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Герои 3 - карта First Continents

28/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

First Continents
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
You lived here in peace, but then some new neighbours came. Rumors say they are searching for a special artifact, which will strengthen them and make them able to rule this kingdom, but aren't you the real sovereign? Try finding the artifact Vial of Dragon Blood. Created by Lennart Mumm.



First Continents0.04МБh3m

First Continents


  • Resource delivery
    Your resource caravan comes.
  • Start of a new chapter in life
    These lands have belonged to you as long as you can remember, and in this time you have always been a kind ruler. Well, mostly, but if any human or animal annoyed you or questioned your decisions this poor living creature became locked up in the deep cellar dungeons or was sentenced to death. However, you got company a few weeks ago by some other lords who think they'd fit much better as ruler of these lands. How do they even dare trying to push you out of your own home? Lucky for you they haven't allied, they want everything just for themselves. (All of them are extreme egoistic). But this gives you the chance to pursue and engage them, one by one. But first you need information about your enemies plans and ways of acting. For this purpose scouts are sent to the different lords and they are all very capable scouts.
  • Return of the first scouts
    The first scouts have returned and they all deliver quite the same message. Your neighbours have began rallying their forces and are gathering resources, from YOUR lands! This can't be tolerated, under no circumstances.
  • Clearing up
    The last time you have been to butter-fingered with the countryside. This you now recognize. Everywhere in the landscape new monsters have built their homes and without a strong force you won't even come through to the other lords, but you are quite sure they all have the same problem. Garrisons seem to have risen from nowhere and they are anti-magic garrisons. For making it all even more worse your mines don't work and you'll have to make them work yourself.
  • Interrogation
    Hah, this morning one of your more cruel lieutenants found the man, who had the responsibility for the mines, hiding in a small shack in town. He sent this unlucky fool for interrogations in the deepest dungeon. After a few hours there wasn't too much left of him, but he had given you some important information. All mines had been attacked by savage beasts, and he, poor creature hadn't been able to force them back. He said he hadn't got any troops for defending the mines. This sentence was his last...
  • Storm
    Your scouts reported a great storm out in the sea. Many ships were destroyed and survivors and treasures are now floating around. The scouts inform you it'd be profitable if ships were sent out gathering the treasures and resources.
  • Powerful artifacts
    You receive news about a powerful artifact in the underground, located near to your main town. This artifact is guarded by a horde of savage monsters and their quantity is growing slowly, so in the end they will be harder to defeat, but surely it'll be worth it, if it's true which powers this artifact has. But there are also some rumors which tell that each lord has one of these different, but all very powerful, artifacts located near to their main town in the underground.
  • Things are beginning to look right
    Now, you have begun getting rid of most of all problems. Resources are beeing gathered and troops are beeing rallied. But still som monsters are too strong for you to slay. Rumors tell you that the other lords are looking for a special artifact which will make them capable to rule this region. The artifact is called Vial of Dragon Blood and gives the power to command the powerful dragons which, if rumors are true, should live somewhere underground on a heavily guarded island.
  • Rumors
    The last days have been to good to remain as they were. Rumors tell you about an unknown lord who lives in the underground. He shall live on an island which is impregnable. To your people you say It's all rubbish, but in your heart you're a little bit afraid because you know rumors often are based upon facts.
  • Investigating the rumors
    The rumor about this lord isn't giving you any peace. You send away one of your most trusted lieutenants, (the one who catched and interrogated the man), for investigating what is true and what just are rumors. You give him a small force for defending himself. (But only a very small force.)
  • Assassination attempt
    Today was a big parade when you showed your people which strong force you already had. Suddenly an arrow came whistling beside your neck and hit your page who, at this moment, held your horse. In the next moment he didn't hold your horse because he was dead. You understood this was an attempt to assassinate you and now you are quite scared it would happen again, but with an better assassin.
  • Investigations
    Close investigations showed it was one of your own generals who had paid the assassin for murdering you. One more thing to add is that this general never will breathe again.
  • Irritations
    These Quest guards and Border guards are really beginning to irritate you. You never knew about their existence. They must have come recently. Such a sort of power is something you've never faced before. Nothing can force them to let you through, without doing what they afford, but how?
  • Bearer of bad news
    Today news arrived from your investigating lieutenant and his group, but it was only one of his troops who could make it home again. When he comes into your room he falls on his knees and begins to tell you his story, mumbling. His group had investigated the underground by ship and first only found different territories which the other lords now possessed. (Here he stops and looks anxiously at your face, which suddenly turns dark. But after a while he continues his story.) A few days later they had seen an impregnable island carrying a pink banner. So then, they meant they had fulfilled their assignment and began their way home, but along their course they met the pink lord and his troops, and only he had been left alive for bringing these news to his master. The lieutenant himself had been ripped into pieces.
  • Dragon Island
    The leader of your scouts suddenly appeared behind you today when you were out training your troops. He is a very good scout and can go sneaking without making any noise. You had sent him finding the home of these dragons, if they existed. He informed you about a new island in the underground, guarded by a black border guard. He is quite sure this is the entrance to the home of the dragons. But he had more to say. Another unknown island had been found northeast of the Dragon Island. There had four border guards guarded a black keymasters tent.
  • Lots of quests
    These damn Border guards and Quest guards! Now you at least know why they are everywhere, they are guarding the entrance to Dragon Island! You are quite sure the other lords doesn't know this, but totally sure you aren't. Now you try to figure out how you could use this new knowledge in the best possible way. Your conclusion is to fulfill all quests these guards give you.
  • Changing terrain
    Now even the underground is nearly full explored. Still some places are remaining but you have the most important information and you know where all the most important islands are located. Funny, everything seems to have changed since you first began to rule in this region, because in your first years you explored everything and made precise maps which showed every detail of the terrain. How all these changes have risen without your knowledge is a mystery and probably it will remain so.
  • Tornado
    An enormous tornado has whirled through your lands and destroyed a lot of resources. This is really disappointing, but not a disaster, you still feel you have great chances to win this war and can already feel the sweet taste of victory hanging around you in the air, or is it just a daydream?
  • A wise old man
    Still you are seeking for this artifact Vial of Dragon Blood. It is quite remarkable how it can be hidden so good. You are sure it is out there somewhere but you can't really say where. But last night a wise old man suddenly stood in front of you as you were out in the woods and he told you it would be wise to explore everything, read all the signs and fulfill all quests you discover. This will bring you to your goal, he explained, and with these words he walked away.


  • Указатель
    • 41, 62 подземелье
    • Сообщение: At this spot it never rains.
  • Указатель
    • 65, 55 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Wellarranged courtyard, isn't it?
  • Пикси
    • 43, 44 суша
    • Сообщение: Please! I am so lonely, take me with you!
  • Золото
    • 38, 51 суша
    • Сообщение: You find some gold. But when you try to lift it, you feel it's really heavy. But before you take it something happens. A legion of Power Liches comes and attacks you. Do you stand for a fight?
  • Указатель
    • 10, 15 суша
    • Сообщение: Explore and investigate the Sea.
  • Снайпер
    • 50, 32 суша
    • Сообщение: We are your friends!
  • Крестьянин
    • 50, 27 суша
    • Сообщение: Revolution.
  • Указатель
    • 3, 66 суша
    • Сообщение: Try finishing the quests of the Quest guards.
  • Указатель
    • 28, 50 суша
    • Сообщение: Try exploring all islands. There might be some hidden monoliths or special artifacts.
  • Указатель
    • 35, 15 суша
    • Сообщение: Respect for Monoliths.
  • Событие
    • 51, 33 суша
    • Сообщение: You should have known better - you are attacked!
  • Ящик Пандоры
    • 67, 65 суша
    • Сообщение: When opening the locked box, a voice of horror is heard which makes your blood freeze. The voice is cursing you and your men.
  • Бутылка
    • 49, 35 суша
    • Сообщение: Try coming to that black Keymaster's tent. That over me.
  • Указатель
    • 59, 1 суша
    • Сообщение: To win this game you have to find the artifact called Vial od Dragon Blood.
  • Указатель
    • 11, 48 суша
    • Сообщение: The dragons are the kings of these lands, but they are noble kings, too.
  • Указатель
    • 57, 15 суша
    • Сообщение: Sometimes the monsters aren't what they seem to be. But it might also be so that monsters pop up from nowhere.
  • Скелет
    • 42, 5 суша
    • Сообщение: I'm already dead. Please don't kill me again!
  • Событие
    • 52, 58 суша
    • Сообщение: From nowhere in the sand deadly warriors attacks.
  • Событие
    • 47, 57 суша
    • Сообщение: From nowhere in the sand even deadlier warriors attack.
  • Событие
    • 53, 61 суша
    • Сообщение: From nowhere in the sand more deadly wattior attacks.
  • Случайный город
    • 52, 48 суша
    • Название: Dragonmountain

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