Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Three brave heroes have decided to win the Favour of Lady Flame. They will have to overcome a long way and surcome a swarm of obstacles. The Author VAN strongly recommends to the persons aged under 16 to abstain from passing this scenario. Anybody other please send your reference to [email protected]
I, Baroness Flame, present my castles to the pretenders for the period of the tournament. The pretender who defeats me in a face-to-face combat will enceoff my feud as soon as he is moved up the fulfilment of the promissory notes. (The scenario is based on a story that has really taken place. In order to prevent the possible moral detriment the names of the protagonists have been altered. To all persons aged under 16 it is strongly recommended not to pass this scenario.)
This story has begun on the day when the warsome Baroness Flame well-known in the Heroes Lands has posted in the Tavern an announcement of the following content: An ambitious Baroness seeks 3 candidates for a male harem (1 per each feud). The race and the rank are of no importance. The Estates skill, home management and efficiency are welcomed. And also tenderness and courteosity. Attention, caresses and a gamut of emotions are guaranteed to all three. Write me, I'll answer to everybody (if possible). The announcement didn't provoke a stock among the male part of the Tavern visitors.
The next day lady Flame entered the Tavern and contempled the suspecting informationary vacuum around her announcement distressed and corrected it a bit. She changed three for one at least. Then something like fright was reflected in her face, changed at once into placidity: there was added a sentence Relay-race-competitional selection. His Royal Majesty sire Sinoptic I after visiting the Tavern and reading the announcement deigned to note: What are they going to use as a baton?.. What if they loose it while running? The Lady will not be able to determine the winner in that case, and another question is if the Baroness needs such a winner?...
Young Angel Sir Uns, passing near the announcements noted some small changes and stopped: Now this is another thing, but not three at once. What kind of relay race is that, I wonder? I would be able to take part. The Angel had a scanty idea of the marriage duties because of being young. He believed he would be like a Guardian Angel for the Lady. The aged mage Sir Als that had returned from the Mountains not so far ago approached the announcement crossed inside out, pulled his glasses out of the pocket and read it attentively. Well, if I would be younger... Or thus can I... How do they say it? adopt as a granddaughter, it seems. To tell a fairy tale for the night, to pat on the head... However, maybe this would suit the Lady.
The Psy Elemental Sir Net felt long since already that one could profit the announcement board to feed himself with some informational vacuum, and he could not decide himself to approach the announcement, for a strong temper of the author with his unique feeblenesses could be easily seen by the handwriting. At last he made up his mind. He approached the announcement board and tore the paper turned yellow of alcohol and benzol first. The n ext step was much easier: to come to the Lady and to say the words of greeting. The main thing is that the Lady smiles while answering; thus I will be in the Harem. And I hope that the right of living on the fat of the land is conserved by this firesome person, at least for several minutes.
There was an agreement concluded between Lady Flame and the pretenders. The afore-mentioned would have to capture the nearby towns presented to them, pass through the barbarians' lands, defeat the Baroness's allies -- Dread Kights and defeat Lady Flame in the face-to-face combat . The pretender who would manage to do that would receive {} the Baroness's feud with the Castle as soon as he would set to the fulfilment of the promissory note: 1) Sir Uns would become the official Guardian Angel of Lady Flame, 2) Sir Als Would declare Lady Flame his granddaughter and the Great Mage's heir, 3) Sir Net would absorb the informational vacuum around Lady Flame.
Sir Uns: Sir Net! There is an immense crowd of creatures here. What about you there? Sir Net: Here too. It would be nice if Sir VAN'd help to make an agreement with them, as he can. But where to look for him? Sir Als: I know. There, where the Knights of Heroes Lands have rest between the Tournaments.
Sir Uns! Where are you? Lady Flame is tired of waiting.
Sir Net! Where are you? Lady Flame is tired of waiting.
Sir Asl! Where are you? Lady Flame is tired of waiting.
Dart Vader,
Сэр VAN Array
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Lady Flame
Young Lady was serious enough to study science and impressive enough to be enchanted with Nature. She could spend hours and hours observing the forest life. She was always tender with animals and birds around. Nevertheless, inner kindness doesn't prevent her from taking people as Guinea pigs and sometimes making fool of them. Being smart she still always relied on her intuition. All this explained why she was called Lady Flame. Years flee away, Lady Flame has grown up in a specialist in Nature sciences, and she even had a small alchemist lab in the forest. That helps her to have no problems in materials and gold. Maybe she would never think about a Way of War, but a new king became a real disaster for nearest forests and people living there. Surprisingly, it was really unbearable for Lady Flame to see the suffering of living creatures in her native lands. She took a deft mustang, a vigilant merlin, and a sharp yatagan and- some chemicals that revealed a great burst power when peculiarly assembled together. All the best is with her!
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Bard Grader
Bard Grader took part in the Star Wars, and now he came to Heroes Lands to conquer them and to create the Empire.
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Sir Uns! I hope I shall meet exactly you. In a sign of my special atittude to you take this fire Efreeti and some resources.
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Sir Net
Sir Net from the early childhood was interested in psychological experiments and later became the Psycho elemental. The most favourite food is informational vacuum. He can move through Heroes Lands for many days looking for it.
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Sir Net! I hope I shall meet exactly you. In a sign of my special atittude to you take this fire Efreeti and some resources.
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Sir Als! I hope I shall meet exactly you. In a sign of my special atittude to you take this fire Efreeti and some resources. .
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Sir Als
Sir Als finished the Academy of High Magic with excellent marks and was a teacher for a long time in the Academy of Bracada wizards. He is the author of many works about theoretical and practical magic and demonology. Once he was the member of the Council of Bracada wizards, but because of disagreement with the politics of the Council on the conquered barbarian lands, he had to leave the country and moved to AvLee. During the barbarian attack on Bracada he came back and became the leader of one of the forces of the Resistance, which was in Bracada mountains. He is the Cavalier of Red tape of the Honorary partisan of Bracada. After the peace he returned to scientific experiments. He is the Arch Mage of Elemental Magic, master of White and Dark Magic. He took part in different groups, who tried to save Enroth from different catastrophes. After the catastrophe, which destroyed Enroth, he traveled in Axeot, but this world he liked not so much. In the Heroes Lands he is hopes to live for a long time. Now he is interested in researching of psychological peculiarities of different citizens of the Heroes Lands, also collects rare and forgotten spells. Unmaried, though there were different rumors...
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Sir Uns
Sir Uns came to the Heroes Lands not so long ago. His main feature of character is inquisitiveness. He wants to try everything, to take part everywhere.
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Lady Flame gives a Fhoenix for the first claimant, who will get here. You can exchange it in the north near the castle Gradepol on Sphere of vulnerability and Sphere of fire, which you can exchange near the castle Darkhole on Book of Fire Magic.
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Lady Flame gives the Gloves of rider and two Efreets for the first claimant, who will get here. In the north after the swamps, at the bank of the channel they will help to get the Sword of Justice.
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Bard Grader said through the mask
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Sir Net! I was sure your army ot be the first. Come to me and we shall intermix in the ecstazy of fight. And I give you this skill which can help you to leave the common reality.
85, 9 подземелье
Sir Uns! I was sure your army ot be the first. Come to me and we shall intermix in the ecstazy of fight. And I give you this skill which can help you to leave the common reality.
84, 8 подземелье
Sir Als! I was sure your army ot be the first. Come to me and we shall intermix in the ecstazy of fight. And I give you this skill which can help you to leave the common reality.
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