils.
70, 128 суша
Are you deaf? You are not allowed to dwelwe deeper into this region. We will teach you a lesson.
67, 125 суша
Warning! There's an ambush in front of the Forsaken Palace.
68, 126 суша
When approaching the hidden sign, a little lonesome imp hops out from the shadows and tells you that it has written the sign in order to warn anyone bold enough to wander in this heavily guarded and isolated region. After telling you this, it tries to sneak in into your troops.
Ящик Пандоры
116, 64 суша
At the time you touch the box, your eyes becomes sharp.
Хижина предсказателя
41, 39 суша
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Power of the Dragon Father, you would be well rewarded. Perhaps you would like to fly?
79, 132 суша
Stop! Authorized angels only.
Ящик Пандоры
97, 45 суша
When opening the lid, a snake comes out, looking disturbed. Within a moment it attacks you and only instinct saves your life.
80, 132 суша
Instantly, you were brought to this forsaken place. This, and the frightening guard has lowered your armies morale and you also feel your luck fading away.
Ящик Пандоры
77, 46 суша
Our master has abandoned us. Could we follow your banner?
3, 130 суша
Thanks to the wind, you smell the stinking odour from sweat and something...disgusting. Because of this you realize there must be a troll hideout here. Stupid as they are they left a large amount of gold with just a few guardians.
10, 109 суша
Psst! From the bushes an old man appears and whispers he always wanted to teach you the spell Summon Air Elemental. Then his image just fades out.
11, 110 суша
Something in the air makes you think it'd be better to take another way if you aren't as wise as possible.
45, 49 суша
Dead end!
43, 59 суша
While venturing deep into the forsaken mountains, you by accident, discover the entrance to a secret meeting in a cave. Only Cyclops and their kings are in there. This isn't anything you want to disturb, and as fast as possible, you retreat...But something alerts the Cyclopes and they attack you immediately!
Ящик Пандоры
137, 116 суша
A couple of Arch Magi agrees to teach you some tricks about magic. (After a nice little payment).
Хижина предсказателя
8, 89 суша
I am a biographer of great heroes. I'd really like to meet a hero who has mastered Knowledge 21.
Хижина предсказателя
95, 103 суша
Azure Dragons are menacing the southeastern underground region of this land. If you could be so bold as to defeat them, I would reward you richly.
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