Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Savage lands have laid to waste all peaceful society. Now the inhabitants are at war with each other. Who will reign victories? Well, I guess that is up to you, now isn't it?
Find a Penny, pick it up, all the day you'll be pelted with rocks ya cheapskate!
Name, What is a Name?
Hmmmm............ Better give up now, your about to lose............
That is right, tis I, Dan! You see, Meijers bought up a devision of this here Tavern, so i'm here to get business started. Here, buy this! Please, if I don't sell anything in my first day, I'm fired! Wimper, wimper.......
Michael Sell
That is right, I started by wedging myself into the web, then it was on to phase two, Starcraft, and now the WORLD!!....... errr rather Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Ahhh...... soon my plans for WORLD...... errrr Heroes 3 domination will be complete!
Thats funny, how can I be here and in the game at the same time........ hew boy, better lay off those pills for a while.......
What the hell are you lookin at ya weirdo!
Supply Shipment
Supporters of your cause have sent supplies to help in your quest to rid the land of the others. They regret to tell you that they are too poor to send these shipments any more often then two weeks at a time.
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