This is beautiful. Your parents have just died (God rest their souls in peace) and they have bequeathed five castles and plenty of nice land to build on. The problem is that it seems your rivals' parents have also dies (God rest their souls in peace) and bequeathed THEM five castles and plenty of nice land AS WELL.
overworld two
You start in a cozy little corner, but sooner or later you will meet up with your competition. Take all the castles in the country and claim victory over your parents' (God rest their souls in peace) land!
underworld one
This is the last time you listen to real estate agents. Look where they got you - in the freezing cold down under. Well, at least you have five castles, but then again, so do your rivals on the upper level.
underworld two
Thank gods at least you're isolated from your troublesome neighbours. Hey, you get a better idea - why not dispose of them? You're stuck in the snow, but you've got easy defence and access to resources...why not give it a try?
$$$$ and stuff
From the five castles you have collected an immense ammount of gold and resources. Use them wisely and smash your unworthy opponents!!!! (C'mon, a little pep talk nevr hurt anyone)
Your parents grow sick of your childish abble and excuses. Finish this scenario now so you can do your homework (or complete your presentation that's due for this afternoon).
78, 102 подземелье
Heh, these guys aren't to smart. You'll just walk around them, eh? Must be because their brians rotted several eons ago.
Доспех черного дракона
91, 101 подземелье
Dragon merchandise for you? Too kind.
Корона дракона
91, 103 подземелье
Giving this pretty crown to me? Shouldn't have.
Случайная реликвия
91, 102 подземелье
Stuff for you? How lovely.
Случайный великий артефакт
89, 95 подземелье
A Titan gurads the Artifact of Look-Nice. Do you wish to fight the Titan for it?
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